--- /dev/null
+libperf-y += core.o
+libperf-y += cpumap.o
+libperf-y += threadmap.o
+libperf-y += evsel.o
+libperf-y += evlist.o
+libperf-y += mmap.o
+libperf-y += zalloc.o
+libperf-y += xyarray.o
+libperf-y += lib.o
+$(OUTPUT)zalloc.o: ../../lib/zalloc.c FORCE
+ $(call rule_mkdir)
+ $(call if_changed_dep,cc_o_c)
--- /dev/null
+ rst2man man/libperf.rst > man/libperf.7
+ rst2pdf tutorial/tutorial.rst
+ rm -f man/libperf.7
+ rm -f tutorial/tutorial.pdf
--- /dev/null
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause)
+The libperf library provides an API to access the linux kernel perf
+events subsystem. It provides the following high level objects:
+ - struct perf_cpu_map
+ - struct perf_thread_map
+ - struct perf_evlist
+ - struct perf_evsel
+Function reference by header files:
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef int (\*libperf_print_fn_t)(enum libperf_print_level level,
+ const char \*, va_list ap);
+ void libperf_set_print(libperf_print_fn_t fn);
+.. code-block:: c
+ struct perf_cpu_map \*perf_cpu_map__dummy_new(void);
+ struct perf_cpu_map \*perf_cpu_map__new(const char \*cpu_list);
+ struct perf_cpu_map \*perf_cpu_map__read(FILE \*file);
+ struct perf_cpu_map \*perf_cpu_map__get(struct perf_cpu_map \*map);
+ void perf_cpu_map__put(struct perf_cpu_map \*map);
+ int perf_cpu_map__cpu(const struct perf_cpu_map \*cpus, int idx);
+ int perf_cpu_map__nr(const struct perf_cpu_map \*cpus);
+ perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu(cpu, idx, cpus)
+.. code-block:: c
+ struct perf_thread_map \*perf_thread_map__new_dummy(void);
+ void perf_thread_map__set_pid(struct perf_thread_map \*map, int thread, pid_t pid);
+ char \*perf_thread_map__comm(struct perf_thread_map \*map, int thread);
+ struct perf_thread_map \*perf_thread_map__get(struct perf_thread_map \*map);
+ void perf_thread_map__put(struct perf_thread_map \*map);
+.. code-block::
+ void perf_evlist__init(struct perf_evlist \*evlist);
+ void perf_evlist__add(struct perf_evlist \*evlist,
+ struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
+ void perf_evlist__remove(struct perf_evlist \*evlist,
+ struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
+ struct perf_evlist \*perf_evlist__new(void);
+ void perf_evlist__delete(struct perf_evlist \*evlist);
+ struct perf_evsel\* perf_evlist__next(struct perf_evlist \*evlist,
+ struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
+ int perf_evlist__open(struct perf_evlist \*evlist);
+ void perf_evlist__close(struct perf_evlist \*evlist);
+ void perf_evlist__enable(struct perf_evlist \*evlist);
+ void perf_evlist__disable(struct perf_evlist \*evlist);
+ perf_evlist__for_each_evsel(evlist, pos)
+ void perf_evlist__set_maps(struct perf_evlist \*evlist,
+ struct perf_cpu_map \*cpus,
+ struct perf_thread_map \*threads);
+.. code-block:: c
+ struct perf_counts_values {
+ union {
+ struct {
+ uint64_t val;
+ uint64_t ena;
+ uint64_t run;
+ };
+ uint64_t values[3];
+ };
+ };
+ void perf_evsel__init(struct perf_evsel \*evsel,
+ struct perf_event_attr \*attr);
+ struct perf_evsel \*perf_evsel__new(struct perf_event_attr \*attr);
+ void perf_evsel__delete(struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
+ int perf_evsel__open(struct perf_evsel \*evsel, struct perf_cpu_map \*cpus,
+ struct perf_thread_map \*threads);
+ void perf_evsel__close(struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
+ int perf_evsel__read(struct perf_evsel \*evsel, int cpu, int thread,
+ struct perf_counts_values \*count);
+ int perf_evsel__enable(struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
+ int perf_evsel__disable(struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
+ int perf_evsel__apply_filter(struct perf_evsel \*evsel, const char \*filter);
+ struct perf_cpu_map \*perf_evsel__cpus(struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
+ struct perf_thread_map \*perf_evsel__threads(struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
+ struct perf_event_attr \*perf_evsel__attr(struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
--- /dev/null
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause)
+libperf tutorial
+Compile and install libperf from kernel sources
+.. code-block:: bash
+ git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git
+ cd linux/tools/perf/lib
+ make
+ sudo make install prefix=/usr
+Libperf object
+The libperf library provides several high level objects:
+struct perf_cpu_map
+ Provides a cpu list abstraction.
+struct perf_thread_map
+ Provides a thread list abstraction.
+struct perf_evsel
+ Provides an abstraction for single a perf event.
+struct perf_evlist
+ Gathers several struct perf_evsel object and performs functions on all of them.
+The exported API binds these objects together,
+for full reference see the libperf.7 man page.
+Examples aim to explain libperf functionality on simple use cases.
+They are based in on a checked out linux kernel git tree:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cd tools/perf/lib/Documentation/tutorial/
+ $ ls -d ex-*
+ ex-1-compile ex-2-evsel-stat ex-3-evlist-stat
+ex-1-compile example
+This example shows the basic usage of *struct perf_cpu_map*,
+how to create it and display its cpus:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cd ex-1-compile/
+ $ make
+ gcc -o test test.c -lperf
+ $ ./test
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+The full code listing is here:
+.. code-block:: c
+ 1 #include <perf/cpumap.h>
+ 2
+ 3 int main(int argc, char **Argv)
+ 4 {
+ 5 struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
+ 6 int cpu, tmp;
+ 7
+ 8 cpus = perf_cpu_map__new(NULL);
+ 9
+ 10 perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu(cpu, tmp, cpus)
+ 11 fprintf(stdout, "%d ", cpu);
+ 12
+ 13 fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+ 14
+ 15 perf_cpu_map__put(cpus);
+ 16 return 0;
+ 17 }
+First you need to include the proper header to have *struct perf_cpumap*
+declaration and functions:
+.. code-block:: c
+ 1 #include <perf/cpumap.h>
+The *struct perf_cpumap* object is created by *perf_cpu_map__new* call.
+The *NULL* argument asks it to populate the object with the current online CPUs list:
+.. code-block:: c
+ 8 cpus = perf_cpu_map__new(NULL);
+This is paired with a *perf_cpu_map__put*, that drops its reference at the end, possibly deleting it.
+.. code-block:: c
+ 15 perf_cpu_map__put(cpus);
+The iteration through the *struct perf_cpumap* CPUs is done using the *perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu*
+macro which requires 3 arguments:
+- cpu - the cpu numer
+- tmp - iteration helper variable
+- cpus - the *struct perf_cpumap* object
+.. code-block:: c
+ 10 perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu(cpu, tmp, cpus)
+ 11 fprintf(stdout, "%d ", cpu);
+ex-2-evsel-stat example
+ex-3-evlist-stat example
--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause)
+# Most of this file is copied from tools/lib/bpf/Makefile
+MAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory
+ifeq ($(srctree),)
+srctree := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(CURDIR)))
+srctree := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(srctree)))
+srctree := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(srctree)))
+#$(info Determined 'srctree' to be $(srctree))
+INSTALL = install
+# Use DESTDIR for installing into a different root directory.
+# This is useful for building a package. The program will be
+# installed in this directory as if it was the root directory.
+# Then the build tool can move it later.
+DESTDIR_SQ = '$(subst ','\'',$(DESTDIR))'
+include $(srctree)/tools/scripts/Makefile.include
+include $(srctree)/tools/scripts/Makefile.arch
+ifeq ($(LP64), 1)
+ libdir_relative = lib64
+ libdir_relative = lib
+prefix ?=
+libdir = $(prefix)/$(libdir_relative)
+# Shell quotes
+libdir_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(libdir))
+libdir_relative_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(libdir_relative))
+ifeq ("$(origin V)", "command line")
+ VERBOSE = $(V)
+ifndef VERBOSE
+ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1)
+ Q =
+ Q = @
+# Set compile option CFLAGS
+ CFLAGS := -g -Wall
+-I$(srctree)/tools/lib/perf/include \
+-I$(srctree)/tools/lib/ \
+-I$(srctree)/tools/include \
+-I$(srctree)/tools/arch/$(SRCARCH)/include/ \
+-I$(srctree)/tools/arch/$(SRCARCH)/include/uapi \
+# Append required CFLAGS
+override CFLAGS += -Werror -Wall
+override CFLAGS += -fPIC
+override CFLAGS += $(INCLUDES)
+override CFLAGS += -fvisibility=hidden
+export srctree OUTPUT CC LD CFLAGS V
+include $(srctree)/tools/build/Makefile.include
+VERSION_SCRIPT := libperf.map
+LIBPERF_SO := $(OUTPUT)libperf.so.$(VERSION)
+LIBPERF_A := $(OUTPUT)libperf.a
+LIBPERF_IN := $(OUTPUT)libperf-in.o
+LIBPERF_PC := $(OUTPUT)libperf.pc
+LIBPERF_ALL := $(LIBPERF_A) $(OUTPUT)libperf.so*
+LIB_DIR := $(srctree)/tools/lib/api/
+ifneq ($(OUTPUT),)
+ifneq ($(subdir),)
+ API_PATH=$(OUTPUT)/../lib/api/
+LIBAPI = $(API_PATH)libapi.a
+export LIBAPI
+ $(Q)$(MAKE) -C $(LIB_DIR) O=$(OUTPUT) $(OUTPUT)libapi.a
+ $(call QUIET_CLEAN, libapi)
+ $(Q)$(MAKE) -C $(LIB_DIR) O=$(OUTPUT) clean >/dev/null
+ $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=libperf
+ $(QUIET_AR)$(RM) $@ && $(AR) rcs $@ $(LIBPERF_IN)
+ $(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) --shared -Wl,-soname,libperf.so \
+ -Wl,--version-script=$(VERSION_SCRIPT) $^ -o $@
+ @ln -sf $(@F) $(OUTPUT)libperf.so
+ @ln -sf $(@F) $(OUTPUT)libperf.so.$(LIBPERF_VERSION)
+all: fixdep
+ $(Q)$(MAKE) libs
+clean: $(LIBAPI)-clean
+ $(call QUIET_CLEAN, libperf) $(RM) $(LIBPERF_A) \
+ *.o *~ *.a *.so *.so.$(VERSION) *.so.$(LIBPERF_VERSION) .*.d .*.cmd LIBPERF-CFLAGS $(LIBPERF_PC)
+ $(Q)$(MAKE) -C tests clean
+tests: libs
+ $(Q)$(MAKE) -C tests
+ $(Q)$(MAKE) -C tests run
+ $(QUIET_GEN)sed -e "s|@PREFIX@|$(prefix)|" \
+ -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(libdir_SQ)|" \
+ -e "s|@VERSION@|$(VERSION)|" \
+ < libperf.pc.template > $@
+define do_install_mkdir
+ if [ ! -d '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$1' ]; then \
+ $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$1'; \
+ fi
+define do_install
+ if [ ! -d '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$2' ]; then \
+ $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$2'; \
+ fi; \
+ $(INSTALL) $1 $(if $3,-m $3,) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$2'
+install_lib: libs
+ $(call do_install_mkdir,$(libdir_SQ)); \
+ cp -fpR $(LIBPERF_ALL) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir_SQ)
+ $(call QUIET_INSTALL, headers) \
+ $(call do_install,include/perf/core.h,$(prefix)/include/perf,644); \
+ $(call do_install,include/perf/cpumap.h,$(prefix)/include/perf,644); \
+ $(call do_install,include/perf/threadmap.h,$(prefix)/include/perf,644); \
+ $(call do_install,include/perf/evlist.h,$(prefix)/include/perf,644); \
+ $(call do_install,include/perf/evsel.h,$(prefix)/include/perf,644); \
+ $(call do_install,include/perf/event.h,$(prefix)/include/perf,644); \
+ $(call do_install,include/perf/mmap.h,$(prefix)/include/perf,644);
+install_pkgconfig: $(LIBPERF_PC)
+ $(call do_install,$(LIBPERF_PC),$(libdir_SQ)/pkgconfig,644)
+install: install_lib install_headers install_pkgconfig
+.PHONY: all install clean tests FORCE
--- /dev/null
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+#define __printf(a, b) __attribute__((format(printf, a, b)))
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <linux/compiler.h>
+#include <perf/core.h>
+#include <internal/lib.h>
+#include "internal.h"
+static int __base_pr(enum libperf_print_level level __maybe_unused, const char *format,
+ va_list args)
+ return vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
+static libperf_print_fn_t __libperf_pr = __base_pr;
+__printf(2, 3)
+void libperf_print(enum libperf_print_level level, const char *format, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ if (!__libperf_pr)
+ return;
+ va_start(args, format);
+ __libperf_pr(level, format, args);
+ va_end(args);
+void libperf_init(libperf_print_fn_t fn)
+ page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
+ __libperf_pr = fn;
--- /dev/null
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+#include <perf/cpumap.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <linux/refcount.h>
+#include <internal/cpumap.h>
+#include <asm/bug.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__dummy_new(void)
+ struct perf_cpu_map *cpus = malloc(sizeof(*cpus) + sizeof(int));
+ if (cpus != NULL) {
+ cpus->nr = 1;
+ cpus->map[0] = -1;
+ refcount_set(&cpus->refcnt, 1);
+ }
+ return cpus;
+static void cpu_map__delete(struct perf_cpu_map *map)
+ if (map) {
+ WARN_ONCE(refcount_read(&map->refcnt) != 0,
+ "cpu_map refcnt unbalanced\n");
+ free(map);
+ }
+struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__get(struct perf_cpu_map *map)
+ if (map)
+ refcount_inc(&map->refcnt);
+ return map;
+void perf_cpu_map__put(struct perf_cpu_map *map)
+ if (map && refcount_dec_and_test(&map->refcnt))
+ cpu_map__delete(map);
+static struct perf_cpu_map *cpu_map__default_new(void)
+ struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
+ int nr_cpus;
+ nr_cpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
+ if (nr_cpus < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ cpus = malloc(sizeof(*cpus) + nr_cpus * sizeof(int));
+ if (cpus != NULL) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < nr_cpus; ++i)
+ cpus->map[i] = i;
+ cpus->nr = nr_cpus;
+ refcount_set(&cpus->refcnt, 1);
+ }
+ return cpus;
+static int cmp_int(const void *a, const void *b)
+ return *(const int *)a - *(const int*)b;
+static struct perf_cpu_map *cpu_map__trim_new(int nr_cpus, int *tmp_cpus)
+ size_t payload_size = nr_cpus * sizeof(int);
+ struct perf_cpu_map *cpus = malloc(sizeof(*cpus) + payload_size);
+ int i, j;
+ if (cpus != NULL) {
+ memcpy(cpus->map, tmp_cpus, payload_size);
+ qsort(cpus->map, nr_cpus, sizeof(int), cmp_int);
+ /* Remove dups */
+ j = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < nr_cpus; i++) {
+ if (i == 0 || cpus->map[i] != cpus->map[i - 1])
+ cpus->map[j++] = cpus->map[i];
+ }
+ cpus->nr = j;
+ assert(j <= nr_cpus);
+ refcount_set(&cpus->refcnt, 1);
+ }
+ return cpus;
+struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__read(FILE *file)
+ struct perf_cpu_map *cpus = NULL;
+ int nr_cpus = 0;
+ int *tmp_cpus = NULL, *tmp;
+ int max_entries = 0;
+ int n, cpu, prev;
+ char sep;
+ sep = 0;
+ prev = -1;
+ for (;;) {
+ n = fscanf(file, "%u%c", &cpu, &sep);
+ if (n <= 0)
+ break;
+ if (prev >= 0) {
+ int new_max = nr_cpus + cpu - prev - 1;
+ WARN_ONCE(new_max >= MAX_NR_CPUS, "Perf can support %d CPUs. "
+ "Consider raising MAX_NR_CPUS\n", MAX_NR_CPUS);
+ if (new_max >= max_entries) {
+ max_entries = new_max + MAX_NR_CPUS / 2;
+ tmp = realloc(tmp_cpus, max_entries * sizeof(int));
+ if (tmp == NULL)
+ goto out_free_tmp;
+ tmp_cpus = tmp;
+ }
+ while (++prev < cpu)
+ tmp_cpus[nr_cpus++] = prev;
+ }
+ if (nr_cpus == max_entries) {
+ max_entries += MAX_NR_CPUS;
+ tmp = realloc(tmp_cpus, max_entries * sizeof(int));
+ if (tmp == NULL)
+ goto out_free_tmp;
+ tmp_cpus = tmp;
+ }
+ tmp_cpus[nr_cpus++] = cpu;
+ if (n == 2 && sep == '-')
+ prev = cpu;
+ else
+ prev = -1;
+ if (n == 1 || sep == '\n')
+ break;
+ }
+ if (nr_cpus > 0)
+ cpus = cpu_map__trim_new(nr_cpus, tmp_cpus);
+ else
+ cpus = cpu_map__default_new();
+ free(tmp_cpus);
+ return cpus;
+static struct perf_cpu_map *cpu_map__read_all_cpu_map(void)
+ struct perf_cpu_map *cpus = NULL;
+ FILE *onlnf;
+ onlnf = fopen("/sys/devices/system/cpu/online", "r");
+ if (!onlnf)
+ return cpu_map__default_new();
+ cpus = perf_cpu_map__read(onlnf);
+ fclose(onlnf);
+ return cpus;
+struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__new(const char *cpu_list)
+ struct perf_cpu_map *cpus = NULL;
+ unsigned long start_cpu, end_cpu = 0;
+ char *p = NULL;
+ int i, nr_cpus = 0;
+ int *tmp_cpus = NULL, *tmp;
+ int max_entries = 0;
+ if (!cpu_list)
+ return cpu_map__read_all_cpu_map();
+ /*
+ * must handle the case of empty cpumap to cover
+ * TOPOLOGY header for NUMA nodes with no CPU
+ * ( e.g., because of CPU hotplug)
+ */
+ if (!isdigit(*cpu_list) && *cpu_list != '\0')
+ goto out;
+ while (isdigit(*cpu_list)) {
+ p = NULL;
+ start_cpu = strtoul(cpu_list, &p, 0);
+ if (start_cpu >= INT_MAX
+ || (*p != '\0' && *p != ',' && *p != '-'))
+ goto invalid;
+ if (*p == '-') {
+ cpu_list = ++p;
+ p = NULL;
+ end_cpu = strtoul(cpu_list, &p, 0);
+ if (end_cpu >= INT_MAX || (*p != '\0' && *p != ','))
+ goto invalid;
+ if (end_cpu < start_cpu)
+ goto invalid;
+ } else {
+ end_cpu = start_cpu;
+ }
+ WARN_ONCE(end_cpu >= MAX_NR_CPUS, "Perf can support %d CPUs. "
+ "Consider raising MAX_NR_CPUS\n", MAX_NR_CPUS);
+ for (; start_cpu <= end_cpu; start_cpu++) {
+ /* check for duplicates */
+ for (i = 0; i < nr_cpus; i++)
+ if (tmp_cpus[i] == (int)start_cpu)
+ goto invalid;
+ if (nr_cpus == max_entries) {
+ max_entries += MAX_NR_CPUS;
+ tmp = realloc(tmp_cpus, max_entries * sizeof(int));
+ if (tmp == NULL)
+ goto invalid;
+ tmp_cpus = tmp;
+ }
+ tmp_cpus[nr_cpus++] = (int)start_cpu;
+ }
+ if (*p)
+ ++p;
+ cpu_list = p;
+ }
+ if (nr_cpus > 0)
+ cpus = cpu_map__trim_new(nr_cpus, tmp_cpus);
+ else if (*cpu_list != '\0')
+ cpus = cpu_map__default_new();
+ else
+ cpus = perf_cpu_map__dummy_new();
+ free(tmp_cpus);
+ return cpus;
+int perf_cpu_map__cpu(const struct perf_cpu_map *cpus, int idx)
+ if (idx < cpus->nr)
+ return cpus->map[idx];
+ return -1;
+int perf_cpu_map__nr(const struct perf_cpu_map *cpus)
+ return cpus ? cpus->nr : 1;
+bool perf_cpu_map__empty(const struct perf_cpu_map *map)
+ return map ? map->map[0] == -1 : true;
+int perf_cpu_map__idx(struct perf_cpu_map *cpus, int cpu)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < cpus->nr; ++i) {
+ if (cpus->map[i] == cpu)
+ return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+int perf_cpu_map__max(struct perf_cpu_map *map)
+ int i, max = -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < map->nr; i++) {
+ if (map->map[i] > max)
+ max = map->map[i];
+ }
+ return max;
+ * Merge two cpumaps
+ *
+ * orig either gets freed and replaced with a new map, or reused
+ * with no reference count change (similar to "realloc")
+ * other has its reference count increased.
+ */
+struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__merge(struct perf_cpu_map *orig,
+ struct perf_cpu_map *other)
+ int *tmp_cpus;
+ int tmp_len;
+ int i, j, k;
+ struct perf_cpu_map *merged;
+ if (!orig && !other)
+ return NULL;
+ if (!orig) {
+ perf_cpu_map__get(other);
+ return other;
+ }
+ if (!other)
+ return orig;
+ if (orig->nr == other->nr &&
+ !memcmp(orig->map, other->map, orig->nr * sizeof(int)))
+ return orig;
+ tmp_len = orig->nr + other->nr;
+ tmp_cpus = malloc(tmp_len * sizeof(int));
+ if (!tmp_cpus)
+ return NULL;
+ /* Standard merge algorithm from wikipedia */
+ i = j = k = 0;
+ while (i < orig->nr && j < other->nr) {
+ if (orig->map[i] <= other->map[j]) {
+ if (orig->map[i] == other->map[j])
+ j++;
+ tmp_cpus[k++] = orig->map[i++];
+ } else
+ tmp_cpus[k++] = other->map[j++];
+ }
+ while (i < orig->nr)
+ tmp_cpus[k++] = orig->map[i++];
+ while (j < other->nr)
+ tmp_cpus[k++] = other->map[j++];
+ assert(k <= tmp_len);
+ merged = cpu_map__trim_new(k, tmp_cpus);
+ free(tmp_cpus);
+ perf_cpu_map__put(orig);
+ return merged;
--- /dev/null
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+#include <perf/evlist.h>
+#include <perf/evsel.h>
+#include <linux/bitops.h>
+#include <linux/list.h>
+#include <linux/hash.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <internal/evlist.h>
+#include <internal/evsel.h>
+#include <internal/xyarray.h>
+#include <internal/mmap.h>
+#include <internal/cpumap.h>
+#include <internal/threadmap.h>
+#include <internal/xyarray.h>
+#include <internal/lib.h>
+#include <linux/zalloc.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <poll.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <perf/cpumap.h>
+#include <perf/threadmap.h>
+#include <api/fd/array.h>
+void perf_evlist__init(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < PERF_EVLIST__HLIST_SIZE; ++i)
+ INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&evlist->heads[i]);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&evlist->entries);
+ evlist->nr_entries = 0;
+ fdarray__init(&evlist->pollfd, 64);
+static void __perf_evlist__propagate_maps(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel)
+ /*
+ * We already have cpus for evsel (via PMU sysfs) so
+ * keep it, if there's no target cpu list defined.
