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1# The safegcd implementation in libsecp256k1 explained
3This document explains the modular inverse implementation in the `src/modinv*.h` files. It is based
4on the paper
5["Fast constant-time gcd computation and modular inversion"](https://gcd.cr.yp.to/papers.html#safegcd)
6by Daniel J. Bernstein and Bo-Yin Yang. The references below are for the Date: 2019.04.13 version.
8The actual implementation is in C of course, but for demonstration purposes Python3 is used here.
9Most implementation aspects and optimizations are explained, except those that depend on the specific
10number representation used in the C code.
12## 1. Computing the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) using divsteps
14The algorithm from the paper (section 11), at a very high level, is this:
17def gcd(f, g):
18 """Compute the GCD of an odd integer f and another integer g."""
19 assert f & 1 # require f to be odd
20 delta = 1 # additional state variable
21 while g != 0:
22 assert f & 1 # f will be odd in every iteration
23 if delta > 0 and g & 1:
24 delta, f, g = 1 - delta, g, (g - f) // 2
25 elif g & 1:
26 delta, f, g = 1 + delta, f, (g + f) // 2
27 else:
28 delta, f, g = 1 + delta, f, (g ) // 2
29 return abs(f)
32It computes the greatest common divisor of an odd integer *f* and any integer *g*. Its inner loop
33keeps rewriting the variables *f* and *g* alongside a state variable *δ* that starts at *1*, until
34*g=0* is reached. At that point, *|f|* gives the GCD. Each of the transitions in the loop is called a
35"division step" (referred to as divstep in what follows).
37For example, *gcd(21, 14)* would be computed as:
38- Start with *δ=1 f=21 g=14*
39- Take the third branch: *δ=2 f=21 g=7*
40- Take the first branch: *δ=-1 f=7 g=-7*
41- Take the second branch: *δ=0 f=7 g=0*
42- The answer *|f| = 7*.
44Why it works:
45- Divsteps can be decomposed into two steps (see paragraph 8.2 in the paper):
46 - (a) If *g* is odd, replace *(f,g)* with *(g,g-f)* or (f,g+f), resulting in an even *g*.
47 - (b) Replace *(f,g)* with *(f,g/2)* (where *g* is guaranteed to be even).
48- Neither of those two operations change the GCD:
49 - For (a), assume *gcd(f,g)=c*, then it must be the case that *f=a c* and *g=b c* for some integers *a*
50 and *b*. As *(g,g-f)=(b c,(b-a)c)* and *(f,f+g)=(a c,(a+b)c)*, the result clearly still has
51 common factor *c*. Reasoning in the other direction shows that no common factor can be added by
52 doing so either.
53 - For (b), we know that *f* is odd, so *gcd(f,g)* clearly has no factor *2*, and we can remove
54 it from *g*.
55- The algorithm will eventually converge to *g=0*. This is proven in the paper (see theorem G.3).
56- It follows that eventually we find a final value *f'* for which *gcd(f,g) = gcd(f',0)*. As the
57 gcd of *f'* and *0* is *|f'|* by definition, that is our answer.
59Compared to more [traditional GCD algorithms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_algorithm), this one has the property of only ever looking at
60the low-order bits of the variables to decide the next steps, and being easy to make
61constant-time (in more low-level languages than Python). The *δ* parameter is necessary to
62guide the algorithm towards shrinking the numbers' magnitudes without explicitly needing to look
63at high order bits.
65Properties that will become important later:
66- Performing more divsteps than needed is not a problem, as *f* does not change anymore after *g=0*.
67- Only even numbers are divided by *2*. This means that when reasoning about it algebraically we
68 do not need to worry about rounding.
69- At every point during the algorithm's execution the next *N* steps only depend on the bottom *N*
70 bits of *f* and *g*, and on *δ*.
73## 2. From GCDs to modular inverses
75We want an algorithm to compute the inverse *a* of *x* modulo *M*, i.e. the number a such that *a x=1
76mod M*. This inverse only exists if the GCD of *x* and *M* is *1*, but that is always the case if *M* is
77prime and *0 < x < M*. In what follows, assume that the modular inverse exists.
78It turns out this inverse can be computed as a side effect of computing the GCD by keeping track
79of how the internal variables can be written as linear combinations of the inputs at every step
80(see the [extended Euclidean algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Euclidean_algorithm)).
