#define MAX_TOKEN_SIZE (64ULL << 20)
- * Required by JSON (RFC 7159):
+ * From RFC 8259 "The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data
+ * Interchange Format", with [comments in brackets]:
- * \"([^\\\"]|\\[\"'\\/bfnrt]|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})*\"
- * -?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(.[0-9]+)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?
- * [{}\[\],:]
- * [a-z]+ # covers null, true, false
+ * The set of tokens includes six structural characters, strings,
+ * numbers, and three literal names.
- * Extension of '' strings:
+ * These are the six structural characters:
- * '([^\\']|\\[\"'\\/bfnrt]|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})*'
+ * begin-array = ws %x5B ws ; [ left square bracket
+ * begin-object = ws %x7B ws ; { left curly bracket
+ * end-array = ws %x5D ws ; ] right square bracket
+ * end-object = ws %x7D ws ; } right curly bracket
+ * name-separator = ws %x3A ws ; : colon
+ * value-separator = ws %x2C ws ; , comma
- * Extension for vararg handling in JSON construction:
+ * Insignificant whitespace is allowed before or after any of the six
+ * structural characters.
+ * [This lexer accepts it before or after any token, which is actually
+ * the same, as the grammar always has structural characters between
+ * other tokens.]
- * %((l|ll|I64)?d|[ipsf])
+ * ws = *(
+ * %x20 / ; Space
+ * %x09 / ; Horizontal tab
+ * %x0A / ; Line feed or New line
+ * %x0D ) ; Carriage return
+ * [...] three literal names:
+ * false null true
+ * [This lexer accepts [a-z]+, and leaves rejecting unknown literal
+ * names to the parser.]
+ *
+ * [Numbers:]
+ *
+ * number = [ minus ] int [ frac ] [ exp ]
+ * decimal-point = %x2E ; .
+ * digit1-9 = %x31-39 ; 1-9
+ * e = %x65 / %x45 ; e E
+ * exp = e [ minus / plus ] 1*DIGIT
+ * frac = decimal-point 1*DIGIT
+ * int = zero / ( digit1-9 *DIGIT )
+ * minus = %x2D ; -
+ * plus = %x2B ; +
+ * zero = %x30 ; 0
+ *
+ * [Strings:]
+ * string = quotation-mark *char quotation-mark
+ *
+ * char = unescaped /
+ * escape (
+ * %x22 / ; " quotation mark U+0022
+ * %x5C / ; \ reverse solidus U+005C
+ * %x2F / ; / solidus U+002F
+ * %x62 / ; b backspace U+0008
+ * %x66 / ; f form feed U+000C
+ * %x6E / ; n line feed U+000A
+ * %x72 / ; r carriage return U+000D
+ * %x74 / ; t tab U+0009
+ * %x75 4HEXDIG ) ; uXXXX U+XXXX
+ * escape = %x5C ; \
+ * quotation-mark = %x22 ; "
+ * unescaped = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-10FFFF
+ *
+ *
+ * Extensions over RFC 8259:
+ * - Extra escape sequence in strings:
+ * 0x27 (apostrophe) is recognized after escape, too
+ * - Single-quoted strings:
+ * Like double-quoted strings, except they're delimited by %x27
+ * (apostrophe) instead of %x22 (quotation mark), and can't contain
+ * unescaped apostrophe, but can contain unescaped quotation mark.
+ * - Interpolation:
+ * interpolation = %((l|ll|I64)[du]|[ipsf])
+ *
+ * Note:
+ * - Input must be encoded in UTF-8.
+ * - Decoding and validating is left to the parser.
enum json_lexer_state {