+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import serial
-import string
-import time
-# Default parameters
-success = 'success'
-failure = 'failure'
-f1 = open("/dev/esps0","w")
-f2 = open("/dev/esps0","r")
-def check_ok(string):
- if (string == 'OK'):
- return 1
- else :
- return 0
-def check_others(string,sub_string):
- #print(string)
- #print(sub_string)
- x = string.find(sub_string)
- #print(x)
- if (x == -1):
- return 0
- else:
- return 1
-def check(string, sub_string):
- #print('Inside check function')
- #print(string)
- x = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in string])
- x = string.split('\n')
- #print(x)
- x = [s for s in x if sub_string in s]
- #print(x)
- x = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in x])
- #print(x)
- if ('OK' == sub_string):
- ret = check_ok(x)
- return ret
- else:
- ret = check_others(x,sub_string)
- return ret
-def file_flush():
- f1.flush()
- f2.flush()
- return
-def get_response(command,wait):
- file_flush()
- s = f1.write((command+'\r\n'))
- #print(s)
- time.sleep(wait)
- s = f2.read(2048)
- #print(s)
- return s
-def check_response(ip,sp):
- ip = check(ip,sp)
- #print(ip)
- if (ip) :
- return success
- else :
- return failure
-def test_at():
- command = 'AT'
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- ret = check_response(ret,'OK')
- return ret
-def restart():
- command = 'AT+RST'
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- ret = check_response(ret,'OK')
- return ret
-def get_version():
- command = 'AT+GMR'
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- res = check(ret,'OK')
- if (res == 1):
- #print(ret)
- #x = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in ret])
- ##print(x)
- x = ret.split('\n')
- at_version = [s for s in x if 'AT version' in s]
- at_version = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in at_version])
- sdk_version = [s for s in x if 'SDK version' in s]
- sdk_version = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in sdk_version])
- custom_version = [s for s in x if 'custom_version' in s]
- custom_version = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in custom_version])
- return at_version,sdk_version,custom_version
- else:
- return failure
-def enter_deep_sleep_mode(sleep_in_ms):
- command = 'AT+GSLP='+str(sleep_in_ms)
- #print(command)
- time.sleep(sleep_in_ms*0.001)
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- ret = check_response(ret,'ready')
- return ret
-def echo_on():
- command = 'ATE1'
- #print(command)
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- ret = check_response(ret,'OK')
- return ret
-def echo_off():
- command = 'ATE0'
- #print(command)
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- ret = check_response(ret,'OK')
- return ret
-def restore_factory():
- command = 'AT+RESTORE'
- #print(command)
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- ret = check_response(ret,'OK')
- return ret
-# Its a query command to get current uart configuration, not saved in flash
-# This function sends baudrate, data_bits, stop bit,parity,flow_control
-def get_current_uart_config():
- command = 'AT+UART_CUR?'
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- res = check(ret,'OK')
- if (res == 1):
- res = check(ret,'UART_CUR:')
- if (res == 1):
- x = ret.split('\n')
- #print(x)
- uart_config = [s for s in x if 'UART_CUR:' in s]
- x = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in uart_config])
- x = x.split(',')
- flow_control = x[4]
- parity = x[3]
- stop_bit = x[2]
- data_bits = x[1]
- baudrate = x[0]
- baudrate = baudrate[10:]
- #print(x)
- return baudrate,data_bits,stop_bit,parity,flow_control
- else:
- return 'OK'
- else:
- return failure
-# It sets current uart configuration, not saved in flash
-# This function needs baudrate, data_bits, stop bit,parity,flow_control as input parameter from user
-def set_current_uart_config(baudrate,data_bits,stop_bit,parity,flow_control):
- command = 'AT+UART_CUR='+str(baudrate)+','+str(data_bits)+','+str(stop_bit)+','+str(parity)+','+str(flow_control)
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- ret = check_response(ret,'OK')
- return ret
-# Its a query command to get default uart configuration, saved in flash
-# This function sends baudrate, data_bits, stop bit, parity, flow_control
-def get_default_uart_config():
- command = 'AT+UART_DEF?'
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- res = check(ret,'OK')
- if (res == 1):
- res = check(ret,'UART_DEF:')
- if (res == 1):
- x = ret.split('\n')
- #print(x)
- uart_config = [s for s in x if 'UART_DEF:' in s]
- x = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in uart_config])
- x = x.split(',')
- flow_control = x[4]
- parity = x[3]
- stop_bit = x[2]
- data_bits = x[1]
- baudrate = x[0]
- baudrate = baudrate[10:]
- #print(x)
- return baudrate,data_bits,stop_bit,parity,flow_control
- else:
- return 'OK'
- else:
- return failure
-# It sets current uart configuration, saved in flash
-# This function needs baudrate, data bits, stop bit,parity,flow control as input parameter from user
-def set_default_uart_config(baudrate,data_bits,stop_bit,parity,flow_control):
- command = 'AT+UART_DEF='+str(baudrate)+','+str(data_bits)+','+str(stop_bit)+','+str(parity)+','+str(flow_control)
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- ret = check_response(ret,'OK')
- return ret
-# Function sets sleep mode
-# User can disable or enable the user mode
-# 0: disable the sleep mode
-# 1: Modem-sleep mode
-def set_sleep_mode(val):
- command = 'AT+SLEEP='+str(val)
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- ret = check_response(ret,'OK')
- return ret
-# #print available space in RAM in bytes
-def check_free_ram_size():
- command = 'AT+SYSRAM?'
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- res = check(ret,'OK')
- if (res == 1):
- res = check(ret, 'SYSRAM:')
- if (res == 1):
- x = ret.split('\n')
- #print(x)
- free_ram_size = [s for s in x if 'SYSRAM:' in s]
- x = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in free_ram_size])
- free_ram_size = x[8:]
- return free_ram_size
- else:
- return 'OK'
- else:
- return failure
-#wifi modes supported
-#0: null Mode, Wi-Fi RF will be disabled
-#1: station mode
-#2: softAP mode
-#3: softAP+station mode
-def wifi_test():
- command = 'AT+CWMODE=?'
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- ret = check_response(ret,'OK')
- return ret
-# send the configured wifi mode
-def wifi_get_mode():
- command='AT+CWMODE?'
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- #print("in wifi_get_imode")
- res = check(ret,'OK')
- if (res == 1) :
- res = check(ret, '+CWMODE:')
- if (res == 1):
- #print('OK received futher')
- x = ret.split('\n')
- #print('check x split'+str(x))
- wifi_mode = [s for s in x if '+CWMODE:' in s]
- #print(wifi_mode)
- wifi_mode = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in wifi_mode])
- #print(wifi_mode)
- wifi_mode = wifi_mode[8:]
- #print(wifi_mode)
- return wifi_mode
- else:
- return 'OK'
- else :
- return failure
-# set wifi_mode
-# 0: null Mode, Wi-Fi RF will be disabled
-# 1: station mode
-# 2: softAP mode
-# 3: softAP+station mode
-def wifi_set_mode(mode):
- command = 'AT+CWMODE='+str(mode)
- #print("In wifi_set_mode")
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- ret = check_response(ret,'OK')
- return ret
-def wifi_get_ap_config():
- command = 'AT+CWJAP?'
