]> Git Repo - binutils.git/commitdiff
PR c++/16597
authorKeith Seitz <[email protected]>
Wed, 16 Apr 2014 21:12:22 +0000 (14:12 -0700)
committerKeith Seitz <[email protected]>
Wed, 16 Apr 2014 21:12:22 +0000 (14:12 -0700)
If lookup_symbol_file tries to locate a member variable with NULL name:

      /* A simple lookup failed.  Check if the symbol was defined in
         a base class.  */

      cleanup = make_cleanup (null_cleanup, NULL);

      /* Find the name of the class and the name of the method,
         variable, etc.  */
      prefix_len = cp_entire_prefix_len (name);

      /* If no prefix was found, search "this".  */
      if (prefix_len == 0)
          struct type *type;
          struct symbol *this;

         this = lookup_language_this (language_def (language_cplus), block);
          if (this == NULL)
              do_cleanups (cleanup);
              return NULL;

          type = check_typedef (TYPE_TARGET_TYPE (SYMBOL_TYPE (this)));
          klass = xstrdup (TYPE_NAME (type));
          nested = xstrdup (name);

TYPE_NAME (type) is NULL, so xstrdup (NULL) and boom!

This can happen, e.g., with clang++.  See testsuite/gdb.cp/namelessclass.exp
or the bugzilla report.

This patch simply adds a fencepost against this case, allowing the caller
of lookup_symbol_file to search other blocks for the right symbol.

gdb/testsuite/gdb.cp/namelessclass.S [new file with mode: 0644]
gdb/testsuite/gdb.cp/namelessclass.cc [new file with mode: 0644]
gdb/testsuite/gdb.cp/namelessclass.exp [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.cp/namelessclass.S b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.cp/namelessclass.S
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..dd9f9ca
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,890 @@
+/* This testcase is part of GDB, the GNU debugger.
+   Copyright 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+/* This file was generated using:
+   $ clang++ -g namelessclass.cc -std=c++11 -S -o namelessclass.S
+  with
+  $ clang++ -v
+  clang version 3.3 (tags/RELEASE_33/final)
+  Target: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu
+  Thread model: posix
+  This is a test for c++/16597.  */
+       .file   "namelessclass.cc"
+       .section        .debug_info,"",@progbits
+       .section        .debug_abbrev,"",@progbits
+       .section        .debug_aranges,"",@progbits
+       .section        .debug_macinfo,"",@progbits
+       .section        .debug_line,"",@progbits
+       .section        .debug_loc,"",@progbits
+       .section        .debug_pubtypes,"",@progbits
+       .section        .debug_str,"MS",@progbits,1
+       .section        .debug_ranges,"",@progbits
+       .section        .debug_loc,"",@progbits
+       .text
+       .data
+       .file   1 "namelessclass.cc"
+       .text
+       .globl  main
+       .align  16, 0x90
+       .type   main,@function
+main:                                   # @main
+       .cfi_startproc
+       .loc    1 42 0                  # namelessclass.cc:42:0
+# BB#0:
+       pushq   %rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+       .cfi_offset %rbp, -16
+       movq    %rsp, %rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
+       subq    $16, %rsp
+       leaq    -8(%rbp), %rdi
+       movl    $0, -4(%rbp)
+       #DEBUG_VALUE: main:a <- RDI+0
+       .loc    1 43 0 prologue_end     # namelessclass.cc:43:0
+       callq   _ZN1AC1Ev
+       leaq    -8(%rbp), %rdi
+       .loc    1 45 0                  # namelessclass.cc:45:0
+       callq   _ZN1A4doitEv
+       addq    $16, %rsp
+       popq    %rbp
+       ret
+       .size   main, .Ltmp8-main
+       .cfi_endproc
+       .section        .text._ZN1AC1Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN1AC1Ev,comdat
+       .weak   _ZN1AC1Ev
+       .align  16, 0x90
+       .type   _ZN1AC1Ev,@function
+_ZN1AC1Ev:                              # @_ZN1AC1Ev
+       .cfi_startproc
+       .loc    1 25 0                  # namelessclass.cc:25:0
+# BB#0:
+       pushq   %rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+       .cfi_offset %rbp, -16
+       movq    %rsp, %rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
+       subq    $16, %rsp
+       movq    %rdi, -8(%rbp)
+       movq    -8(%rbp), %rdi
+       .loc    1 25 0 prologue_end     # namelessclass.cc:25:0
+       callq   _ZN1AC2Ev
+       addq    $16, %rsp
+       popq    %rbp
+       ret
+       .size   _ZN1AC1Ev, .Ltmp16-_ZN1AC1Ev
+       .cfi_endproc
+       .section        .text._ZN1A4doitEv,"axG",@progbits,_ZN1A4doitEv,comdat
+       .weak   _ZN1A4doitEv
+       .align  16, 0x90
+       .type   _ZN1A4doitEv,@function
+_ZN1A4doitEv:                           # @_ZN1A4doitEv
+       .cfi_startproc
+       .loc    1 26 0                  # namelessclass.cc:26:0
+# BB#0:
+       pushq   %rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+       .cfi_offset %rbp, -16
+       movq    %rsp, %rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
+       subq    $32, %rsp
+       movq    %rdi, -8(%rbp)
+       movq    -8(%rbp), %rdi
+       .loc    1 27 0 prologue_end     # namelessclass.cc:27:0
+       movq    %rdi, -24(%rbp)
+       movq    -24(%rbp), %rsi
+       callq   _ZN1A5fudgeIZNS_4doitEvEUlvE_EEiT_
+       movl    %eax, -12(%rbp)
+       .loc    1 31 0                  # namelessclass.cc:31:0
+       movl    -12(%rbp), %eax
+       addq    $32, %rsp
+       popq    %rbp
+       ret
+       .size   _ZN1A4doitEv, .Ltmp24-_ZN1A4doitEv
