2 Parallel link cable for Texas Instruments handhelds
3 ===================================================
7 Homepage: http://lpg.ticalc.org/prj_tidev/index.html
12 This is a driver for the very common home-made parallel link cable, a cable
13 designed for connecting TI8x/9x graphing calculators (handhelds) to a computer
14 or workstation (Alpha, Sparc). Given that driver is built on parport, the
15 parallel port abstraction layer, this driver is architecture-independent.
17 It can also be used with another device plugged on the same port (such as a
18 ZIP drive). I have a 100MB ZIP and both of them work fine!
20 If you need more information, please visit the 'TI drivers' homepage at the URL
25 A TI calculator and a program capable of communicating with your calculator.
27 TiLP will work for sure (since I am its developer!). yal92 may be able to use
28 it by changing tidev for tipar (may require some hacking...).
32 You must have first compiled parport support (CONFIG_PARPORT_DEV): either
33 compiled in your kernel, either as a module.
40 If it is not already there (it usually is), create the device:
42 mknod /dev/tipar0 c 115 0
43 mknod /dev/tipar1 c 115 1
44 mknod /dev/tipar2 c 115 2
46 You will have to set permissions on this device to allow you to read/write
49 chmod 666 /dev/tipar[0..2]
51 Now you are ready to run a linking program such as TiLP. Be sure to configure
56 You can set these with: modprobe tipar NAME=VALUE
57 There is currently no way to set these on a per-cable basis.
62 DESC: Timeout value in tenth of seconds. If no data is available once this
63 time has expired then the driver will return with a timeout error.
68 DESC: Inter-bit delay in micro-seconds. A lower value gives an higher data
69 rate but makes transmission less reliable.
71 These parameters can be changed at run time by any program via ioctl(2) calls
72 as listed in ./include/linux/ticable.h.
74 Rather than write 50 pages describing the ioctl() and so on, it is
75 perhaps more useful you look at ticables library (dev_link.c) that demonstrates
76 how to use them, and demonstrates the features of the driver. This is
77 probably a lot more useful to people interested in writing applications
78 that will be using this driver.
87 with "TIPAR: " so that I am certain to notice your message.
92 The code is based on tidev.c & parport.c.
93 The driver has been developed independently of Texas Instruments.