81Since the GCD is *1*, such an algorithm will compute numbers *a* and *b* such that a&thinsp;x + b&thinsp;M = 1*.
82Taking that expression *mod M* gives *a&thinsp;x mod M = 1*, and we see that *a* is the modular inverse of *x
83mod M*.
85A similar approach can be used to calculate modular inverses using the divsteps-based GCD
86algorithm shown above, if the modulus *M* is odd. To do so, compute *gcd(f=M,g=x)*, while keeping
87track of extra variables *d* and *e*, for which at every step *d = f/x (mod M)* and *e = g/x (mod M)*.
88*f/x* here means the number which multiplied with *x* gives *f mod M*. As *f* and *g* are initialized to *M*
89and *x* respectively, *d* and *e* just start off being *0* (*M/x mod M = 0/x mod M = 0*) and *1* (*x/x mod M
90= 1*).
93def div2(M, x):
94 """Helper routine to compute x/2 mod M (where M is odd)."""
95 assert M & 1
96 if x & 1: # If x is odd, make it even by adding M.
97 x += M
98 # x must be even now, so a clean division by 2 is possible.
99 return x // 2
101def modinv(M, x):
102 """Compute the inverse of x mod M (given that it exists, and M is odd)."""
103 assert M & 1
104 delta, f, g, d, e = 1, M, x, 0, 1
105 while g != 0:
106 # Note that while division by two for f and g is only ever done on even inputs, this is
107 # not true for d and e, so we need the div2 helper function.
108 if delta > 0 and g & 1:
109 delta, f, g, d, e = 1 - delta, g, (g - f) // 2, e, div2(M, e - d)
110 elif g & 1:
111 delta, f, g, d, e = 1 + delta, f, (g + f) // 2, d, div2(M, e + d)
112 else:
113 delta, f, g, d, e = 1 + delta, f, (g ) // 2, d, div2(M, e )
114 # Verify that the invariants d=f/x mod M, e=g/x mod M are maintained.
115 assert f % M == (d * x) % M
116 assert g % M == (e * x) % M
117 assert f == 1 or f == -1 # |f| is the GCD, it must be 1
118 # Because of invariant d = f/x (mod M), 1/x = d/f (mod M). As |f|=1, d/f = d*f.
119 return (d * f) % M
122Also note that this approach to track *d* and *e* throughout the computation to determine the inverse
123is different from the paper. There (see paragraph 12.1 in the paper) a transition matrix for the
124entire computation is determined (see section 3 below) and the inverse is computed from that.
125The approach here avoids the need for 2x2 matrix multiplications of various sizes, and appears to
126be faster at the level of optimization we're able to do in C.
129## 3. Batching multiple divsteps
131Every divstep can be expressed as a matrix multiplication, applying a transition matrix *(1/2 t)*
132to both vectors *[f, g]* and *[d, e]* (see paragraph 8.1 in the paper):
135 t = [ u, v ]
136 [ q, r ]
138 [ out_f ] = (1/2 * t) * [ in_f ]
139 [ out_g ] = [ in_g ]
141 [ out_d ] = (1/2 * t) * [ in_d ] (mod M)
142 [ out_e ] [ in_e ]
145where *(u, v, q, r)* is *(0, 2, -1, 1)*, *(2, 0, 1, 1)*, or *(2, 0, 0, 1)*, depending on which branch is
146taken. As above, the resulting *f* and *g* are always integers.
148Performing multiple divsteps corresponds to a multiplication with the product of all the
149individual divsteps' transition matrices. As each transition matrix consists of integers
150divided by *2*, the product of these matrices will consist of integers divided by *2<sup>N</sup>* (see also
151theorem 9.2 in the paper). These divisions are expensive when updating *d* and *e*, so we delay
152them: we compute the integer coefficients of the combined transition matrix scaled by *2<sup>N</sup>*, and
153do one division by *2<sup>N</sup>* as a final step:
156def divsteps_n_matrix(delta, f, g):
157 """Compute delta and transition matrix t after N divsteps (multiplied by 2^N)."""