+       .cfi_endproc
+       .section        .text._ZN1A5fudgeIZNS_4doitEvEUlvE_EEiT_,"axG",@progbits,_ZN1A5fudgeIZNS_4doitEvEUlvE_EEiT_,comdat
+       .weak   _ZN1A5fudgeIZNS_4doitEvEUlvE_EEiT_
+       .align  16, 0x90
+       .type   _ZN1A5fudgeIZNS_4doitEvEUlvE_EEiT_,@function
+_ZN1A5fudgeIZNS_4doitEvEUlvE_EEiT_:     # @_ZN1A5fudgeIZNS_4doitEvEUlvE_EEiT_
+       .cfi_startproc
+       .loc    1 36 0                  # namelessclass.cc:36:0
+# BB#0:
+       pushq   %rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+       .cfi_offset %rbp, -16
+       movq    %rsp, %rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
+       subq    $16, %rsp
+       leaq    -16(%rbp), %rax
+       movq    %rdi, -8(%rbp)
+       movq    %rsi, -16(%rbp)
+       #DEBUG_VALUE: fudge<<lambda at namelessclass.cc:27:22> >:func <- RAX+0
+       .loc    1 36 34 prologue_end    # namelessclass.cc:36:34
+       movq    %rax, %rdi
+       callq   _ZZN1A4doitEvENKUlvE_clEv
+       addq    $16, %rsp
+       popq    %rbp
+       ret
+       .size   _ZN1A5fudgeIZNS_4doitEvEUlvE_EEiT_, .Ltmp33-_ZN1A5fudgeIZNS_4doitEvEUlvE_EEiT_
+       .cfi_endproc
+       .section        .text._ZZN1A4doitEvENKUlvE_clEv,"axG",@progbits,_ZZN1A4doitEvENKUlvE_clEv,comdat
+       .weak   _ZZN1A4doitEvENKUlvE_clEv
+       .align  16, 0x90
+       .type   _ZZN1A4doitEvENKUlvE_clEv,@function
+_ZZN1A4doitEvENKUlvE_clEv:              # @_ZZN1A4doitEvENKUlvE_clEv
+       .cfi_startproc
+       .loc    1 27 0                  # namelessclass.cc:27:0
+# BB#0:
+       pushq   %rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+       .cfi_offset %rbp, -16
+       movq    %rsp, %rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
+       movq    %rdi, -8(%rbp)
+       movq    -8(%rbp), %rdi
+       movq    (%rdi), %rdi
+       .loc    1 28 0 prologue_end     # namelessclass.cc:28:0
+       movl    (%rdi), %eax
+       popq    %rbp
+       ret
+       .size   _ZZN1A4doitEvENKUlvE_clEv, .Ltmp41-_ZZN1A4doitEvENKUlvE_clEv
+       .cfi_endproc
+       .section        .text._ZN1AC2Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN1AC2Ev,comdat
+       .weak   _ZN1AC2Ev
+       .align  16, 0x90
+       .type   _ZN1AC2Ev,@function
+_ZN1AC2Ev:                              # @_ZN1AC2Ev
+       .cfi_startproc
+       .loc    1 25 0                  # namelessclass.cc:25:0
+# BB#0:
+       pushq   %rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+       .cfi_offset %rbp, -16
+       movq    %rsp, %rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
+       movq    %rdi, -8(%rbp)
+       movq    -8(%rbp), %rdi
+       .loc    1 25 0 prologue_end     # namelessclass.cc:25:0
+       movl    $48879, (%rdi)          # imm = 0xBEEF
+       popq    %rbp
+       ret
+       .size   _ZN1AC2Ev, .Ltmp49-_ZN1AC2Ev
+       .cfi_endproc
+       .text
+       .data
+       .text
+       .section        .debug_info,"",@progbits
+       .long   531                     # Length of Compilation Unit Info
+       .short  2                       # DWARF version number
+       .long   .L.debug_abbrev_begin   # Offset Into Abbrev. Section
+       .byte   8                       # Address Size (in bytes)
+       .byte   1                       # Abbrev [1] 0xb:0x20c DW_TAG_compile_unit
+       .long   .Linfo_string0          # DW_AT_producer
+       .short  4                       # DW_AT_language
+       .long   .Linfo_string1          # DW_AT_name
+       .quad   0                       # DW_AT_low_pc
+       .long   .Lsection_line          # DW_AT_stmt_list
+       .long   .Linfo_string2          # DW_AT_comp_dir
+       .byte   2                       # Abbrev [2] 0x26:0x2c DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .long   .Linfo_string3          # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   41                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .long   82                      # DW_AT_type
+                                        # DW_AT_external
+       .quad   .Lfunc_begin0           # DW_AT_low_pc
+       .quad   .Lfunc_end0             # DW_AT_high_pc
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_frame_base
+       .byte   86
+       .byte   3                       # Abbrev [3] 0x43:0xe DW_TAG_variable
+       .long   .Linfo_string15         # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   43                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .long   186                     # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   2                       # DW_AT_location
+       .byte   145
+       .byte   120
+       .byte   0                       # End Of Children Mark
+       .byte   4                       # Abbrev [4] 0x52:0x7 DW_TAG_base_type
+       .long   .Linfo_string4          # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   5                       # DW_AT_encoding
+       .byte   4                       # DW_AT_byte_size
+       .byte   5                       # Abbrev [5] 0x59:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type
+       .long   186                     # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   5                       # Abbrev [5] 0x5e:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type
+       .long   186                     # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   6                       # Abbrev [6] 0x63:0x5 DW_TAG_const_type
