1 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2 | This source code is dual-licensed. You may use it under the terms of the
3 | GNU General Public License version 2, or under the license below.
5 | This source code has been made available to you by IBM on an AS-IS
6 | basis. Anyone receiving this source is licensed under IBM
7 | copyrights to use it in any way he or she deems fit, including
8 | copying it, modifying it, compiling it, and redistributing it either
9 | with or without modifications. No license under IBM patents or
10 | patent applications is to be implied by the copyright license.
12 | Any user of this software should understand that IBM cannot provide
13 | technical support for this software and will not be responsible for
14 | any consequences resulting from the use of this software.
16 | Any person who transfers this source code or any derivative work
17 | must include the IBM copyright notice, this paragraph, and the
18 | preceding two paragraphs in the transferred software.
22 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
32 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
33 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
34 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
35 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
37 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
38 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
40 * GNU General Public License for more details.
42 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
43 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
44 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
51 #define CONFIG_SYS_DCACHE_SIZE (32 << 10) /* For AMCC 440 CPUs */
53 /******************************************************************************
55 ******************************************************************************/
57 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
60 /* values for clkcfga register - indirect addressing of these regs */
61 #define CPR0_PLLC 0x0040
62 #define CPR0_PLLD 0x0060
63 #define CPR0_PRIMAD 0x0080
64 #define CPR0_PRIMBD 0x00a0
65 #define CPR0_OPBD 0x00c0
66 #define CPR0_PERD 0x00e0
67 #define CPR0_MALD 0x0100
68 #define CPR0_SPCID 0x0120
69 #define CPR0_ICFG 0x0140
71 /* 440gx sdr register definations */
72 #define SDR0_SDSTP0 0x0020 /* */
73 #define SDR0_SDSTP1 0x0021 /* */
74 #define SDR0_PINSTP 0x0040
75 #define SDR0_SDCS0 0x0060
76 #if defined(CONFIG_440EPX) || defined(CONFIG_440GRX)
77 #define SDR0_DDRCFG 0x00e0
78 #endif /* defined(CONFIG_440EPX) || defined(CONFIG_440GRX) */
79 #define SDR0_EBC 0x0100
80 #define SDR0_UART0 0x0120 /* UART0 Config */
81 #define SDR0_UART1 0x0121 /* UART1 Config */
82 #define SDR0_UART2 0x0122 /* UART2 Config */
83 #define SDR0_UART3 0x0123 /* UART3 Config */
84 #define SDR0_CP440 0x0180
85 #define SDR0_XCR 0x01c0
86 #define SDR0_XPLLC 0x01c1
87 #define SDR0_XPLLD 0x01c2
88 #define SDR0_SRST 0x0200
89 #define SD0_AMP0 0x0240 /* Override PLB4 prioritiy for up to 8 masters */
90 #define SD0_AMP1 0x0241 /* Override PLB3 prioritiy for up to 8 masters */
91 #if defined(CONFIG_460EX) || defined(CONFIG_460GT)
92 #define SDR0_PCI0 0x01c0
94 #define SDR0_PCI0 0x0300
96 #define SDR0_USB0 0x0320
97 #define SDR0_CUST0 0x4000
98 #define SDR0_CUST1 0x4002
99 #define SDR0_PFC0 0x4100 /* Pin Function 0 */
100 #define SDR0_PFC1 0x4101 /* Pin Function 1 */
101 #define SDR0_MFR 0x4300 /* SDR0_MFR reg */
104 #define SD0_AMP 0x0240
105 #define SDR0_XPLLC 0x01c1
106 #define SDR0_XPLLD 0x01c2
107 #define SDR0_XCR 0x01c0
108 #define SDR0_SDSTP2 0x4001
109 #define SDR0_SDSTP3 0x4003
110 #endif /* CONFIG_440GX */
112 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
113 | Core Configuration/MMU configuration for 440 (CCR1 for 440x5 only).
114 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
115 #define CCR0_PRE 0x40000000
116 #define CCR0_CRPE 0x08000000
117 #define CCR0_DSTG 0x00200000
118 #define CCR0_DAPUIB 0x00100000
119 #define CCR0_DTB 0x00008000
120 #define CCR0_GICBT 0x00004000
121 #define CCR0_GDCBT 0x00002000
122 #define CCR0_FLSTA 0x00000100
123 #define CCR0_ICSLC_MASK 0x0000000C
124 #define CCR0_ICSLT_MASK 0x00000003
125 #define CCR1_TCS_MASK 0x00000080
126 #define CCR1_TCS_INTCLK 0x00000000
127 #define CCR1_TCS_EXTCLK 0x00000080
128 #define MMUCR_SWOA 0x01000000
129 #define MMUCR_U1TE 0x00400000
130 #define MMUCR_U2SWOAE 0x00200000
131 #define MMUCR_DULXE 0x00800000
132 #define MMUCR_IULXE 0x00400000
133 #define MMUCR_STS 0x00100000
134 #define MMUCR_STID_MASK 0x000000FF
138 #define SDR0_SDSTP2 0x0022
140 #define SDR0_SDSTP3 0x0023
141 #define SDR0_DDR0 0x00E1
142 #define SDR0_UART2 0x0122
143 #define SDR0_XCR0 0x01c0
144 #define SDR0_XCR1 0x01c3
145 #define SDR0_XCR2 0x01c6
146 #define SDR0_XPLLC0 0x01c1
147 #define SDR0_XPLLD0 0x01c2
148 #define SDR0_XPLLC1 0x01c4 /*notRCW - SG */
149 #define SDR0_XPLLD1 0x01c5 /*notRCW - SG */
150 #define SDR0_XPLLC2 0x01c7 /*notRCW - SG */
151 #define SDR0_XPLLD2 0x01c8 /*notRCW - SG */
152 #define SD0_AMP0 0x0240
153 #define SD0_AMP1 0x0241
154 #define SDR0_CUST2 0x4004
155 #define SDR0_CUST3 0x4006
156 #define SDR0_SDSTP4 0x4001
157 #define SDR0_SDSTP5 0x4003
158 #define SDR0_SDSTP6 0x4005
159 #define SDR0_SDSTP7 0x4007
161 #endif /* CONFIG_440SPE */
163 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
164 | External Bus Controller
165 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
166 /* values for EBC0_CFGADDR register - indirect addressing of these regs */
167 #define PB0CR 0x00 /* periph bank 0 config reg */
168 #define PB1CR 0x01 /* periph bank 1 config reg */
169 #define PB2CR 0x02 /* periph bank 2 config reg */
170 #define PB3CR 0x03 /* periph bank 3 config reg */
171 #define PB4CR 0x04 /* periph bank 4 config reg */
172 #define PB5CR 0x05 /* periph bank 5 config reg */
173 #define PB6CR 0x06 /* periph bank 6 config reg */
174 #define PB7CR 0x07 /* periph bank 7 config reg */
175 #define PB0AP 0x10 /* periph bank 0 access parameters */
176 #define PB1AP 0x11 /* periph bank 1 access parameters */
177 #define PB2AP 0x12 /* periph bank 2 access parameters */
178 #define PB3AP 0x13 /* periph bank 3 access parameters */
179 #define PB4AP 0x14 /* periph bank 4 access parameters */
180 #define PB5AP 0x15 /* periph bank 5 access parameters */
181 #define PB6AP 0x16 /* periph bank 6 access parameters */
182 #define PB7AP 0x17 /* periph bank 7 access parameters */
183 #define PBEAR 0x20 /* periph bus error addr reg */
184 #define PBESR 0x21 /* periph bus error status reg */
185 #define EBC0_CFG 0x23 /* external bus configuration reg */
187 #if defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || \
188 defined(CONFIG_440EPX) || defined(CONFIG_440GRX)
191 #define PLB3_DCR_BASE 0x070
192 #define PLB3_ACR (PLB3_DCR_BASE + 0x7)
194 /* PLB4 Arbiter - PowerPC440EP Pass1 */
195 #define PLB4_DCR_BASE 0x080
196 #define PLB4_ACR (PLB4_DCR_BASE + 0x1)
198 #define PLB4_ACR_WRP (0x80000000 >> 7)
200 /* Pin Function Control Register 1 */
201 #define SDR0_PFC1 0x4101
202 #define SDR0_PFC1_U1ME_MASK 0x02000000 /* UART1 Mode Enable */
203 #define SDR0_PFC1_U1ME_DSR_DTR 0x00000000 /* UART1 in DSR/DTR Mode */
204 #define SDR0_PFC1_U1ME_CTS_RTS 0x02000000 /* UART1 in CTS/RTS Mode */
205 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0ME_MASK 0x00080000 /* UART0 Mode Enable */
206 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0ME_DSR_DTR 0x00000000 /* UART0 in DSR/DTR Mode */
207 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0ME_CTS_RTS 0x00080000 /* UART0 in CTS/RTS Mode */
208 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0IM_MASK 0x00040000 /* UART0 Interface Mode */
209 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0IM_8PINS 0x00000000 /* UART0 Interface Mode 8 pins */
210 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0IM_4PINS 0x00040000 /* UART0 Interface Mode 4 pins */
211 #define SDR0_PFC1_SIS_MASK 0x00020000 /* SCP or IIC1 Selection */
212 #define SDR0_PFC1_SIS_SCP_SEL 0x00000000 /* SCP Selected */
213 #define SDR0_PFC1_SIS_IIC1_SEL 0x00020000 /* IIC1 Selected */
214 #define SDR0_PFC1_UES_MASK 0x00010000 /* USB2D_RX_Active / EBC_Hold Req Selection */
215 #define SDR0_PFC1_UES_USB2D_SEL 0x00000000 /* USB2D_RX_Active Selected */
216 #define SDR0_PFC1_UES_EBCHR_SEL 0x00010000 /* EBC_Hold Req Selected */
217 #define SDR0_PFC1_DIS_MASK 0x00008000 /* DMA_Req(1) / UIC_IRQ(5) Selection */
218 #define SDR0_PFC1_DIS_DMAR_SEL 0x00000000 /* DMA_Req(1) Selected */
219 #define SDR0_PFC1_DIS_UICIRQ5_SEL 0x00008000 /* UIC_IRQ(5) Selected */
220 #define SDR0_PFC1_ERE_MASK 0x00004000 /* EBC Mast.Ext.Req.En./GPIO0(27) Selection */
221 #define SDR0_PFC1_ERE_EXTR_SEL 0x00000000 /* EBC Mast.Ext.Req.En. Selected */
222 #define SDR0_PFC1_ERE_GPIO0_27_SEL 0x00004000 /* GPIO0(27) Selected */
223 #define SDR0_PFC1_UPR_MASK 0x00002000 /* USB2 Device Packet Reject Selection */
224 #define SDR0_PFC1_UPR_DISABLE 0x00000000 /* USB2 Device Packet Reject Disable */
225 #define SDR0_PFC1_UPR_ENABLE 0x00002000 /* USB2 Device Packet Reject Enable */
227 #define SDR0_PFC1_PLB_PME_MASK 0x00001000 /* PLB3/PLB4 Perf. Monitor En. Selection */
228 #define SDR0_PFC1_PLB_PME_PLB3_SEL 0x00000000 /* PLB3 Performance Monitor Enable */
229 #define SDR0_PFC1_PLB_PME_PLB4_SEL 0x00001000 /* PLB3 Performance Monitor Enable */
230 #define SDR0_PFC1_GFGGI_MASK 0x0000000F /* GPT Frequency Generation Gated In */
232 /* USB Control Register */
233 #define SDR0_USB0 0x0320
234 #define SDR0_USB0_USB_DEVSEL_MASK 0x00000002 /* USB Device Selection */
235 #define SDR0_USB0_USB20D_DEVSEL 0x00000000 /* USB2.0 Device Selected */
236 #define SDR0_USB0_USB11D_DEVSEL 0x00000002 /* USB1.1 Device Selected */
237 #define SDR0_USB0_LEEN_MASK 0x00000001 /* Little Endian selection */
238 #define SDR0_USB0_LEEN_DISABLE 0x00000000 /* Little Endian Disable */
239 #define SDR0_USB0_LEEN_ENABLE 0x00000001 /* Little Endian Enable */
241 /* Miscealleneaous Function Reg. */
242 #define SDR0_MFR 0x4300
243 #define SDR0_MFR_ETH0_CLK_SEL_MASK 0x08000000 /* Ethernet0 Clock Select */
244 #define SDR0_MFR_ETH0_CLK_SEL_EXT 0x00000000
245 #define SDR0_MFR_ETH1_CLK_SEL_MASK 0x04000000 /* Ethernet1 Clock Select */
246 #define SDR0_MFR_ETH1_CLK_SEL_EXT 0x00000000
247 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_MASK 0x03000000 /* ZMII Mode Mask */
248 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_MII 0x00000000 /* ZMII Mode MII */
249 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_SMII 0x01000000 /* ZMII Mode SMII */
250 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_RMII_10M 0x02000000 /* ZMII Mode RMII - 10 Mbs */
251 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_RMII_100M 0x03000000 /* ZMII Mode RMII - 100 Mbs */
252 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_BIT0 0x02000000 /* ZMII Mode Bit0 */
253 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_BIT1 0x01000000 /* ZMII Mode Bit1 */
254 #define SDR0_MFR_ZM_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3)<<24)
255 #define SDR0_MFR_ZM_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))<<24)&0x3)
257 #define SDR0_MFR_ERRATA3_EN0 0x00800000
258 #define SDR0_MFR_ERRATA3_EN1 0x00400000
259 #define SDR0_MFR_PKT_REJ_MASK 0x00180000 /* Pkt Rej. Enable Mask */
260 #define SDR0_MFR_PKT_REJ_EN 0x00180000 /* Pkt Rej. Enable on both EMAC3 0-1 */
261 #define SDR0_MFR_PKT_REJ_EN0 0x00100000 /* Pkt Rej. Enable on EMAC3(0) */
262 #define SDR0_MFR_PKT_REJ_EN1 0x00080000 /* Pkt Rej. Enable on EMAC3(1) */
263 #define SDR0_MFR_PKT_REJ_POL 0x00200000 /* Packet Reject Polarity */
265 #define GPT0_COMP6 0x00000098
266 #define GPT0_COMP5 0x00000094
267 #define GPT0_COMP4 0x00000090
268 #define GPT0_COMP3 0x0000008C
269 #define GPT0_COMP2 0x00000088
270 #define GPT0_COMP1 0x00000084
272 #define GPT0_MASK6 0x000000D8
273 #define GPT0_MASK5 0x000000D4
274 #define GPT0_MASK4 0x000000D0
275 #define GPT0_MASK3 0x000000CC
276 #define GPT0_MASK2 0x000000C8
277 #define GPT0_MASK1 0x000000C4
279 #if defined(CONFIG_440EPX) || defined(CONFIG_440GRX)
280 #define SDR0_USB2D0CR 0x0320
281 #define SDR0_USB2D0CR_USB2DEV_EBC_SEL_MASK 0x00000004 /* USB 2.0 Device/EBC Master Selection */
282 #define SDR0_USB2D0CR_USB2DEV_SELECTION 0x00000004 /* USB 2.0 Device Selection */
283 #define SDR0_USB2D0CR_EBC_SELECTION 0x00000000 /* EBC Selection */
285 #define SDR0_USB2D0CR_USB_DEV_INT_SEL_MASK 0x00000002 /* USB Device Interface Selection */
286 #define SDR0_USB2D0CR_USB20D_DEVSEL 0x00000000 /* USB2.0 Device Selected */
287 #define SDR0_USB2D0CR_USB11D_DEVSEL 0x00000002 /* USB1.1 Device Selected */
289 #define SDR0_USB2D0CR_LEEN_MASK 0x00000001 /* Little Endian selection */
290 #define SDR0_USB2D0CR_LEEN_DISABLE 0x00000000 /* Little Endian Disable */
291 #define SDR0_USB2D0CR_LEEN_ENABLE 0x00000001 /* Little Endian Enable */
293 /* USB2 Host Control Register */
294 #define SDR0_USB2H0CR 0x0340
295 #define SDR0_USB2H0CR_WDINT_MASK 0x00000001 /* Host UTMI Word Interface */
296 #define SDR0_USB2H0CR_WDINT_8BIT_60MHZ 0x00000000 /* 8-bit/60MHz */
297 #define SDR0_USB2H0CR_WDINT_16BIT_30MHZ 0x00000001 /* 16-bit/30MHz */
298 #define SDR0_USB2H0CR_EFLADJ_MASK 0x0000007e /* EHCI Frame Length Adjustment */
300 /* Pin Function Control Register 1 */
301 #define SDR0_PFC1 0x4101
302 #define SDR0_PFC1_U1ME_MASK 0x02000000 /* UART1 Mode Enable */
303 #define SDR0_PFC1_U1ME_DSR_DTR 0x00000000 /* UART1 in DSR/DTR Mode */
304 #define SDR0_PFC1_U1ME_CTS_RTS 0x02000000 /* UART1 in CTS/RTS Mode */
306 #define SDR0_PFC1_SELECT_MASK 0x01C00000 /* Ethernet Pin Select EMAC 0 */
307 #define SDR0_PFC1_SELECT_CONFIG_1_1 0x00C00000 /* 1xMII using RGMII bridge */
308 #define SDR0_PFC1_SELECT_CONFIG_1_2 0x00000000 /* 1xMII using ZMII bridge */
309 #define SDR0_PFC1_SELECT_CONFIG_2 0x00C00000 /* 1xGMII using RGMII bridge */