158 u, v, q, r = 1, 0, 0, 1 # start with identity matrix
159 for _ in range(N):
160 if delta > 0 and g & 1:
161 delta, f, g, u, v, q, r = 1 - delta, g, (g - f) // 2, 2*q, 2*r, q-u, r-v
162 elif g & 1:
163 delta, f, g, u, v, q, r = 1 + delta, f, (g + f) // 2, 2*u, 2*v, q+u, r+v
164 else:
165 delta, f, g, u, v, q, r = 1 + delta, f, (g ) // 2, 2*u, 2*v, q , r
166 return delta, (u, v, q, r)
169As the branches in the divsteps are completely determined by the bottom *N* bits of *f* and *g*, this
170function to compute the transition matrix only needs to see those bottom bits. Furthermore all
171intermediate results and outputs fit in *(N+1)*-bit numbers (unsigned for *f* and *g*; signed for *u*, *v*,
172*q*, and *r*) (see also paragraph 8.3 in the paper). This means that an implementation using 64-bit
173integers could set *N=62* and compute the full transition matrix for 62 steps at once without any
174big integer arithmetic at all. This is the reason why this algorithm is efficient: it only needs
175to update the full-size *f*, *g*, *d*, and *e* numbers once every *N* steps.
177We still need functions to compute:
180 [ out_f ] = (1/2^N * [ u, v ]) * [ in_f ]
181 [ out_g ] ( [ q, r ]) [ in_g ]
183 [ out_d ] = (1/2^N * [ u, v ]) * [ in_d ] (mod M)
184 [ out_e ] ( [ q, r ]) [ in_e ]
187Because the divsteps transformation only ever divides even numbers by two, the result of *t&thinsp;[f,g]* is always even. When *t* is a composition of *N* divsteps, it follows that the resulting *f*
188and *g* will be multiple of *2<sup>N</sup>*, and division by *2<sup>N</sup>* is simply shifting them down:
191def update_fg(f, g, t):
192 """Multiply matrix t/2^N with [f, g]."""
193 u, v, q, r = t
194 cf, cg = u*f + v*g, q*f + r*g
195 # (t / 2^N) should cleanly apply to [f,g] so the result of t*[f,g] should have N zero
196 # bottom bits.
197 assert cf % 2**N == 0
198 assert cg % 2**N == 0
199 return cf >> N, cg >> N
202The same is not true for *d* and *e*, and we need an equivalent of the `div2` function for division by *2<sup>N</sup> mod M*.
203This is easy if we have precomputed *1/M mod 2<sup>N</sup>* (which always exists for odd *M*):
206def div2n(M, Mi, x):
207 """Compute x/2^N mod M, given Mi = 1/M mod 2^N."""
208 assert (M * Mi) % 2**N == 1
209 # Find a factor m such that m*M has the same bottom N bits as x. We want:
210 # (m * M) mod 2^N = x mod 2^N
211 # <=> m mod 2^N = (x / M) mod 2^N
212 # <=> m mod 2^N = (x * Mi) mod 2^N
213 m = (Mi * x) % 2**N
214 # Subtract that multiple from x, cancelling its bottom N bits.
215 x -= m * M
216 # Now a clean division by 2^N is possible.
217 assert x % 2**N == 0
218 return (x >> N) % M
220def update_de(d, e, t, M, Mi):
221 """Multiply matrix t/2^N with [d, e], modulo M."""
222 u, v, q, r = t
223 cd, ce = u*d + v*e, q*d + r*e
224 return div2n(M, Mi, cd), div2n(M, Mi, ce)
227With all of those, we can write a version of `modinv` that performs *N* divsteps at once:
230def modinv(M, Mi, x):
231 """Compute the modular inverse of x mod M, given Mi=1/M mod 2^N."""
232 assert M & 1
233 delta, f, g, d, e = 1, M, x, 0, 1
234 while g != 0:
235 # Compute the delta and transition matrix t for the next N divsteps (this only needs
236 # (N+1)-bit signed integer arithmetic).
237 delta, t = divsteps_n_matrix(delta, f % 2**N, g % 2**N)
238 # Apply the transition matrix t to [f, g]:
239 f, g = update_fg(f, g, t)
240 # Apply the transition matrix t to [d, e]:
241 d, e = update_de(d, e, t, M, Mi)
242 return (d * f) % M
245This means that in practice we'll always perform a multiple of *N* divsteps. This is not a problem
246because once *g=0*, further divsteps do not affect *f*, *g*, *d*, or *e* anymore (only *&delta;* keeps
247increasing). For variable time code such excess iterations will be mostly optimized away in
248section 6.