+       .long   119                     # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   5                       # Abbrev [5] 0x68:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type
+       .long   99                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   5                       # Abbrev [5] 0x6d:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type
+       .long   119                     # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   7                       # Abbrev [7] 0x72:0x5 DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type
+       .long   119                     # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   8                       # Abbrev [8] 0x77:0x43 DW_TAG_class_type
+       .byte   8                       # DW_AT_byte_size
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   27                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .byte   9                       # Abbrev [9] 0x7b:0xf DW_TAG_member
+       .long   .Linfo_string7          # DW_AT_name
+       .long   94                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   27                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .byte   2                       # DW_AT_data_member_location
+       .byte   35
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   3                       # DW_AT_accessibility
+                                        # DW_ACCESS_private
+       .byte   10                      # Abbrev [10] 0x8a:0x12 DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .long   .Linfo_string8          # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   27                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .long   82                      # DW_AT_type
+                                        # DW_AT_declaration
+                                        # DW_AT_external
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_accessibility
+                                        # DW_ACCESS_public
+       .byte   11                      # Abbrev [11] 0x96:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .long   104                     # DW_AT_type
+                                        # DW_AT_artificial
+       .byte   0                       # End Of Children Mark
+       .byte   12                      # Abbrev [12] 0x9c:0xe DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .long   .Linfo_string9          # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   27                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+                                        # DW_AT_declaration
+                                        # DW_AT_artificial
+                                        # DW_AT_external
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_accessibility
+                                        # DW_ACCESS_public
+       .byte   11                      # Abbrev [11] 0xa4:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .long   109                     # DW_AT_type
+                                        # DW_AT_artificial
+       .byte   0                       # End Of Children Mark
+       .byte   13                      # Abbrev [13] 0xaa:0xf DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   27                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+                                        # DW_AT_declaration
+                                        # DW_AT_artificial
+                                        # DW_AT_external
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_accessibility
+                                        # DW_ACCESS_public
+       .byte   11                      # Abbrev [11] 0xae:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .long   109                     # DW_AT_type
+                                        # DW_AT_artificial
+       .byte   14                      # Abbrev [14] 0xb3:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .long   114                     # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   0                       # End Of Children Mark
+       .byte   0                       # End Of Children Mark
+       .byte   15                      # Abbrev [15] 0xba:0x60 DW_TAG_class_type
+       .long   .Linfo_string6          # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   4                       # DW_AT_byte_size
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   22                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .byte   9                       # Abbrev [9] 0xc2:0xf DW_TAG_member
+       .long   .Linfo_string5          # DW_AT_name
+       .long   82                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   37                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .byte   2                       # DW_AT_data_member_location
+       .byte   35
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   3                       # DW_AT_accessibility
+                                        # DW_ACCESS_private
+       .byte   16                      # Abbrev [16] 0xd1:0xe DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .long   .Linfo_string6          # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   25                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+                                        # DW_AT_declaration
+                                        # DW_AT_external
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_accessibility