310 #define SDR0_PFC1_SELECT_CONFIG_3 0x01000000 /* 1xTBI using RGMII bridge */
311 #define SDR0_PFC1_SELECT_CONFIG_4 0x01400000 /* 2xRGMII using RGMII bridge */
312 #define SDR0_PFC1_SELECT_CONFIG_5 0x01800000 /* 2xRTBI using RGMII bridge */
313 #define SDR0_PFC1_SELECT_CONFIG_6 0x00800000 /* 2xSMII using ZMII bridge */
315 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0ME_MASK 0x00080000 /* UART0 Mode Enable */
316 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0ME_DSR_DTR 0x00000000 /* UART0 in DSR/DTR Mode */
317 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0ME_CTS_RTS 0x00080000 /* UART0 in CTS/RTS Mode */
318 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0IM_MASK 0x00040000 /* UART0 Interface Mode */
319 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0IM_8PINS 0x00000000 /* UART0 Interface Mode 8 pins */
320 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0IM_4PINS 0x00040000 /* UART0 Interface Mode 4 pins */
321 #define SDR0_PFC1_SIS_MASK 0x00020000 /* SCP or IIC1 Selection */
322 #define SDR0_PFC1_SIS_SCP_SEL 0x00000000 /* SCP Selected */
323 #define SDR0_PFC1_SIS_IIC1_SEL 0x00020000 /* IIC1 Selected */
324 #define SDR0_PFC1_UES_MASK 0x00010000 /* USB2D_RX_Active / EBC_Hold Req Selection */
325 #define SDR0_PFC1_UES_USB2D_SEL 0x00000000 /* USB2D_RX_Active Selected */
326 #define SDR0_PFC1_UES_EBCHR_SEL 0x00010000 /* EBC_Hold Req Selected */
327 #define SDR0_PFC1_DIS_MASK 0x00008000 /* DMA_Req(1) / UIC_IRQ(5) Selection */
328 #define SDR0_PFC1_DIS_DMAR_SEL 0x00000000 /* DMA_Req(1) Selected */
329 #define SDR0_PFC1_DIS_UICIRQ5_SEL 0x00008000 /* UIC_IRQ(5) Selected */
330 #define SDR0_PFC1_ERE_MASK 0x00004000 /* EBC Mast.Ext.Req.En./GPIO0(27) Selection */
331 #define SDR0_PFC1_ERE_EXTR_SEL 0x00000000 /* EBC Mast.Ext.Req.En. Selected */
332 #define SDR0_PFC1_ERE_GPIO0_27_SEL 0x00004000 /* GPIO0(27) Selected */
333 #define SDR0_PFC1_UPR_MASK 0x00002000 /* USB2 Device Packet Reject Selection */
334 #define SDR0_PFC1_UPR_DISABLE 0x00000000 /* USB2 Device Packet Reject Disable */
335 #define SDR0_PFC1_UPR_ENABLE 0x00002000 /* USB2 Device Packet Reject Enable */
337 #define SDR0_PFC1_PLB_PME_MASK 0x00001000 /* PLB3/PLB4 Perf. Monitor En. Selection */
338 #define SDR0_PFC1_PLB_PME_PLB3_SEL 0x00000000 /* PLB3 Performance Monitor Enable */
339 #define SDR0_PFC1_PLB_PME_PLB4_SEL 0x00001000 /* PLB3 Performance Monitor Enable */
340 #define SDR0_PFC1_GFGGI_MASK 0x0000000F /* GPT Frequency Generation Gated In */
342 /* Ethernet PLL Configuration Register */
343 #define SDR0_PFC2 0x4102
344 #define SDR0_PFC2_TUNE_MASK 0x01FF8000 /* Loop stability tuning bits */
345 #define SDR0_PFC2_MULTI_MASK 0x00007C00 /* Frequency multiplication selector */
346 #define SDR0_PFC2_RANGEB_MASK 0x00000380 /* PLLOUTB/C frequency selector */
347 #define SDR0_PFC2_RANGEA_MASK 0x00000071 /* PLLOUTA frequency selector */
349 #define SDR0_PFC2_SELECT_MASK 0xE0000000 /* Ethernet Pin select EMAC1 */
350 #define SDR0_PFC2_SELECT_CONFIG_1_1 0x60000000 /* 1xMII using RGMII bridge */
351 #define SDR0_PFC2_SELECT_CONFIG_1_2 0x00000000 /* 1xMII using ZMII bridge */
352 #define SDR0_PFC2_SELECT_CONFIG_2 0x60000000 /* 1xGMII using RGMII bridge */
353 #define SDR0_PFC2_SELECT_CONFIG_3 0x80000000 /* 1xTBI using RGMII bridge */
354 #define SDR0_PFC2_SELECT_CONFIG_4 0xA0000000 /* 2xRGMII using RGMII bridge */
355 #define SDR0_PFC2_SELECT_CONFIG_5 0xC0000000 /* 2xRTBI using RGMII bridge */
356 #define SDR0_PFC2_SELECT_CONFIG_6 0x40000000 /* 2xSMII using ZMII bridge */
358 #define SDR0_PFC4 0x4104
360 /* USB2PHY0 Control Register */
361 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR 0x4103
362 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_UTMICN_MASK 0x00100000 /* PHY UTMI interface connection */
363 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_UTMICN_DEV 0x00000000 /* Device support */
364 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_UTMICN_HOST 0x00100000 /* Host support */
366 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_DWNSTR_MASK 0x00400000 /* Select downstream port mode */
367 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_DWNSTR_DEV 0x00000000 /* Device */
368 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_DWNSTR_HOST 0x00400000 /* Host */
370 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_DVBUS_MASK 0x00800000 /* VBus detect (Device mode only) */
371 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_DVBUS_PURDIS 0x00000000 /* Pull-up resistance on D+ is disabled */
372 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_DVBUS_PUREN 0x00800000 /* Pull-up resistance on D+ is enabled */
374 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_WDINT_MASK 0x01000000 /* PHY UTMI data width and clock select */
375 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_WDINT_8BIT_60MHZ 0x00000000 /* 8-bit data/60MHz */
376 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_WDINT_16BIT_30MHZ 0x01000000 /* 16-bit data/30MHz */
378 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_LOOPEN_MASK 0x02000000 /* Loop back test enable */
379 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_LOOP_ENABLE 0x00000000 /* Loop back disabled */
380 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_LOOP_DISABLE 0x02000000 /* Loop back enabled (only test purposes) */
382 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_XOON_MASK 0x04000000 /* Force XO block on during a suspend */
383 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_XO_ON 0x00000000 /* PHY XO block is powered-on */
384 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_XO_OFF 0x04000000 /* PHY XO block is powered-off when all ports are suspended */
386 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_PWRSAV_MASK 0x08000000 /* Select PHY power-save mode */
387 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_PWRSAV_OFF 0x00000000 /* Non-power-save mode */
388 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_PWRSAV_ON 0x08000000 /* Power-save mode. Valid only for full-speed operation */
390 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_XOREF_MASK 0x10000000 /* Select reference clock source */
391 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_XOREF_INTERNAL 0x00000000 /* PHY PLL uses chip internal 48M clock as a reference */
392 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_XOREF_XO 0x10000000 /* PHY PLL uses internal XO block output as a reference */
394 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_XOCLK_MASK 0x20000000 /* Select clock for XO block */
395 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_XOCLK_EXTERNAL 0x00000000 /* PHY macro used an external clock */
396 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_XOCLK_CRYSTAL 0x20000000 /* PHY macro uses the clock from a crystal */
398 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_CLKSEL_MASK 0xc0000000 /* Select ref clk freq */
399 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_CLKSEL_12MHZ 0x00000000 /* Select ref clk freq = 12 MHz*/
400 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_CLKSEL_48MHZ 0x40000000 /* Select ref clk freq = 48 MHz*/
401 #define SDR0_USB2PHY0CR_CLKSEL_24MHZ 0x80000000 /* Select ref clk freq = 24 MHz*/
403 /* Miscealleneaous Function Reg. */
404 #define SDR0_MFR 0x4300
405 #define SDR0_MFR_ETH0_CLK_SEL_MASK 0x08000000 /* Ethernet0 Clock Select */
406 #define SDR0_MFR_ETH0_CLK_SEL_EXT 0x00000000
407 #define SDR0_MFR_ETH1_CLK_SEL_MASK 0x04000000 /* Ethernet1 Clock Select */
408 #define SDR0_MFR_ETH1_CLK_SEL_EXT 0x00000000
409 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_MASK 0x03000000 /* ZMII Mode Mask */
410 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_MII 0x00000000 /* ZMII Mode MII */
411 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_SMII 0x01000000 /* ZMII Mode SMII */
412 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_BIT0 0x02000000 /* ZMII Mode Bit0 */
413 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_BIT1 0x01000000 /* ZMII Mode Bit1 */
414 #define SDR0_MFR_ZM_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3)<<24)
415 #define SDR0_MFR_ZM_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))<<24)&0x3)
417 #define SDR0_MFR_ERRATA3_EN0 0x00800000
418 #define SDR0_MFR_ERRATA3_EN1 0x00400000
419 #define SDR0_MFR_PKT_REJ_MASK 0x00180000 /* Pkt Rej. Enable Mask */
420 #define SDR0_MFR_PKT_REJ_EN 0x00180000 /* Pkt Rej. Enable on both EMAC3 0-1 */
421 #define SDR0_MFR_PKT_REJ_EN0 0x00100000 /* Pkt Rej. Enable on EMAC3(0) */
422 #define SDR0_MFR_PKT_REJ_EN1 0x00080000 /* Pkt Rej. Enable on EMAC3(1) */
423 #define SDR0_MFR_PKT_REJ_POL 0x00200000 /* Packet Reject Polarity */
425 #endif /* defined(CONFIG_440EPX) || defined(CONFIG_440GRX) */
427 /* CUST1 Customer Configuration Register1 */
428 #define SDR0_CUST1 0x4002
429 #define SDR0_CUST1_NDRSC_MASK 0xFFFF0000 /* NDRSC Device Read Count */
430 #define SDR0_CUST1_NDRSC_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFFF)<<16)
431 #define SDR0_CUST1_NDRSC_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0xFFFF)
433 /* Pin Function Control Register 0 */
434 #define SDR0_PFC0 0x4100
435 #define SDR0_PFC0_CPU_TR_EN_MASK 0x00000100 /* CPU Trace Enable Mask */
436 #define SDR0_PFC0_CPU_TRACE_EN 0x00000100 /* CPU Trace Enable */
437 #define SDR0_PFC0_CPU_TRACE_DIS 0x00000100 /* CPU Trace Disable */
438 #define SDR0_PFC0_CTE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<8)
439 #define SDR0_PFC0_CTE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x01)
441 /* Pin Function Control Register 1 */
442 #define SDR0_PFC1 0x4101
443 #define SDR0_PFC1_U1ME_MASK 0x02000000 /* UART1 Mode Enable */
444 #define SDR0_PFC1_U1ME_DSR_DTR 0x00000000 /* UART1 in DSR/DTR Mode */
445 #define SDR0_PFC1_U1ME_CTS_RTS 0x02000000 /* UART1 in CTS/RTS Mode */
446 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0ME_MASK 0x00080000 /* UART0 Mode Enable */
447 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0ME_DSR_DTR 0x00000000 /* UART0 in DSR/DTR Mode */
448 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0ME_CTS_RTS 0x00080000 /* UART0 in CTS/RTS Mode */
449 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0IM_MASK 0x00040000 /* UART0 Interface Mode */
450 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0IM_8PINS 0x00000000 /* UART0 Interface Mode 8 pins */
451 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0IM_4PINS 0x00040000 /* UART0 Interface Mode 4 pins */
452 #define SDR0_PFC1_SIS_MASK 0x00020000 /* SCP or IIC1 Selection */
453 #define SDR0_PFC1_SIS_SCP_SEL 0x00000000 /* SCP Selected */
454 #define SDR0_PFC1_SIS_IIC1_SEL 0x00020000 /* IIC1 Selected */
455 #define SDR0_PFC1_UES_MASK 0x00010000 /* USB2D_RX_Active / EBC_Hold Req Selection */
456 #define SDR0_PFC1_UES_USB2D_SEL 0x00000000 /* USB2D_RX_Active Selected */
457 #define SDR0_PFC1_UES_EBCHR_SEL 0x00010000 /* EBC_Hold Req Selected */
458 #define SDR0_PFC1_DIS_MASK 0x00008000 /* DMA_Req(1) / UIC_IRQ(5) Selection */
459 #define SDR0_PFC1_DIS_DMAR_SEL 0x00000000 /* DMA_Req(1) Selected */
460 #define SDR0_PFC1_DIS_UICIRQ5_SEL 0x00008000 /* UIC_IRQ(5) Selected */
461 #define SDR0_PFC1_ERE_MASK 0x00004000 /* EBC Mast.Ext.Req.En./GPIO0(27) Selection */
462 #define SDR0_PFC1_ERE_EXTR_SEL 0x00000000 /* EBC Mast.Ext.Req.En. Selected */
463 #define SDR0_PFC1_ERE_GPIO0_27_SEL 0x00004000 /* GPIO0(27) Selected */
464 #define SDR0_PFC1_UPR_MASK 0x00002000 /* USB2 Device Packet Reject Selection */
465 #define SDR0_PFC1_UPR_DISABLE 0x00000000 /* USB2 Device Packet Reject Disable */
466 #define SDR0_PFC1_UPR_ENABLE 0x00002000 /* USB2 Device Packet Reject Enable */
468 #define SDR0_PFC1_PLB_PME_MASK 0x00001000 /* PLB3/PLB4 Perf. Monitor En. Selection */
469 #define SDR0_PFC1_PLB_PME_PLB3_SEL 0x00000000 /* PLB3 Performance Monitor Enable */
470 #define SDR0_PFC1_PLB_PME_PLB4_SEL 0x00001000 /* PLB3 Performance Monitor Enable */
471 #define SDR0_PFC1_GFGGI_MASK 0x0000000F /* GPT Frequency Generation Gated In */
473 #endif /* 440EP || 440GR || 440EPX || 440GRX */
475 #if defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || \
476 defined(CONFIG_440EPX) || defined(CONFIG_440GRX) || \
477 defined(CONFIG_460EX) || defined(CONFIG_460GT)
478 /* CUST0 Customer Configuration Register0 */
479 #define SDR0_CUST0 0x4000
480 #define SDR0_CUST0_MUX_E_N_G_MASK 0xC0000000 /* Mux_Emac_NDFC_GPIO */
481 #define SDR0_CUST0_MUX_EMAC_SEL 0x40000000 /* Emac Selection */
482 #define SDR0_CUST0_MUX_NDFC_SEL 0x80000000 /* NDFC Selection */
483 #define SDR0_CUST0_MUX_GPIO_SEL 0xC0000000 /* GPIO Selection */
485 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDFC_EN_MASK 0x20000000 /* NDFC Enable Mask */
486 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDFC_ENABLE 0x20000000 /* NDFC Enable */
487 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDFC_DISABLE 0x00000000 /* NDFC Disable */
489 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDFC_BW_MASK 0x10000000 /* NDFC Boot Width */
490 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDFC_BW_16_BIT 0x10000000 /* NDFC Boot Width = 16 Bit */
491 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDFC_BW_8_BIT 0x00000000 /* NDFC Boot Width = 8 Bit */
493 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDFC_BP_MASK 0x0F000000 /* NDFC Boot Page */
494 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDFC_BP_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xF)<<24)
495 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDFC_BP_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x0F)
497 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDFC_BAC_MASK 0x00C00000 /* NDFC Boot Address Cycle */
498 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDFC_BAC_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3)<<22)
499 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDFC_BAC_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>22)&0x03)