+ */
+ if (!evsel->own_cpus || evlist->has_user_cpus) {
+ perf_cpu_map__put(evsel->cpus);
+ evsel->cpus = perf_cpu_map__get(evlist->cpus);
+ } else if (evsel->cpus != evsel->own_cpus) {
+ perf_cpu_map__put(evsel->cpus);
+ evsel->cpus = perf_cpu_map__get(evsel->own_cpus);
+ }
+ perf_thread_map__put(evsel->threads);
+ evsel->threads = perf_thread_map__get(evlist->threads);
+ evlist->all_cpus = perf_cpu_map__merge(evlist->all_cpus, evsel->cpus);
+static void perf_evlist__propagate_maps(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel;
+ perf_evlist__for_each_evsel(evlist, evsel)
+ __perf_evlist__propagate_maps(evlist, evsel);
+void perf_evlist__add(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel)
+ list_add_tail(&evsel->node, &evlist->entries);
+ evlist->nr_entries += 1;
+ __perf_evlist__propagate_maps(evlist, evsel);
+void perf_evlist__remove(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel)
+ list_del_init(&evsel->node);
+ evlist->nr_entries -= 1;
+struct perf_evlist *perf_evlist__new(void)
+ struct perf_evlist *evlist = zalloc(sizeof(*evlist));
+ if (evlist != NULL)
+ perf_evlist__init(evlist);
+ return evlist;
+struct perf_evsel *
+perf_evlist__next(struct perf_evlist *evlist, struct perf_evsel *prev)
+ struct perf_evsel *next;
+ if (!prev) {
+ next = list_first_entry(&evlist->entries,
+ struct perf_evsel,
+ node);
+ } else {
+ next = list_next_entry(prev, node);
+ }
+ /* Empty list is noticed here so don't need checking on entry. */
+ if (&next->node == &evlist->entries)
+ return NULL;
+ return next;
+static void perf_evlist__purge(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
+ struct perf_evsel *pos, *n;
+ perf_evlist__for_each_entry_safe(evlist, n, pos) {
+ list_del_init(&pos->node);
+ perf_evsel__delete(pos);
+ }
+ evlist->nr_entries = 0;
+void perf_evlist__exit(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
+ perf_cpu_map__put(evlist->cpus);
+ perf_thread_map__put(evlist->threads);
+ evlist->cpus = NULL;
+ evlist->threads = NULL;
+ fdarray__exit(&evlist->pollfd);
+void perf_evlist__delete(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
+ if (evlist == NULL)
+ return;
+ perf_evlist__munmap(evlist);
+ perf_evlist__close(evlist);
+ perf_evlist__purge(evlist);
+ perf_evlist__exit(evlist);
+ free(evlist);
+void perf_evlist__set_maps(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ struct perf_cpu_map *cpus,
+ struct perf_thread_map *threads)
+ /*
+ * Allow for the possibility that one or another of the maps isn't being
+ * changed i.e. don't put it. Note we are assuming the maps that are
+ * being applied are brand new and evlist is taking ownership of the
+ * original reference count of 1. If that is not the case it is up to
+ * the caller to increase the reference count.
+ */
+ if (cpus != evlist->cpus) {
+ perf_cpu_map__put(evlist->cpus);
+ evlist->cpus = perf_cpu_map__get(cpus);
+ }
+ if (threads != evlist->threads) {
+ perf_thread_map__put(evlist->threads);
+ evlist->threads = perf_thread_map__get(threads);
+ }
+ perf_evlist__propagate_maps(evlist);
+int perf_evlist__open(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel;
+ int err;
+ perf_evlist__for_each_entry(evlist, evsel) {
+ err = perf_evsel__open(evsel, evsel->cpus, evsel->threads);
+ if (err < 0)
+ goto out_err;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ perf_evlist__close(evlist);
+ return err;
+void perf_evlist__close(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel;
+ perf_evlist__for_each_entry_reverse(evlist, evsel)
+ perf_evsel__close(evsel);
+void perf_evlist__enable(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel;
+ perf_evlist__for_each_entry(evlist, evsel)
+ perf_evsel__enable(evsel);
+void perf_evlist__disable(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel;
+ perf_evlist__for_each_entry(evlist, evsel)
+ perf_evsel__disable(evsel);
+u64 perf_evlist__read_format(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
+ struct perf_evsel *first = perf_evlist__first(evlist);
+ return first->attr.read_format;
+#define SID(e, x, y) xyarray__entry(e->sample_id, x, y)
+static void perf_evlist__id_hash(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel,
+ int cpu, int thread, u64 id)
+ int hash;
+ struct perf_sample_id *sid = SID(evsel, cpu, thread);
+ sid->id = id;
+ sid->evsel = evsel;
+ hash = hash_64(sid->id, PERF_EVLIST__HLIST_BITS);
+ hlist_add_head(&sid->node, &evlist->heads[hash]);
+void perf_evlist__id_add(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel,
+ int cpu, int thread, u64 id)
+ perf_evlist__id_hash(evlist, evsel, cpu, thread, id);
+ evsel->id[evsel->ids++] = id;
+int perf_evlist__id_add_fd(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel,
+ int cpu, int thread, int fd)
+ u64 read_data[4] = { 0, };
+ int id_idx = 1; /* The first entry is the counter value */
+ u64 id;
+ int ret;
+ ret = ioctl(fd, PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID, &id);
+ if (!ret)
+ goto add;
+ if (errno != ENOTTY)
+ return -1;
+ /* Legacy way to get event id.. All hail to old kernels! */
+ /*
+ * This way does not work with group format read, so bail
+ * out in that case.
+ */
+ if (perf_evlist__read_format(evlist) & PERF_FORMAT_GROUP)
+ return -1;
+ if (!(evsel->attr.read_format & PERF_FORMAT_ID) ||
+ read(fd, &read_data, sizeof(read_data)) == -1)
+ return -1;
+ if (evsel->attr.read_format & PERF_FORMAT_TOTAL_TIME_ENABLED)
+ ++id_idx;
+ if (evsel->attr.read_format & PERF_FORMAT_TOTAL_TIME_RUNNING)
+ ++id_idx;
+ id = read_data[id_idx];
+ perf_evlist__id_add(evlist, evsel, cpu, thread, id);
+ return 0;
+int perf_evlist__alloc_pollfd(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
+ int nr_cpus = perf_cpu_map__nr(evlist->cpus);
+ int nr_threads = perf_thread_map__nr(evlist->threads);
+ int nfds = 0;
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel;
+ perf_evlist__for_each_entry(evlist, evsel) {
+ if (evsel->system_wide)
+ nfds += nr_cpus;
+ else
+ nfds += nr_cpus * nr_threads;
+ }
+ if (fdarray__available_entries(&evlist->pollfd) < nfds &&
+ fdarray__grow(&evlist->pollfd, nfds) < 0)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ return 0;
+int perf_evlist__add_pollfd(struct perf_evlist *evlist, int fd,
+ void *ptr, short revent)
+ int pos = fdarray__add(&evlist->pollfd, fd, revent | POLLERR | POLLHUP);
+ if (pos >= 0) {
+ evlist->pollfd.priv[pos].ptr = ptr;
+ fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+ }
+ return pos;
+static void perf_evlist__munmap_filtered(struct fdarray *fda, int fd,
+ void *arg __maybe_unused)
+ struct perf_mmap *map = fda->priv[fd].ptr;
+ if (map)
+ perf_mmap__put(map);
+int perf_evlist__filter_pollfd(struct perf_evlist *evlist, short revents_and_mask)
+ return fdarray__filter(&evlist->pollfd, revents_and_mask,
+ perf_evlist__munmap_filtered, NULL);
+int perf_evlist__poll(struct perf_evlist *evlist, int timeout)
+ return fdarray__poll(&evlist->pollfd, timeout);
+static struct perf_mmap* perf_evlist__alloc_mmap(struct perf_evlist *evlist, bool overwrite)
+ int i;
+ struct perf_mmap *map;
+ map = zalloc(evlist->nr_mmaps * sizeof(struct perf_mmap));
+ if (!map)
+ return NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < evlist->nr_mmaps; i++) {
+ struct perf_mmap *prev = i ? &map[i - 1] : NULL;
+ /*
+ * When the perf_mmap() call is made we grab one refcount, plus
+ * one extra to let perf_mmap__consume() get the last
+ * events after all real references (perf_mmap__get()) are
+ * dropped.
+ *
+ * Each PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT points to this mmap and
+ * thus does perf_mmap__get() on it.
+ */
+ perf_mmap__init(&map[i], prev, overwrite, NULL);
+ }
+ return map;
+static void perf_evlist__set_sid_idx(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel, int idx, int cpu,
+ int thread)
+ struct perf_sample_id *sid = SID(evsel, cpu, thread);
+ sid->idx = idx;
+ if (evlist->cpus && cpu >= 0)
+ sid->cpu = evlist->cpus->map[cpu];
+ else
+ sid->cpu = -1;
+ if (!evsel->system_wide && evlist->threads && thread >= 0)
+ sid->tid = perf_thread_map__pid(evlist->threads, thread);
+ else
+ sid->tid = -1;
+static struct perf_mmap*
+perf_evlist__mmap_cb_get(struct perf_evlist *evlist, bool overwrite, int idx)
+ struct perf_mmap *maps;
+ maps = overwrite ? evlist->mmap_ovw : evlist->mmap;
+ if (!maps) {
+ maps = perf_evlist__alloc_mmap(evlist, overwrite);
+ if (!maps)
+ return NULL;
+ if (overwrite)
+ evlist->mmap_ovw = maps;
+ else
+ evlist->mmap = maps;
+ }
+ return &maps[idx];
+#define FD(e, x, y) (*(int *) xyarray__entry(e->fd, x, y))
+static int
+perf_evlist__mmap_cb_mmap(struct perf_mmap *map, struct perf_mmap_param *mp,
+ int output, int cpu)
+ return perf_mmap__mmap(map, mp, output, cpu);
+static void perf_evlist__set_mmap_first(struct perf_evlist *evlist, struct perf_mmap *map,
+ bool overwrite)
+ if (overwrite)
+ evlist->mmap_ovw_first = map;
+ else
+ evlist->mmap_first = map;
+static int
+mmap_per_evsel(struct perf_evlist *evlist, struct perf_evlist_mmap_ops *ops,
+ int idx, struct perf_mmap_param *mp, int cpu_idx,
+ int thread, int *_output, int *_output_overwrite)
+ int evlist_cpu = perf_cpu_map__cpu(evlist->cpus, cpu_idx);
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel;
+ int revent;
+ perf_evlist__for_each_entry(evlist, evsel) {
+ bool overwrite = evsel->attr.write_backward;
+ struct perf_mmap *map;
+ int *output, fd, cpu;
+ if (evsel->system_wide && thread)
+ continue;
+ cpu = perf_cpu_map__idx(evsel->cpus, evlist_cpu);
+ if (cpu == -1)
+ continue;
+ map = ops->get(evlist, overwrite, idx);
+ if (map == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ if (overwrite) {
+ mp->prot = PROT_READ;
+ output = _output_overwrite;
+ } else {
+ mp->prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE;
+ output = _output;
+ }
+ fd = FD(evsel, cpu, thread);
+ if (*output == -1) {
+ *output = fd;
+ /*
+ * The last one will be done at perf_mmap__consume(), so that we
+ * make sure we don't prevent tools from consuming every last event in
+ * the ring buffer.
+ *
+ * I.e. we can get the POLLHUP meaning that the fd doesn't exist
+ * anymore, but the last events for it are still in the ring buffer,
+ * waiting to be consumed.
+ *
+ * Tools can chose to ignore this at their own discretion, but the
+ * evlist layer can't just drop it when filtering events in
+ * perf_evlist__filter_pollfd().
+ */
+ refcount_set(&map->refcnt, 2);
+ if (ops->mmap(map, mp, *output, evlist_cpu) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (!idx)
+ perf_evlist__set_mmap_first(evlist, map, overwrite);
+ } else {
+ if (ioctl(fd, PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT, *output) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ perf_mmap__get(map);
+ }
+ revent = !overwrite ? POLLIN : 0;
+ if (!evsel->system_wide &&
+ perf_evlist__add_pollfd(evlist, fd, map, revent) < 0) {
+ perf_mmap__put(map);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (evsel->attr.read_format & PERF_FORMAT_ID) {
+ if (perf_evlist__id_add_fd(evlist, evsel, cpu, thread,
+ fd) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ perf_evlist__set_sid_idx(evlist, evsel, idx, cpu,
+ thread);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+mmap_per_thread(struct perf_evlist *evlist, struct perf_evlist_mmap_ops *ops,
+ struct perf_mmap_param *mp)
+ int thread;
+ int nr_threads = perf_thread_map__nr(evlist->threads);
+ for (thread = 0; thread < nr_threads; thread++) {
+ int output = -1;
+ int output_overwrite = -1;
+ if (ops->idx)
+ ops->idx(evlist, mp, thread, false);
+ if (mmap_per_evsel(evlist, ops, thread, mp, 0, thread,
+ &output, &output_overwrite))
+ goto out_unmap;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ perf_evlist__munmap(evlist);
+ return -1;
+static int
+mmap_per_cpu(struct perf_evlist *evlist, struct perf_evlist_mmap_ops *ops,
+ struct perf_mmap_param *mp)
+ int nr_threads = perf_thread_map__nr(evlist->threads);
+ int nr_cpus = perf_cpu_map__nr(evlist->cpus);
+ int cpu, thread;
+ for (cpu = 0; cpu < nr_cpus; cpu++) {
+ int output = -1;
+ int output_overwrite = -1;
+ if (ops->idx)
+ ops->idx(evlist, mp, cpu, true);
+ for (thread = 0; thread < nr_threads; thread++) {
+ if (mmap_per_evsel(evlist, ops, cpu, mp, cpu,
+ thread, &output, &output_overwrite))
+ goto out_unmap;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ perf_evlist__munmap(evlist);
+ return -1;
+static int perf_evlist__nr_mmaps(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
+ int nr_mmaps;
+ nr_mmaps = perf_cpu_map__nr(evlist->cpus);
+ if (perf_cpu_map__empty(evlist->cpus))
+ nr_mmaps = perf_thread_map__nr(evlist->threads);
+ return nr_mmaps;
+int perf_evlist__mmap_ops(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ struct perf_evlist_mmap_ops *ops,
+ struct perf_mmap_param *mp)
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel;
+ const struct perf_cpu_map *cpus = evlist->cpus;
+ const struct perf_thread_map *threads = evlist->threads;
+ if (!ops || !ops->get || !ops->mmap)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ mp->mask = evlist->mmap_len - page_size - 1;
+ evlist->nr_mmaps = perf_evlist__nr_mmaps(evlist);
+ perf_evlist__for_each_entry(evlist, evsel) {
+ if ((evsel->attr.read_format & PERF_FORMAT_ID) &&
+ evsel->sample_id == NULL &&
+ perf_evsel__alloc_id(evsel, perf_cpu_map__nr(cpus), threads->nr) < 0)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ if (evlist->pollfd.entries == NULL && perf_evlist__alloc_pollfd(evlist) < 0)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ if (perf_cpu_map__empty(cpus))
+ return mmap_per_thread(evlist, ops, mp);
+ return mmap_per_cpu(evlist, ops, mp);
+int perf_evlist__mmap(struct perf_evlist *evlist, int pages)
+ struct perf_mmap_param mp;
+ struct perf_evlist_mmap_ops ops = {
+ .get = perf_evlist__mmap_cb_get,
+ .mmap = perf_evlist__mmap_cb_mmap,
+ };
+ evlist->mmap_len = (pages + 1) * page_size;
+ return perf_evlist__mmap_ops(evlist, &ops, &mp);
+void perf_evlist__munmap(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
+ int i;
+ if (evlist->mmap) {
+ for (i = 0; i < evlist->nr_mmaps; i++)
+ perf_mmap__munmap(&evlist->mmap[i]);
+ }
+ if (evlist->mmap_ovw) {
+ for (i = 0; i < evlist->nr_mmaps; i++)
+ perf_mmap__munmap(&evlist->mmap_ovw[i]);
+ }
+ zfree(&evlist->mmap);
+ zfree(&evlist->mmap_ovw);
+struct perf_mmap*
+perf_evlist__next_mmap(struct perf_evlist *evlist, struct perf_mmap *map,
+ bool overwrite)
+ if (map)
+ return map->next;
+ return overwrite ? evlist->mmap_ovw_first : evlist->mmap_first;
--- /dev/null
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/syscall.h>
+#include <perf/evsel.h>
+#include <perf/cpumap.h>
+#include <perf/threadmap.h>
+#include <linux/list.h>
+#include <internal/evsel.h>
+#include <linux/zalloc.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <internal/xyarray.h>
+#include <internal/cpumap.h>
+#include <internal/threadmap.h>
+#include <internal/lib.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+void perf_evsel__init(struct perf_evsel *evsel, struct perf_event_attr *attr)
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&evsel->node);
+ evsel->attr = *attr;
+struct perf_evsel *perf_evsel__new(struct perf_event_attr *attr)
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel = zalloc(sizeof(*evsel));
+ if (evsel != NULL)
+ perf_evsel__init(evsel, attr);
+ return evsel;
+void perf_evsel__delete(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
+ free(evsel);
+#define FD(e, x, y) (*(int *) xyarray__entry(e->fd, x, y))
+int perf_evsel__alloc_fd(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int ncpus, int nthreads)
+ evsel->fd = xyarray__new(ncpus, nthreads, sizeof(int));
+ if (evsel->fd) {
+ int cpu, thread;
+ for (cpu = 0; cpu < ncpus; cpu++) {
+ for (thread = 0; thread < nthreads; thread++) {
+ FD(evsel, cpu, thread) = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return evsel->fd != NULL ? 0 : -ENOMEM;
+static int
+sys_perf_event_open(struct perf_event_attr *attr,
+ pid_t pid, int cpu, int group_fd,
+ unsigned long flags)
+ return syscall(__NR_perf_event_open, attr, pid, cpu, group_fd, flags);
+int perf_evsel__open(struct perf_evsel *evsel, struct perf_cpu_map *cpus,
+ struct perf_thread_map *threads)
+ int cpu, thread, err = 0;
+ if (cpus == NULL) {
+ static struct perf_cpu_map *empty_cpu_map;
+ if (empty_cpu_map == NULL) {
+ empty_cpu_map = perf_cpu_map__dummy_new();
+ if (empty_cpu_map == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ cpus = empty_cpu_map;
+ }
+ if (threads == NULL) {
+ static struct perf_thread_map *empty_thread_map;
+ if (empty_thread_map == NULL) {
+ empty_thread_map = perf_thread_map__new_dummy();
+ if (empty_thread_map == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ threads = empty_thread_map;
+ }
+ if (evsel->fd == NULL &&
+ perf_evsel__alloc_fd(evsel, cpus->nr, threads->nr) < 0)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ for (cpu = 0; cpu < cpus->nr; cpu++) {
+ for (thread = 0; thread < threads->nr; thread++) {
+ int fd;
+ fd = sys_perf_event_open(&evsel->attr,
+ threads->map[thread].pid,
+ cpus->map[cpu], -1, 0);
+ if (fd < 0)
+ return -errno;
+ FD(evsel, cpu, thread) = fd;
+ }
+ }
+ return err;
+static void perf_evsel__close_fd_cpu(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu)
+ int thread;
+ for (thread = 0; thread < xyarray__max_y(evsel->fd); ++thread) {
+ if (FD(evsel, cpu, thread) >= 0)
+ close(FD(evsel, cpu, thread));
+ FD(evsel, cpu, thread) = -1;
+ }
+void perf_evsel__close_fd(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
+ int cpu;
+ for (cpu = 0; cpu < xyarray__max_x(evsel->fd); cpu++)
+ perf_evsel__close_fd_cpu(evsel, cpu);
+void perf_evsel__free_fd(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
+ xyarray__delete(evsel->fd);
+ evsel->fd = NULL;
+void perf_evsel__close(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
+ if (evsel->fd == NULL)
+ return;
+ perf_evsel__close_fd(evsel);
+ perf_evsel__free_fd(evsel);
+void perf_evsel__close_cpu(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu)
+ if (evsel->fd == NULL)
+ return;
+ perf_evsel__close_fd_cpu(evsel, cpu);
+int perf_evsel__read_size(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
+ u64 read_format = evsel->attr.read_format;
+ int entry = sizeof(u64); /* value */
+ int size = 0;
+ int nr = 1;
+ size += sizeof(u64);
+ size += sizeof(u64);
+ if (read_format & PERF_FORMAT_ID)
+ entry += sizeof(u64);
+ if (read_format & PERF_FORMAT_GROUP) {
+ nr = evsel->nr_members;
+ size += sizeof(u64);
+ }
+ size += entry * nr;
+ return size;
+int perf_evsel__read(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu, int thread,
+ struct perf_counts_values *count)
+ size_t size = perf_evsel__read_size(evsel);
+ memset(count, 0, sizeof(*count));
+ if (FD(evsel, cpu, thread) < 0)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (readn(FD(evsel, cpu, thread), count->values, size) <= 0)
+ return -errno;
+ return 0;
+static int perf_evsel__run_ioctl(struct perf_evsel *evsel,
+ int ioc, void *arg,
+ int cpu)
+ int thread;
+ for (thread = 0; thread < xyarray__max_y(evsel->fd); thread++) {
+ int fd = FD(evsel, cpu, thread),
+ err = ioctl(fd, ioc, arg);
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int perf_evsel__enable_cpu(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu)
+ return perf_evsel__run_ioctl(evsel, PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE, NULL, cpu);
+int perf_evsel__enable(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
+ int i;
+ int err = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < xyarray__max_x(evsel->fd) && !err; i++)
+ err = perf_evsel__run_ioctl(evsel, PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE, NULL, i);
+ return err;
+int perf_evsel__disable_cpu(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu)
+ return perf_evsel__run_ioctl(evsel, PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE, NULL, cpu);
+int perf_evsel__disable(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
+ int i;
+ int err = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < xyarray__max_x(evsel->fd) && !err; i++)
+ err = perf_evsel__run_ioctl(evsel, PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE, NULL, i);
+ return err;
+int perf_evsel__apply_filter(struct perf_evsel *evsel, const char *filter)
+ int err = 0, i;
+ for (i = 0; i < evsel->cpus->nr && !err; i++)
+ err = perf_evsel__run_ioctl(evsel,
+ (void *)filter, i);
+ return err;
+struct perf_cpu_map *perf_evsel__cpus(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
+ return evsel->cpus;
+struct perf_thread_map *perf_evsel__threads(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
+ return evsel->threads;
+struct perf_event_attr *perf_evsel__attr(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
+ return &evsel->attr;
+int perf_evsel__alloc_id(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int ncpus, int nthreads)
+ if (ncpus == 0 || nthreads == 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (evsel->system_wide)
+ nthreads = 1;
+ evsel->sample_id = xyarray__new(ncpus, nthreads, sizeof(struct perf_sample_id));
+ if (evsel->sample_id == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ evsel->id = zalloc(ncpus * nthreads * sizeof(u64));
+ if (evsel->id == NULL) {
+ xyarray__delete(evsel->sample_id);
+ evsel->sample_id = NULL;
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void perf_evsel__free_id(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
+ xyarray__delete(evsel->sample_id);
+ evsel->sample_id = NULL;
+ zfree(&evsel->id);
+ evsel->ids = 0;
--- /dev/null
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#include <linux/refcount.h>
+struct perf_cpu_map {
+ refcount_t refcnt;
+ int nr;
+ int map[];
+#ifndef MAX_NR_CPUS
+#define MAX_NR_CPUS 2048
+int perf_cpu_map__idx(struct perf_cpu_map *cpus, int cpu);
--- /dev/null
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#include <linux/list.h>
+#include <api/fd/array.h>
+#include <internal/evsel.h>
+struct perf_cpu_map;
+struct perf_thread_map;
+struct perf_mmap_param;
+struct perf_evlist {
+ struct list_head entries;
+ int nr_entries;
+ bool has_user_cpus;
+ struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
+ struct perf_cpu_map *all_cpus;
+ struct perf_thread_map *threads;
+ int nr_mmaps;
+ size_t mmap_len;
+ struct fdarray pollfd;
+ struct hlist_head heads[PERF_EVLIST__HLIST_SIZE];
+ struct perf_mmap *mmap;
+ struct perf_mmap *mmap_ovw;
+ struct perf_mmap *mmap_first;
+ struct perf_mmap *mmap_ovw_first;
+typedef void
+(*perf_evlist_mmap__cb_idx_t)(struct perf_evlist*, struct perf_mmap_param*, int, bool);
+typedef struct perf_mmap*
+(*perf_evlist_mmap__cb_get_t)(struct perf_evlist*, bool, int);
+typedef int
+(*perf_evlist_mmap__cb_mmap_t)(struct perf_mmap*, struct perf_mmap_param*, int, int);
+struct perf_evlist_mmap_ops {
+ perf_evlist_mmap__cb_idx_t idx;
+ perf_evlist_mmap__cb_get_t get;
+ perf_evlist_mmap__cb_mmap_t mmap;
+int perf_evlist__alloc_pollfd(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
+int perf_evlist__add_pollfd(struct perf_evlist *evlist, int fd,
+ void *ptr, short revent);
+int perf_evlist__mmap_ops(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ struct perf_evlist_mmap_ops *ops,
+ struct perf_mmap_param *mp);
+void perf_evlist__init(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
+void perf_evlist__exit(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
+ * __perf_evlist__for_each_entry - iterate thru all the evsels
+ * @list: list_head instance to iterate
+ * @evsel: struct perf_evsel iterator
+ */
+#define __perf_evlist__for_each_entry(list, evsel) \
+ list_for_each_entry(evsel, list, node)
+ * evlist__for_each_entry - iterate thru all the evsels
+ * @evlist: perf_evlist instance to iterate
+ * @evsel: struct perf_evsel iterator
+ */
+#define perf_evlist__for_each_entry(evlist, evsel) \
+ __perf_evlist__for_each_entry(&(evlist)->entries, evsel)
+ * __perf_evlist__for_each_entry_reverse - iterate thru all the evsels in reverse order
+ * @list: list_head instance to iterate
+ * @evsel: struct evsel iterator
+ */
+#define __perf_evlist__for_each_entry_reverse(list, evsel) \
+ list_for_each_entry_reverse(evsel, list, node)
+ * perf_evlist__for_each_entry_reverse - iterate thru all the evsels in reverse order
+ * @evlist: evlist instance to iterate
+ * @evsel: struct evsel iterator
+ */
+#define perf_evlist__for_each_entry_reverse(evlist, evsel) \
+ __perf_evlist__for_each_entry_reverse(&(evlist)->entries, evsel)
+ * __perf_evlist__for_each_entry_safe - safely iterate thru all the evsels
+ * @list: list_head instance to iterate
+ * @tmp: struct evsel temp iterator
+ * @evsel: struct evsel iterator
+ */
+#define __perf_evlist__for_each_entry_safe(list, tmp, evsel) \
+ list_for_each_entry_safe(evsel, tmp, list, node)
+ * perf_evlist__for_each_entry_safe - safely iterate thru all the evsels
+ * @evlist: evlist instance to iterate
+ * @evsel: struct evsel iterator
+ * @tmp: struct evsel temp iterator
+ */
+#define perf_evlist__for_each_entry_safe(evlist, tmp, evsel) \
+ __perf_evlist__for_each_entry_safe(&(evlist)->entries, tmp, evsel)
+static inline struct perf_evsel *perf_evlist__first(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
+ return list_entry(evlist->entries.next, struct perf_evsel, node);
+static inline struct perf_evsel *perf_evlist__last(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
+ return list_entry(evlist->entries.prev, struct perf_evsel, node);
+u64 perf_evlist__read_format(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
+void perf_evlist__id_add(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel,
+ int cpu, int thread, u64 id);
+int perf_evlist__id_add_fd(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel,
+ int cpu, int thread, int fd);
--- /dev/null
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/perf_event.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+struct perf_cpu_map;
+struct perf_thread_map;
+struct xyarray;
+ * Per fd, to map back from PERF_SAMPLE_ID to evsel, only used when there are
+ * more than one entry in the evlist.
