2 * svghelper.c - helper functions for outputting svg
4 * (C) Copyright 2009 Intel Corporation
9 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
20 #include <linux/bitops.h>
23 #include "svghelper.h"
27 static u64 first_time, last_time;
28 static u64 turbo_frequency, max_freq;
31 #define SLOT_MULT 30.0
32 #define SLOT_HEIGHT 25.0
34 int svg_page_width = 1000;
36 const char *svg_highlight_name;
38 #define MIN_TEXT_SIZE 0.01
40 static u64 total_height;
43 static double cpu2slot(int cpu)
48 static int *topology_map;
50 static double cpu2y(int cpu)
53 return cpu2slot(topology_map[cpu]) * SLOT_MULT;
55 return cpu2slot(cpu) * SLOT_MULT;
58 static double time2pixels(u64 __time)
62 X = 1.0 * svg_page_width * (__time - first_time) / (last_time - first_time);
67 * Round text sizes so that the svg viewer only needs a discrete
68 * number of renderings of the font
70 static double round_text_size(double size)
80 target = target / 2.0;
85 void open_svg(const char *filename, int cpus, int rows, u64 start, u64 end)
89 svgfile = fopen(filename, "w");
91 fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s for output\n", filename);
95 first_time = first_time / 100000000 * 100000000;
99 * if the recording is short, we default to a width of 1000, but
100 * for longer recordings we want at least 200 units of width per second
102 new_width = (last_time - first_time) / 5000000;
104 if (new_width > svg_page_width)
105 svg_page_width = new_width;
107 total_height = (1 + rows + cpu2slot(cpus)) * SLOT_MULT;
108 fprintf(svgfile, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"no\"?> \n");
109 fprintf(svgfile, "<!DOCTYPE svg SYSTEM \"http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd\">\n");
110 fprintf(svgfile, "<svg width=\"%i\" height=\"%" PRIu64 "\" version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\">\n", svg_page_width, total_height);
112 fprintf(svgfile, "<defs>\n <style type=\"text/css\">\n <![CDATA[\n");
114 fprintf(svgfile, " rect { stroke-width: 1; }\n");
115 fprintf(svgfile, " rect.process { fill:rgb(180,180,180); fill-opacity:0.9; stroke-width:1; stroke:rgb( 0, 0, 0); } \n");
116 fprintf(svgfile, " rect.process2 { fill:rgb(180,180,180); fill-opacity:0.9; stroke-width:0; stroke:rgb( 0, 0, 0); } \n");
117 fprintf(svgfile, " rect.sample { fill:rgb( 0, 0,255); fill-opacity:0.8; stroke-width:0; stroke:rgb( 0, 0, 0); } \n");
118 fprintf(svgfile, " rect.sample_hi{ fill:rgb(255,128, 0); fill-opacity:0.8; stroke-width:0; stroke:rgb( 0, 0, 0); } \n");
119 fprintf(svgfile, " rect.blocked { fill:rgb(255, 0, 0); fill-opacity:0.5; stroke-width:0; stroke:rgb( 0, 0, 0); } \n");
120 fprintf(svgfile, " rect.waiting { fill:rgb(224,214, 0); fill-opacity:0.8; stroke-width:0; stroke:rgb( 0, 0, 0); } \n");
121 fprintf(svgfile, " rect.WAITING { fill:rgb(255,214, 48); fill-opacity:0.6; stroke-width:0; stroke:rgb( 0, 0, 0); } \n");
