/** A pointer to a function to deterministically generate a nonce.
- * Returns: 1 if a nonce was succesfully generated. 0 will cause signing to fail.
+ * Returns: 1 if a nonce was successfully generated. 0 will cause signing to fail.
* In: msg32: the 32-byte message hash being verified (will not be NULL)
* key32: pointer to a 32-byte secret key (will not be NULL)
* attempt: how many iterations we have tried to find a nonce.
* In/Out: siglen: pointer to an int with the length of sig, which will be updated
* to contain the actual signature length (<=72).
* Requires starting using SECP256K1_START_SIGN.
+ *
+ * The sig always has an s value in the lower half of the range (From 0x1
+ * inclusive), unlike many other implementations.
+ * With ECDSA a third-party can can forge a second distinct signature
+ * of the same message given a single initial signature without knowing
+ * the key by setting s to its additive inverse mod-order, 'flipping' the
+ * sign of the random point R which is not included in the signature.
+ * Since the forgery is of the same message this isn't universally
+ * problematic, but in systems where message malleability or uniqueness
+ * of signatures is important this can cause issues. This forgery can be
+ * blocked by all verifiers forcing signers to use a canonical form. The
+ * lower-S form reduces the size of signatures slightly on average when
+ * variable length encodings (such as DER) are used and is cheap to
+ * verify, making it a good choice. Security of always using lower-S is
+ * assured because anyone can trivially modify a signature after the
+ * fact to enforce this property. Adjusting it inside the signing
+ * function avoids the need to re-serialize or have curve specific
+ * constants outside of the library. By always using a canonical form
+ * even in applications where it isn't needed it becomes possible to
+ * impose a requirement later if a need is discovered.
+ * No other forms of ECDSA malleability are known and none seem likely,
+ * but there is no formal proof that ECDSA, even with this additional
+ * restriction, is free of other malleability. Commonly used serialization
+ * schemes will also accept various non-unique encodings, so care should
+ * be taken when this property is required for an application.
int secp256k1_ecdsa_sign(
const unsigned char *msg32,