- ret = get_response(command,1)
- res = check(ret,'OK')
- #print("wifi_get_ap_config")
- if (res==1):
- #print('OK detected')
- res = check(ret,'+CWJAP:')
- if (res==1):
- x = ret.split('\n')
- #print(x)
- wifi_mode = [s for s in x if '+CWJAP:' in s]
- wifi_mode = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in wifi_mode])
- wifi_mode = wifi_mode.split(',')
- #print(wifi_mode)
- rssi = wifi_mode[3]
- #print(rssi)
- channel = wifi_mode[2]
- #print(channel)
- bssid = wifi_mode[1]
- #print(bssid)
- wifi_mode = wifi_mode[0]
- ssid = wifi_mode[7:]
- #print(ssid)
- return ssid,bssid,channel,rssi
- else:
- return 'OK'
- else :
- return failure
-# user can send bssid as 0, If its not in use
-#user must send ssid, pwd, bssid of AP // bssid needed
-def wifi_set_ap_config(ssid,pwd,bssid):
- if (str(bssid) != '0'):
- command = 'AT+CWJAP='+'"'+str(ssid)+'"'+','+'"'+str(pwd)+'"'+','+'"'+str(bssid)+'"'
- else :
- command = 'AT+CWJAP='+'"'+str(ssid)+'"'+','+'"'+str(pwd)+'"'
- #print(command)
- #print('wifi_set_ap_config')
- ret = get_response(command,2)
- ret = check_response(ret,'WIFI CONNECTED')
- return ret
-#list of available access points
-def wifi_get_ap_list():
- command = 'AT+CWLAP'
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- res = check(ret,'OK')
- if (res == 1):
- res = check(ret, '+CWLAP:')
- if (res == 1):
- #print(ret)
- wifi_mode = ret.split('\n')
- #print(wifi_mode)
- wifi_mode = [s for s in wifi_mode if '+CWLAP:' in s]
- wifi_mode = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in wifi_mode])
- wifi_mode = wifi_mode.split(',')
- return wifi_mode
- else:
- return 'OK'
- else:
- return failure
-# get a query from specific ap
-# bssid is mandatory parameter while mac_addr,channel are optional
-# user can set mac_addr,channel as 0 if its not required
-def wifi_get_spec_ap(ssid,mac_addr,chnl):
- if (str(mac_addr) != '0' and str(chnl) != '0'):
- command = 'AT+CWLAP='+'"'+str(ssid)+'"'+','+'"'+str(mac_addr)+'"'+','+str(chnl)
- if (str(mac_addr) != '0' and str(chnl) == '0'):
- command = 'AT+CWLAP='+'"'+str(ssid)+'"'+','+'"'+str(mac_addr)+'"'
- if (str(mac_addr) == '0' and str(chnl) != '0'):
- command = 'AT+CWLAP='+'"'+str(ssid)+'"'+','+','+'"'+str(chnl)+'"'
- if (str(mac_addr) == '0' and str(chnl) == '0'):
- command = 'AT+CWLAP='+'"'+str(ssid)+'"'
- #print(command)
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- res = check_response(ret,'OK')
- if (res == 1) :
- #print(ret)
- res = check_response(ret,'+CWLAP:')
- if (res == 1) :
- x = ret.split('\n')
- return ret
- else :
- return 'OK'
- else :
- return failure
-# set config to list ap command
-def wifi_set_config_list_ap(sort_enable,mask):
- command = 'AT+CWLAPOPT='+str(sort_enable)+','+str(mask)
- #print(command)
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- ret = check_response(ret,'OK')
- return ret
-# Disconnect AP
-def wifi_disconnect_ap():
- command = 'AT+CWQAP'
- #print(command)
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- ret = check_response(ret,'OK')
- return ret
-# user will get configuration of ESP32 softAP
-# parameters will be ssid, password, channel ID, encription method,
-# max connection count of stations to which ESP32 softAP can be connected, ssid hidden
-def wifi_get_softap_config():
- command = 'AT+CWSAP?'
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- #print(command)
- res = check(ret,'OK')
- if (res == 1):
- res = check(ret,'+CWSAP:')
- if (res == 1):
- x = ret.split('\n')
- #print(x)
- ap_config = [s for s in x if '+CWSAP:' in s]
- ap_config = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in ap_config])
- ap_config = ap_config.split(',')
- #print(ap_config)
- ssid_hidden = ap_config[5]
- max_conn = ap_config[4]
- encryp_mtd = ap_config[3]
- channel = ap_config[2]
- password = ap_config[1]
- password = password[1:-1]
- ap_config = ap_config[0]
- ssid = ap_config[7:]
- ssid = ssid[1:-1]
- return ssid,password,channel,encryp_mtd,max_conn,ssid_hidden
- else:
- return 'OK'
- else:
- return failure
-# If no password needed then set it as 0
-# set softap configuration of ESP32
-# parameters should be ssid, password, channel ID, encription method,
-# max connection count of stations to which ESP32 softAP can be connected, ssid hiddeni
-# user can set max_con as 0 and ssid_hidden as 0 if they dont want to use
-def wifi_set_softap_config(ssid,pwd,chl,ecn,max_conn,ssid_hidden):
- if (str(max_conn) != '0' and str(ssid_hidden) != '0'):
- command = 'AT+CWSAP='+'"'+str(ssid)+'"'+','+'"'+str(pwd)+'"'+','+str(chl)+','+str(ecn)+','+str(max_conn)+','+str(ssid_hidden)
- if (str(max_conn) != '0' and str(ssid_hidden) == '0'):
- command = 'AT+CWSAP='+'"'+str(ssid)+'"'+','+'"'+str(pwd)+'"'+','+str(chl)+','+str(ecn)+','+str(max_conn)
- if (str(max_conn) == '0' and str(ssid_hidden) != '0'):
- command = 'AT+CWSAP='+'"'+str(ssid)+'"'+','+'"'+str(pwd)+'"'+','+str(chl)+','+str(ecn)+','+','+str(ssid_hidden)
- #print(command)
- ret = get_response(command,2)
- ret = check_response(ret,'OK')
- return ret
-#IP station to which ESP32 softAP is connected
-def wifi_get_station_details():
- command = 'AT+CWLIF'
- ret = get_response(command,0.2)
- res = check(ret,'OK')
- if(res == 1) :
- res = check(ret,'+CWLIF:')
- if (res == 1) :
- x = ret.split('\n')
- #print(x)
- station_config = [s for s in x if '+CWLIF:' in s]
- station_config = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in station_config])
- station_config = station_config.split(',')
- mac_addr = station_config[1]
- ip_addr = station_config[0]
- ip_addr = ip_addr[7:]
- #print(station_config)
- return ip_addr, mac_addr
- else:
- return 'OK'
- else:
- return failure
-#get mac address of AP
-def get_ap_mac():
- command = 'AT+CWAPMAC?'