501 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDFC_ARE_MASK 0x00200000 /* NDFC Auto Read Enable */
502 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDFC_ARE_ENABLE 0x00200000 /* NDFC Auto Read Enable */
503 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDFC_ARE_DISABLE 0x00000000 /* NDFC Auto Read Disable */
505 #define SDR0_CUST0_NRB_MASK 0x00100000 /* NDFC Ready / Busy */
506 #define SDR0_CUST0_NRB_BUSY 0x00100000 /* Busy */
507 #define SDR0_CUST0_NRB_READY 0x00000000 /* Ready */
509 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDRSC_MASK 0x0000FFF0 /* NDFC Device Reset Count Mask */
510 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDRSC_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFF)<<4)
511 #define SDR0_CUST0_NDRSC_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>4)&0xFFF)
513 #define SDR0_CUST0_CHIPSELGAT_MASK 0x0000000F /* Chip Select Gating Mask */
514 #define SDR0_CUST0_CHIPSELGAT_DIS 0x00000000 /* Chip Select Gating Disable */
515 #define SDR0_CUST0_CHIPSELGAT_ENALL 0x0000000F /* All Chip Select Gating Enable */
516 #define SDR0_CUST0_CHIPSELGAT_EN0 0x00000008 /* Chip Select0 Gating Enable */
517 #define SDR0_CUST0_CHIPSELGAT_EN1 0x00000004 /* Chip Select1 Gating Enable */
518 #define SDR0_CUST0_CHIPSELGAT_EN2 0x00000002 /* Chip Select2 Gating Enable */
519 #define SDR0_CUST0_CHIPSELGAT_EN3 0x00000001 /* Chip Select3 Gating Enable */
522 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
524 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
525 /* TODO: as needed */
527 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
528 | Clocking, Power Management and Chip Control
529 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
530 #if defined(CONFIG_460EX) || defined(CONFIG_460GT) || \
531 defined(CONFIG_460SX)
532 #define CNTRL_DCR_BASE 0x160
534 #define CNTRL_DCR_BASE 0x0b0
537 #define CPC0_SYS0 (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x30) /* System configuration reg 0 */
538 #define CPC0_SYS1 (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x31) /* System configuration reg 1 */
540 #define CPC0_STRP0 (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x34) /* Power-on config reg 0 (RO) */
541 #define CPC0_STRP1 (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x35) /* Power-on config reg 1 (RO) */
543 #define CPC0_GPIO (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x38) /* GPIO config reg (440GP) */
545 #define CPC0_CR0 (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x3b) /* Control 0 register */
546 #define CPC0_CR1 (CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x3a) /* Control 1 register */
548 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
550 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
551 #if defined(CONFIG_460EX) || defined(CONFIG_460GT)
552 #define DMA_DCR_BASE 0x200
554 #define DMA_DCR_BASE 0x100
556 #define DMACR0 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x00) /* DMA channel control register 0 */
557 #define DMACT0 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x01) /* DMA count register 0 */
558 #define DMACR1 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x08) /* DMA channel control register 1 */
559 #define DMACT1 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x09) /* DMA count register 1 */
560 #define DMACR2 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x10) /* DMA channel control register 2 */
561 #define DMACT2 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x11) /* DMA count register 2 */
562 #define DMACR3 (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x18) /* DMA channel control register 2 */
563 #define DMASR (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x20) /* DMA status register */
564 #define DMASGC (DMA_DCR_BASE+0x23) /* DMA scatter/gather command register */
566 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
567 | Memory Access Layer
568 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
569 #define MAL_DCR_BASE 0x180
570 #define MAL0_CFG (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x00) /* MAL Config reg */
571 #define MAL0_ESR (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x01) /* Error Status (Read/Clear) */
572 #define MAL0_IER (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x02) /* Interrupt enable */
573 #define MAL0_TXCASR (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x04) /* TX Channel active (set) */
574 #define MAL0_TXCARR (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x05) /* TX Channel active (reset) */
575 #define MAL0_TXEOBISR (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x06) /* TX End of buffer int status */
576 #define MAL0_TXDEIR (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x07) /* TX Descr. Error Int */
577 #define MAL0_TXBADDR (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x09) /* TX descriptor base addr*/
578 #define MAL0_RXCASR (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x10) /* RX Channel active (set) */
579 #define MAL0_RXCARR (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x11) /* RX Channel active (reset) */
580 #define MAL0_RXEOBISR (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x12) /* RX End of buffer int status */
581 #define MAL0_RXDEIR (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x13) /* RX Descr. Error Int */
582 #define MAL0_RXBADDR (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x15) /* RX descriptor base addr */
583 #define MAL0_TXCTP0R (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x20) /* TX 0 Channel table pointer */
584 #define MAL0_TXCTP1R (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x21) /* TX 1 Channel table pointer */
585 #define MAL0_TXCTP2R (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x22) /* TX 2 Channel table pointer */
586 #define MAL0_TXCTP3R (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x23) /* TX 3 Channel table pointer */
587 #define MAL0_RXCTP0R (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x40) /* RX 0 Channel table pointer */
588 #define MAL0_RXCTP1R (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x41) /* RX 1 Channel table pointer */
589 #define MAL0_RCBS0 (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x60) /* RX 0 Channel buffer size */
590 #define MAL0_RCBS1 (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x61) /* RX 1 Channel buffer size */
591 #if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || \
592 defined(CONFIG_460EX) || defined(CONFIG_460GT)
593 #define MAL0_RXCTP2R (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x42) /* RX 2 Channel table pointer */
594 #define MAL0_RXCTP3R (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x43) /* RX 3 Channel table pointer */
595 #define MAL0_RXCTP8R (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x48) /* RX 8 Channel table pointer */
596 #define MAL0_RXCTP16R (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x50) /* RX 16 Channel table pointer*/
597 #define MAL0_RXCTP24R (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x58) /* RX 24 Channel table pointer*/
598 #define MAL0_RCBS2 (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x62) /* RX 2 Channel buffer size */
599 #define MAL0_RCBS3 (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x63) /* RX 3 Channel buffer size */
600 #define MAL0_RCBS8 (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x68) /* RX 8 Channel buffer size */
601 #define MAL0_RCBS16 (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x70) /* RX 16 Channel buffer size */
602 #define MAL0_RCBS24 (MAL_DCR_BASE + 0x78) /* RX 24 Channel buffer size */
603 #endif /* CONFIG_440GX */
605 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
607 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
608 #if defined(CONFIG_440SP)
609 #define SDR0_DDR0 0x00E1
610 #define SDR0_DDR0_DPLLRST 0x80000000
611 #define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_MASK 0x60000000
612 #define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_DDR1 0x20000000
613 #define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_DDR2 0x40000000
614 #define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<29)
615 #define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>29)&0x03)
616 #define SDR0_DDR0_TUNE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x2FF)<<0)
617 #define SDR0_DDR0_TUNE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x2FF)
620 #if defined(CONFIG_440SPE) || defined(CONFIG_460SX)
621 #define SDR0_CP440 0x0180
622 #define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_MASK 0x30000000
623 #define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_MASK_HI 0x3000
624 #define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_MASK_LO 0x0000
625 #define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_EBC 0x10000000
626 #define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_EBC_HI 0x1000
627 #define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_EBC_LO 0x0000
628 #define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_PCI 0x20000000
629 #define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_PCI_HI 0x2000
630 #define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_PCI_LO 0x0000
631 #define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<28)
632 #define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>28)&0x03)
633 #define SDR0_CP440_NTO1_MASK 0x00000002
634 #define SDR0_CP440_NTO1_NTOP 0x00000000
635 #define SDR0_CP440_NTO1_NTO1 0x00000002
636 #define SDR0_CP440_NTO1_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<1)
637 #define SDR0_CP440_NTO1_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>1)&0x01)
639 #define SDR0_SDSTP0 0x0020
640 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_ENG_MASK 0x80000000
641 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_ENG_PLLDIS 0x00000000
642 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_ENG_PLLENAB 0x80000000
643 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_ENG_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<31)
644 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_ENG_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>31)&0x01)
645 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_SRC_MASK 0x40000000
646 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_SRC_PLLOUTA 0x00000000
647 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_SRC_PLLOUTB 0x40000000
648 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_SRC_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<30)
649 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_SRC_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>30)&0x01)
650 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_MASK 0x38000000
651 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_PLLOUT 0x00000000
652 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_CPU 0x08000000
653 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_EBC 0x28000000
654 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<27)
655 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>27)&0x07)
656 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_TUNE_MASK 0x07FE0000
657 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_TUNE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3FF)<<17)
658 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_TUNE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>17)&0x3FF)
659 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_FBDV_MASK 0x0001F000
660 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_FBDV_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<12)
661 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_FBDV_DECODE(n) ((((((unsigned long)(n))>>12)-1)&0x1F)+1)
662 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVA_MASK 0x00000F00
663 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVA_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<8)
664 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVA_DECODE(n) ((((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)-1)&0x0F)+1)
665 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVB_MASK 0x000000E0
666 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVB_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<5)
667 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVB_DECODE(n) ((((((unsigned long)(n))>>5)-1)&0x07)+1)
668 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_PRBDV0_MASK 0x0000001C
669 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_PRBDV0_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<2)
670 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_PRBDV0_DECODE(n) ((((((unsigned long)(n))>>2)-1)&0x07)+1)
671 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_OPBDV0_MASK 0x00000003
672 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_OPBDV0_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<0)
673 #define SDR0_SDSTP0_OPBDV0_DECODE(n) ((((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)-1)&0x03)+1)
676 #define SDR0_SDSTP1 0x0021
677 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_LFBDV_MASK 0xFC000000
678 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_LFBDV_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3F)<<26)
679 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_LFBDV_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>26)&0x3F)
680 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PERDV0_MASK 0x03000000
681 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PERDV0_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<24)
682 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PERDV0_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x03)
683 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_MALDV0_MASK 0x00C00000