+ */
+struct perf_sample_id {
+ struct hlist_node node;
+ u64 id;
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel;
+ /*
+ * 'idx' will be used for AUX area sampling. A sample will have AUX area
+ * data that will be queued for decoding, where there are separate
+ * queues for each CPU (per-cpu tracing) or task (per-thread tracing).
+ * The sample ID can be used to lookup 'idx' which is effectively the
+ * queue number.
+ */
+ int idx;
+ int cpu;
+ pid_t tid;
+ /* Holds total ID period value for PERF_SAMPLE_READ processing. */
+ u64 period;
+struct perf_evsel {
+ struct list_head node;
+ struct perf_event_attr attr;
+ struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
+ struct perf_cpu_map *own_cpus;
+ struct perf_thread_map *threads;
+ struct xyarray *fd;
+ struct xyarray *sample_id;
+ u64 *id;
+ u32 ids;
+ /* parse modifier helper */
+ int nr_members;
+ bool system_wide;
+void perf_evsel__init(struct perf_evsel *evsel, struct perf_event_attr *attr);
+int perf_evsel__alloc_fd(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int ncpus, int nthreads);
+void perf_evsel__close_fd(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
+void perf_evsel__free_fd(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
+int perf_evsel__read_size(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
+int perf_evsel__apply_filter(struct perf_evsel *evsel, const char *filter);
+int perf_evsel__alloc_id(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int ncpus, int nthreads);
+void perf_evsel__free_id(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
--- /dev/null
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+extern unsigned int page_size;
+ssize_t readn(int fd, void *buf, size_t n);
+ssize_t writen(int fd, const void *buf, size_t n);
--- /dev/null
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#include <linux/compiler.h>
+#include <linux/refcount.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+/* perf sample has 16 bits size limit */
+#define PERF_SAMPLE_MAX_SIZE (1 << 16)
+struct perf_mmap;
+typedef void (*libperf_unmap_cb_t)(struct perf_mmap *map);
+ * struct perf_mmap - perf's ring buffer mmap details
+ *
+ * @refcnt - e.g. code using PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT to share this
+ */
+struct perf_mmap {
+ void *base;
+ int mask;
+ int fd;
+ int cpu;
+ refcount_t refcnt;
+ u64 prev;
+ u64 start;
+ u64 end;
+ bool overwrite;
+ u64 flush;
+ libperf_unmap_cb_t unmap_cb;
+ char event_copy[PERF_SAMPLE_MAX_SIZE] __aligned(8);
+ struct perf_mmap *next;
+struct perf_mmap_param {
+ int prot;
+ int mask;
+size_t perf_mmap__mmap_len(struct perf_mmap *map);
+void perf_mmap__init(struct perf_mmap *map, struct perf_mmap *prev,
+ bool overwrite, libperf_unmap_cb_t unmap_cb);
+int perf_mmap__mmap(struct perf_mmap *map, struct perf_mmap_param *mp,
+ int fd, int cpu);
+void perf_mmap__munmap(struct perf_mmap *map);
+void perf_mmap__get(struct perf_mmap *map);
+void perf_mmap__put(struct perf_mmap *map);
+u64 perf_mmap__read_head(struct perf_mmap *map);
--- /dev/null
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#include <stdio.h>
+int tests_failed;
+#define __T_START \
+do { \
+ fprintf(stdout, "- running %s...", __FILE__); \
+ fflush(NULL); \
+ tests_failed = 0; \
+} while (0)
+#define __T_END \
+do { \
+ if (tests_failed) \
+ fprintf(stdout, " FAILED (%d)\n", tests_failed); \
+ else \
+ fprintf(stdout, "OK\n"); \
+} while (0)
+#define __T(text, cond) \
+do { \
+ if (!(cond)) { \
+ fprintf(stderr, "FAILED %s:%d %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, text); \
+ tests_failed++; \
+ return -1; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
--- /dev/null
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#include <linux/refcount.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+struct thread_map_data {
+ pid_t pid;
+ char *comm;
+struct perf_thread_map {
+ refcount_t refcnt;
+ int nr;
+ int err_thread;
+ struct thread_map_data map[];
+struct perf_thread_map *perf_thread_map__realloc(struct perf_thread_map *map, int nr);
--- /dev/null
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#include <linux/compiler.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+struct xyarray {
+ size_t row_size;
+ size_t entry_size;
+ size_t entries;
+ size_t max_x;
+ size_t max_y;
+ char contents[] __aligned(8);
+struct xyarray *xyarray__new(int xlen, int ylen, size_t entry_size);
+void xyarray__delete(struct xyarray *xy);
+void xyarray__reset(struct xyarray *xy);
+static inline void *xyarray__entry(struct xyarray *xy, int x, int y)
+ return &xy->contents[x * xy->row_size + y * xy->entry_size];
+static inline int xyarray__max_y(struct xyarray *xy)
+ return xy->max_y;
+static inline int xyarray__max_x(struct xyarray *xy)
+ return xy->max_x;
--- /dev/null
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#ifndef __LIBPERF_CORE_H
+#define __LIBPERF_CORE_H
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#ifndef LIBPERF_API
+#define LIBPERF_API __attribute__((visibility("default")))
+enum libperf_print_level {
+typedef int (*libperf_print_fn_t)(enum libperf_print_level level,
+ const char *, va_list ap);
+LIBPERF_API void libperf_init(libperf_print_fn_t fn);
+#endif /* __LIBPERF_CORE_H */
--- /dev/null
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#include <perf/core.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+struct perf_cpu_map;
+LIBPERF_API struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__dummy_new(void);
+LIBPERF_API struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__new(const char *cpu_list);
+LIBPERF_API struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__read(FILE *file);
+LIBPERF_API struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__get(struct perf_cpu_map *map);
+LIBPERF_API struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__merge(struct perf_cpu_map *orig,
+ struct perf_cpu_map *other);
+LIBPERF_API void perf_cpu_map__put(struct perf_cpu_map *map);
+LIBPERF_API int perf_cpu_map__cpu(const struct perf_cpu_map *cpus, int idx);
+LIBPERF_API int perf_cpu_map__nr(const struct perf_cpu_map *cpus);
+LIBPERF_API bool perf_cpu_map__empty(const struct perf_cpu_map *map);
+LIBPERF_API int perf_cpu_map__max(struct perf_cpu_map *map);
+#define perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu(cpu, idx, cpus) \
+ for ((idx) = 0, (cpu) = perf_cpu_map__cpu(cpus, idx); \
+ (idx) < perf_cpu_map__nr(cpus); \
+ (idx)++, (cpu) = perf_cpu_map__cpu(cpus, idx))
+#endif /* __LIBPERF_CPUMAP_H */
--- /dev/null
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#ifndef __LIBPERF_EVENT_H
+#define __LIBPERF_EVENT_H
+#include <linux/perf_event.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/limits.h>
+#include <linux/bpf.h>
+#include <sys/types.h> /* pid_t */
+struct perf_record_mmap {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u32 pid, tid;
+ __u64 start;
+ __u64 len;
+ __u64 pgoff;
+ char filename[PATH_MAX];
+struct perf_record_mmap2 {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u32 pid, tid;
+ __u64 start;
+ __u64 len;
+ __u64 pgoff;
+ __u32 maj;
+ __u32 min;
+ __u64 ino;
+ __u64 ino_generation;
+ __u32 prot;
+ __u32 flags;
+ char filename[PATH_MAX];
+struct perf_record_comm {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u32 pid, tid;
+ char comm[16];
+struct perf_record_namespaces {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u32 pid, tid;
+ __u64 nr_namespaces;
+ struct perf_ns_link_info link_info[];
+struct perf_record_fork {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u32 pid, ppid;
+ __u32 tid, ptid;
+ __u64 time;
+struct perf_record_lost {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u64 id;
+ __u64 lost;
+struct perf_record_lost_samples {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u64 lost;
+ */
+struct perf_record_read {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u32 pid, tid;
+ __u64 value;
+ __u64 time_enabled;
+ __u64 time_running;
+ __u64 id;
+struct perf_record_throttle {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u64 time;
+ __u64 id;
+ __u64 stream_id;
+#ifndef KSYM_NAME_LEN
+#define KSYM_NAME_LEN 256
+struct perf_record_ksymbol {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u64 addr;
+ __u32 len;
+ __u16 ksym_type;
+ __u16 flags;
+ char name[KSYM_NAME_LEN];
+struct perf_record_bpf_event {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u16 type;
+ __u16 flags;
+ __u32 id;
+ /* for bpf_prog types */
+ __u8 tag[BPF_TAG_SIZE]; // prog tag
+struct perf_record_sample {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u64 array[];
+struct perf_record_switch {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u32 next_prev_pid;
+ __u32 next_prev_tid;
+struct perf_record_header_attr {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ struct perf_event_attr attr;
+ __u64 id[];
+enum {
+struct cpu_map_entries {
+ __u16 nr;
+ __u16 cpu[];
+struct perf_record_record_cpu_map {
+ __u16 nr;
+ __u16 long_size;
+ unsigned long mask[];
+struct perf_record_cpu_map_data {
+ __u16 type;
+ char data[];
+struct perf_record_cpu_map {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ struct perf_record_cpu_map_data data;
+enum {
+struct perf_record_event_update_cpus {
+ struct perf_record_cpu_map_data cpus;
+struct perf_record_event_update_scale {
+ double scale;
+struct perf_record_event_update {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u64 type;
+ __u64 id;
+ char data[];
+#define MAX_EVENT_NAME 64
+struct perf_trace_event_type {
+ __u64 event_id;
+ char name[MAX_EVENT_NAME];
+struct perf_record_header_event_type {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ struct perf_trace_event_type event_type;
+struct perf_record_header_tracing_data {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u32 size;
+struct perf_record_header_build_id {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ pid_t pid;
+ __u8 build_id[24];
+ char filename[];
+struct id_index_entry {
+ __u64 id;
+ __u64 idx;
+ __u64 cpu;
+ __u64 tid;
+struct perf_record_id_index {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u64 nr;
+ struct id_index_entry entries[0];
+struct perf_record_auxtrace_info {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u32 type;
+ __u32 reserved__; /* For alignment */
+ __u64 priv[];
+struct perf_record_auxtrace {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u64 size;
+ __u64 offset;
+ __u64 reference;
+ __u32 idx;
+ __u32 tid;
+ __u32 cpu;
+ __u32 reserved__; /* For alignment */
+struct perf_record_auxtrace_error {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u32 type;
+ __u32 code;
+ __u32 cpu;
+ __u32 pid;
+ __u32 tid;
+ __u32 fmt;
+ __u64 ip;
+ __u64 time;
+struct perf_record_aux {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u64 aux_offset;
+ __u64 aux_size;
+ __u64 flags;
+struct perf_record_itrace_start {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u32 pid;
+ __u32 tid;
+struct perf_record_thread_map_entry {
+ __u64 pid;
+ char comm[16];
+struct perf_record_thread_map {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u64 nr;
+ struct perf_record_thread_map_entry entries[];
+enum {
+struct perf_record_stat_config_entry {
+ __u64 tag;
+ __u64 val;
+struct perf_record_stat_config {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u64 nr;
+ struct perf_record_stat_config_entry data[];
+struct perf_record_stat {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u64 id;
+ __u32 cpu;
+ __u32 thread;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ __u64 val;
+ __u64 ena;
+ __u64 run;
+ };
+ __u64 values[3];
+ };
+struct perf_record_stat_round {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u64 type;
+ __u64 time;
+struct perf_record_time_conv {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u64 time_shift;
+ __u64 time_mult;
+ __u64 time_zero;
+struct perf_record_header_feature {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ __u64 feat_id;
+ char data[];
+struct perf_record_compressed {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ char data[];
+enum perf_user_event_type { /* above any possible kernel type */
+ PERF_RECORD_HEADER_EVENT_TYPE = 65, /* deprecated */
+union perf_event {
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ struct perf_record_mmap mmap;
+ struct perf_record_mmap2 mmap2;
+ struct perf_record_comm comm;
+ struct perf_record_namespaces namespaces;
+ struct perf_record_fork fork;
+ struct perf_record_lost lost;
+ struct perf_record_lost_samples lost_samples;
+ struct perf_record_read read;
+ struct perf_record_throttle throttle;
+ struct perf_record_sample sample;
+ struct perf_record_bpf_event bpf;
+ struct perf_record_ksymbol ksymbol;
+ struct perf_record_header_attr attr;
+ struct perf_record_event_update event_update;
+ struct perf_record_header_event_type event_type;
+ struct perf_record_header_tracing_data tracing_data;
+ struct perf_record_header_build_id build_id;
+ struct perf_record_id_index id_index;
+ struct perf_record_auxtrace_info auxtrace_info;
+ struct perf_record_auxtrace auxtrace;
+ struct perf_record_auxtrace_error auxtrace_error;
+ struct perf_record_aux aux;
+ struct perf_record_itrace_start itrace_start;
+ struct perf_record_switch context_switch;
+ struct perf_record_thread_map thread_map;
+ struct perf_record_cpu_map cpu_map;
+ struct perf_record_stat_config stat_config;
+ struct perf_record_stat stat;
+ struct perf_record_stat_round stat_round;
+ struct perf_record_time_conv time_conv;
+ struct perf_record_header_feature feat;
+ struct perf_record_compressed pack;
+#endif /* __LIBPERF_EVENT_H */
--- /dev/null
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#include <perf/core.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+struct perf_evlist;
+struct perf_evsel;
+struct perf_cpu_map;
+struct perf_thread_map;
+LIBPERF_API void perf_evlist__add(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel);
+LIBPERF_API void perf_evlist__remove(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel);
+LIBPERF_API struct perf_evlist *perf_evlist__new(void);
+LIBPERF_API void perf_evlist__delete(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
+LIBPERF_API struct perf_evsel* perf_evlist__next(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel);
+LIBPERF_API int perf_evlist__open(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
+LIBPERF_API void perf_evlist__close(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
+LIBPERF_API void perf_evlist__enable(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
+LIBPERF_API void perf_evlist__disable(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
+#define perf_evlist__for_each_evsel(evlist, pos) \
+ for ((pos) = perf_evlist__next((evlist), NULL); \
+ (pos) != NULL; \
+ (pos) = perf_evlist__next((evlist), (pos)))
+LIBPERF_API void perf_evlist__set_maps(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ struct perf_cpu_map *cpus,
+ struct perf_thread_map *threads);
+LIBPERF_API int perf_evlist__poll(struct perf_evlist *evlist, int timeout);
+LIBPERF_API int perf_evlist__filter_pollfd(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ short revents_and_mask);
+LIBPERF_API int perf_evlist__mmap(struct perf_evlist *evlist, int pages);
+LIBPERF_API void perf_evlist__munmap(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
+LIBPERF_API struct perf_mmap *perf_evlist__next_mmap(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
+ struct perf_mmap *map,
+ bool overwrite);
+#define perf_evlist__for_each_mmap(evlist, pos, overwrite) \
+ for ((pos) = perf_evlist__next_mmap((evlist), NULL, overwrite); \
+ (pos) != NULL; \
+ (pos) = perf_evlist__next_mmap((evlist), (pos), overwrite))
+#endif /* __LIBPERF_EVLIST_H */
--- /dev/null
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#ifndef __LIBPERF_EVSEL_H
+#define __LIBPERF_EVSEL_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <perf/core.h>
+struct perf_evsel;
+struct perf_event_attr;
+struct perf_cpu_map;
+struct perf_thread_map;
+struct perf_counts_values {
+ union {
+ struct {
+ uint64_t val;
+ uint64_t ena;
+ uint64_t run;
+ };
+ uint64_t values[3];
+ };
+LIBPERF_API struct perf_evsel *perf_evsel__new(struct perf_event_attr *attr);
+LIBPERF_API void perf_evsel__delete(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
+LIBPERF_API int perf_evsel__open(struct perf_evsel *evsel, struct perf_cpu_map *cpus,
+ struct perf_thread_map *threads);
+LIBPERF_API void perf_evsel__close(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
+LIBPERF_API void perf_evsel__close_cpu(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu);
+LIBPERF_API int perf_evsel__read(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu, int thread,
+ struct perf_counts_values *count);
+LIBPERF_API int perf_evsel__enable(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
+LIBPERF_API int perf_evsel__enable_cpu(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu);
+LIBPERF_API int perf_evsel__disable(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
+LIBPERF_API int perf_evsel__disable_cpu(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu);
+LIBPERF_API struct perf_cpu_map *perf_evsel__cpus(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
+LIBPERF_API struct perf_thread_map *perf_evsel__threads(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
+LIBPERF_API struct perf_event_attr *perf_evsel__attr(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
+#endif /* __LIBPERF_EVSEL_H */
--- /dev/null
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#ifndef __LIBPERF_MMAP_H
+#define __LIBPERF_MMAP_H
+#include <perf/core.h>
+struct perf_mmap;
+union perf_event;
+LIBPERF_API void perf_mmap__consume(struct perf_mmap *map);
+LIBPERF_API int perf_mmap__read_init(struct perf_mmap *map);
+LIBPERF_API void perf_mmap__read_done(struct perf_mmap *map);
+LIBPERF_API union perf_event *perf_mmap__read_event(struct perf_mmap *map);
+#endif /* __LIBPERF_MMAP_H */
--- /dev/null
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#include <perf/core.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+struct perf_thread_map;
+LIBPERF_API struct perf_thread_map *perf_thread_map__new_dummy(void);
+LIBPERF_API void perf_thread_map__set_pid(struct perf_thread_map *map, int thread, pid_t pid);
+LIBPERF_API char *perf_thread_map__comm(struct perf_thread_map *map, int thread);
+LIBPERF_API int perf_thread_map__nr(struct perf_thread_map *threads);
+LIBPERF_API pid_t perf_thread_map__pid(struct perf_thread_map *map, int thread);
+LIBPERF_API struct perf_thread_map *perf_thread_map__get(struct perf_thread_map *map);
+LIBPERF_API void perf_thread_map__put(struct perf_thread_map *map);
+#endif /* __LIBPERF_THREADMAP_H */
--- /dev/null
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#include <perf/core.h>
+void libperf_print(enum libperf_print_level level,
+ const char *format, ...)
+ __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
+#define __pr(level, fmt, ...) \
+do { \
+ libperf_print(level, "libperf: " fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
+} while (0)
+#define pr_err(fmt, ...) __pr(LIBPERF_ERR, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define pr_warning(fmt, ...) __pr(LIBPERF_WARN, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define pr_info(fmt, ...) __pr(LIBPERF_INFO, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define pr_debug(fmt, ...) __pr(LIBPERF_DEBUG, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define pr_debug2(fmt, ...) __pr(LIBPERF_DEBUG2, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define pr_debug3(fmt, ...) __pr(LIBPERF_DEBUG3, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#endif /* __LIBPERF_INTERNAL_H */
--- /dev/null
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <internal/lib.h>
+unsigned int page_size;
+static ssize_t ion(bool is_read, int fd, void *buf, size_t n)
+ void *buf_start = buf;
+ size_t left = n;
+ while (left) {
+ /* buf must be treated as const if !is_read. */
+ ssize_t ret = is_read ? read(fd, buf, left) :
+ write(fd, buf, left);
+ if (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ if (ret <= 0)
+ return ret;
+ left -= ret;
+ buf += ret;
+ }
+ BUG_ON((size_t)(buf - buf_start) != n);
+ return n;
+ * Read exactly 'n' bytes or return an error.
+ */
+ssize_t readn(int fd, void *buf, size_t n)
+ return ion(true, fd, buf, n);
+ * Write exactly 'n' bytes or return an error.
