If you find a problem with uClibc, please submit a detailed bug report to
- private email to Erik asking for private help unless you are planning on
- paying for consulting services.
+ (the maintainer of uClibc) asking for private help unless you are planning
+ on paying for consulting services. When we answer questions on the uClibc
+ mailing list, it helps everyone, while private answers help only you...
A well-written bug report should include an example that demonstrates the
problem behaviors and enables anyone else to duplicate the bug on their own
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<p><b>Related Sites</b>
+ <br><a href="http://cxx.uclibc.org/">uClibc++</a>
<br><a href="http://busybox.net/">BusyBox</a>
<br><a href="http://udhcp.busybox.net/">udhcp</a>
<br><a href="http://tinylogin.busybox.net/">tinylogin</a>