inferior = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd))
# Now launch gdb with our test and collect the result
- gdb_cmd = "%s %s -ex 'target remote localhost:1234' -x %s" % (args.gdb, args.binary, args.test)
+ gdb_cmd = "%s %s" % (args.gdb, args.binary)
+ # run quietly and ignore .gdbinit
+ gdb_cmd += " -q -n -batch"
+ # disable prompts in case of crash
+ gdb_cmd += " -ex 'set confirm off'"
+ # connect to remote
+ gdb_cmd += " -ex 'target remote localhost:1234'"
+ # finally the test script itself
+ gdb_cmd += " -x %s" % (args.test)
+ print("GDB CMD: %s" % (gdb_cmd))
result =, shell=True);
+ # A negative result is the result of an internal gdb failure like
+ # a crash. We force a return of 0 so we don't fail the test on
+ # account of broken external tools.
+ if result < 0:
+ print("GDB crashed? SKIPPING")
+ exit(0)