+ */
+ssize_t writen(int fd, const void *buf, size_t n)
+ /* ion does not modify buf. */
+ return ion(false, fd, (void *)buf, n);
--- /dev/null
+LIBPERF_0.0.1 {
+ global:
+ libperf_init;
+ perf_cpu_map__dummy_new;
+ perf_cpu_map__get;
+ perf_cpu_map__put;
+ perf_cpu_map__new;
+ perf_cpu_map__read;
+ perf_cpu_map__nr;
+ perf_cpu_map__cpu;
+ perf_cpu_map__empty;
+ perf_cpu_map__max;
+ perf_thread_map__new_dummy;
+ perf_thread_map__set_pid;
+ perf_thread_map__comm;
+ perf_thread_map__nr;
+ perf_thread_map__pid;
+ perf_thread_map__get;
+ perf_thread_map__put;
+ perf_evsel__new;
+ perf_evsel__delete;
+ perf_evsel__enable;
+ perf_evsel__disable;
+ perf_evsel__open;
+ perf_evsel__close;
+ perf_evsel__read;
+ perf_evsel__cpus;
+ perf_evsel__threads;
+ perf_evsel__attr;
+ perf_evlist__new;
+ perf_evlist__delete;
+ perf_evlist__open;
+ perf_evlist__close;
+ perf_evlist__enable;
+ perf_evlist__disable;
+ perf_evlist__add;
+ perf_evlist__remove;
+ perf_evlist__next;
+ perf_evlist__set_maps;
+ perf_evlist__poll;
+ perf_evlist__mmap;
+ perf_evlist__munmap;
+ perf_evlist__filter_pollfd;
+ perf_evlist__next_mmap;
+ perf_mmap__consume;
+ perf_mmap__read_init;
+ perf_mmap__read_done;
+ perf_mmap__read_event;
+ local:
+ *;
--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause)
+Name: libperf
+Description: perf library
+Version: @VERSION@
+Libs: -L${libdir} -lperf
+Cflags: -I${includedir}
--- /dev/null
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <asm/bug.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <linux/ring_buffer.h>
+#include <linux/perf_event.h>
+#include <perf/mmap.h>
+#include <perf/event.h>
+#include <internal/mmap.h>
+#include <internal/lib.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include "internal.h"
+void perf_mmap__init(struct perf_mmap *map, struct perf_mmap *prev,
+ bool overwrite, libperf_unmap_cb_t unmap_cb)
+ map->fd = -1;
+ map->overwrite = overwrite;
+ map->unmap_cb = unmap_cb;
+ refcount_set(&map->refcnt, 0);
+ if (prev)
+ prev->next = map;
+size_t perf_mmap__mmap_len(struct perf_mmap *map)
+ return map->mask + 1 + page_size;
+int perf_mmap__mmap(struct perf_mmap *map, struct perf_mmap_param *mp,
+ int fd, int cpu)
+ map->prev = 0;
+ map->mask = mp->mask;
+ map->base = mmap(NULL, perf_mmap__mmap_len(map), mp->prot,
+ MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
+ if (map->base == MAP_FAILED) {
+ map->base = NULL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ map->fd = fd;
+ map->cpu = cpu;
+ return 0;
+void perf_mmap__munmap(struct perf_mmap *map)
+ if (map && map->base != NULL) {
+ munmap(map->base, perf_mmap__mmap_len(map));
+ map->base = NULL;
+ map->fd = -1;
+ refcount_set(&map->refcnt, 0);
+ }
+ if (map && map->unmap_cb)
+ map->unmap_cb(map);
+void perf_mmap__get(struct perf_mmap *map)
+ refcount_inc(&map->refcnt);
+void perf_mmap__put(struct perf_mmap *map)
+ BUG_ON(map->base && refcount_read(&map->refcnt) == 0);
+ if (refcount_dec_and_test(&map->refcnt))
+ perf_mmap__munmap(map);
+static inline void perf_mmap__write_tail(struct perf_mmap *md, u64 tail)
+ ring_buffer_write_tail(md->base, tail);
+u64 perf_mmap__read_head(struct perf_mmap *map)
+ return ring_buffer_read_head(map->base);
+static bool perf_mmap__empty(struct perf_mmap *map)
+ struct perf_event_mmap_page *pc = map->base;
+ return perf_mmap__read_head(map) == map->prev && !pc->aux_size;
+void perf_mmap__consume(struct perf_mmap *map)
+ if (!map->overwrite) {
+ u64 old = map->prev;
+ perf_mmap__write_tail(map, old);
+ }
+ if (refcount_read(&map->refcnt) == 1 && perf_mmap__empty(map))
+ perf_mmap__put(map);
+static int overwrite_rb_find_range(void *buf, int mask, u64 *start, u64 *end)
+ struct perf_event_header *pheader;
+ u64 evt_head = *start;
+ int size = mask + 1;
+ pr_debug2("%s: buf=%p, start=%"PRIx64"\n", __func__, buf, *start);
+ pheader = (struct perf_event_header *)(buf + (*start & mask));
+ while (true) {
+ if (evt_head - *start >= (unsigned int)size) {
+ pr_debug("Finished reading overwrite ring buffer: rewind\n");
+ if (evt_head - *start > (unsigned int)size)
+ evt_head -= pheader->size;
+ *end = evt_head;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ pheader = (struct perf_event_header *)(buf + (evt_head & mask));
+ if (pheader->size == 0) {
+ pr_debug("Finished reading overwrite ring buffer: get start\n");
+ *end = evt_head;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ evt_head += pheader->size;
+ pr_debug3("move evt_head: %"PRIx64"\n", evt_head);
+ }
+ WARN_ONCE(1, "Shouldn't get here\n");
+ return -1;
+ * Report the start and end of the available data in ringbuffer
+ */
+static int __perf_mmap__read_init(struct perf_mmap *md)
+ u64 head = perf_mmap__read_head(md);
+ u64 old = md->prev;
+ unsigned char *data = md->base + page_size;
+ unsigned long size;
+ md->start = md->overwrite ? head : old;
+ md->end = md->overwrite ? old : head;
+ if ((md->end - md->start) < md->flush)
+ return -EAGAIN;
+ size = md->end - md->start;
+ if (size > (unsigned long)(md->mask) + 1) {
+ if (!md->overwrite) {
+ WARN_ONCE(1, "failed to keep up with mmap data. (warn only once)\n");
+ md->prev = head;
+ perf_mmap__consume(md);
+ return -EAGAIN;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Backward ring buffer is full. We still have a chance to read
+ * most of data from it.
+ */
+ if (overwrite_rb_find_range(data, md->mask, &md->start, &md->end))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int perf_mmap__read_init(struct perf_mmap *map)
+ /*
+ * Check if event was unmapped due to a POLLHUP/POLLERR.
+ */
+ if (!refcount_read(&map->refcnt))
+ return -ENOENT;
+ return __perf_mmap__read_init(map);
+ * Mandatory for overwrite mode
+ * The direction of overwrite mode is backward.
+ * The last perf_mmap__read() will set tail to map->core.prev.
+ * Need to correct the map->core.prev to head which is the end of next read.
+ */
+void perf_mmap__read_done(struct perf_mmap *map)
+ /*
+ * Check if event was unmapped due to a POLLHUP/POLLERR.
+ */
+ if (!refcount_read(&map->refcnt))
+ return;
+ map->prev = perf_mmap__read_head(map);
+/* When check_messup is true, 'end' must points to a good entry */
+static union perf_event *perf_mmap__read(struct perf_mmap *map,
+ u64 *startp, u64 end)
+ unsigned char *data = map->base + page_size;
+ union perf_event *event = NULL;
+ int diff = end - *startp;
+ if (diff >= (int)sizeof(event->header)) {
+ size_t size;
+ event = (union perf_event *)&data[*startp & map->mask];
+ size = event->header.size;
+ if (size < sizeof(event->header) || diff < (int)size)
+ return NULL;
+ /*
+ * Event straddles the mmap boundary -- header should always
+ * be inside due to u64 alignment of output.
+ */
+ if ((*startp & map->mask) + size != ((*startp + size) & map->mask)) {
+ unsigned int offset = *startp;
+ unsigned int len = min(sizeof(*event), size), cpy;
+ void *dst = map->event_copy;
+ do {
+ cpy = min(map->mask + 1 - (offset & map->mask), len);
+ memcpy(dst, &data[offset & map->mask], cpy);
+ offset += cpy;
+ dst += cpy;
+ len -= cpy;
+ } while (len);
+ event = (union perf_event *)map->event_copy;
+ }
+ *startp += size;
+ }
+ return event;
+ * Read event from ring buffer one by one.
+ * Return one event for each call.
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ * perf_mmap__read_init()
+ * while(event = perf_mmap__read_event()) {
+ * //process the event
+ * perf_mmap__consume()
+ * }
+ * perf_mmap__read_done()
+ */
+union perf_event *perf_mmap__read_event(struct perf_mmap *map)
+ union perf_event *event;
+ /*
+ * Check if event was unmapped due to a POLLHUP/POLLERR.
+ */
+ if (!refcount_read(&map->refcnt))
+ return NULL;
+ /* non-overwirte doesn't pause the ringbuffer */
+ if (!map->overwrite)
+ map->end = perf_mmap__read_head(map);
+ event = perf_mmap__read(map, &map->start, map->end);
+ if (!map->overwrite)
+ map->prev = map->start;
+ return event;
--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause)
+TESTS = test-cpumap test-threadmap test-evlist test-evsel
+TESTS_SO := $(addsuffix -so,$(TESTS))
+TESTS_A := $(addsuffix -a,$(TESTS))
+# Set compile option CFLAGS
+ CFLAGS := -g -Wall
+include $(srctree)/tools/scripts/Makefile.include
+INCLUDE = -I$(srctree)/tools/lib/perf/include -I$(srctree)/tools/include -I$(srctree)/tools/lib
+ $(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) $(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(subst -a,.c,$@) ../libperf.a $(LIBAPI)
+ $(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) $(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) -L.. -o $@ $(subst -so,.c,$@) $(LIBAPI) -lperf
+all: $(TESTS_A) $(TESTS_SO)
+ @echo "running static:"
+ @for i in $(TESTS_A); do ./$$i; done
+ @echo "running dynamic:"
+ @for i in $(TESTS_SO); do LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../ ./$$i; done
+ $(call QUIET_CLEAN, tests)$(RM) $(TESTS_A) $(TESTS_SO)
+.PHONY: all clean FORCE
--- /dev/null
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <perf/cpumap.h>
+#include <internal/tests.h>
+static int libperf_print(enum libperf_print_level level,
+ const char *fmt, va_list ap)
+ return vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
+ __T_START;
+ libperf_init(libperf_print);
+ cpus = perf_cpu_map__dummy_new();
+ if (!cpus)
+ return -1;
+ perf_cpu_map__get(cpus);
+ perf_cpu_map__put(cpus);
+ perf_cpu_map__put(cpus);
+ __T_END;
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+#define _GNU_SOURCE // needed for sched.h to get sched_[gs]etaffinity and CPU_(ZERO,SET)
+#include <sched.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <linux/perf_event.h>
+#include <linux/limits.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <sys/prctl.h>
+#include <perf/cpumap.h>
+#include <perf/threadmap.h>
+#include <perf/evlist.h>
+#include <perf/evsel.h>
+#include <perf/mmap.h>
+#include <perf/event.h>
+#include <internal/tests.h>
+#include <api/fs/fs.h>
+static int libperf_print(enum libperf_print_level level,
+ const char *fmt, va_list ap)
+ return vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
+static int test_stat_cpu(void)
+ struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
+ struct perf_evlist *evlist;
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel;
+ struct perf_event_attr attr1 = {
+ };
+ struct perf_event_attr attr2 = {
+ };
+ int err, cpu, tmp;
+ cpus = perf_cpu_map__new(NULL);
+ __T("failed to create cpus", cpus);
+ evlist = perf_evlist__new();
+ __T("failed to create evlist", evlist);
+ evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr1);
+ __T("failed to create evsel1", evsel);
+ perf_evlist__add(evlist, evsel);
+ evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr2);
+ __T("failed to create evsel2", evsel);
+ perf_evlist__add(evlist, evsel);
+ perf_evlist__set_maps(evlist, cpus, NULL);
+ err = perf_evlist__open(evlist);
+ __T("failed to open evsel", err == 0);
+ perf_evlist__for_each_evsel(evlist, evsel) {
+ cpus = perf_evsel__cpus(evsel);
+ perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu(cpu, tmp, cpus) {
+ struct perf_counts_values counts = { .val = 0 };
+ perf_evsel__read(evsel, cpu, 0, &counts);
+ __T("failed to read value for evsel", counts.val != 0);
+ }
+ }
+ perf_evlist__close(evlist);
+ perf_evlist__delete(evlist);
+ perf_cpu_map__put(cpus);
+ return 0;
+static int test_stat_thread(void)
+ struct perf_counts_values counts = { .val = 0 };
+ struct perf_thread_map *threads;
+ struct perf_evlist *evlist;
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel;
+ struct perf_event_attr attr1 = {
+ };
+ struct perf_event_attr attr2 = {
+ };
+ int err;
+ threads = perf_thread_map__new_dummy();
+ __T("failed to create threads", threads);
+ perf_thread_map__set_pid(threads, 0, 0);
+ evlist = perf_evlist__new();
+ __T("failed to create evlist", evlist);
+ evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr1);
+ __T("failed to create evsel1", evsel);
+ perf_evlist__add(evlist, evsel);
+ evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr2);
+ __T("failed to create evsel2", evsel);
+ perf_evlist__add(evlist, evsel);
+ perf_evlist__set_maps(evlist, NULL, threads);
+ err = perf_evlist__open(evlist);
+ __T("failed to open evsel", err == 0);
+ perf_evlist__for_each_evsel(evlist, evsel) {
+ perf_evsel__read(evsel, 0, 0, &counts);
+ __T("failed to read value for evsel", counts.val != 0);
+ }
+ perf_evlist__close(evlist);
+ perf_evlist__delete(evlist);
+ perf_thread_map__put(threads);
+ return 0;
+static int test_stat_thread_enable(void)
+ struct perf_counts_values counts = { .val = 0 };
+ struct perf_thread_map *threads;
+ struct perf_evlist *evlist;
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel;
+ struct perf_event_attr attr1 = {
+ .disabled = 1,
+ };
+ struct perf_event_attr attr2 = {
+ .disabled = 1,
+ };
+ int err;
+ threads = perf_thread_map__new_dummy();
+ __T("failed to create threads", threads);
+ perf_thread_map__set_pid(threads, 0, 0);
+ evlist = perf_evlist__new();
+ __T("failed to create evlist", evlist);
+ evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr1);
+ __T("failed to create evsel1", evsel);
+ perf_evlist__add(evlist, evsel);
+ evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr2);
+ __T("failed to create evsel2", evsel);
+ perf_evlist__add(evlist, evsel);
+ perf_evlist__set_maps(evlist, NULL, threads);
+ err = perf_evlist__open(evlist);
+ __T("failed to open evsel", err == 0);
+ perf_evlist__for_each_evsel(evlist, evsel) {
+ perf_evsel__read(evsel, 0, 0, &counts);
+ __T("failed to read value for evsel", counts.val == 0);
+ }
+ perf_evlist__enable(evlist);
+ perf_evlist__for_each_evsel(evlist, evsel) {
+ perf_evsel__read(evsel, 0, 0, &counts);
+ __T("failed to read value for evsel", counts.val != 0);
+ }
+ perf_evlist__disable(evlist);
+ perf_evlist__close(evlist);
+ perf_evlist__delete(evlist);
+ perf_thread_map__put(threads);
+ return 0;
+static int test_mmap_thread(void)
+ struct perf_evlist *evlist;
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel;
+ struct perf_mmap *map;
+ struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
+ struct perf_thread_map *threads;
+ struct perf_event_attr attr = {
+ .sample_period = 1,
+ .wakeup_watermark = 1,
+ .disabled = 1,
+ };
+ char path[PATH_MAX];
+ int id, err, pid, go_pipe[2];
+ union perf_event *event;
+ char bf;
+ int count = 0;
+ snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/kernel/debug/tracing/events/syscalls/sys_enter_prctl/id",
+ sysfs__mountpoint());
+ if (filename__read_int(path, &id)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to get tracepoint id: %s\n", path);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ attr.config = id;
+ err = pipe(go_pipe);
+ __T("failed to create pipe", err == 0);
+ fflush(NULL);
+ pid = fork();
+ if (!pid) {
+ int i;
+ read(go_pipe[0], &bf, 1);
+ /* Generate 100 prctl calls. */
+ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+ prctl(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ threads = perf_thread_map__new_dummy();
+ __T("failed to create threads", threads);
+ cpus = perf_cpu_map__dummy_new();
+ __T("failed to create cpus", cpus);
+ perf_thread_map__set_pid(threads, 0, pid);
+ evlist = perf_evlist__new();
+ __T("failed to create evlist", evlist);
+ evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr);
+ __T("failed to create evsel1", evsel);
+ perf_evlist__add(evlist, evsel);
+ perf_evlist__set_maps(evlist, cpus, threads);
+ err = perf_evlist__open(evlist);
+ __T("failed to open evlist", err == 0);
+ err = perf_evlist__mmap(evlist, 4);
+ __T("failed to mmap evlist", err == 0);
+ perf_evlist__enable(evlist);
+ /* kick the child and wait for it to finish */
+ write(go_pipe[1], &bf, 1);
+ waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);
+ /*
+ * There's no need to call perf_evlist__disable,
+ * monitored process is dead now.
+ */
+ perf_evlist__for_each_mmap(evlist, map, false) {
+ if (perf_mmap__read_init(map) < 0)
+ continue;
+ while ((event = perf_mmap__read_event(map)) != NULL) {
+ count++;
+ perf_mmap__consume(map);
+ }
+ perf_mmap__read_done(map);
+ }
+ /* calls perf_evlist__munmap/perf_evlist__close */
+ perf_evlist__delete(evlist);
+ perf_thread_map__put(threads);
+ perf_cpu_map__put(cpus);
+ /*
+ * The generated prctl calls should match the
+ * number of events in the buffer.
+ */
+ __T("failed count", count == 100);
+ return 0;
+static int test_mmap_cpus(void)
+ struct perf_evlist *evlist;
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel;
+ struct perf_mmap *map;
+ struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
+ struct perf_event_attr attr = {
+ .sample_period = 1,
+ .wakeup_watermark = 1,
+ .disabled = 1,
+ };
+ cpu_set_t saved_mask;
+ char path[PATH_MAX];
+ int id, err, cpu, tmp;
+ union perf_event *event;
+ int count = 0;
+ snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/kernel/debug/tracing/events/syscalls/sys_enter_prctl/id",
+ sysfs__mountpoint());
+ if (filename__read_int(path, &id)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to get tracepoint id: %s\n", path);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ attr.config = id;
+ cpus = perf_cpu_map__new(NULL);
+ __T("failed to create cpus", cpus);
+ evlist = perf_evlist__new();
+ __T("failed to create evlist", evlist);
+ evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr);
+ __T("failed to create evsel1", evsel);
+ perf_evlist__add(evlist, evsel);
+ perf_evlist__set_maps(evlist, cpus, NULL);
+ err = perf_evlist__open(evlist);
+ __T("failed to open evlist", err == 0);
+ err = perf_evlist__mmap(evlist, 4);
+ __T("failed to mmap evlist", err == 0);
+ perf_evlist__enable(evlist);
+ err = sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(saved_mask), &saved_mask);
+ __T("sched_getaffinity failed", err == 0);
+ perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu(cpu, tmp, cpus) {
+ cpu_set_t mask;
+ CPU_ZERO(&mask);
+ CPU_SET(cpu, &mask);
+ err = sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(mask), &mask);
+ __T("sched_setaffinity failed", err == 0);
+ prctl(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ err = sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(saved_mask), &saved_mask);
+ __T("sched_setaffinity failed", err == 0);
+ perf_evlist__disable(evlist);
+ perf_evlist__for_each_mmap(evlist, map, false) {
+ if (perf_mmap__read_init(map) < 0)
+ continue;
+ while ((event = perf_mmap__read_event(map)) != NULL) {
+ count++;
+ perf_mmap__consume(map);
+ }
+ perf_mmap__read_done(map);
+ }
+ /* calls perf_evlist__munmap/perf_evlist__close */
+ perf_evlist__delete(evlist);
+ /*
+ * The generated prctl events should match the
+ * number of cpus or be bigger (we are system-wide).
+ */
+ __T("failed count", count >= perf_cpu_map__nr(cpus));
+ perf_cpu_map__put(cpus);
+ return 0;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ __T_START;
+ libperf_init(libperf_print);
+ test_stat_cpu();
+ test_stat_thread();
+ test_stat_thread_enable();
+ test_mmap_thread();
+ test_mmap_cpus();
+ __T_END;
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <linux/perf_event.h>
+#include <perf/cpumap.h>
+#include <perf/threadmap.h>
+#include <perf/evsel.h>
+#include <internal/tests.h>
+static int libperf_print(enum libperf_print_level level,
+ const char *fmt, va_list ap)
+ return vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
+static int test_stat_cpu(void)
+ struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel;
+ struct perf_event_attr attr = {
+ };
+ int err, cpu, tmp;
+ cpus = perf_cpu_map__new(NULL);
+ __T("failed to create cpus", cpus);
+ evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr);
+ __T("failed to create evsel", evsel);
+ err = perf_evsel__open(evsel, cpus, NULL);
+ __T("failed to open evsel", err == 0);
+ perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu(cpu, tmp, cpus) {
+ struct perf_counts_values counts = { .val = 0 };
+ perf_evsel__read(evsel, cpu, 0, &counts);
+ __T("failed to read value for evsel", counts.val != 0);
+ }
+ perf_evsel__close(evsel);
+ perf_evsel__delete(evsel);
+ perf_cpu_map__put(cpus);
+ return 0;
+static int test_stat_thread(void)
+ struct perf_counts_values counts = { .val = 0 };
+ struct perf_thread_map *threads;
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel;
+ struct perf_event_attr attr = {
+ };
+ int err;
+ threads = perf_thread_map__new_dummy();
+ __T("failed to create threads", threads);
+ perf_thread_map__set_pid(threads, 0, 0);
+ evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr);
+ __T("failed to create evsel", evsel);
+ err = perf_evsel__open(evsel, NULL, threads);
+ __T("failed to open evsel", err == 0);
+ perf_evsel__read(evsel, 0, 0, &counts);
+ __T("failed to read value for evsel", counts.val != 0);
+ perf_evsel__close(evsel);
+ perf_evsel__delete(evsel);
+ perf_thread_map__put(threads);
+ return 0;
+static int test_stat_thread_enable(void)
+ struct perf_counts_values counts = { .val = 0 };
+ struct perf_thread_map *threads;
+ struct perf_evsel *evsel;
+ struct perf_event_attr attr = {
+ .disabled = 1,
+ };
+ int err;
+ threads = perf_thread_map__new_dummy();
+ __T("failed to create threads", threads);
+ perf_thread_map__set_pid(threads, 0, 0);
+ evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr);
+ __T("failed to create evsel", evsel);
+ err = perf_evsel__open(evsel, NULL, threads);
+ __T("failed to open evsel", err == 0);
+ perf_evsel__read(evsel, 0, 0, &counts);
+ __T("failed to read value for evsel", counts.val == 0);
+ err = perf_evsel__enable(evsel);
+ __T("failed to enable evsel", err == 0);
+ perf_evsel__read(evsel, 0, 0, &counts);
+ __T("failed to read value for evsel", counts.val != 0);
+ err = perf_evsel__disable(evsel);
+ __T("failed to enable evsel", err == 0);
+ perf_evsel__close(evsel);
+ perf_evsel__delete(evsel);
+ perf_thread_map__put(threads);
+ return 0;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ __T_START;
+ libperf_init(libperf_print);
+ test_stat_cpu();
+ test_stat_thread();
+ test_stat_thread_enable();
+ __T_END;
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <perf/threadmap.h>
+#include <internal/tests.h>
+static int libperf_print(enum libperf_print_level level,
+ const char *fmt, va_list ap)
+ return vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ struct perf_thread_map *threads;
+ __T_START;
+ libperf_init(libperf_print);
+ threads = perf_thread_map__new_dummy();
+ if (!threads)
+ return -1;
+ perf_thread_map__get(threads);
+ perf_thread_map__put(threads);
+ perf_thread_map__put(threads);
+ __T_END;
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+#include <perf/threadmap.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <linux/refcount.h>
+#include <internal/threadmap.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <asm/bug.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+static void perf_thread_map__reset(struct perf_thread_map *map, int start, int nr)
+ size_t size = (nr - start) * sizeof(map->map[0]);
+ memset(&map->map[start], 0, size);
+ map->err_thread = -1;
+struct perf_thread_map *perf_thread_map__realloc(struct perf_thread_map *map, int nr)
+ size_t size = sizeof(*map) + sizeof(map->map[0]) * nr;
+ int start = map ? map->nr : 0;
+ map = realloc(map, size);
+ /*
+ * We only realloc to add more items, let's reset new items.
