summary_info += {'strip binaries': get_option('strip')}
summary_info += {'sparse': sparse.found() ? sparse.full_path() : false}
summary_info += {'mingw32 support': targetos == 'windows'}
+# snarf the cross-compilation information for tests
+foreach target: target_dirs
+ tcg_mak = meson.current_build_dir() / 'tests/tcg' / 'config-' + target + '.mak'
+ if fs.exists(tcg_mak)
+ config_cross_tcg = keyval.load(tcg_mak)
+ target = config_cross_tcg['TARGET_NAME']
+ compiler = ''
+ if 'DOCKER_CROSS_CC_GUEST' in config_cross_tcg
+ summary_info += {target + ' tests': config_cross_tcg['DOCKER_CROSS_CC_GUEST'] +
+ ' via ' + config_cross_tcg['DOCKER_IMAGE']}
+ elif 'CROSS_CC_GUEST' in config_cross_tcg
+ summary_info += {target + ' tests'
+ : config_cross_tcg['CROSS_CC_GUEST'] }
+ endif
+ endif
summary(summary_info, bool_yn: true, section: 'Compilation')
# Targets and accelerators
echo "DOCKER_CROSS_CC_GUEST=$container_cross_cc" >> $config_target_mak
-# report container support state
-echo "cross containers $container"
-if test -n "$enabled_cross_compilers"; then
- echo
- echo "NOTE: guest cross-compilers enabled:$enabled_cross_compilers"