251## 4. Avoiding modulus operations
253So far, there are two places where we compute a remainder of big numbers modulo *M*: at the end of
254`div2n` in every `update_de`, and at the very end of `modinv` after potentially negating *d* due to the
255sign of *f*. These are relatively expensive operations when done generically.
257To deal with the modulus operation in `div2n`, we simply stop requiring *d* and *e* to be in range
258*[0,M)* all the time. Let's start by inlining `div2n` into `update_de`, and dropping the modulus
259operation at the end:
262def update_de(d, e, t, M, Mi):
263 """Multiply matrix t/2^N with [d, e] mod M, given Mi=1/M mod 2^N."""
264 u, v, q, r = t
265 cd, ce = u*d + v*e, q*d + r*e
266 # Cancel out bottom N bits of cd and ce.
267 md = -((Mi * cd) % 2**N)
268 me = -((Mi * ce) % 2**N)
269 cd += md * M
270 ce += me * M
271 # And cleanly divide by 2**N.
272 return cd >> N, ce >> N
275Let's look at bounds on the ranges of these numbers. It can be shown that *|u|+|v|* and *|q|+|r|*
276never exceed *2<sup>N</sup>* (see paragraph 8.3 in the paper), and thus a multiplication with *t* will have
277outputs whose absolute values are at most *2<sup>N</sup>* times the maximum absolute input value. In case the
278inputs *d* and *e* are in *(-M,M)*, which is certainly true for the initial values *d=0* and *e=1* assuming
279*M > 1*, the multiplication results in numbers in range *(-2<sup>N</sup>M,2<sup>N</sup>M)*. Subtracting less than *2<sup>N</sup>*
280times *M* to cancel out *N* bits brings that up to *(-2<sup>N+1</sup>M,2<sup>N</sup>M)*, and
281dividing by *2<sup>N</sup>* at the end takes it to *(-2M,M)*. Another application of `update_de` would take that
282to *(-3M,2M)*, and so forth. This progressive expansion of the variables' ranges can be
283counteracted by incrementing *d* and *e* by *M* whenever they're negative:
286 ...
287 if d < 0:
288 d += M
289 if e < 0:
290 e += M
291 cd, ce = u*d + v*e, q*d + r*e
292 # Cancel out bottom N bits of cd and ce.
293 ...
296With inputs in *(-2M,M)*, they will first be shifted into range *(-M,M)*, which means that the
297output will again be in *(-2M,M)*, and this remains the case regardless of how many `update_de`
298invocations there are. In what follows, we will try to make this more efficient.
300Note that increasing *d* by *M* is equal to incrementing *cd* by *u&thinsp;M* and *ce* by *q&thinsp;M*. Similarly,
301increasing *e* by *M* is equal to incrementing *cd* by *v&thinsp;M* and *ce* by *r&thinsp;M*. So we could instead write:
304 ...
305 cd, ce = u*d + v*e, q*d + r*e
306 # Perform the equivalent of incrementing d, e by M when they're negative.
307 if d < 0:
308 cd += u*M
309 ce += q*M
310 if e < 0:
311 cd += v*M
312 ce += r*M
313 # Cancel out bottom N bits of cd and ce.
314 md = -((Mi * cd) % 2**N)
315 me = -((Mi * ce) % 2**N)
316 cd += md * M
317 ce += me * M
318 ...
321Now note that we have two steps of corrections to *cd* and *ce* that add multiples of *M*: this
322increment, and the decrement that cancels out bottom bits. The second one depends on the first
323one, but they can still be efficiently combined by only computing the bottom bits of *cd* and *ce*
324at first, and using that to compute the final *md*, *me* values:
327def update_de(d, e, t, M, Mi):
328 """Multiply matrix t/2^N with [d, e], modulo M."""
329 u, v, q, r = t
330 md, me = 0, 0
331 # Compute what multiples of M to add to cd and ce.
332 if d < 0:
333 md += u
334 me += q
335 if e < 0:
336 md += v
337 me += r
338 # Compute bottom N bits of t*[d,e] + M*[md,me].
