+def pkg_timeline(data, output):
+ start = 0
+ end = 0
+ # Find the first timestamp and the last timestamp
+ for p in data:
+ for k, v in p.steps_start.items():
+ if start == 0 or v < start:
+ start = v
+ if end < v:
+ end = v
+ # Readjust all timestamps so that 0 is the start of the build
+ # instead of being Epoch
+ for p in data:
+ for k, v in p.steps_start.items():
+ p.steps_start[k] = v - start
+ for k, v in p.steps_end.items():
+ p.steps_end[k] = v - start
+ plt.figure()
+ i = 0
+ labels_names = []
+ labels_coords = []
+ # put last packages that started to configure last; this does not
+ # give the proper dependency chain, but still provides a good-enough
+ # cascade graph.
+ for p in sorted(data, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.steps_start['configure']):
+ durations = []
+ facecolors = []
+ for step in steps:
+ if step not in p.steps_start or step not in p.steps_end:
+ continue
+ durations.append((p.steps_start[step],
+ p.steps_end[step] - p.steps_start[step]))
+ facecolors.append(colors[steps.index(step)])
+ plt.broken_barh(durations, (i, 6), facecolors=facecolors)
+ labels_coords.append(i + 3)
+ labels_names.append(
+ i += 10
+ axes = plt.gcf().gca()
+ axes.set_ylim(0, i + 10)
+ axes.set_xlim(0, end - start)
+ axes.set_xlabel('seconds since start')
+ axes.set_yticks(labels_coords)
+ axes.set_yticklabels(labels_names)
+ axes.set_axisbelow(True)
+ axes.grid(True, linewidth=0.2, zorder=-1)
+ plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.2)
+ plt.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', labelsize=6)
+ plt.title('Timeline')
+ plt.savefig(output, dpi=300)
# Parses the csv file passed on standard input and returns a list of
# Package objects, filed with the duration of each step and the total
# duration of the package.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Draw build time graphs')
parser.add_argument("--type", '-t', metavar="GRAPH_TYPE",
- help="Type of graph (histogram, pie-packages, pie-steps)")
+ help="Type of graph (histogram, pie-packages, pie-steps, timeline)")
parser.add_argument("--order", '-O', metavar="GRAPH_ORDER",
help="Ordering of packages: build or duration (for histogram only)")
parser.add_argument("--alternate-colors", '-c', action="store_true",
pkg_pie_time_per_package(d, args.output)
elif args.type == "pie-steps":
pkg_pie_time_per_step(d, args.output)
+elif args.type == "timeline":
+ pkg_timeline(d, args.output)
sys.stderr.write("Unknown type: %s\n" % args.type)