+ */
+ if (map)
+ perf_thread_map__reset(map, start, nr);
+ return map;
+#define thread_map__alloc(__nr) perf_thread_map__realloc(NULL, __nr)
+void perf_thread_map__set_pid(struct perf_thread_map *map, int thread, pid_t pid)
+ map->map[thread].pid = pid;
+char *perf_thread_map__comm(struct perf_thread_map *map, int thread)
+ return map->map[thread].comm;
+struct perf_thread_map *perf_thread_map__new_dummy(void)
+ struct perf_thread_map *threads = thread_map__alloc(1);
+ if (threads != NULL) {
+ perf_thread_map__set_pid(threads, 0, -1);
+ threads->nr = 1;
+ refcount_set(&threads->refcnt, 1);
+ }
+ return threads;
+static void perf_thread_map__delete(struct perf_thread_map *threads)
+ if (threads) {
+ int i;
+ WARN_ONCE(refcount_read(&threads->refcnt) != 0,
+ "thread map refcnt unbalanced\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < threads->nr; i++)
+ free(perf_thread_map__comm(threads, i));
+ free(threads);
+ }
+struct perf_thread_map *perf_thread_map__get(struct perf_thread_map *map)
+ if (map)
+ refcount_inc(&map->refcnt);
+ return map;
+void perf_thread_map__put(struct perf_thread_map *map)
+ if (map && refcount_dec_and_test(&map->refcnt))
+ perf_thread_map__delete(map);
+int perf_thread_map__nr(struct perf_thread_map *threads)
+ return threads ? threads->nr : 1;
+pid_t perf_thread_map__pid(struct perf_thread_map *map, int thread)
+ return map->map[thread].pid;
--- /dev/null
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+#include <internal/xyarray.h>
+#include <linux/zalloc.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+struct xyarray *xyarray__new(int xlen, int ylen, size_t entry_size)
+ size_t row_size = ylen * entry_size;
+ struct xyarray *xy = zalloc(sizeof(*xy) + xlen * row_size);
+ if (xy != NULL) {
+ xy->entry_size = entry_size;
+ xy->row_size = row_size;
+ xy->entries = xlen * ylen;
+ xy->max_x = xlen;
+ xy->max_y = ylen;
+ }
+ return xy;
+void xyarray__reset(struct xyarray *xy)
+ size_t n = xy->entries * xy->entry_size;
+ memset(xy->contents, 0, n);
+void xyarray__delete(struct xyarray *xy)
+ free(xy);
-INC_FLAGS += -I$(src-perf)/lib/include
+INC_FLAGS += -I$(srctree)/tools/lib/perf/include
INC_FLAGS += -I$(src-perf)/util/include
INC_FLAGS += -I$(src-perf)/arch/$(SRCARCH)/include
INC_FLAGS += -I$(srctree)/tools/include/
TRACE_EVENT_DIR = $(srctree)/tools/lib/traceevent/
BPF_DIR = $(srctree)/tools/lib/bpf/
SUBCMD_DIR = $(srctree)/tools/lib/subcmd/
-LIBPERF_DIR = $(srctree)/tools/perf/lib/
+LIBPERF_DIR = $(srctree)/tools/lib/perf/
# Set FEATURE_TESTS to 'all' so all possible feature checkers are executed.
# Without this setting the output feature dump file misses some features, for
+++ /dev/null
-libperf-y += core.o
-libperf-y += cpumap.o
-libperf-y += threadmap.o
-libperf-y += evsel.o
-libperf-y += evlist.o
-libperf-y += mmap.o
-libperf-y += zalloc.o
-libperf-y += xyarray.o
-libperf-y += lib.o
-$(OUTPUT)zalloc.o: ../../lib/zalloc.c FORCE
- $(call rule_mkdir)
- $(call if_changed_dep,cc_o_c)
+++ /dev/null
- rst2man man/libperf.rst > man/libperf.7
- rst2pdf tutorial/tutorial.rst
- rm -f man/libperf.7
- rm -f tutorial/tutorial.pdf
+++ /dev/null
-.. SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause)
-The libperf library provides an API to access the linux kernel perf
-events subsystem. It provides the following high level objects:
- - struct perf_cpu_map
- - struct perf_thread_map
- - struct perf_evlist
- - struct perf_evsel
-Function reference by header files:
-.. code-block:: c
- typedef int (\*libperf_print_fn_t)(enum libperf_print_level level,
- const char \*, va_list ap);
- void libperf_set_print(libperf_print_fn_t fn);
-.. code-block:: c
- struct perf_cpu_map \*perf_cpu_map__dummy_new(void);
- struct perf_cpu_map \*perf_cpu_map__new(const char \*cpu_list);
- struct perf_cpu_map \*perf_cpu_map__read(FILE \*file);
- struct perf_cpu_map \*perf_cpu_map__get(struct perf_cpu_map \*map);
- void perf_cpu_map__put(struct perf_cpu_map \*map);
- int perf_cpu_map__cpu(const struct perf_cpu_map \*cpus, int idx);
- int perf_cpu_map__nr(const struct perf_cpu_map \*cpus);
- perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu(cpu, idx, cpus)
-.. code-block:: c
- struct perf_thread_map \*perf_thread_map__new_dummy(void);
- void perf_thread_map__set_pid(struct perf_thread_map \*map, int thread, pid_t pid);
- char \*perf_thread_map__comm(struct perf_thread_map \*map, int thread);
- struct perf_thread_map \*perf_thread_map__get(struct perf_thread_map \*map);
- void perf_thread_map__put(struct perf_thread_map \*map);
-.. code-block::
- void perf_evlist__init(struct perf_evlist \*evlist);
- void perf_evlist__add(struct perf_evlist \*evlist,
- struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
- void perf_evlist__remove(struct perf_evlist \*evlist,
- struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
- struct perf_evlist \*perf_evlist__new(void);
- void perf_evlist__delete(struct perf_evlist \*evlist);
- struct perf_evsel\* perf_evlist__next(struct perf_evlist \*evlist,
- struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
- int perf_evlist__open(struct perf_evlist \*evlist);
- void perf_evlist__close(struct perf_evlist \*evlist);
- void perf_evlist__enable(struct perf_evlist \*evlist);
- void perf_evlist__disable(struct perf_evlist \*evlist);
- perf_evlist__for_each_evsel(evlist, pos)
- void perf_evlist__set_maps(struct perf_evlist \*evlist,
- struct perf_cpu_map \*cpus,
- struct perf_thread_map \*threads);
-.. code-block:: c
- struct perf_counts_values {
- union {
- struct {
- uint64_t val;
- uint64_t ena;
- uint64_t run;
- };
- uint64_t values[3];
- };
- };
- void perf_evsel__init(struct perf_evsel \*evsel,
- struct perf_event_attr \*attr);
- struct perf_evsel \*perf_evsel__new(struct perf_event_attr \*attr);
- void perf_evsel__delete(struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
- int perf_evsel__open(struct perf_evsel \*evsel, struct perf_cpu_map \*cpus,
- struct perf_thread_map \*threads);
- void perf_evsel__close(struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
- int perf_evsel__read(struct perf_evsel \*evsel, int cpu, int thread,
- struct perf_counts_values \*count);
- int perf_evsel__enable(struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
- int perf_evsel__disable(struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
- int perf_evsel__apply_filter(struct perf_evsel \*evsel, const char \*filter);
- struct perf_cpu_map \*perf_evsel__cpus(struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
- struct perf_thread_map \*perf_evsel__threads(struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
- struct perf_event_attr \*perf_evsel__attr(struct perf_evsel \*evsel);
+++ /dev/null
-.. SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause)
-libperf tutorial
-Compile and install libperf from kernel sources
-.. code-block:: bash
- git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git
- cd linux/tools/perf/lib
- make
- sudo make install prefix=/usr
-Libperf object
-The libperf library provides several high level objects:
-struct perf_cpu_map
- Provides a cpu list abstraction.
-struct perf_thread_map
- Provides a thread list abstraction.
-struct perf_evsel
- Provides an abstraction for single a perf event.
-struct perf_evlist
- Gathers several struct perf_evsel object and performs functions on all of them.
-The exported API binds these objects together,
-for full reference see the libperf.7 man page.
-Examples aim to explain libperf functionality on simple use cases.
-They are based in on a checked out linux kernel git tree:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ cd tools/perf/lib/Documentation/tutorial/
- $ ls -d ex-*
- ex-1-compile ex-2-evsel-stat ex-3-evlist-stat
-ex-1-compile example
-This example shows the basic usage of *struct perf_cpu_map*,
-how to create it and display its cpus:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ cd ex-1-compile/
- $ make
- gcc -o test test.c -lperf
- $ ./test
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-The full code listing is here:
-.. code-block:: c
- 1 #include <perf/cpumap.h>
- 2
- 3 int main(int argc, char **Argv)
- 4 {
- 5 struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
- 6 int cpu, tmp;
- 7
- 8 cpus = perf_cpu_map__new(NULL);
- 9
- 10 perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu(cpu, tmp, cpus)
- 11 fprintf(stdout, "%d ", cpu);
- 12
- 13 fprintf(stdout, "\n");
- 14
- 15 perf_cpu_map__put(cpus);
- 16 return 0;
- 17 }
-First you need to include the proper header to have *struct perf_cpumap*
-declaration and functions:
-.. code-block:: c
- 1 #include <perf/cpumap.h>
-The *struct perf_cpumap* object is created by *perf_cpu_map__new* call.
-The *NULL* argument asks it to populate the object with the current online CPUs list:
-.. code-block:: c
- 8 cpus = perf_cpu_map__new(NULL);
-This is paired with a *perf_cpu_map__put*, that drops its reference at the end, possibly deleting it.
-.. code-block:: c
- 15 perf_cpu_map__put(cpus);
-The iteration through the *struct perf_cpumap* CPUs is done using the *perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu*
-macro which requires 3 arguments:
-- cpu - the cpu numer
-- tmp - iteration helper variable
-- cpus - the *struct perf_cpumap* object
-.. code-block:: c
- 10 perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu(cpu, tmp, cpus)
- 11 fprintf(stdout, "%d ", cpu);
-ex-2-evsel-stat example
-ex-3-evlist-stat example
+++ /dev/null
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause)
-# Most of this file is copied from tools/lib/bpf/Makefile
-MAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory
-ifeq ($(srctree),)
-srctree := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(CURDIR)))
-srctree := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(srctree)))
-srctree := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(srctree)))
-#$(info Determined 'srctree' to be $(srctree))
-INSTALL = install
-# Use DESTDIR for installing into a different root directory.
-# This is useful for building a package. The program will be
-# installed in this directory as if it was the root directory.
-# Then the build tool can move it later.
-DESTDIR_SQ = '$(subst ','\'',$(DESTDIR))'
-include $(srctree)/tools/scripts/Makefile.include
-include $(srctree)/tools/scripts/Makefile.arch
-ifeq ($(LP64), 1)
- libdir_relative = lib64
- libdir_relative = lib
-prefix ?=
-libdir = $(prefix)/$(libdir_relative)
-# Shell quotes
-libdir_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(libdir))
-libdir_relative_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(libdir_relative))
-ifeq ("$(origin V)", "command line")
- VERBOSE = $(V)
-ifndef VERBOSE
-ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1)
- Q =
- Q = @
-# Set compile option CFLAGS
- CFLAGS := -g -Wall
--I$(srctree)/tools/perf/lib/include \
--I$(srctree)/tools/lib/ \
--I$(srctree)/tools/include \
--I$(srctree)/tools/arch/$(SRCARCH)/include/ \
--I$(srctree)/tools/arch/$(SRCARCH)/include/uapi \
-# Append required CFLAGS
-override CFLAGS += -Werror -Wall
-override CFLAGS += -fPIC
-override CFLAGS += $(INCLUDES)
-override CFLAGS += -fvisibility=hidden
-export srctree OUTPUT CC LD CFLAGS V
-include $(srctree)/tools/build/Makefile.include
-VERSION_SCRIPT := libperf.map
-LIBPERF_SO := $(OUTPUT)libperf.so.$(VERSION)
-LIBPERF_A := $(OUTPUT)libperf.a
-LIBPERF_IN := $(OUTPUT)libperf-in.o
-LIBPERF_PC := $(OUTPUT)libperf.pc
-LIBPERF_ALL := $(LIBPERF_A) $(OUTPUT)libperf.so*
-LIB_DIR := $(srctree)/tools/lib/api/
-ifneq ($(OUTPUT),)
-ifneq ($(subdir),)
- API_PATH=$(OUTPUT)/../lib/api/
-LIBAPI = $(API_PATH)libapi.a
-export LIBAPI
- $(Q)$(MAKE) -C $(LIB_DIR) O=$(OUTPUT) $(OUTPUT)libapi.a
- $(call QUIET_CLEAN, libapi)
- $(Q)$(MAKE) -C $(LIB_DIR) O=$(OUTPUT) clean >/dev/null
- $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=libperf
- $(QUIET_AR)$(RM) $@ && $(AR) rcs $@ $(LIBPERF_IN)
- $(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) --shared -Wl,-soname,libperf.so \
- -Wl,--version-script=$(VERSION_SCRIPT) $^ -o $@
- @ln -sf $(@F) $(OUTPUT)libperf.so
- @ln -sf $(@F) $(OUTPUT)libperf.so.$(LIBPERF_VERSION)
-all: fixdep
- $(Q)$(MAKE) libs
-clean: $(LIBAPI)-clean
- $(call QUIET_CLEAN, libperf) $(RM) $(LIBPERF_A) \
- *.o *~ *.a *.so *.so.$(VERSION) *.so.$(LIBPERF_VERSION) .*.d .*.cmd LIBPERF-CFLAGS $(LIBPERF_PC)
- $(Q)$(MAKE) -C tests clean
-tests: libs
- $(Q)$(MAKE) -C tests
- $(Q)$(MAKE) -C tests run
- $(QUIET_GEN)sed -e "s|@PREFIX@|$(prefix)|" \
- -e "s|@LIBDIR@|$(libdir_SQ)|" \
- -e "s|@VERSION@|$(VERSION)|" \
- < libperf.pc.template > $@
-define do_install_mkdir
- if [ ! -d '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$1' ]; then \
- $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$1'; \
- fi
-define do_install
- if [ ! -d '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$2' ]; then \
- $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$2'; \
- fi; \
- $(INSTALL) $1 $(if $3,-m $3,) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$2'
-install_lib: libs
- $(call do_install_mkdir,$(libdir_SQ)); \
- cp -fpR $(LIBPERF_ALL) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir_SQ)
- $(call QUIET_INSTALL, headers) \
- $(call do_install,include/perf/core.h,$(prefix)/include/perf,644); \
- $(call do_install,include/perf/cpumap.h,$(prefix)/include/perf,644); \
- $(call do_install,include/perf/threadmap.h,$(prefix)/include/perf,644); \
- $(call do_install,include/perf/evlist.h,$(prefix)/include/perf,644); \
- $(call do_install,include/perf/evsel.h,$(prefix)/include/perf,644); \
- $(call do_install,include/perf/event.h,$(prefix)/include/perf,644); \
- $(call do_install,include/perf/mmap.h,$(prefix)/include/perf,644);
-install_pkgconfig: $(LIBPERF_PC)
- $(call do_install,$(LIBPERF_PC),$(libdir_SQ)/pkgconfig,644)
-install: install_lib install_headers install_pkgconfig
-.PHONY: all install clean tests FORCE
+++ /dev/null
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
-#define __printf(a, b) __attribute__((format(printf, a, b)))
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <linux/compiler.h>
-#include <perf/core.h>
-#include <internal/lib.h>
-#include "internal.h"
-static int __base_pr(enum libperf_print_level level __maybe_unused, const char *format,
- va_list args)
- return vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
-static libperf_print_fn_t __libperf_pr = __base_pr;
-__printf(2, 3)
-void libperf_print(enum libperf_print_level level, const char *format, ...)
- va_list args;
- if (!__libperf_pr)
- return;
- va_start(args, format);
- __libperf_pr(level, format, args);
- va_end(args);
-void libperf_init(libperf_print_fn_t fn)
- page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
- __libperf_pr = fn;
+++ /dev/null
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
-#include <perf/cpumap.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <linux/refcount.h>
-#include <internal/cpumap.h>
-#include <asm/bug.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__dummy_new(void)
- struct perf_cpu_map *cpus = malloc(sizeof(*cpus) + sizeof(int));
- if (cpus != NULL) {
- cpus->nr = 1;
- cpus->map[0] = -1;
- refcount_set(&cpus->refcnt, 1);
- }
- return cpus;
-static void cpu_map__delete(struct perf_cpu_map *map)
- if (map) {
- WARN_ONCE(refcount_read(&map->refcnt) != 0,
- "cpu_map refcnt unbalanced\n");
- free(map);
- }
-struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__get(struct perf_cpu_map *map)
- if (map)
- refcount_inc(&map->refcnt);
- return map;
-void perf_cpu_map__put(struct perf_cpu_map *map)
- if (map && refcount_dec_and_test(&map->refcnt))
- cpu_map__delete(map);
-static struct perf_cpu_map *cpu_map__default_new(void)
- struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
- int nr_cpus;
- nr_cpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
- if (nr_cpus < 0)
- return NULL;
- cpus = malloc(sizeof(*cpus) + nr_cpus * sizeof(int));
- if (cpus != NULL) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < nr_cpus; ++i)
- cpus->map[i] = i;
- cpus->nr = nr_cpus;
- refcount_set(&cpus->refcnt, 1);
- }
- return cpus;
-static int cmp_int(const void *a, const void *b)
- return *(const int *)a - *(const int*)b;
-static struct perf_cpu_map *cpu_map__trim_new(int nr_cpus, int *tmp_cpus)
- size_t payload_size = nr_cpus * sizeof(int);
- struct perf_cpu_map *cpus = malloc(sizeof(*cpus) + payload_size);
- int i, j;
- if (cpus != NULL) {
- memcpy(cpus->map, tmp_cpus, payload_size);
- qsort(cpus->map, nr_cpus, sizeof(int), cmp_int);
- /* Remove dups */
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < nr_cpus; i++) {
- if (i == 0 || cpus->map[i] != cpus->map[i - 1])
- cpus->map[j++] = cpus->map[i];
- }
- cpus->nr = j;
- assert(j <= nr_cpus);
- refcount_set(&cpus->refcnt, 1);
- }
- return cpus;
-struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__read(FILE *file)
- struct perf_cpu_map *cpus = NULL;
- int nr_cpus = 0;
- int *tmp_cpus = NULL, *tmp;
- int max_entries = 0;
- int n, cpu, prev;
- char sep;
- sep = 0;
- prev = -1;
- for (;;) {
- n = fscanf(file, "%u%c", &cpu, &sep);
- if (n <= 0)
- break;
- if (prev >= 0) {
- int new_max = nr_cpus + cpu - prev - 1;
- WARN_ONCE(new_max >= MAX_NR_CPUS, "Perf can support %d CPUs. "
- "Consider raising MAX_NR_CPUS\n", MAX_NR_CPUS);
- if (new_max >= max_entries) {
- max_entries = new_max + MAX_NR_CPUS / 2;
- tmp = realloc(tmp_cpus, max_entries * sizeof(int));
- if (tmp == NULL)
- goto out_free_tmp;
- tmp_cpus = tmp;
- }
- while (++prev < cpu)
- tmp_cpus[nr_cpus++] = prev;
- }
- if (nr_cpus == max_entries) {
- max_entries += MAX_NR_CPUS;
- tmp = realloc(tmp_cpus, max_entries * sizeof(int));
- if (tmp == NULL)
- goto out_free_tmp;
- tmp_cpus = tmp;
- }
- tmp_cpus[nr_cpus++] = cpu;
- if (n == 2 && sep == '-')
- prev = cpu;
- else
- prev = -1;
- if (n == 1 || sep == '\n')
- break;
- }
- if (nr_cpus > 0)
- cpus = cpu_map__trim_new(nr_cpus, tmp_cpus);
- else
- cpus = cpu_map__default_new();
- free(tmp_cpus);
- return cpus;
-static struct perf_cpu_map *cpu_map__read_all_cpu_map(void)
- struct perf_cpu_map *cpus = NULL;
- FILE *onlnf;
- onlnf = fopen("/sys/devices/system/cpu/online", "r");
- if (!onlnf)
- return cpu_map__default_new();
- cpus = perf_cpu_map__read(onlnf);
- fclose(onlnf);
- return cpus;
-struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__new(const char *cpu_list)
- struct perf_cpu_map *cpus = NULL;
- unsigned long start_cpu, end_cpu = 0;
- char *p = NULL;
- int i, nr_cpus = 0;
- int *tmp_cpus = NULL, *tmp;
- int max_entries = 0;
- if (!cpu_list)
- return cpu_map__read_all_cpu_map();
- /*
- * must handle the case of empty cpumap to cover
- * TOPOLOGY header for NUMA nodes with no CPU
- * ( e.g., because of CPU hotplug)
- */
- if (!isdigit(*cpu_list) && *cpu_list != '\0')
- goto out;
- while (isdigit(*cpu_list)) {
- p = NULL;
- start_cpu = strtoul(cpu_list, &p, 0);
- if (start_cpu >= INT_MAX
- || (*p != '\0' && *p != ',' && *p != '-'))
- goto invalid;
- if (*p == '-') {
- cpu_list = ++p;
- p = NULL;
- end_cpu = strtoul(cpu_list, &p, 0);
- if (end_cpu >= INT_MAX || (*p != '\0' && *p != ','))
- goto invalid;
- if (end_cpu < start_cpu)
- goto invalid;
- } else {
- end_cpu = start_cpu;
- }
- WARN_ONCE(end_cpu >= MAX_NR_CPUS, "Perf can support %d CPUs. "
- "Consider raising MAX_NR_CPUS\n", MAX_NR_CPUS);
- for (; start_cpu <= end_cpu; start_cpu++) {
- /* check for duplicates */
- for (i = 0; i < nr_cpus; i++)
- if (tmp_cpus[i] == (int)start_cpu)
- goto invalid;
- if (nr_cpus == max_entries) {
- max_entries += MAX_NR_CPUS;
- tmp = realloc(tmp_cpus, max_entries * sizeof(int));
- if (tmp == NULL)
- goto invalid;
- tmp_cpus = tmp;
- }
- tmp_cpus[nr_cpus++] = (int)start_cpu;
- }
- if (*p)
- ++p;
- cpu_list = p;
- }
- if (nr_cpus > 0)
- cpus = cpu_map__trim_new(nr_cpus, tmp_cpus);
- else if (*cpu_list != '\0')
- cpus = cpu_map__default_new();
- else
- cpus = perf_cpu_map__dummy_new();
- free(tmp_cpus);
- return cpus;
-int perf_cpu_map__cpu(const struct perf_cpu_map *cpus, int idx)
- if (idx < cpus->nr)
- return cpus->map[idx];
- return -1;
-int perf_cpu_map__nr(const struct perf_cpu_map *cpus)
- return cpus ? cpus->nr : 1;
-bool perf_cpu_map__empty(const struct perf_cpu_map *map)
- return map ? map->map[0] == -1 : true;
-int perf_cpu_map__idx(struct perf_cpu_map *cpus, int cpu)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < cpus->nr; ++i) {
- if (cpus->map[i] == cpu)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
-int perf_cpu_map__max(struct perf_cpu_map *map)
- int i, max = -1;
- for (i = 0; i < map->nr; i++) {
- if (map->map[i] > max)
- max = map->map[i];
- }
- return max;
- * Merge two cpumaps
- *
- * orig either gets freed and replaced with a new map, or reused
- * with no reference count change (similar to "realloc")
- * other has its reference count increased.
- */
-struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__merge(struct perf_cpu_map *orig,
- struct perf_cpu_map *other)
- int *tmp_cpus;
- int tmp_len;
- int i, j, k;
- struct perf_cpu_map *merged;
- if (!orig && !other)
- return NULL;
- if (!orig) {
- perf_cpu_map__get(other);
- return other;
- }
- if (!other)
- return orig;
- if (orig->nr == other->nr &&
- !memcmp(orig->map, other->map, orig->nr * sizeof(int)))
- return orig;
- tmp_len = orig->nr + other->nr;
- tmp_cpus = malloc(tmp_len * sizeof(int));
- if (!tmp_cpus)
- return NULL;
- /* Standard merge algorithm from wikipedia */
- i = j = k = 0;
- while (i < orig->nr && j < other->nr) {
- if (orig->map[i] <= other->map[j]) {
- if (orig->map[i] == other->map[j])
- j++;
- tmp_cpus[k++] = orig->map[i++];
- } else
- tmp_cpus[k++] = other->map[j++];
- }
- while (i < orig->nr)
- tmp_cpus[k++] = orig->map[i++];
- while (j < other->nr)
- tmp_cpus[k++] = other->map[j++];
- assert(k <= tmp_len);
- merged = cpu_map__trim_new(k, tmp_cpus);
- free(tmp_cpus);
- perf_cpu_map__put(orig);
- return merged;
+++ /dev/null
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-#include <perf/evlist.h>
-#include <perf/evsel.h>
-#include <linux/bitops.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/hash.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <internal/evlist.h>
-#include <internal/evsel.h>
-#include <internal/xyarray.h>
-#include <internal/mmap.h>
-#include <internal/cpumap.h>
-#include <internal/threadmap.h>
-#include <internal/xyarray.h>
-#include <internal/lib.h>
-#include <linux/zalloc.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <poll.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <perf/cpumap.h>
-#include <perf/threadmap.h>
-#include <api/fd/array.h>
-void perf_evlist__init(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < PERF_EVLIST__HLIST_SIZE; ++i)
- INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&evlist->heads[i]);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&evlist->entries);
- evlist->nr_entries = 0;
- fdarray__init(&evlist->pollfd, 64);
-static void __perf_evlist__propagate_maps(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct perf_evsel *evsel)
- /*
- * We already have cpus for evsel (via PMU sysfs) so
- * keep it, if there's no target cpu list defined.