+                                        # DW_ACCESS_public
+       .byte   11                      # Abbrev [11] 0xd9:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .long   89                      # DW_AT_type
+                                        # DW_AT_artificial
+       .byte   0                       # End Of Children Mark
+       .byte   17                      # Abbrev [17] 0xdf:0x16 DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_accessibility
+                                        # DW_ACCESS_public
+       .long   .Linfo_string13         # DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name
+       .long   .Linfo_string14         # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   26                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .long   82                      # DW_AT_type
+                                        # DW_AT_declaration
+                                        # DW_AT_external
+       .byte   11                      # Abbrev [11] 0xef:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .long   89                      # DW_AT_type
+                                        # DW_AT_artificial
+       .byte   0                       # End Of Children Mark
+       .byte   18                      # Abbrev [18] 0xf5:0x24 DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .long   .Linfo_string11         # DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name
+       .long   .Linfo_string12         # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   36                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .long   82                      # DW_AT_type
+                                        # DW_AT_declaration
+                                        # DW_AT_external
+       .byte   3                       # DW_AT_accessibility
+                                        # DW_ACCESS_private
+       .byte   19                      # Abbrev [19] 0x105:0x9 DW_TAG_template_type_parameter
+       .long   119                     # DW_AT_type
+       .long   .Linfo_string10         # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   11                      # Abbrev [11] 0x10e:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .long   89                      # DW_AT_type
+                                        # DW_AT_artificial
+       .byte   14                      # Abbrev [14] 0x113:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .long   119                     # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   0                       # End Of Children Mark
+       .byte   0                       # End Of Children Mark
+       .byte   20                      # Abbrev [20] 0x11a:0x62 DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .long   223                     # DW_AT_specification
+       .quad   .Lfunc_begin2           # DW_AT_low_pc
+       .quad   .Lfunc_end2             # DW_AT_high_pc
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_frame_base
+       .byte   86
+       .long   351                     # DW_AT_object_pointer
+       .byte   20                      # Abbrev [20] 0x135:0x2a DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .long   138                     # DW_AT_specification
+       .quad   .Lfunc_begin4           # DW_AT_low_pc
+       .quad   .Lfunc_end4             # DW_AT_high_pc
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_frame_base
+       .byte   86
+       .long   336                     # DW_AT_object_pointer
+       .byte   21                      # Abbrev [21] 0x150:0xe DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .long   .Linfo_string7          # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   27                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .long   529                     # DW_AT_type
+                                        # DW_AT_artificial
+       .byte   2                       # DW_AT_location
+       .byte   145
+       .byte   120
+       .byte   0                       # End Of Children Mark
+       .byte   21                      # Abbrev [21] 0x15f:0xe DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .long   .Linfo_string7          # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   26                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .long   94                      # DW_AT_type
+                                        # DW_AT_artificial
+       .byte   2                       # DW_AT_location
+       .byte   145
+       .byte   120
+       .byte   3                       # Abbrev [3] 0x16d:0xe DW_TAG_variable
+       .long   .Linfo_string16         # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   27                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .long   82                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   2                       # DW_AT_location
+       .byte   145
+       .byte   116
+       .byte   0                       # End Of Children Mark
+       .byte   20                      # Abbrev [20] 0x17c:0x41 DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .long   245                     # DW_AT_specification
+       .quad   .Lfunc_begin3           # DW_AT_low_pc
+       .quad   .Lfunc_end3             # DW_AT_high_pc
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_frame_base
+       .byte   86
+       .long   416                     # DW_AT_object_pointer