- ret = get_response(command,2)
- res = check(ret,'OK')
- if (res == 1):
- res = check(ret,'+CWAPMAC:')
- if (res == 1):
- x = ret.split('\n')
- #print(x)
- mac_addr = [s for s in x if '+CWAPMAC:' in s]
- mac_addr = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in mac_addr])
- #print(mac_addr)
- mac_addr = mac_addr.split(',')
- mac_addr = mac_addr[0]
- mac_addr = mac_addr[9:]
- mac_addr = mac_addr[1:-1]
- return mac_addr
- else:
- return 'OK'
- else:
- return failure
-#get mac address of station
-def get_sta_mac():
- command = 'AT+CWSTAMAC?'
- ret = get_response(command,2)
- res = check(ret,'OK')
- if (res == 1):
- res = check(ret,'+CWSTAMAC:')
- if (res == 1):
- x = ret.split('\n')
- #print(x)
- mac_addr = [s for s in x if '+CWSTAMAC:' in s]
- mac_addr = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in mac_addr])
- mac_addr = mac_addr.split(',')
- mac_addr = mac_addr[0]
- mac_addr = mac_addr[10:]
- mac_addr = mac_addr[1:-1]
- #print("MAC"+str(mac_addr))
- return mac_addr
- else:
- return 'OK'
- else:
- return failure
+++ /dev/null
- cd ../host_driver/esp32/
- make -j8
- sudo insmod esp32.ko
- sudo mknod /dev/esps0 c 221 0
- sudo chmod 666 /dev/esps0
- sudo raspi-gpio set 16 a3 pu
- sudo raspi-gpio set 17 a3 pn
-if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
- wlan_init
- bt_init
-if [ "$1" = "wlan" ]; then
- wlan_init
-if [ "$1" = "bt" ]; then
- bt_init
-if [ "$1" = "-h" ]; then
- echo "Usage: ./rpi_init.sh [arguments]"
- echo "\nArguments are optional and are as below"
- echo " wlan: Insert and setup esp32 network driver"
- echo " bt: Set GPIO pins on RPi for bluetooth operation"
- echo "\nExample:"
- echo " - Prepare RPi for WLAN operation: ./rpi_init.sh wlan"
- echo " - Prepare RPi for Bluetooth operation: ./rpi_init.sh bt"
- echo " - Prepare RPi for both WLAN and Bluetoorh: ./rpi_init.sh"
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from at_commands import at_commands
-import argparse
-import time
-import os
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='softap_config.py script to configure ESP32 softAP mode. ex. python3 softap_config.py \'xyz\' \'xyz123456\' 1 3 --max_conn=4 --ssid_hidden=0 ')
-parser.add_argument("ssid", type=str, default='0', help="ssid")
-parser.add_argument("password", type=str, default='0', help="password(password length should be 8~64 bytes ASCII)")
-parser.add_argument("channel_id", type=int, default=1, help="channel ID (It can be any number between 1 to 11)")
-parser.add_argument("encrp_mthd", type=int, default=0, help="encryption method (0 : OPEN, 2: WPA_PSK, 3:WPA2_PSK, 4: WPA_WPA2_PSK)")
-parser.add_argument("--max_conn", type=int, default=1, help="max connection count( number of Stations to which ESP32 SoftAP can be connected, within the range of [1, 10])")
-parser.add_argument("--ssid_hidden", type=int, default=0, help="ssid hidden/broadcast (it can set to 1 if softAP shouldnt broadcast its ssid else 0)")
-args = parser.parse_args()
-flag = 'success'
-softap_config = 'failure'
-ssid = '0'
-pwd = '0'
-chnl = 0
-encrp_mthd = 0
-max_conn = 0
-ssid_hidden = 0
-wifi_mode = 0
-ap_mac = at_commands.get_ap_mac()
-print("AP MAC Address "+str(ap_mac))
-if (ap_mac == 'failure'):
- flag = 'failure'
-if (flag == 'success'):
- wifi_mode = at_commands.wifi_get_mode()
- print("Current wifi mode "+str(wifi_mode))
-if (wifi_mode != '2' and wifi_mode != 'failure'):
- print("set a wifi mode 2 (i.e. softap mode)")
- wifi_mode = at_commands.wifi_set_mode(2)
- print(wifi_mode)
-if (wifi_mode == 'failure'):
- print("wifi get\set mode failed")
- flag = 'failure'
-if (flag == 'success'):
- print("check soft AP config")
- softap_config = at_commands.wifi_get_softap_config()
- if (softap_config == 'failure'):
- flag = 'failure'
- print("Failed to check current softap config")
-if (flag == 'success' and softap_config != 'OK'):
- ssid = softap_config[0]
- pwd = softap_config[1]
- chnl = softap_config[2]
- encrp_mthd = softap_config[3]
- max_conn = softap_config[4]
- ssid_hidden = softap_config[5]
-if (flag =='success' and args.ssid == ssid and args.password == pwd and args.channel_id == str(chnl) and args.encrp_mthd == str(encrp_mthd) and args.max_conn == str(max_conn) and args.ssid_hidden == str(ssid_hidden)):
- print("already softAP config set")
-elif (flag == 'success'):
- softap_config = at_commands.wifi_set_softap_config(args.ssid, args.password, args.channel_id, args.encrp_mthd, args.max_conn, args.ssid_hidden)
- if (softap_config == 'failure'):
- print("setting softap config failed")
- flag = 'failure'
-if (flag == 'failure'):
- print("failure in setting AP config")
-if (flag == 'success'):
- command = 'sudo ifconfig ethap0 down'
- os.system(command)
- print(command)
- command = 'sudo ifconfig ethap0 hw ether '+str(ap_mac)
- os.system(command)
- print(command)
- command = 'ifconfig ethap0 up'
- os.system(command)
- print(command)
- time.sleep(5)
- print("softAP config successfully set")
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from at_commands import at_commands
-import argparse
-import time
-import os
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='station_connect.py is a python script which connect ESPstation to AP. ex. python3 station_connect.py \'xyz\' \'xyz123456\' --bssid=\'e5:6c:67:3c:cf:65\'')
-parser.add_argument("ssid", type=str, default='0', help="ssid of AP")
-parser.add_argument("password", type=str, default='0', help="password of AP")
-parser.add_argument("--bssid", type=str, default='0', help="bssid i.e MAC address of AP in case of multiple AP has same ssid (default: '0')")
-args = parser.parse_args()
-flag = 'success'
-station_status = 'Nothing set'
-current_ssid = '0'
-wifi_mode = 0
-sta_mac = at_commands.get_sta_mac()
-print("station MAC address "+str(sta_mac))
-if (sta_mac == 'failure'):
- flag = 'failure'
-if (flag == 'success'):
- wifi_mode = at_commands.wifi_get_mode()
- print("current wifi mode is "+str(wifi_mode))
- if (wifi_mode != '1' and wifi_mode != 'failure'):
- print("set wifi mode to 1 (i.e. station mode)")
- wifi_mode = at_commands.wifi_set_mode(1)
-if (wifi_mode == 'failure'):
- print("wifi get\set mode failed")
- flag = 'failure'
-if (flag == 'success'):
- print("Get previously entered AP configuration")
- station_status = at_commands.wifi_get_ap_config()
- if (station_status == 'failure'):
- print("Failed to get previous AP configuration ")
- flag = 'failure'
