ICH8 and 9 use two SFF controllers to show 6 SATA ports. The first
controllre hosts the first 4 ports while the second one hosts the last
2. The PCS register of the first controller encompasses the first
four ports or all six ports depending on configuration while PCS of
the second controller controls the last two ports. Using 0xf for the
first controller and 0x3 for the second controller always result in
the correct configuration.
Signed-off-by: Tejun Heo <[email protected]>
static const struct piix_map_db ich8_map_db = {
.mask = 0x3,
- .port_enable = 0x3,
+ .port_enable = 0xf,
.map = {
{ P0, P2, P1, P3 }, /* 00b (hardwired when in AHCI) */