--- /dev/null
+Compilation Copyright (c) 1995-2009 by Wei Dai. All rights reserved.
+This copyright applies only to this software distribution package
+as a compilation, and does not imply a copyright on any particular
+file in the package.
+The following files are copyrighted by their respective original authors,
+and their use is subject to additional licenses included in these files.
+mars.cpp - Copyright 1998 Brian Gladman.
+All other files in this compilation are placed in the public domain by
+Wei Dai and other contributors.
+I would like to thank the following authors for placing their works into
+the public domain:
+Joan Daemen - 3way.cpp
+Leonard Janke - cast.cpp, seal.cpp
+Steve Reid - cast.cpp
+Phil Karn - des.cpp
+Andrew M. Kuchling - md2.cpp, md4.cpp
+Colin Plumb - md5.cpp
+Seal Woods - rc6.cpp
+Chris Morgan - rijndael.cpp
+Paulo Baretto - rijndael.cpp, skipjack.cpp, square.cpp
+Richard De Moliner - safer.cpp
+Matthew Skala - twofish.cpp
+Kevin Springle - camellia.cpp, shacal2.cpp, ttmac.cpp, whrlpool.cpp, ripemd.cpp
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this compilation for
+any purpose, including commercial applications, is hereby granted
+without fee, subject to the following restrictions:
+1. Any copy or modification of this compilation in any form, except
+in object code form as part of an application software, must include
+the above copyright notice and this license.
+2. Users of this software agree that any modification or extension
+they provide to Wei Dai will be considered public domain and not
+copyrighted unless it includes an explicit copyright notice.
+3. Wei Dai makes no warranty or representation that the operation of the
+software in this compilation will be error-free, and Wei Dai is under no
+obligation to provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or
+4. Users will not use Wei Dai or any other contributor's name in any
+publicity or advertising, without prior written consent in each case.
+5. Export of this software from the United States may require a
+specific license from the United States Government. It is the
+responsibility of any person or organization contemplating export
+to obtain such a license before exporting.
+6. Certain parts of this software may be protected by patents. It
+is the users' responsibility to obtain the appropriate
+licenses before using those parts.
+If this compilation is used in object code form in an application
+software, acknowledgement of the author is not required but would be
+appreciated. The contribution of any useful modifications or extensions
+to Wei Dai is not required but would also be appreciated.
--- /dev/null
+Crypto++: a C++ Class Library of Cryptographic Schemes
+Version 5.6.0 (3/15/2009)
+Crypto++ Library is a free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes.
+Currently the library contains the following algorithms:
+ algorithm type name
+ authenticated encryption schemes GCM, CCM, EAX
+ high speed stream ciphers Panama, Sosemanuk, Salsa20, XSalsa20
+ AES and AES candidates AES (Rijndael), RC6, MARS, Twofish, Serpent,
+ CAST-256
+ IDEA, Triple-DES (DES-EDE2 and DES-EDE3),
+ other block ciphers Camellia, SEED, RC5, Blowfish, TEA, XTEA,
+ Skipjack, SHACAL-2
+ block cipher modes of operation ECB, CBC, CBC ciphertext stealing (CTS),
+ CFB, OFB, counter mode (CTR)
+ message authentication codes VMAC, HMAC, CMAC, CBC-MAC, DMAC,
+ Two-Track-MAC
+ SHA-1, SHA-2 (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and
+ hash functions SHA-512), Tiger, WHIRLPOOL, RIPEMD-128,
+ RIPEMD-256, RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-320
+ RSA, DSA, ElGamal, Nyberg-Rueppel (NR),
+ public-key cryptography Rabin, Rabin-Williams (RW), LUC, LUCELG,
+ DLIES (variants of DHAES), ESIGN
+ padding schemes for public-key PKCS#1 v2.0, OAEP, PSS, PSSR, IEEE P1363
+ systems EMSA2 and EMSA5
+ Diffie-Hellman (DH), Unified Diffie-Hellman
+ key agreement schemes (DH2), Menezes-Qu-Vanstone (MQV), LUCDIF,
+ elliptic curve cryptography ECDSA, ECNR, ECIES, ECDH, ECMQV
+ insecure or obsolescent MD2, MD4, MD5, Panama Hash, DES, ARC4, SEAL
+algorithms retained for backwards 3.0, WAKE, WAKE-OFB, DESX (DES-XEX3), RC2,
+ compatibility and historical SAFER, 3-WAY, GOST, SHARK, CAST-128, Square
+ value
+Other features include:
+ * pseudo random number generators (PRNG): ANSI X9.17 appendix C, RandomPool
+ * password based key derivation functions: PBKDF1 and PBKDF2 from PKCS #5,
+ PBKDF from PKCS #12 appendix B
+ * Shamir's secret sharing scheme and Rabin's information dispersal algorithm
+ (IDA)
+ * fast multi-precision integer (bignum) and polynomial operations
+ * finite field arithmetics, including GF(p) and GF(2^n)
+ * prime number generation and verification
+ * useful non-cryptographic algorithms
+ + DEFLATE (RFC 1951) compression/decompression with gzip (RFC 1952) and
+ zlib (RFC 1950) format support
+ + hex, base-32, and base-64 coding/decoding
+ + 32-bit CRC and Adler32 checksum
+ * class wrappers for these operating system features (optional):
+ + high resolution timers on Windows, Unix, and Mac OS
+ + Berkeley and Windows style sockets
+ + Windows named pipes
+ + /dev/random, /dev/urandom, /dev/srandom
+ + Microsoft's CryptGenRandom on Windows
+ * A high level interface for most of the above, using a filter/pipeline
+ metaphor
+ * benchmarks and validation testing
+ * x86, x86-64 (x64), MMX, and SSE2 assembly code for the most commonly used
+ algorithms, with run-time CPU feature detection and code selection
+ * some versions are available in FIPS 140-2 validated form
+You are welcome to use it for any purpose without paying me, but see
+License.txt for the fine print.
+The following compilers are supported for this release. Please visit
+http://www.cryptopp.com the most up to date build instructions and porting notes.
+ * MSVC 6.0 - 2008
+ * GCC 3.3 - 4.3
+ * C++Builder 2009
+ * Intel C++ Compiler 9 - 11
+ * Sun Studio 12 (CC 5.9)
+*** Important Usage Notes ***
+1. If a constructor for A takes a pointer to an object B (except primitive
+types such as int and char), then A owns B and will delete B at A's
+destruction. If a constructor for A takes a reference to an object B,
+then the caller retains ownership of B and should not destroy it until
+A no longer needs it.
+2. Crypto++ is thread safe at the class level. This means you can use
+Crypto++ safely in a multithreaded application, but you must provide
+synchronization when multiple threads access a common Crypto++ object.
+*** MSVC-Specific Information ***
+On Windows, Crypto++ can be compiled into 3 forms: a static library
+including all algorithms, a DLL with only FIPS Approved algorithms, and
+a static library with only algorithms not in the DLL.
+(FIPS Approved means Approved according to the FIPS 140-2 standard.)
+The DLL may be used by itself, or it may be used together with the second
+form of the static library. MSVC project files are included to build
+all three forms, and sample applications using each of the three forms
+are also included.
+To compile Crypto++ with MSVC, open the "cryptest.dsw" (for MSVC 6 and MSVC .NET
+2003) or "cryptest.sln" (for MSVC .NET 2005) workspace file and build one or
+more of the following projects:
+cryptdll - This builds the DLL. Please note that if you wish to use Crypto++
+ as a FIPS validated module, you must use a pre-built DLL that has undergone
+ the FIPS validation process instead of building your own.
+dlltest - This builds a sample application that only uses the DLL.
+cryptest Non-DLL-Import Configuration - This builds the full static library
+ along with a full test driver.
+cryptest DLL-Import Configuration - This builds a static library containing
+ only algorithms not in the DLL, along with a full test driver that uses
+ both the DLL and the static library.
+To use the Crypto++ DLL in your application, #include "dll.h" before including
+any other Crypto++ header files, and place the DLL in the same directory as
+your .exe file. dll.h includes the line #pragma comment(lib, "cryptopp")
+so you don't have to explicitly list the import library in your project
+settings. To use a static library form of Crypto++, specify it as
+an additional library to link with in your project settings.
+In either case you should check the compiler options to
+make sure that the library and your application are using the same C++
+run-time libraries and calling conventions.
+*** DLL Memory Management ***
+Because it's possible for the Crypto++ DLL to delete objects allocated
+by the calling application, they must use the same C++ memory heap. Three
+methods are provided to achieve this.
+1. The calling application can tell Crypto++ what heap to use. This method
+ is required when the calling application uses a non-standard heap.
+2. Crypto++ can tell the calling application what heap to use. This method
+ is required when the calling application uses a statically linked C++ Run
+ Time Library. (Method 1 does not work in this case because the Crypto++ DLL
+ is initialized before the calling application's heap is initialized.)
+3. Crypto++ can automatically use the heap provided by the calling application's
+ dynamically linked C++ Run Time Library. The calling application must
+ make sure that the dynamically linked C++ Run Time Library is initialized
+ before Crypto++ is loaded. (At this time it is not clear if it is possible
+ to control the order in which DLLs are initialized on Windows 9x machines,
+ so it might be best to avoid using this method.)
+When Crypto++ attaches to a new process, it searches all modules loaded
+into the process space for exported functions "GetNewAndDeleteForCryptoPP"
+and "SetNewAndDeleteFromCryptoPP". If one of these functions is found,
+Crypto++ uses methods 1 or 2, respectively, by calling the function.
+Otherwise, method 3 is used.
+*** GCC-Specific Information ***
+A makefile is included for you to compile Crypto++ with GCC. Make sure
+you are using GNU Make and GNU ld. The make process will produce two files,
+libcryptopp.a and cryptest.exe. Run "cryptest.exe v" for the validation
+*** Documentation and Support ***
+Crypto++ is documented through inline comments in header files, which are
+processed through Doxygen to produce an HTML reference manual. You can find
+a link to the manual from http://www.cryptopp.com. Also at that site is
+the Crypto++ FAQ, which you should browse through before attempting to
+use this library, because it will likely answer many of questions that
+may come up.
+If you run into any problems, please try the Crypto++ mailing list.
+The subscription information and the list archive are available on
+http://www.cryptopp.com. You can also email me directly by visiting
+http://www.weidai.com, but you will probably get a faster response through
+the mailing list.
+*** History ***
+1.0 - First public release. Withdrawn at the request of RSA DSI.
+ - included Blowfish, BBS, DES, DH, Diamond, DSA, ElGamal, IDEA,
+ MD5, RC4, RC5, RSA, SHA, WAKE, secret sharing, DEFLATE compression
+ - had a serious bug in the RSA key generation code.
+1.1 - Removed RSA, RC4, RC5
+ - Disabled calls to RSAREF's non-public functions
+ - Minor bugs fixed
+2.0 - a completely new, faster multiprecision integer class
+ - added MD5-MAC, HAVAL, 3-WAY, TEA, SAFER, LUC, Rabin, BlumGoldwasser,
+ elliptic curve algorithms
+ - added the Lucas strong probable primality test
+ - ElGamal encryption and signature schemes modified to avoid weaknesses
+ - Diamond changed to Diamond2 because of key schedule weakness
+ - fixed bug in WAKE key setup
+ - SHS class renamed to SHA
+ - lots of miscellaneous optimizations
+2.1 - added Tiger, HMAC, GOST, RIPE-MD160, LUCELG, LUCDIF, XOR-MAC,
+ - added precomputation to DH, ElGamal, DSA, and elliptic curve algorithms
+ - added back RC5 and a new RSA
+ - optimizations in elliptic curves over GF(p)
+ - changed Rabin to use OAEP and PSSR
+ - changed many classes to allow copy constructors to work correctly
+ - improved exception generation and handling
+2.2 - added SEAL, CAST-128, Square
+ - fixed bug in HAVAL (padding problem)
+ - fixed bug in triple-DES (decryption order was reversed)
+ - fixed bug in RC5 (couldn't handle key length not a multiple of 4)
+ - changed HMAC to conform to RFC-2104 (which is not compatible
+ with the original HMAC)
+ - changed secret sharing and information dispersal to use GF(2^32)
+ instead of GF(65521)
+ - removed zero knowledge prover/verifier for graph isomorphism
+ - removed several utility classes in favor of the C++ standard library
+2.3 - ported to EGCS
+ - fixed incomplete workaround of min/max conflict in MSVC
+3.0 - placed all names into the "CryptoPP" namespace
+ - added MD2, RC2, RC6, MARS, RW, DH2, MQV, ECDHC, CBC-CTS
+ - added abstract base classes PK_SimpleKeyAgreementDomain and
+ PK_AuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain
+ - changed DH and LUCDIF to implement the PK_SimpleKeyAgreementDomain
+ interface and to perform domain parameter and key validation
+ - changed interfaces of PK_Signer and PK_Verifier to sign and verify
+ messages instead of message digests
+ - changed OAEP to conform to PKCS#1 v2.0
+ - changed benchmark code to produce HTML tables as output
+ - changed PSSR to track IEEE P1363a
+ - renamed ElGamalSignature to NR and changed it to track IEEE P1363
+ - renamed ECKEP to ECMQVC and changed it to track IEEE P1363
+ - renamed several other classes for clarity
+ - removed support for calling RSAREF
+ - removed option to compile old SHA (SHA-0)
+ - removed option not to throw exceptions
+3.1 - added ARC4, Rijndael, Twofish, Serpent, CBC-MAC, DMAC
+ - added interface for querying supported key lengths of symmetric ciphers
+ and MACs
+ - added sample code for RSA signature and verification
+ - changed CBC-CTS to be compatible with RFC 2040
+ - updated SEAL to version 3.0 of the cipher specification
+ - optimized multiprecision squaring and elliptic curves over GF(p)
+ - fixed bug in MARS key setup
+ - fixed bug with attaching objects to Deflator
+3.2 - added DES-XEX3, ECDSA, DefaultEncryptorWithMAC
+ - renamed DES-EDE to DES-EDE2 and TripleDES to DES-EDE3
+ - optimized ARC4
+ - generalized DSA to allow keys longer than 1024 bits
+ - fixed bugs in GF2N and ModularArithmetic that can cause calculation errors
+ - fixed crashing bug in Inflator when given invalid inputs
+ - fixed endian bug in Serpent
+ - fixed padding bug in Tiger
+4.0 - added Skipjack, CAST-256, Panama, SHA-2 (SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512),
+ and XTR-DH
+ - added a faster variant of Rabin's Information Dispersal Algorithm (IDA)
+ - added class wrappers for these operating system features:
+ - high resolution timers on Windows, Unix, and MacOS
+ - Berkeley and Windows style sockets
+ - Windows named pipes
+ - /dev/random and /dev/urandom on Linux and FreeBSD
+ - Microsoft's CryptGenRandom on Windows
+ - added support for SEC 1 elliptic curve key format and compressed points
+ - added support for X.509 public key format (subjectPublicKeyInfo) for
+ RSA, DSA, and elliptic curve schemes
+ - added support for DER and OpenPGP signature format for DSA
+ - added support for ZLIB compressed data format (RFC 1950)
+ - changed elliptic curve encryption to use ECIES (as defined in SEC 1)
+ - changed MARS key schedule to reflect the latest specification
+ - changed BufferedTransformation interface to support multiple channels
+ and messages
+ - changed CAST and SHA-1 implementations to use public domain source code
+ - fixed bug in StringSource
+ - optmized multi-precision integer code for better performance
+4.1 - added more support for the recommended elliptic curve parameters in SEC 2
+ - added Panama MAC, MARC4
+ - added IV stealing feature to CTS mode
+ - added support for PKCS #8 private key format for RSA, DSA, and elliptic
+ curve schemes
+ - changed Deflate, MD5, Rijndael, and Twofish to use public domain code
+ - fixed a bug with flushing compressed streams
+ - fixed a bug with decompressing stored blocks
+ - fixed a bug with EC point decompression using non-trinomial basis
+ - fixed a bug in NetworkSource::GeneralPump()
+ - fixed a performance issue with EC over GF(p) decryption
+ - fixed syntax to allow GCC to compile without -fpermissive
+ - relaxed some restrictions in the license
+4.2 - added support for longer HMAC keys
+ - added MD4 (which is not secure so use for compatibility purposes only)
+ - added compatibility fixes/workarounds for STLport 4.5, GCC 3.0.2,
+ and MSVC 7.0
+ - changed MD2 to use public domain code
+ - fixed a bug with decompressing multiple messages with the same object
+ - fixed a bug in CBC-MAC with MACing multiple messages with the same object
+ - fixed a bug in RC5 and RC6 with zero-length keys
+ - fixed a bug in Adler32 where incorrect checksum may be generated
+5.0 - added ESIGN, DLIES, WAKE-OFB, PBKDF1 and PBKDF2 from PKCS #5
+ - added key validation for encryption and signature public/private keys
+ - renamed StreamCipher interface to SymmetricCipher, which is now implemented
+ by both stream ciphers and block cipher modes including ECB and CBC
+ - added keying interfaces to support resetting of keys and IVs without
+ having to destroy and recreate objects
+ - changed filter interface to support non-blocking input/output
+ - changed SocketSource and SocketSink to use overlapped I/O on Microsoft Windows
+ - grouped related classes inside structs to help templates, for example
+ AESEncryption and AESDecryption are now AES::Encryption and AES::Decryption
+ - where possible, typedefs have been added to improve backwards
+ compatibility when the CRYPTOPP_MAINTAIN_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY macro is defined
+ - changed Serpent, HAVAL and IDEA to use public domain code
+ - implemented SSE2 optimizations for Integer operations
+ - fixed a bug in HMAC::TruncatedFinal()
+ - fixed SKIPJACK byte ordering following NIST clarification dated 5/9/02
+5.01 - added known answer test for X9.17 RNG in FIPS 140 power-up self test
+ - submitted to NIST/CSE, but not publicly released
+5.02 - changed EDC test to MAC integrity check using HMAC/SHA1
+ - improved performance of integrity check
+ - added blinding to defend against RSA timing attack
+5.03 - created DLL version of Crypto++ for FIPS 140-2 validation
+ - fixed vulnerabilities in GetNextIV for CTR and OFB modes
+5.0.4 - Removed DES, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 from DLL
+5.1 - added PSS padding and changed PSSR to track IEEE P1363a draft standard
+ - added blinding for RSA and Rabin to defend against timing attacks
+ on decryption operations
+ - changed signing and decryption APIs to support the above
+ - changed WaitObjectContainer to allow waiting for more than 64
+ objects at a time on Win32 platforms
+ - fixed a bug in CBC and ECB modes with processing non-aligned data
+ - fixed standard conformance bugs in DLIES (DHAES mode) and RW/EMSA2
+ signature scheme (these fixes are not backwards compatible)
+ - fixed a number of compiler warnings, minor bugs, and portability problems
+ - removed Sapphire
+5.2 - merged in changes for 5.01 - 5.0.4
+ - added support for using encoding parameters and key derivation parameters
+ with public key encryption (implemented by OAEP and DL/ECIES)
+ - added Camellia, SHACAL-2, Two-Track-MAC, Whirlpool, RIPEMD-320,
+ RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-256, Base-32 coding, FIPS variant of CFB mode
+ - added ThreadUserTimer for timing thread CPU usage
+ - added option for password-based key derivation functions
+ to iterate until a mimimum elapsed thread CPU time is reached
+ - added option (on by default) for DEFLATE compression to detect
+ uncompressible files and process them more quickly
+ - improved compatibility and performance on 64-bit platforms,
+ including Alpha, IA-64, x86-64, PPC64, Sparc64, and MIPS64
+ - fixed ONE_AND_ZEROS_PADDING to use 0x80 instead 0x01 as padding.