+       .byte   19                      # Abbrev [19] 0x197:0x9 DW_TAG_template_type_parameter
+       .long   119                     # DW_AT_type
+       .long   .Linfo_string10         # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   21                      # Abbrev [21] 0x1a0:0xe DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .long   .Linfo_string7          # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   36                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .long   94                      # DW_AT_type
+                                        # DW_AT_artificial
+       .byte   2                       # DW_AT_location
+       .byte   145
+       .byte   120
+       .byte   22                      # Abbrev [22] 0x1ae:0xe DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .long   .Linfo_string17         # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   36                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .long   119                     # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   2                       # DW_AT_location
+       .byte   145
+       .byte   112
+       .byte   0                       # End Of Children Mark
+       .byte   20                      # Abbrev [20] 0x1bd:0x2a DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .long   209                     # DW_AT_specification
+       .quad   .Lfunc_begin1           # DW_AT_low_pc
+       .quad   .Lfunc_end1             # DW_AT_high_pc
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_frame_base
+       .byte   86
+       .long   472                     # DW_AT_object_pointer
+       .byte   21                      # Abbrev [21] 0x1d8:0xe DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .long   .Linfo_string7          # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   25                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .long   94                      # DW_AT_type
+                                        # DW_AT_artificial
+       .byte   2                       # DW_AT_location
+       .byte   145
+       .byte   120
+       .byte   0                       # End Of Children Mark
+       .byte   20                      # Abbrev [20] 0x1e7:0x2a DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .long   209                     # DW_AT_specification
+       .quad   .Lfunc_begin5           # DW_AT_low_pc
+       .quad   .Lfunc_end5             # DW_AT_high_pc
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_frame_base
+       .byte   86
+       .long   514                     # DW_AT_object_pointer
+       .byte   21                      # Abbrev [21] 0x202:0xe DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .long   .Linfo_string7          # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   1                       # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   25                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .long   94                      # DW_AT_type
+                                        # DW_AT_artificial
+       .byte   2                       # DW_AT_location
+       .byte   145
+       .byte   120
+       .byte   0                       # End Of Children Mark
+       .byte   5                       # Abbrev [5] 0x211:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type
+       .long   99                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   0                       # End Of Children Mark
+       .section        .debug_abbrev,"",@progbits
+       .byte   1                       # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   17                      # DW_TAG_compile_unit
+       .byte   1                       # DW_CHILDREN_yes
+       .byte   37                      # DW_AT_producer
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   19                      # DW_AT_language
+       .byte   5                       # DW_FORM_data2
+       .byte   3                       # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   17                      # DW_AT_low_pc
+       .byte   1                       # DW_FORM_addr
+       .byte   16                      # DW_AT_stmt_list
+       .byte   6                       # DW_FORM_data4
+       .byte   27                      # DW_AT_comp_dir
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   2                       # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   46                      # DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .byte   1                       # DW_CHILDREN_yes
+       .byte   3                       # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   58                      # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   59                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   73                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   19                      # DW_FORM_ref4
+       .byte   63                      # DW_AT_external
+       .byte   25                      # DW_FORM_flag_present
+       .byte   17                      # DW_AT_low_pc
+       .byte   1                       # DW_FORM_addr
+       .byte   18                      # DW_AT_high_pc
+       .byte   1                       # DW_FORM_addr
+       .byte   64                      # DW_AT_frame_base
+       .byte   10                      # DW_FORM_block1
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   3                       # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   52                      # DW_TAG_variable
