use strict;
use warnings;
+use utf8;
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Find;
# Outputs the book on ReST format
+# \b doesn't work well with paths. So, we need to define something else
+my $bondary = qr { (?<![\w\/\`\{])(?=[\w\/\`\{])|(?<=[\w\/\`\{])(?![\w\/\`\{]) }x;
sub output_rest {
if (!($desc =~ /^\s*$/)) {
if ($description_is_rst) {
+ # Enrich text by creating cross-references
+ $desc =~ s,Documentation/(?!devicetree)(\S+)\.rst,:doc:`/$1`,g;
+ my @matches = $desc =~ m,Documentation/ABI/([\w\/\-]+),;
+ foreach my $f (@matches) {
+ my $xref = $f;
+ my $path = $f;
+ $path =~ s,.*/(.*/.*),$1,;;
+ $path =~ s,[/\-],_,g;;
+ $xref .= " <abi_file_" . $path . ">";
+ $desc =~ s,\bDocumentation/ABI/$f\b,:ref:`$xref`,g;
+ }
+ @matches = $desc =~ m,$bondary(/sys/[^\s\.\,\;\:\*\s\`\'\(\)]+)$bondary,;
+ foreach my $s (@matches) {
+ if (defined($data{$s}) && defined($data{$s}->{label})) {
+ my $xref = $s;
+ $xref =~ s/([\x00-\x1f\x21-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x7b-\xff])/\\$1/g;
+ $xref = ":ref:`$xref <" . $data{$s}->{label} . ">`";
+ $desc =~ s,$bondary$s$bondary,$xref,g;
+ }
+ }
print "$desc\n\n";
} else {
$desc =~ s/^\s+//;