684 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_MALDV0_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<22)
685 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_MALDV0_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>22)&0x03)
686 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_DDR_MODE_MASK 0x00300000
687 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_DDR1_MODE 0x00100000
688 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_DDR2_MODE 0x00200000
689 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_DDR_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<20)
690 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_DDR_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>20)&0x03)
691 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_ERPN_MASK 0x00080000
692 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_ERPN_EBC 0x00000000
693 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_ERPN_PCI 0x00080000
694 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_MASK 0x00040000
695 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_DISABLE 0x00000000
696 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_ENABLE 0x00040000
697 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<18)
698 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>18)&0x01)
699 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PHCE_MASK 0x00020000
700 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PHCE_DISABLE 0x00000000
701 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PHCE_ENABLE 0x00020000
702 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PHCE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<17)
703 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PHCE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>17)&0x01)
704 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PISE_MASK 0x00010000
705 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PISE_DISABLE 0x00000000
706 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PISE_ENABLE 0x00001000
707 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PISE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<16)
708 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PISE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x01)
709 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PCWE_MASK 0x00008000
710 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PCWE_DISABLE 0x00000000
711 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PCWE_ENABLE 0x00008000
712 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PCWE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<15)
713 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PCWE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>15)&0x01)
714 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PPIM_MASK 0x00007800
715 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PPIM_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<11)
716 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PPIM_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>11)&0x0F)
717 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PR64E_MASK 0x00000400
718 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PR64E_DISABLE 0x00000000
719 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PR64E_ENABLE 0x00000400
720 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PR64E_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<10)
721 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PR64E_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>10)&0x01)
722 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_MASK 0x00000300
723 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_100_133 0x00000000
724 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_66_100 0x00000100
725 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_50_66 0x00000200
726 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_0_50 0x00000300
727 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<8)
728 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x03)
729 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_EBCW_MASK 0x00000080 /* SOP */
730 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_EBCW_8_BITS 0x00000000 /* SOP */
731 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_EBCW_16_BITS 0x00000080 /* SOP */
732 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_DBGEN_MASK 0x00000030 /* $218C */
733 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_DBGEN_FUNC 0x00000000
734 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_DBGEN_TRACE 0x00000010
735 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_DBGEN_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<4) /* $218C */
736 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_DBGEN_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>4)&0x03) /* $218C */
737 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_ETH_MASK 0x00000004
738 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_ETH_10_100 0x00000000
739 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_ETH_GIGA 0x00000004
740 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_ETH_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<2)
741 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_ETH_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>2)&0x01)
742 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_NTO1_MASK 0x00000001
743 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_NTO1_DISABLE 0x00000000
744 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_NTO1_ENABLE 0x00000001
745 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_NTO1_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<0)
746 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_NTO1_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x01)
748 #define SDR0_SDSTP2 0x0022
749 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1AE_MASK 0x80000000
750 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1AE_DISABLE 0x00000000
751 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1AE_ENABLE 0x80000000
752 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1AE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<31)
753 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1AE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>31)&0x01)
754 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1HCE_MASK 0x40000000
755 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1HCE_DISABLE 0x00000000
756 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1HCE_ENABLE 0x40000000
757 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1HCE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<30)
758 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1HCE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>30)&0x01)
759 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1ISE_MASK 0x20000000
760 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1ISE_DISABLE 0x00000000
761 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1ISE_ENABLE 0x20000000
762 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1ISE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<29)
763 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1ISE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>29)&0x01)
764 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1CWE_MASK 0x10000000
765 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1CWE_DISABLE 0x00000000
766 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1CWE_ENABLE 0x10000000
767 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1CWE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<28)
768 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1CWE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>28)&0x01)
769 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1PIM_MASK 0x0F000000
770 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1PIM_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<24)
771 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1PIM_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x0F)
772 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1R64E_MASK 0x00800000
773 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1R64E_DISABLE 0x00000000
774 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1R64E_ENABLE 0x00800000
775 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1R64E_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<23)
776 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1R64E_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>23)&0x01)
777 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1XFS_MASK 0x00600000
778 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1XFS_100_133 0x00000000
779 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1XFS_66_100 0x00200000
780 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1XFS_50_66 0x00400000
781 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1XFS_0_50 0x00600000
782 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1XFS_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<21)
783 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1XFS_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>21)&0x03)
784 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2AE_MASK 0x00040000
785 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2AE_DISABLE 0x00000000
786 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2AE_ENABLE 0x00040000
787 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2AE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<18)
788 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2AE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>18)&0x01)
789 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2HCE_MASK 0x00020000
790 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2HCE_DISABLE 0x00000000
791 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2HCE_ENABLE 0x00020000
792 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2HCE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<17)
793 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2HCE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>17)&0x01)
794 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2ISE_MASK 0x00010000
795 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2ISE_DISABLE 0x00000000
796 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2ISE_ENABLE 0x00010000
797 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2ISE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<16)
798 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2ISE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x01)
799 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2CWE_MASK 0x00008000
800 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2CWE_DISABLE 0x00000000
801 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2CWE_ENABLE 0x00008000
802 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2CWE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<15)
803 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2CWE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>15)&0x01)
804 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2PIM_MASK 0x00007800
805 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2PIM_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<11)
806 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2PIM_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>11)&0x0F)
807 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2XFS_MASK 0x00000300
808 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2XFS_100_133 0x00000000
809 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2XFS_66_100 0x00000100
810 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2XFS_50_66 0x00000200
811 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2XFS_0_50 0x00000100
812 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2XFS_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<8)
813 #define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2XFS_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x03)
815 #define SDR0_SDSTP3 0x0023
817 #define SDR0_PINSTP 0x0040
818 #define SDR0_PINSTP_BOOTSTRAP_MASK 0xC0000000 /* Strap Bits */
819 #define SDR0_PINSTP_BOOTSTRAP_SETTINGS0 0x00000000 /* Default strap settings 0 (EBC boot) */
820 #define SDR0_PINSTP_BOOTSTRAP_SETTINGS1 0x40000000 /* Default strap settings 1 (PCI boot) */
821 #define SDR0_PINSTP_BOOTSTRAP_IIC_54_EN 0x80000000 /* Serial Device Enabled - Addr = 0x54 */
822 #define SDR0_PINSTP_BOOTSTRAP_IIC_50_EN 0xC0000000 /* Serial Device Enabled - Addr = 0x50 */
823 #define SDR0_SDCS 0x0060
824 #define SDR0_ECID0 0x0080
825 #define SDR0_ECID1 0x0081
826 #define SDR0_ECID2 0x0082
827 #define SDR0_JTAG 0x00C0
829 #define SDR0_DDR0 0x00E1
830 #define SDR0_DDR0_DPLLRST 0x80000000
831 #define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_MASK 0x60000000
832 #define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_DDR1 0x20000000
833 #define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_DDR2 0x40000000
834 #define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<29)
835 #define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>29)&0x03)
836 #define SDR0_DDR0_TUNE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x2FF)<<0)
837 #define SDR0_DDR0_TUNE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x2FF)
839 #define SDR0_UART0 0x0120
840 #define SDR0_UART1 0x0121
841 #define SDR0_UART2 0x0122
842 #define SDR0_SLPIPE 0x0220
844 #define SDR0_AMP0 0x0240
845 #define SDR0_AMP0_PRIORITY 0xFFFF0000
846 #define SDR0_AMP0_ALTERNATE_PRIORITY 0x0000FF00
847 #define SDR0_AMP0_RESERVED_BITS_MASK 0x000000FF
849 #define SDR0_AMP1 0x0241
850 #define SDR0_AMP1_PRIORITY 0xFC000000
