A subsequent patch will conditionalize some of the files that are
currently unconditional.
Signed-off-by: Scott Wood <[email protected]>
Cc: Andy Fleming <[email protected]>
COBJS-$(CONFIG_PPC_T4240) += t4240_serdes.o
COBJS-$(CONFIG_PPC_B4860) += b4860_serdes.o
-COBJS += cpu.o
-COBJS += cpu_init.o
-COBJS += cpu_init_early.o
-COBJS += interrupts.o
-COBJS += speed.o
-COBJS += tlb.o
-COBJS += traps.o
+COBJS-y += cpu.o
+COBJS-y += cpu_init.o
+COBJS-y += cpu_init_early.o
+COBJS-y += interrupts.o
+COBJS-y += speed.o
+COBJS-y += tlb.o
+COBJS-y += traps.o
# Stub implementations of cache management functions for USB
-COBJS += cache.o
+COBJS-y += cache.o
SRCS := $(START:.o=.S) $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(COBJS:.o=.c)
OBJS := $(addprefix $(obj),$(SOBJS) $(COBJS))