122 fprintf(svgfile, " rect.cpu { fill:rgb(192,192,192); fill-opacity:0.2; stroke-width:0.5; stroke:rgb(128,128,128); } \n");
123 fprintf(svgfile, " rect.pstate { fill:rgb(128,128,128); fill-opacity:0.8; stroke-width:0; } \n");
124 fprintf(svgfile, " rect.c1 { fill:rgb(255,214,214); fill-opacity:0.5; stroke-width:0; } \n");
125 fprintf(svgfile, " rect.c2 { fill:rgb(255,172,172); fill-opacity:0.5; stroke-width:0; } \n");
126 fprintf(svgfile, " rect.c3 { fill:rgb(255,130,130); fill-opacity:0.5; stroke-width:0; } \n");
127 fprintf(svgfile, " rect.c4 { fill:rgb(255, 88, 88); fill-opacity:0.5; stroke-width:0; } \n");
128 fprintf(svgfile, " rect.c5 { fill:rgb(255, 44, 44); fill-opacity:0.5; stroke-width:0; } \n");
129 fprintf(svgfile, " rect.c6 { fill:rgb(255, 0, 0); fill-opacity:0.5; stroke-width:0; } \n");
130 fprintf(svgfile, " line.pstate { stroke:rgb(255,255, 0); stroke-opacity:0.8; stroke-width:2; } \n");
132 fprintf(svgfile, " ]]>\n </style>\n</defs>\n");
135 void svg_box(int Yslot, u64 start, u64 end, const char *type)
140 fprintf(svgfile, "<rect x=\"%4.8f\" width=\"%4.8f\" y=\"%4.1f\" height=\"%4.1f\" class=\"%s\"/>\n",
141 time2pixels(start), time2pixels(end)-time2pixels(start), Yslot * SLOT_MULT, SLOT_HEIGHT, type);
144 static char *time_to_string(u64 duration);
145 void svg_blocked(int Yslot, int cpu, u64 start, u64 end, const char *backtrace)
150 fprintf(svgfile, "<g>\n");
151 fprintf(svgfile, "<title>#%d blocked %s</title>\n", cpu,
152 time_to_string(end - start));
154 fprintf(svgfile, "<desc>Blocked on:\n%s</desc>\n", backtrace);
155 svg_box(Yslot, start, end, "blocked");
156 fprintf(svgfile, "</g>\n");
159 void svg_running(int Yslot, int cpu, u64 start, u64 end, const char *backtrace)
167 if (svg_highlight && end - start > svg_highlight)
171 fprintf(svgfile, "<g>\n");
173 fprintf(svgfile, "<title>#%d running %s</title>\n",
174 cpu, time_to_string(end - start));
176 fprintf(svgfile, "<desc>Switched because:\n%s</desc>\n", backtrace);
177 fprintf(svgfile, "<rect x=\"%4.8f\" width=\"%4.8f\" y=\"%4.1f\" height=\"%4.1f\" class=\"%s\"/>\n",
178 time2pixels(start), time2pixels(end)-time2pixels(start), Yslot * SLOT_MULT, SLOT_HEIGHT,
181 text_size = (time2pixels(end)-time2pixels(start));
183 text_size = text_size/2;
184 if (text_size > 1.25)
186 text_size = round_text_size(text_size);
188 if (text_size > MIN_TEXT_SIZE)
189 fprintf(svgfile, "<text x=\"%1.8f\" y=\"%1.8f\" font-size=\"%1.8fpt\">%i</text>\n",
190 time2pixels(start), Yslot * SLOT_MULT + SLOT_HEIGHT - 1, text_size, cpu + 1);
192 fprintf(svgfile, "</g>\n");
195 static char *time_to_string(u64 duration)
197 static char text[80];
201 if (duration < 1000) /* less than 1 usec */
204 if (duration < 1000 * 1000) { /* less than 1 msec */
205 sprintf(text, "%4.1f us", duration / 1000.0);