-if (flag == 'success' and station_status != 'OK'):
- current_ssid = station_status[0]
- current_ssid = current_ssid[1:-1]
- print("previous AP ssid "+str(current_ssid))
-if ((flag == 'success') and ((station_status == 'OK') or (current_ssid != args.ssid))):
- print("set AP config")
- station_status = at_commands.wifi_set_ap_config(args.ssid,args.password,args.bssid)
- if (station_status == 'failure'):
- flag = 'failure'
- print("Failed to set AP config")
-elif((current_ssid == args.ssid) and flag == 'success'):
- print("entered ssid is same as previous configuration")
-if (flag == 'failure'):
- print("failure in setting AP config")
-if (flag == 'success'):
- command = 'sudo ifconfig ethsta0 down'
- os.system(command)
- print(command)
- command = 'sudo ifconfig ethsta0 hw ether '+str(sta_mac)
- os.system(command)
- print(command)
- command = 'ifconfig ethsta0 up'
- os.system(command)
- print(command)
- time.sleep(5)
- command = 'dhclient ethsta0 -r'
- os.system(command)
- print(command)
- command = 'dhclient ethsta0 -v'
- os.system(command)
- print(command)
- print("Success in setting AP config")
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from at_commands import at_commands
-import argparse
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='station_disconnect.py script will disconnect ESPStation from AP ex. python3 station_disconnect.py')
-wifi_mode = at_commands.wifi_get_mode()
-if (wifi_mode == '1'):
- disconnect = at_commands.wifi_disconnect_ap()
- print(disconnect)
- print("Disconnected from AP")
-elif (wifi_mode == 'failure'):
- print("failure in disconnect")
-else :
- print("station mode is not selected, current mode is "+str(wifi_mode))
- print("0: null Mode, Wi-Fi RF will be disabled")
- print("1: station mode")
- print("2: softAP mode")
- print("3: softAP+station mode")
not_set = "0"
#get mac address of station
-def get_sta_mac():
+# mode == 1 for station mac
+# mode == 2 for softAP mac
+def get_mac(mode):
req_sta_mac = slave_config_pb2.SlaveConfigPayload()
req_sta_mac.msg = slave_config_pb2.SlaveConfigMsgType.TypeCmdGetMACAddress
#for station mode set cmd as 1
#print("parsed output "+str(req_sta_mac.resp_get_mac_address.resp))
return req_sta_mac.resp_get_mac_address.resp
-#get mac address of softAP
-def get_ap_mac():
- req_ap_mac = slave_config_pb2.SlaveConfigPayload()
- req_ap_mac.msg = slave_config_pb2.SlaveConfigMsgType.TypeCmdGetMACAddress
- #for softAP mode set cmd as 2
- req_ap_mac.cmd_get_mac_address.cmd = '2';
- protodata = req_ap_mac.SerializeToString()
- #print("serialized data "+str(protodata))
- tp = transport.Transport_pserial("/dev/esps0")
- response = tp.send_data('control',protodata)
- #print("response from slave "+str(response))
- req_ap_mac.ParseFromString(response)
- #print("parsed output "+str(req_ap_mac.resp_get_mac_address.resp))
- return req_ap_mac.resp_get_mac_address.resp
#get wifi mode
# 0: null Mode, Wi-Fi mode not set
set_ap_config.msg = slave_config_pb2.SlaveConfigMsgType.TypeCmdSetAPConfig
set_ap_config.cmd_set_ap_config.ssid = str(ssid)
set_ap_config.cmd_set_ap_config.pwd = str(pwd)
- if (str(bssid) != '0') :
- set_ap_config.cmd_set_ap_config.bssid = str(bssid)
+ set_ap_config.cmd_set_ap_config.bssid = str(bssid)
protodata = set_ap_config.SerializeToString()
#print("serialized data "+str(protodata))
tp = transport.Transport_pserial(interface)
ssid_hidden = get_softap_config.resp_get_softap_config.ssid_hidden
status = str(get_softap_config.resp_get_softap_config.status)
bw = get_softap_config.resp_get_softap_config.bw
- return ssid,pwd,en,chnl,max_conn,ssid_hidden,status,bw
+ return ssid,pwd,chnl,ecn,max_conn,ssid_hidden,status,bw
def wifi_ap_scan_list(scan_count):
+++ /dev/null
-syntax = "proto3";
-message CmdGetStatus {
- string cmd = 1;
- int32 mode = 2;
-message RespGetStatus {
- string resp = 1;
- int32 mode = 2;
-enum EncryptionMode {
- Type_Open = 0;
- Type_WEP = 1;
- Type_WPA_PSK = 2;
- Type_WPA2_PSK = 3;
- Type_WPA_WPA2_PSK = 4;
-message CmdConfig {
- string ssid = 1;
- string pwd = 2;
- EncryptionMode ecn = 3;
- int32 chnl = 4;
- int32 max_conn = 5;
- bool ssid_hidden = 6;
- string bssid = 7;
- int32 rssi = 8;
- string status = 9;
- int32 bw = 10;
-message RespConfig {
- string ssid = 1;
- string pwd = 2;
- EncryptionMode ecn = 3;
- int32 chnl = 4;
- int32 max_conn = 5;
- bool ssid_hidden = 6;
- string bssid = 7;
- int32 rssi = 8;
- string status = 9;
- int32 bw = 10;
-message ScanResult {
- bytes ssid = 1;
- uint32 chnl = 2;
- int32 rssi = 3;
- bytes bssid = 4;
- EncryptionMode ecn = 5;
-message CmdScanResult {
- uint32 count = 1;
-message RespScanResult {
- uint32 count = 1;
- repeated ScanResult entries = 2;
-enum SlaveConfigMsgType {
- TypeCmdGetMACAddress = 0;
- TypeRespGetMACAddress = 1;
- TypeCmdGetWiFiMode = 2;
- TypeRespGetWiFiMode = 3;
- TypeCmdSetWiFiMode = 4;
- TypeRespSetWiFiMode = 5;
- TypeCmdGetAPConfig = 6;
- TypeRespGetAPConfig = 7;
- TypeCmdSetAPConfig = 8;
- TypeRespSetAPConfig = 9;
- TypeCmdGetSoftAPConfig = 10;
- TypeRespGetSoftAPConfig = 11;
- TypeCmdSetSoftAPConfig = 12;
- TypeRespSetSoftAPConfig = 13;
- TypeCmdDisconnectAP = 14;
- TypeRespDisconnectAP = 15;
- TypeCmdGetAPScanList = 16;
- TypeRespGetAPScanList = 17;
-message SlaveConfigPayload {
- SlaveConfigMsgType msg = 1;
- oneof payload {
- CmdGetStatus cmd_get_mac_address = 10;
- RespGetStatus resp_get_mac_address = 11;
- CmdGetStatus cmd_get_wifi_mode = 12;
- RespGetStatus resp_get_wifi_mode = 13;
- CmdGetStatus cmd_set_wifi_mode = 14;
- RespGetStatus resp_set_wifi_mode = 15;
- CmdConfig cmd_get_ap_config = 16;
- RespConfig resp_get_ap_config = 17;
- CmdConfig cmd_set_ap_config = 18;
- RespConfig resp_set_ap_config = 19;
- CmdConfig cmd_get_softap_config = 20;
- RespConfig resp_get_softap_config = 21;
- CmdConfig cmd_set_softap_config = 22;
- RespConfig resp_set_softap_config = 23;
- CmdGetStatus cmd_disconnect_ap = 24;
- RespGetStatus resp_disconnect_ap = 25;
- CmdScanResult cmd_scan_ap_list = 26;
- RespScanResult resp_scan_ap_list = 27;
- }
--- /dev/null
+ cd ../host_driver/esp32/
+ make -j8
+ sudo insmod esp32.ko
+ sudo mknod /dev/esps0 c 221 0
+ sudo chmod 666 /dev/esps0
+ sudo raspi-gpio set 16 a3 pu
+ sudo raspi-gpio set 17 a3 pn
+if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+ wlan_init
+ bt_init
+if [ "$1" = "wlan" ]; then
+ wlan_init
+if [ "$1" = "bt" ]; then
+ bt_init
+if [ "$1" = "-h" ]; then