851 #define SDR0_AMP1_ALTERNATE_PRIORITY 0x0000E000
854 #define SDR0_MIRQ0 0x0260
855 #define SDR0_MIRQ1 0x0261
856 #define SDR0_MALTBL 0x0280
857 #define SDR0_MALRBL 0x02A0
858 #define SDR0_MALTBS 0x02C0
859 #define SDR0_MALRBS 0x02E0
861 /* Reserved for Customer Use */
862 #define SDR0_CUST0 0x4000
863 #define SDR0_CUST0_AUTONEG_MASK 0x8000000
864 #define SDR0_CUST0_NO_AUTONEG 0x0000000
865 #define SDR0_CUST0_AUTONEG 0x8000000
866 #define SDR0_CUST0_ETH_FORCE_MASK 0x6000000
867 #define SDR0_CUST0_ETH_FORCE_10MHZ 0x0000000
868 #define SDR0_CUST0_ETH_FORCE_100MHZ 0x2000000
869 #define SDR0_CUST0_ETH_FORCE_1000MHZ 0x4000000
870 #define SDR0_CUST0_ETH_DUPLEX_MASK 0x1000000
871 #define SDR0_CUST0_ETH_HALF_DUPLEX 0x0000000
872 #define SDR0_CUST0_ETH_FULL_DUPLEX 0x1000000
874 #define SDR0_SDSTP4 0x4001
875 #define SDR0_CUST1 0x4002
876 #define SDR0_SDSTP5 0x4003
877 #define SDR0_CUST2 0x4004
878 #define SDR0_SDSTP6 0x4005
879 #define SDR0_CUST3 0x4006
880 #define SDR0_SDSTP7 0x4007
882 #define SDR0_PFC0 0x4100
883 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_0 0x80000000
884 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCIX0REQ2_N 0x00000000
885 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_1 0x40000000
886 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCIX0REQ3_N 0x00000000
887 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_2 0x20000000
888 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCIX0GNT2_N 0x00000000
889 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_3 0x10000000
890 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCIX0GNT3_N 0x00000000
891 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_4 0x08000000
892 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCIX1REQ2_N 0x00000000
893 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_5 0x04000000
894 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCIX1REQ3_N 0x00000000
895 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_6 0x02000000
896 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCIX1GNT2_N 0x00000000
897 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_7 0x01000000
898 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCIX1GNT3_N 0x00000000
899 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_8 0x00800000
900 #define SDR0_PFC0_PERREADY 0x00000000
901 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_9 0x00400000
902 #define SDR0_PFC0_PERCS1_N 0x00000000
903 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_10 0x00200000
904 #define SDR0_PFC0_PERCS2_N 0x00000000
905 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_11 0x00100000
906 #define SDR0_PFC0_IRQ0 0x00000000
907 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_12 0x00080000
908 #define SDR0_PFC0_IRQ1 0x00000000
909 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_13 0x00040000
910 #define SDR0_PFC0_IRQ2 0x00000000
911 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_14 0x00020000
912 #define SDR0_PFC0_IRQ3 0x00000000
913 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_15 0x00010000
914 #define SDR0_PFC0_IRQ4 0x00000000
915 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_16 0x00008000
916 #define SDR0_PFC0_IRQ5 0x00000000
917 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_17 0x00004000
918 #define SDR0_PFC0_PERBE0_N 0x00000000
919 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_18 0x00002000
920 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCI0GNT0_N 0x00000000
921 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_19 0x00001000
922 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCI0GNT1_N 0x00000000
923 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_20 0x00000800
924 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCI0REQ0_N 0x00000000
925 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_21 0x00000400
926 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCI0REQ1_N 0x00000000
927 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_22 0x00000200
928 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCI1GNT0_N 0x00000000
929 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_23 0x00000100
930 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCI1GNT1_N 0x00000000
931 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_24 0x00000080
932 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCI1REQ0_N 0x00000000
933 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_25 0x00000040
934 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCI1REQ1_N 0x00000000
935 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_26 0x00000020
936 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCI2GNT0_N 0x00000000
937 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_27 0x00000010
938 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCI2GNT1_N 0x00000000
939 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_28 0x00000008
940 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCI2REQ0_N 0x00000000
941 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_29 0x00000004
942 #define SDR0_PFC0_PCI2REQ1_N 0x00000000
943 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_30 0x00000002
944 #define SDR0_PFC0_UART1RX 0x00000000
945 #define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_31 0x00000001
946 #define SDR0_PFC0_UART1TX 0x00000000
948 #define SDR0_PFC1 0x4101
949 #define SDR0_PFC1_UART1_CTS_RTS_MASK 0x02000000
950 #define SDR0_PFC1_UART1_DSR_DTR 0x00000000
951 #define SDR0_PFC1_UART1_CTS_RTS 0x02000000
952 #define SDR0_PFC1_UART2_IN_SERVICE_MASK 0x01000000
953 #define SDR0_PFC1_UART2_NOT_IN_SERVICE 0x00000000
954 #define SDR0_PFC1_UART2_IN_SERVICE 0x01000000
955 #define SDR0_PFC1_ETH_GIGA_MASK 0x00200000
956 #define SDR0_PFC1_ETH_10_100 0x00000000
957 #define SDR0_PFC1_ETH_GIGA 0x00200000
958 #define SDR0_PFC1_ETH_GIGA_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<21)
959 #define SDR0_PFC1_ETH_GIGA_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>21)&0x01)
960 #define SDR0_PFC1_CPU_TRACE_MASK 0x00180000 /* $218C */
961 #define SDR0_PFC1_CPU_NO_TRACE 0x00000000
962 #define SDR0_PFC1_CPU_TRACE 0x00080000
963 #define SDR0_PFC1_CPU_TRACE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3)<<19) /* $218C */
964 #define SDR0_PFC1_CPU_TRACE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>19)&0x03) /* $218C */
966 #define SDR0_MFR 0x4300
967 #endif /* CONFIG_440SPE */
969 #if defined(CONFIG_460EX) || defined(CONFIG_460GT)
970 /* Pin Function Control Register 0 (SDR0_PFC0) */
971 #define SDR0_PFC0 0x4100
972 #define SDR0_PFC0_DBG 0x00008000 /* debug enable */
973 #define SDR0_PFC0_G49E 0x00004000 /* GPIO 49 enable */
974 #define SDR0_PFC0_G50E 0x00002000 /* GPIO 50 enable */
975 #define SDR0_PFC0_G51E 0x00001000 /* GPIO 51 enable */
976 #define SDR0_PFC0_G52E 0x00000800 /* GPIO 52 enable */
977 #define SDR0_PFC0_G53E 0x00000400 /* GPIO 53 enable */
978 #define SDR0_PFC0_G54E 0x00000200 /* GPIO 54 enable */
979 #define SDR0_PFC0_G55E 0x00000100 /* GPIO 55 enable */
980 #define SDR0_PFC0_G56E 0x00000080 /* GPIO 56 enable */
981 #define SDR0_PFC0_G57E 0x00000040 /* GPIO 57 enable */
982 #define SDR0_PFC0_G58E 0x00000020 /* GPIO 58 enable */
983 #define SDR0_PFC0_G59E 0x00000010 /* GPIO 59 enable */
984 #define SDR0_PFC0_G60E 0x00000008 /* GPIO 60 enable */
985 #define SDR0_PFC0_G61E 0x00000004 /* GPIO 61 enable */
986 #define SDR0_PFC0_G62E 0x00000002 /* GPIO 62 enable */
987 #define SDR0_PFC0_G63E 0x00000001 /* GPIO 63 enable */
989 /* Pin Function Control Register 1 (SDR0_PFC1) */
990 #define SDR0_PFC1 0x4101
991 #define SDR0_PFC1_U1ME_MASK 0x02000000 /* UART1 Mode Enable */
992 #define SDR0_PFC1_U1ME_DSR_DTR 0x00000000 /* UART1 in DSR/DTR Mode */
993 #define SDR0_PFC1_U1ME_CTS_RTS 0x02000000 /* UART1 in CTS/RTS Mode */
994 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0ME_MASK 0x00080000 /* UART0 Mode Enable */
995 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0ME_DSR_DTR 0x00000000 /* UART0 in DSR/DTR Mode */
996 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0ME_CTS_RTS 0x00080000 /* UART0 in CTS/RTS Mode */
997 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0IM_MASK 0x00040000 /* UART0 Interface Mode */
998 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0IM_8PINS 0x00000000 /* UART0 Interface Mode 8 pins*/
999 #define SDR0_PFC1_U0IM_4PINS 0x00040000 /* UART0 Interface Mode 4 pins*/
1000 #define SDR0_PFC1_SIS_MASK 0x00020000 /* SCP or IIC1 Selection */
1001 #define SDR0_PFC1_SIS_SCP_SEL 0x00000000 /* SCP Selected */
1002 #define SDR0_PFC1_SIS_IIC1_SEL 0x00020000 /* IIC1 Selected */
1004 #define SDR0_ECID0 0x0080
1005 #define SDR0_ECID1 0x0081
1006 #define SDR0_ECID2 0x0082
1007 #define SDR0_ECID3 0x0083
1009 /* Ethernet PLL Configuration Register (SDR0_ETH_PLL) */
1010 #define SDR0_ETH_PLL 0x4102
1011 #define SDR0_ETH_PLL_PLLLOCK 0x80000000 /*Ethernet PLL lock indication*/
1012 #define SDR0_ETH_PLL_REF_CLK_SEL 0x10000000 /* Ethernet reference clock */
1013 #define SDR0_ETH_PLL_BYPASS 0x08000000 /* bypass mode enable */
1014 #define SDR0_ETH_PLL_STOPCLK 0x04000000 /* output clock disable */
1015 #define SDR0_ETH_PLL_TUNE_MASK 0x03FF0000 /* loop stability tuning bits */
1016 #define SDR0_ETH_PLL_TUNE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3ff)<<16)
1017 #define SDR0_ETH_PLL_MULTI_MASK 0x0000FF00 /* frequency multiplication */
1018 #define SDR0_ETH_PLL_MULTI_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xff)<<8)
1019 #define SDR0_ETH_PLL_RANGEB_MASK 0x000000F0 /* PLLOUTB/C frequency */
1020 #define SDR0_ETH_PLL_RANGEB_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0f)<<4)
1021 #define SDR0_ETH_PLL_RANGEA_MASK 0x0000000F /* PLLOUTA frequency */
1022 #define SDR0_ETH_PLL_RANGEA_ENCODE(n) (((unsigned long)(n))&0x0f)
1024 /* Ethernet Configuration Register (SDR0_ETH_CFG) */
1025 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG 0x4103
1026 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_SGMII3_LPBK 0x00800000 /* SGMII3 port loopback enable */
1027 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_SGMII2_LPBK 0x00400000 /* SGMII2 port loopback enable */
1028 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_SGMII1_LPBK 0x00200000 /* SGMII1 port loopback enable */
1029 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_SGMII0_LPBK 0x00100000 /* SGMII0 port loopback enable */
1030 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_SGMII_MASK 0x00070000 /* SGMII Mask */
1031 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_SGMII2_ENABLE 0x00040000 /* SGMII2 port enable */
1032 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_SGMII1_ENABLE 0x00020000 /* SGMII1 port enable */
1033 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_SGMII0_ENABLE 0x00010000 /* SGMII0 port enable */
1034 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_TAHOE1_BYPASS 0x00002000 /* TAHOE1 Bypass selector */
1035 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_TAHOE0_BYPASS 0x00001000 /* TAHOE0 Bypass selector */
1036 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_EMAC3_PHY_CLK_SEL 0x00000800 /* EMAC 3 PHY clock selector */
1037 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_EMAC2_PHY_CLK_SEL 0x00000400 /* EMAC 2 PHY clock selector */
1038 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_EMAC1_PHY_CLK_SEL 0x00000200 /* EMAC 1 PHY clock selector */
1039 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_EMAC0_PHY_CLK_SEL 0x00000100 /* EMAC 0 PHY clock selector */
1040 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_EMAC_2_1_SWAP 0x00000080 /* Swap EMAC2 with EMAC1 */
1041 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_EMAC_0_3_SWAP 0x00000040 /* Swap EMAC0 with EMAC3 */
1042 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_MDIO_SEL_MASK 0x00000030 /* MDIO source selector mask */
1043 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_MDIO_SEL_EMAC0 0x00000000 /* MDIO source - EMAC0 */
1044 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_MDIO_SEL_EMAC1 0x00000010 /* MDIO source - EMAC1 */
1045 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_MDIO_SEL_EMAC2 0x00000020 /* MDIO source - EMAC2 */
1046 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_MDIO_SEL_EMAC3 0x00000030 /* MDIO source - EMAC3 */
1047 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_ZMII_MODE_MASK 0x0000000C /* ZMII bridge mode selector mask */
1048 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_ZMII_SEL_MII 0x00000000 /* ZMII bridge mode - MII */
1049 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_ZMII_SEL_SMII 0x00000004 /* ZMII bridge mode - SMII */
1050 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_ZMII_SEL_RMII_10 0x00000008 /* ZMII bridge mode - RMII (10 Mbps) */
1051 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_ZMII_SEL_RMII_100 0x0000000C /* ZMII bridge mode - RMII (100 Mbps) */
1052 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_GMC1_BRIDGE_SEL 0x00000002 /* GMC Port 1 bridge selector */
1053 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_GMC0_BRIDGE_SEL 0x00000001 /* GMC Port 0 bridge selector */
1056 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_ZMII_MII_MODE 0x00
1057 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_ZMII_SMII_MODE 0x01
1058 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_ZMII_RMII_MODE_10M 0x10
1059 #define SDR0_ETH_CFG_ZMII_RMII_MODE_100M 0x11
1061 /* Ethernet Status Register */
1062 #define SDR0_ETH_STS 0x4104
1064 /* Miscealleneaous Function Reg. (SDR0_MFR) */
1065 #define SDR0_MFR 0x4300
1066 #define SDR0_MFR_T0TxFL 0x00800000 /* force parity error TAHOE0 Tx FIFO bits 0:63 */
1067 #define SDR0_MFR_T0TxFH 0x00400000 /* force parity error TAHOE0 Tx FIFO bits 64:127 */
1068 #define SDR0_MFR_T1TxFL 0x00200000 /* force parity error TAHOE1 Tx FIFO bits 0:63 */
