strip_executable_with_saving_a_symbol "$STRIP" "-K main -K _main $STRIPFLAGS" "$test4"
+# ia64 specific tests
+if { ([istarget "ia64-*-elf*"]
+ || [istarget "ia64-*-linux*"]) } {
+ if {![binutils_assemble $srcdir/$subdir/link-order.s tmpdir/bintest.o]} then {
+ perror "unresolved ia64 link order."
+ unresolved "objcopy (ia64 link order)"
+ } else {
+ # Test that objcopy does not modify a file with link order bit
+ # when copying it.
+ set got [binutils_run $OBJCOPY "$OBJCOPYFLAGS $tempfile ${copyfile}.o"]
+ if ![string match "" $got] then {
+ fail "objcopy (ia64 link order)"
+ } else {
+ send_log "cmp $tempfile ${copyfile}.o\n"
+ verbose "cmp $tempfile ${copyfile}.o"
+ if [is_remote host] {
+ set src1 tmpdir/bintest.o
+ set src2 tmpdir/copy.o
+ remote_upload host $tempfile $src1
+ remote_upload host ${copyfile}.o $src2
+ } else {
+ set src1 ${tempfile}
+ set src2 ${copyfile}.o
+ }
+ set status [remote_exec build cmp "${src1} ${src2}"]
+ set exec_output [lindex $status 1]
+ set exec_output [prune_warnings $exec_output]
+ if [string match "" $exec_output] then {
+ pass "objcopy (ia64 link order)"
+ } else {
+ fail "objcopy (ia64 link order)"
+ }
+ }
+ }