- */
- if (!evsel->own_cpus || evlist->has_user_cpus) {
- perf_cpu_map__put(evsel->cpus);
- evsel->cpus = perf_cpu_map__get(evlist->cpus);
- } else if (evsel->cpus != evsel->own_cpus) {
- perf_cpu_map__put(evsel->cpus);
- evsel->cpus = perf_cpu_map__get(evsel->own_cpus);
- }
- perf_thread_map__put(evsel->threads);
- evsel->threads = perf_thread_map__get(evlist->threads);
- evlist->all_cpus = perf_cpu_map__merge(evlist->all_cpus, evsel->cpus);
-static void perf_evlist__propagate_maps(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
- struct perf_evsel *evsel;
- perf_evlist__for_each_evsel(evlist, evsel)
- __perf_evlist__propagate_maps(evlist, evsel);
-void perf_evlist__add(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct perf_evsel *evsel)
- list_add_tail(&evsel->node, &evlist->entries);
- evlist->nr_entries += 1;
- __perf_evlist__propagate_maps(evlist, evsel);
-void perf_evlist__remove(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct perf_evsel *evsel)
- list_del_init(&evsel->node);
- evlist->nr_entries -= 1;
-struct perf_evlist *perf_evlist__new(void)
- struct perf_evlist *evlist = zalloc(sizeof(*evlist));
- if (evlist != NULL)
- perf_evlist__init(evlist);
- return evlist;
-struct perf_evsel *
-perf_evlist__next(struct perf_evlist *evlist, struct perf_evsel *prev)
- struct perf_evsel *next;
- if (!prev) {
- next = list_first_entry(&evlist->entries,
- struct perf_evsel,
- node);
- } else {
- next = list_next_entry(prev, node);
- }
- /* Empty list is noticed here so don't need checking on entry. */
- if (&next->node == &evlist->entries)
- return NULL;
- return next;
-static void perf_evlist__purge(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
- struct perf_evsel *pos, *n;
- perf_evlist__for_each_entry_safe(evlist, n, pos) {
- list_del_init(&pos->node);
- perf_evsel__delete(pos);
- }
- evlist->nr_entries = 0;
-void perf_evlist__exit(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
- perf_cpu_map__put(evlist->cpus);
- perf_thread_map__put(evlist->threads);
- evlist->cpus = NULL;
- evlist->threads = NULL;
- fdarray__exit(&evlist->pollfd);
-void perf_evlist__delete(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
- if (evlist == NULL)
- return;
- perf_evlist__munmap(evlist);
- perf_evlist__close(evlist);
- perf_evlist__purge(evlist);
- perf_evlist__exit(evlist);
- free(evlist);
-void perf_evlist__set_maps(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct perf_cpu_map *cpus,
- struct perf_thread_map *threads)
- /*
- * Allow for the possibility that one or another of the maps isn't being
- * changed i.e. don't put it. Note we are assuming the maps that are
- * being applied are brand new and evlist is taking ownership of the
- * original reference count of 1. If that is not the case it is up to
- * the caller to increase the reference count.
- */
- if (cpus != evlist->cpus) {
- perf_cpu_map__put(evlist->cpus);
- evlist->cpus = perf_cpu_map__get(cpus);
- }
- if (threads != evlist->threads) {
- perf_thread_map__put(evlist->threads);
- evlist->threads = perf_thread_map__get(threads);
- }
- perf_evlist__propagate_maps(evlist);
-int perf_evlist__open(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
- struct perf_evsel *evsel;
- int err;
- perf_evlist__for_each_entry(evlist, evsel) {
- err = perf_evsel__open(evsel, evsel->cpus, evsel->threads);
- if (err < 0)
- goto out_err;
- }
- return 0;
- perf_evlist__close(evlist);
- return err;
-void perf_evlist__close(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
- struct perf_evsel *evsel;
- perf_evlist__for_each_entry_reverse(evlist, evsel)
- perf_evsel__close(evsel);
-void perf_evlist__enable(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
- struct perf_evsel *evsel;
- perf_evlist__for_each_entry(evlist, evsel)
- perf_evsel__enable(evsel);
-void perf_evlist__disable(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
- struct perf_evsel *evsel;
- perf_evlist__for_each_entry(evlist, evsel)
- perf_evsel__disable(evsel);
-u64 perf_evlist__read_format(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
- struct perf_evsel *first = perf_evlist__first(evlist);
- return first->attr.read_format;
-#define SID(e, x, y) xyarray__entry(e->sample_id, x, y)
-static void perf_evlist__id_hash(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct perf_evsel *evsel,
- int cpu, int thread, u64 id)
- int hash;
- struct perf_sample_id *sid = SID(evsel, cpu, thread);
- sid->id = id;
- sid->evsel = evsel;
- hash = hash_64(sid->id, PERF_EVLIST__HLIST_BITS);
- hlist_add_head(&sid->node, &evlist->heads[hash]);
-void perf_evlist__id_add(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct perf_evsel *evsel,
- int cpu, int thread, u64 id)
- perf_evlist__id_hash(evlist, evsel, cpu, thread, id);
- evsel->id[evsel->ids++] = id;
-int perf_evlist__id_add_fd(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct perf_evsel *evsel,
- int cpu, int thread, int fd)
- u64 read_data[4] = { 0, };
- int id_idx = 1; /* The first entry is the counter value */
- u64 id;
- int ret;
- ret = ioctl(fd, PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID, &id);
- if (!ret)
- goto add;
- if (errno != ENOTTY)
- return -1;
- /* Legacy way to get event id.. All hail to old kernels! */
- /*
- * This way does not work with group format read, so bail
- * out in that case.
- */
- if (perf_evlist__read_format(evlist) & PERF_FORMAT_GROUP)
- return -1;
- if (!(evsel->attr.read_format & PERF_FORMAT_ID) ||
- read(fd, &read_data, sizeof(read_data)) == -1)
- return -1;
- if (evsel->attr.read_format & PERF_FORMAT_TOTAL_TIME_ENABLED)
- ++id_idx;
- if (evsel->attr.read_format & PERF_FORMAT_TOTAL_TIME_RUNNING)
- ++id_idx;
- id = read_data[id_idx];
- perf_evlist__id_add(evlist, evsel, cpu, thread, id);
- return 0;
-int perf_evlist__alloc_pollfd(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
- int nr_cpus = perf_cpu_map__nr(evlist->cpus);
- int nr_threads = perf_thread_map__nr(evlist->threads);
- int nfds = 0;
- struct perf_evsel *evsel;
- perf_evlist__for_each_entry(evlist, evsel) {
- if (evsel->system_wide)
- nfds += nr_cpus;
- else
- nfds += nr_cpus * nr_threads;
- }
- if (fdarray__available_entries(&evlist->pollfd) < nfds &&
- fdarray__grow(&evlist->pollfd, nfds) < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
- return 0;
-int perf_evlist__add_pollfd(struct perf_evlist *evlist, int fd,
- void *ptr, short revent)
- int pos = fdarray__add(&evlist->pollfd, fd, revent | POLLERR | POLLHUP);
- if (pos >= 0) {
- evlist->pollfd.priv[pos].ptr = ptr;
- fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
- }
- return pos;
-static void perf_evlist__munmap_filtered(struct fdarray *fda, int fd,
- void *arg __maybe_unused)
- struct perf_mmap *map = fda->priv[fd].ptr;
- if (map)
- perf_mmap__put(map);
-int perf_evlist__filter_pollfd(struct perf_evlist *evlist, short revents_and_mask)
- return fdarray__filter(&evlist->pollfd, revents_and_mask,
- perf_evlist__munmap_filtered, NULL);
-int perf_evlist__poll(struct perf_evlist *evlist, int timeout)
- return fdarray__poll(&evlist->pollfd, timeout);
-static struct perf_mmap* perf_evlist__alloc_mmap(struct perf_evlist *evlist, bool overwrite)
- int i;
- struct perf_mmap *map;
- map = zalloc(evlist->nr_mmaps * sizeof(struct perf_mmap));
- if (!map)
- return NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < evlist->nr_mmaps; i++) {
- struct perf_mmap *prev = i ? &map[i - 1] : NULL;
- /*
- * When the perf_mmap() call is made we grab one refcount, plus
- * one extra to let perf_mmap__consume() get the last
- * events after all real references (perf_mmap__get()) are
- * dropped.
- *
- * Each PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT points to this mmap and
- * thus does perf_mmap__get() on it.
- */
- perf_mmap__init(&map[i], prev, overwrite, NULL);
- }
- return map;
-static void perf_evlist__set_sid_idx(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct perf_evsel *evsel, int idx, int cpu,
- int thread)
- struct perf_sample_id *sid = SID(evsel, cpu, thread);
- sid->idx = idx;
- if (evlist->cpus && cpu >= 0)
- sid->cpu = evlist->cpus->map[cpu];
- else
- sid->cpu = -1;
- if (!evsel->system_wide && evlist->threads && thread >= 0)
- sid->tid = perf_thread_map__pid(evlist->threads, thread);
- else
- sid->tid = -1;
-static struct perf_mmap*
-perf_evlist__mmap_cb_get(struct perf_evlist *evlist, bool overwrite, int idx)
- struct perf_mmap *maps;
- maps = overwrite ? evlist->mmap_ovw : evlist->mmap;
- if (!maps) {
- maps = perf_evlist__alloc_mmap(evlist, overwrite);
- if (!maps)
- return NULL;
- if (overwrite)
- evlist->mmap_ovw = maps;
- else
- evlist->mmap = maps;
- }
- return &maps[idx];
-#define FD(e, x, y) (*(int *) xyarray__entry(e->fd, x, y))
-static int
-perf_evlist__mmap_cb_mmap(struct perf_mmap *map, struct perf_mmap_param *mp,
- int output, int cpu)
- return perf_mmap__mmap(map, mp, output, cpu);
-static void perf_evlist__set_mmap_first(struct perf_evlist *evlist, struct perf_mmap *map,
- bool overwrite)
- if (overwrite)
- evlist->mmap_ovw_first = map;
- else
- evlist->mmap_first = map;
-static int
-mmap_per_evsel(struct perf_evlist *evlist, struct perf_evlist_mmap_ops *ops,
- int idx, struct perf_mmap_param *mp, int cpu_idx,
- int thread, int *_output, int *_output_overwrite)
- int evlist_cpu = perf_cpu_map__cpu(evlist->cpus, cpu_idx);
- struct perf_evsel *evsel;
- int revent;
- perf_evlist__for_each_entry(evlist, evsel) {
- bool overwrite = evsel->attr.write_backward;
- struct perf_mmap *map;
- int *output, fd, cpu;
- if (evsel->system_wide && thread)
- continue;
- cpu = perf_cpu_map__idx(evsel->cpus, evlist_cpu);
- if (cpu == -1)
- continue;
- map = ops->get(evlist, overwrite, idx);
- if (map == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
- if (overwrite) {
- mp->prot = PROT_READ;
- output = _output_overwrite;
- } else {
- mp->prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE;
- output = _output;
- }
- fd = FD(evsel, cpu, thread);
- if (*output == -1) {
- *output = fd;
- /*
- * The last one will be done at perf_mmap__consume(), so that we
- * make sure we don't prevent tools from consuming every last event in
- * the ring buffer.
- *
- * I.e. we can get the POLLHUP meaning that the fd doesn't exist
- * anymore, but the last events for it are still in the ring buffer,
- * waiting to be consumed.
- *
- * Tools can chose to ignore this at their own discretion, but the
- * evlist layer can't just drop it when filtering events in
- * perf_evlist__filter_pollfd().
- */
- refcount_set(&map->refcnt, 2);
- if (ops->mmap(map, mp, *output, evlist_cpu) < 0)
- return -1;
- if (!idx)
- perf_evlist__set_mmap_first(evlist, map, overwrite);
- } else {
- if (ioctl(fd, PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT, *output) != 0)
- return -1;
- perf_mmap__get(map);
- }
- revent = !overwrite ? POLLIN : 0;
- if (!evsel->system_wide &&
- perf_evlist__add_pollfd(evlist, fd, map, revent) < 0) {
- perf_mmap__put(map);
- return -1;
- }
- if (evsel->attr.read_format & PERF_FORMAT_ID) {
- if (perf_evlist__id_add_fd(evlist, evsel, cpu, thread,
- fd) < 0)
- return -1;
- perf_evlist__set_sid_idx(evlist, evsel, idx, cpu,
- thread);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static int
-mmap_per_thread(struct perf_evlist *evlist, struct perf_evlist_mmap_ops *ops,
- struct perf_mmap_param *mp)
- int thread;
- int nr_threads = perf_thread_map__nr(evlist->threads);
- for (thread = 0; thread < nr_threads; thread++) {
- int output = -1;
- int output_overwrite = -1;
- if (ops->idx)
- ops->idx(evlist, mp, thread, false);
- if (mmap_per_evsel(evlist, ops, thread, mp, 0, thread,
- &output, &output_overwrite))
- goto out_unmap;
- }
- return 0;
- perf_evlist__munmap(evlist);
- return -1;
-static int
-mmap_per_cpu(struct perf_evlist *evlist, struct perf_evlist_mmap_ops *ops,
- struct perf_mmap_param *mp)
- int nr_threads = perf_thread_map__nr(evlist->threads);
- int nr_cpus = perf_cpu_map__nr(evlist->cpus);
- int cpu, thread;
- for (cpu = 0; cpu < nr_cpus; cpu++) {
- int output = -1;
- int output_overwrite = -1;
- if (ops->idx)
- ops->idx(evlist, mp, cpu, true);
- for (thread = 0; thread < nr_threads; thread++) {
- if (mmap_per_evsel(evlist, ops, cpu, mp, cpu,
- thread, &output, &output_overwrite))
- goto out_unmap;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- perf_evlist__munmap(evlist);
- return -1;
-static int perf_evlist__nr_mmaps(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
- int nr_mmaps;
- nr_mmaps = perf_cpu_map__nr(evlist->cpus);
- if (perf_cpu_map__empty(evlist->cpus))
- nr_mmaps = perf_thread_map__nr(evlist->threads);
- return nr_mmaps;
-int perf_evlist__mmap_ops(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct perf_evlist_mmap_ops *ops,
- struct perf_mmap_param *mp)
- struct perf_evsel *evsel;
- const struct perf_cpu_map *cpus = evlist->cpus;
- const struct perf_thread_map *threads = evlist->threads;
- if (!ops || !ops->get || !ops->mmap)
- return -EINVAL;
- mp->mask = evlist->mmap_len - page_size - 1;
- evlist->nr_mmaps = perf_evlist__nr_mmaps(evlist);
- perf_evlist__for_each_entry(evlist, evsel) {
- if ((evsel->attr.read_format & PERF_FORMAT_ID) &&
- evsel->sample_id == NULL &&
- perf_evsel__alloc_id(evsel, perf_cpu_map__nr(cpus), threads->nr) < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- if (evlist->pollfd.entries == NULL && perf_evlist__alloc_pollfd(evlist) < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
- if (perf_cpu_map__empty(cpus))
- return mmap_per_thread(evlist, ops, mp);
- return mmap_per_cpu(evlist, ops, mp);
-int perf_evlist__mmap(struct perf_evlist *evlist, int pages)
- struct perf_mmap_param mp;
- struct perf_evlist_mmap_ops ops = {
- .get = perf_evlist__mmap_cb_get,
- .mmap = perf_evlist__mmap_cb_mmap,
- };
- evlist->mmap_len = (pages + 1) * page_size;
- return perf_evlist__mmap_ops(evlist, &ops, &mp);
-void perf_evlist__munmap(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
- int i;
- if (evlist->mmap) {
- for (i = 0; i < evlist->nr_mmaps; i++)
- perf_mmap__munmap(&evlist->mmap[i]);
- }
- if (evlist->mmap_ovw) {
- for (i = 0; i < evlist->nr_mmaps; i++)
- perf_mmap__munmap(&evlist->mmap_ovw[i]);
- }
- zfree(&evlist->mmap);
- zfree(&evlist->mmap_ovw);
-struct perf_mmap*
-perf_evlist__next_mmap(struct perf_evlist *evlist, struct perf_mmap *map,
- bool overwrite)
- if (map)
- return map->next;
- return overwrite ? evlist->mmap_ovw_first : evlist->mmap_first;
+++ /dev/null
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/syscall.h>
-#include <perf/evsel.h>
-#include <perf/cpumap.h>
-#include <perf/threadmap.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <internal/evsel.h>
-#include <linux/zalloc.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <internal/xyarray.h>
-#include <internal/cpumap.h>
-#include <internal/threadmap.h>
-#include <internal/lib.h>
-#include <linux/string.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-void perf_evsel__init(struct perf_evsel *evsel, struct perf_event_attr *attr)
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&evsel->node);
- evsel->attr = *attr;
-struct perf_evsel *perf_evsel__new(struct perf_event_attr *attr)
- struct perf_evsel *evsel = zalloc(sizeof(*evsel));
- if (evsel != NULL)
- perf_evsel__init(evsel, attr);
- return evsel;
-void perf_evsel__delete(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
- free(evsel);
-#define FD(e, x, y) (*(int *) xyarray__entry(e->fd, x, y))
-int perf_evsel__alloc_fd(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int ncpus, int nthreads)
- evsel->fd = xyarray__new(ncpus, nthreads, sizeof(int));
- if (evsel->fd) {
- int cpu, thread;
- for (cpu = 0; cpu < ncpus; cpu++) {
- for (thread = 0; thread < nthreads; thread++) {
- FD(evsel, cpu, thread) = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- return evsel->fd != NULL ? 0 : -ENOMEM;
-static int
-sys_perf_event_open(struct perf_event_attr *attr,
- pid_t pid, int cpu, int group_fd,
- unsigned long flags)
- return syscall(__NR_perf_event_open, attr, pid, cpu, group_fd, flags);
-int perf_evsel__open(struct perf_evsel *evsel, struct perf_cpu_map *cpus,
- struct perf_thread_map *threads)
- int cpu, thread, err = 0;
- if (cpus == NULL) {
- static struct perf_cpu_map *empty_cpu_map;
- if (empty_cpu_map == NULL) {
- empty_cpu_map = perf_cpu_map__dummy_new();
- if (empty_cpu_map == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- cpus = empty_cpu_map;
- }
- if (threads == NULL) {
- static struct perf_thread_map *empty_thread_map;
- if (empty_thread_map == NULL) {
- empty_thread_map = perf_thread_map__new_dummy();
- if (empty_thread_map == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- threads = empty_thread_map;
- }
- if (evsel->fd == NULL &&
- perf_evsel__alloc_fd(evsel, cpus->nr, threads->nr) < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
- for (cpu = 0; cpu < cpus->nr; cpu++) {
- for (thread = 0; thread < threads->nr; thread++) {
- int fd;
- fd = sys_perf_event_open(&evsel->attr,
- threads->map[thread].pid,
- cpus->map[cpu], -1, 0);
- if (fd < 0)
- return -errno;
- FD(evsel, cpu, thread) = fd;
- }
- }
- return err;
-static void perf_evsel__close_fd_cpu(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu)
- int thread;
- for (thread = 0; thread < xyarray__max_y(evsel->fd); ++thread) {
- if (FD(evsel, cpu, thread) >= 0)
- close(FD(evsel, cpu, thread));
- FD(evsel, cpu, thread) = -1;
- }
-void perf_evsel__close_fd(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
- int cpu;
- for (cpu = 0; cpu < xyarray__max_x(evsel->fd); cpu++)
- perf_evsel__close_fd_cpu(evsel, cpu);
-void perf_evsel__free_fd(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
- xyarray__delete(evsel->fd);
- evsel->fd = NULL;
-void perf_evsel__close(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
- if (evsel->fd == NULL)
- return;
- perf_evsel__close_fd(evsel);
- perf_evsel__free_fd(evsel);
-void perf_evsel__close_cpu(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu)
- if (evsel->fd == NULL)
- return;
- perf_evsel__close_fd_cpu(evsel, cpu);
-int perf_evsel__read_size(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
- u64 read_format = evsel->attr.read_format;
- int entry = sizeof(u64); /* value */
- int size = 0;
- int nr = 1;
- size += sizeof(u64);
- size += sizeof(u64);
- if (read_format & PERF_FORMAT_ID)
- entry += sizeof(u64);
- if (read_format & PERF_FORMAT_GROUP) {
- nr = evsel->nr_members;
- size += sizeof(u64);
- }
- size += entry * nr;
- return size;
-int perf_evsel__read(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu, int thread,
- struct perf_counts_values *count)
- size_t size = perf_evsel__read_size(evsel);
- memset(count, 0, sizeof(*count));
- if (FD(evsel, cpu, thread) < 0)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (readn(FD(evsel, cpu, thread), count->values, size) <= 0)
- return -errno;
- return 0;
-static int perf_evsel__run_ioctl(struct perf_evsel *evsel,
- int ioc, void *arg,
- int cpu)
- int thread;
- for (thread = 0; thread < xyarray__max_y(evsel->fd); thread++) {
- int fd = FD(evsel, cpu, thread),
- err = ioctl(fd, ioc, arg);
- if (err)
- return err;
- }
- return 0;
-int perf_evsel__enable_cpu(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu)
- return perf_evsel__run_ioctl(evsel, PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE, NULL, cpu);
-int perf_evsel__enable(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
- int i;
- int err = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < xyarray__max_x(evsel->fd) && !err; i++)
- err = perf_evsel__run_ioctl(evsel, PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE, NULL, i);
- return err;
-int perf_evsel__disable_cpu(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu)
- return perf_evsel__run_ioctl(evsel, PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE, NULL, cpu);
-int perf_evsel__disable(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
- int i;
- int err = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < xyarray__max_x(evsel->fd) && !err; i++)
- err = perf_evsel__run_ioctl(evsel, PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE, NULL, i);
- return err;
-int perf_evsel__apply_filter(struct perf_evsel *evsel, const char *filter)
- int err = 0, i;
- for (i = 0; i < evsel->cpus->nr && !err; i++)
- err = perf_evsel__run_ioctl(evsel,
- (void *)filter, i);
- return err;
-struct perf_cpu_map *perf_evsel__cpus(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
- return evsel->cpus;
-struct perf_thread_map *perf_evsel__threads(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
- return evsel->threads;
-struct perf_event_attr *perf_evsel__attr(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
- return &evsel->attr;
-int perf_evsel__alloc_id(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int ncpus, int nthreads)
- if (ncpus == 0 || nthreads == 0)
- return 0;
- if (evsel->system_wide)
- nthreads = 1;
- evsel->sample_id = xyarray__new(ncpus, nthreads, sizeof(struct perf_sample_id));
- if (evsel->sample_id == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
- evsel->id = zalloc(ncpus * nthreads * sizeof(u64));
- if (evsel->id == NULL) {
- xyarray__delete(evsel->sample_id);
- evsel->sample_id = NULL;
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- return 0;
-void perf_evsel__free_id(struct perf_evsel *evsel)
- xyarray__delete(evsel->sample_id);
- evsel->sample_id = NULL;
- zfree(&evsel->id);
- evsel->ids = 0;
+++ /dev/null
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#include <linux/refcount.h>
-struct perf_cpu_map {
- refcount_t refcnt;
- int nr;
- int map[];
-#ifndef MAX_NR_CPUS
-#define MAX_NR_CPUS 2048
-int perf_cpu_map__idx(struct perf_cpu_map *cpus, int cpu);
+++ /dev/null
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <api/fd/array.h>
-#include <internal/evsel.h>
-struct perf_cpu_map;
-struct perf_thread_map;
-struct perf_mmap_param;
-struct perf_evlist {
- struct list_head entries;
- int nr_entries;
- bool has_user_cpus;
- struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
- struct perf_cpu_map *all_cpus;
- struct perf_thread_map *threads;
- int nr_mmaps;
- size_t mmap_len;
- struct fdarray pollfd;
- struct hlist_head heads[PERF_EVLIST__HLIST_SIZE];
- struct perf_mmap *mmap;
- struct perf_mmap *mmap_ovw;
- struct perf_mmap *mmap_first;
- struct perf_mmap *mmap_ovw_first;
-typedef void
-(*perf_evlist_mmap__cb_idx_t)(struct perf_evlist*, struct perf_mmap_param*, int, bool);
-typedef struct perf_mmap*
-(*perf_evlist_mmap__cb_get_t)(struct perf_evlist*, bool, int);
-typedef int
-(*perf_evlist_mmap__cb_mmap_t)(struct perf_mmap*, struct perf_mmap_param*, int, int);
-struct perf_evlist_mmap_ops {
- perf_evlist_mmap__cb_idx_t idx;
- perf_evlist_mmap__cb_get_t get;
- perf_evlist_mmap__cb_mmap_t mmap;
-int perf_evlist__alloc_pollfd(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
-int perf_evlist__add_pollfd(struct perf_evlist *evlist, int fd,
- void *ptr, short revent);
-int perf_evlist__mmap_ops(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct perf_evlist_mmap_ops *ops,
- struct perf_mmap_param *mp);
-void perf_evlist__init(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
-void perf_evlist__exit(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
- * __perf_evlist__for_each_entry - iterate thru all the evsels
- * @list: list_head instance to iterate
- * @evsel: struct perf_evsel iterator
- */
-#define __perf_evlist__for_each_entry(list, evsel) \
- list_for_each_entry(evsel, list, node)
- * evlist__for_each_entry - iterate thru all the evsels
- * @evlist: perf_evlist instance to iterate
- * @evsel: struct perf_evsel iterator
- */
-#define perf_evlist__for_each_entry(evlist, evsel) \
- __perf_evlist__for_each_entry(&(evlist)->entries, evsel)
- * __perf_evlist__for_each_entry_reverse - iterate thru all the evsels in reverse order
- * @list: list_head instance to iterate
- * @evsel: struct evsel iterator
- */
-#define __perf_evlist__for_each_entry_reverse(list, evsel) \
- list_for_each_entry_reverse(evsel, list, node)
- * perf_evlist__for_each_entry_reverse - iterate thru all the evsels in reverse order
- * @evlist: evlist instance to iterate
- * @evsel: struct evsel iterator
- */
-#define perf_evlist__for_each_entry_reverse(evlist, evsel) \
- __perf_evlist__for_each_entry_reverse(&(evlist)->entries, evsel)
- * __perf_evlist__for_each_entry_safe - safely iterate thru all the evsels
- * @list: list_head instance to iterate
- * @tmp: struct evsel temp iterator
- * @evsel: struct evsel iterator
- */
-#define __perf_evlist__for_each_entry_safe(list, tmp, evsel) \
- list_for_each_entry_safe(evsel, tmp, list, node)
- * perf_evlist__for_each_entry_safe - safely iterate thru all the evsels
- * @evlist: evlist instance to iterate
- * @evsel: struct evsel iterator
- * @tmp: struct evsel temp iterator
- */
-#define perf_evlist__for_each_entry_safe(evlist, tmp, evsel) \
- __perf_evlist__for_each_entry_safe(&(evlist)->entries, tmp, evsel)
-static inline struct perf_evsel *perf_evlist__first(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
- return list_entry(evlist->entries.next, struct perf_evsel, node);
-static inline struct perf_evsel *perf_evlist__last(struct perf_evlist *evlist)
- return list_entry(evlist->entries.prev, struct perf_evsel, node);
-u64 perf_evlist__read_format(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
-void perf_evlist__id_add(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct perf_evsel *evsel,
- int cpu, int thread, u64 id);
-int perf_evlist__id_add_fd(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct perf_evsel *evsel,
- int cpu, int thread, int fd);
+++ /dev/null
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/perf_event.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-struct perf_cpu_map;
-struct perf_thread_map;
-struct xyarray;
- * Per fd, to map back from PERF_SAMPLE_ID to evsel, only used when there are
- * more than one entry in the evlist.