1069 #define SDR0_MFR_T1TxFH 0x00100000 /* force parity error TAHOE1 Tx FIFO bits 64:127 */
1070 #define SDR0_MFR_E0TxFL 0x00008000 /* force parity error EMAC0 Tx FIFO bits 0:63 */
1071 #define SDR0_MFR_E0TxFH 0x00004000 /* force parity error EMAC0 Tx FIFO bits 64:127 */
1072 #define SDR0_MFR_E0RxFL 0x00002000 /* force parity error EMAC0 Rx FIFO bits 0:63 */
1073 #define SDR0_MFR_E0RxFH 0x00001000 /* force parity error EMAC0 Rx FIFO bits 64:127 */
1074 #define SDR0_MFR_E1TxFL 0x00000800 /* force parity error EMAC1 Tx FIFO bits 0:63 */
1075 #define SDR0_MFR_E1TxFH 0x00000400 /* force parity error EMAC1 Tx FIFO bits 64:127 */
1076 #define SDR0_MFR_E1RxFL 0x00000200 /* force parity error EMAC1 Rx FIFO bits 0:63 */
1077 #define SDR0_MFR_E1RxFH 0x00000100 /* force parity error EMAC1 Rx FIFO bits 64:127 */
1078 #define SDR0_MFR_E2TxFL 0x00000080 /* force parity error EMAC2 Tx FIFO bits 0:63 */
1079 #define SDR0_MFR_E2TxFH 0x00000040 /* force parity error EMAC2 Tx FIFO bits 64:127 */
1080 #define SDR0_MFR_E2RxFL 0x00000020 /* force parity error EMAC2 Rx FIFO bits 0:63 */
1081 #define SDR0_MFR_E2RxFH 0x00000010 /* force parity error EMAC2 Rx FIFO bits 64:127 */
1082 #define SDR0_MFR_E3TxFL 0x00000008 /* force parity error EMAC3 Tx FIFO bits 0:63 */
1083 #define SDR0_MFR_E3TxFH 0x00000004 /* force parity error EMAC3 Tx FIFO bits 64:127 */
1084 #define SDR0_MFR_E3RxFL 0x00000002 /* force parity error EMAC3 Rx FIFO bits 0:63 */
1085 #define SDR0_MFR_E3RxFH 0x00000001 /* force parity error EMAC3 Rx FIFO bits 64:127 */
1087 /* EMACx TX Status Register (SDR0_EMACxTXST)*/
1088 #define SDR0_EMAC0TXST 0x4400
1089 #define SDR0_EMAC1TXST 0x4401
1090 #define SDR0_EMAC2TXST 0x4402
1091 #define SDR0_EMAC3TXST 0x4403
1093 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_FUR 0x02000000 /* TX FIFO underrun */
1094 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_BC 0x01000000 /* broadcase address */
1095 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_MC 0x00800000 /* multicast address */
1096 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_UC 0x00400000 /* unicast address */
1097 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_FP 0x00200000 /* frame paused by control packet */
1098 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_BFCS 0x00100000 /* bad FCS in the transmitted frame */
1099 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_CPF 0x00080000 /* TX control pause frame */
1100 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_CF 0x00040000 /* TX control frame */
1101 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_MSIZ 0x00020000 /* 1024-maxsize bytes transmitted */
1102 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_1023 0x00010000 /* 512-1023 bytes transmitted */
1103 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_511 0x00008000 /* 256-511 bytes transmitted */
1104 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_255 0x00004000 /* 128-255 bytes transmitted */
1105 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_127 0x00002000 /* 65-127 bytes transmitted */
1106 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_64 0x00001000 /* 64 bytes transmitted */
1107 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_SQE 0x00000800 /* SQE indication */
1108 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_LOC 0x00000400 /* loss of carrier sense */
1109 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_IERR 0x00000080 /* EMAC internal error */
1110 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_EDF 0x00000040 /* excessive deferral */
1111 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_ECOL 0x00000020 /* excessive collisions */
1112 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_LCOL 0x00000010 /* late collision */
1113 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_DFFR 0x00000008 /* deferred frame */
1114 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_MCOL 0x00000004 /* multiple collision frame */
1115 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_SCOL 0x00000002 /* single collision frame */
1116 #define SDR0_EMACxTXST_TXOK 0x00000001 /* transmit OK */
1118 /* EMACx RX Status Register (SDR0_EMACxRXST)*/
1119 #define SDR0_EMAC0RXST 0x4404
1120 #define SDR0_EMAC1RXST 0x4405
1121 #define SDR0_EMAC2RXST 0x4406
1122 #define SDR0_EMAC3RXST 0x4407
1124 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_FOR 0x20000000 /* RX FIFO overrun */
1125 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_BC 0x10000000 /* broadcast address */
1126 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_MC 0x08000000 /* multicast address */
1127 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_UC 0x04000000 /* unicast address */
1128 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_UPR_MASK 0x03800000 /* user priority field */
1129 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_UPR_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<23)
1130 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_VLAN 0x00400000 /* RX VLAN tagged frame */
1131 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_LOOP 0x00200000 /* received in loop-back mode */
1132 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_UOP 0x00100000 /* RX unsupported opcode */
1133 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_CPF 0x00080000 /* RX control pause frame */
1134 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_CF 0x00040000 /* RX control frame*/
1135 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_MSIZ 0x00020000 /* 1024-MaxSize bytes recieved*/
1136 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_1023 0x00010000 /* 512-1023 bytes received */
1137 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_511 0x00008000 /* 128-511 bytes received */
1138 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_255 0x00004000 /* 128-255 bytes received */
1139 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_127 0x00002000 /* 65-127 bytes received */
1140 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_64 0x00001000 /* 64 bytes received */
1141 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_RUNT 0x00000800 /* runt frame */
1142 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_SEVT 0x00000400 /* short event */
1143 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_AERR 0x00000200 /* alignment error */
1144 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_SERR 0x00000100 /* received with symbol error */
1145 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_BURST 0x00000040 /* received burst */
1146 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_F2L 0x00000020 /* frame is to long */
1147 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_OERR 0x00000010 /* out of range length error */
1148 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_IERR 0x00000008 /* in range length error */
1149 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_LOST 0x00000004 /* frame lost due to internal EMAC receive error */
1150 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_BFCS 0x00000002 /* bad FCS in the recieved frame */
1151 #define SDR0_EMACxRXST_RXOK 0x00000001 /* Recieve OK */
1153 /* EMACx TX Status Register (SDR0_EMACxREJCNT)*/
1154 #define SDR0_EMAC0REJCNT 0x4408
1155 #define SDR0_EMAC1REJCNT 0x4409
1156 #define SDR0_EMAC2REJCNT 0x440A
1157 #define SDR0_EMAC3REJCNT 0x440B
1159 #define SDR0_DDR0 0x00E1
1160 #define SDR0_DDR0_DPLLRST 0x80000000
1161 #define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_MASK 0x60000000
1162 #define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_DDR1 0x20000000
1163 #define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_DDR2 0x40000000
1164 #define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<29)
1165 #define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>29)&0x03)
1166 #define SDR0_DDR0_TUNE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x2FF)<<0)
1167 #define SDR0_DDR0_TUNE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x2FF)
1169 #define AHB_TOP 0xA4
1170 #define AHB_BOT 0xA5
1171 #define SDR0_AHB_CFG 0x370
1172 #define SDR0_USB2HOST_CFG 0x371
1173 #endif /* CONFIG_460EX || CONFIG_460GT */
1175 #define SDR0_SDCS_SDD (0x80000000 >> 31)
1177 #if defined(CONFIG_440GP)
1178 #define CPC0_STRP1_PAE_MASK (0x80000000 >> 11)
1179 #define CPC0_STRP1_PISE_MASK (0x80000000 >> 13)
1180 #endif /* defined(CONFIG_440GP) */
1181 #if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
1182 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_MASK (0x80000000 >> 13)
1183 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PISE_MASK (0x80000000 >> 15)
1184 #endif /* defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) */
1185 #if defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || \
1186 defined(CONFIG_440EPX) || defined(CONFIG_440GRX)
1187 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_MASK (0x80000000 >> 21)
1188 #define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAME_MASK (0x80000000 >> 27)
1189 #endif /* defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) */
1191 #define SDR0_UARTX_UXICS_MASK 0xF0000000
1192 #define SDR0_UARTX_UXICS_PLB 0x20000000
1193 #define SDR0_UARTX_UXEC_MASK 0x00800000
1194 #define SDR0_UARTX_UXEC_INT 0x00000000
1195 #define SDR0_UARTX_UXEC_EXT 0x00800000
1196 #define SDR0_UARTX_UXDTE_MASK 0x00400000
1197 #define SDR0_UARTX_UXDTE_DISABLE 0x00000000
1198 #define SDR0_UARTX_UXDTE_ENABLE 0x00400000
1199 #define SDR0_UARTX_UXDRE_MASK 0x00200000
1200 #define SDR0_UARTX_UXDRE_DISABLE 0x00000000
1201 #define SDR0_UARTX_UXDRE_ENABLE 0x00200000
1202 #define SDR0_UARTX_UXDC_MASK 0x00100000
1203 #define SDR0_UARTX_UXDC_NOTCLEARED 0x00000000
1204 #define SDR0_UARTX_UXDC_CLEARED 0x00100000
1205 #define SDR0_UARTX_UXDIV_MASK 0x000000FF
1206 #define SDR0_UARTX_UXDIV_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFF)<<0)
1207 #define SDR0_UARTX_UXDIV_DECODE(n) ((((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)-1)&0xFF)+1)
1209 #define SDR0_CPU440_EARV_MASK 0x30000000
1210 #define SDR0_CPU440_EARV_EBC 0x10000000
1211 #define SDR0_CPU440_EARV_PCI 0x20000000
1212 #define SDR0_CPU440_EARV_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<28)
1213 #define SDR0_CPU440_EARV_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>28)&0x03)
1214 #define SDR0_CPU440_NTO1_MASK 0x00000002
1215 #define SDR0_CPU440_NTO1_NTOP 0x00000000
1216 #define SDR0_CPU440_NTO1_NTO1 0x00000002
1217 #define SDR0_CPU440_NTO1_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<1)
1218 #define SDR0_CPU440_NTO1_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>1)&0x01)
1220 #define SDR0_XCR_PAE_MASK 0x80000000
1221 #define SDR0_XCR_PAE_DISABLE 0x00000000
1222 #define SDR0_XCR_PAE_ENABLE 0x80000000
1223 #define SDR0_XCR_PAE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<31)
1224 #define SDR0_XCR_PAE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>31)&0x01)
1225 #define SDR0_XCR_PHCE_MASK 0x40000000
1226 #define SDR0_XCR_PHCE_DISABLE 0x00000000
1227 #define SDR0_XCR_PHCE_ENABLE 0x40000000
1228 #define SDR0_XCR_PHCE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<30)
1229 #define SDR0_XCR_PHCE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>30)&0x01)
1230 #define SDR0_XCR_PISE_MASK 0x20000000
1231 #define SDR0_XCR_PISE_DISABLE 0x00000000
1232 #define SDR0_XCR_PISE_ENABLE 0x20000000
1233 #define SDR0_XCR_PISE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<29)
1234 #define SDR0_XCR_PISE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>29)&0x01)
1235 #define SDR0_XCR_PCWE_MASK 0x10000000
1236 #define SDR0_XCR_PCWE_DISABLE 0x00000000
1237 #define SDR0_XCR_PCWE_ENABLE 0x10000000
1238 #define SDR0_XCR_PCWE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<28)
1239 #define SDR0_XCR_PCWE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>28)&0x01)
1240 #define SDR0_XCR_PPIM_MASK 0x0F000000
1241 #define SDR0_XCR_PPIM_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<24)
1242 #define SDR0_XCR_PPIM_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x0F)
1243 #define SDR0_XCR_PR64E_MASK 0x00800000
1244 #define SDR0_XCR_PR64E_DISABLE 0x00000000
1245 #define SDR0_XCR_PR64E_ENABLE 0x00800000
1246 #define SDR0_XCR_PR64E_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<23)
1247 #define SDR0_XCR_PR64E_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>23)&0x01)
1248 #define SDR0_XCR_PXFS_MASK 0x00600000
1249 #define SDR0_XCR_PXFS_HIGH 0x00000000
1250 #define SDR0_XCR_PXFS_MED 0x00200000
1251 #define SDR0_XCR_PXFS_LOW 0x00400000
1252 #define SDR0_XCR_PXFS_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<21)
1253 #define SDR0_XCR_PXFS_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>21)&0x03)
1254 #define SDR0_XCR_PDM_MASK 0x00000040
1255 #define SDR0_XCR_PDM_MULTIPOINT 0x00000000
1256 #define SDR0_XCR_PDM_P2P 0x00000040
1257 #define SDR0_XCR_PDM_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<19)
1258 #define SDR0_XCR_PDM_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>19)&0x01)
1260 #define SDR0_PFC0_UART1_DSR_CTS_EN_MASK 0x00030000
1261 #define SDR0_PFC0_GEIE_MASK 0x00003E00
1262 #define SDR0_PFC0_GEIE_TRE 0x00003E00
1263 #define SDR0_PFC0_GEIE_NOTRE 0x00000000
1264 #define SDR0_PFC0_TRE_MASK 0x00000100
1265 #define SDR0_PFC0_TRE_DISABLE 0x00000000
1266 #define SDR0_PFC0_TRE_ENABLE 0x00000100
1267 #define SDR0_PFC0_TRE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<8)
1268 #define SDR0_PFC0_TRE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x01)
1270 #define SDR0_PFC1_UART1_DSR_CTS_MASK 0x02000000
1271 #define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_MASK 0x01C00000
1272 #define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_GROUP0 0x00000000
1273 #define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_GROUP1 0x00400000