+       .byte   0                       # DW_CHILDREN_no
+       .byte   3                       # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   58                      # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   59                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   73                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   19                      # DW_FORM_ref4
+       .byte   2                       # DW_AT_location
+       .byte   10                      # DW_FORM_block1
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   4                       # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   36                      # DW_TAG_base_type
+       .byte   0                       # DW_CHILDREN_no
+       .byte   3                       # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   62                      # DW_AT_encoding
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   11                      # DW_AT_byte_size
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   5                       # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   15                      # DW_TAG_pointer_type
+       .byte   0                       # DW_CHILDREN_no
+       .byte   73                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   19                      # DW_FORM_ref4
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   6                       # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   38                      # DW_TAG_const_type
+       .byte   0                       # DW_CHILDREN_no
+       .byte   73                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   19                      # DW_FORM_ref4
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   7                       # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   66                      # DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type
+       .byte   0                       # DW_CHILDREN_no
+       .byte   73                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   19                      # DW_FORM_ref4
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   8                       # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   2                       # DW_TAG_class_type
+       .byte   1                       # DW_CHILDREN_yes
+       .byte   11                      # DW_AT_byte_size
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   58                      # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   59                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   9                       # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   13                      # DW_TAG_member
+       .byte   0                       # DW_CHILDREN_no
+       .byte   3                       # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   73                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   19                      # DW_FORM_ref4
+       .byte   58                      # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   59                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   56                      # DW_AT_data_member_location
+       .byte   10                      # DW_FORM_block1
+       .byte   50                      # DW_AT_accessibility
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   10                      # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   46                      # DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .byte   1                       # DW_CHILDREN_yes
+       .byte   3                       # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   58                      # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   59                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   73                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   19                      # DW_FORM_ref4
+       .byte   60                      # DW_AT_declaration
+       .byte   25                      # DW_FORM_flag_present
+       .byte   63                      # DW_AT_external
+       .byte   25                      # DW_FORM_flag_present
+       .byte   50                      # DW_AT_accessibility
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   11                      # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   5                       # DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .byte   0                       # DW_CHILDREN_no
+       .byte   73                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   19                      # DW_FORM_ref4
+       .byte   52                      # DW_AT_artificial
+       .byte   25                      # DW_FORM_flag_present
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   12                      # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   46                      # DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .byte   1                       # DW_CHILDREN_yes
+       .byte   3                       # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   58                      # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   59                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   60                      # DW_AT_declaration