339 cd, ce = (u*d + v*e + md*M) % 2**N, (q*d + r*e + me*M) % 2**N
340 # Correct md and me such that the bottom N bits of t*[d,e] + M*[md,me] are zero.
341 md -= (Mi * cd) % 2**N
342 me -= (Mi * ce) % 2**N
343 # Do the full computation.
344 cd, ce = u*d + v*e + md*M, q*d + r*e + me*M
345 # And cleanly divide by 2**N.
346 return cd >> N, ce >> N
349One last optimization: we can avoid the *md&thinsp;M* and *me&thinsp;M* multiplications in the bottom bits of *cd*
350and *ce* by moving them to the *md* and *me* correction:
353 ...
354 # Compute bottom N bits of t*[d,e].
355 cd, ce = (u*d + v*e) % 2**N, (q*d + r*e) % 2**N
356 # Correct md and me such that the bottom N bits of t*[d,e]+M*[md,me] are zero.
357 # Note that this is not the same as {md = (-Mi * cd) % 2**N} etc. That would also result in N
358 # zero bottom bits, but isn't guaranteed to be a reduction of [0,2^N) compared to the
359 # previous md and me values, and thus would violate our bounds analysis.
360 md -= (Mi*cd + md) % 2**N
361 me -= (Mi*ce + me) % 2**N
362 ...
365The resulting function takes *d* and *e* in range *(-2M,M)* as inputs, and outputs values in the same
366range. That also means that the *d* value at the end of `modinv` will be in that range, while we want
367a result in *[0,M)*. To do that, we need a normalization function. It's easy to integrate the
368conditional negation of *d* (based on the sign of *f*) into it as well:
371def normalize(sign, v, M):
372 """Compute sign*v mod M, where v is in range (-2*M,M); output in [0,M)."""
373 assert sign == 1 or sign == -1
374 # v in (-2*M,M)
375 if v < 0:
376 v += M
377 # v in (-M,M). Now multiply v with sign (which can only be 1 or -1).
378 if sign == -1:
379 v = -v
380 # v in (-M,M)
381 if v < 0:
382 v += M
383 # v in [0,M)
384 return v
387And calling it in `modinv` is simply:
390 ...
391 return normalize(f, d, M)
395## 5. Constant-time operation
397The primary selling point of the algorithm is fast constant-time operation. What code flow still
398depends on the input data so far?
400- the number of iterations of the while *g &ne; 0* loop in `modinv`
401- the branches inside `divsteps_n_matrix`
402- the sign checks in `update_de`
403- the sign checks in `normalize`
405To make the while loop in `modinv` constant time it can be replaced with a constant number of
406iterations. The paper proves (Theorem 11.2) that *741* divsteps are sufficient for any *256*-bit
407inputs, and [safegcd-bounds](https://github.com/sipa/safegcd-bounds) shows that the slightly better bound *724* is
408sufficient even. Given that every loop iteration performs *N* divsteps, it will run a total of
409*&lceil;724/N&rceil;* times.
411To deal with the branches in `divsteps_n_matrix` we will replace them with constant-time bitwise
412operations (and hope the C compiler isn't smart enough to turn them back into branches; see
413`valgrind_ctime_test.c` for automated tests that this isn't the case). To do so, observe that a
414divstep can be written instead as (compare to the inner loop of `gcd` in section 1).
417 x = -f if delta > 0 else f # set x equal to (input) -f or f
418 if g & 1:
419 g += x # set g to (input) g-f or g+f
420 if delta > 0:
421 delta = -delta
422 f += g # set f to (input) g (note that g was set to g-f before)
423 delta += 1
424 g >>= 1
427To convert the above to bitwise operations, we rely on a trick to negate conditionally: per the
428definition of negative numbers in two's complement, (*-v == ~v + 1*) holds for every number *v*. As
429*-1* in two's complement is all *1* bits, bitflipping can be expressed as xor with *-1*. It follows
430that *-v == (v ^ -1) - (-1)*. Thus, if we have a variable *c* that takes on values *0* or *-1*, then
431*(v ^ c) - c* is *v* if *c=0* and *-v* if *c=-1*.