+ echo "Usage: ./rpi_init.sh [arguments]"
+ echo "\nArguments are optional and are as below"
+ echo " wlan: Insert and setup esp32 network driver"
+ echo " bt: Set GPIO pins on RPi for bluetooth operation"
+ echo "\nExample:"
+ echo " - Prepare RPi for WLAN operation: ./rpi_init.sh wlan"
+ echo " - Prepare RPi for Bluetooth operation: ./rpi_init.sh bt"
+ echo " - Prepare RPi for both WLAN and Bluetoorh: ./rpi_init.sh"
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from host_commands import slave_comm
+import argparse
+import time
+import os
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='softap_config.py script to configure ESP32 softAP mode. ex. python3 softap_config.py \'xyz\' \'xyz123456\' 1 3 --max_conn=4 --ssid_hidden=0 --bw=0')
+parser.add_argument("ssid", type=str, default='0', help="ssid")
+parser.add_argument("password", type=str, default='0', help="password(password length should be 8~64 bytes ASCII)")
+parser.add_argument("channel_id", type=int, default=1, help="channel ID (It can be any number between 1 to 11)")
+parser.add_argument("encrp_mthd", type=int, default=0, help="encryption method (0 : OPEN, 2: WPA_PSK, 3:WPA2_PSK, 4: WPA_WPA2_PSK)")
+parser.add_argument("--max_conn", type=int, default=1, help="max connection count( number of Stations to which ESP32 SoftAP can be connected, within the range of [1, 10])")
+parser.add_argument("--ssid_hidden", type=int, default=0, help="ssid hidden/broadcast (it can set to 1 if softAP shouldnt broadcast its ssid else 0)")
+parser.add_argument("--bw", type=int, default=1, help="Bandwidth (1: WIFI_BW_HT20(20MHZ)) , (2: WIFI_BW_HT40(40MHZ)) default is 20MHZ")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+flag = 'success'
+softap_config = 'failure'
+ssid = '0'
+pwd = '0'
+chnl = 0
+encrp_mthd = 0
+max_conn = 0
+ssid_hidden = 0
+wifi_mode = 0
+ap_mac = slave_comm.get_mac(2)
+print("AP MAC Address "+str(ap_mac))
+softap_config = slave_comm.wifi_set_softap_config(args.ssid, args.password, args.channel_id, args.encrp_mthd, args.max_conn, args.ssid_hidden, args.bw)
+if (softap_config != 'success'):
+ print("setting softap config failed")
+ flag = 'failure'
+ print("setting softap config success")
+if (flag == 'failure'):
+ print("failure in setting AP config")
+if (flag == 'success'):
+ command = 'sudo ifconfig ethap0 down'
+ os.system(command)
+ print(command)
+ command = 'sudo ifconfig ethap0 hw ether '+str(ap_mac)
+ os.system(command)
+ print(command)
+ command = 'ifconfig ethap0 up'
+ os.system(command)
+ print(command)
+ time.sleep(5)
+ print("softAP config successfully set")
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from host_commands import slave_comm
+import argparse
+import time
+import os
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='station_connect.py is a python script which connect ESPstation to AP. ex. python3 station_connect.py \'xyz\' \'xyz123456\' --bssid=\'e5:6c:67:3c:cf:65\'')
+parser.add_argument("ssid", type=str, default='0', help="ssid of AP")
+parser.add_argument("password", type=str, default='0', help="password of AP")
+parser.add_argument("--bssid", type=str, default='0', help="bssid i.e MAC address of AP in case of multiple AP has same ssid (default: '0')")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+flag = 'success'
+station_status = 'Nothing set'
+current_ssid = '0'
+wifi_mode = 0
+sta_mac = slave_comm.get_mac(1)
+print("station MAC address "+str(sta_mac))
+station_status = slave_comm.wifi_set_ap_config(args.ssid,args.password,args.bssid)
+if (station_status == 'failure'):
+ flag = 'failure'
+ print("Failed to set AP config")
+elif (station_status == 'success'):
+ print("Connected to given AP")
+if (flag == 'success'):
+ command = 'sudo ifconfig ethsta0 down'
+ os.system(command)
+ print(command)
+ command = 'sudo ifconfig ethsta0 hw ether '+str(sta_mac)
+ os.system(command)
+ print(command)
+ command = 'ifconfig ethsta0 up'
+ os.system(command)
+ print(command)
+ time.sleep(5)
+ command = 'dhclient ethsta0 -r'
+ os.system(command)
+ print(command)
+ command = 'dhclient ethsta0 -v'
+ os.system(command)
+ print(command)
+ print("Success in setting AP config")
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from host_commands import slave_comm
+import argparse
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='station_disconnect.py script will disconnect ESPStation from AP ex. python3 station_disconnect.py')
+wifi_mode = slave_comm.get_wifi_mode()
+if (wifi_mode == 1 or wifi_mode == 3):
+ disconnect = slave_comm.wifi_disconnect_ap()
+ print(disconnect)
+ print("Disconnected from AP")
+else :
+ print("wifi_disconnect_ap failed, current mode is "+str(wifi_mode))
+ print("0: null Mode, Wi-Fi RF will be disabled")
+ print("1: station mode")
+ print("2: softAP mode")
+ print("3: softAP+station mode")
# 2: softAP mode
# 3: softAP+station mode
# or Failure
x = slave_comm.get_wifi_mode()
print("wifi mode is "+str(x))
x = slave_comm.get_wifi_mode()
print("wifi mode is "+str(x))
x = slave_comm.wifi_set_ap_config('Siddhesh','sid123456','0')
x = slave_comm.wifi_get_ap_config()
x = slave_comm.wifi_disconnect_ap()
# need to accept default badwidth as 20 and make it as optional parameter
x = slave_comm.wifi_set_softap_config('ESP12','0',4,0,5,0,1)
print("output is here")
+x = slave_comm.get_wifi_mode()
+print("wifi mode is "+str(x))
x = slave_comm.wifi_get_softap_config()
print("get softap output here")
# user should give number max scan AP count
# output is list of Aplist class instances
x = slave_comm.wifi_ap_scan_list(10)
for obj in x:
--- /dev/null
+syntax = "proto3";
+message CmdGetStatus {
+ string cmd = 1;
+ int32 mode = 2;
+message RespGetStatus {
+ string resp = 1;
+ int32 mode = 2;
+enum EncryptionMode {
+ Type_Open = 0;
+ Type_WEP = 1;
+ Type_WPA_PSK = 2;
+ Type_WPA2_PSK = 3;
+ Type_WPA_WPA2_PSK = 4;
+message CmdConfig {
+ string ssid = 1;
+ string pwd = 2;
+ EncryptionMode ecn = 3;
+ int32 chnl = 4;
+ int32 max_conn = 5;
+ bool ssid_hidden = 6;
+ string bssid = 7;
+ int32 rssi = 8;
+ string status = 9;
+ int32 bw = 10;
+message RespConfig {
+ string ssid = 1;
+ string pwd = 2;
+ EncryptionMode ecn = 3;
+ int32 chnl = 4;
+ int32 max_conn = 5;
+ bool ssid_hidden = 6;
+ string bssid = 7;
+ int32 rssi = 8;
+ string status = 9;
+ int32 bw = 10;
+message ScanResult {
+ bytes ssid = 1;
+ uint32 chnl = 2;
+ int32 rssi = 3;
+ bytes bssid = 4;
+ EncryptionMode ecn = 5;