208 sprintf(text, "%4.1f ms", duration / 1000.0 / 1000);
213 void svg_waiting(int Yslot, int cpu, u64 start, u64 end, const char *backtrace)
224 if (end-start > 10 * 1000000) /* 10 msec */
227 text = time_to_string(end-start);
229 font_size = 1.0 * (time2pixels(end)-time2pixels(start));
234 font_size = round_text_size(font_size);
236 fprintf(svgfile, "<g transform=\"translate(%4.8f,%4.8f)\">\n", time2pixels(start), Yslot * SLOT_MULT);
237 fprintf(svgfile, "<title>#%d waiting %s</title>\n", cpu, time_to_string(end - start));
239 fprintf(svgfile, "<desc>Waiting on:\n%s</desc>\n", backtrace);
240 fprintf(svgfile, "<rect x=\"0\" width=\"%4.8f\" y=\"0\" height=\"%4.1f\" class=\"%s\"/>\n",
241 time2pixels(end)-time2pixels(start), SLOT_HEIGHT, style);
242 if (font_size > MIN_TEXT_SIZE)
243 fprintf(svgfile, "<text transform=\"rotate(90)\" font-size=\"%1.8fpt\"> %s</text>\n",
245 fprintf(svgfile, "</g>\n");
248 static char *cpu_model(void)
250 static char cpu_m[255];
256 file = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "r");
258 while (fgets(buf, 255, file)) {
259 if (strstr(buf, "model name")) {
260 strncpy(cpu_m, &buf[13], 255);
268 file = fopen("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies", "r");
270 while (fgets(buf, 255, file)) {
272 freq = strtoull(buf, NULL, 10);
281 void svg_cpu_box(int cpu, u64 __max_freq, u64 __turbo_freq)
287 max_freq = __max_freq;
288 turbo_frequency = __turbo_freq;
290 fprintf(svgfile, "<g>\n");
292 fprintf(svgfile, "<rect x=\"%4.8f\" width=\"%4.8f\" y=\"%4.1f\" height=\"%4.1f\" class=\"cpu\"/>\n",
293 time2pixels(first_time),
294 time2pixels(last_time)-time2pixels(first_time),
295 cpu2y(cpu), SLOT_MULT+SLOT_HEIGHT);
297 sprintf(cpu_string, "CPU %i", (int)cpu);
298 fprintf(svgfile, "<text x=\"%4.8f\" y=\"%4.8f\">%s</text>\n",
299 10+time2pixels(first_time), cpu2y(cpu) + SLOT_HEIGHT/2, cpu_string);
301 fprintf(svgfile, "<text transform=\"translate(%4.8f,%4.8f)\" font-size=\"1.25pt\">%s</text>\n",
302 10+time2pixels(first_time), cpu2y(cpu) + SLOT_MULT + SLOT_HEIGHT - 4, cpu_model());
304 fprintf(svgfile, "</g>\n");
307 void svg_process(int cpu, u64 start, u64 end, int pid, const char *name, const char *backtrace)
315 if (svg_highlight && end - start >= svg_highlight)
317 else if (svg_highlight_name && strstr(name, svg_highlight_name))
322 fprintf(svgfile, "<g transform=\"translate(%4.8f,%4.8f)\">\n", time2pixels(start), cpu2y(cpu));
323 fprintf(svgfile, "<title>%d %s running %s</title>\n", pid, name, time_to_string(end - start));
325 fprintf(svgfile, "<desc>Switched because:\n%s</desc>\n", backtrace);
326 fprintf(svgfile, "<rect x=\"0\" width=\"%4.8f\" y=\"0\" height=\"%4.1f\" class=\"%s\"/>\n",
327 time2pixels(end)-time2pixels(start), SLOT_MULT+SLOT_HEIGHT, type);
328 width = time2pixels(end)-time2pixels(start);
332 width = round_text_size(width);