433Using this we can write:
436 x = -f if delta > 0 else f
439in constant-time form as:
442 c1 = (-delta) >> 63
443 # Conditionally negate f based on c1:
444 x = (f ^ c1) - c1
447To use that trick, we need a helper mask variable *c1* that resolves the condition *&delta;>0* to *-1*
448(if true) or *0* (if false). We compute *c1* using right shifting, which is equivalent to dividing by
449the specified power of *2* and rounding down (in Python, and also in C under the assumption of a typical two's complement system; see
450`assumptions.h` for tests that this is the case). Right shifting by *63* thus maps all
451numbers in range *[-2<sup>63</sup>,0)* to *-1*, and numbers in range *[0,2<sup>63</sup>)* to *0*.
453Using the facts that *x&0=0* and *x&(-1)=x* (on two's complement systems again), we can write:
456 if g & 1:
457 g += x
463 # Compute c2=0 if g is even and c2=-1 if g is odd.
464 c2 = -(g & 1)
465 # This masks out x if g is even, and leaves x be if g is odd.
466 g += x & c2
469Using the conditional negation trick again we can write:
472 if g & 1:
473 if delta > 0:
474 delta = -delta
480 # Compute c3=-1 if g is odd and delta>0, and 0 otherwise.
481 c3 = c1 & c2
482 # Conditionally negate delta based on c3:
483 delta = (delta ^ c3) - c3
489 if g & 1:
490 if delta > 0:
491 f += g
497 f += g & c3
500It turns out that this can be implemented more efficiently by applying the substitution
501*&eta;=-&delta;*. In this representation, negating *&delta;* corresponds to negating *&eta;*, and incrementing
502*&delta;* corresponds to decrementing *&eta;*. This allows us to remove the negation in the *c1*
506 # Compute a mask c1 for eta < 0, and compute the conditional negation x of f:
507 c1 = eta >> 63
508 x = (f ^ c1) - c1
509 # Compute a mask c2 for odd g, and conditionally add x to g:
510 c2 = -(g & 1)
511 g += x & c2
512 # Compute a mask c for (eta < 0) and odd (input) g, and use it to conditionally negate eta,
513 # and add g to f:
514 c3 = c1 & c2
515 eta = (eta ^ c3) - c3
516 f += g & c3
517 # Incrementing delta corresponds to decrementing eta.
518 eta -= 1
519 g >>= 1
522By replacing the loop in `divsteps_n_matrix` with a variant of the divstep code above (extended to
523also apply all *f* operations to *u*, *v* and all *g* operations to *q*, *r*), a constant-time version of
524`divsteps_n_matrix` is obtained. The full code will be in section 7.
526These bit fiddling tricks can also be used to make the conditional negations and additions in
527`update_de` and `normalize` constant-time.
530## 6. Variable-time optimizations
532In section 5, we modified the `divsteps_n_matrix` function (and a few others) to be constant time.
533Constant time operations are only necessary when computing modular inverses of secret data. In
534other cases, it slows down calculations unnecessarily. In this section, we will construct a
535faster non-constant time `divsteps_n_matrix` function.
537To do so, first consider yet another way of writing the inner loop of divstep operations in
538`gcd` from section 1. This decomposition is also explained in the paper in section 8.2.
541for _ in range(N):
542 if g & 1 and eta < 0:
543 eta, f, g = -eta, g, -f
544 if g & 1:
545 g += f
546 eta -= 1
547 g >>= 1
550Whenever *g* is even, the loop only shifts *g* down and decreases *&eta;*. When *g* ends in multiple zero
551bits, these iterations can be consolidated into one step. This requires counting the bottom zero
552bits efficiently, which is possible on most platforms; it is abstracted here as the function
556def count_trailing_zeros(v):
557 """For a non-zero value v, find z such that v=(d<<z) for some odd d."""
558 return (v & -v).bit_length() - 1
560i = N # divsteps left to do
561while True:
562 # Get rid of all bottom zeros at once. In the first iteration, g may be odd and the following
563 # lines have no effect (until "if eta < 0").
564 zeros = min(i, count_trailing_zeros(g))
565 eta -= zeros
566 g >>= zeros
567 i -= zeros
568 if i == 0:
569 break
570 # We know g is odd now
571 if eta < 0:
572 eta, f, g = -eta, g, -f
573 g += f
574 # g is even now, and the eta decrement and g shift will happen in the next loop.