+ - fixed encoding/decoding of PKCS #8 privateKeyInfo to properly
+ handle optional attributes
+5.2.1 - fixed bug in the "dlltest" DLL testing program
+ - fixed compiling with STLport using VC .NET
+ - fixed compiling with -fPIC using GCC
+ - fixed compiling with -msse2 on systems without memalign()
+ - fixed inability to instantiate PanamaMAC
+ - fixed problems with inline documentation
+5.2.2 - added SHA-224
+ - put SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, RSASSA-PSS into DLL
+5.2.3 - fixed issues with FIPS algorithm test vectors
+ - put RSASSA-ISO into DLL
+5.3 - ported to MSVC 2005 with support for x86-64
+ - added defense against AES timing attacks, and more AES test vectors
+ - changed StaticAlgorithmName() of Rijndael to "AES", CTR to "CTR"
+5.4 - added Salsa20
+ - updated Whirlpool to version 3.0
+ - ported to GCC 4.1, Sun C++ 5.8, and Borland C++Builder 2006
+5.5 - added VMAC and Sosemanuk (with x86-64 and SSE2 assembly)
+ - improved speed of integer arithmetic, AES, SHA-512, Tiger, Salsa20,
+ Whirlpool, and PANAMA cipher using assembly (x86-64, MMX, SSE2)
+ - optimized Camellia and added defense against timing attacks
+ - updated benchmarks code to show cycles per byte and to time key/IV setup
+ - started using OpenMP for increased multi-core speed
+ - enabled GCC optimization flags by default in GNUmakefile
+ - added blinding and computational error checking for RW signing
+ - changed RandomPool, X917RNG, GetNextIV, DSA/NR/ECDSA/ECNR to reduce
+ the risk of reusing random numbers and IVs after virtual machine state
+ rollback
+ - changed default FIPS mode RNG from AutoSeededX917RNG<DES_EDE3> to
+ AutoSeededX917RNG<AES>
+ - fixed PANAMA cipher interface to accept 256-bit key and 256-bit IV
+ - moved MD2, MD4, MD5, PanamaHash, ARC4, WAKE_CFB into the namespace "Weak"
+ - removed HAVAL, MD5-MAC, XMAC
+5.5.1 - fixed VMAC validation failure on 32-bit big-endian machines
+5.5.2 - ported x64 assembly language code for AES, Salsa20, Sosemanuk, and Panama
+ to MSVC 2005 (using MASM since MSVC doesn't support inline assembly on x64)
+ - fixed Salsa20 initialization crash on non-SSE2 machines
+ - fixed Whirlpool crash on Pentium 2 machines
+ - fixed possible branch prediction analysis (BPA) vulnerability in
+ MontgomeryReduce(), which may affect security of RSA, RW, LUC
+ - fixed link error with MSVC 2003 when using "debug DLL" form of runtime library
+ - fixed crash in SSE2_Add on P4 machines when compiled with
+ MSVC 6.0 SP5 with Processor Pack
+ - ported to MSVC 2008, GCC 4.2, Sun CC 5.9, Intel C++ Compiler 10.0,
+ and Borland C++Builder 2007
+5.6 - added AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher interface class and Filter wrappers
+ - added CCM, GCM (with SSE2 assembly), EAX, CMAC, XSalsa20, and SEED
+ - added support for variable length IVs
+ - improved AES and SHA-256 speed on x86 and x64
+ - fixed incorrect VMAC computation on message lengths
+ that are >64 mod 128 (x86 assembly version is not affected)
+ - fixed compiler error in vmac.cpp on x86 with GCC -fPIC
+ - fixed run-time validation error on x86-64 with GCC 4.3.2 -O2
+ - fixed HashFilter bug when putMessage=true
+ - removed WORD64_AVAILABLE; compiler support for 64-bit int is now required
+ - ported to GCC 4.3, C++Builder 2009, Sun CC 5.10, Intel C++ Compiler 11
+Written by Wei Dai
--- /dev/null
+// ***************** Important Settings ********************
+// define this if running on a big-endian CPU
+#if !defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN) && (defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) || defined(__sparc) || defined(__sparc__) || defined(__hppa__) || defined(__mips__) || (defined(__MWERKS__) && !defined(__INTEL__)))
+# define IS_BIG_ENDIAN
+// define this if running on a little-endian CPU
+// big endian will be assumed if IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN is not defined
+#ifndef IS_BIG_ENDIAN
+// define this if you want to disable all OS-dependent features,
+// such as sockets and OS-provided random number generators
+// #define NO_OS_DEPENDENCE
+// Define this to use features provided by Microsoft's CryptoAPI.
+// Currently the only feature used is random number generation.
+// This macro will be ignored if NO_OS_DEPENDENCE is defined.
+// Define this to 1 to enforce the requirement in FIPS 186-2 Change Notice 1 that only 1024 bit moduli be used
+#ifndef DSA_1024_BIT_MODULUS_ONLY
+# define DSA_1024_BIT_MODULUS_ONLY 1
+// ***************** Less Important Settings ***************
+// define this to retain (as much as possible) old deprecated function and class names
+#define GZIP_OS_CODE 0
+// Try this if your CPU has 256K internal cache or a slow multiply instruction
+// and you want a (possibly) faster IDEA implementation using log tables
+// Define this if, for the linear congruential RNG, you want to use
+// the original constants as specified in S.K. Park and K.W. Miller's
+// CACM paper.
+// choose which style of sockets to wrap (mostly useful for cygwin which has both)
+// set the name of Rijndael cipher, was "Rijndael" before version 5.3
+// ***************** Important Settings Again ********************
+// But the defaults should be ok.
+// namespace support is now required
+# error namespace support is now required
+// Define this to workaround a Microsoft CryptoAPI bug where
+// each call to CryptAcquireContext causes a 100 KB memory leak.
+// Defining this will cause Crypto++ to make only one call to CryptAcquireContext.
+#define WORKAROUND_MS_BUG_Q258000
+// Avoid putting "CryptoPP::" in front of everything in Doxygen output
+# define CryptoPP
+# define NAMESPACE_BEGIN(x)
+// Get Doxygen to generate better documentation for these typedefs
+# define DOCUMENTED_TYPEDEF(x, y) class y : public x {};
+# define NAMESPACE_BEGIN(x) namespace x {
+# define NAMESPACE_END }
+# define DOCUMENTED_TYPEDEF(x, y) typedef x y;
+#define ANONYMOUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace {
+#define USING_NAMESPACE(x) using namespace x;
+#define DOCUMENTED_NAMESPACE_BEGIN(x) namespace x {
+// What is the type of the third parameter to bind?
+// For Unix, the new standard is ::socklen_t (typically unsigned int), and the old standard is int.
+// Unfortunately there is no way to tell whether or not socklen_t is defined.
+// To work around this, TYPE_OF_SOCKLEN_T is a macro so that you can change it from the makefile.
+# if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+# define TYPE_OF_SOCKLEN_T int
+# else
+# define TYPE_OF_SOCKLEN_T ::socklen_t
+# endif
+#if defined(__CYGWIN__) && defined(PREFER_WINDOWS_STYLE_SOCKETS)
+# define __USE_W32_SOCKETS
+typedef unsigned char byte; // put in global namespace to avoid ambiguity with other byte typedefs
+typedef unsigned short word16;
+typedef unsigned int word32;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
+ typedef unsigned __int64 word64;
+ #define W64LIT(x) x##ui64
+ typedef unsigned long long word64;
+ #define W64LIT(x) x##ULL
+// define large word type, used for file offsets and such
+typedef word64 lword;
+const lword LWORD_MAX = W64LIT(0xffffffffffffffff);
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+ #define CRYPTOPP_GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 10000 + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__)
+// define hword, word, and dword. these are used for multiprecision integer arithmetic
+// Intel compiler won't have _umul128 until version 10.0. See http://softwarecommunity.intel.com/isn/Community/en-US/forums/thread/30231625.aspx
+#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (!defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || __INTEL_COMPILER >= 1000) && (defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IA64))) || (defined(__DECCXX) && defined(__alpha__)) || (defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && defined(__x86_64__)) || (defined(__SUNPRO_CC) && defined(__x86_64__))
+ typedef word32 hword;
+ typedef word64 word;
+ #if defined(__alpha__) || defined(__ia64__) || defined(_ARCH_PPC64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__mips64) || defined(__sparc64__)
+ #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !(CRYPTOPP_GCC_VERSION == 40001 && defined(__APPLE__)) && CRYPTOPP_GCC_VERSION >= 30400
+ // GCC 4.0.1 on MacOS X is missing __umodti3 and __udivti3
+ // mode(TI) division broken on amd64 with GCC earlier than GCC 3.4
+ typedef word32 hword;
+ typedef word64 word;
+ typedef __uint128_t dword;
+ typedef __uint128_t word128;
+ #else
+ // if we're here, it means we're on a 64-bit CPU but we don't have a way to obtain 128-bit multiplication results
+ typedef word16 hword;
+ typedef word32 word;
+ typedef word64 dword;
+ #endif
+ #else
+ // being here means the native register size is probably 32 bits or less
+ typedef word16 hword;
+ typedef word32 word;
+ typedef word64 dword;
+ #endif
+const unsigned int WORD_SIZE = sizeof(word);
+const unsigned int WORD_BITS = WORD_SIZE * 8;
+ // This should be a lower bound on the L1 cache line size. It's used for defense against timing attacks.
+ #if defined(_M_X64) || defined(__x86_64__)
+ #else
+ // L1 cache line size is 32 on Pentium III and earlier
+ #endif
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+ #if _MSC_VER == 1200
+ #include <malloc.h>
+ #endif
+ #if _MSC_VER > 1200 || defined(_mm_free)
+ #define CRYPTOPP_MSVC6PP_OR_LATER // VC 6 processor pack or later
+ #else
+ #define CRYPTOPP_MSVC6_NO_PP // VC 6 without processor pack
+ #endif
+ #define CRYPTOPP_ALIGN_DATA(x) __declspec(align(x))
+ #elif defined(__GNUC__)
+ #define CRYPTOPP_ALIGN_DATA(x) __attribute__((aligned(x)))
+ #else
+ #endif
+ #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__APPLE__)
+ // the alignment attribute doesn't seem to work without this section attribute when -fdata-sections is turned on
+ #define CRYPTOPP_SECTION_ALIGN16 __attribute__((section ("CryptoPP_Align16")))
+ #else
+ #endif
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__fastcall)
+ #define CRYPTOPP_FASTCALL __fastcall
+// VC60 workaround: it doesn't allow typename in some places
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1300)
+#define CPP_TYPENAME typename
+// VC60 workaround: can't cast unsigned __int64 to float or double
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(CRYPTOPP_MSVC6PP_OR_LATER)
+#define CRYPTOPP_VC6_INT64 (__int64)
+#define CRYPTOPP_VC6_INT64
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE __declspec(novtable)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ // 4231: nonstandard extension used : 'extern' before template explicit instantiation
+ // 4250: dominance
+ // 4251: member needs to have dll-interface
+ // 4275: base needs to have dll-interface
+ // 4660: explicitly instantiating a class that's already implicitly instantiated
+ // 4661: no suitable definition provided for explicit template instantiation request
+ // 4786: identifer was truncated in debug information
+ // 4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
+ // 4910: '__declspec(dllexport)' and 'extern' are incompatible on an explicit instantiation
+# pragma warning(disable: 4231 4250 4251 4275 4660 4661 4786 4355 4910)
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+// 8037: non-const function called for const object. needed to work around BCB2006 bug
+# pragma warn -8037
+#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1300) || defined(__MWERKS__) || defined(_STLPORT_VERSION)
+#ifdef CRYPTOPP_DISABLE_X86ASM // for backwards compatibility: this macro had both meanings
+#if !defined(CRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM) && ((defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_IX86)) || (defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))))
+ #else
+ #endif
+ // SSSE3 was actually introduced in GNU as 2.17, which was released 6/23/2006, but we can't tell what version of binutils is installed.
+ // GCC 4.1.2 was released on 2/13/2007, so we'll use that as a proxy for the binutils version.
+ #if !defined(CRYPTOPP_DISABLE_SSSE3) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400 || CRYPTOPP_GCC_VERSION >= 40102)
+ #else
+ #endif
+#if !defined(CRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM) && defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64)
+#if !defined(CRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM) && defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__)
+#if !defined(CRYPTOPP_DISABLE_SSE2) && (defined(CRYPTOPP_MSVC6PP_OR_LATER) || defined(__SSE2__))
+// how to allocate 16-byte aligned memory (for SSE2)
+#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
+#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__sun__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+// how to disable inlining
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
+# define CRYPTOPP_NOINLINE __declspec(noinline)
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+# define CRYPTOPP_NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
+// how to declare class constants
+#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1300) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
+# define CRYPTOPP_CONSTANT(x) enum {x};
+# define CRYPTOPP_CONSTANT(x) static const int x;
+#if defined(_M_X64) || defined(__x86_64__)
+ #define CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64 1
+ #define CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64 0
+// see http://predef.sourceforge.net/prearch.html
+#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__i386) || defined(_X86_) || defined(__I86__) || defined(__INTEL__)
+ #define CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X86 1
+ #define CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X86 0
+#if CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64 || CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X86 || defined(__powerpc__)
+// ***************** determine availability of OS features ********************
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#if defined(__unix__) || defined(__MACH__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__sun)
+# define HAS_PTHREADS
+// ***************** DLL related ********************
+#define CRYPTOPP_DLL __declspec(dllexport)
+#elif defined(CRYPTOPP_IMPORTS)
+#define CRYPTOPP_DLL __declspec(dllimport)
+#define CRYPTOPP_API __cdecl
+#if defined(__MWERKS__)
+#elif defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
+#if defined(__MWERKS__)
+#elif defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
+#define CRYPTOPP_EXTERN_STATIC_TEMPLATE_CLASS extern template class
+#define CRYPTOPP_STATIC_TEMPLATE_CLASS template class
--- /dev/null
+// cpu.cpp - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai
+#include "pch.h"
+#include "cpu.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <emmintrin.h>
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+typedef void (*SigHandler)(int);
+static jmp_buf s_jmpNoCPUID;
+static void SigIllHandlerCPUID(int)
+ longjmp(s_jmpNoCPUID, 1);
+bool CpuId(word32 input, word32 *output)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ __try
+ {
+ __asm
+ {
+ mov eax, input
+ cpuid
+ mov edi, output
+ mov [edi], eax
+ mov [edi+4], ebx
+ mov [edi+8], ecx
+ mov [edi+12], edx
+ }
+ }
+ __except (1)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ SigHandler oldHandler = signal(SIGILL, SigIllHandlerCPUID);
+ if (oldHandler == SIG_ERR)
+ return false;
+ bool result = true;
+ if (setjmp(s_jmpNoCPUID))
+ result = false;
+ else
+ {
+ __asm__
+ (
+ // save ebx in case -fPIC is being used
+ "push %%ebx; cpuid; mov %%ebx, %%edi; pop %%ebx"
+ "pushq %%rbx; cpuid; mov %%ebx, %%edi; popq %%rbx"
+ : "=a" (output[0]), "=D" (output[1]), "=c" (output[2]), "=d" (output[3])
+ : "a" (input)
+ );
+ }
+ signal(SIGILL, oldHandler);
+ return result;
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+static jmp_buf s_jmpNoSSE2;
+static void SigIllHandlerSSE2(int)
+ longjmp(s_jmpNoSSE2, 1);
+#elif _MSC_VER >= 1400 && CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64
+bool CpuId(word32 input, word32 *output)
+ __cpuid((int *)output, input);
+ return true;
+static bool TrySSE2()
+ return true;
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+ __try
+ {
+ AS2(por xmm0, xmm0) // executing SSE2 instruction
+ __mm128i x = _mm_setzero_si128();
+ return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(x) == 0;
+ }
+ __except (1)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+ SigHandler oldHandler = signal(SIGILL, SigIllHandlerSSE2);
+ if (oldHandler == SIG_ERR)
+ return false;
+ bool result = true;
+ if (setjmp(s_jmpNoSSE2))
+ result = false;
+ else
+ {
+ __asm __volatile ("por %xmm0, %xmm0");
+ __mm128i x = _mm_setzero_si128();
+ result = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(x) == 0;
+ }
+ signal(SIGILL, oldHandler);
+ return result;
+ return false;
+bool g_x86DetectionDone = false;
+bool g_hasISSE = false, g_hasSSE2 = false, g_hasSSSE3 = false, g_hasMMX = false, g_isP4 = false;
+word32 g_cacheLineSize = CRYPTOPP_L1_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
+void DetectX86Features()
+ word32 cpuid[4], cpuid1[4];
+ if (!CpuId(0, cpuid))
+ return;
+ if (!CpuId(1, cpuid1))
+ return;
+ g_hasMMX = (cpuid1[3] & (1 << 23)) != 0;
+ if ((cpuid1[3] & (1 << 26)) != 0)
+ g_hasSSE2 = TrySSE2();
+ g_hasSSSE3 = g_hasSSE2 && (cpuid1[2] & (1<<9));
+ if ((cpuid1[3] & (1 << 25)) != 0)
+ g_hasISSE = true;
+ else
+ {
+ word32 cpuid2[4];
+ CpuId(0x080000000, cpuid2);
+ if (cpuid2[0] >= 0x080000001)
+ {
+ CpuId(0x080000001, cpuid2);
+ g_hasISSE = (cpuid2[3] & (1 << 22)) != 0;
+ }
+ }
+ std::swap(cpuid[2], cpuid[3]);
+ if (memcmp(cpuid+1, "GenuineIntel", 12) == 0)
+ {
+ g_isP4 = ((cpuid1[0] >> 8) & 0xf) == 0xf;
+ g_cacheLineSize = 8 * GETBYTE(cpuid1[1], 1);
+ }
+ else if (memcmp(cpuid+1, "AuthenticAMD", 12) == 0)
+ {
+ CpuId(0x80000005, cpuid);
+ g_cacheLineSize = GETBYTE(cpuid[2], 0);
+ }
+ if (!g_cacheLineSize)
+ g_cacheLineSize = CRYPTOPP_L1_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
+ g_x86DetectionDone = true;
--- /dev/null
+#define CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64 1
+#include "config.h"
+ #include <emmintrin.h>
+#if defined(CRYPTOPP_X86_ASM_AVAILABLE) || (_MSC_VER >= 1400 && CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64)
+// these should not be used directly
+extern CRYPTOPP_DLL bool g_x86DetectionDone;
+extern CRYPTOPP_DLL bool g_hasSSE2;
+extern CRYPTOPP_DLL bool g_hasISSE;
+extern CRYPTOPP_DLL bool g_hasMMX;
+extern CRYPTOPP_DLL bool g_hasSSSE3;
+extern CRYPTOPP_DLL bool g_isP4;
+extern CRYPTOPP_DLL word32 g_cacheLineSize;
+CRYPTOPP_DLL void CRYPTOPP_API DetectX86Features();
+CRYPTOPP_DLL bool CRYPTOPP_API CpuId(word32 input, word32 *output);
+inline bool HasSSE2() {return true;}
+inline bool HasISSE() {return true;}
+inline bool HasMMX() {return true;}
+inline bool HasSSE2()
+ if (!g_x86DetectionDone)
+ DetectX86Features();
+ return g_hasSSE2;
+inline bool HasISSE()
+ if (!g_x86DetectionDone)
+ DetectX86Features();
+ return g_hasISSE;
+inline bool HasMMX()
+ if (!g_x86DetectionDone)
+ DetectX86Features();
+ return g_hasMMX;
+inline bool HasSSSE3()
+ if (!g_x86DetectionDone)
+ DetectX86Features();
+ return g_hasSSSE3;
+inline bool IsP4()
+ if (!g_x86DetectionDone)
+ DetectX86Features();
+ return g_isP4;
+inline int GetCacheLineSize()
+ if (!g_x86DetectionDone)
+ DetectX86Features();
+ return g_cacheLineSize;
+inline int GetCacheLineSize()
+inline bool HasSSSE3() {return false;}
+inline bool IsP4() {return false;}
+// assume MMX and SSE2 if intrinsics are enabled
+inline bool HasSSE2() {return true;}
+inline bool HasISSE() {return true;}
+inline bool HasMMX() {return true;}
+inline bool HasSSE2() {return false;}
+inline bool HasISSE() {return false;}
+inline bool HasMMX() {return false;}
+#endif // #ifdef CRYPTOPP_X86_ASM_AVAILABLE || _MSC_VER >= 1400
+ #define AS1(x) x*newline*
+ #define AS2(x, y) x, y*newline*
+ #define AS3(x, y, z) x, y, z*newline*
+ #define ASS(x, y, a, b, c, d) x, y, a*64+b*16+c*4+d*newline*
+ #define ASL(x) label##x:*newline*
+ #define ASJ(x, y, z) x label##y*newline*
+ #define ASC(x, y) x label##y*newline*
+ #define AS_HEX(y) 0##y##h
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+ // define these in two steps to allow arguments to be expanded
+ #define GNU_AS1(x) #x ";"
+ #define GNU_AS2(x, y) #x ", " #y ";"
+ #define GNU_AS3(x, y, z) #x ", " #y ", " #z ";"
+ #define GNU_ASL(x) "\n" #x ":"
+ #define GNU_ASJ(x, y, z) #x " " #y #z ";"
+ #define AS1(x) GNU_AS1(x)
+ #define AS2(x, y) GNU_AS2(x, y)
+ #define AS3(x, y, z) GNU_AS3(x, y, z)
+ #define ASS(x, y, a, b, c, d) #x ", " #y ", " #a "*64+" #b "*16+" #c "*4+" #d ";"
+ #define ASL(x) GNU_ASL(x)
+ #define ASJ(x, y, z) GNU_ASJ(x, y, z)
+ #define ASC(x, y) #x " " #y ";"
+ #define AS_HEX(y) 0x##y
+ #define AS1(x) __asm {x}
+ #define AS2(x, y) __asm {x, y}
+ #define AS3(x, y, z) __asm {x, y, z}
+ #define ASS(x, y, a, b, c, d) __asm {x, y, _MM_SHUFFLE(a, b, c, d)}
+ #define ASL(x) __asm {label##x:}
+ #define ASJ(x, y, z) __asm {x label##y}
+ #define ASC(x, y) __asm {x label##y}
+ #define CRYPTOPP_NAKED __declspec(naked)
+ #define AS_HEX(y) 0x##y
+#define IF0(y)
+#define IF1(y) y
+#define ASM_MOD(x, y) ((x) MOD (y))
+// GNU assembler doesn't seem to have mod operator
+#define ASM_MOD(x, y) ((x)-((x)/(y))*(y))
+// GAS 2.15 doesn't support XMMWORD PTR. it seems necessary only for MASM
+#define XMMWORD_PTR
+ #define AS_REG_1 ecx
+ #define AS_REG_2 edx
+ #define AS_REG_3 esi
+ #define AS_REG_4 edi
+ #define AS_REG_5 eax
+ #define AS_REG_6 ebx
+ #define AS_REG_7 ebp
+ #define AS_REG_1d ecx
+ #define AS_REG_2d edx
+ #define AS_REG_3d esi
+ #define AS_REG_4d edi
+ #define AS_REG_5d eax
+ #define AS_REG_6d ebx
+ #define AS_REG_7d ebp
+ #define WORD_SZ 4
+ #define WORD_REG(x) e##x
+ #define AS_PUSH_IF86(x) AS1(push e##x)
+ #define AS_POP_IF86(x) AS1(pop e##x)
+ #define AS_JCXZ jecxz
+ #define AS_REG_1 rcx
+ #define AS_REG_2 rdx
+ #define AS_REG_3 r8
+ #define AS_REG_4 r9
+ #define AS_REG_5 rax
+ #define AS_REG_6 r10
+ #define AS_REG_7 r11
+ #define AS_REG_1d ecx
+ #define AS_REG_2d edx
+ #define AS_REG_3d r8d
+ #define AS_REG_4d r9d
+ #define AS_REG_5d eax
+ #define AS_REG_6d r10d
+ #define AS_REG_7d r11d
+ #else
+ #define AS_REG_1 rdi
+ #define AS_REG_2 rsi
+ #define AS_REG_3 rdx
+ #define AS_REG_4 rcx
+ #define AS_REG_5 r8
+ #define AS_REG_6 r9
+ #define AS_REG_7 r10
+ #define AS_REG_1d edi
+ #define AS_REG_2d esi
+ #define AS_REG_3d edx
+ #define AS_REG_4d ecx
+ #define AS_REG_5d r8d
+ #define AS_REG_6d r9d
+ #define AS_REG_7d r10d
+ #endif
+ #define WORD_SZ 8
+ #define WORD_REG(x) r##x
+ #define AS_PUSH_IF86(x)
+ #define AS_POP_IF86(x)
+ #define AS_JCXZ jrcxz
+// helper macro for stream cipher output
+#define AS_XMM_OUTPUT4(labelPrefix, inputPtr, outputPtr, x0, x1, x2, x3, t, p0, p1, p2, p3, increment)\
+ AS2( test inputPtr, inputPtr)\
+ ASC( jz, labelPrefix##3)\
+ AS2( test inputPtr, 15)\
+ ASC( jnz, labelPrefix##7)\
+ AS2( pxor xmm##x0, [inputPtr+p0*16])\
+ AS2( pxor xmm##x1, [inputPtr+p1*16])\
+ AS2( pxor xmm##x2, [inputPtr+p2*16])\
+ AS2( pxor xmm##x3, [inputPtr+p3*16])\
+ AS2( add inputPtr, increment*16)\
+ ASC( jmp, labelPrefix##3)\
+ ASL(labelPrefix##7)\
+ AS2( movdqu xmm##t, [inputPtr+p0*16])\
+ AS2( pxor xmm##x0, xmm##t)\
+ AS2( movdqu xmm##t, [inputPtr+p1*16])\
+ AS2( pxor xmm##x1, xmm##t)\
+ AS2( movdqu xmm##t, [inputPtr+p2*16])\
+ AS2( pxor xmm##x2, xmm##t)\
+ AS2( movdqu xmm##t, [inputPtr+p3*16])\
+ AS2( pxor xmm##x3, xmm##t)\
+ AS2( add inputPtr, increment*16)\
+ ASL(labelPrefix##3)\
+ AS2( test outputPtr, 15)\
+ ASC( jnz, labelPrefix##8)\
+ AS2( movdqa [outputPtr+p0*16], xmm##x0)\
+ AS2( movdqa [outputPtr+p1*16], xmm##x1)\
+ AS2( movdqa [outputPtr+p2*16], xmm##x2)\
+ AS2( movdqa [outputPtr+p3*16], xmm##x3)\
+ ASC( jmp, labelPrefix##9)\
+ ASL(labelPrefix##8)\
+ AS2( movdqu [outputPtr+p0*16], xmm##x0)\
+ AS2( movdqu [outputPtr+p1*16], xmm##x1)\
+ AS2( movdqu [outputPtr+p2*16], xmm##x2)\
+ AS2( movdqu [outputPtr+p3*16], xmm##x3)\
+ ASL(labelPrefix##9)\
+ AS2( add outputPtr, increment*16)
--- /dev/null
+// cryptlib.h - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai
+/*! \file
+ This file contains the declarations for the abstract base
+ classes that provide a uniform interface to this library.
