3 # Build a static ASN.1 Object Identified (OID) registry
5 # Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
8 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence
10 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
11 # 2 of the Licence, or (at your option) any later version.
20 print STDERR "Format: ", $0, " <in-h-file> <out-c-file>\n";
25 # Open the file to read from
27 open IN_FILE, "<$ARGV[0]" || die;
30 if (m!\s+OID_([a-zA-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+),\s+/[*]\s+([012][.0-9]*)\s+[*]/!) {
38 # Open the files to write into
40 open C_FILE, ">$ARGV[1]" or die;
42 print C_FILE " * Automatically generated by ", $0, ". Do not edit\n";
46 # Split the data up into separate lists and also determine the lengths of the
47 # encoded data arrays.
53 print "Compiling ", $#names + 1, " OIDs\n";
55 for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#names; $i++) {
56 my $name = $names[$i];
59 my @components = split(/[.]/, $oid);
61 # Determine the encoded length of this OID
62 my $size = $#components;
63 for (my $loop = 2; $loop <= $#components; $loop++) {
64 my $c = $components[$loop];
66 # We will base128 encode the number
67 my $tmp = ($c == 0) ? 0 : int(log($c)/log(2));
72 push @indices, $total_length;
73 $total_length += $size;
77 # Emit the look-up-by-OID index table
80 if ($total_length <= 255) {
81 print C_FILE "static const unsigned char oid_index[OID__NR + 1] = {\n";
83 print C_FILE "static const unsigned short oid_index[OID__NR + 1] = {\n";
85 for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#names; $i++) {
86 print C_FILE "\t[OID_", $names[$i], "] = ", $indices[$i], ",\n"
88 print C_FILE "\t[OID__NR] = ", $total_length, "\n";
94 my @encoded_oids = ();
96 for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#names; $i++) {
99 my @components = split(/[.]/, $oids[$i]);
101 push @octets, $components[0] * 40 + $components[1];
103 for (my $loop = 2; $loop <= $#components; $loop++) {
104 my $c = $components[$loop];
106 # Base128 encode the number
107 my $tmp = ($c == 0) ? 0 : int(log($c)/log(2));
108 $tmp = int($tmp / 7);
110 for (; $tmp > 0; $tmp--) {
111 push @octets, (($c >> $tmp * 7) & 0x7f) | 0x80;
113 push @octets, $c & 0x7f;
116 push @encoded_oids, \@octets;
120 # Create a hash value for each OID
122 my @hash_values = ();
123 for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#names; $i++) {
124 my @octets = @{$encoded_oids[$i]};
131 $hash = ($hash >> 24) ^ ($hash >> 16) ^ ($hash >> 8) ^ ($hash);
133 push @hash_values, $hash & 0xff;
140 print C_FILE "static const unsigned char oid_data[", $total_length, "] = {\n";
141 for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#names; $i++) {
142 my @octets = @{$encoded_oids[$i]};
144 print C_FILE $_, ", " foreach (@octets);
145 print C_FILE "\t// ", $names[$i];
151 # Build the search index table (ordered by length then hash then content)
153 my @index_table = ( 0 .. $#names );
155 @index_table = sort {
156 my @octets_a = @{$encoded_oids[$a]};
157 my @octets_b = @{$encoded_oids[$b]};
159 return $hash_values[$a] <=> $hash_values[$b]
160 if ($hash_values[$a] != $hash_values[$b]);
161 return $#octets_a <=> $#octets_b
162 if ($#octets_a != $#octets_b);
163 for (my $i = $#octets_a; $i >= 0; $i--) {
164 return $octets_a[$i] <=> $octets_b[$i]
165 if ($octets_a[$i] != $octets_b[$i]);
172 # Emit the search index and hash value table
175 print C_FILE "static const struct {\n";
176 print C_FILE "\tunsigned char hash;\n";
177 if ($#names <= 255) {
178 print C_FILE "\tenum OID oid : 8;\n";
180 print C_FILE "\tenum OID oid : 16;\n";
182 print C_FILE "} oid_search_table[OID__NR] = {\n";
183 for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#names; $i++) {
184 my @octets = @{$encoded_oids[$index_table[$i]]};
185 printf(C_FILE "\t[%3u] = { %3u, OID_%-35s }, // ",
187 $hash_values[$index_table[$i]],
188 $names[$index_table[$i]]);
189 printf C_FILE "%02x", $_ foreach (@octets);
195 # Emit the OID debugging name table
198 #print C_FILE "const char *const oid_name_table[OID__NR + 1] = {\n";
200 #for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#names; $i++) {
201 # print C_FILE "\t\"", $names[$i], "\",\n"
203 #print C_FILE "\t\"Unknown-OID\"\n";
204 #print C_FILE "};\n";