+       .byte   25                      # DW_FORM_flag_present
+       .byte   52                      # DW_AT_artificial
+       .byte   25                      # DW_FORM_flag_present
+       .byte   63                      # DW_AT_external
+       .byte   25                      # DW_FORM_flag_present
+       .byte   50                      # DW_AT_accessibility
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   13                      # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   46                      # DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .byte   1                       # DW_CHILDREN_yes
+       .byte   58                      # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   59                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   60                      # DW_AT_declaration
+       .byte   25                      # DW_FORM_flag_present
+       .byte   52                      # DW_AT_artificial
+       .byte   25                      # DW_FORM_flag_present
+       .byte   63                      # DW_AT_external
+       .byte   25                      # DW_FORM_flag_present
+       .byte   50                      # DW_AT_accessibility
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   14                      # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   5                       # DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .byte   0                       # DW_CHILDREN_no
+       .byte   73                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   19                      # DW_FORM_ref4
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   15                      # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   2                       # DW_TAG_class_type
+       .byte   1                       # DW_CHILDREN_yes
+       .byte   3                       # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   11                      # DW_AT_byte_size
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   58                      # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   59                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   16                      # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   46                      # DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .byte   1                       # DW_CHILDREN_yes
+       .byte   3                       # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   58                      # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   59                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   60                      # DW_AT_declaration
+       .byte   25                      # DW_FORM_flag_present
+       .byte   63                      # DW_AT_external
+       .byte   25                      # DW_FORM_flag_present
+       .byte   50                      # DW_AT_accessibility
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   17                      # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   46                      # DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .byte   1                       # DW_CHILDREN_yes
+       .byte   50                      # DW_AT_accessibility
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .ascii   "\207@"                # DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   3                       # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   58                      # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   59                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   73                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   19                      # DW_FORM_ref4
+       .byte   60                      # DW_AT_declaration
+       .byte   25                      # DW_FORM_flag_present
+       .byte   63                      # DW_AT_external
+       .byte   25                      # DW_FORM_flag_present
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   18                      # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   46                      # DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .byte   1                       # DW_CHILDREN_yes
+       .ascii   "\207@"                # DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   3                       # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   58                      # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   59                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   73                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   19                      # DW_FORM_ref4
+       .byte   60                      # DW_AT_declaration
+       .byte   25                      # DW_FORM_flag_present
+       .byte   63                      # DW_AT_external
+       .byte   25                      # DW_FORM_flag_present
+       .byte   50                      # DW_AT_accessibility
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   19                      # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   47                      # DW_TAG_template_type_parameter
+       .byte   0                       # DW_CHILDREN_no
+       .byte   73                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   19                      # DW_FORM_ref4