+/*! \mainpage Crypto++ Library 5.6.0 API Reference
+<dt>Abstract Base Classes<dd>
+ cryptlib.h
+<dt>Authenticated Encryption<dd>
+ AuthenticatedSymmetricCipherDocumentation
+<dt>Symmetric Ciphers<dd>
+ SymmetricCipherDocumentation
+<dt>Hash Functions<dd>
+ SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, Tiger, Whirlpool, RIPEMD160, RIPEMD320, RIPEMD128, RIPEMD256, Weak1::MD2, Weak1::MD4, Weak1::MD5
+<dt>Non-Cryptographic Checksums<dd>
+ CRC32, Adler32
+<dt>Message Authentication Codes<dd>
+<dt>Random Number Generators<dd>
+ NullRNG(), LC_RNG, RandomPool, BlockingRng, NonblockingRng, AutoSeededRandomPool, AutoSeededX917RNG, DefaultAutoSeededRNG
+<dt>Password-based Cryptography<dd>
+ PasswordBasedKeyDerivationFunction
+<dt>Public Key Cryptosystems<dd>
+<dt>Public Key Signature Schemes<dd>
+<dt>Key Agreement<dd>
+<dt>Algebraic Structures<dd>
+ Integer, PolynomialMod2, PolynomialOver, RingOfPolynomialsOver,
+ ModularArithmetic, MontgomeryRepresentation, GFP2_ONB,
+ GF2NP, GF256, GF2_32, EC2N, ECP
+<dt>Secret Sharing and Information Dispersal<dd>
+ SecretSharing, SecretRecovery, InformationDispersal, InformationRecovery
+ Deflator, Inflator, Gzip, Gunzip, ZlibCompressor, ZlibDecompressor
+<dt>Input Source Classes<dd>
+ StringSource, ArraySource, FileSource, SocketSource, WindowsPipeSource, RandomNumberSource
+<dt>Output Sink Classes<dd>
+ StringSinkTemplate, ArraySink, FileSink, SocketSink, WindowsPipeSink, RandomNumberSink
+<dt>Filter Wrappers<dd>
+ StreamTransformationFilter, HashFilter, HashVerificationFilter, SignerFilter, SignatureVerificationFilter
+<dt>Binary to Text Encoders and Decoders<dd>
+ HexEncoder, HexDecoder, Base64Encoder, Base64Decoder, Base32Encoder, Base32Decoder
+<dt>Wrappers for OS features<dd>
+ Timer, Socket, WindowsHandle, ThreadLocalStorage, ThreadUserTimer
+<dt>FIPS 140 related<dd>
+ fips140.h
+In the FIPS 140-2 validated DLL version of Crypto++, only the following implementation class are available.
+<dt>Block Ciphers<dd>
+<dt>Cipher Modes (replace template parameter BC with one of the block ciphers above)<dd>
+ ECB_Mode\<BC\>, CTR_Mode\<BC\>, CBC_Mode\<BC\>, CFB_FIPS_Mode\<BC\>, OFB_Mode\<BC\>
+<dt>Hash Functions<dd>
+ SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
+<dt>Public Key Signature Schemes (replace template parameter H with one of the hash functions above)<dd>
+ RSASS\<PKCS1v15, H\>, RSASS\<PSS, H\>, RSASS_ISO\<H\>, RWSS\<P1363_EMSA2, H\>, DSA, ECDSA\<ECP, H\>, ECDSA\<EC2N, H\>
+<dt>Message Authentication Codes (replace template parameter H with one of the hash functions above)<dd>
+<dt>Random Number Generators<dd>
+ DefaultAutoSeededRNG (AutoSeededX917RNG\<AES\>)
+<dt>Key Agreement<dd>
+ #DH
+<dt>Public Key Cryptosystems<dd>
+ RSAES\<OAEP\<SHA1\> \>
+<p>This reference manual is a work in progress. Some classes are still lacking detailed descriptions.
+<p>Click <a href="CryptoPPRef.zip">here</a> to download a zip archive containing this manual.
+<p>Thanks to Ryan Phillips for providing the Doxygen configuration file
+and getting me started with this manual.
+#include "config.h"
+#include "stdcpp.h"
+// forward declarations
+class Integer;
+class RandomNumberGenerator;
+class BufferedTransformation;
+//! used to specify a direction for a cipher to operate in (encrypt or decrypt)
+//! used to represent infinite time
+const unsigned long INFINITE_TIME = ULONG_MAX;
+// VC60 workaround: using enums as template parameters causes problems
+template <typename ENUM_TYPE, int VALUE>
+struct EnumToType
+ static ENUM_TYPE ToEnum() {return (ENUM_TYPE)VALUE;}
+typedef EnumToType<ByteOrder, LITTLE_ENDIAN_ORDER> LittleEndian;
+typedef EnumToType<ByteOrder, BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER> BigEndian;
+//! base class for all exceptions thrown by Crypto++
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL Exception : public std::exception
+ //! error types
+ enum ErrorType {
+ //! a method is not implemented
+ //! invalid function argument
+ //! BufferedTransformation received a Flush(true) signal but can't flush buffers
+ //! data integerity check (such as CRC or MAC) failed
+ //! received input data that doesn't conform to expected format
+ //! error reading from input device or writing to output device
+ //! some error not belong to any of the above categories
+ };
+ explicit Exception(ErrorType errorType, const std::string &s) : m_errorType(errorType), m_what(s) {}
+ virtual ~Exception() throw() {}
+ const char *what() const throw() {return (m_what.c_str());}
+ const std::string &GetWhat() const {return m_what;}
+ void SetWhat(const std::string &s) {m_what = s;}
+ ErrorType GetErrorType() const {return m_errorType;}
+ void SetErrorType(ErrorType errorType) {m_errorType = errorType;}
+ ErrorType m_errorType;
+ std::string m_what;
+//! exception thrown when an invalid argument is detected
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL InvalidArgument : public Exception
+ explicit InvalidArgument(const std::string &s) : Exception(INVALID_ARGUMENT, s) {}
+//! exception thrown when input data is received that doesn't conform to expected format
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL InvalidDataFormat : public Exception
+ explicit InvalidDataFormat(const std::string &s) : Exception(INVALID_DATA_FORMAT, s) {}
+//! exception thrown by decryption filters when trying to decrypt an invalid ciphertext
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL InvalidCiphertext : public InvalidDataFormat
+ explicit InvalidCiphertext(const std::string &s) : InvalidDataFormat(s) {}
+//! exception thrown by a class if a non-implemented method is called
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL NotImplemented : public Exception
+ explicit NotImplemented(const std::string &s) : Exception(NOT_IMPLEMENTED, s) {}
+//! exception thrown by a class when Flush(true) is called but it can't completely flush its buffers
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CannotFlush : public Exception
+ explicit CannotFlush(const std::string &s) : Exception(CANNOT_FLUSH, s) {}
+//! error reported by the operating system
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL OS_Error : public Exception
+ OS_Error(ErrorType errorType, const std::string &s, const std::string& operation, int errorCode)
+ : Exception(errorType, s), m_operation(operation), m_errorCode(errorCode) {}
+ ~OS_Error() throw() {}
+ // the operating system API that reported the error
+ const std::string & GetOperation() const {return m_operation;}
+ // the error code return by the operating system
+ int GetErrorCode() const {return m_errorCode;}
+ std::string m_operation;
+ int m_errorCode;
+//! used to return decoding results
+struct CRYPTOPP_DLL DecodingResult
+ explicit DecodingResult() : isValidCoding(false), messageLength(0) {}
+ explicit DecodingResult(size_t len) : isValidCoding(true), messageLength(len) {}
+ bool operator==(const DecodingResult &rhs) const {return isValidCoding == rhs.isValidCoding && messageLength == rhs.messageLength;}
+ bool operator!=(const DecodingResult &rhs) const {return !operator==(rhs);}
+ bool isValidCoding;
+ size_t messageLength;
+ operator size_t() const {return isValidCoding ? messageLength : 0;}
+//! interface for retrieving values given their names
+/*! \note This class is used to safely pass a variable number of arbitrarily typed arguments to functions
+ and to read values from keys and crypto parameters.
+ \note To obtain an object that implements NameValuePairs for the purpose of parameter
+ passing, use the MakeParameters() function.
+ \note To get a value from NameValuePairs, you need to know the name and the type of the value.
+ Call GetValueNames() on a NameValuePairs object to obtain a list of value names that it supports.
+ Then look at the Name namespace documentation to see what the type of each value is, or
+ alternatively, call GetIntValue() with the value name, and if the type is not int, a
+ ValueTypeMismatch exception will be thrown and you can get the actual type from the exception object.
+class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE NameValuePairs
+ virtual ~NameValuePairs() {}
+ //! exception thrown when trying to retrieve a value using a different type than expected
+ class CRYPTOPP_DLL ValueTypeMismatch : public InvalidArgument
+ {
+ public:
+ ValueTypeMismatch(const std::string &name, const std::type_info &stored, const std::type_info &retrieving)
+ : InvalidArgument("NameValuePairs: type mismatch for '" + name + "', stored '" + stored.name() + "', trying to retrieve '" + retrieving.name() + "'")
+ , m_stored(stored), m_retrieving(retrieving) {}
+ const std::type_info & GetStoredTypeInfo() const {return m_stored;}
+ const std::type_info & GetRetrievingTypeInfo() const {return m_retrieving;}
+ private:
+ const std::type_info &m_stored;
+ const std::type_info &m_retrieving;
+ };
+ //! get a copy of this object or a subobject of it
+ template <class T>
+ bool GetThisObject(T &object) const
+ {
+ return GetValue((std::string("ThisObject:")+typeid(T).name()).c_str(), object);
+ }
+ //! get a pointer to this object, as a pointer to T
+ template <class T>
+ bool GetThisPointer(T *&p) const
+ {
+ return GetValue((std::string("ThisPointer:")+typeid(T).name()).c_str(), p);
+ }
+ //! get a named value, returns true if the name exists
+ template <class T>
+ bool GetValue(const char *name, T &value) const
+ {
+ return GetVoidValue(name, typeid(T), &value);
+ }
+ //! get a named value, returns the default if the name doesn't exist
+ template <class T>
+ T GetValueWithDefault(const char *name, T defaultValue) const
+ {
+ GetValue(name, defaultValue);
+ return defaultValue;
+ }
+ //! get a list of value names that can be retrieved
+ CRYPTOPP_DLL std::string GetValueNames() const
+ {std::string result; GetValue("ValueNames", result); return result;}
+ //! get a named value with type int
+ /*! used to ensure we don't accidentally try to get an unsigned int
+ or some other type when we mean int (which is the most common case) */
+ CRYPTOPP_DLL bool GetIntValue(const char *name, int &value) const
+ {return GetValue(name, value);}
+ //! get a named value with type int, with default
+ CRYPTOPP_DLL int GetIntValueWithDefault(const char *name, int defaultValue) const
+ {return GetValueWithDefault(name, defaultValue);}
+ //! used by derived classes to check for type mismatch
+ CRYPTOPP_DLL static void CRYPTOPP_API ThrowIfTypeMismatch(const char *name, const std::type_info &stored, const std::type_info &retrieving)
+ {if (stored != retrieving) throw ValueTypeMismatch(name, stored, retrieving);}
+ template <class T>
+ void GetRequiredParameter(const char *className, const char *name, T &value) const
+ {
+ if (!GetValue(name, value))
+ throw InvalidArgument(std::string(className) + ": missing required parameter '" + name + "'");
+ }
+ CRYPTOPP_DLL void GetRequiredIntParameter(const char *className, const char *name, int &value) const
+ {
+ if (!GetIntValue(name, value))
+ throw InvalidArgument(std::string(className) + ": missing required parameter '" + name + "'");
+ }
+ //! to be implemented by derived classes, users should use one of the above functions instead
+ CRYPTOPP_DLL virtual bool GetVoidValue(const char *name, const std::type_info &valueType, void *pValue) const =0;
+//! namespace containing value name definitions
+/*! value names, types and semantics:
+ ThisObject:ClassName (ClassName, copy of this object or a subobject)
+ ThisPointer:ClassName (const ClassName *, pointer to this object or a subobject)
+// more names defined in argnames.h
+//! empty set of name-value pairs
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL NullNameValuePairs : public NameValuePairs
+ bool GetVoidValue(const char *name, const std::type_info &valueType, void *pValue) const {return false;}
+//! _
+extern CRYPTOPP_DLL const NullNameValuePairs g_nullNameValuePairs;
+// ********************************************************
+//! interface for cloning objects, this is not implemented by most classes yet
+ virtual ~Clonable() {}
+ //! this is not implemented by most classes yet
+ virtual Clonable* Clone() const {throw NotImplemented("Clone() is not implemented yet.");} // TODO: make this =0
+//! interface for all crypto algorithms
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE Algorithm : public Clonable
+ /*! When FIPS 140-2 compliance is enabled and checkSelfTestStatus == true,
+ this constructor throws SelfTestFailure if the self test hasn't been run or fails. */
+ Algorithm(bool checkSelfTestStatus = true);
+ //! returns name of this algorithm, not universally implemented yet
+ virtual std::string AlgorithmName() const {return "unknown";}
+//! keying interface for crypto algorithms that take byte strings as keys
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE SimpleKeyingInterface
+ virtual ~SimpleKeyingInterface() {}
+ //! returns smallest valid key length in bytes */
+ virtual size_t MinKeyLength() const =0;
+ //! returns largest valid key length in bytes */
+ virtual size_t MaxKeyLength() const =0;
+ //! returns default (recommended) key length in bytes */
+ virtual size_t DefaultKeyLength() const =0;
+ //! returns the smallest valid key length in bytes that is >= min(n, GetMaxKeyLength())
+ virtual size_t GetValidKeyLength(size_t n) const =0;
+ //! returns whether n is a valid key length
+ virtual bool IsValidKeyLength(size_t n) const
+ {return n == GetValidKeyLength(n);}
+ //! set or reset the key of this object
+ /*! \param params is used to specify Rounds, BlockSize, etc. */
+ virtual void SetKey(const byte *key, size_t length, const NameValuePairs ¶ms = g_nullNameValuePairs);
+ //! calls SetKey() with an NameValuePairs object that just specifies "Rounds"
+ void SetKeyWithRounds(const byte *key, size_t length, int rounds);
+ //! calls SetKey() with an NameValuePairs object that just specifies "IV"
+ void SetKeyWithIV(const byte *key, size_t length, const byte *iv, size_t ivLength);
+ //! calls SetKey() with an NameValuePairs object that just specifies "IV"
+ void SetKeyWithIV(const byte *key, size_t length, const byte *iv)
+ {SetKeyWithIV(key, length, iv, IVSize());}
+ //! returns the minimal requirement for secure IVs
+ virtual IV_Requirement IVRequirement() const =0;
+ //! returns whether this object can be resynchronized (i.e. supports initialization vectors)
+ /*! If this function returns true, and no IV is passed to SetKey() and CanUseStructuredIVs()==true, an IV of all 0's will be assumed. */
+ bool IsResynchronizable() const {return IVRequirement() < NOT_RESYNCHRONIZABLE;}
+ //! returns whether this object can use random IVs (in addition to ones returned by GetNextIV)
+ bool CanUseRandomIVs() const {return IVRequirement() <= UNPREDICTABLE_RANDOM_IV;}
+ //! returns whether this object can use random but possibly predictable IVs (in addition to ones returned by GetNextIV)
+ bool CanUsePredictableIVs() const {return IVRequirement() <= RANDOM_IV;}
+ //! returns whether this object can use structured IVs, for example a counter (in addition to ones returned by GetNextIV)
+ bool CanUseStructuredIVs() const {return IVRequirement() <= UNIQUE_IV;}
+ virtual unsigned int IVSize() const {throw NotImplemented(GetAlgorithm().AlgorithmName() + ": this object doesn't support resynchronization");}
+ //! returns default length of IVs accepted by this object
+ unsigned int DefaultIVLength() const {return IVSize();}
+ //! returns minimal length of IVs accepted by this object
+ virtual unsigned int MinIVLength() const {return IVSize();}
+ //! returns maximal length of IVs accepted by this object
+ virtual unsigned int MaxIVLength() const {return IVSize();}
+ //! resynchronize with an IV. ivLength=-1 means use IVSize()
+ virtual void Resynchronize(const byte *iv, int ivLength=-1) {throw NotImplemented(GetAlgorithm().AlgorithmName() + ": this object doesn't support resynchronization");}
+ //! get a secure IV for the next message
+ /*! This method should be called after you finish encrypting one message and are ready to start the next one.
+ After calling it, you must call SetKey() or Resynchronize() before using this object again.
+ This method is not implemented on decryption objects. */
+ virtual void GetNextIV(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *IV);
+ virtual const Algorithm & GetAlgorithm() const =0;
+ virtual void UncheckedSetKey(const byte *key, unsigned int length, const NameValuePairs ¶ms) =0;
+ void ThrowIfInvalidKeyLength(size_t length);
+ void ThrowIfResynchronizable(); // to be called when no IV is passed
+ void ThrowIfInvalidIV(const byte *iv); // check for NULL IV if it can't be used
+ size_t ThrowIfInvalidIVLength(int size);
+ const byte * GetIVAndThrowIfInvalid(const NameValuePairs ¶ms, size_t &size);
+ inline void AssertValidKeyLength(size_t length) const
+ {assert(IsValidKeyLength(length));}
+//! interface for the data processing part of block ciphers
+/*! Classes derived from BlockTransformation are block ciphers
+ in ECB mode (for example the DES::Encryption class), which are stateless.
+ These classes should not be used directly, but only in combination with
+ a mode class (see CipherModeDocumentation in modes.h).