577We can now remove multiple bottom *0* bits from *g* at once, but still need a full iteration whenever
578there is a bottom *1* bit. In what follows, we will get rid of multiple *1* bits simultaneously as
581Observe that as long as *&eta; &geq; 0*, the loop does not modify *f*. Instead, it cancels out bottom
582bits of *g* and shifts them out, and decreases *&eta;* and *i* accordingly - interrupting only when *&eta;*
583becomes negative, or when *i* reaches *0*. Combined, this is equivalent to adding a multiple of *f* to
584*g* to cancel out multiple bottom bits, and then shifting them out.
586It is easy to find what that multiple is: we want a number *w* such that *g+w&thinsp;f* has a few bottom
587zero bits. If that number of bits is *L*, we want *g+w&thinsp;f mod 2<sup>L</sup> = 0*, or *w = -g/f mod 2<sup>L</sup>*. Since *f*
588is odd, such a *w* exists for any *L*. *L* cannot be more than *i* steps (as we'd finish the loop before
589doing more) or more than *&eta;+1* steps (as we'd run `eta, f, g = -eta, g, f` at that point), but
590apart from that, we're only limited by the complexity of computing *w*.
592This code demonstrates how to cancel up to 4 bits per step:
595NEGINV16 = [15, 5, 3, 9, 7, 13, 11, 1] # NEGINV16[n//2] = (-n)^-1 mod 16, for odd n
596i = N
597while True:
598 zeros = min(i, count_trailing_zeros(g))
599 eta -= zeros
600 g >>= zeros
601 i -= zeros
602 if i == 0:
603 break
604 # We know g is odd now
605 if eta < 0:
606 eta, f, g = -eta, g, f
607 # Compute limit on number of bits to cancel
608 limit = min(min(eta + 1, i), 4)
609 # Compute w = -g/f mod 2**limit, using the table value for -1/f mod 2**4. Note that f is
610 # always odd, so its inverse modulo a power of two always exists.
611 w = (g * NEGINV16[(f & 15) // 2]) % (2**limit)
612 # As w = -g/f mod (2**limit), g+w*f mod 2**limit = 0 mod 2**limit.
613 g += w * f
614 assert g % (2**limit) == 0
615 # The next iteration will now shift out at least limit bottom zero bits from g.
618By using a bigger table more bits can be cancelled at once. The table can also be implemented
619as a formula. Several formulas are known for computing modular inverses modulo powers of two;
620some can be found in Hacker's Delight second edition by Henry S. Warren, Jr. pages 245-247.
621Here we need the negated modular inverse, which is a simple transformation of those:
623- Instead of a 3-bit table:
624 - *-f* or *f ^ 6*
625- Instead of a 4-bit table:
626 - *1 - f(f + 1)*
627 - *-(f + (((f + 1) & 4) << 1))*
628- For larger tables the following technique can be used: if *w=-1/f mod 2<sup>L</sup>*, then *w(w&thinsp;f+2)* is
629 *-1/f mod 2<sup>2L</sup>*. This allows extending the previous formulas (or tables). In particular we
630 have this 6-bit function (based on the 3-bit function above):
631 - *f(f<sup>2</sup> - 2)*
633This loop, again extended to also handle *u*, *v*, *q*, and *r* alongside *f* and *g*, placed in
634`divsteps_n_matrix`, gives a significantly faster, but non-constant time version.
637## 7. Final Python version
639All together we need the following functions:
641- A way to compute the transition matrix in constant time, using the `divsteps_n_matrix` function
642 from section 2, but with its loop replaced by a variant of the constant-time divstep from
643 section 5, extended to handle *u*, *v*, *q*, *r*:
646def divsteps_n_matrix(eta, f, g):
647 """Compute eta and transition matrix t after N divsteps (multiplied by 2^N)."""
648 u, v, q, r = 1, 0, 0, 1 # start with identity matrix
649 for _ in range(N):
650 c1 = eta >> 63
651 # Compute x, y, z as conditionally-negated versions of f, u, v.
652 x, y, z = (f ^ c1) - c1, (u ^ c1) - c1, (v ^ c1) - c1
653 c2 = -(g & 1)
654 # Conditionally add x, y, z to g, q, r.