+message CmdScanResult {
+ uint32 count = 1;
+message RespScanResult {
+ uint32 count = 1;
+ repeated ScanResult entries = 2;
+enum SlaveConfigMsgType {
+ TypeCmdGetMACAddress = 0;
+ TypeRespGetMACAddress = 1;
+ TypeCmdGetWiFiMode = 2;
+ TypeRespGetWiFiMode = 3;
+ TypeCmdSetWiFiMode = 4;
+ TypeRespSetWiFiMode = 5;
+ TypeCmdGetAPConfig = 6;
+ TypeRespGetAPConfig = 7;
+ TypeCmdSetAPConfig = 8;
+ TypeRespSetAPConfig = 9;
+ TypeCmdGetSoftAPConfig = 10;
+ TypeRespGetSoftAPConfig = 11;
+ TypeCmdSetSoftAPConfig = 12;
+ TypeRespSetSoftAPConfig = 13;
+ TypeCmdDisconnectAP = 14;
+ TypeRespDisconnectAP = 15;
+ TypeCmdGetAPScanList = 16;
+ TypeRespGetAPScanList = 17;
+message SlaveConfigPayload {
+ SlaveConfigMsgType msg = 1;
+ oneof payload {
+ CmdGetStatus cmd_get_mac_address = 10;
+ RespGetStatus resp_get_mac_address = 11;
+ CmdGetStatus cmd_get_wifi_mode = 12;
+ RespGetStatus resp_get_wifi_mode = 13;
+ CmdGetStatus cmd_set_wifi_mode = 14;
+ RespGetStatus resp_set_wifi_mode = 15;
+ CmdConfig cmd_get_ap_config = 16;
+ RespConfig resp_get_ap_config = 17;
+ CmdConfig cmd_set_ap_config = 18;
+ RespConfig resp_set_ap_config = 19;
+ CmdConfig cmd_get_softap_config = 20;
+ RespConfig resp_get_softap_config = 21;
+ CmdConfig cmd_set_softap_config = 22;
+ RespConfig resp_set_softap_config = 23;
+ CmdGetStatus cmd_disconnect_ap = 24;
+ RespGetStatus resp_disconnect_ap = 25;
+ CmdScanResult cmd_scan_ap_list = 26;
+ RespScanResult resp_scan_ap_list = 27;
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-syntax = "proto3";
-message CmdGetStatus {
- string cmd = 1;
- int32 mode = 2;
-message RespGetStatus {
- string resp = 1;
- int32 mode = 2;
-enum EncryptionMode {
- Type_Open = 0;
- Type_WEP = 1;
- Type_WPA_PSK = 2;
- Type_WPA2_PSK = 3;
- Type_WPA_WPA2_PSK = 4;
-message CmdConfig {
- string ssid = 1;
- string pwd = 2;
- EncryptionMode ecn = 3;
- int32 chnl = 4;
- int32 max_conn = 5;
- bool ssid_hidden = 6;
- string bssid = 7;
- int32 rssi = 8;
- string status = 9;
- int32 bw = 10;
-message RespConfig {
- string ssid = 1;
- string pwd = 2;
- EncryptionMode ecn = 3;
- int32 chnl = 4;
- int32 max_conn = 5;
- bool ssid_hidden = 6;
- string bssid = 7;
- int32 rssi = 8;
- string status = 9;
- int32 bw = 10;
-message ScanResult {
- bytes ssid = 1;
- uint32 chnl = 2;
- int32 rssi = 3;
- bytes bssid = 4;
- EncryptionMode ecn = 5;
-message CmdScanResult {
- uint32 count = 1;
-message RespScanResult {
- uint32 count = 1;
- repeated ScanResult entries = 2;
-enum SlaveConfigMsgType {
- TypeCmdGetMACAddress = 0;
- TypeRespGetMACAddress = 1;
- TypeCmdGetWiFiMode = 2;
- TypeRespGetWiFiMode = 3;
- TypeCmdSetWiFiMode = 4;
- TypeRespSetWiFiMode = 5;
- TypeCmdGetAPConfig = 6;
- TypeRespGetAPConfig = 7;
- TypeCmdSetAPConfig = 8;
- TypeRespSetAPConfig = 9;
- TypeCmdGetSoftAPConfig = 10;
- TypeRespGetSoftAPConfig = 11;
- TypeCmdSetSoftAPConfig = 12;
- TypeRespSetSoftAPConfig = 13;
- TypeCmdDisconnectAP = 14;
- TypeRespDisconnectAP = 15;
- TypeCmdGetAPScanList = 16;
- TypeRespGetAPScanList = 17;
-message SlaveConfigPayload {
- SlaveConfigMsgType msg = 1;
- oneof payload {
- CmdGetStatus cmd_get_mac_address = 10;
- RespGetStatus resp_get_mac_address = 11;
- CmdGetStatus cmd_get_wifi_mode = 12;
- RespGetStatus resp_get_wifi_mode = 13;
- CmdGetStatus cmd_set_wifi_mode = 14;
- RespGetStatus resp_set_wifi_mode = 15;
- CmdConfig cmd_get_ap_config = 16;
- RespConfig resp_get_ap_config = 17;
- CmdConfig cmd_set_ap_config = 18;
- RespConfig resp_set_ap_config = 19;
- CmdConfig cmd_get_softap_config = 20;
- RespConfig resp_get_softap_config = 21;
- CmdConfig cmd_set_softap_config = 22;
- RespConfig resp_set_softap_config = 23;
- CmdGetStatus cmd_disconnect_ap = 24;
- RespGetStatus resp_disconnect_ap = 25;
- CmdScanResult cmd_scan_ap_list = 26;
- RespScanResult resp_scan_ap_list = 27;
- }
--- /dev/null
+#pragma once
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef esp_err_t (*pserial_xmit)(uint8_t *buf, ssize_t len);
+typedef ssize_t (*pserial_recv)(uint8_t *buf, ssize_t len);
+esp_err_t protocomm_pserial_start(protocomm_t *pc, pserial_xmit xmit, pserial_recv recv);
+esp_err_t protocomm_pserial_data_ready(protocomm_t *pc, int len);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
#define MAX_RETRY 5
-// sattion got IP event is remain
static int s_retry_num = 0;
static bool scan_done = false;
if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_STA_START) {
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"wifi connected");
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"wifi connect called");
} else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED) {
if (s_retry_num < MAX_RETRY) {
static esp_err_t cmd_get_mac_address_handler(SlaveConfigPayload *req,
SlaveConfigPayload *resp, void *priv_data)
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Inside get MAC address");
esp_err_t ret;
uint8_t mac[6];
char *mac_str = (char *)calloc(1,19);
ESP_LOGI(TAG,"get station mac address");
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Error in getting MAC of ESP Station %d", ret);
+ free(mac_str);
return ESP_FAIL;
} else if (strcmp(req->cmd_get_mac_address->cmd,"2") == 0) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG,"get AP mac address");
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Error in getting MAC of ESP AP %d", ret);
+ free(mac_str);
return ESP_FAIL;
} else {
ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Invalid msg type");
+ free(mac_str);
return ESP_FAIL;
RespGetStatus *resp_payload = (RespGetStatus *)calloc(1,sizeof(RespGetStatus));
if (resp_payload == NULL) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to allocate memory");
+ free(mac_str);
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
esp_err_t ret;
wifi_mode_t num = req->cmd_set_wifi_mode->mode;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"num %d ", num);
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"set wifi mode %d ", num);
ret = esp_wifi_set_mode(num);
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to set mode");
esp_err_t ret;
s_wifi_event_group = xEventGroupCreate();
- ret = esp_wifi_set_mode(WIFI_MODE_STA);
+ if (hosted_flags.is_softap_started) {
+ ret = esp_wifi_set_mode(WIFI_MODE_APSTA);
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"APSTA mode set");
+ } else {
+ ret = esp_wifi_set_mode(WIFI_MODE_STA);
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"STA mode set");