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE BlockTransformation : public Algorithm
+ //! encrypt or decrypt inBlock, xor with xorBlock, and write to outBlock
+ virtual void ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte *inBlock, const byte *xorBlock, byte *outBlock) const =0;
+ //! encrypt or decrypt one block
+ /*! \pre size of inBlock and outBlock == BlockSize() */
+ void ProcessBlock(const byte *inBlock, byte *outBlock) const
+ {ProcessAndXorBlock(inBlock, NULL, outBlock);}
+ //! encrypt or decrypt one block in place
+ void ProcessBlock(byte *inoutBlock) const
+ {ProcessAndXorBlock(inoutBlock, NULL, inoutBlock);}
+ //! block size of the cipher in bytes
+ virtual unsigned int BlockSize() const =0;
+ //! returns how inputs and outputs should be aligned for optimal performance
+ virtual unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment() const;
+ //! returns true if this is a permutation (i.e. there is an inverse transformation)
+ virtual bool IsPermutation() const {return true;}
+ //! returns true if this is an encryption object
+ virtual bool IsForwardTransformation() const =0;
+ //! return number of blocks that can be processed in parallel, for bit-slicing implementations
+ virtual unsigned int OptimalNumberOfParallelBlocks() const {return 1;}
+ enum {BT_InBlockIsCounter=1, BT_DontIncrementInOutPointers=2, BT_XorInput=4, BT_ReverseDirection=8} FlagsForAdvancedProcessBlocks;
+ //! encrypt and xor blocks according to flags (see FlagsForAdvancedProcessBlocks)
+ /*! /note If BT_InBlockIsCounter is set, last byte of inBlocks may be modified. */
+ virtual size_t AdvancedProcessBlocks(const byte *inBlocks, const byte *xorBlocks, byte *outBlocks, size_t length, word32 flags) const;
+ inline CipherDir GetCipherDirection() const {return IsForwardTransformation() ? ENCRYPTION : DECRYPTION;}
+//! interface for the data processing part of stream ciphers
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE StreamTransformation : public Algorithm
+ //! return a reference to this object,
+ /*! This function is useful for passing a temporary StreamTransformation object to a
+ function that takes a non-const reference. */
+ StreamTransformation& Ref() {return *this;}
+ //! returns block size, if input must be processed in blocks, otherwise 1
+ virtual unsigned int MandatoryBlockSize() const {return 1;}
+ //! returns the input block size that is most efficient for this cipher
+ /*! \note optimal input length is n * OptimalBlockSize() - GetOptimalBlockSizeUsed() for any n > 0 */
+ virtual unsigned int OptimalBlockSize() const {return MandatoryBlockSize();}
+ //! returns how much of the current block is used up
+ virtual unsigned int GetOptimalBlockSizeUsed() const {return 0;}
+ //! returns how input should be aligned for optimal performance
+ virtual unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment() const;
+ //! encrypt or decrypt an array of bytes of specified length
+ /*! \note either inString == outString, or they don't overlap */
+ virtual void ProcessData(byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t length) =0;
+ //! for ciphers where the last block of data is special, encrypt or decrypt the last block of data
+ /*! For now the only use of this function is for CBC-CTS mode. */
+ virtual void ProcessLastBlock(byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t length);
+ //! returns the minimum size of the last block, 0 indicating the last block is not special
+ virtual unsigned int MinLastBlockSize() const {return 0;}
+ //! same as ProcessData(inoutString, inoutString, length)
+ inline void ProcessString(byte *inoutString, size_t length)
+ {ProcessData(inoutString, inoutString, length);}
+ //! same as ProcessData(outString, inString, length)
+ inline void ProcessString(byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t length)
+ {ProcessData(outString, inString, length);}
+ //! implemented as {ProcessData(&input, &input, 1); return input;}
+ inline byte ProcessByte(byte input)
+ {ProcessData(&input, &input, 1); return input;}
+ //! returns whether this cipher supports random access
+ virtual bool IsRandomAccess() const =0;
+ //! for random access ciphers, seek to an absolute position
+ virtual void Seek(lword n)
+ {
+ assert(!IsRandomAccess());
+ throw NotImplemented("StreamTransformation: this object doesn't support random access");
+ }
+ //! returns whether this transformation is self-inverting (e.g. xor with a keystream)
+ virtual bool IsSelfInverting() const =0;
+ //! returns whether this is an encryption object
+ virtual bool IsForwardTransformation() const =0;
+//! interface for hash functions and data processing part of MACs
+/*! HashTransformation objects are stateful. They are created in an initial state,
+ change state as Update() is called, and return to the initial
+ state when Final() is called. This interface allows a large message to
+ be hashed in pieces by calling Update() on each piece followed by
+ calling Final().
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE HashTransformation : public Algorithm
+ //! return a reference to this object,
+ /*! This function is useful for passing a temporary HashTransformation object to a
+ function that takes a non-const reference. */
+ HashTransformation& Ref() {return *this;}
+ //! process more input
+ virtual void Update(const byte *input, size_t length) =0;
+ //! request space to write input into
+ virtual byte * CreateUpdateSpace(size_t &size) {size=0; return NULL;}
+ //! compute hash for current message, then restart for a new message
+ /*! \pre size of digest == DigestSize(). */
+ virtual void Final(byte *digest)
+ {TruncatedFinal(digest, DigestSize());}
+ //! discard the current state, and restart with a new message
+ virtual void Restart()
+ {TruncatedFinal(NULL, 0);}
+ //! size of the hash/digest/MAC returned by Final()
+ virtual unsigned int DigestSize() const =0;
+ //! same as DigestSize()
+ unsigned int TagSize() const {return DigestSize();}
+ //! block size of underlying compression function, or 0 if not block based
+ virtual unsigned int BlockSize() const {return 0;}
+ //! input to Update() should have length a multiple of this for optimal speed
+ virtual unsigned int OptimalBlockSize() const {return 1;}
+ //! returns how input should be aligned for optimal performance
+ virtual unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment() const;
+ //! use this if your input is in one piece and you don't want to call Update() and Final() separately
+ virtual void CalculateDigest(byte *digest, const byte *input, size_t length)
+ {Update(input, length); Final(digest);}
+ //! verify that digest is a valid digest for the current message, then reinitialize the object
+ /*! Default implementation is to call Final() and do a bitwise comparison
+ between its output and digest. */
+ virtual bool Verify(const byte *digest)
+ {return TruncatedVerify(digest, DigestSize());}
+ //! use this if your input is in one piece and you don't want to call Update() and Verify() separately
+ virtual bool VerifyDigest(const byte *digest, const byte *input, size_t length)
+ {Update(input, length); return Verify(digest);}
+ //! truncated version of Final()
+ virtual void TruncatedFinal(byte *digest, size_t digestSize) =0;
+ //! truncated version of CalculateDigest()
+ virtual void CalculateTruncatedDigest(byte *digest, size_t digestSize, const byte *input, size_t length)
+ {Update(input, length); TruncatedFinal(digest, digestSize);}
+ //! truncated version of Verify()
+ virtual bool TruncatedVerify(const byte *digest, size_t digestLength);
+ //! truncated version of VerifyDigest()
+ virtual bool VerifyTruncatedDigest(const byte *digest, size_t digestLength, const byte *input, size_t length)
+ {Update(input, length); return TruncatedVerify(digest, digestLength);}
+ void ThrowIfInvalidTruncatedSize(size_t size) const;
+typedef HashTransformation HashFunction;
+//! interface for one direction (encryption or decryption) of a block cipher
+/*! \note These objects usually should not be used directly. See BlockTransformation for more details. */
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE BlockCipher : public SimpleKeyingInterface, public BlockTransformation
+ const Algorithm & GetAlgorithm() const {return *this;}
+//! interface for one direction (encryption or decryption) of a stream cipher or cipher mode
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE SymmetricCipher : public SimpleKeyingInterface, public StreamTransformation
+ const Algorithm & GetAlgorithm() const {return *this;}
+//! interface for message authentication codes
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE MessageAuthenticationCode : public SimpleKeyingInterface, public HashTransformation
+ const Algorithm & GetAlgorithm() const {return *this;}
+//! interface for for one direction (encryption or decryption) of a stream cipher or block cipher mode with authentication
+/*! The StreamTransformation part of this interface is used to encrypt/decrypt the data, and the MessageAuthenticationCode part of this
+ interface is used to input additional authenticated data (AAD, which is MAC'ed but not encrypted), and to generate/verify the MAC. */
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher : public MessageAuthenticationCode, public StreamTransformation
+ //! this indicates that a member function was called in the wrong state, for example trying to encrypt a message before having set the key or IV
+ class BadState : public Exception
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit BadState(const std::string &name, const char *message) : Exception(OTHER_ERROR, name + ": " + message) {}
+ explicit BadState(const std::string &name, const char *function, const char *state) : Exception(OTHER_ERROR, name + ": " + function + " was called before " + state) {}
+ };
+ //! the maximum length of AAD that can be input before the encrypted data
+ virtual lword MaxHeaderLength() const =0;
+ //! the maximum length of encrypted data
+ virtual lword MaxMessageLength() const =0;
+ //! the maximum length of AAD that can be input after the encrypted data
+ virtual lword MaxFooterLength() const {return 0;}
+ //! if this function returns true, SpecifyDataLengths() must be called before attempting to input data
+ /*! This is the case for some schemes, such as CCM. */
+ virtual bool NeedsPrespecifiedDataLengths() const {return false;}
+ //! this function only needs to be called if NeedsPrespecifiedDataLengths() returns true
+ void SpecifyDataLengths(lword headerLength, lword messageLength, lword footerLength=0);
+ //! encrypt and generate MAC in one call. will truncate MAC if macSize < TagSize()
+ virtual void EncryptAndAuthenticate(byte *ciphertext, byte *mac, size_t macSize, const byte *iv, int ivLength, const byte *header, size_t headerLength, const byte *message, size_t messageLength);
+ //! decrypt and verify MAC in one call, returning true iff MAC is valid. will assume MAC is truncated if macLength < TagSize()
+ virtual bool DecryptAndVerify(byte *message, const byte *mac, size_t macLength, const byte *iv, int ivLength, const byte *header, size_t headerLength, const byte *ciphertext, size_t ciphertextLength);
+ // redeclare this to avoid compiler ambiguity errors
+ virtual std::string AlgorithmName() const =0;
+ const Algorithm & GetAlgorithm() const {return *static_cast<const MessageAuthenticationCode *>(this);}
+ virtual void UncheckedSpecifyDataLengths(lword headerLength, lword messageLength, lword footerLength) {}
+typedef SymmetricCipher StreamCipher;
+//! interface for random number generators
+/*! All return values are uniformly distributed over the range specified.
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE RandomNumberGenerator : public Algorithm
+ //! update RNG state with additional unpredictable values
+ virtual void IncorporateEntropy(const byte *input, size_t length) {throw NotImplemented("RandomNumberGenerator: IncorporateEntropy not implemented");}
+ //! returns true if IncorporateEntropy is implemented
+ virtual bool CanIncorporateEntropy() const {return false;}
+ //! generate new random byte and return it
+ virtual byte GenerateByte();
+ //! generate new random bit and return it
+ /*! Default implementation is to call GenerateByte() and return its lowest bit. */
+ virtual unsigned int GenerateBit();
+ //! generate a random 32 bit word in the range min to max, inclusive
+ virtual word32 GenerateWord32(word32 a=0, word32 b=0xffffffffL);
+ //! generate random array of bytes
+ virtual void GenerateBlock(byte *output, size_t size);
+ //! generate and discard n bytes
+ virtual void DiscardBytes(size_t n);
+ //! generate random bytes as input to a BufferedTransformation
+ virtual void GenerateIntoBufferedTransformation(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel, lword length);
+ //! randomly shuffle the specified array, resulting permutation is uniformly distributed
+ template <class IT> void Shuffle(IT begin, IT end)
+ {
+ for (; begin != end; ++begin)
+ std::iter_swap(begin, begin + GenerateWord32(0, end-begin-1));
+ }
+ byte GetByte() {return GenerateByte();}
+ unsigned int GetBit() {return GenerateBit();}
+ word32 GetLong(word32 a=0, word32 b=0xffffffffL) {return GenerateWord32(a, b);}
+ word16 GetShort(word16 a=0, word16 b=0xffff) {return (word16)GenerateWord32(a, b);}
+ void GetBlock(byte *output, size_t size) {GenerateBlock(output, size);}
+//! returns a reference that can be passed to functions that ask for a RNG but doesn't actually use it
+CRYPTOPP_DLL RandomNumberGenerator & CRYPTOPP_API NullRNG();
+class WaitObjectContainer;
+class CallStack;
+//! interface for objects that you can wait for
+class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE Waitable
+ virtual ~Waitable() {}
+ //! maximum number of wait objects that this object can return
+ virtual unsigned int GetMaxWaitObjectCount() const =0;
+ //! put wait objects into container
+ /*! \param callStack is used for tracing no wait loops, example:
+ something.GetWaitObjects(c, CallStack("my func after X", 0));
+ - or in an outer GetWaitObjects() method that itself takes a callStack parameter:
+ innerThing.GetWaitObjects(c, CallStack("MyClass::GetWaitObjects at X", &callStack)); */
+ virtual void GetWaitObjects(WaitObjectContainer &container, CallStack const& callStack) =0;
+ //! wait on this object
+ /*! same as creating an empty container, calling GetWaitObjects(), and calling Wait() on the container */
+ bool Wait(unsigned long milliseconds, CallStack const& callStack);
+//! the default channel for BufferedTransformation, equal to the empty string
+extern CRYPTOPP_DLL const std::string DEFAULT_CHANNEL;
+//! channel for additional authenticated data, equal to "AAD"
+extern CRYPTOPP_DLL const std::string AAD_CHANNEL;
+//! interface for buffered transformations
+/*! BufferedTransformation is a generalization of BlockTransformation,
+ StreamTransformation, and HashTransformation.
+ A buffered transformation is an object that takes a stream of bytes
+ as input (this may be done in stages), does some computation on them, and
+ then places the result into an internal buffer for later retrieval. Any
+ partial result already in the output buffer is not modified by further
+ input.
+ If a method takes a "blocking" parameter, and you
+ pass "false" for it, the method will return before all input has been processed if
+ the input cannot be processed without waiting (for network buffers to become available, for example).
+ In this case the method will return true
+ or a non-zero integer value. When this happens you must continue to call the method with the same
+ parameters until it returns false or zero, before calling any other method on it or
+ attached BufferedTransformation. The integer return value in this case is approximately
+ the number of bytes left to be processed, and can be used to implement a progress bar.
+ For functions that take a "propagation" parameter, propagation != 0 means pass on the signal to attached
+ BufferedTransformation objects, with propagation decremented at each step until it reaches 0.
+ -1 means unlimited propagation.
+ \nosubgrouping
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE BufferedTransformation : public Algorithm, public Waitable
+ // placed up here for CW8
+ static const std::string &NULL_CHANNEL; // same as DEFAULT_CHANNEL, for backwards compatibility
+ BufferedTransformation() : Algorithm(false) {}
+ //! return a reference to this object
+ /*! This function is useful for passing a temporary BufferedTransformation object to a
+ function that takes a non-const reference. */
+ BufferedTransformation& Ref() {return *this;}
+ //! \name INPUT
+ //@{
+ //! input a byte for processing
+ size_t Put(byte inByte, bool blocking=true)
+ {return Put(&inByte, 1, blocking);}
+ //! input multiple bytes
+ size_t Put(const byte *inString, size_t length, bool blocking=true)
+ {return Put2(inString, length, 0, blocking);}
+ //! input a 16-bit word
+ size_t PutWord16(word16 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true);
+ //! input a 32-bit word
+ size_t PutWord32(word32 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true);
+ //! request space which can be written into by the caller, and then used as input to Put()
+ /*! \param size is requested size (as a hint) for input, and size of the returned space for output */
+ /*! \note The purpose of this method is to help avoid doing extra memory allocations. */
+ virtual byte * CreatePutSpace(size_t &size) {size=0; return NULL;}
+ virtual bool CanModifyInput() const {return false;}
+ //! input multiple bytes that may be modified by callee
+ size_t PutModifiable(byte *inString, size_t length, bool blocking=true)
+ {return PutModifiable2(inString, length, 0, blocking);}
+ bool MessageEnd(int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
+ {return !!Put2(NULL, 0, propagation < 0 ? -1 : propagation+1, blocking);}
+ size_t PutMessageEnd(const byte *inString, size_t length, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
+ {return Put2(inString, length, propagation < 0 ? -1 : propagation+1, blocking);}
+ //! input multiple bytes for blocking or non-blocking processing
+ /*! \param messageEnd means how many filters to signal MessageEnd to, including this one */
+ virtual size_t Put2(const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) =0;
+ //! input multiple bytes that may be modified by callee for blocking or non-blocking processing
+ /*! \param messageEnd means how many filters to signal MessageEnd to, including this one */
+ virtual size_t PutModifiable2(byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
+ {return Put2(inString, length, messageEnd, blocking);}
+ //! thrown by objects that have not implemented nonblocking input processing
+ struct BlockingInputOnly : public NotImplemented
+ {BlockingInputOnly(const std::string &s) : NotImplemented(s + ": Nonblocking input is not implemented by this object.") {}};
+ //@}
+ //! \name WAITING
+ //@{
+ unsigned int GetMaxWaitObjectCount() const;
+ void GetWaitObjects(WaitObjectContainer &container, CallStack const& callStack);
+ //@}
+ //! \name SIGNALS
+ //@{
+ virtual void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters) {throw NotImplemented("BufferedTransformation: this object can't be reinitialized");}
+ virtual bool IsolatedFlush(bool hardFlush, bool blocking) =0;
+ virtual bool IsolatedMessageSeriesEnd(bool blocking) {return false;}
+ //! initialize or reinitialize this object
+ virtual void Initialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters=g_nullNameValuePairs, int propagation=-1);
+ //! flush buffered input and/or output
+ /*! \param hardFlush is used to indicate whether all data should be flushed
+ \note Hard flushes must be used with care. It means try to process and output everything, even if
+ there may not be enough data to complete the action. For example, hard flushing a HexDecoder would
+ cause an error if you do it after inputing an odd number of hex encoded characters.
+ For some types of filters, for example ZlibDecompressor, hard flushes can only
+ be done at "synchronization points". These synchronization points are positions in the data
+ stream that are created by hard flushes on the corresponding reverse filters, in this
+ example ZlibCompressor. This is useful when zlib compressed data is moved across a
+ network in packets and compression state is preserved across packets, as in the ssh2 protocol.
+ */
+ virtual bool Flush(bool hardFlush, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true);
+ //! mark end of a series of messages
+ /*! There should be a MessageEnd immediately before MessageSeriesEnd. */
+ virtual bool MessageSeriesEnd(int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true);
+ //! set propagation of automatically generated and transferred signals
+ /*! propagation == 0 means do not automaticly generate signals */
+ virtual void SetAutoSignalPropagation(int propagation) {}
+ //!
+ virtual int GetAutoSignalPropagation() const {return 0;}
+ void Close() {MessageEnd();}
+ //@}
+ //@{
+ //! returns number of bytes that is currently ready for retrieval
+ /*! All retrieval functions return the actual number of bytes
+ retrieved, which is the lesser of the request number and
+ MaxRetrievable(). */
+ virtual lword MaxRetrievable() const;
+ //! returns whether any bytes are currently ready for retrieval
+ virtual bool AnyRetrievable() const;
+ //! try to retrieve a single byte
+ virtual size_t Get(byte &outByte);
+ //! try to retrieve multiple bytes
+ virtual size_t Get(byte *outString, size_t getMax);
+ //! peek at the next byte without removing it from the output buffer
+ virtual size_t Peek(byte &outByte) const;
+ //! peek at multiple bytes without removing them from the output buffer
+ virtual size_t Peek(byte *outString, size_t peekMax) const;
+ //! try to retrieve a 16-bit word
+ size_t GetWord16(word16 &value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER);
+ //! try to retrieve a 32-bit word
+ size_t GetWord32(word32 &value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER);
+ //! try to peek at a 16-bit word
+ size_t PeekWord16(word16 &value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER) const;
+ //! try to peek at a 32-bit word
+ size_t PeekWord32(word32 &value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER) const;
+ //! move transferMax bytes of the buffered output to target as input
+ lword TransferTo(BufferedTransformation &target, lword transferMax=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL)
+ {TransferTo2(target, transferMax, channel); return transferMax;}
+ //! discard skipMax bytes from the output buffer
+ virtual lword Skip(lword skipMax=LWORD_MAX);
+ //! copy copyMax bytes of the buffered output to target as input
+ lword CopyTo(BufferedTransformation &target, lword copyMax=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) const
+ {return CopyRangeTo(target, 0, copyMax, channel);}
+ //! copy copyMax bytes of the buffered output, starting at position (relative to current position), to target as input
+ lword CopyRangeTo(BufferedTransformation &target, lword position, lword copyMax=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) const
+ {lword i = position; CopyRangeTo2(target, i, i+copyMax, channel); return i-position;}
+ unsigned long MaxRetrieveable() const {return MaxRetrievable();}
+ //@}
+ //@{
+ //!
+ virtual lword TotalBytesRetrievable() const;
+ //! number of times MessageEnd() has been received minus messages retrieved or skipped
+ virtual unsigned int NumberOfMessages() const;
+ //! returns true if NumberOfMessages() > 0
+ virtual bool AnyMessages() const;
+ //! start retrieving the next message
+ /*!
+ Returns false if no more messages exist or this message
+ is not completely retrieved.
+ */
+ virtual bool GetNextMessage();
+ //! skip count number of messages
+ virtual unsigned int SkipMessages(unsigned int count=UINT_MAX);
+ //!
+ unsigned int TransferMessagesTo(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned int count=UINT_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL)
+ {TransferMessagesTo2(target, count, channel); return count;}
+ //!
+ unsigned int CopyMessagesTo(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned int count=UINT_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) const;
+ //!
+ virtual void SkipAll();
+ //!
+ void TransferAllTo(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL)
+ {TransferAllTo2(target, channel);}
+ //!