- */
-struct perf_sample_id {
- struct hlist_node node;
- u64 id;
- struct perf_evsel *evsel;
- /*
- * 'idx' will be used for AUX area sampling. A sample will have AUX area
- * data that will be queued for decoding, where there are separate
- * queues for each CPU (per-cpu tracing) or task (per-thread tracing).
- * The sample ID can be used to lookup 'idx' which is effectively the
- * queue number.
- */
- int idx;
- int cpu;
- pid_t tid;
- /* Holds total ID period value for PERF_SAMPLE_READ processing. */
- u64 period;
-struct perf_evsel {
- struct list_head node;
- struct perf_event_attr attr;
- struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
- struct perf_cpu_map *own_cpus;
- struct perf_thread_map *threads;
- struct xyarray *fd;
- struct xyarray *sample_id;
- u64 *id;
- u32 ids;
- /* parse modifier helper */
- int nr_members;
- bool system_wide;
-void perf_evsel__init(struct perf_evsel *evsel, struct perf_event_attr *attr);
-int perf_evsel__alloc_fd(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int ncpus, int nthreads);
-void perf_evsel__close_fd(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
-void perf_evsel__free_fd(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
-int perf_evsel__read_size(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
-int perf_evsel__apply_filter(struct perf_evsel *evsel, const char *filter);
-int perf_evsel__alloc_id(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int ncpus, int nthreads);
-void perf_evsel__free_id(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
+++ /dev/null
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-extern unsigned int page_size;
-ssize_t readn(int fd, void *buf, size_t n);
-ssize_t writen(int fd, const void *buf, size_t n);
+++ /dev/null
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#include <linux/compiler.h>
-#include <linux/refcount.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-/* perf sample has 16 bits size limit */
-#define PERF_SAMPLE_MAX_SIZE (1 << 16)
-struct perf_mmap;
-typedef void (*libperf_unmap_cb_t)(struct perf_mmap *map);
- * struct perf_mmap - perf's ring buffer mmap details
- *
- * @refcnt - e.g. code using PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT to share this
- */
-struct perf_mmap {
- void *base;
- int mask;
- int fd;
- int cpu;
- refcount_t refcnt;
- u64 prev;
- u64 start;
- u64 end;
- bool overwrite;
- u64 flush;
- libperf_unmap_cb_t unmap_cb;
- char event_copy[PERF_SAMPLE_MAX_SIZE] __aligned(8);
- struct perf_mmap *next;
-struct perf_mmap_param {
- int prot;
- int mask;
-size_t perf_mmap__mmap_len(struct perf_mmap *map);
-void perf_mmap__init(struct perf_mmap *map, struct perf_mmap *prev,
- bool overwrite, libperf_unmap_cb_t unmap_cb);
-int perf_mmap__mmap(struct perf_mmap *map, struct perf_mmap_param *mp,
- int fd, int cpu);
-void perf_mmap__munmap(struct perf_mmap *map);
-void perf_mmap__get(struct perf_mmap *map);
-void perf_mmap__put(struct perf_mmap *map);
-u64 perf_mmap__read_head(struct perf_mmap *map);
+++ /dev/null
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#include <stdio.h>
-int tests_failed;
-#define __T_START \
-do { \
- fprintf(stdout, "- running %s...", __FILE__); \
- fflush(NULL); \
- tests_failed = 0; \
-} while (0)
-#define __T_END \
-do { \
- if (tests_failed) \
- fprintf(stdout, " FAILED (%d)\n", tests_failed); \
- else \
- fprintf(stdout, "OK\n"); \
-} while (0)
-#define __T(text, cond) \
-do { \
- if (!(cond)) { \
- fprintf(stderr, "FAILED %s:%d %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, text); \
- tests_failed++; \
- return -1; \
- } \
-} while (0)
+++ /dev/null
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#include <linux/refcount.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-struct thread_map_data {
- pid_t pid;
- char *comm;
-struct perf_thread_map {
- refcount_t refcnt;
- int nr;
- int err_thread;
- struct thread_map_data map[];
-struct perf_thread_map *perf_thread_map__realloc(struct perf_thread_map *map, int nr);
+++ /dev/null
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#include <linux/compiler.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-struct xyarray {
- size_t row_size;
- size_t entry_size;
- size_t entries;
- size_t max_x;
- size_t max_y;
- char contents[] __aligned(8);
-struct xyarray *xyarray__new(int xlen, int ylen, size_t entry_size);
-void xyarray__delete(struct xyarray *xy);
-void xyarray__reset(struct xyarray *xy);
-static inline void *xyarray__entry(struct xyarray *xy, int x, int y)
- return &xy->contents[x * xy->row_size + y * xy->entry_size];
-static inline int xyarray__max_y(struct xyarray *xy)
- return xy->max_y;
-static inline int xyarray__max_x(struct xyarray *xy)
- return xy->max_x;
+++ /dev/null
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#ifndef __LIBPERF_CORE_H
-#define __LIBPERF_CORE_H
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#ifndef LIBPERF_API
-#define LIBPERF_API __attribute__((visibility("default")))
-enum libperf_print_level {
-typedef int (*libperf_print_fn_t)(enum libperf_print_level level,
- const char *, va_list ap);
-LIBPERF_API void libperf_init(libperf_print_fn_t fn);
-#endif /* __LIBPERF_CORE_H */
+++ /dev/null
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#include <perf/core.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-struct perf_cpu_map;
-LIBPERF_API struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__dummy_new(void);
-LIBPERF_API struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__new(const char *cpu_list);
-LIBPERF_API struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__read(FILE *file);
-LIBPERF_API struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__get(struct perf_cpu_map *map);
-LIBPERF_API struct perf_cpu_map *perf_cpu_map__merge(struct perf_cpu_map *orig,
- struct perf_cpu_map *other);
-LIBPERF_API void perf_cpu_map__put(struct perf_cpu_map *map);
-LIBPERF_API int perf_cpu_map__cpu(const struct perf_cpu_map *cpus, int idx);
-LIBPERF_API int perf_cpu_map__nr(const struct perf_cpu_map *cpus);
-LIBPERF_API bool perf_cpu_map__empty(const struct perf_cpu_map *map);
-LIBPERF_API int perf_cpu_map__max(struct perf_cpu_map *map);
-#define perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu(cpu, idx, cpus) \
- for ((idx) = 0, (cpu) = perf_cpu_map__cpu(cpus, idx); \
- (idx) < perf_cpu_map__nr(cpus); \
- (idx)++, (cpu) = perf_cpu_map__cpu(cpus, idx))
-#endif /* __LIBPERF_CPUMAP_H */
+++ /dev/null
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#ifndef __LIBPERF_EVENT_H
-#define __LIBPERF_EVENT_H
-#include <linux/perf_event.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/limits.h>
-#include <linux/bpf.h>
-#include <sys/types.h> /* pid_t */
-struct perf_record_mmap {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u32 pid, tid;
- __u64 start;
- __u64 len;
- __u64 pgoff;
- char filename[PATH_MAX];
-struct perf_record_mmap2 {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u32 pid, tid;
- __u64 start;
- __u64 len;
- __u64 pgoff;
- __u32 maj;
- __u32 min;
- __u64 ino;
- __u64 ino_generation;
- __u32 prot;
- __u32 flags;
- char filename[PATH_MAX];
-struct perf_record_comm {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u32 pid, tid;
- char comm[16];
-struct perf_record_namespaces {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u32 pid, tid;
- __u64 nr_namespaces;
- struct perf_ns_link_info link_info[];
-struct perf_record_fork {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u32 pid, ppid;
- __u32 tid, ptid;
- __u64 time;
-struct perf_record_lost {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u64 id;
- __u64 lost;
-struct perf_record_lost_samples {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u64 lost;
- */
-struct perf_record_read {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u32 pid, tid;
- __u64 value;
- __u64 time_enabled;
- __u64 time_running;
- __u64 id;
-struct perf_record_throttle {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u64 time;
- __u64 id;
- __u64 stream_id;
-#ifndef KSYM_NAME_LEN
-#define KSYM_NAME_LEN 256
-struct perf_record_ksymbol {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u64 addr;
- __u32 len;
- __u16 ksym_type;
- __u16 flags;
- char name[KSYM_NAME_LEN];
-struct perf_record_bpf_event {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u16 type;
- __u16 flags;
- __u32 id;
- /* for bpf_prog types */
- __u8 tag[BPF_TAG_SIZE]; // prog tag
-struct perf_record_sample {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u64 array[];
-struct perf_record_switch {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u32 next_prev_pid;
- __u32 next_prev_tid;
-struct perf_record_header_attr {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- struct perf_event_attr attr;
- __u64 id[];
-enum {
-struct cpu_map_entries {
- __u16 nr;
- __u16 cpu[];
-struct perf_record_record_cpu_map {
- __u16 nr;
- __u16 long_size;
- unsigned long mask[];
-struct perf_record_cpu_map_data {
- __u16 type;
- char data[];
-struct perf_record_cpu_map {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- struct perf_record_cpu_map_data data;
-enum {
-struct perf_record_event_update_cpus {
- struct perf_record_cpu_map_data cpus;
-struct perf_record_event_update_scale {
- double scale;
-struct perf_record_event_update {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u64 type;
- __u64 id;
- char data[];
-#define MAX_EVENT_NAME 64
-struct perf_trace_event_type {
- __u64 event_id;
- char name[MAX_EVENT_NAME];
-struct perf_record_header_event_type {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- struct perf_trace_event_type event_type;
-struct perf_record_header_tracing_data {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u32 size;
-struct perf_record_header_build_id {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- pid_t pid;
- __u8 build_id[24];
- char filename[];
-struct id_index_entry {
- __u64 id;
- __u64 idx;
- __u64 cpu;
- __u64 tid;
-struct perf_record_id_index {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u64 nr;
- struct id_index_entry entries[0];
-struct perf_record_auxtrace_info {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u32 type;
- __u32 reserved__; /* For alignment */
- __u64 priv[];
-struct perf_record_auxtrace {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u64 size;
- __u64 offset;
- __u64 reference;
- __u32 idx;
- __u32 tid;
- __u32 cpu;
- __u32 reserved__; /* For alignment */
-struct perf_record_auxtrace_error {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u32 type;
- __u32 code;
- __u32 cpu;
- __u32 pid;
- __u32 tid;
- __u32 fmt;
- __u64 ip;
- __u64 time;
-struct perf_record_aux {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u64 aux_offset;
- __u64 aux_size;
- __u64 flags;
-struct perf_record_itrace_start {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u32 pid;
- __u32 tid;
-struct perf_record_thread_map_entry {
- __u64 pid;
- char comm[16];
-struct perf_record_thread_map {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u64 nr;
- struct perf_record_thread_map_entry entries[];
-enum {
-struct perf_record_stat_config_entry {
- __u64 tag;
- __u64 val;
-struct perf_record_stat_config {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u64 nr;
- struct perf_record_stat_config_entry data[];
-struct perf_record_stat {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u64 id;
- __u32 cpu;
- __u32 thread;
- union {
- struct {
- __u64 val;
- __u64 ena;
- __u64 run;
- };
- __u64 values[3];
- };
-struct perf_record_stat_round {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u64 type;
- __u64 time;
-struct perf_record_time_conv {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u64 time_shift;
- __u64 time_mult;
- __u64 time_zero;
-struct perf_record_header_feature {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- __u64 feat_id;
- char data[];
-struct perf_record_compressed {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- char data[];
-enum perf_user_event_type { /* above any possible kernel type */
- PERF_RECORD_HEADER_EVENT_TYPE = 65, /* deprecated */
-union perf_event {
- struct perf_event_header header;
- struct perf_record_mmap mmap;
- struct perf_record_mmap2 mmap2;
- struct perf_record_comm comm;
- struct perf_record_namespaces namespaces;
- struct perf_record_fork fork;
- struct perf_record_lost lost;
- struct perf_record_lost_samples lost_samples;
- struct perf_record_read read;
- struct perf_record_throttle throttle;
- struct perf_record_sample sample;
- struct perf_record_bpf_event bpf;
- struct perf_record_ksymbol ksymbol;
- struct perf_record_header_attr attr;
- struct perf_record_event_update event_update;
- struct perf_record_header_event_type event_type;
- struct perf_record_header_tracing_data tracing_data;
- struct perf_record_header_build_id build_id;
- struct perf_record_id_index id_index;
- struct perf_record_auxtrace_info auxtrace_info;
- struct perf_record_auxtrace auxtrace;
- struct perf_record_auxtrace_error auxtrace_error;
- struct perf_record_aux aux;
- struct perf_record_itrace_start itrace_start;
- struct perf_record_switch context_switch;
- struct perf_record_thread_map thread_map;
- struct perf_record_cpu_map cpu_map;
- struct perf_record_stat_config stat_config;
- struct perf_record_stat stat;
- struct perf_record_stat_round stat_round;
- struct perf_record_time_conv time_conv;
- struct perf_record_header_feature feat;
- struct perf_record_compressed pack;
-#endif /* __LIBPERF_EVENT_H */
+++ /dev/null
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#include <perf/core.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-struct perf_evlist;
-struct perf_evsel;
-struct perf_cpu_map;
-struct perf_thread_map;
-LIBPERF_API void perf_evlist__add(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct perf_evsel *evsel);
-LIBPERF_API void perf_evlist__remove(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct perf_evsel *evsel);
-LIBPERF_API struct perf_evlist *perf_evlist__new(void);
-LIBPERF_API void perf_evlist__delete(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
-LIBPERF_API struct perf_evsel* perf_evlist__next(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct perf_evsel *evsel);
-LIBPERF_API int perf_evlist__open(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
-LIBPERF_API void perf_evlist__close(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
-LIBPERF_API void perf_evlist__enable(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
-LIBPERF_API void perf_evlist__disable(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
-#define perf_evlist__for_each_evsel(evlist, pos) \
- for ((pos) = perf_evlist__next((evlist), NULL); \
- (pos) != NULL; \
- (pos) = perf_evlist__next((evlist), (pos)))
-LIBPERF_API void perf_evlist__set_maps(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct perf_cpu_map *cpus,
- struct perf_thread_map *threads);
-LIBPERF_API int perf_evlist__poll(struct perf_evlist *evlist, int timeout);
-LIBPERF_API int perf_evlist__filter_pollfd(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- short revents_and_mask);
-LIBPERF_API int perf_evlist__mmap(struct perf_evlist *evlist, int pages);
-LIBPERF_API void perf_evlist__munmap(struct perf_evlist *evlist);
-LIBPERF_API struct perf_mmap *perf_evlist__next_mmap(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct perf_mmap *map,
- bool overwrite);
-#define perf_evlist__for_each_mmap(evlist, pos, overwrite) \
- for ((pos) = perf_evlist__next_mmap((evlist), NULL, overwrite); \
- (pos) != NULL; \
- (pos) = perf_evlist__next_mmap((evlist), (pos), overwrite))
-#endif /* __LIBPERF_EVLIST_H */
+++ /dev/null
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#ifndef __LIBPERF_EVSEL_H
-#define __LIBPERF_EVSEL_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <perf/core.h>
-struct perf_evsel;
-struct perf_event_attr;
-struct perf_cpu_map;
-struct perf_thread_map;
-struct perf_counts_values {
- union {
- struct {
- uint64_t val;
- uint64_t ena;
- uint64_t run;
- };
- uint64_t values[3];
- };
-LIBPERF_API struct perf_evsel *perf_evsel__new(struct perf_event_attr *attr);
-LIBPERF_API void perf_evsel__delete(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
-LIBPERF_API int perf_evsel__open(struct perf_evsel *evsel, struct perf_cpu_map *cpus,
- struct perf_thread_map *threads);
-LIBPERF_API void perf_evsel__close(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
-LIBPERF_API void perf_evsel__close_cpu(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu);
-LIBPERF_API int perf_evsel__read(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu, int thread,
- struct perf_counts_values *count);
-LIBPERF_API int perf_evsel__enable(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
-LIBPERF_API int perf_evsel__enable_cpu(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu);
-LIBPERF_API int perf_evsel__disable(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
-LIBPERF_API int perf_evsel__disable_cpu(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int cpu);
-LIBPERF_API struct perf_cpu_map *perf_evsel__cpus(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
-LIBPERF_API struct perf_thread_map *perf_evsel__threads(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
-LIBPERF_API struct perf_event_attr *perf_evsel__attr(struct perf_evsel *evsel);
-#endif /* __LIBPERF_EVSEL_H */
+++ /dev/null
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#ifndef __LIBPERF_MMAP_H
-#define __LIBPERF_MMAP_H
-#include <perf/core.h>
-struct perf_mmap;
-union perf_event;
-LIBPERF_API void perf_mmap__consume(struct perf_mmap *map);
-LIBPERF_API int perf_mmap__read_init(struct perf_mmap *map);
-LIBPERF_API void perf_mmap__read_done(struct perf_mmap *map);
-LIBPERF_API union perf_event *perf_mmap__read_event(struct perf_mmap *map);
-#endif /* __LIBPERF_MMAP_H */
+++ /dev/null
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#include <perf/core.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-struct perf_thread_map;
-LIBPERF_API struct perf_thread_map *perf_thread_map__new_dummy(void);
-LIBPERF_API void perf_thread_map__set_pid(struct perf_thread_map *map, int thread, pid_t pid);
-LIBPERF_API char *perf_thread_map__comm(struct perf_thread_map *map, int thread);
-LIBPERF_API int perf_thread_map__nr(struct perf_thread_map *threads);
-LIBPERF_API pid_t perf_thread_map__pid(struct perf_thread_map *map, int thread);
-LIBPERF_API struct perf_thread_map *perf_thread_map__get(struct perf_thread_map *map);
-LIBPERF_API void perf_thread_map__put(struct perf_thread_map *map);
-#endif /* __LIBPERF_THREADMAP_H */
+++ /dev/null
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#include <perf/core.h>
-void libperf_print(enum libperf_print_level level,
- const char *format, ...)
- __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
-#define __pr(level, fmt, ...) \
-do { \
- libperf_print(level, "libperf: " fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
-} while (0)
-#define pr_err(fmt, ...) __pr(LIBPERF_ERR, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define pr_warning(fmt, ...) __pr(LIBPERF_WARN, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define pr_info(fmt, ...) __pr(LIBPERF_INFO, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define pr_debug(fmt, ...) __pr(LIBPERF_DEBUG, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define pr_debug2(fmt, ...) __pr(LIBPERF_DEBUG2, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define pr_debug3(fmt, ...) __pr(LIBPERF_DEBUG3, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#endif /* __LIBPERF_INTERNAL_H */
+++ /dev/null
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <internal/lib.h>
-unsigned int page_size;
-static ssize_t ion(bool is_read, int fd, void *buf, size_t n)
- void *buf_start = buf;
- size_t left = n;
- while (left) {
- /* buf must be treated as const if !is_read. */
- ssize_t ret = is_read ? read(fd, buf, left) :
- write(fd, buf, left);
- if (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR)
- continue;
- if (ret <= 0)
- return ret;
- left -= ret;
- buf += ret;
- }
- BUG_ON((size_t)(buf - buf_start) != n);
- return n;
- * Read exactly 'n' bytes or return an error.
- */
-ssize_t readn(int fd, void *buf, size_t n)
- return ion(true, fd, buf, n);
- * Write exactly 'n' bytes or return an error.
