We left -fdata-sections disabled for x86_64 before because we encountered
random bugs that were at that time inexplicable.
Turns out this really was just side effects of missing .bss* statements
in the linker scripts. With those fixed, we can enable data sections for all
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <[email protected]>
ifeq ($(IS_32BIT),y)
PLATFORM_CPPFLAGS += -march=i386 -m32
-# TODO: These break on x86_64; need to debug further
-PLATFORM_RELFLAGS += -fdata-sections
PLATFORM_CPPFLAGS += $(if $(CONFIG_SPL_BUILD),,-fpic) -fno-common -m64
-PLATFORM_RELFLAGS += -ffunction-sections -fvisibility=hidden
+PLATFORM_RELFLAGS += -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fvisibility=hidden
PLATFORM_LDFLAGS += -Bsymbolic -Bsymbolic-functions
PLATFORM_LDFLAGS += -m $(if $(IS_32BIT),elf_i386,elf_x86_64)