+ void CopyAllTo(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) const;
+ virtual bool GetNextMessageSeries() {return false;}
+ virtual unsigned int NumberOfMessagesInThisSeries() const {return NumberOfMessages();}
+ virtual unsigned int NumberOfMessageSeries() const {return 0;}
+ //@}
+ //@{
+ //! upon return, byteCount contains number of bytes that have finished being transfered, and returns the number of bytes left in the current transfer block
+ virtual size_t TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &byteCount, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) =0;
+ //! upon return, begin contains the start position of data yet to be finished copying, and returns the number of bytes left in the current transfer block
+ virtual size_t CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &begin, lword end=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) const =0;
+ //! upon return, messageCount contains number of messages that have finished being transfered, and returns the number of bytes left in the current transfer block
+ size_t TransferMessagesTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned int &messageCount, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true);
+ //! returns the number of bytes left in the current transfer block
+ size_t TransferAllTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true);
+ //@}
+ //! \name CHANNELS
+ //@{
+ struct NoChannelSupport : public NotImplemented
+ {NoChannelSupport(const std::string &name) : NotImplemented(name + ": this object doesn't support multiple channels") {}};
+ struct InvalidChannelName : public InvalidArgument
+ {InvalidChannelName(const std::string &name, const std::string &channel) : InvalidArgument(name + ": unexpected channel name \"" + channel + "\"") {}};
+ size_t ChannelPut(const std::string &channel, byte inByte, bool blocking=true)
+ {return ChannelPut(channel, &inByte, 1, blocking);}
+ size_t ChannelPut(const std::string &channel, const byte *inString, size_t length, bool blocking=true)
+ {return ChannelPut2(channel, inString, length, 0, blocking);}
+ size_t ChannelPutModifiable(const std::string &channel, byte *inString, size_t length, bool blocking=true)
+ {return ChannelPutModifiable2(channel, inString, length, 0, blocking);}
+ size_t ChannelPutWord16(const std::string &channel, word16 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true);
+ size_t ChannelPutWord32(const std::string &channel, word32 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true);
+ bool ChannelMessageEnd(const std::string &channel, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
+ {return !!ChannelPut2(channel, NULL, 0, propagation < 0 ? -1 : propagation+1, blocking);}
+ size_t ChannelPutMessageEnd(const std::string &channel, const byte *inString, size_t length, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
+ {return ChannelPut2(channel, inString, length, propagation < 0 ? -1 : propagation+1, blocking);}
+ virtual byte * ChannelCreatePutSpace(const std::string &channel, size_t &size);
+ virtual size_t ChannelPut2(const std::string &channel, const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
+ virtual size_t ChannelPutModifiable2(const std::string &channel, byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
+ virtual bool ChannelFlush(const std::string &channel, bool hardFlush, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true);
+ virtual bool ChannelMessageSeriesEnd(const std::string &channel, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true);
+ virtual void SetRetrievalChannel(const std::string &channel);
+ //@}
+ //! \name ATTACHMENT
+ /*! Some BufferedTransformation objects (e.g. Filter objects)
+ allow other BufferedTransformation objects to be attached. When
+ this is done, the first object instead of buffering its output,
+ sents that output to the attached object as input. The entire
+ attachment chain is deleted when the anchor object is destructed.
+ */
+ //@{
+ //! returns whether this object allows attachment
+ virtual bool Attachable() {return false;}
+ //! returns the object immediately attached to this object or NULL for no attachment
+ virtual BufferedTransformation *AttachedTransformation() {assert(!Attachable()); return 0;}
+ //!
+ virtual const BufferedTransformation *AttachedTransformation() const
+ {return const_cast<BufferedTransformation *>(this)->AttachedTransformation();}
+ //! delete the current attachment chain and replace it with newAttachment
+ virtual void Detach(BufferedTransformation *newAttachment = 0)
+ {assert(!Attachable()); throw NotImplemented("BufferedTransformation: this object is not attachable");}
+ //! add newAttachment to the end of attachment chain
+ virtual void Attach(BufferedTransformation *newAttachment);
+ //@}
+ static int DecrementPropagation(int propagation)
+ {return propagation != 0 ? propagation - 1 : 0;}
+ byte m_buf[4]; // for ChannelPutWord16 and ChannelPutWord32, to ensure buffer isn't deallocated before non-blocking operation completes
+//! returns a reference to a BufferedTransformation object that discards all input
+BufferedTransformation & TheBitBucket();
+//! interface for crypto material, such as public and private keys, and crypto parameters
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE CryptoMaterial : public NameValuePairs
+ //! exception thrown when invalid crypto material is detected
+ class CRYPTOPP_DLL InvalidMaterial : public InvalidDataFormat
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit InvalidMaterial(const std::string &s) : InvalidDataFormat(s) {}
+ };
+ //! assign values from source to this object
+ /*! \note This function can be used to create a public key from a private key. */
+ virtual void AssignFrom(const NameValuePairs &source) =0;
+ //! check this object for errors
+ /*! \param level denotes the level of thoroughness:
+ 0 - using this object won't cause a crash or exception (rng is ignored)
+ 1 - this object will probably function (encrypt, sign, etc.) correctly (but may not check for weak keys and such)
+ 2 - make sure this object will function correctly, and do reasonable security checks
+ 3 - do checks that may take a long time
+ \return true if the tests pass */
+ virtual bool Validate(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int level) const =0;
+ //! throws InvalidMaterial if this object fails Validate() test
+ virtual void ThrowIfInvalid(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int level) const
+ {if (!Validate(rng, level)) throw InvalidMaterial("CryptoMaterial: this object contains invalid values");}
+// virtual std::vector<std::string> GetSupportedFormats(bool includeSaveOnly=false, bool includeLoadOnly=false);
+ //! save key into a BufferedTransformation
+ virtual void Save(BufferedTransformation &bt) const
+ {throw NotImplemented("CryptoMaterial: this object does not support saving");}
+ //! load key from a BufferedTransformation
+ /*! \throws KeyingErr if decode fails
+ \note Generally does not check that the key is valid.
+ Call ValidateKey() or ThrowIfInvalidKey() to check that. */
+ virtual void Load(BufferedTransformation &bt)
+ {throw NotImplemented("CryptoMaterial: this object does not support loading");}
+ //! \return whether this object supports precomputation
+ virtual bool SupportsPrecomputation() const {return false;}
+ //! do precomputation
+ /*! The exact semantics of Precompute() is varies, but
+ typically it means calculate a table of n objects
+ that can be used later to speed up computation. */
+ virtual void Precompute(unsigned int n)
+ {assert(!SupportsPrecomputation()); throw NotImplemented("CryptoMaterial: this object does not support precomputation");}
+ //! retrieve previously saved precomputation
+ virtual void LoadPrecomputation(BufferedTransformation &storedPrecomputation)
+ {assert(!SupportsPrecomputation()); throw NotImplemented("CryptoMaterial: this object does not support precomputation");}
+ //! save precomputation for later use
+ virtual void SavePrecomputation(BufferedTransformation &storedPrecomputation) const
+ {assert(!SupportsPrecomputation()); throw NotImplemented("CryptoMaterial: this object does not support precomputation");}
+ // for internal library use
+ void DoQuickSanityCheck() const {ThrowIfInvalid(NullRNG(), 0);}
+#if (defined(__SUNPRO_CC) && __SUNPRO_CC < 0x590)
+ // Sun Studio 11/CC 5.8 workaround: it generates incorrect code when casting to an empty virtual base class
+ char m_sunCCworkaround;
+//! interface for generatable crypto material, such as private keys and crypto parameters
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE GeneratableCryptoMaterial : virtual public CryptoMaterial
+ //! generate a random key or crypto parameters
+ /*! \throws KeyingErr if algorithm parameters are invalid, or if a key can't be generated
+ (e.g., if this is a public key object) */
+ virtual void GenerateRandom(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const NameValuePairs ¶ms = g_nullNameValuePairs)
+ {throw NotImplemented("GeneratableCryptoMaterial: this object does not support key/parameter generation");}
+ //! calls the above function with a NameValuePairs object that just specifies "KeySize"
+ void GenerateRandomWithKeySize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int keySize);
+//! interface for public keys
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PublicKey : virtual public CryptoMaterial
+//! interface for private keys
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PrivateKey : public GeneratableCryptoMaterial
+//! interface for crypto prameters
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE CryptoParameters : public GeneratableCryptoMaterial
+//! interface for asymmetric algorithms
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE AsymmetricAlgorithm : public Algorithm
+ //! returns a reference to the crypto material used by this object
+ virtual CryptoMaterial & AccessMaterial() =0;
+ //! returns a const reference to the crypto material used by this object
+ virtual const CryptoMaterial & GetMaterial() const =0;
+ //! for backwards compatibility, calls AccessMaterial().Load(bt)
+ void BERDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt)
+ {AccessMaterial().Load(bt);}
+ //! for backwards compatibility, calls GetMaterial().Save(bt)
+ void DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const
+ {GetMaterial().Save(bt);}
+//! interface for asymmetric algorithms using public keys
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PublicKeyAlgorithm : public AsymmetricAlgorithm
+ // VC60 workaround: no co-variant return type
+ CryptoMaterial & AccessMaterial() {return AccessPublicKey();}
+ const CryptoMaterial & GetMaterial() const {return GetPublicKey();}
+ virtual PublicKey & AccessPublicKey() =0;
+ virtual const PublicKey & GetPublicKey() const {return const_cast<PublicKeyAlgorithm *>(this)->AccessPublicKey();}
+//! interface for asymmetric algorithms using private keys
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PrivateKeyAlgorithm : public AsymmetricAlgorithm
+ CryptoMaterial & AccessMaterial() {return AccessPrivateKey();}
+ const CryptoMaterial & GetMaterial() const {return GetPrivateKey();}
+ virtual PrivateKey & AccessPrivateKey() =0;
+ virtual const PrivateKey & GetPrivateKey() const {return const_cast<PrivateKeyAlgorithm *>(this)->AccessPrivateKey();}
+//! interface for key agreement algorithms
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE KeyAgreementAlgorithm : public AsymmetricAlgorithm
+ CryptoMaterial & AccessMaterial() {return AccessCryptoParameters();}
+ const CryptoMaterial & GetMaterial() const {return GetCryptoParameters();}
+ virtual CryptoParameters & AccessCryptoParameters() =0;
+ virtual const CryptoParameters & GetCryptoParameters() const {return const_cast<KeyAgreementAlgorithm *>(this)->AccessCryptoParameters();}
+//! interface for public-key encryptors and decryptors
+/*! This class provides an interface common to encryptors and decryptors
+ for querying their plaintext and ciphertext lengths.
+ virtual ~PK_CryptoSystem() {}
+ //! maximum length of plaintext for a given ciphertext length
+ /*! \note This function returns 0 if ciphertextLength is not valid (too long or too short). */
+ virtual size_t MaxPlaintextLength(size_t ciphertextLength) const =0;
+ //! calculate length of ciphertext given length of plaintext
+ /*! \note This function returns 0 if plaintextLength is not valid (too long). */
+ virtual size_t CiphertextLength(size_t plaintextLength) const =0;
+ //! this object supports the use of the parameter with the given name
+ /*! some possible parameter names: EncodingParameters, KeyDerivationParameters */
+ virtual bool ParameterSupported(const char *name) const =0;
+ //! return fixed ciphertext length, if one exists, otherwise return 0
+ /*! \note "Fixed" here means length of ciphertext does not depend on length of plaintext.
+ It usually does depend on the key length. */
+ virtual size_t FixedCiphertextLength() const {return 0;}
+ //! return maximum plaintext length given the fixed ciphertext length, if one exists, otherwise return 0
+ virtual size_t FixedMaxPlaintextLength() const {return 0;}
+ size_t MaxPlainTextLength(size_t cipherTextLength) const {return MaxPlaintextLength(cipherTextLength);}
+ size_t CipherTextLength(size_t plainTextLength) const {return CiphertextLength(plainTextLength);}
+//! interface for public-key encryptors
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PK_Encryptor : public PK_CryptoSystem, public PublicKeyAlgorithm
+ //! exception thrown when trying to encrypt plaintext of invalid length
+ class CRYPTOPP_DLL InvalidPlaintextLength : public Exception
+ {
+ public:
+ InvalidPlaintextLength() : Exception(OTHER_ERROR, "PK_Encryptor: invalid plaintext length") {}
+ };
+ //! encrypt a byte string
+ /*! \pre CiphertextLength(plaintextLength) != 0 (i.e., plaintext isn't too long)
+ \pre size of ciphertext == CiphertextLength(plaintextLength)
+ */
+ virtual void Encrypt(RandomNumberGenerator &rng,
+ const byte *plaintext, size_t plaintextLength,
+ byte *ciphertext, const NameValuePairs ¶meters = g_nullNameValuePairs) const =0;
+ //! create a new encryption filter
+ /*! \note The caller is responsible for deleting the returned pointer.
+ \note Encoding parameters should be passed in the "EP" channel.
+ */
+ virtual BufferedTransformation * CreateEncryptionFilter(RandomNumberGenerator &rng,
+ BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL, const NameValuePairs ¶meters = g_nullNameValuePairs) const;
+//! interface for public-key decryptors
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PK_Decryptor : public PK_CryptoSystem, public PrivateKeyAlgorithm
+ //! decrypt a byte string, and return the length of plaintext
+ /*! \pre size of plaintext == MaxPlaintextLength(ciphertextLength) bytes.
+ \return the actual length of the plaintext, indication that decryption failed.
+ */
+ virtual DecodingResult Decrypt(RandomNumberGenerator &rng,
+ const byte *ciphertext, size_t ciphertextLength,
+ byte *plaintext, const NameValuePairs ¶meters = g_nullNameValuePairs) const =0;
+ //! create a new decryption filter
+ /*! \note caller is responsible for deleting the returned pointer
+ */
+ virtual BufferedTransformation * CreateDecryptionFilter(RandomNumberGenerator &rng,
+ BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL, const NameValuePairs ¶meters = g_nullNameValuePairs) const;
+ //! decrypt a fixed size ciphertext
+ DecodingResult FixedLengthDecrypt(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *ciphertext, byte *plaintext, const NameValuePairs ¶meters = g_nullNameValuePairs) const
+ {return Decrypt(rng, ciphertext, FixedCiphertextLength(), plaintext, parameters);}
+typedef PK_CryptoSystem PK_FixedLengthCryptoSystem;
+typedef PK_Encryptor PK_FixedLengthEncryptor;
+typedef PK_Decryptor PK_FixedLengthDecryptor;
+//! interface for public-key signers and verifiers
+/*! This class provides an interface common to signers and verifiers
+ for querying scheme properties.
+ //! invalid key exception, may be thrown by any function in this class if the private or public key has a length that can't be used
+ class CRYPTOPP_DLL InvalidKeyLength : public Exception
+ {
+ public:
+ InvalidKeyLength(const std::string &message) : Exception(OTHER_ERROR, message) {}
+ };
+ //! key too short exception, may be thrown by any function in this class if the private or public key is too short to sign or verify anything
+ class CRYPTOPP_DLL KeyTooShort : public InvalidKeyLength
+ {
+ public:
+ KeyTooShort() : InvalidKeyLength("PK_Signer: key too short for this signature scheme") {}
+ };
+ virtual ~PK_SignatureScheme() {}
+ //! signature length if it only depends on the key, otherwise 0
+ virtual size_t SignatureLength() const =0;
+ //! maximum signature length produced for a given length of recoverable message part
+ virtual size_t MaxSignatureLength(size_t recoverablePartLength = 0) const {return SignatureLength();}
+ //! length of longest message that can be recovered, or 0 if this signature scheme does not support message recovery
+ virtual size_t MaxRecoverableLength() const =0;
+ //! length of longest message that can be recovered from a signature of given length, or 0 if this signature scheme does not support message recovery
+ virtual size_t MaxRecoverableLengthFromSignatureLength(size_t signatureLength) const =0;
+ //! requires a random number generator to sign
+ /*! if this returns false, NullRNG() can be passed to functions that take RandomNumberGenerator & */
+ virtual bool IsProbabilistic() const =0;
+ //! whether or not a non-recoverable message part can be signed
+ virtual bool AllowNonrecoverablePart() const =0;
+ //! if this function returns true, during verification you must input the signature before the message, otherwise you can input it at anytime */
+ virtual bool SignatureUpfront() const {return false;}
+ //! whether you must input the recoverable part before the non-recoverable part during signing
+ virtual bool RecoverablePartFirst() const =0;
+//! interface for accumulating messages to be signed or verified
+/*! Only Update() should be called
+ on this class. No other functions inherited from HashTransformation should be called.
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PK_MessageAccumulator : public HashTransformation
+ //! should not be called on PK_MessageAccumulator
+ unsigned int DigestSize() const
+ {throw NotImplemented("PK_MessageAccumulator: DigestSize() should not be called");}
+ //! should not be called on PK_MessageAccumulator
+ void TruncatedFinal(byte *digest, size_t digestSize)
+ {throw NotImplemented("PK_MessageAccumulator: TruncatedFinal() should not be called");}
+//! interface for public-key signers
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PK_Signer : public PK_SignatureScheme, public PrivateKeyAlgorithm
+ //! create a new HashTransformation to accumulate the message to be signed
+ virtual PK_MessageAccumulator * NewSignatureAccumulator(RandomNumberGenerator &rng) const =0;
+ virtual void InputRecoverableMessage(PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator, const byte *recoverableMessage, size_t recoverableMessageLength) const =0;
+ //! sign and delete messageAccumulator (even in case of exception thrown)
+ /*! \pre size of signature == MaxSignatureLength()
+ \return actual signature length
+ */
+ virtual size_t Sign(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, PK_MessageAccumulator *messageAccumulator, byte *signature) const;
+ //! sign and restart messageAccumulator
+ /*! \pre size of signature == MaxSignatureLength()
+ \return actual signature length
+ */
+ virtual size_t SignAndRestart(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator, byte *signature, bool restart=true) const =0;
+ //! sign a message
+ /*! \pre size of signature == MaxSignatureLength()
+ \return actual signature length
+ */
+ virtual size_t SignMessage(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *message, size_t messageLen, byte *signature) const;
+ //! sign a recoverable message
+ /*! \pre size of signature == MaxSignatureLength(recoverableMessageLength)
+ \return actual signature length
+ */
+ virtual size_t SignMessageWithRecovery(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *recoverableMessage, size_t recoverableMessageLength,
+ const byte *nonrecoverableMessage, size_t nonrecoverableMessageLength, byte *signature) const;
+//! interface for public-key signature verifiers
+/*! The Recover* functions throw NotImplemented if the signature scheme does not support
+ message recovery.
+ The Verify* functions throw InvalidDataFormat if the scheme does support message
+ recovery and the signature contains a non-empty recoverable message part. The
+ Recovery* functions should be used in that case.
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PK_Verifier : public PK_SignatureScheme, public PublicKeyAlgorithm
+ //! create a new HashTransformation to accumulate the message to be verified
+ virtual PK_MessageAccumulator * NewVerificationAccumulator() const =0;
+ //! input signature into a message accumulator
+ virtual void InputSignature(PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator, const byte *signature, size_t signatureLength) const =0;
+ //! check whether messageAccumulator contains a valid signature and message, and delete messageAccumulator (even in case of exception thrown)
+ virtual bool Verify(PK_MessageAccumulator *messageAccumulator) const;
+ //! check whether messageAccumulator contains a valid signature and message, and restart messageAccumulator
+ virtual bool VerifyAndRestart(PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator) const =0;
+ //! check whether input signature is a valid signature for input message
+ virtual bool VerifyMessage(const byte *message, size_t messageLen,
+ const byte *signature, size_t signatureLength) const;
+ //! recover a message from its signature
+ /*! \pre size of recoveredMessage == MaxRecoverableLengthFromSignatureLength(signatureLength)
+ */
+ virtual DecodingResult Recover(byte *recoveredMessage, PK_MessageAccumulator *messageAccumulator) const;
+ //! recover a message from its signature
+ /*! \pre size of recoveredMessage == MaxRecoverableLengthFromSignatureLength(signatureLength)
+ */
+ virtual DecodingResult RecoverAndRestart(byte *recoveredMessage, PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator) const =0;
+ //! recover a message from its signature
+ /*! \pre size of recoveredMessage == MaxRecoverableLengthFromSignatureLength(signatureLength)
+ */
+ virtual DecodingResult RecoverMessage(byte *recoveredMessage,
+ const byte *nonrecoverableMessage, size_t nonrecoverableMessageLength,
+ const byte *signature, size_t signatureLength) const;
+//! interface for domains of simple key agreement protocols
+/*! A key agreement domain is a set of parameters that must be shared
+ by two parties in a key agreement protocol, along with the algorithms
+ for generating key pairs and deriving agreed values.
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE SimpleKeyAgreementDomain : public KeyAgreementAlgorithm
+ //! return length of agreed value produced
+ virtual unsigned int AgreedValueLength() const =0;
+ //! return length of private keys in this domain
+ virtual unsigned int PrivateKeyLength() const =0;
+ //! return length of public keys in this domain
+ virtual unsigned int PublicKeyLength() const =0;
+ //! generate private key
+ /*! \pre size of privateKey == PrivateKeyLength() */
+ virtual void GeneratePrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey) const =0;
+ //! generate public key
+ /*! \pre size of publicKey == PublicKeyLength() */
+ virtual void GeneratePublicKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const =0;
+ //! generate private/public key pair
+ /*! \note equivalent to calling GeneratePrivateKey() and then GeneratePublicKey() */
+ virtual void GenerateKeyPair(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const;
+ //! derive agreed value from your private key and couterparty's public key, return false in case of failure
+ /*! \note If you have previously validated the public key, use validateOtherPublicKey=false to save time.
+ \pre size of agreedValue == AgreedValueLength()
+ \pre length of privateKey == PrivateKeyLength()
+ \pre length of otherPublicKey == PublicKeyLength()
+ */
+ virtual bool Agree(byte *agreedValue, const byte *privateKey, const byte *otherPublicKey, bool validateOtherPublicKey=true) const =0;
+ bool ValidateDomainParameters(RandomNumberGenerator &rng) const
+ {return GetCryptoParameters().Validate(rng, 2);}
+//! interface for domains of authenticated key agreement protocols
+/*! In an authenticated key agreement protocol, each party has two
+ key pairs. The long-lived key pair is called the static key pair,
+ and the short-lived key pair is called the ephemeral key pair.
