We have reached the point where the MacOSX build was regularly timing
out. So as before I've reduced the target list to "major"
architectures to try and bring the build time down. I've added an
additional MacOSX build with the latest XCode with a minimal list of
"most likely" targets on MacOS.
Signed-off-by: Alex Bennée <[email protected]>
- env: CONFIG="--disable-tcg"
compiler: gcc
- - env: CONFIG=""
+ # MacOSX builds
+ - env: CONFIG="--target-list=aarch64-softmmu,arm-softmmu,i386-softmmu,mips-softmmu,mips64-softmmu,ppc64-softmmu,riscv64-softmmu,s390x-softmmu,x86_64-softmmu"
os: osx
+ osx_image: xcode9.4
+ compiler: clang
+ - env: CONFIG="--target-list=i386-softmmu,ppc-softmmu,ppc64-softmmu,m68k-softmmu,x86_64-softmmu"
+ os: osx
+ osx_image: xcode10
compiler: clang
# Python builds
- env: CONFIG="--target-list=x86_64-softmmu"