655 g, q, r = g + (x & c2), q + (y & c2), r + (z & c2)
656 c1 &= c2 # reusing c1 here for the earlier c3 variable
657 eta = (eta ^ c1) - (c1 + 1) # inlining the unconditional eta decrement here
658 # Conditionally add g, q, r to f, u, v.
659 f, u, v = f + (g & c1), u + (q & c1), v + (r & c1)
660 # When shifting g down, don't shift q, r, as we construct a transition matrix multiplied
661 # by 2^N. Instead, shift f's coefficients u and v up.
662 g, u, v = g >> 1, u << 1, v << 1
663 return eta, (u, v, q, r)
666- The functions to update *f* and *g*, and *d* and *e*, from section 2 and section 4, with the constant-time
667 changes to `update_de` from section 5:
670def update_fg(f, g, t):
671 """Multiply matrix t/2^N with [f, g]."""
672 u, v, q, r = t
673 cf, cg = u*f + v*g, q*f + r*g
674 return cf >> N, cg >> N
676def update_de(d, e, t, M, Mi):
677 """Multiply matrix t/2^N with [d, e], modulo M."""
678 u, v, q, r = t
679 d_sign, e_sign = d >> 257, e >> 257
680 md, me = (u & d_sign) + (v & e_sign), (q & d_sign) + (r & e_sign)
681 cd, ce = (u*d + v*e) % 2**N, (q*d + r*e) % 2**N
682 md -= (Mi*cd + md) % 2**N
683 me -= (Mi*ce + me) % 2**N
684 cd, ce = u*d + v*e + Mi*md, q*d + r*e + Mi*me
685 return cd >> N, ce >> N
688- The `normalize` function from section 4, made constant time as well:
691def normalize(sign, v, M):
692 """Compute sign*v mod M, where v in (-2*M,M); output in [0,M)."""
693 v_sign = v >> 257
694 # Conditionally add M to v.
695 v += M & v_sign
696 c = (sign - 1) >> 1
697 # Conditionally negate v.
698 v = (v ^ c) - c
699 v_sign = v >> 257
700 # Conditionally add M to v again.
701 v += M & v_sign
702 return v
705- And finally the `modinv` function too, adapted to use *&eta;* instead of *&delta;*, and using the fixed
706 iteration count from section 5:
709def modinv(M, Mi, x):
710 """Compute the modular inverse of x mod M, given Mi=1/M mod 2^N."""
711 eta, f, g, d, e = -1, M, x, 0, 1
712 for _ in range((724 + N - 1) // N):
713 eta, t = divsteps_n_matrix(-eta, f % 2**N, g % 2**N)
714 f, g = update_fg(f, g, t)
715 d, e = update_de(d, e, t, M, Mi)
716 return normalize(f, d, M)
719- To get a variable time version, replace the `divsteps_n_matrix` function with one that uses the
720 divsteps loop from section 5, and a `modinv` version that calls it without the fixed iteration
721 count:
724NEGINV16 = [15, 5, 3, 9, 7, 13, 11, 1] # NEGINV16[n//2] = (-n)^-1 mod 16, for odd n
725def divsteps_n_matrix_var(eta, f, g):
726 """Compute eta and transition matrix t after N divsteps (multiplied by 2^N)."""
727 u, v, q, r = 1, 0, 0, 1
728 i = N
729 while True:
730 zeros = min(i, count_trailing_zeros(g))
731 eta, i = eta - zeros, i - zeros
732 g, u, v = g >> zeros, u << zeros, v << zeros
733 if i == 0:
734 break
735 if eta < 0:
736 eta, f, u, v, g, q, r = -eta, g, q, r, -f, -u, -v
737 limit = min(min(eta + 1, i), 4)
738 w = (g * NEGINV16[(f & 15) // 2]) % (2**limit)
739 g, q, r = g + w*f, q + w*u, r + w*v
740 return eta, (u, v, q, r)
742def modinv_var(M, Mi, x):
743 """Compute the modular inverse of x mod M, given Mi = 1/M mod 2^N."""
744 eta, f, g, d, e = -1, M, x, 0, 1
745 while g != 0:
746 eta, t = divsteps_n_matrix_var(eta, f % 2**N, g % 2**N)
747 f, g = update_fg(f, g, t)
748 d, e = update_de(d, e, t, M, Mi)
749 return normalize(f, d, Mi)
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