We don't need a full checkout of Chrome OS to build U-Boot with
Chromium OS verified boot. Update the instructions accordingly and fix a
typo which joins the output directory and defconfig.
Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <[email protected]>
cd u-boot
git checkout cros-master
+ cd ..
+ git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform/vboot_reference
+ cd vboot_reference
+ git checkout 45964294
+ # futility: updater: Correct output version for Snow
To build for sandbox:
UB=/tmp/b/chromeos_sandbox # U-Boot build directory
- CROS=/home/sglass/cosarm # Chromium OS directory
- make O=$UB/chromeos_sandbox_defconfig
- make O=$UB -j20 -s VBOOT_SOURCE=$CROS/src/platform/vboot_reference \
+ cd u-boot
+ make O=$UB chromeos_sandbox_defconfig
+ make O=$UB -j20 -s VBOOT_SOURCE=/path/to/vboot_reference \
Replace sandbox with another supported target.