-[XXX: will be updated once we are done massaging the lock_rename()]
- First of all, at any moment we have a linear ordering of the
- objects - A < B iff (A is an ancestor of B) or (B is not an ancestor
- of A and ptr(A) < ptr(B)).
- That ordering can change. However, the following is true:
-(1) if object removal or non-cross-directory rename holds lock on A and
- attempts to acquire lock on B, A will remain the parent of B until we
- acquire the lock on B. (Proof: only cross-directory rename can change
- the parent of object and it would have to lock the parent).
-(2) if cross-directory rename holds the lock on filesystem, order will not
- change until rename acquires all locks. (Proof: other cross-directory
- renames will be blocked on filesystem lock and we don't start changing
- the order until we had acquired all locks).
-(3) locks on non-directory objects are acquired only after locks on
- directory objects, and are acquired in inode pointer order.
- (Proof: all operations but renames take lock on at most one
- non-directory object, except renames, which take locks on source and
- target in inode pointer order in the case they are not directories.)
-Now consider the minimal deadlock. Each process is blocked on
-attempt to acquire some lock and already holds at least one lock. Let's
-consider the set of contended locks. First of all, filesystem lock is
-not contended, since any process blocked on it is not holding any locks.
-Thus all processes are blocked on ->i_rwsem.
-By (3), any process holding a non-directory lock can only be
-waiting on another non-directory lock with a larger address. Therefore
-the process holding the "largest" such lock can always make progress, and
-non-directory objects are not included in the set of contended locks.
-Thus link creation can't be a part of deadlock - it can't be
-blocked on source and it means that it doesn't hold any locks.
-Any contended object is either held by cross-directory rename or
-has a child that is also contended. Indeed, suppose that it is held by
-operation other than cross-directory rename. Then the lock this operation
-is blocked on belongs to child of that object due to (1).
-It means that one of the operations is cross-directory rename.
-Otherwise the set of contended objects would be infinite - each of them
-would have a contended child and we had assumed that no object is its
-own descendent. Moreover, there is exactly one cross-directory rename
-(see above).
-Consider the object blocking the cross-directory rename. One
-of its descendents is locked by cross-directory rename (otherwise we
-would again have an infinite set of contended objects). But that
-means that cross-directory rename is taking locks out of order. Due
-to (2) the order hadn't changed since we had acquired filesystem lock.
-But locking rules for cross-directory rename guarantee that we do not
-try to acquire lock on descendent before the lock on ancestor.
-Contradiction. I.e. deadlock is impossible. Q.E.D.
+There is a ranking on the locks, such that all primitives take
+them in order of non-decreasing rank. Namely,
+ * rank ->i_rwsem of non-directories on given filesystem in inode pointer
+ order.
+ * put ->i_rwsem of all directories on a filesystem at the same rank,
+ lower than ->i_rwsem of any non-directory on the same filesystem.
+ * put ->s_vfs_rename_mutex at rank lower than that of any ->i_rwsem
+ on the same filesystem.
+ * among the locks on different filesystems use the relative
+ rank of those filesystems.
+For example, if we have NFS filesystem caching on a local one, we have
+ 1. ->s_vfs_rename_mutex of NFS filesystem
+ 2. ->i_rwsem of directories on that NFS filesystem, same rank for all
+ 3. ->i_rwsem of non-directories on that filesystem, in order of
+ increasing address of inode
+ 4. ->s_vfs_rename_mutex of local filesystem
+ 5. ->i_rwsem of directories on the local filesystem, same rank for all
+ 6. ->i_rwsem of non-directories on local filesystem, in order of
+ increasing address of inode.
+It's easy to verify that operations never take a lock with rank
+lower than that of an already held lock.
+Suppose deadlocks are possible. Consider the minimal deadlocked
+set of threads. It is a cycle of several threads, each blocked on a lock
+held by the next thread in the cycle.
+Since the locking order is consistent with the ranking, all
+contended locks in the minimal deadlock will be of the same rank,
+i.e. they all will be ->i_rwsem of directories on the same filesystem.
+Moreover, without loss of generality we can assume that all operations
+are done directly to that filesystem and none of them has actually
+reached the method call.
+In other words, we have a cycle of threads, T1,..., Tn,
+and the same number of directories (D1,...,Dn) such that
+ T1 is blocked on D1 which is held by T2
+ T2 is blocked on D2 which is held by T3
+ ...
+ Tn is blocked on Dn which is held by T1.
+Each operation in the minimal cycle must have locked at least
+one directory and blocked on attempt to lock another. That leaves
+only 3 possible operations: directory removal (locks parent, then
+child), same-directory rename killing a subdirectory (ditto) and
+cross-directory rename of some sort.
+There must be a cross-directory rename in the set; indeed,
+if all operations had been of the "lock parent, then child" sort
+we would have Dn a parent of D1, which is a parent of D2, which is
+a parent of D3, ..., which is a parent of Dn. Relationships couldn't
+have changed since the moment directory locks had been acquired,
+so they would all hold simultaneously at the deadlock time and
+we would have a loop.
+Since all operations are on the same filesystem, there can't be
+more than one cross-directory rename among them. Without loss of
+generality we can assume that T1 is the one doing a cross-directory
+rename and everything else is of the "lock parent, then child" sort.
+In other words, we have a cross-directory rename that locked
+Dn and blocked on attempt to lock D1, which is a parent of D2, which is
+a parent of D3, ..., which is a parent of Dn. Relationships between
+D1,...,Dn all hold simultaneously at the deadlock time. Moreover,
+cross-directory rename does not get to locking any directories until it
+has acquired filesystem lock and verified that directories involved have
+a common ancestor, which guarantees that ancestry relationships between
+all of them had been stable.
+Consider the order in which directories are locked by the
+cross-directory rename; parents first, then possibly their children.
+Dn and D1 would have to be among those, with Dn locked before D1.
+Which pair could it be?
+It can't be the parents - indeed, since D1 is an ancestor of Dn,
+it would be the first parent to be locked. Therefore at least one of the
+children must be involved and thus neither of them could be a descendent
+of another - otherwise the operation would not have progressed past
+locking the parents.
+It can't be a parent and its child; otherwise we would've had
+a loop, since the parents are locked before the children, so the parent
+would have to be a descendent of its child.
+It can't be a parent and a child of another parent either.
+Otherwise the child of the parent in question would've been a descendent
+of another child.
+That leaves only one possibility - namely, both Dn and D1 are
+among the children, in some order. But that is also impossible, since
+neither of the children is a descendent of another.
+That concludes the proof, since the set of operations with the
+properties requiered for a minimal deadlock can not exist.
+Note that the check for having a common ancestor in cross-directory
+rename is crucial - without it a deadlock would be possible. Indeed,
+suppose the parents are initially in different trees; we would lock the
+parent of source, then try to lock the parent of target, only to have
+an unrelated lookup splice a distant ancestor of source to some distant
+descendent of the parent of target. At that point we have cross-directory
+rename holding the lock on parent of source and trying to lock its
+distant ancestor. Add a bunch of rmdir() attempts on all directories
+in between (all of those would fail with -ENOTEMPTY, had they ever gotten
+the locks) and voila - we have a deadlock.
+Loop avoidance