+       .byte   3                       # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   20                      # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   46                      # DW_TAG_subprogram
+       .byte   1                       # DW_CHILDREN_yes
+       .byte   71                      # DW_AT_specification
+       .byte   19                      # DW_FORM_ref4
+       .byte   17                      # DW_AT_low_pc
+       .byte   1                       # DW_FORM_addr
+       .byte   18                      # DW_AT_high_pc
+       .byte   1                       # DW_FORM_addr
+       .byte   64                      # DW_AT_frame_base
+       .byte   10                      # DW_FORM_block1
+       .byte   100                     # DW_AT_object_pointer
+       .byte   19                      # DW_FORM_ref4
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   21                      # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   5                       # DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .byte   0                       # DW_CHILDREN_no
+       .byte   3                       # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   58                      # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   59                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   73                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   19                      # DW_FORM_ref4
+       .byte   52                      # DW_AT_artificial
+       .byte   25                      # DW_FORM_flag_present
+       .byte   2                       # DW_AT_location
+       .byte   10                      # DW_FORM_block1
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   22                      # Abbreviation Code
+       .byte   5                       # DW_TAG_formal_parameter
+       .byte   0                       # DW_CHILDREN_no
+       .byte   3                       # DW_AT_name
+       .byte   14                      # DW_FORM_strp
+       .byte   58                      # DW_AT_decl_file
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   59                      # DW_AT_decl_line
+       .byte   11                      # DW_FORM_data1
+       .byte   73                      # DW_AT_type
+       .byte   19                      # DW_FORM_ref4
+       .byte   2                       # DW_AT_location
+       .byte   10                      # DW_FORM_block1
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(1)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(2)
+       .byte   0                       # EOM(3)
+       .section        .debug_aranges,"",@progbits
+       .section        .debug_ranges,"",@progbits
+       .section        .debug_macinfo,"",@progbits
+       .section        .debug_str,"MS",@progbits,1
+       .asciz   "clang version 3.3 (tags/RELEASE_33/final)"
+       .asciz   "namelessclass.cc"
+       .asciz   "/tmp"
+       .asciz   "main"
+       .asciz   "int"
+       .asciz   "a_"
+       .asciz   "A"
+       .asciz   "this"
+       .asciz   "operator()"
+       .asciz   "~"
+       .asciz   "Func"
+       .asciz   "_ZN1A5fudgeIZNS_4doitEvEUlvE_EEiT_"
+       .asciz   "fudge<<lambda at namelessclass.cc:27:22> >"
+       .asciz   "_ZN1A4doitEv"
+       .asciz   "doit"
+       .asciz   "a"
+       .asciz   "ret"
+       .asciz   "func"
+       .section        ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits
diff --git a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.cp/namelessclass.cc b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.cp/namelessclass.cc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7ec754d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* This testcase is part of GDB, the GNU debugger.
+   Copyright 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+/* This is the original source for namelessclass.S.  This file is never
+   compiled by the test suite, since the assembler output of clang++,
+   namelessclass.S, is used instead.  */
+class A
+  A () : a_ (0xbeef) {}
+  int doit (void) {
+    int ret = fudge ([this] () {
+       return a_; // set breakpoint here
+      });
+    return ret;
+  }
+  template <typename Func>
+  int fudge (Func func) { return func (); }
+  int a_;
+main (void)
+  A a;
+  return a.doit ();
diff --git a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.cp/namelessclass.exp b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.cp/namelessclass.exp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4ea24c5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Test nameless, artificial classes that may be output by the compiler.
+# PR c++/16597
+load_lib dwarf.exp
+# Do not run in environments which do not support C++.
+if {[skip_cplus_tests]} {
+    continue
+# This test can only be run on x86-like targets which support DWARF.
+if {![dwarf2_support]} {
+    return 0
+if {![istarget "x86_64-*-*"] || ![is_lp64_target]} {
+    return 0
+standard_testfile .S
+set csrcfile "${testfile}.cc"
+if {[prepare_for_testing $testfile.exp $testfile $srcfile {nodebug}]} {
+    return -1
+if {![runto_main]} {
+    return -1
+# Set a breakpoint in the lambda in A::doit ().  */
+set line [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint here" $csrcfile]
+gdb_breakpoint $line
+gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "continue to breakpoint at line $line"
+# Any output is accepted as valid as long as gdb does not segfault.
+gdb_test "print a_" ".*"
This page took 0.057308 seconds and 4 git commands to generate.