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE AuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain : public KeyAgreementAlgorithm
+ //! return length of agreed value produced
+ virtual unsigned int AgreedValueLength() const =0;
+ //! return length of static private keys in this domain
+ virtual unsigned int StaticPrivateKeyLength() const =0;
+ //! return length of static public keys in this domain
+ virtual unsigned int StaticPublicKeyLength() const =0;
+ //! generate static private key
+ /*! \pre size of privateKey == PrivateStaticKeyLength() */
+ virtual void GenerateStaticPrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey) const =0;
+ //! generate static public key
+ /*! \pre size of publicKey == PublicStaticKeyLength() */
+ virtual void GenerateStaticPublicKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const =0;
+ //! generate private/public key pair
+ /*! \note equivalent to calling GenerateStaticPrivateKey() and then GenerateStaticPublicKey() */
+ virtual void GenerateStaticKeyPair(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const;
+ //! return length of ephemeral private keys in this domain
+ virtual unsigned int EphemeralPrivateKeyLength() const =0;
+ //! return length of ephemeral public keys in this domain
+ virtual unsigned int EphemeralPublicKeyLength() const =0;
+ //! generate ephemeral private key
+ /*! \pre size of privateKey == PrivateEphemeralKeyLength() */
+ virtual void GenerateEphemeralPrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey) const =0;
+ //! generate ephemeral public key
+ /*! \pre size of publicKey == PublicEphemeralKeyLength() */
+ virtual void GenerateEphemeralPublicKey(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const =0;
+ //! generate private/public key pair
+ /*! \note equivalent to calling GenerateEphemeralPrivateKey() and then GenerateEphemeralPublicKey() */
+ virtual void GenerateEphemeralKeyPair(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *privateKey, byte *publicKey) const;
+ //! derive agreed value from your private keys and couterparty's public keys, return false in case of failure
+ /*! \note The ephemeral public key will always be validated.
+ If you have previously validated the static public key, use validateStaticOtherPublicKey=false to save time.
+ \pre size of agreedValue == AgreedValueLength()
+ \pre length of staticPrivateKey == StaticPrivateKeyLength()
+ \pre length of ephemeralPrivateKey == EphemeralPrivateKeyLength()
+ \pre length of staticOtherPublicKey == StaticPublicKeyLength()
+ \pre length of ephemeralOtherPublicKey == EphemeralPublicKeyLength()
+ */
+ virtual bool Agree(byte *agreedValue,
+ const byte *staticPrivateKey, const byte *ephemeralPrivateKey,
+ const byte *staticOtherPublicKey, const byte *ephemeralOtherPublicKey,
+ bool validateStaticOtherPublicKey=true) const =0;
+ bool ValidateDomainParameters(RandomNumberGenerator &rng) const
+ {return GetCryptoParameters().Validate(rng, 2);}
+// interface for password authenticated key agreement protocols, not implemented yet
+#if 0
+//! interface for protocol sessions
+/*! The methods should be called in the following order:
+ InitializeSession(rng, parameters); // or call initialize method in derived class
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if (OutgoingMessageAvailable())
+ {
+ length = GetOutgoingMessageLength();
+ GetOutgoingMessage(message);
+ ; // send outgoing message
+ }
+ if (LastMessageProcessed())
+ break;
+ ; // receive incoming message
+ ProcessIncomingMessage(message);
+ }
+ ; // call methods in derived class to obtain result of protocol session
+class ProtocolSession
+ //! exception thrown when an invalid protocol message is processed
+ class ProtocolError : public Exception
+ {
+ public:
+ ProtocolError(ErrorType errorType, const std::string &s) : Exception(errorType, s) {}
+ };
+ //! exception thrown when a function is called unexpectedly
+ /*! for example calling ProcessIncomingMessage() when ProcessedLastMessage() == true */
+ class UnexpectedMethodCall : public Exception
+ {
+ public:
+ UnexpectedMethodCall(const std::string &s) : Exception(OTHER_ERROR, s) {}
+ };
+ ProtocolSession() : m_rng(NULL), m_throwOnProtocolError(true), m_validState(false) {}
+ virtual ~ProtocolSession() {}
+ virtual void InitializeSession(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const NameValuePairs ¶meters) =0;
+ bool GetThrowOnProtocolError() const {return m_throwOnProtocolError;}
+ void SetThrowOnProtocolError(bool throwOnProtocolError) {m_throwOnProtocolError = throwOnProtocolError;}
+ bool HasValidState() const {return m_validState;}
+ virtual bool OutgoingMessageAvailable() const =0;
+ virtual unsigned int GetOutgoingMessageLength() const =0;
+ virtual void GetOutgoingMessage(byte *message) =0;
+ virtual bool LastMessageProcessed() const =0;
+ virtual void ProcessIncomingMessage(const byte *message, unsigned int messageLength) =0;
+ void HandleProtocolError(Exception::ErrorType errorType, const std::string &s) const;
+ void CheckAndHandleInvalidState() const;
+ void SetValidState(bool valid) {m_validState = valid;}
+ RandomNumberGenerator *m_rng;
+ bool m_throwOnProtocolError, m_validState;
+class KeyAgreementSession : public ProtocolSession
+ virtual unsigned int GetAgreedValueLength() const =0;
+ virtual void GetAgreedValue(byte *agreedValue) const =0;
+class PasswordAuthenticatedKeyAgreementSession : public KeyAgreementSession
+ void InitializePasswordAuthenticatedKeyAgreementSession(RandomNumberGenerator &rng,
+ const byte *myId, unsigned int myIdLength,
+ const byte *counterPartyId, unsigned int counterPartyIdLength,
+ const byte *passwordOrVerifier, unsigned int passwordOrVerifierLength);
+class PasswordAuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain : public KeyAgreementAlgorithm
+ //! return whether the domain parameters stored in this object are valid
+ virtual bool ValidateDomainParameters(RandomNumberGenerator &rng) const
+ {return GetCryptoParameters().Validate(rng, 2);}
+ virtual unsigned int GetPasswordVerifierLength(const byte *password, unsigned int passwordLength) const =0;
+ virtual void GeneratePasswordVerifier(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *userId, unsigned int userIdLength, const byte *password, unsigned int passwordLength, byte *verifier) const =0;
+ enum RoleFlags {CLIENT=1, SERVER=2, INITIATOR=4, RESPONDER=8};
+ virtual bool IsValidRole(unsigned int role) =0;
+ virtual PasswordAuthenticatedKeyAgreementSession * CreateProtocolSession(unsigned int role) const =0;
+//! BER Decode Exception Class, may be thrown during an ASN1 BER decode operation
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL BERDecodeErr : public InvalidArgument
+ BERDecodeErr() : InvalidArgument("BER decode error") {}
+ BERDecodeErr(const std::string &s) : InvalidArgument(s) {}
+//! interface for encoding and decoding ASN1 objects
+ virtual ~ASN1Object() {}
+ //! decode this object from a BufferedTransformation, using BER (Basic Encoding Rules)
+ virtual void BERDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt) =0;
+ //! encode this object into a BufferedTransformation, using DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules)
+ virtual void DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const =0;
+ //! encode this object into a BufferedTransformation, using BER
+ /*! this may be useful if DEREncode() would be too inefficient */
+ virtual void BEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const {DEREncode(bt);}
+typedef PK_SignatureScheme PK_SignatureSystem;
+typedef SimpleKeyAgreementDomain PK_SimpleKeyAgreementDomain;
+typedef AuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain PK_AuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain;
--- /dev/null
+#include "secblock.h"
+// *** trimmed down dependency from iterhash.h ***
+template <class T_HashWordType, class T_Endianness, unsigned int T_BlockSize, unsigned int T_StateSize, class T_Transform, unsigned int T_DigestSize = 0, bool T_StateAligned = false>
+class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE IteratedHashWithStaticTransform
+ CRYPTOPP_CONSTANT(DIGESTSIZE = T_DigestSize ? T_DigestSize : T_StateSize)
+ unsigned int DigestSize() const {return DIGESTSIZE;};
+ typedef T_HashWordType HashWordType;
+ IteratedHashWithStaticTransform() {this->Init();}
+ void HashEndianCorrectedBlock(const T_HashWordType *data) {T_Transform::Transform(this->m_state, data);}
+ void Init() {T_Transform::InitState(this->m_state);}
+ T_HashWordType* StateBuf() {return this->m_state;}
+ FixedSizeAlignedSecBlock<T_HashWordType, T_BlockSize/sizeof(T_HashWordType), T_StateAligned> m_state;
--- /dev/null
+#include "cryptlib.h"
+#include "smartptr.h"
+#include <string.h> // for memcpy and memmove
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #if _MSC_VER >= 1400
+ // VC2005 workaround: disable declarations that conflict with winnt.h
+ #define _interlockedbittestandset CRYPTOPP_DISABLED_INTRINSIC_1
+ #define _interlockedbittestandreset CRYPTOPP_DISABLED_INTRINSIC_2
+ #define _interlockedbittestandset64 CRYPTOPP_DISABLED_INTRINSIC_3
+ #define _interlockedbittestandreset64 CRYPTOPP_DISABLED_INTRINSIC_4
+ #include <intrin.h>
+ #undef _interlockedbittestandset
+ #undef _interlockedbittestandreset
+ #undef _interlockedbittestandset64
+ #undef _interlockedbittestandreset64
+ #elif _MSC_VER >= 1300
+ #define CRYPTOPP_FAST_ROTATE(x) ((x) == 32 | (x) == 64)
+ #else
+ #define CRYPTOPP_FAST_ROTATE(x) ((x) == 32)
+ #endif
+#elif (defined(__MWERKS__) && TARGET_CPU_PPC) || \
+ (defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(_ARCH_PWR2) || defined(_ARCH_PWR) || defined(_ARCH_PPC) || defined(_ARCH_PPC64) || defined(_ARCH_COM)))
+ #define CRYPTOPP_FAST_ROTATE(x) ((x) == 32)
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64 || CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X86) // depend on GCC's peephole optimization to generate rotate instructions
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#include <mem.h>
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__linux__)
+#include <byteswap.h>
+// ************** compile-time assertion ***************
+template <bool b>
+struct CompileAssert
+ static char dummy[2*b-1];
+#define CRYPTOPP_COMPILE_ASSERT_INSTANCE(assertion, instance)
+#define CRYPTOPP_COMPILE_ASSERT_INSTANCE(assertion, instance) static CompileAssert<(assertion)> CRYPTOPP_ASSERT_JOIN(cryptopp_assert_, instance)
+// ************** misc classes ***************
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL Empty
+//! _
+template <class BASE1, class BASE2>
+class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE TwoBases : public BASE1, public BASE2
+//! _
+template <class BASE1, class BASE2, class BASE3>
+class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE ThreeBases : public BASE1, public BASE2, public BASE3
+template <class T>
+class ObjectHolder
+ T m_object;
+class NotCopyable
+ NotCopyable() {}
+ NotCopyable(const NotCopyable &);
+ void operator=(const NotCopyable &);
+template <class T>
+struct NewObject
+ T* operator()() const {return new T;}
+/*! This function safely initializes a static object in a multithreaded environment without using locks.
+ It may leak memory when two threads try to initialize the static object at the same time
+ but this should be acceptable since each static object is only initialized once per session.
+template <class T, class F = NewObject<T>, int instance=0>
+class Singleton
+ Singleton(F objectFactory = F()) : m_objectFactory(objectFactory) {}
+ // prevent this function from being inlined
+ F m_objectFactory;
+template <class T, class F, int instance>
+const T & Singleton<T, F, instance>::Ref(CRYPTOPP_NOINLINE_DOTDOTDOT) const
+ static simple_ptr<T> s_pObject;
+ static char s_objectState = 0;
+ switch (s_objectState)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ s_objectState = 1;
+ try
+ {
+ s_pObject.m_p = m_objectFactory();
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ s_objectState = 0;
+ throw;
+ }
+ s_objectState = 2;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ goto retry;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return *s_pObject.m_p;
+// ************** misc functions ***************
+inline void memcpy_s(void *dest, size_t sizeInBytes, const void *src, size_t count)
+ if (count > sizeInBytes)
+ throw InvalidArgument("memcpy_s: buffer overflow");
+ memcpy(dest, src, count);
+inline void memmove_s(void *dest, size_t sizeInBytes, const void *src, size_t count)
+ if (count > sizeInBytes)
+ throw InvalidArgument("memmove_s: buffer overflow");
+ memmove(dest, src, count);
+inline void * memset_z(void *ptr, int value, size_t num)
+// avoid extranous warning on GCC 4.3.2 Ubuntu 8.10
+ if (__builtin_constant_p(num) && num==0)
+ return ptr;
+ return memset(ptr, value, num);
+// can't use std::min or std::max in MSVC60 or Cygwin 1.1.0
+template <class T> inline const T& STDMIN(const T& a, const T& b)
+ return b < a ? b : a;
+template <class T1, class T2> inline const T1 UnsignedMin(const T1& a, const T2& b)
+ CRYPTOPP_COMPILE_ASSERT((sizeof(T1)<=sizeof(T2) && T2(-1)>0) || (sizeof(T1)>sizeof(T2) && T1(-1)>0));
+ assert(a==0 || a>0); // GCC workaround: get rid of the warning "comparison is always true due to limited range of data type"
+ assert(b>=0);
+ if (sizeof(T1)<=sizeof(T2))
+ return b < (T2)a ? (T1)b : a;
+ else
+ return (T1)b < a ? (T1)b : a;
+template <class T> inline const T& STDMAX(const T& a, const T& b)
+ return a < b ? b : a;
+#define RETURN_IF_NONZERO(x) size_t returnedValue = x; if (returnedValue) return returnedValue
+// this version of the macro is fastest on Pentium 3 and Pentium 4 with MSVC 6 SP5 w/ Processor Pack
+#define GETBYTE(x, y) (unsigned int)byte((x)>>(8*(y)))
+// these may be faster on other CPUs/compilers
+// #define GETBYTE(x, y) (unsigned int)(((x)>>(8*(y)))&255)
+// #define GETBYTE(x, y) (((byte *)&(x))[y])
+#define CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(x, y) byte((x)>>(8*(y)))
+template <class T>
+unsigned int Parity(T value)
+ for (unsigned int i=8*sizeof(value)/2; i>0; i/=2)
+ value ^= value >> i;
+ return (unsigned int)value&1;
+template <class T>
+unsigned int BytePrecision(const T &value)
+ if (!value)
+ return 0;
+ unsigned int l=0, h=8*sizeof(value);
+ while (h-l > 8)
+ {
+ unsigned int t = (l+h)/2;
+ if (value >> t)
+ l = t;
+ else
+ h = t;
+ }
+ return h/8;
+template <class T>
+unsigned int BitPrecision(const T &value)
+ if (!value)
+ return 0;
+ unsigned int l=0, h=8*sizeof(value);
+ while (h-l > 1)
+ {
+ unsigned int t = (l+h)/2;
+ if (value >> t)
+ l = t;
+ else
+ h = t;
+ }
+ return h;
+template <class T>
+inline T Crop(T value, size_t size)
+ if (size < 8*sizeof(value))
+ return T(value & ((T(1) << size) - 1));
+ else
+ return value;
+template <class T1, class T2>
+inline bool SafeConvert(T1 from, T2 &to)
+ to = (T2)from;
+ if (from != to || (from > 0) != (to > 0))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+inline size_t BitsToBytes(size_t bitCount)
+ return ((bitCount+7)/(8));
+inline size_t BytesToWords(size_t byteCount)
+ return ((byteCount+WORD_SIZE-1)/WORD_SIZE);
+inline size_t BitsToWords(size_t bitCount)
+ return ((bitCount+WORD_BITS-1)/(WORD_BITS));
+inline size_t BitsToDwords(size_t bitCount)
+ return ((bitCount+2*WORD_BITS-1)/(2*WORD_BITS));
+CRYPTOPP_DLL void CRYPTOPP_API xorbuf(byte *buf, const byte *mask, size_t count);
+CRYPTOPP_DLL void CRYPTOPP_API xorbuf(byte *output, const byte *input, const byte *mask, size_t count);
+CRYPTOPP_DLL bool CRYPTOPP_API VerifyBufsEqual(const byte *buf1, const byte *buf2, size_t count);
+template <class T>
+inline bool IsPowerOf2(const T &n)
+ return n > 0 && (n & (n-1)) == 0;
+template <class T1, class T2>
+inline T2 ModPowerOf2(const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
+ assert(IsPowerOf2(b));
+ return T2(a) & (b-1);
+template <class T1, class T2>
+inline T1 RoundDownToMultipleOf(const T1 &n, const T2 &m)
+ if (IsPowerOf2(m))
+ return n - ModPowerOf2(n, m);
+ else
+ return n - n%m;
+template <class T1, class T2>
+inline T1 RoundUpToMultipleOf(const T1 &n, const T2 &m)
+ if (n+m-1 < n)
+ throw InvalidArgument("RoundUpToMultipleOf: integer overflow");
+ return RoundDownToMultipleOf(n+m-1, m);
+template <class T>
+inline unsigned int GetAlignmentOf(T *dummy=NULL) // VC60 workaround
+ if (sizeof(T) < 16)
+ return 1;
+#if (_MSC_VER >= 1300)
+ return __alignof(T);
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+ return __alignof__(T);
+ return UnsignedMin(4U, sizeof(T));
+ return sizeof(T);
+inline bool IsAlignedOn(const void *p, unsigned int alignment)
+ return alignment==1 || (IsPowerOf2(alignment) ? ModPowerOf2((size_t)p, alignment) == 0 : (size_t)p % alignment == 0);
+template <class T>
+inline bool IsAligned(const void *p, T *dummy=NULL) // VC60 workaround
+ return IsAlignedOn(p, GetAlignmentOf<T>());
+ typedef LittleEndian NativeByteOrder;
+ typedef BigEndian NativeByteOrder;
+inline ByteOrder GetNativeByteOrder()
+ return NativeByteOrder::ToEnum();
+inline bool NativeByteOrderIs(ByteOrder order)
+ return order == GetNativeByteOrder();
+template <class T>
+std::string IntToString(T a, unsigned int base = 10)
+ if (a == 0)
+ return "0";
+ bool negate = false;
+ if (a < 0)
+ {
+ negate = true;
+ a = 0-a; // VC .NET does not like -a
+ }
+ std::string result;
+ while (a > 0)
+ {
+ T digit = a % base;
+ result = char((digit < 10 ? '0' : ('a' - 10)) + digit) + result;
+ a /= base;
+ }
+ if (negate)
+ result = "-" + result;
+ return result;
+template <class T1, class T2>
+inline T1 SaturatingSubtract(const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
+ return T1((a > b) ? (a - b) : 0);
+template <class T>
+inline CipherDir GetCipherDir(const T &obj)
+ return obj.IsForwardTransformation() ? ENCRYPTION : DECRYPTION;
+inline void IncrementCounterByOne(byte *inout, unsigned int s)
+ for (int i=s-1, carry=1; i>=0 && carry; i--)
+ carry = !++inout[i];
+inline void IncrementCounterByOne(byte *output, const byte *input, unsigned int s)
+ int i, carry;
+ for (i=s-1, carry=1; i>=0 && carry; i--)
+ carry = ((output[i] = input[i]+1) == 0);
+ memcpy_s(output, s, input, i+1);
+// ************** rotate functions ***************
+template <class T> inline T rotlFixed(T x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < sizeof(T)*8);
+ return T((x<<y) | (x>>(sizeof(T)*8-y)));
+template <class T> inline T rotrFixed(T x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < sizeof(T)*8);
+ return T((x>>y) | (x<<(sizeof(T)*8-y)));
+template <class T> inline T rotlVariable(T x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < sizeof(T)*8);
+ return T((x<<y) | (x>>(sizeof(T)*8-y)));
+template <class T> inline T rotrVariable(T x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < sizeof(T)*8);
+ return T((x>>y) | (x<<(sizeof(T)*8-y)));
+template <class T> inline T rotlMod(T x, unsigned int y)
+ y %= sizeof(T)*8;
+ return T((x<<y) | (x>>(sizeof(T)*8-y)));
+template <class T> inline T rotrMod(T x, unsigned int y)
+ y %= sizeof(T)*8;
+ return T((x>>y) | (x<<(sizeof(T)*8-y)));
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+template<> inline word32 rotlFixed<word32>(word32 x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 8*sizeof(x));
+ return y ? _lrotl(x, y) : x;
+template<> inline word32 rotrFixed<word32>(word32 x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 8*sizeof(x));
+ return y ? _lrotr(x, y) : x;
+template<> inline word32 rotlVariable<word32>(word32 x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 8*sizeof(x));
+ return _lrotl(x, y);
+template<> inline word32 rotrVariable<word32>(word32 x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 8*sizeof(x));
+ return _lrotr(x, y);
+template<> inline word32 rotlMod<word32>(word32 x, unsigned int y)
+ return _lrotl(x, y);
+template<> inline word32 rotrMod<word32>(word32 x, unsigned int y)
+ return _lrotr(x, y);
+#endif // #ifdef _MSC_VER
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1300 && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
+// Intel C++ Compiler 10.0 calls a function instead of using the rotate instruction when using these instructions
+template<> inline word64 rotlFixed<word64>(word64 x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 8*sizeof(x));
+ return y ? _rotl64(x, y) : x;
+template<> inline word64 rotrFixed<word64>(word64 x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 8*sizeof(x));
+ return y ? _rotr64(x, y) : x;
+template<> inline word64 rotlVariable<word64>(word64 x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 8*sizeof(x));
+ return _rotl64(x, y);
+template<> inline word64 rotrVariable<word64>(word64 x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 8*sizeof(x));
+ return _rotr64(x, y);
+template<> inline word64 rotlMod<word64>(word64 x, unsigned int y)
+ return _rotl64(x, y);
+template<> inline word64 rotrMod<word64>(word64 x, unsigned int y)
+ return _rotr64(x, y);
+#endif // #if _MSC_VER >= 1310
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1400 && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
+// Intel C++ Compiler 10.0 gives undefined externals with these
+template<> inline word16 rotlFixed<word16>(word16 x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 8*sizeof(x));
+ return y ? _rotl16(x, y) : x;
+template<> inline word16 rotrFixed<word16>(word16 x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 8*sizeof(x));
+ return y ? _rotr16(x, y) : x;
+template<> inline word16 rotlVariable<word16>(word16 x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 8*sizeof(x));
+ return _rotl16(x, y);
+template<> inline word16 rotrVariable<word16>(word16 x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 8*sizeof(x));