334 if (width > MIN_TEXT_SIZE)
335 fprintf(svgfile, "<text transform=\"rotate(90)\" font-size=\"%3.8fpt\">%s</text>\n",
338 fprintf(svgfile, "</g>\n");
341 void svg_cstate(int cpu, u64 start, u64 end, int type)
350 fprintf(svgfile, "<g>\n");
354 sprintf(style, "c%i", type);
356 fprintf(svgfile, "<rect class=\"%s\" x=\"%4.8f\" width=\"%4.8f\" y=\"%4.1f\" height=\"%4.1f\"/>\n",
358 time2pixels(start), time2pixels(end)-time2pixels(start),
359 cpu2y(cpu), SLOT_MULT+SLOT_HEIGHT);
361 width = (time2pixels(end)-time2pixels(start))/2.0;
365 width = round_text_size(width);
367 if (width > MIN_TEXT_SIZE)
368 fprintf(svgfile, "<text x=\"%4.8f\" y=\"%4.8f\" font-size=\"%3.8fpt\">C%i</text>\n",
369 time2pixels(start), cpu2y(cpu)+width, width, type);
371 fprintf(svgfile, "</g>\n");
374 static char *HzToHuman(unsigned long hz)
376 static char buffer[1024];
377 unsigned long long Hz;
379 memset(buffer, 0, 1024);
383 /* default: just put the Number in */
384 sprintf(buffer, "%9lli", Hz);
387 sprintf(buffer, " %6lli Mhz", (Hz+500)/1000);
390 sprintf(buffer, " %6.2f Ghz", (Hz+5000.0)/1000000);
392 if (Hz == turbo_frequency)
393 sprintf(buffer, "Turbo");
398 void svg_pstate(int cpu, u64 start, u64 end, u64 freq)
405 fprintf(svgfile, "<g>\n");
408 height = freq * 1.0 / max_freq * (SLOT_HEIGHT + SLOT_MULT);
409 height = 1 + cpu2y(cpu) + SLOT_MULT + SLOT_HEIGHT - height;
410 fprintf(svgfile, "<line x1=\"%4.8f\" x2=\"%4.8f\" y1=\"%4.1f\" y2=\"%4.1f\" class=\"pstate\"/>\n",
411 time2pixels(start), time2pixels(end), height, height);
412 fprintf(svgfile, "<text x=\"%4.8f\" y=\"%4.8f\" font-size=\"0.25pt\">%s</text>\n",
413 time2pixels(start), height+0.9, HzToHuman(freq));
415 fprintf(svgfile, "</g>\n");
419 void svg_partial_wakeline(u64 start, int row1, char *desc1, int row2, char *desc2, const char *backtrace)
427 fprintf(svgfile, "<g>\n");
429 fprintf(svgfile, "<title>%s wakes up %s</title>\n",
431 desc2 ? desc2 : "?");
434 fprintf(svgfile, "<desc>%s</desc>\n", backtrace);
438 fprintf(svgfile, "<line x1=\"%4.8f\" y1=\"%4.2f\" x2=\"%4.8f\" y2=\"%4.2f\" style=\"stroke:rgb(32,255,32);stroke-width:0.009\"/>\n",
439 time2pixels(start), row1 * SLOT_MULT + SLOT_HEIGHT, time2pixels(start), row1 * SLOT_MULT + SLOT_HEIGHT + SLOT_MULT/32);
441 fprintf(svgfile, "<g transform=\"translate(%4.8f,%4.8f)\"><text transform=\"rotate(90)\" font-size=\"0.02pt\">%s ></text></g>\n",
442 time2pixels(start), row1 * SLOT_MULT + SLOT_HEIGHT + SLOT_HEIGHT/48, desc2);
445 fprintf(svgfile, "<line x1=\"%4.8f\" y1=\"%4.2f\" x2=\"%4.8f\" y2=\"%4.2f\" style=\"stroke:rgb(32,255,32);stroke-width:0.009\"/>\n",
446 time2pixels(start), row2 * SLOT_MULT - SLOT_MULT/32, time2pixels(start), row2 * SLOT_MULT);
448 fprintf(svgfile, "<g transform=\"translate(%4.8f,%4.8f)\"><text transform=\"rotate(90)\" font-size=\"0.02pt\">%s ></text></g>\n",