1274 #define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_GROUP2 0x00800000
1275 #define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_GROUP3 0x00C00000
1276 #define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_GROUP4 0x01000000
1277 #define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_GROUP5 0x01400000
1278 #define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_GROUP6 0x01800000
1279 #define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_GROUP7 0x01C00000
1280 #define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<22)
1281 #define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>22)&0x07)
1282 #define SDR0_PFC1_RMII_MASK 0x00200000
1283 #define SDR0_PFC1_RMII_100MBIT 0x00000000
1284 #define SDR0_PFC1_RMII_10MBIT 0x00200000
1285 #define SDR0_PFC1_RMII_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<21)
1286 #define SDR0_PFC1_RMII_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>21)&0x01)
1287 #define SDR0_PFC1_CTEMS_MASK 0x00100000
1288 #define SDR0_PFC1_CTEMS_EMS 0x00000000
1289 #define SDR0_PFC1_CTEMS_CPUTRACE 0x00100000
1291 #define SDR0_MFR_TAH0_MASK 0x80000000
1292 #define SDR0_MFR_TAH0_ENABLE 0x00000000
1293 #define SDR0_MFR_TAH0_DISABLE 0x80000000
1294 #define SDR0_MFR_TAH1_MASK 0x40000000
1295 #define SDR0_MFR_TAH1_ENABLE 0x00000000
1296 #define SDR0_MFR_TAH1_DISABLE 0x40000000
1297 #define SDR0_MFR_PCM_MASK 0x20000000
1298 #define SDR0_MFR_PCM_PPC440GX 0x00000000
1299 #define SDR0_MFR_PCM_PPC440GP 0x20000000
1300 #define SDR0_MFR_ECS_MASK 0x10000000
1301 #define SDR0_MFR_ECS_INTERNAL 0x10000000
1303 #define SDR0_MFR_ETH0_CLK_SEL 0x08000000 /* Ethernet0 Clock Select */
1304 #define SDR0_MFR_ETH1_CLK_SEL 0x04000000 /* Ethernet1 Clock Select */
1305 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_MASK 0x03000000 /* ZMII Mode Mask */
1306 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_MII 0x00000000 /* ZMII Mode MII */
1307 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_SMII 0x01000000 /* ZMII Mode SMII */
1308 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_RMII_10M 0x02000000 /* ZMII Mode RMII - 10 Mbs */
1309 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_RMII_100M 0x03000000 /* ZMII Mode RMII - 100 Mbs */
1310 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_BIT0 0x02000000 /* ZMII Mode Bit0 */
1311 #define SDR0_MFR_ZMII_MODE_BIT1 0x01000000 /* ZMII Mode Bit1 */
1312 #define SDR0_MFR_ERRATA3_EN0 0x00800000
1313 #define SDR0_MFR_ERRATA3_EN1 0x00400000
1314 #if defined(CONFIG_440GX) /* test-only: only 440GX or 440SPE??? */
1315 #define SDR0_MFR_PKT_REJ_MASK 0x00300000 /* Pkt Rej. Enable Mask */
1316 #define SDR0_MFR_PKT_REJ_EN 0x00300000 /* Pkt Rej. Enable on both EMAC3 0-1 */
1317 #define SDR0_MFR_PKT_REJ_EN0 0x00200000 /* Pkt Rej. Enable on EMAC3(0) */
1318 #define SDR0_MFR_PKT_REJ_EN1 0x00100000 /* Pkt Rej. Enable on EMAC3(1) */
1319 #define SDR0_MFR_PKT_REJ_POL 0x00080000 /* Packet Reject Polarity */
1322 #if defined(CONFIG_440EPX) || defined(CONFIG_440GRX)
1323 #define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<22)
1324 #define SDR0_PFC1_EPS_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>22)&0x07)
1325 #define SDR0_PFC2_EPS_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<29)
1326 #define SDR0_PFC2_EPS_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>29)&0x07)
1329 #define SDR0_MFR_ECS_MASK 0x10000000
1330 #define SDR0_MFR_ECS_INTERNAL 0x10000000
1332 #if defined(CONFIG_440EPX) || defined(CONFIG_440GRX)
1333 #define SDR0_SRST0 0x200
1334 #define SDR0_SRST0_BGO 0x80000000 /* PLB to OPB bridge */
1335 #define SDR0_SRST0_PLB4 0x40000000 /* PLB4 arbiter */
1336 #define SDR0_SRST0_EBC 0x20000000 /* External bus controller */
1337 #define SDR0_SRST0_OPB 0x10000000 /* OPB arbiter */
1338 #define SDR0_SRST0_UART0 0x08000000 /* Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter 0 */
1339 #define SDR0_SRST0_UART1 0x04000000 /* Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter 1 */
1340 #define SDR0_SRST0_IIC0 0x02000000 /* Inter integrated circuit 0 */
1341 #define SDR0_SRST0_USB2H 0x01000000 /* USB2.0 Host */
1342 #define SDR0_SRST0_GPIO 0x00800000 /* General purpose I/O */
1343 #define SDR0_SRST0_GPT 0x00400000 /* General purpose timer */
1344 #define SDR0_SRST0_DMC 0x00200000 /* DDR SDRAM memory controller */
1345 #define SDR0_SRST0_PCI 0x00100000 /* PCI */
1346 #define SDR0_SRST0_EMAC0 0x00080000 /* Ethernet media access controller 0 */
1347 #define SDR0_SRST0_EMAC1 0x00040000 /* Ethernet media access controller 1 */
1348 #define SDR0_SRST0_CPM0 0x00020000 /* Clock and power management */
1349 #define SDR0_SRST0_ZMII 0x00010000 /* ZMII bridge */
1350 #define SDR0_SRST0_UIC0 0x00008000 /* Universal interrupt controller 0 */
1351 #define SDR0_SRST0_UIC1 0x00004000 /* Universal interrupt controller 1 */
1352 #define SDR0_SRST0_IIC1 0x00002000 /* Inter integrated circuit 1 */
1353 #define SDR0_SRST0_SCP 0x00001000 /* Serial communications port */
1354 #define SDR0_SRST0_BGI 0x00000800 /* OPB to PLB bridge */
1355 #define SDR0_SRST0_DMA 0x00000400 /* Direct memory access controller */
1356 #define SDR0_SRST0_DMAC 0x00000200 /* DMA channel */
1357 #define SDR0_SRST0_MAL 0x00000100 /* Media access layer */
1358 #define SDR0_SRST0_USB2D 0x00000080 /* USB2.0 device */
1359 #define SDR0_SRST0_GPTR 0x00000040 /* General purpose timer */
1360 #define SDR0_SRST0_P4P3 0x00000010 /* PLB4 to PLB3 bridge */
1361 #define SDR0_SRST0_P3P4 0x00000008 /* PLB3 to PLB4 bridge */
1362 #define SDR0_SRST0_PLB3 0x00000004 /* PLB3 arbiter */
1363 #define SDR0_SRST0_UART2 0x00000002 /* Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter 2 */
1364 #define SDR0_SRST0_UART3 0x00000001 /* Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter 3 */
1366 #define SDR0_SRST1 0x201
1367 #define SDR0_SRST1_NDFC 0x80000000 /* Nand flash controller */
1368 #define SDR0_SRST1_OPBA1 0x40000000 /* OPB Arbiter attached to PLB4 */
1369 #define SDR0_SRST1_P4OPB0 0x20000000 /* PLB4 to OPB Bridge0 */
1370 #define SDR0_SRST1_PLB42OPB0 SDR0_SRST1_P4OPB0
1371 #define SDR0_SRST1_DMA4 0x10000000 /* DMA to PLB4 */
1372 #define SDR0_SRST1_DMA4CH 0x08000000 /* DMA Channel to PLB4 */
1373 #define SDR0_SRST1_OPBA2 0x04000000 /* OPB Arbiter attached to PLB4 USB 2.0 Host */
1374 #define SDR0_SRST1_OPB2PLB40 0x02000000 /* OPB to PLB4 Bridge attached to USB 2.0 Host */
1375 #define SDR0_SRST1_PLB42OPB1 0x01000000 /* PLB4 to OPB Bridge attached to USB 2.0 Host */
1376 #define SDR0_SRST1_CPM1 0x00800000 /* Clock and Power management 1 */
1377 #define SDR0_SRST1_UIC2 0x00400000 /* Universal Interrupt Controller 2 */
1378 #define SDR0_SRST1_CRYP0 0x00200000 /* Security Engine */
1379 #define SDR0_SRST1_USB20PHY 0x00100000 /* USB 2.0 Phy */
1380 #define SDR0_SRST1_USB2HUTMI 0x00080000 /* USB 2.0 Host UTMI Interface */
1381 #define SDR0_SRST1_USB2HPHY 0x00040000 /* USB 2.0 Host Phy Interface */
1382 #define SDR0_SRST1_SRAM0 0x00020000 /* Internal SRAM Controller */
1383 #define SDR0_SRST1_RGMII0 0x00010000 /* RGMII Bridge */
1384 #define SDR0_SRST1_ETHPLL 0x00008000 /* Ethernet PLL */
1385 #define SDR0_SRST1_FPU 0x00004000 /* Floating Point Unit */
1386 #define SDR0_SRST1_KASU0 0x00002000 /* Kasumi Engine */
1388 #elif defined(CONFIG_460EX) || defined(CONFIG_460GT)
1390 #define SDR0_SRST0 SDR0_SRST /* for compatability reasons */
1391 #define SDR0_SRST0_BGO 0x80000000 /* PLB to OPB bridge */
1392 #define SDR0_SRST0_PLB4 0x40000000 /* PLB4 arbiter */
1393 #define SDR0_SRST0_EBC 0x20000000 /* External bus controller */
1394 #define SDR0_SRST0_OPB 0x10000000 /* OPB arbiter */
1395 #define SDR0_SRST0_UART0 0x08000000 /* Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter 0 */
1396 #define SDR0_SRST0_UART1 0x04000000 /* Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter 1 */
1397 #define SDR0_SRST0_IIC0 0x02000000 /* Inter integrated circuit 0 */
1398 #define SDR0_SRST0_IIC1 0x01000000 /* Inter integrated circuit 1 */
1399 #define SDR0_SRST0_GPIO0 0x00800000 /* General purpose I/O 0 */
1400 #define SDR0_SRST0_GPT 0x00400000 /* General purpose timer */
1401 #define SDR0_SRST0_DMC 0x00200000 /* DDR SDRAM memory controller */
1402 #define SDR0_SRST0_PCI 0x00100000 /* PCI */
1403 #define SDR0_SRST0_CPM0 0x00020000 /* Clock and power management */
1404 #define SDR0_SRST0_IMU 0x00010000 /* I2O DMA */
1405 #define SDR0_SRST0_UIC0 0x00008000 /* Universal interrupt controller 0*/
1406 #define SDR0_SRST0_UIC1 0x00004000 /* Universal interrupt controller 1*/
1407 #define SDR0_SRST0_SRAM 0x00002000 /* Universal interrupt controller 0*/
1408 #define SDR0_SRST0_UIC2 0x00001000 /* Universal interrupt controller 2*/
1409 #define SDR0_SRST0_UIC3 0x00000800 /* Universal interrupt controller 3*/
1410 #define SDR0_SRST0_OCM 0x00000400 /* Universal interrupt controller 0*/
1411 #define SDR0_SRST0_UART2 0x00000200 /* Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter 2 */
1412 #define SDR0_SRST0_MAL 0x00000100 /* Media access layer */
1413 #define SDR0_SRST0_GPTR 0x00000040 /* General purpose timer */
1414 #define SDR0_SRST0_L2CACHE 0x00000004 /* L2 Cache */
1415 #define SDR0_SRST0_UART3 0x00000002 /* Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter 3 */
1416 #define SDR0_SRST0_GPIO1 0x00000001 /* General purpose I/O 1 */
1418 #define SDR0_SRST1 0x201
1419 #define SDR0_SRST1_RLL 0x80000000 /* SRIO RLL */
1420 #define SDR0_SRST1_SCP 0x40000000 /* Serial communications port */
1421 #define SDR0_SRST1_PLBARB 0x20000000 /* PLB Arbiter */
1422 #define SDR0_SRST1_EIPPKP 0x10000000 /* EIPPPKP */
1423 #define SDR0_SRST1_EIP94 0x08000000 /* EIP 94 */
1424 #define SDR0_SRST1_EMAC0 0x04000000 /* Ethernet media access controller 0 */
1425 #define SDR0_SRST1_EMAC1 0x02000000 /* Ethernet media access controller 1 */
1426 #define SDR0_SRST1_EMAC2 0x01000000 /* Ethernet media access controller 2 */
1427 #define SDR0_SRST1_EMAC3 0x00800000 /* Ethernet media access controller 3 */
1428 #define SDR0_SRST1_ZMII 0x00400000 /* Ethernet ZMII/RMII/SMII */
1429 #define SDR0_SRST1_RGMII0 0x00200000 /* Ethernet RGMII/RTBI 0 */
1430 #define SDR0_SRST1_RGMII1 0x00100000 /* Ethernet RGMII/RTBI 1 */
1431 #define SDR0_SRST1_DMA4 0x00080000 /* DMA to PLB4 */
1432 #define SDR0_SRST1_DMA4CH 0x00040000 /* DMA Channel to PLB4 */
1433 #define SDR0_SRST1_SATAPHY 0x00020000 /* Serial ATA PHY */
1434 #define SDR0_SRST1_SRIODEV 0x00010000 /* Serial Rapid IO core, PCS, and serdes */
1435 #define SDR0_SRST1_SRIOPCS 0x00008000 /* Serial Rapid IO core and PCS */
1436 #define SDR0_SRST1_NDFC 0x00004000 /* Nand flash controller */
1437 #define SDR0_SRST1_SRIOPLB 0x00002000 /* Serial Rapid IO PLB */
1438 #define SDR0_SRST1_ETHPLL 0x00001000 /* Ethernet PLL */
1439 #define SDR0_SRST1_TAHOE1 0x00000800 /* Ethernet Tahoe 1 */
1440 #define SDR0_SRST1_TAHOE0 0x00000400 /* Ethernet Tahoe 0 */
1441 #define SDR0_SRST1_SGMII0 0x00000200 /* Ethernet SGMII 0 */
1442 #define SDR0_SRST1_SGMII1 0x00000100 /* Ethernet SGMII 1 */
1443 #define SDR0_SRST1_SGMII2 0x00000080 /* Ethernet SGMII 2 */
1444 #define SDR0_SRST1_AHB 0x00000040 /* PLB4XAHB bridge */
1445 #define SDR0_SRST1_USBOTGPHY 0x00000020 /* USB 2.0 OTG PHY */
1446 #define SDR0_SRST1_USBOTG 0x00000010 /* USB 2.0 OTG controller */
1447 #define SDR0_SRST1_USBHOST 0x00000008 /* USB 2.0 Host controller */
1448 #define SDR0_SRST1_AHBDMAC 0x00000004 /* AHB DMA controller */
1449 #define SDR0_SRST1_AHBICM 0x00000002 /* AHB inter-connect matrix */
1450 #define SDR0_SRST1_SATA 0x00000001 /* Serial ATA controller */
1454 #define SDR0_SRST_BGO 0x80000000
1455 #define SDR0_SRST_PLB 0x40000000
1456 #define SDR0_SRST_EBC 0x20000000
1457 #define SDR0_SRST_OPB 0x10000000
1458 #define SDR0_SRST_UART0 0x08000000
1459 #define SDR0_SRST_UART1 0x04000000
1460 #define SDR0_SRST_IIC0 0x02000000
1461 #define SDR0_SRST_IIC1 0x01000000
1462 #define SDR0_SRST_GPIO 0x00800000
1463 #define SDR0_SRST_GPT 0x00400000
1464 #define SDR0_SRST_DMC 0x00200000
1465 #define SDR0_SRST_PCI 0x00100000
1466 #define SDR0_SRST_EMAC0 0x00080000
1467 #define SDR0_SRST_EMAC1 0x00040000
1468 #define SDR0_SRST_CPM 0x00020000
1469 #define SDR0_SRST_IMU 0x00010000
1470 #define SDR0_SRST_UIC01 0x00008000
1471 #define SDR0_SRST_UICB2 0x00004000
1472 #define SDR0_SRST_SRAM 0x00002000
1473 #define SDR0_SRST_EBM 0x00001000
1474 #define SDR0_SRST_BGI 0x00000800
1475 #define SDR0_SRST_DMA 0x00000400
1476 #define SDR0_SRST_DMAC 0x00000200
1477 #define SDR0_SRST_MAL 0x00000100
1478 #define SDR0_SRST_ZMII 0x00000080
1479 #define SDR0_SRST_GPTR 0x00000040
1480 #define SDR0_SRST_PPM 0x00000020
1481 #define SDR0_SRST_EMAC2 0x00000010
1482 #define SDR0_SRST_EMAC3 0x00000008
1483 #define SDR0_SRST_RGMII 0x00000001
1487 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1489 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1490 #if defined(CONFIG_460EX) || defined(CONFIG_460GT) || \
1491 defined(CONFIG_460SX)
1492 #define PLLSYS0_FWD_DIV_A_MASK 0x000000f0 /* Fwd Div A */
1493 #define PLLSYS0_FWD_DIV_B_MASK 0x0000000f /* Fwd Div B */
1494 #define PLLSYS0_FB_DIV_MASK 0x0000ff00 /* Feedback divisor */
1495 #define PLLSYS0_OPB_DIV_MASK 0x0c000000 /* OPB Divisor */
1496 #define PLLSYS0_PLBEDV0_DIV_MASK 0xe0000000 /* PLB Early Clock Divisor */
1497 #define PLLSYS0_PERCLK_DIV_MASK 0x03000000 /* Peripheral Clk Divisor */
1498 #define PLLSYS0_SEL_MASK 0x18000000 /* 0 = PLL, 1 = PerClk */
1499 #elif !defined (CONFIG_440GX) && \
1500 !defined(CONFIG_440EP) && !defined(CONFIG_440GR) && \
1501 !defined(CONFIG_440EPX) && !defined(CONFIG_440GRX) && \
1502 !defined(CONFIG_440SP) && !defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
1503 #define PLLSYS0_TUNE_MASK 0xffc00000 /* PLL TUNE bits */
1504 #define PLLSYS0_FB_DIV_MASK 0x003c0000 /* Feedback divisor */
1505 #define PLLSYS0_FWD_DIV_A_MASK 0x00038000 /* Forward divisor A */
1506 #define PLLSYS0_FWD_DIV_B_MASK 0x00007000 /* Forward divisor B */
