* least 80219 chips; this works around that bug.
if ((i2c_transfer(client->adapter, msgs, 1)) != 1) {
- pr_debug("%s: can't read registers\n", rs5c->rtc->name);
+ dev_warn(&client->dev, "can't read registers\n");
return -EIO;
goto exit;
- /* we read registers 0x0f then 0x00-0x0f; skip the first one */
- rs5c372->regs=&rs5c372->buf[1];
rs5c372->client = client;
i2c_set_clientdata(client, rs5c372);
+ /* we read registers 0x0f then 0x00-0x0f; skip the first one */
+ rs5c372->regs = &rs5c372->buf[1];
err = rs5c_get_regs(rs5c372);
if (err < 0)
goto exit_kfree;