449 time2pixels(start), row2 * SLOT_MULT - SLOT_MULT/32, desc1);
453 fprintf(svgfile, "<line x1=\"%4.8f\" y1=\"%4.2f\" x2=\"%4.8f\" y2=\"%4.2f\" style=\"stroke:rgb(32,255,32);stroke-width:0.009\"/>\n",
454 time2pixels(start), row2 * SLOT_MULT + SLOT_HEIGHT, time2pixels(start), row2 * SLOT_MULT + SLOT_HEIGHT + SLOT_MULT/32);
456 fprintf(svgfile, "<g transform=\"translate(%4.8f,%4.8f)\"><text transform=\"rotate(90)\" font-size=\"0.02pt\">%s <</text></g>\n",
457 time2pixels(start), row2 * SLOT_MULT + SLOT_HEIGHT + SLOT_MULT/48, desc1);
460 fprintf(svgfile, "<line x1=\"%4.8f\" y1=\"%4.2f\" x2=\"%4.8f\" y2=\"%4.2f\" style=\"stroke:rgb(32,255,32);stroke-width:0.009\"/>\n",
461 time2pixels(start), row1 * SLOT_MULT - SLOT_MULT/32, time2pixels(start), row1 * SLOT_MULT);
463 fprintf(svgfile, "<g transform=\"translate(%4.8f,%4.8f)\"><text transform=\"rotate(90)\" font-size=\"0.02pt\">%s <</text></g>\n",
464 time2pixels(start), row1 * SLOT_MULT - SLOT_HEIGHT/32, desc2);
467 height = row1 * SLOT_MULT;
469 height += SLOT_HEIGHT;
471 fprintf(svgfile, "<circle cx=\"%4.8f\" cy=\"%4.2f\" r = \"0.01\" style=\"fill:rgb(32,255,32)\"/>\n",
472 time2pixels(start), height);
474 fprintf(svgfile, "</g>\n");
477 void svg_wakeline(u64 start, int row1, int row2, const char *backtrace)
485 fprintf(svgfile, "<g>\n");
488 fprintf(svgfile, "<desc>%s</desc>\n", backtrace);
491 fprintf(svgfile, "<line x1=\"%4.8f\" y1=\"%4.2f\" x2=\"%4.8f\" y2=\"%4.2f\" style=\"stroke:rgb(32,255,32);stroke-width:0.009\"/>\n",
492 time2pixels(start), row1 * SLOT_MULT + SLOT_HEIGHT, time2pixels(start), row2 * SLOT_MULT);
494 fprintf(svgfile, "<line x1=\"%4.8f\" y1=\"%4.2f\" x2=\"%4.8f\" y2=\"%4.2f\" style=\"stroke:rgb(32,255,32);stroke-width:0.009\"/>\n",
495 time2pixels(start), row2 * SLOT_MULT + SLOT_HEIGHT, time2pixels(start), row1 * SLOT_MULT);
497 height = row1 * SLOT_MULT;
499 height += SLOT_HEIGHT;
500 fprintf(svgfile, "<circle cx=\"%4.8f\" cy=\"%4.2f\" r = \"0.01\" style=\"fill:rgb(32,255,32)\"/>\n",
501 time2pixels(start), height);
503 fprintf(svgfile, "</g>\n");
506 void svg_interrupt(u64 start, int row, const char *backtrace)
511 fprintf(svgfile, "<g>\n");
513 fprintf(svgfile, "<title>Wakeup from interrupt</title>\n");
516 fprintf(svgfile, "<desc>%s</desc>\n", backtrace);
518 fprintf(svgfile, "<circle cx=\"%4.8f\" cy=\"%4.2f\" r = \"0.01\" style=\"fill:rgb(255,128,128)\"/>\n",
519 time2pixels(start), row * SLOT_MULT);
520 fprintf(svgfile, "<circle cx=\"%4.8f\" cy=\"%4.2f\" r = \"0.01\" style=\"fill:rgb(255,128,128)\"/>\n",
521 time2pixels(start), row * SLOT_MULT + SLOT_HEIGHT);
523 fprintf(svgfile, "</g>\n");
526 void svg_text(int Yslot, u64 start, const char *text)
531 fprintf(svgfile, "<text x=\"%4.8f\" y=\"%4.8f\">%s</text>\n",
532 time2pixels(start), Yslot * SLOT_MULT+SLOT_HEIGHT/2, text);
535 static void svg_legenda_box(int X, const char *text, const char *style)
