// Enable this test to generate and print 48 testnet 2-of-3 multisig addresses.
// The output can be copied into chainparams.cpp.
+// The temporary wallet file can be renamed as wallet.dat and used for testing with zcashd.
#if 0
TEST(founders_reward_test, create_testnet_2of3multisig) {
boost::filesystem::path temp = boost::filesystem::temp_directory_path() / boost::filesystem::unique_path();
- const std::string path = temp.native();
+ const std::string path = temp.native() + "-wallet.dat";
bool fFirstRun;
auto pWallet = std::make_shared<CWallet>(path);
ASSERT_EQ(DB_LOAD_OK, pWallet->LoadWallet(fFirstRun));
+ std::cout << "Test wallet file path: " << path << std::endl;
int numKeys = 48;
std::vector<CPubKey> pubkeys;
s += " };";
std::cout << s << std::endl;
+ pWallet->Flush(true);