+ }
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"failed to set mode");
return ESP_FAIL;
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"failed to allocate memory");
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
- memcpy(wifi_cfg->sta.ssid,req->cmd_set_ap_config->ssid,strlen(req->cmd_set_ap_config->ssid));
- memcpy(wifi_cfg->sta.password,req->cmd_set_ap_config->pwd,strlen(req->cmd_set_ap_config->pwd));
- if (strlen(req->cmd_set_ap_config->bssid)) {
+ memcpy(wifi_cfg->sta.ssid,req->cmd_set_ap_config->ssid,sizeof(wifi_cfg->sta.ssid));
+ memcpy(wifi_cfg->sta.password,req->cmd_set_ap_config->pwd,sizeof(wifi_cfg->sta.password));
+ if (strlen(req->cmd_set_ap_config->bssid) > 1) {
+ printf("bssid %s \n",req->cmd_set_ap_config->bssid);
wifi_cfg->sta.bssid_set = true;
- memcpy(wifi_cfg->sta.bssid,req->cmd_set_ap_config->bssid,6);
+ memcpy(wifi_cfg->sta.bssid,req->cmd_set_ap_config->bssid,sizeof(wifi_cfg->sta.bssid));
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"final AP name %s ", wifi_cfg->sta.ssid);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"final AP password %s", wifi_cfg->sta.password);
ret = esp_wifi_set_config(ESP_IF_WIFI_STA, wifi_cfg);
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to set wifi softAP mode");
+ free(wifi_cfg);
return ESP_FAIL;
ret = esp_wifi_start();
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to start wifi");
+ free(wifi_cfg);
return ESP_FAIL;
ESP_LOGI(TAG,"wifi start is called");
ret = esp_wifi_sta_get_ap_info(&ap_info));
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to AP info to which ESP32 is connected");
+ free(wifi_cfg);
return ESP_FAIL;
ESP_LOGI(TAG,"ssid %s", (char*)ap_info.ssid); */
RespConfig *resp_payload = (RespConfig *)calloc(1,sizeof(RespConfig));
if (resp_payload == NULL) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to allocate memory");
+ ap_event_unregister();
+ vEventGroupDelete(s_wifi_event_group);
+ free(wifi_cfg);
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
resp_config__init (resp_payload);
resp->resp_set_ap_config = resp_payload;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"connected to AP ssid");
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"connected to AP");
return ESP_OK;
return ESP_FAIL;
esp_err_t ret;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"get ap config");
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Inside get ap config function");
wifi_ap_record_t *ap_info = (wifi_ap_record_t *)calloc(1,sizeof(wifi_ap_record_t));
if (ap_info == NULL) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to allocate memory");
return ESP_FAIL;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"AP ssid %s AP bssid %s",ap_info->ssid,ap_info->bssid);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"sizeof rssi %d channel %d ", sizeof(ap_info->rssi), sizeof(ap_info->primary));
sprintf((char *)credentials.bssid,MACSTR,MAC2STR(ap_info->bssid));
- memcpy(credentials.ssid,ap_info->ssid,strlen((char *)ap_info->ssid));
+ memcpy(credentials.ssid,ap_info->ssid,sizeof(credentials.ssid));
credentials.rssi = ap_info->rssi;
credentials.chnl = ap_info->primary;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"afetr memcpy ssid %s bssid %s",credentials.ssid, credentials.bssid);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"data present in rssi %d and channel field %d ", credentials.rssi, credentials.chnl);
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"ssid %s bssid %s",credentials.ssid, credentials.bssid);
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"rssi %d channel %d ", credentials.rssi, credentials.chnl);
RespConfig *resp_payload = (RespConfig *)calloc(1,sizeof(RespConfig));
if (resp_payload == NULL) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"failed to allocate memory");
+ free(ap_info);
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
resp_config__init (resp_payload);
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"resp_payload address %p and resp also %p", resp_payload, resp_payload->resp);
resp_payload->resp = SUCCESS;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"response success string %s",resp_payload->resp);
resp->resp_disconnect_ap = resp_payload;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"disconnect AP here");
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"disconnected from AP");
return ESP_OK;
ESP_LOGI(TAG,"ESP32 SoftAP mode aren't set, So can't get config");
return ESP_FAIL;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"get soft AP handler");
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Inside get soft AP function");
esp_err_t ret;
wifi_config_t *get_conf = (wifi_config_t *)calloc(1,sizeof(wifi_config_t));
if (get_conf == NULL) {
wifi_bandwidth_t *get_bw = (wifi_bandwidth_t *)calloc(1,sizeof(wifi_bandwidth_t));
if (get_bw == NULL) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to allocate memory");
+ free(get_conf);
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
ret = esp_wifi_get_config(ESP_IF_WIFI_AP, get_conf);
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to get SoftAP config");
+ free(get_conf);
+ free(get_bw);
return ESP_FAIL;
RespConfig *resp_payload = (RespConfig *)calloc(1,sizeof(RespConfig));
if (resp_payload == NULL) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to allocate memory");
+ free(get_conf);
+ free(get_bw);
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
resp_config__init (resp_payload);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"ssid name %s",get_conf->ap.ssid);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"pwd %s",get_conf->ap.password);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"chnl %d",get_conf->ap.channel);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"ecn %d",get_conf->ap.authmode);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"max conn %d",get_conf->ap.max_connection);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"ssid hidden %d",get_conf->ap.ssid_hidden);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"len of ssid %d", strlen((char *)get_conf->ap.ssid));
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"len of pwd %d",strlen((char *)get_conf->ap.password));
- memcpy(credentials.ssid,get_conf->ap.ssid,strlen((char *)get_conf->ap.ssid));
+ memcpy(credentials.ssid,get_conf->ap.ssid,sizeof(credentials.ssid));