+ return _rotr16(x, y);
+template<> inline word16 rotlMod<word16>(word16 x, unsigned int y)
+ return _rotl16(x, y);
+template<> inline word16 rotrMod<word16>(word16 x, unsigned int y)
+ return _rotr16(x, y);
+template<> inline byte rotlFixed<byte>(byte x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 8*sizeof(x));
+ return y ? _rotl8(x, y) : x;
+template<> inline byte rotrFixed<byte>(byte x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 8*sizeof(x));
+ return y ? _rotr8(x, y) : x;
+template<> inline byte rotlVariable<byte>(byte x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 8*sizeof(x));
+ return _rotl8(x, y);
+template<> inline byte rotrVariable<byte>(byte x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 8*sizeof(x));
+ return _rotr8(x, y);
+template<> inline byte rotlMod<byte>(byte x, unsigned int y)
+ return _rotl8(x, y);
+template<> inline byte rotrMod<byte>(byte x, unsigned int y)
+ return _rotr8(x, y);
+#endif // #if _MSC_VER >= 1400
+#if (defined(__MWERKS__) && TARGET_CPU_PPC)
+template<> inline word32 rotlFixed<word32>(word32 x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 32);
+ return y ? __rlwinm(x,y,0,31) : x;
+template<> inline word32 rotrFixed<word32>(word32 x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 32);
+ return y ? __rlwinm(x,32-y,0,31) : x;
+template<> inline word32 rotlVariable<word32>(word32 x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 32);
+ return (__rlwnm(x,y,0,31));
+template<> inline word32 rotrVariable<word32>(word32 x, unsigned int y)
+ assert(y < 32);
+ return (__rlwnm(x,32-y,0,31));
+template<> inline word32 rotlMod<word32>(word32 x, unsigned int y)
+ return (__rlwnm(x,y,0,31));
+template<> inline word32 rotrMod<word32>(word32 x, unsigned int y)
+ return (__rlwnm(x,32-y,0,31));
+#endif // #if (defined(__MWERKS__) && TARGET_CPU_PPC)
+// ************** endian reversal ***************
+template <class T>
+inline unsigned int GetByte(ByteOrder order, T value, unsigned int index)
+ if (order == LITTLE_ENDIAN_ORDER)
+ return GETBYTE(value, index);
+ else
+ return GETBYTE(value, sizeof(T)-index-1);
+inline byte ByteReverse(byte value)
+ return value;
+inline word16 ByteReverse(word16 value)
+ return bswap_16(value);
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
+ return _byteswap_ushort(value);
+ return rotlFixed(value, 8U);
+inline word32 ByteReverse(word32 value)
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(CRYPTOPP_X86_ASM_AVAILABLE)
+ __asm__ ("bswap %0" : "=r" (value) : "0" (value));
+ return value;
+ return bswap_32(value);
+#elif defined(__MWERKS__) && TARGET_CPU_PPC
+ return (word32)__lwbrx(&value,0);
+#elif _MSC_VER >= 1400 || (_MSC_VER >= 1300 && !defined(_DLL))
+ return _byteswap_ulong(value);
+ // 5 instructions with rotate instruction, 9 without
+ return (rotrFixed(value, 8U) & 0xff00ff00) | (rotlFixed(value, 8U) & 0x00ff00ff);
+ // 6 instructions with rotate instruction, 8 without
+ value = ((value & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8) | ((value & 0x00FF00FF) << 8);
+ return rotlFixed(value, 16U);
+inline word64 ByteReverse(word64 value)
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(CRYPTOPP_X86_ASM_AVAILABLE) && defined(__x86_64__)
+ __asm__ ("bswap %0" : "=r" (value) : "0" (value));
+ return value;
+ return bswap_64(value);
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
+ return _byteswap_uint64(value);
+ return (word64(ByteReverse(word32(value))) << 32) | ByteReverse(word32(value>>32));
+ value = ((value & W64LIT(0xFF00FF00FF00FF00)) >> 8) | ((value & W64LIT(0x00FF00FF00FF00FF)) << 8);
+ value = ((value & W64LIT(0xFFFF0000FFFF0000)) >> 16) | ((value & W64LIT(0x0000FFFF0000FFFF)) << 16);
+ return rotlFixed(value, 32U);
+inline byte BitReverse(byte value)
+ value = ((value & 0xAA) >> 1) | ((value & 0x55) << 1);
+ value = ((value & 0xCC) >> 2) | ((value & 0x33) << 2);
+ return rotlFixed(value, 4U);
+inline word16 BitReverse(word16 value)
+ value = ((value & 0xAAAA) >> 1) | ((value & 0x5555) << 1);
+ value = ((value & 0xCCCC) >> 2) | ((value & 0x3333) << 2);
+ value = ((value & 0xF0F0) >> 4) | ((value & 0x0F0F) << 4);
+ return ByteReverse(value);
+inline word32 BitReverse(word32 value)
+ value = ((value & 0xAAAAAAAA) >> 1) | ((value & 0x55555555) << 1);
+ value = ((value & 0xCCCCCCCC) >> 2) | ((value & 0x33333333) << 2);
+ value = ((value & 0xF0F0F0F0) >> 4) | ((value & 0x0F0F0F0F) << 4);
+ return ByteReverse(value);
+inline word64 BitReverse(word64 value)
+ return (word64(BitReverse(word32(value))) << 32) | BitReverse(word32(value>>32));
+ value = ((value & W64LIT(0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)) >> 1) | ((value & W64LIT(0x5555555555555555)) << 1);
+ value = ((value & W64LIT(0xCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC)) >> 2) | ((value & W64LIT(0x3333333333333333)) << 2);
+ value = ((value & W64LIT(0xF0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0)) >> 4) | ((value & W64LIT(0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F)) << 4);
+ return ByteReverse(value);
+template <class T>
+inline T BitReverse(T value)
+ if (sizeof(T) == 1)
+ return (T)BitReverse((byte)value);
+ else if (sizeof(T) == 2)
+ return (T)BitReverse((word16)value);
+ else if (sizeof(T) == 4)
+ return (T)BitReverse((word32)value);
+ else
+ {
+ assert(sizeof(T) == 8);
+ return (T)BitReverse((word64)value);
+ }
+template <class T>
+inline T ConditionalByteReverse(ByteOrder order, T value)
+ return NativeByteOrderIs(order) ? value : ByteReverse(value);
+template <class T>
+void ByteReverse(T *out, const T *in, size_t byteCount)
+ assert(byteCount % sizeof(T) == 0);
+ size_t count = byteCount/sizeof(T);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<count; i++)
+ out[i] = ByteReverse(in[i]);
+template <class T>
+inline void ConditionalByteReverse(ByteOrder order, T *out, const T *in, size_t byteCount)
+ if (!NativeByteOrderIs(order))
+ ByteReverse(out, in, byteCount);
+ else if (in != out)
+ memcpy_s(out, byteCount, in, byteCount);
+template <class T>
+inline void GetUserKey(ByteOrder order, T *out, size_t outlen, const byte *in, size_t inlen)
+ const size_t U = sizeof(T);
+ assert(inlen <= outlen*U);
+ memcpy_s(out, outlen*U, in, inlen);
+ memset_z((byte *)out+inlen, 0, outlen*U-inlen);
+ ConditionalByteReverse(order, out, out, RoundUpToMultipleOf(inlen, U));
+inline byte UnalignedGetWordNonTemplate(ByteOrder order, const byte *block, const byte *)
+ return block[0];
+inline word16 UnalignedGetWordNonTemplate(ByteOrder order, const byte *block, const word16 *)
+ return (order == BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER)
+ ? block[1] | (block[0] << 8)
+ : block[0] | (block[1] << 8);
+inline word32 UnalignedGetWordNonTemplate(ByteOrder order, const byte *block, const word32 *)
+ return (order == BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER)
+ ? word32(block[3]) | (word32(block[2]) << 8) | (word32(block[1]) << 16) | (word32(block[0]) << 24)
+ : word32(block[0]) | (word32(block[1]) << 8) | (word32(block[2]) << 16) | (word32(block[3]) << 24);
+inline word64 UnalignedGetWordNonTemplate(ByteOrder order, const byte *block, const word64 *)
+ return (order == BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER)
+ ?
+ (word64(block[7]) |
+ (word64(block[6]) << 8) |
+ (word64(block[5]) << 16) |
+ (word64(block[4]) << 24) |
+ (word64(block[3]) << 32) |
+ (word64(block[2]) << 40) |
+ (word64(block[1]) << 48) |
+ (word64(block[0]) << 56))
+ :
+ (word64(block[0]) |
+ (word64(block[1]) << 8) |
+ (word64(block[2]) << 16) |
+ (word64(block[3]) << 24) |
+ (word64(block[4]) << 32) |
+ (word64(block[5]) << 40) |
+ (word64(block[6]) << 48) |
+ (word64(block[7]) << 56));
+inline void UnalignedPutWordNonTemplate(ByteOrder order, byte *block, byte value, const byte *xorBlock)
+ block[0] = xorBlock ? (value ^ xorBlock[0]) : value;
+inline void UnalignedPutWordNonTemplate(ByteOrder order, byte *block, word16 value, const byte *xorBlock)
+ if (order == BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER)
+ {
+ if (xorBlock)
+ {
+ block[0] = xorBlock[0] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 1);
+ block[1] = xorBlock[1] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ block[0] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 1);
+ block[1] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (xorBlock)
+ {
+ block[0] = xorBlock[0] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 0);
+ block[1] = xorBlock[1] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ block[0] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 0);
+ block[1] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 1);
+ }
+ }
+inline void UnalignedPutWordNonTemplate(ByteOrder order, byte *block, word32 value, const byte *xorBlock)
+ if (order == BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER)
+ {
+ if (xorBlock)
+ {
+ block[0] = xorBlock[0] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 3);
+ block[1] = xorBlock[1] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 2);
+ block[2] = xorBlock[2] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 1);
+ block[3] = xorBlock[3] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ block[0] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 3);
+ block[1] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 2);
+ block[2] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 1);
+ block[3] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (xorBlock)
+ {
+ block[0] = xorBlock[0] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 0);
+ block[1] = xorBlock[1] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 1);
+ block[2] = xorBlock[2] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 2);
+ block[3] = xorBlock[3] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 3);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ block[0] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 0);
+ block[1] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 1);
+ block[2] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 2);
+ block[3] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 3);
+ }
+ }
+inline void UnalignedPutWordNonTemplate(ByteOrder order, byte *block, word64 value, const byte *xorBlock)
+ if (order == BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER)
+ {
+ if (xorBlock)
+ {
+ block[0] = xorBlock[0] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 7);
+ block[1] = xorBlock[1] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 6);
+ block[2] = xorBlock[2] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 5);
+ block[3] = xorBlock[3] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 4);
+ block[4] = xorBlock[4] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 3);
+ block[5] = xorBlock[5] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 2);
+ block[6] = xorBlock[6] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 1);
+ block[7] = xorBlock[7] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ block[0] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 7);
+ block[1] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 6);
+ block[2] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 5);
+ block[3] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 4);
+ block[4] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 3);
+ block[5] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 2);
+ block[6] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 1);
+ block[7] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (xorBlock)
+ {
+ block[0] = xorBlock[0] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 0);
+ block[1] = xorBlock[1] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 1);
+ block[2] = xorBlock[2] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 2);
+ block[3] = xorBlock[3] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 3);
+ block[4] = xorBlock[4] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 4);
+ block[5] = xorBlock[5] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 5);
+ block[6] = xorBlock[6] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 6);
+ block[7] = xorBlock[7] ^ CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 7);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ block[0] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 0);
+ block[1] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 1);
+ block[2] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 2);
+ block[3] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 3);
+ block[4] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 4);
+ block[5] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 5);
+ block[6] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 6);
+ block[7] = CRYPTOPP_GET_BYTE_AS_BYTE(value, 7);
+ }
+ }
+template <class T>
+inline T GetWord(bool assumeAligned, ByteOrder order, const byte *block)
+ if (!assumeAligned)
+ return UnalignedGetWordNonTemplate(order, block, (T*)NULL);
+ assert(IsAligned<T>(block));
+ return ConditionalByteReverse(order, *reinterpret_cast<const T *>(block));
+template <class T>
+inline void GetWord(bool assumeAligned, ByteOrder order, T &result, const byte *block)
+ result = GetWord<T>(assumeAligned, order, block);
+template <class T>
+inline void PutWord(bool assumeAligned, ByteOrder order, byte *block, T value, const byte *xorBlock = NULL)
+ if (!assumeAligned)
+ return UnalignedPutWordNonTemplate(order, block, value, xorBlock);
+ assert(IsAligned<T>(block));
+ assert(IsAligned<T>(xorBlock));
+ *reinterpret_cast<T *>(block) = ConditionalByteReverse(order, value) ^ (xorBlock ? *reinterpret_cast<const T *>(xorBlock) : 0);
+template <class T, class B, bool A=false>
+class GetBlock
+ GetBlock(const void *block)
+ : m_block((const byte *)block) {}
+ template <class U>
+ inline GetBlock<T, B, A> & operator()(U &x)
+ {
+ CRYPTOPP_COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(U) >= sizeof(T));
+ x = GetWord<T>(A, B::ToEnum(), m_block);
+ m_block += sizeof(T);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ const byte *m_block;
+template <class T, class B, bool A=false>
+class PutBlock
+ PutBlock(const void *xorBlock, void *block)
+ : m_xorBlock((const byte *)xorBlock), m_block((byte *)block) {}
+ template <class U>
+ inline PutBlock<T, B, A> & operator()(U x)
+ {
+ PutWord(A, B::ToEnum(), m_block, (T)x, m_xorBlock);
+ m_block += sizeof(T);
+ if (m_xorBlock)
+ m_xorBlock += sizeof(T);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ const byte *m_xorBlock;
+ byte *m_block;
+template <class T, class B, bool GA=false, bool PA=false>
+struct BlockGetAndPut
+ // function needed because of C++ grammatical ambiguity between expression-statements and declarations
+ static inline GetBlock<T, B, GA> Get(const void *block) {return GetBlock<T, B, GA>(block);}
+ typedef PutBlock<T, B, PA> Put;
+template <class T>
+std::string WordToString(T value, ByteOrder order = BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER)
+ if (!NativeByteOrderIs(order))
+ value = ByteReverse(value);
+ return std::string((char *)&value, sizeof(value));
+template <class T>
+T StringToWord(const std::string &str, ByteOrder order = BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER)
+ T value = 0;
+ memcpy_s(&value, sizeof(value), str.data(), UnsignedMin(str.size(), sizeof(value)));
+ return NativeByteOrderIs(order) ? value : ByteReverse(value);
+// ************** help remove warning on g++ ***************
+template <bool overflow> struct SafeShifter;
+template<> struct SafeShifter<true>
+ template <class T>
+ static inline T RightShift(T value, unsigned int bits)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ static inline T LeftShift(T value, unsigned int bits)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+template<> struct SafeShifter<false>
+ template <class T>
+ static inline T RightShift(T value, unsigned int bits)
+ {
+ return value >> bits;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ static inline T LeftShift(T value, unsigned int bits)
+ {
+ return value << bits;
+ }
+template <unsigned int bits, class T>
+inline T SafeRightShift(T value)
+ return SafeShifter<(bits>=(8*sizeof(T)))>::RightShift(value, bits);
+template <unsigned int bits, class T>
+inline T SafeLeftShift(T value)
+ return SafeShifter<(bits>=(8*sizeof(T)))>::LeftShift(value, bits);
+// ************** use one buffer for multiple data members ***************
+#define CRYPTOPP_BLOCK_1(n, t, s) t* m_##n() {return (t *)(m_aggregate+0);} size_t SS1() {return sizeof(t)*(s);} size_t m_##n##Size() {return (s);}
+#define CRYPTOPP_BLOCK_2(n, t, s) t* m_##n() {return (t *)(m_aggregate+SS1());} size_t SS2() {return SS1()+sizeof(t)*(s);} size_t m_##n##Size() {return (s);}
+#define CRYPTOPP_BLOCK_3(n, t, s) t* m_##n() {return (t *)(m_aggregate+SS2());} size_t SS3() {return SS2()+sizeof(t)*(s);} size_t m_##n##Size() {return (s);}
+#define CRYPTOPP_BLOCK_4(n, t, s) t* m_##n() {return (t *)(m_aggregate+SS3());} size_t SS4() {return SS3()+sizeof(t)*(s);} size_t m_##n##Size() {return (s);}
+#define CRYPTOPP_BLOCK_5(n, t, s) t* m_##n() {return (t *)(m_aggregate+SS4());} size_t SS5() {return SS4()+sizeof(t)*(s);} size_t m_##n##Size() {return (s);}
+#define CRYPTOPP_BLOCK_6(n, t, s) t* m_##n() {return (t *)(m_aggregate+SS5());} size_t SS6() {return SS5()+sizeof(t)*(s);} size_t m_##n##Size() {return (s);}
+#define CRYPTOPP_BLOCK_7(n, t, s) t* m_##n() {return (t *)(m_aggregate+SS6());} size_t SS7() {return SS6()+sizeof(t)*(s);} size_t m_##n##Size() {return (s);}
+#define CRYPTOPP_BLOCK_8(n, t, s) t* m_##n() {return (t *)(m_aggregate+SS7());} size_t SS8() {return SS7()+sizeof(t)*(s);} size_t m_##n##Size() {return (s);}
+#define CRYPTOPP_BLOCKS_END(i) size_t SST() {return SS##i();} void AllocateBlocks() {m_aggregate.New(SST());} AlignedSecByteBlock m_aggregate;
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ #include "cpu.h"
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "simple.h"
+ #include "secblock.h"
+ #include "misc.h"
+ #include "smartptr.h"
+ #endif
--- /dev/null
+// secblock.h - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai
+#include "config.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+ #include <malloc.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+// ************** secure memory allocation ***************
+template<class T>
+class AllocatorBase
+ typedef T value_type;
+ typedef size_t size_type;
+ typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef T * pointer;
+ typedef const T * const_pointer;
+ typedef T & reference;
+ typedef const T & const_reference;
+ pointer address(reference r) const {return (&r);}
+ const_pointer address(const_reference r) const {return (&r); }
+ void construct(pointer p, const T& val) {new (p) T(val);}
+ void destroy(pointer p) {p->~T();}
+ size_type max_size() const {return ~size_type(0)/sizeof(T);} // switch to std::numeric_limits<T>::max later
+ static void CheckSize(size_t n)
+ {
+ if (n > ~size_t(0) / sizeof(T))
+ throw InvalidArgument("AllocatorBase: requested size would cause integer overflow");
+ }
+typedef typename AllocatorBase<T>::value_type value_type;\
+typedef typename AllocatorBase<T>::size_type size_type;\
+typedef typename AllocatorBase<T>::difference_type difference_type;\
+typedef typename AllocatorBase<T>::pointer pointer;\
+typedef typename AllocatorBase<T>::const_pointer const_pointer;\
+typedef typename AllocatorBase<T>::reference reference;\
+typedef typename AllocatorBase<T>::const_reference const_reference;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1300)
+// this pragma causes an internal compiler error if placed immediately before std::swap(a, b)
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable: 4700) // VC60 workaround: don't know how to get rid of this warning
+template <class T, class A>
+typename A::pointer StandardReallocate(A& a, T *p, typename A::size_type oldSize, typename A::size_type newSize, bool preserve)
+ if (oldSize == newSize)
+ return p;
+ if (preserve)
+ {
+ typename A::pointer newPointer = a.allocate(newSize, NULL);
+ memcpy_s(newPointer, sizeof(T)*newSize, p, sizeof(T)*STDMIN(oldSize, newSize));
+ a.deallocate(p, oldSize);
+ return newPointer;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ a.deallocate(p, oldSize);
+ return a.allocate(newSize, NULL);
+ }
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1300)
+#pragma warning(pop)
+template <class T, bool T_Align16 = false>
+class AllocatorWithCleanup : public AllocatorBase<T>
+ pointer allocate(size_type n, const void * = NULL)
+ {
+ CheckSize(n);
+ if (n == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ if (CRYPTOPP_BOOL_ALIGN16_ENABLED && T_Align16 && n*sizeof(T) >= 16)
+ {
+ byte *p;
+ while (!(p = (byte *)_mm_malloc(sizeof(T)*n, 16)))
+ while (!(p = (byte *)memalign(16, sizeof(T)*n)))
+ while (!(p = (byte *)malloc(sizeof(T)*n)))
+ #else
+ while (!(p = (byte *)malloc(sizeof(T)*n + 16)))
+ #endif
+ CallNewHandler();
+ size_t adjustment = 16-((size_t)p%16);
+ p += adjustment;
+ p[-1] = (byte)adjustment;
+ #endif
+ assert(IsAlignedOn(p, 16));
+ return (pointer)p;
+ }
+ pointer p;
+ while (!(p = (pointer)malloc(sizeof(T)*n)))
+ CallNewHandler();
+ return p;
+ }
+ void deallocate(void *p, size_type n)
+ {
+ memset_z(p, 0, n*sizeof(T));
+ if (CRYPTOPP_BOOL_ALIGN16_ENABLED && T_Align16 && n*sizeof(T) >= 16)
+ {
+ _mm_free(p);
+ p = (byte *)p - ((byte *)p)[-1];
+ free(p);
+ #else
+ free(p);
+ #endif
+ return;
+ }
+ free(p);
+ }
+ pointer reallocate(T *p, size_type oldSize, size_type newSize, bool preserve)
+ {
+ return StandardReallocate(*this, p, oldSize, newSize, preserve);
+ }
+ // VS.NET STL enforces the policy of "All STL-compliant allocators have to provide a
+ // template class member called rebind".