538 boxsize = SLOT_HEIGHT / 2;
540 fprintf(svgfile, "<rect x=\"%i\" width=\"%4.8f\" y=\"0\" height=\"%4.1f\" class=\"%s\"/>\n",
541 X, boxsize, boxsize, style);
542 fprintf(svgfile, "<text transform=\"translate(%4.8f, %4.8f)\" font-size=\"%4.8fpt\">%s</text>\n",
543 X + boxsize + 5, boxsize, 0.8 * boxsize, text);
546 void svg_legenda(void)
551 fprintf(svgfile, "<g>\n");
552 svg_legenda_box(0, "Running", "sample");
553 svg_legenda_box(100, "Idle","c1");
554 svg_legenda_box(200, "Deeper Idle", "c3");
555 svg_legenda_box(350, "Deepest Idle", "c6");
556 svg_legenda_box(550, "Sleeping", "process2");
557 svg_legenda_box(650, "Waiting for cpu", "waiting");
558 svg_legenda_box(800, "Blocked on IO", "blocked");
559 fprintf(svgfile, "</g>\n");
562 void svg_time_grid(void)
570 while (i < last_time) {
572 double thickness = 0.075;
573 if ((i % 100000000) == 0) {
577 if ((i % 1000000000) == 0) {
582 fprintf(svgfile, "<line x1=\"%4.8f\" y1=\"%4.2f\" x2=\"%4.8f\" y2=\"%" PRIu64 "\" style=\"stroke:rgb(%i,%i,%i);stroke-width:%1.3f\"/>\n",
583 time2pixels(i), SLOT_MULT/2, time2pixels(i), total_height, color, color, color, thickness);
592 fprintf(svgfile, "</svg>\n");
598 #define cpumask_bits(maskp) ((maskp)->bits)
599 typedef struct { DECLARE_BITMAP(bits, MAX_NR_CPUS); } cpumask_t;
608 static void scan_thread_topology(int *map, struct topology *t, int cpu, int *pos)
613 for (i = 0; i < t->sib_thr_nr; i++) {
614 if (!test_bit(cpu, cpumask_bits(&t->sib_thr[i])))
617 for_each_set_bit(thr,
618 cpumask_bits(&t->sib_thr[i]),
625 static void scan_core_topology(int *map, struct topology *t)
631 for (i = 0; i < t->sib_core_nr; i++)
632 for_each_set_bit(cpu,
633 cpumask_bits(&t->sib_core[i]),
635 scan_thread_topology(map, t, cpu, &pos);
638 static int str_to_bitmap(char *s, cpumask_t *b)
649 for (i = 0; i < m->nr; i++) {
651 if (c >= MAX_NR_CPUS) {
656 set_bit(c, cpumask_bits(b));
664 int svg_build_topology_map(char *sib_core, int sib_core_nr,
665 char *sib_thr, int sib_thr_nr)
670 t.sib_core_nr = sib_core_nr;
671 t.sib_thr_nr = sib_thr_nr;
672 t.sib_core = calloc(sib_core_nr, sizeof(cpumask_t));
673 t.sib_thr = calloc(sib_thr_nr, sizeof(cpumask_t));
675 if (!t.sib_core || !t.sib_thr) {
676 fprintf(stderr, "topology: no memory\n");
680 for (i = 0; i < sib_core_nr; i++) {
681 if (str_to_bitmap(sib_core, &t.sib_core[i])) {
682 fprintf(stderr, "topology: can't parse siblings map\n");
686 sib_core += strlen(sib_core) + 1;
689 for (i = 0; i < sib_thr_nr; i++) {
690 if (str_to_bitmap(sib_thr, &t.sib_thr[i])) {
691 fprintf(stderr, "topology: can't parse siblings map\n");
695 sib_thr += strlen(sib_thr) + 1;
698 topology_map = malloc(sizeof(int) * MAX_NR_CPUS);
700 fprintf(stderr, "topology: no memory\n");
704 for (i = 0; i < MAX_NR_CPUS; i++)
705 topology_map[i] = -1;
707 scan_core_topology(topology_map, &t);