1507 #define PLLSYS0_OPB_DIV_MASK 0x00000c00 /* OPB divisor */
1508 #define PLLSYS0_EPB_DIV_MASK 0x00000300 /* EPB divisor */
1509 #define PLLSYS0_EXTSL_MASK 0x00000080 /* PerClk feedback path */
1510 #define PLLSYS0_RW_MASK 0x00000060 /* ROM width */
1511 #define PLLSYS0_RL_MASK 0x00000010 /* ROM location */
1512 #define PLLSYS0_ZMII_SEL_MASK 0x0000000c /* ZMII selection */
1513 #define PLLSYS0_BYPASS_MASK 0x00000002 /* Bypass PLL */
1514 #define PLLSYS0_NTO1_MASK 0x00000001 /* CPU:PLB N-to-1 ratio */
1516 #define PLL_VCO_FREQ_MIN 500 /* Min VCO freq (MHz) */
1517 #define PLL_VCO_FREQ_MAX 1000 /* Max VCO freq (MHz) */
1518 #define PLL_CPU_FREQ_MAX 400 /* Max CPU freq (MHz) */
1519 #define PLL_PLB_FREQ_MAX 133 /* Max PLB freq (MHz) */
1520 #else /* !CONFIG_440GX or CONFIG_440EP or CONFIG_440GR */
1521 #define PLLSYS0_ENG_MASK 0x80000000 /* 0 = SysClk, 1 = PLL VCO */
1522 #define PLLSYS0_SRC_MASK 0x40000000 /* 0 = PLL A, 1 = PLL B */
1523 #define PLLSYS0_SEL_MASK 0x38000000 /* 0 = PLL, 1 = CPU, 5 = PerClk */
1524 #define PLLSYS0_TUNE_MASK 0x07fe0000 /* PLL Tune bits */
1525 #define PLLSYS0_FB_DIV_MASK 0x0001f000 /* Feedback divisor */
1526 #define PLLSYS0_FWD_DIV_A_MASK 0x00000f00 /* Fwd Div A */
1527 #define PLLSYS0_FWD_DIV_B_MASK 0x000000e0 /* Fwd Div B */
1528 #define PLLSYS0_PRI_DIV_B_MASK 0x0000001c /* PLL Primary Divisor B */
1529 #define PLLSYS0_OPB_DIV_MASK 0x00000003 /* OPB Divisor */
1531 #define PLLC_ENG_MASK 0x20000000 /* PLL primary forward divisor source */
1532 #define PLLC_SRC_MASK 0x20000000 /* PLL feedback source */
1533 #define PLLD_FBDV_MASK 0x1f000000 /* PLL Feedback Divisor */
1534 #define PLLD_FWDVA_MASK 0x000f0000 /* PLL Forward Divisor A */
1535 #define PLLD_FWDVB_MASK 0x00000700 /* PLL Forward Divisor B */
1536 #define PLLD_LFBDV_MASK 0x0000003f /* PLL Local Feedback Divisor */
1538 #define OPBDDV_MASK 0x03000000 /* OPB Clock Divisor Register */
1539 #define PERDV_MASK 0x07000000 /* Periferal Clock Divisor */
1540 #define PRADV_MASK 0x07000000 /* Primary Divisor A */
1541 #define PRBDV_MASK 0x07000000 /* Primary Divisor B */
1542 #define SPCID_MASK 0x03000000 /* Sync PCI Divisor */
1544 #define PLL_VCO_FREQ_MIN 500 /* Min VCO freq (MHz) */
1545 #define PLL_VCO_FREQ_MAX 1000 /* Max VCO freq (MHz) */
1546 #define PLL_CPU_FREQ_MAX 400 /* Max CPU freq (MHz) */
1547 #define PLL_PLB_FREQ_MAX 133 /* Max PLB freq (MHz) */
1549 /* Strap 1 Register */
1550 #define PLLSYS1_LF_DIV_MASK 0xfc000000 /* PLL Local Feedback Divisor */
1551 #define PLLSYS1_PERCLK_DIV_MASK 0x03000000 /* Peripheral Clk Divisor */
1552 #define PLLSYS1_MAL_DIV_MASK 0x00c00000 /* MAL Clk Divisor */
1553 #define PLLSYS1_RW_MASK 0x00300000 /* ROM width */
1554 #define PLLSYS1_EAR_MASK 0x00080000 /* ERAP Addres reset vector */
1555 #define PLLSYS1_PAE_MASK 0x00040000 /* PCI arbitor enable */
1556 #define PLLSYS1_PCHE_MASK 0x00020000 /* PCI host config enable */
1557 #define PLLSYS1_PISE_MASK 0x00010000 /* PCI init seq. enable */
1558 #define PLLSYS1_PCWE_MASK 0x00008000 /* PCI local cpu wait enable */
1559 #define PLLSYS1_PPIM_MASK 0x00007800 /* PCI inbound map */
1560 #define PLLSYS1_PR64E_MASK 0x00000400 /* PCI init Req64 enable */
1561 #define PLLSYS1_PXFS_MASK 0x00000300 /* PCI-X Freq Sel */
1562 #define PLLSYS1_RSVD_MASK 0x00000080 /* RSVD */
1563 #define PLLSYS1_PDM_MASK 0x00000040 /* PCI-X Driver Mode */
1564 #define PLLSYS1_EPS_MASK 0x00000038 /* Ethernet Pin Select */
1565 #define PLLSYS1_RMII_MASK 0x00000004 /* RMII Mode */
1566 #define PLLSYS1_TRE_MASK 0x00000002 /* GPIO Trace Enable */
1567 #define PLLSYS1_NTO1_MASK 0x00000001 /* CPU:PLB N-to-1 ratio */
1568 #endif /* CONFIG_440GX */
1570 #if defined (CONFIG_440EPX) || defined (CONFIG_440GRX)
1571 #define CPR0_ICFG_RLI_MASK 0x80000000
1572 #define CPR0_SPCID_SPCIDV0_MASK 0x03000000
1573 #define CPR0_PERD_PERDV0_MASK 0x07000000
1576 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1577 | IIC Register Offsets
1578 '----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1579 #define IICMDBUF 0x00
1580 #define IICSDBUF 0x02
1581 #define IICLMADR 0x04
1582 #define IICHMADR 0x05
1583 #define IICCNTL 0x06
1584 #define IICMDCNTL 0x07
1586 #define IICEXTSTS 0x09
1587 #define IICLSADR 0x0A
1588 #define IICHSADR 0x0B
1589 #define IICCLKDIV 0x0C
1590 #define IICINTRMSK 0x0D
1591 #define IICXFRCNT 0x0E
1592 #define IICXTCNTLSS 0x0F
1593 #define IICDIRECTCNTL 0x10
1595 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1596 | PCI Internal Registers et. al. (accessed via plb)
1597 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1598 #define PCIX0_CFGADR (CONFIG_SYS_PCI_BASE + 0x0ec00000)
1599 #define PCIX0_CFGDATA (CONFIG_SYS_PCI_BASE + 0x0ec00004)
1600 #define PCIX0_CFGBASE (CONFIG_SYS_PCI_BASE + 0x0ec80000)
1601 #define PCIX0_IOBASE (CONFIG_SYS_PCI_BASE + 0x08000000)
1603 #if defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || \
1604 defined(CONFIG_440EPX) || defined(CONFIG_440GRX)
1606 /* PCI Local Configuration Registers
1607 --------------------------------- */
1608 #define PCI_MMIO_LCR_BASE (CONFIG_SYS_PCI_BASE + 0x0f400000) /* Real => 0x0EF400000 */
1610 /* PCI Master Local Configuration Registers */
1611 #define PCIX0_PMM0LA (PCI_MMIO_LCR_BASE + 0x00) /* PMM0 Local Address */
1612 #define PCIX0_PMM0MA (PCI_MMIO_LCR_BASE + 0x04) /* PMM0 Mask/Attribute */
1613 #define PCIX0_PMM0PCILA (PCI_MMIO_LCR_BASE + 0x08) /* PMM0 PCI Low Address */
1614 #define PCIX0_PMM0PCIHA (PCI_MMIO_LCR_BASE + 0x0C) /* PMM0 PCI High Address */
1615 #define PCIX0_PMM1LA (PCI_MMIO_LCR_BASE + 0x10) /* PMM1 Local Address */
1616 #define PCIX0_PMM1MA (PCI_MMIO_LCR_BASE + 0x14) /* PMM1 Mask/Attribute */
1617 #define PCIX0_PMM1PCILA (PCI_MMIO_LCR_BASE + 0x18) /* PMM1 PCI Low Address */
1618 #define PCIX0_PMM1PCIHA (PCI_MMIO_LCR_BASE + 0x1C) /* PMM1 PCI High Address */
1619 #define PCIX0_PMM2LA (PCI_MMIO_LCR_BASE + 0x20) /* PMM2 Local Address */
1620 #define PCIX0_PMM2MA (PCI_MMIO_LCR_BASE + 0x24) /* PMM2 Mask/Attribute */
1621 #define PCIX0_PMM2PCILA (PCI_MMIO_LCR_BASE + 0x28) /* PMM2 PCI Low Address */
1622 #define PCIX0_PMM2PCIHA (PCI_MMIO_LCR_BASE + 0x2C) /* PMM2 PCI High Address */
1624 /* PCI Target Local Configuration Registers */
1625 #define PCIX0_PTM1MS (PCI_MMIO_LCR_BASE + 0x30) /* PTM1 Memory Size/Attribute */
1626 #define PCIX0_PTM1LA (PCI_MMIO_LCR_BASE + 0x34) /* PTM1 Local Addr. Reg */
1627 #define PCIX0_PTM2MS (PCI_MMIO_LCR_BASE + 0x38) /* PTM2 Memory Size/Attribute */
1628 #define PCIX0_PTM2LA (PCI_MMIO_LCR_BASE + 0x3C) /* PTM2 Local Addr. Reg */
1653 #define PCIX0_RES0 (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0035 )
1654 #define PCIX0_RES1 (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0036 )
1655 #define PCIX0_RES2 (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0038 )
1661 #define PCIX0_BRDGOPT1 (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0040)
1662 #define PCIX0_BRDGOPT2 (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0044)
1664 #define PCIX0_POM0LAL (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0068)
1665 #define PCIX0_POM0LAH (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x006c)
1666 #define PCIX0_POM0SA (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0070)
1667 #define PCIX0_POM0PCIAL (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0074)
1668 #define PCIX0_POM0PCIAH (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0078)
1669 #define PCIX0_POM1LAL (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x007c)
1670 #define PCIX0_POM1LAH (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0080)
1671 #define PCIX0_POM1SA (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0084)
1672 #define PCIX0_POM1PCIAL (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0088)
1673 #define PCIX0_POM1PCIAH (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x008c)
1674 #define PCIX0_POM2SA (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0090)
1676 #define PCIX0_PIM0SA (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x0098)
1677 #define PCIX0_PIM0LAL (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x009c)
1678 #define PCIX0_PIM0LAH (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x00a0)
1679 #define PCIX0_PIM1SA (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x00a4)
1680 #define PCIX0_PIM1LAL (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x00a8)
1681 #define PCIX0_PIM1LAH (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x00ac)
1682 #define PCIX0_PIM2SA (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x00b0)
1683 #define PCIX0_PIM2LAL (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x00b4)
1684 #define PCIX0_PIM2LAH (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x00b8)
1686 #define PCIX0_STS (PCIX0_CFGBASE + 0x00e0)
1688 #endif /* !defined(CONFIG_440EP) !defined(CONFIG_440GR) */
1690 #if defined(CONFIG_440EPX) || defined(CONFIG_440GRX)
1695 #define USB2D0_INTRIN (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000)
1697 #define USB2D0_INTRIN (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Interrupt register for Endpoint 0 plus IN Endpoints 1 to 3 */
1698 #define USB2D0_POWER (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Power management register */
1699 #define USB2D0_FADDR (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Function address register */
1700 #define USB2D0_INTRINE (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Interrupt enable register for USB2D0_INTRIN */
1701 #define USB2D0_INTROUT (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Interrupt register for OUT Endpoints 1 to 3 */
1702 #define USB2D0_INTRUSBE (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Interrupt enable register for USB2D0_INTRUSB */
1703 #define USB2D0_INTRUSB (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Interrupt register for common USB interrupts */
1704 #define USB2D0_INTROUTE (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Interrupt enable register for IntrOut */
1705 #define USB2D0_TSTMODE (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Enables the USB 2.0 test modes */
1706 #define USB2D0_INDEX (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Index register for selecting the Endpoint status/control registers */
1707 #define USB2D0_FRAME (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Frame number */
1708 #define USB2D0_INCSR0 (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Control Status register for Endpoint 0. (Index register set to select Endpoint 0) */
1709 #define USB2D0_INCSR (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Control Status register for IN Endpoint. (Index register set to select Endpoints 13) */
1710 #define USB2D0_INMAXP (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Maximum packet size for IN Endpoint. (Index register set to select Endpoints 13) */
1711 #define USB2D0_OUTCSR (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Control Status register for OUT Endpoint. (Index register set to select Endpoints 13) */
1712 #define USB2D0_OUTMAXP (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Maximum packet size for OUT Endpoint. (Index register set to select Endpoints 13) */
1713 #define USB2D0_OUTCOUNT0 (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Number of received bytes in Endpoint 0 FIFO. (Index register set to select Endpoint 0) */
1714 #define USB2D0_OUTCOUNT (USB2D0_BASE + 0x00000000) /* Number of bytes in OUT Endpoint FIFO. (Index register set to select Endpoints 13) */
1717 /******************************************************************************
1718 * GPIO macro register defines
1719 ******************************************************************************/
1720 #if defined(CONFIG_440GP) || defined(CONFIG_440GX) || \
1721 defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE) || \
1722 defined(CONFIG_460SX)
1723 #define GPIO0_BASE (CONFIG_SYS_PERIPHERAL_BASE+0x00000700)
1725 #define GPIO0_OR (GPIO0_BASE+0x0)
1726 #define GPIO0_TCR (GPIO0_BASE+0x4)
1727 #define GPIO0_ODR (GPIO0_BASE+0x18)
1728 #define GPIO0_IR (GPIO0_BASE+0x1C)
1729 #endif /* CONFIG_440GP */
1731 #if defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || \
1732 defined(CONFIG_440EPX) || defined(CONFIG_440GRX) || \
1733 defined(CONFIG_460EX) || defined(CONFIG_460GT)
1737 #define GPIO0_OR (GPIO0_BASE+0x0)
1738 #define GPIO0_TCR (GPIO0_BASE+0x4)
1739 #define GPIO0_OSRL (GPIO0_BASE+0x8)
1740 #define GPIO0_OSRH (GPIO0_BASE+0xC)
1741 #define GPIO0_TSRL (GPIO0_BASE+0x10)
1742 #define GPIO0_TSRH (GPIO0_BASE+0x14)
1743 #define GPIO0_ODR (GPIO0_BASE+0x18)
1744 #define GPIO0_IR (GPIO0_BASE+0x1C)
1745 #define GPIO0_RR1 (GPIO0_BASE+0x20)
1746 #define GPIO0_RR2 (GPIO0_BASE+0x24)
1747 #define GPIO0_RR3 (GPIO0_BASE+0x28)
1748 #define GPIO0_ISR1L (GPIO0_BASE+0x30)
1749 #define GPIO0_ISR1H (GPIO0_BASE+0x34)
1750 #define GPIO0_ISR2L (GPIO0_BASE+0x38)
1751 #define GPIO0_ISR2H (GPIO0_BASE+0x3C)
1752 #define GPIO0_ISR3L (GPIO0_BASE+0x40)
1753 #define GPIO0_ISR3H (GPIO0_BASE+0x44)
1755 #define GPIO1_OR (GPIO1_BASE+0x0)
1756 #define GPIO1_TCR (GPIO1_BASE+0x4)
1757 #define GPIO1_OSRL (GPIO1_BASE+0x8)
1758 #define GPIO1_OSRH (GPIO1_BASE+0xC)
1759 #define GPIO1_TSRL (GPIO1_BASE+0x10)
1760 #define GPIO1_TSRH (GPIO1_BASE+0x14)
1761 #define GPIO1_ODR (GPIO1_BASE+0x18)
1762 #define GPIO1_IR (GPIO1_BASE+0x1C)
1763 #define GPIO1_RR1 (GPIO1_BASE+0x20)
1764 #define GPIO1_RR2 (GPIO1_BASE+0x24)
1765 #define GPIO1_RR3 (GPIO1_BASE+0x28)
1766 #define GPIO1_ISR1L (GPIO1_BASE+0x30)
1767 #define GPIO1_ISR1H (GPIO1_BASE+0x34)
1768 #define GPIO1_ISR2L (GPIO1_BASE+0x38)
1769 #define GPIO1_ISR2H (GPIO1_BASE+0x3C)
1770 #define GPIO1_ISR3L (GPIO1_BASE+0x40)
1771 #define GPIO1_ISR3H (GPIO1_BASE+0x44)
1774 #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
1776 #endif /* _ASMLANGUAGE */
1778 #endif /* __PPC440_H__ */