- */
-ssize_t writen(int fd, const void *buf, size_t n)
- /* ion does not modify buf. */
- return ion(false, fd, (void *)buf, n);
+++ /dev/null
-LIBPERF_0.0.1 {
- global:
- libperf_init;
- perf_cpu_map__dummy_new;
- perf_cpu_map__get;
- perf_cpu_map__put;
- perf_cpu_map__new;
- perf_cpu_map__read;
- perf_cpu_map__nr;
- perf_cpu_map__cpu;
- perf_cpu_map__empty;
- perf_cpu_map__max;
- perf_thread_map__new_dummy;
- perf_thread_map__set_pid;
- perf_thread_map__comm;
- perf_thread_map__nr;
- perf_thread_map__pid;
- perf_thread_map__get;
- perf_thread_map__put;
- perf_evsel__new;
- perf_evsel__delete;
- perf_evsel__enable;
- perf_evsel__disable;
- perf_evsel__open;
- perf_evsel__close;
- perf_evsel__read;
- perf_evsel__cpus;
- perf_evsel__threads;
- perf_evsel__attr;
- perf_evlist__new;
- perf_evlist__delete;
- perf_evlist__open;
- perf_evlist__close;
- perf_evlist__enable;
- perf_evlist__disable;
- perf_evlist__add;
- perf_evlist__remove;
- perf_evlist__next;
- perf_evlist__set_maps;
- perf_evlist__poll;
- perf_evlist__mmap;
- perf_evlist__munmap;
- perf_evlist__filter_pollfd;
- perf_evlist__next_mmap;
- perf_mmap__consume;
- perf_mmap__read_init;
- perf_mmap__read_done;
- perf_mmap__read_event;
- local:
- *;
+++ /dev/null
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause)
-Name: libperf
-Description: perf library
-Version: @VERSION@
-Libs: -L${libdir} -lperf
-Cflags: -I${includedir}
+++ /dev/null
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <asm/bug.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <linux/ring_buffer.h>
-#include <linux/perf_event.h>
-#include <perf/mmap.h>
-#include <perf/event.h>
-#include <internal/mmap.h>
-#include <internal/lib.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include "internal.h"
-void perf_mmap__init(struct perf_mmap *map, struct perf_mmap *prev,
- bool overwrite, libperf_unmap_cb_t unmap_cb)
- map->fd = -1;
- map->overwrite = overwrite;
- map->unmap_cb = unmap_cb;
- refcount_set(&map->refcnt, 0);
- if (prev)
- prev->next = map;
-size_t perf_mmap__mmap_len(struct perf_mmap *map)
- return map->mask + 1 + page_size;
-int perf_mmap__mmap(struct perf_mmap *map, struct perf_mmap_param *mp,
- int fd, int cpu)
- map->prev = 0;
- map->mask = mp->mask;
- map->base = mmap(NULL, perf_mmap__mmap_len(map), mp->prot,
- MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
- if (map->base == MAP_FAILED) {
- map->base = NULL;
- return -1;
- }
- map->fd = fd;
- map->cpu = cpu;
- return 0;
-void perf_mmap__munmap(struct perf_mmap *map)
- if (map && map->base != NULL) {
- munmap(map->base, perf_mmap__mmap_len(map));
- map->base = NULL;
- map->fd = -1;
- refcount_set(&map->refcnt, 0);
- }
- if (map && map->unmap_cb)
- map->unmap_cb(map);
-void perf_mmap__get(struct perf_mmap *map)
- refcount_inc(&map->refcnt);
-void perf_mmap__put(struct perf_mmap *map)
- BUG_ON(map->base && refcount_read(&map->refcnt) == 0);
- if (refcount_dec_and_test(&map->refcnt))
- perf_mmap__munmap(map);
-static inline void perf_mmap__write_tail(struct perf_mmap *md, u64 tail)
- ring_buffer_write_tail(md->base, tail);
-u64 perf_mmap__read_head(struct perf_mmap *map)
- return ring_buffer_read_head(map->base);
-static bool perf_mmap__empty(struct perf_mmap *map)
- struct perf_event_mmap_page *pc = map->base;
- return perf_mmap__read_head(map) == map->prev && !pc->aux_size;
-void perf_mmap__consume(struct perf_mmap *map)
- if (!map->overwrite) {
- u64 old = map->prev;
- perf_mmap__write_tail(map, old);
- }
- if (refcount_read(&map->refcnt) == 1 && perf_mmap__empty(map))
- perf_mmap__put(map);
-static int overwrite_rb_find_range(void *buf, int mask, u64 *start, u64 *end)
- struct perf_event_header *pheader;
- u64 evt_head = *start;
- int size = mask + 1;
- pr_debug2("%s: buf=%p, start=%"PRIx64"\n", __func__, buf, *start);
- pheader = (struct perf_event_header *)(buf + (*start & mask));
- while (true) {
- if (evt_head - *start >= (unsigned int)size) {
- pr_debug("Finished reading overwrite ring buffer: rewind\n");
- if (evt_head - *start > (unsigned int)size)
- evt_head -= pheader->size;
- *end = evt_head;
- return 0;
- }
- pheader = (struct perf_event_header *)(buf + (evt_head & mask));
- if (pheader->size == 0) {
- pr_debug("Finished reading overwrite ring buffer: get start\n");
- *end = evt_head;
- return 0;
- }
- evt_head += pheader->size;
- pr_debug3("move evt_head: %"PRIx64"\n", evt_head);
- }
- WARN_ONCE(1, "Shouldn't get here\n");
- return -1;
- * Report the start and end of the available data in ringbuffer
- */
-static int __perf_mmap__read_init(struct perf_mmap *md)
- u64 head = perf_mmap__read_head(md);
- u64 old = md->prev;
- unsigned char *data = md->base + page_size;
- unsigned long size;
- md->start = md->overwrite ? head : old;
- md->end = md->overwrite ? old : head;
- if ((md->end - md->start) < md->flush)
- return -EAGAIN;
- size = md->end - md->start;
- if (size > (unsigned long)(md->mask) + 1) {
- if (!md->overwrite) {
- WARN_ONCE(1, "failed to keep up with mmap data. (warn only once)\n");
- md->prev = head;
- perf_mmap__consume(md);
- return -EAGAIN;
- }
- /*
- * Backward ring buffer is full. We still have a chance to read
- * most of data from it.
- */
- if (overwrite_rb_find_range(data, md->mask, &md->start, &md->end))
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- return 0;
-int perf_mmap__read_init(struct perf_mmap *map)
- /*
- * Check if event was unmapped due to a POLLHUP/POLLERR.
- */
- if (!refcount_read(&map->refcnt))
- return -ENOENT;
- return __perf_mmap__read_init(map);
- * Mandatory for overwrite mode
- * The direction of overwrite mode is backward.
- * The last perf_mmap__read() will set tail to map->core.prev.
- * Need to correct the map->core.prev to head which is the end of next read.
- */
-void perf_mmap__read_done(struct perf_mmap *map)
- /*
- * Check if event was unmapped due to a POLLHUP/POLLERR.
- */
- if (!refcount_read(&map->refcnt))
- return;
- map->prev = perf_mmap__read_head(map);
-/* When check_messup is true, 'end' must points to a good entry */
-static union perf_event *perf_mmap__read(struct perf_mmap *map,
- u64 *startp, u64 end)
- unsigned char *data = map->base + page_size;
- union perf_event *event = NULL;
- int diff = end - *startp;
- if (diff >= (int)sizeof(event->header)) {
- size_t size;
- event = (union perf_event *)&data[*startp & map->mask];
- size = event->header.size;
- if (size < sizeof(event->header) || diff < (int)size)
- return NULL;
- /*
- * Event straddles the mmap boundary -- header should always
- * be inside due to u64 alignment of output.
- */
- if ((*startp & map->mask) + size != ((*startp + size) & map->mask)) {
- unsigned int offset = *startp;
- unsigned int len = min(sizeof(*event), size), cpy;
- void *dst = map->event_copy;
- do {
- cpy = min(map->mask + 1 - (offset & map->mask), len);
- memcpy(dst, &data[offset & map->mask], cpy);
- offset += cpy;
- dst += cpy;
- len -= cpy;
- } while (len);
- event = (union perf_event *)map->event_copy;
- }
- *startp += size;
- }
- return event;
- * Read event from ring buffer one by one.
- * Return one event for each call.
- *
- * Usage:
- * perf_mmap__read_init()
- * while(event = perf_mmap__read_event()) {
- * //process the event
- * perf_mmap__consume()
- * }
- * perf_mmap__read_done()
- */
-union perf_event *perf_mmap__read_event(struct perf_mmap *map)
- union perf_event *event;
- /*
- * Check if event was unmapped due to a POLLHUP/POLLERR.
- */
- if (!refcount_read(&map->refcnt))
- return NULL;
- /* non-overwirte doesn't pause the ringbuffer */
- if (!map->overwrite)
- map->end = perf_mmap__read_head(map);
- event = perf_mmap__read(map, &map->start, map->end);
- if (!map->overwrite)
- map->prev = map->start;
- return event;
+++ /dev/null
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause)
-TESTS = test-cpumap test-threadmap test-evlist test-evsel
-TESTS_SO := $(addsuffix -so,$(TESTS))
-TESTS_A := $(addsuffix -a,$(TESTS))
-# Set compile option CFLAGS
- CFLAGS := -g -Wall
-include $(srctree)/tools/scripts/Makefile.include
-INCLUDE = -I$(srctree)/tools/perf/lib/include -I$(srctree)/tools/include -I$(srctree)/tools/lib
- $(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) $(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(subst -a,.c,$@) ../libperf.a $(LIBAPI)
- $(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) $(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) -L.. -o $@ $(subst -so,.c,$@) $(LIBAPI) -lperf
-all: $(TESTS_A) $(TESTS_SO)
- @echo "running static:"
- @for i in $(TESTS_A); do ./$$i; done
- @echo "running dynamic:"
- @for i in $(TESTS_SO); do LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../ ./$$i; done
- $(call QUIET_CLEAN, tests)$(RM) $(TESTS_A) $(TESTS_SO)
-.PHONY: all clean FORCE
+++ /dev/null
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <perf/cpumap.h>
-#include <internal/tests.h>
-static int libperf_print(enum libperf_print_level level,
- const char *fmt, va_list ap)
- return vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
- __T_START;
- libperf_init(libperf_print);
- cpus = perf_cpu_map__dummy_new();
- if (!cpus)
- return -1;
- perf_cpu_map__get(cpus);
- perf_cpu_map__put(cpus);
- perf_cpu_map__put(cpus);
- __T_END;
- return 0;
+++ /dev/null
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-#define _GNU_SOURCE // needed for sched.h to get sched_[gs]etaffinity and CPU_(ZERO,SET)
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <linux/perf_event.h>
-#include <linux/limits.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <sys/prctl.h>
-#include <perf/cpumap.h>
-#include <perf/threadmap.h>
-#include <perf/evlist.h>
-#include <perf/evsel.h>
-#include <perf/mmap.h>
-#include <perf/event.h>
-#include <internal/tests.h>
-#include <api/fs/fs.h>
-static int libperf_print(enum libperf_print_level level,
- const char *fmt, va_list ap)
- return vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
-static int test_stat_cpu(void)
- struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
- struct perf_evlist *evlist;
- struct perf_evsel *evsel;
- struct perf_event_attr attr1 = {
- };
- struct perf_event_attr attr2 = {
- };
- int err, cpu, tmp;
- cpus = perf_cpu_map__new(NULL);
- __T("failed to create cpus", cpus);
- evlist = perf_evlist__new();
- __T("failed to create evlist", evlist);
- evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr1);
- __T("failed to create evsel1", evsel);
- perf_evlist__add(evlist, evsel);
- evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr2);
- __T("failed to create evsel2", evsel);
- perf_evlist__add(evlist, evsel);
- perf_evlist__set_maps(evlist, cpus, NULL);
- err = perf_evlist__open(evlist);
- __T("failed to open evsel", err == 0);
- perf_evlist__for_each_evsel(evlist, evsel) {
- cpus = perf_evsel__cpus(evsel);
- perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu(cpu, tmp, cpus) {
- struct perf_counts_values counts = { .val = 0 };
- perf_evsel__read(evsel, cpu, 0, &counts);
- __T("failed to read value for evsel", counts.val != 0);
- }
- }
- perf_evlist__close(evlist);
- perf_evlist__delete(evlist);
- perf_cpu_map__put(cpus);
- return 0;
-static int test_stat_thread(void)
- struct perf_counts_values counts = { .val = 0 };
- struct perf_thread_map *threads;
- struct perf_evlist *evlist;
- struct perf_evsel *evsel;
- struct perf_event_attr attr1 = {
- };
- struct perf_event_attr attr2 = {
- };
- int err;
- threads = perf_thread_map__new_dummy();
- __T("failed to create threads", threads);
- perf_thread_map__set_pid(threads, 0, 0);
- evlist = perf_evlist__new();
- __T("failed to create evlist", evlist);
- evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr1);
- __T("failed to create evsel1", evsel);
- perf_evlist__add(evlist, evsel);
- evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr2);
- __T("failed to create evsel2", evsel);
- perf_evlist__add(evlist, evsel);
- perf_evlist__set_maps(evlist, NULL, threads);
- err = perf_evlist__open(evlist);
- __T("failed to open evsel", err == 0);
- perf_evlist__for_each_evsel(evlist, evsel) {
- perf_evsel__read(evsel, 0, 0, &counts);
- __T("failed to read value for evsel", counts.val != 0);
- }
- perf_evlist__close(evlist);
- perf_evlist__delete(evlist);
- perf_thread_map__put(threads);
- return 0;
-static int test_stat_thread_enable(void)
- struct perf_counts_values counts = { .val = 0 };
- struct perf_thread_map *threads;
- struct perf_evlist *evlist;
- struct perf_evsel *evsel;
- struct perf_event_attr attr1 = {
- .disabled = 1,
- };
- struct perf_event_attr attr2 = {
- .disabled = 1,
- };
- int err;
- threads = perf_thread_map__new_dummy();
- __T("failed to create threads", threads);
- perf_thread_map__set_pid(threads, 0, 0);
- evlist = perf_evlist__new();
- __T("failed to create evlist", evlist);
- evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr1);
- __T("failed to create evsel1", evsel);
- perf_evlist__add(evlist, evsel);
- evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr2);
- __T("failed to create evsel2", evsel);
- perf_evlist__add(evlist, evsel);
- perf_evlist__set_maps(evlist, NULL, threads);
- err = perf_evlist__open(evlist);
- __T("failed to open evsel", err == 0);
- perf_evlist__for_each_evsel(evlist, evsel) {
- perf_evsel__read(evsel, 0, 0, &counts);
- __T("failed to read value for evsel", counts.val == 0);
- }
- perf_evlist__enable(evlist);
- perf_evlist__for_each_evsel(evlist, evsel) {
- perf_evsel__read(evsel, 0, 0, &counts);
- __T("failed to read value for evsel", counts.val != 0);
- }
- perf_evlist__disable(evlist);
- perf_evlist__close(evlist);
- perf_evlist__delete(evlist);
- perf_thread_map__put(threads);
- return 0;
-static int test_mmap_thread(void)
- struct perf_evlist *evlist;
- struct perf_evsel *evsel;
- struct perf_mmap *map;
- struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
- struct perf_thread_map *threads;
- struct perf_event_attr attr = {
- .sample_period = 1,
- .wakeup_watermark = 1,
- .disabled = 1,
- };
- char path[PATH_MAX];
- int id, err, pid, go_pipe[2];
- union perf_event *event;
- char bf;
- int count = 0;
- snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/kernel/debug/tracing/events/syscalls/sys_enter_prctl/id",
- sysfs__mountpoint());
- if (filename__read_int(path, &id)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to get tracepoint id: %s\n", path);
- return -1;
- }
- attr.config = id;
- err = pipe(go_pipe);
- __T("failed to create pipe", err == 0);
- fflush(NULL);
- pid = fork();
- if (!pid) {
- int i;
- read(go_pipe[0], &bf, 1);
- /* Generate 100 prctl calls. */
- for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
- prctl(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- exit(0);
- }
- threads = perf_thread_map__new_dummy();
- __T("failed to create threads", threads);
- cpus = perf_cpu_map__dummy_new();
- __T("failed to create cpus", cpus);
- perf_thread_map__set_pid(threads, 0, pid);
- evlist = perf_evlist__new();
- __T("failed to create evlist", evlist);
- evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr);
- __T("failed to create evsel1", evsel);
- perf_evlist__add(evlist, evsel);
- perf_evlist__set_maps(evlist, cpus, threads);
- err = perf_evlist__open(evlist);
- __T("failed to open evlist", err == 0);
- err = perf_evlist__mmap(evlist, 4);
- __T("failed to mmap evlist", err == 0);
- perf_evlist__enable(evlist);
- /* kick the child and wait for it to finish */
- write(go_pipe[1], &bf, 1);
- waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);
- /*
- * There's no need to call perf_evlist__disable,
- * monitored process is dead now.
- */
- perf_evlist__for_each_mmap(evlist, map, false) {
- if (perf_mmap__read_init(map) < 0)
- continue;
- while ((event = perf_mmap__read_event(map)) != NULL) {
- count++;
- perf_mmap__consume(map);
- }
- perf_mmap__read_done(map);
- }
- /* calls perf_evlist__munmap/perf_evlist__close */
- perf_evlist__delete(evlist);
- perf_thread_map__put(threads);
- perf_cpu_map__put(cpus);
- /*
- * The generated prctl calls should match the
- * number of events in the buffer.
- */
- __T("failed count", count == 100);
- return 0;
-static int test_mmap_cpus(void)
- struct perf_evlist *evlist;
- struct perf_evsel *evsel;
- struct perf_mmap *map;
- struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
- struct perf_event_attr attr = {
- .sample_period = 1,
- .wakeup_watermark = 1,
- .disabled = 1,
- };
- cpu_set_t saved_mask;
- char path[PATH_MAX];
- int id, err, cpu, tmp;
- union perf_event *event;
- int count = 0;
- snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/kernel/debug/tracing/events/syscalls/sys_enter_prctl/id",
- sysfs__mountpoint());
- if (filename__read_int(path, &id)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to get tracepoint id: %s\n", path);
- return -1;
- }
- attr.config = id;
- cpus = perf_cpu_map__new(NULL);
- __T("failed to create cpus", cpus);
- evlist = perf_evlist__new();
- __T("failed to create evlist", evlist);
- evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr);
- __T("failed to create evsel1", evsel);
- perf_evlist__add(evlist, evsel);
- perf_evlist__set_maps(evlist, cpus, NULL);
- err = perf_evlist__open(evlist);
- __T("failed to open evlist", err == 0);
- err = perf_evlist__mmap(evlist, 4);
- __T("failed to mmap evlist", err == 0);
- perf_evlist__enable(evlist);
- err = sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(saved_mask), &saved_mask);
- __T("sched_getaffinity failed", err == 0);
- perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu(cpu, tmp, cpus) {
- cpu_set_t mask;
- CPU_ZERO(&mask);
- CPU_SET(cpu, &mask);
- err = sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(mask), &mask);
- __T("sched_setaffinity failed", err == 0);
- prctl(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- err = sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(saved_mask), &saved_mask);
- __T("sched_setaffinity failed", err == 0);
- perf_evlist__disable(evlist);
- perf_evlist__for_each_mmap(evlist, map, false) {
- if (perf_mmap__read_init(map) < 0)
- continue;
- while ((event = perf_mmap__read_event(map)) != NULL) {
- count++;
- perf_mmap__consume(map);
- }
- perf_mmap__read_done(map);
- }
- /* calls perf_evlist__munmap/perf_evlist__close */
- perf_evlist__delete(evlist);
- /*
- * The generated prctl events should match the
- * number of cpus or be bigger (we are system-wide).
- */
- __T("failed count", count >= perf_cpu_map__nr(cpus));
- perf_cpu_map__put(cpus);
- return 0;
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- __T_START;
- libperf_init(libperf_print);
- test_stat_cpu();
- test_stat_thread();
- test_stat_thread_enable();
- test_mmap_thread();
- test_mmap_cpus();
- __T_END;
- return 0;
+++ /dev/null
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <linux/perf_event.h>
-#include <perf/cpumap.h>
-#include <perf/threadmap.h>
-#include <perf/evsel.h>
-#include <internal/tests.h>
-static int libperf_print(enum libperf_print_level level,
- const char *fmt, va_list ap)
- return vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
-static int test_stat_cpu(void)
- struct perf_cpu_map *cpus;
- struct perf_evsel *evsel;
- struct perf_event_attr attr = {
- };
- int err, cpu, tmp;
- cpus = perf_cpu_map__new(NULL);
- __T("failed to create cpus", cpus);
- evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr);
- __T("failed to create evsel", evsel);
- err = perf_evsel__open(evsel, cpus, NULL);
- __T("failed to open evsel", err == 0);
- perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu(cpu, tmp, cpus) {
- struct perf_counts_values counts = { .val = 0 };
- perf_evsel__read(evsel, cpu, 0, &counts);
- __T("failed to read value for evsel", counts.val != 0);
- }
- perf_evsel__close(evsel);
- perf_evsel__delete(evsel);
- perf_cpu_map__put(cpus);
- return 0;
-static int test_stat_thread(void)
- struct perf_counts_values counts = { .val = 0 };
- struct perf_thread_map *threads;
- struct perf_evsel *evsel;
- struct perf_event_attr attr = {
- };
- int err;
- threads = perf_thread_map__new_dummy();
- __T("failed to create threads", threads);
- perf_thread_map__set_pid(threads, 0, 0);
- evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr);
- __T("failed to create evsel", evsel);
- err = perf_evsel__open(evsel, NULL, threads);
- __T("failed to open evsel", err == 0);
- perf_evsel__read(evsel, 0, 0, &counts);
- __T("failed to read value for evsel", counts.val != 0);
- perf_evsel__close(evsel);
- perf_evsel__delete(evsel);
- perf_thread_map__put(threads);
- return 0;
-static int test_stat_thread_enable(void)
- struct perf_counts_values counts = { .val = 0 };
- struct perf_thread_map *threads;
- struct perf_evsel *evsel;
- struct perf_event_attr attr = {
- .disabled = 1,
- };
- int err;
- threads = perf_thread_map__new_dummy();
- __T("failed to create threads", threads);
- perf_thread_map__set_pid(threads, 0, 0);
- evsel = perf_evsel__new(&attr);
- __T("failed to create evsel", evsel);
- err = perf_evsel__open(evsel, NULL, threads);
- __T("failed to open evsel", err == 0);
- perf_evsel__read(evsel, 0, 0, &counts);
- __T("failed to read value for evsel", counts.val == 0);
- err = perf_evsel__enable(evsel);
- __T("failed to enable evsel", err == 0);
- perf_evsel__read(evsel, 0, 0, &counts);
- __T("failed to read value for evsel", counts.val != 0);
- err = perf_evsel__disable(evsel);
- __T("failed to enable evsel", err == 0);
- perf_evsel__close(evsel);
- perf_evsel__delete(evsel);
- perf_thread_map__put(threads);
- return 0;
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- __T_START;
- libperf_init(libperf_print);
- test_stat_cpu();
- test_stat_thread();
- test_stat_thread_enable();
- __T_END;
- return 0;
+++ /dev/null
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <perf/threadmap.h>
-#include <internal/tests.h>
-static int libperf_print(enum libperf_print_level level,
- const char *fmt, va_list ap)
- return vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- struct perf_thread_map *threads;
- __T_START;
- libperf_init(libperf_print);
- threads = perf_thread_map__new_dummy();
- if (!threads)
- return -1;
- perf_thread_map__get(threads);
- perf_thread_map__put(threads);
- perf_thread_map__put(threads);
- __T_END;
- return 0;
+++ /dev/null
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-#include <perf/threadmap.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <linux/refcount.h>
-#include <internal/threadmap.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <asm/bug.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-static void perf_thread_map__reset(struct perf_thread_map *map, int start, int nr)
- size_t size = (nr - start) * sizeof(map->map[0]);
- memset(&map->map[start], 0, size);
- map->err_thread = -1;
-struct perf_thread_map *perf_thread_map__realloc(struct perf_thread_map *map, int nr)
- size_t size = sizeof(*map) + sizeof(map->map[0]) * nr;
- int start = map ? map->nr : 0;
- map = realloc(map, size);
- /*
- * We only realloc to add more items, let's reset new items.
- */
- if (map)
- perf_thread_map__reset(map, start, nr);
- return map;
-#define thread_map__alloc(__nr) perf_thread_map__realloc(NULL, __nr)
-void perf_thread_map__set_pid(struct perf_thread_map *map, int thread, pid_t pid)
- map->map[thread].pid = pid;
-char *perf_thread_map__comm(struct perf_thread_map *map, int thread)
- return map->map[thread].comm;
-struct perf_thread_map *perf_thread_map__new_dummy(void)
- struct perf_thread_map *threads = thread_map__alloc(1);
- if (threads != NULL) {
- perf_thread_map__set_pid(threads, 0, -1);
- threads->nr = 1;
- refcount_set(&threads->refcnt, 1);
- }
- return threads;
-static void perf_thread_map__delete(struct perf_thread_map *threads)
- if (threads) {
- int i;
- WARN_ONCE(refcount_read(&threads->refcnt) != 0,
- "thread map refcnt unbalanced\n");
- for (i = 0; i < threads->nr; i++)
- free(perf_thread_map__comm(threads, i));
- free(threads);
- }
-struct perf_thread_map *perf_thread_map__get(struct perf_thread_map *map)
- if (map)
- refcount_inc(&map->refcnt);
- return map;
-void perf_thread_map__put(struct perf_thread_map *map)
- if (map && refcount_dec_and_test(&map->refcnt))
- perf_thread_map__delete(map);
-int perf_thread_map__nr(struct perf_thread_map *threads)
- return threads ? threads->nr : 1;
-pid_t perf_thread_map__pid(struct perf_thread_map *map, int thread)
- return map->map[thread].pid;
+++ /dev/null
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-#include <internal/xyarray.h>
-#include <linux/zalloc.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-struct xyarray *xyarray__new(int xlen, int ylen, size_t entry_size)
- size_t row_size = ylen * entry_size;
- struct xyarray *xy = zalloc(sizeof(*xy) + xlen * row_size);
- if (xy != NULL) {
- xy->entry_size = entry_size;
- xy->row_size = row_size;
- xy->entries = xlen * ylen;
- xy->max_x = xlen;
- xy->max_y = ylen;
- }
- return xy;
-void xyarray__reset(struct xyarray *xy)
- size_t n = xy->entries * xy->entry_size;
- memset(xy->contents, 0, n);
-void xyarray__delete(struct xyarray *xy)
- free(xy);