if (strlen((char*)get_conf->ap.password)) {
- memcpy(credentials.pwd,get_conf->ap.password,strlen((char *)get_conf->ap.password));
+ memcpy(credentials.pwd,get_conf->ap.password,sizeof(credentials.pwd));
credentials.chnl = get_conf->ap.channel;
credentials.max_conn = get_conf->ap.max_connection;
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to get bandwidth");
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"got bandwidth now %d", *get_bw);
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"got bandwidth now %d", *get_bw); //check here
resp_payload->bw = *(int *)get_bw;
resp_payload->status = SUCCESS;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"response success string %s",resp_payload->status);
resp->resp_get_softap_config = resp_payload;
static esp_err_t cmd_set_softap_config_handler (SlaveConfigPayload *req,
SlaveConfigPayload *resp, void *priv_data)
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"set soft AP handler");
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Inside set soft AP function");
esp_err_t ret;
ESP_LOGI(TAG,"event handler registered in set softap config ");
- ret = esp_wifi_set_mode(WIFI_MODE_AP);
+ if (hosted_flags.is_ap_connected) {
+ ret = esp_wifi_set_mode(WIFI_MODE_APSTA);
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"APSTA mode set");
+ } else {
+ ret = esp_wifi_set_mode(WIFI_MODE_AP);
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"AP mode set");
+ }
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to set mode");
return ESP_FAIL;
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to allocate memory");
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
- uint8_t ssid_length = strlen(req->cmd_set_softap_config->ssid);
wifi_config->ap.authmode = req->cmd_set_softap_config->ecn;
- uint8_t pwd_length = strlen(req->cmd_set_softap_config->pwd);
if (wifi_config->ap.authmode != WIFI_AUTH_OPEN) {
- memcpy(wifi_config->ap.password,req->cmd_set_softap_config->pwd,pwd_length);
+ memcpy(wifi_config->ap.password,req->cmd_set_softap_config->pwd,sizeof(wifi_config->ap.password));
- memcpy(wifi_config->ap.ssid,req->cmd_set_softap_config->ssid,ssid_length);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"ssid len %d and password len %d",ssid_length, pwd_length);
- wifi_config->ap.ssid_len = ssid_length;
+ memcpy(wifi_config->ap.ssid,req->cmd_set_softap_config->ssid,sizeof(wifi_config->ap.ssid));
+ wifi_config->ap.ssid_len = strlen(req->cmd_set_softap_config->ssid);
wifi_config->ap.channel = req->cmd_set_softap_config->chnl;
wifi_config->ap.max_connection = req->cmd_set_softap_config-> max_conn;
ret = esp_wifi_get_mac(WIFI_IF_AP, mac);
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to get MAC address");
+ free(wifi_config);
return ESP_FAIL;
ret = esp_wifi_set_bandwidth(ESP_IF_WIFI_AP,req->cmd_set_softap_config->bw);
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to set MAC address");
+ free(wifi_config);
return ESP_FAIL;
ret = esp_wifi_set_config(ESP_IF_WIFI_AP, wifi_config);
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to set AP config");
+ free(wifi_config);
return ESP_FAIL;
ret = esp_wifi_start();
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to start WiFi");
+ free(wifi_config);
return ESP_FAIL;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"ssid %d %s pwd %d %s authmode %d ssid_hidden %d max_conn %d channel %d",ssid_length, wifi_config->ap.ssid, pwd_length, wifi_config->ap.password, wifi_config->ap.authmode,wifi_config->ap.ssid_hidden,wifi_config->ap.max_connection,wifi_config->ap.channel);
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"ssid %s pwd %s authmode %d ssid_hidden %d max_conn %d channel %d", wifi_config->ap.ssid, wifi_config->ap.password, wifi_config->ap.authmode,wifi_config->ap.ssid_hidden,wifi_config->ap.max_connection,wifi_config->ap.channel);
RespConfig *resp_payload = (RespConfig *)calloc(1,sizeof(RespConfig));
if (resp_payload == NULL) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to allocate memory");
+ free(wifi_config);
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
resp_config__init (resp_payload);
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"resp_payload address %p and status also %p", resp_payload, resp_payload->status);
resp_payload->status = SUCCESS;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"response success string %s",resp_payload->status);
resp->resp_set_softap_config = resp_payload;
ESP_LOGI(TAG,"ESp32 SoftAP is avaliable ");
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed To allocate memory");
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"address of results %p",results);
resp_payload->entries = results;
for (int i = 0; i < credentials.count; i++ ) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG,"SSID \t\t%s", ap_info[i].ssid);
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to allocate memory for scan result entry SSID");
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"ssid scan %s %d", results[i]->ssid.data,results[i]->ssid.len );
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"ssid %s ssid lenghth %d", results[i]->ssid.data,results[i]->ssid.len );
results[i]->has_chnl = 1;
credentials.chnl = ap_info[i].primary;
results[i]->chnl = credentials.chnl;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"chnl scan %d %d",results[i]->chnl,resp_payload->entries[i]->chnl );
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"chnl %d ",results[i]->chnl);
results[i]->has_rssi = 1;
credentials.rssi = ap_info[i].rssi;
results[i]->rssi = credentials.rssi;
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"chnl scan %d",resp_payload->entries[i]->rssi );
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"rssi %d",results[i]->rssi );
results[i]->has_bssid = 1;
sprintf((char *)credentials.bssid,MACSTR,MAC2STR(ap_info[i].bssid));
results[i]->bssid.len = strnlen((char *)credentials.bssid,19);
case (SLAVE_CONFIG_MSG_TYPE__TypeRespSetAPConfig ) : {
if (resp->resp_set_ap_config) {
- ESP_LOGI(TAG,"resp set ap config");
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG,"resp set ap config freed");
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright 2018 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <esp_err.h>
+esp_err_t data_transfer_handler(uint32_t session_id,const uint8_t *inbuf, ssize_t inlen,uint8_t **outbuf, ssize_t *outlen, void *priv_data);