+ template <class U> struct rebind { typedef AllocatorWithCleanup<U, T_Align16> other; };
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1500
+ AllocatorWithCleanup() {}
+ template <class U, bool A> AllocatorWithCleanup(const AllocatorWithCleanup<U, A> &) {}
+CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS AllocatorWithCleanup<byte>;
+CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS AllocatorWithCleanup<word16>;
+CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS AllocatorWithCleanup<word32>;
+CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS AllocatorWithCleanup<word64>;
+CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS AllocatorWithCleanup<word, true>; // for Integer
+template <class T>
+class NullAllocator : public AllocatorBase<T>
+ pointer allocate(size_type n, const void * = NULL)
+ {
+ assert(false);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ void deallocate(void *p, size_type n)
+ {
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ size_type max_size() const {return 0;}
+// This allocator can't be used with standard collections because
+// they require that all objects of the same allocator type are equivalent.
+// So this is for use with SecBlock only.
+template <class T, size_t S, class A = NullAllocator<T>, bool T_Align16 = false>
+class FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup : public AllocatorBase<T>
+ FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup() : m_allocated(false) {}
+ pointer allocate(size_type n)
+ {
+ assert(IsAlignedOn(m_array, 8));
+ if (n <= S && !m_allocated)
+ {
+ m_allocated = true;
+ return GetAlignedArray();
+ }
+ else
+ return m_fallbackAllocator.allocate(n);
+ }
+ pointer allocate(size_type n, const void *hint)
+ {
+ if (n <= S && !m_allocated)
+ {
+ m_allocated = true;
+ return GetAlignedArray();
+ }
+ else
+ return m_fallbackAllocator.allocate(n, hint);
+ }
+ void deallocate(void *p, size_type n)
+ {
+ if (p == GetAlignedArray())
+ {
+ assert(n <= S);
+ assert(m_allocated);
+ m_allocated = false;
+ memset(p, 0, n*sizeof(T));
+ }
+ else
+ m_fallbackAllocator.deallocate(p, n);
+ }
+ pointer reallocate(pointer p, size_type oldSize, size_type newSize, bool preserve)
+ {
+ if (p == GetAlignedArray() && newSize <= S)
+ {
+ assert(oldSize <= S);
+ if (oldSize > newSize)
+ memset(p + newSize, 0, (oldSize-newSize)*sizeof(T));
+ return p;
+ }
+ pointer newPointer = allocate(newSize, NULL);
+ if (preserve)
+ memcpy(newPointer, p, sizeof(T)*STDMIN(oldSize, newSize));
+ deallocate(p, oldSize);
+ return newPointer;
+ }
+ size_type max_size() const {return STDMAX(m_fallbackAllocator.max_size(), S);}
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+ T* GetAlignedArray() {return m_array;}
+ T m_array[S];
+ T* GetAlignedArray() {return (CRYPTOPP_BOOL_ALIGN16_ENABLED && T_Align16) ? (T*)(((byte *)m_array) + (0-(size_t)m_array)%16) : m_array;}
+ CRYPTOPP_ALIGN_DATA(8) T m_array[(CRYPTOPP_BOOL_ALIGN16_ENABLED && T_Align16) ? S+8/sizeof(T) : S];
+ A m_fallbackAllocator;
+ bool m_allocated;
+//! a block of memory allocated using A
+template <class T, class A = AllocatorWithCleanup<T> >
+class SecBlock
+ typedef typename A::value_type value_type;
+ typedef typename A::pointer iterator;
+ typedef typename A::const_pointer const_iterator;
+ typedef typename A::size_type size_type;
+ explicit SecBlock(size_type size=0)
+ : m_size(size) {m_ptr = m_alloc.allocate(size, NULL);}
+ SecBlock(const SecBlock<T, A> &t)
+ : m_size(t.m_size) {m_ptr = m_alloc.allocate(m_size, NULL); memcpy_s(m_ptr, m_size*sizeof(T), t.m_ptr, m_size*sizeof(T));}
+ SecBlock(const T *t, size_type len)
+ : m_size(len)
+ {
+ m_ptr = m_alloc.allocate(len, NULL);
+ if (t == NULL)
+ memset_z(m_ptr, 0, len*sizeof(T));
+ else
+ memcpy(m_ptr, t, len*sizeof(T));
+ }
+ ~SecBlock()
+ {m_alloc.deallocate(m_ptr, m_size);}
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+ operator T *() const
+ {return (T*)m_ptr;}
+ operator const void *() const
+ {return m_ptr;}
+ operator void *()
+ {return m_ptr;}
+ operator const T *() const
+ {return m_ptr;}
+ operator T *()
+ {return m_ptr;}
+// T *operator +(size_type offset)
+// {return m_ptr+offset;}
+// const T *operator +(size_type offset) const
+// {return m_ptr+offset;}
+// T& operator[](size_type index)
+// {assert(index >= 0 && index < m_size); return m_ptr[index];}
+// const T& operator[](size_type index) const
+// {assert(index >= 0 && index < m_size); return m_ptr[index];}
+ iterator begin()
+ {return m_ptr;}
+ const_iterator begin() const
+ {return m_ptr;}
+ iterator end()
+ {return m_ptr+m_size;}
+ const_iterator end() const
+ {return m_ptr+m_size;}
+ typename A::pointer data() {return m_ptr;}
+ typename A::const_pointer data() const {return m_ptr;}
+ size_type size() const {return m_size;}
+ bool empty() const {return m_size == 0;}
+ byte * BytePtr() {return (byte *)m_ptr;}
+ const byte * BytePtr() const {return (const byte *)m_ptr;}
+ size_type SizeInBytes() const {return m_size*sizeof(T);}
+ //! set contents and size
+ void Assign(const T *t, size_type len)
+ {
+ New(len);
+ memcpy_s(m_ptr, m_size*sizeof(T), t, len*sizeof(T));
+ }
+ //! copy contents and size from another SecBlock
+ void Assign(const SecBlock<T, A> &t)
+ {
+ New(t.m_size);
+ memcpy_s(m_ptr, m_size*sizeof(T), t.m_ptr, m_size*sizeof(T));
+ }
+ SecBlock<T, A>& operator=(const SecBlock<T, A> &t)
+ {
+ Assign(t);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // append to this object
+ SecBlock<T, A>& operator+=(const SecBlock<T, A> &t)
+ {
+ size_type oldSize = m_size;
+ Grow(m_size+t.m_size);
+ memcpy_s(m_ptr+oldSize, m_size*sizeof(T), t.m_ptr, t.m_size*sizeof(T));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // append operator
+ SecBlock<T, A> operator+(const SecBlock<T, A> &t)
+ {
+ SecBlock<T, A> result(m_size+t.m_size);
+ memcpy_s(result.m_ptr, result.m_size*sizeof(T), m_ptr, m_size*sizeof(T));
+ memcpy_s(result.m_ptr+m_size, t.m_size*sizeof(T), t.m_ptr, t.m_size*sizeof(T));
+ return result;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const SecBlock<T, A> &t) const
+ {
+ return m_size == t.m_size && VerifyBufsEqual(m_ptr, t.m_ptr, m_size*sizeof(T));
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const SecBlock<T, A> &t) const
+ {
+ return !operator==(t);
+ }
+ //! change size, without preserving contents
+ void New(size_type newSize)
+ {
+ m_ptr = m_alloc.reallocate(m_ptr, m_size, newSize, false);
+ m_size = newSize;
+ }
+ //! change size and set contents to 0
+ void CleanNew(size_type newSize)
+ {
+ New(newSize);
+ memset_z(m_ptr, 0, m_size*sizeof(T));
+ }
+ //! change size only if newSize > current size. contents are preserved
+ void Grow(size_type newSize)
+ {
+ if (newSize > m_size)
+ {
+ m_ptr = m_alloc.reallocate(m_ptr, m_size, newSize, true);
+ m_size = newSize;
+ }
+ }
+ //! change size only if newSize > current size. contents are preserved and additional area is set to 0
+ void CleanGrow(size_type newSize)
+ {
+ if (newSize > m_size)
+ {
+ m_ptr = m_alloc.reallocate(m_ptr, m_size, newSize, true);
+ memset(m_ptr+m_size, 0, (newSize-m_size)*sizeof(T));
+ m_size = newSize;
+ }
+ }
+ //! change size and preserve contents
+ void resize(size_type newSize)
+ {
+ m_ptr = m_alloc.reallocate(m_ptr, m_size, newSize, true);
+ m_size = newSize;
+ }
+ //! swap contents and size with another SecBlock
+ void swap(SecBlock<T, A> &b)
+ {
+ std::swap(m_alloc, b.m_alloc);
+ std::swap(m_size, b.m_size);
+ std::swap(m_ptr, b.m_ptr);
+ }
+ A m_alloc;
+ size_type m_size;
+ T *m_ptr;
+typedef SecBlock<byte> SecByteBlock;
+typedef SecBlock<byte, AllocatorWithCleanup<byte, true> > AlignedSecByteBlock;
+typedef SecBlock<word> SecWordBlock;
+//! a SecBlock with fixed size, allocated statically
+template <class T, unsigned int S, class A = FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup<T, S> >
+class FixedSizeSecBlock : public SecBlock<T, A>
+ explicit FixedSizeSecBlock() : SecBlock<T, A>(S) {}
+template <class T, unsigned int S, bool T_Align16 = true>
+class FixedSizeAlignedSecBlock : public FixedSizeSecBlock<T, S, FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup<T, S, NullAllocator<T>, T_Align16> >
+//! a SecBlock that preallocates size S statically, and uses the heap when this size is exceeded
+template <class T, unsigned int S, class A = FixedSizeAllocatorWithCleanup<T, S, AllocatorWithCleanup<T> > >
+class SecBlockWithHint : public SecBlock<T, A>
+ explicit SecBlockWithHint(size_t size) : SecBlock<T, A>(size) {}
+template<class T, bool A, class U, bool B>
+inline bool operator==(const CryptoPP::AllocatorWithCleanup<T, A>&, const CryptoPP::AllocatorWithCleanup<U, B>&) {return (true);}
+template<class T, bool A, class U, bool B>
+inline bool operator!=(const CryptoPP::AllocatorWithCleanup<T, A>&, const CryptoPP::AllocatorWithCleanup<U, B>&) {return (false);}
+template <class T, class A>
+inline void swap(CryptoPP::SecBlock<T, A> &a, CryptoPP::SecBlock<T, A> &b)
+ a.swap(b);
+// working for STLport 5.1.3 and MSVC 6 SP5
+template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
+inline CryptoPP::AllocatorWithCleanup<_Tp2>&
+__stl_alloc_rebind(CryptoPP::AllocatorWithCleanup<_Tp1>& __a, const _Tp2*)
+ return (CryptoPP::AllocatorWithCleanup<_Tp2>&)(__a);
--- /dev/null
+// sha.cpp - modified by Wei Dai from Steve Reid's public domain sha1.c
+// Steve Reid implemented SHA-1. Wei Dai implemented SHA-2.
+// Both are in the public domain.
+// use "cl /EP /P /DCRYPTOPP_GENERATE_X64_MASM sha.cpp" to generate MASM code
+#include "pch.h"
+#include "sha.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "cpu.h"
+// start of Steve Reid's code
+#define blk0(i) (W[i] = data[i])
+#define blk1(i) (W[i&15] = rotlFixed(W[(i+13)&15]^W[(i+8)&15]^W[(i+2)&15]^W[i&15],1))
+void SHA1::InitState(HashWordType *state)
+ state[0] = 0x67452301L;
+ state[1] = 0xEFCDAB89L;
+ state[2] = 0x98BADCFEL;
+ state[3] = 0x10325476L;
+ state[4] = 0xC3D2E1F0L;
+#define f1(x,y,z) (z^(x&(y^z)))
+#define f2(x,y,z) (x^y^z)
+#define f3(x,y,z) ((x&y)|(z&(x|y)))
+#define f4(x,y,z) (x^y^z)
+/* (R0+R1), R2, R3, R4 are the different operations used in SHA1 */
+#define R0(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=f1(w,x,y)+blk0(i)+0x5A827999+rotlFixed(v,5);w=rotlFixed(w,30);
+#define R1(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=f1(w,x,y)+blk1(i)+0x5A827999+rotlFixed(v,5);w=rotlFixed(w,30);
+#define R2(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=f2(w,x,y)+blk1(i)+0x6ED9EBA1+rotlFixed(v,5);w=rotlFixed(w,30);
+#define R3(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=f3(w,x,y)+blk1(i)+0x8F1BBCDC+rotlFixed(v,5);w=rotlFixed(w,30);
+#define R4(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=f4(w,x,y)+blk1(i)+0xCA62C1D6+rotlFixed(v,5);w=rotlFixed(w,30);
+void SHA1::Transform(word32 *state, const word32 *data)
+ word32 W[16];
+ /* Copy context->state[] to working vars */
+ word32 a = state[0];
+ word32 b = state[1];
+ word32 c = state[2];
+ word32 d = state[3];
+ word32 e = state[4];
+ /* 4 rounds of 20 operations each. Loop unrolled. */
+ R0(a,b,c,d,e, 0); R0(e,a,b,c,d, 1); R0(d,e,a,b,c, 2); R0(c,d,e,a,b, 3);
+ R0(b,c,d,e,a, 4); R0(a,b,c,d,e, 5); R0(e,a,b,c,d, 6); R0(d,e,a,b,c, 7);
+ R0(c,d,e,a,b, 8); R0(b,c,d,e,a, 9); R0(a,b,c,d,e,10); R0(e,a,b,c,d,11);
+ R0(d,e,a,b,c,12); R0(c,d,e,a,b,13); R0(b,c,d,e,a,14); R0(a,b,c,d,e,15);
+ R1(e,a,b,c,d,16); R1(d,e,a,b,c,17); R1(c,d,e,a,b,18); R1(b,c,d,e,a,19);
+ R2(a,b,c,d,e,20); R2(e,a,b,c,d,21); R2(d,e,a,b,c,22); R2(c,d,e,a,b,23);
+ R2(b,c,d,e,a,24); R2(a,b,c,d,e,25); R2(e,a,b,c,d,26); R2(d,e,a,b,c,27);
+ R2(c,d,e,a,b,28); R2(b,c,d,e,a,29); R2(a,b,c,d,e,30); R2(e,a,b,c,d,31);
+ R2(d,e,a,b,c,32); R2(c,d,e,a,b,33); R2(b,c,d,e,a,34); R2(a,b,c,d,e,35);
+ R2(e,a,b,c,d,36); R2(d,e,a,b,c,37); R2(c,d,e,a,b,38); R2(b,c,d,e,a,39);
+ R3(a,b,c,d,e,40); R3(e,a,b,c,d,41); R3(d,e,a,b,c,42); R3(c,d,e,a,b,43);
+ R3(b,c,d,e,a,44); R3(a,b,c,d,e,45); R3(e,a,b,c,d,46); R3(d,e,a,b,c,47);
+ R3(c,d,e,a,b,48); R3(b,c,d,e,a,49); R3(a,b,c,d,e,50); R3(e,a,b,c,d,51);
+ R3(d,e,a,b,c,52); R3(c,d,e,a,b,53); R3(b,c,d,e,a,54); R3(a,b,c,d,e,55);
+ R3(e,a,b,c,d,56); R3(d,e,a,b,c,57); R3(c,d,e,a,b,58); R3(b,c,d,e,a,59);
+ R4(a,b,c,d,e,60); R4(e,a,b,c,d,61); R4(d,e,a,b,c,62); R4(c,d,e,a,b,63);
+ R4(b,c,d,e,a,64); R4(a,b,c,d,e,65); R4(e,a,b,c,d,66); R4(d,e,a,b,c,67);
+ R4(c,d,e,a,b,68); R4(b,c,d,e,a,69); R4(a,b,c,d,e,70); R4(e,a,b,c,d,71);
+ R4(d,e,a,b,c,72); R4(c,d,e,a,b,73); R4(b,c,d,e,a,74); R4(a,b,c,d,e,75);
+ R4(e,a,b,c,d,76); R4(d,e,a,b,c,77); R4(c,d,e,a,b,78); R4(b,c,d,e,a,79);
+ /* Add the working vars back into context.state[] */
+ state[0] += a;
+ state[1] += b;
+ state[2] += c;
+ state[3] += d;
+ state[4] += e;
+// end of Steve Reid's code
+// *************************************************************
+void SHA224::InitState(HashWordType *state)
+ static const word32 s[8] = {0xc1059ed8, 0x367cd507, 0x3070dd17, 0xf70e5939, 0xffc00b31, 0x68581511, 0x64f98fa7, 0xbefa4fa4};
+ memcpy(state, s, sizeof(s));
+void SHA256::InitState(HashWordType *state)
+ static const word32 s[8] = {0x6a09e667, 0xbb67ae85, 0x3c6ef372, 0xa54ff53a, 0x510e527f, 0x9b05688c, 0x1f83d9ab, 0x5be0cd19};
+ memcpy(state, s, sizeof(s));
+CRYPTOPP_ALIGN_DATA(16) extern const word32 SHA256_K[64] CRYPTOPP_SECTION_ALIGN16 = {
+extern const word32 SHA256_K[64] = {
+ 0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5,
+ 0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5,
+ 0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3,
+ 0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174,
+ 0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc,
+ 0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da,
+ 0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7,
+ 0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967,
+ 0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13,
+ 0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85,
+ 0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3,
+ 0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070,
+ 0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5,
+ 0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3,
+ 0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208,
+ 0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2
+#endif // #ifndef CRYPTOPP_GENERATE_X64_MASM
+#pragma warning(disable: 4731) // frame pointer register 'ebp' modified by inline assembly code
+static void CRYPTOPP_FASTCALL X86_SHA256_HashBlocks(word32 *state, const word32 *data, size_t len
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER == 1200)
+ , ... // VC60 workaround: prevent VC 6 from inlining this function
+ )
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER == 1200)
+ AS2(mov ecx, [state])
+ AS2(mov edx, [data])
+ #define LOCALS_SIZE 8*4 + 16*4 + 4*WORD_SZ
+ #define H(i) [BASE+ASM_MOD(1024+7-(i),8)*4]
+ #define G(i) H(i+1)
+ #define F(i) H(i+2)
+ #define E(i) H(i+3)
+ #define D(i) H(i+4)
+ #define C(i) H(i+5)
+ #define B(i) H(i+6)
+ #define A(i) H(i+7)
+ #define Wt(i) BASE+8*4+ASM_MOD(1024+15-(i),16)*4
+ #define Wt_2(i) Wt((i)-2)
+ #define Wt_15(i) Wt((i)-15)
+ #define Wt_7(i) Wt((i)-7)
+ #define K_END [BASE+8*4+16*4+0*WORD_SZ]
+ #define STATE_SAVE [BASE+8*4+16*4+1*WORD_SZ]
+ #define DATA_SAVE [BASE+8*4+16*4+2*WORD_SZ]
+ #define DATA_END [BASE+8*4+16*4+3*WORD_SZ]
+ #define Kt(i) WORD_REG(si)+(i)*4
+ #define BASE esp+4
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+ #define BASE r8
+ #define BASE rsp
+#define RA0(i, edx, edi) \
+ AS2( add edx, [Kt(i)] )\
+ AS2( add edx, [Wt(i)] )\
+ AS2( add edx, H(i) )\
+#define RA1(i, edx, edi)
+#define RB0(i, edx, edi)
+#define RB1(i, edx, edi) \
+ AS2( mov AS_REG_7d, [Wt_2(i)] )\
+ AS2( mov edi, [Wt_15(i)])\
+ AS2( mov ebx, AS_REG_7d )\
+ AS2( shr AS_REG_7d, 10 )\
+ AS2( ror ebx, 17 )\
+ AS2( xor AS_REG_7d, ebx )\
+ AS2( ror ebx, 2 )\
+ AS2( xor ebx, AS_REG_7d )/* s1(W_t-2) */\
+ AS2( add ebx, [Wt_7(i)])\
+ AS2( mov AS_REG_7d, edi )\
+ AS2( shr AS_REG_7d, 3 )\
+ AS2( ror edi, 7 )\
+ AS2( add ebx, [Wt(i)])/* s1(W_t-2) + W_t-7 + W_t-16 */\
+ AS2( xor AS_REG_7d, edi )\
+ AS2( add edx, [Kt(i)])\
+ AS2( ror edi, 11 )\
+ AS2( add edx, H(i) )\
+ AS2( xor AS_REG_7d, edi )/* s0(W_t-15) */\
+ AS2( add AS_REG_7d, ebx )/* W_t = s1(W_t-2) + W_t-7 + s0(W_t-15) W_t-16*/\
+ AS2( mov [Wt(i)], AS_REG_7d)\
+ AS2( add edx, AS_REG_7d )\
+#define ROUND(i, r, eax, ecx, edi, edx)\
+ /* in: edi = E */\
+ /* unused: eax, ecx, temp: ebx, AS_REG_7d, out: edx = T1 */\
+ AS2( mov edx, F(i) )\
+ AS2( xor edx, G(i) )\
+ AS2( and edx, edi )\
+ AS2( xor edx, G(i) )/* Ch(E,F,G) = (G^(E&(F^G))) */\
+ AS2( mov AS_REG_7d, edi )\
+ AS2( ror edi, 6 )\
+ AS2( ror AS_REG_7d, 25 )\
+ RA##r(i, edx, edi )/* H + Wt + Kt + Ch(E,F,G) */\
+ AS2( xor AS_REG_7d, edi )\
+ AS2( ror edi, 5 )\
+ AS2( xor AS_REG_7d, edi )/* S1(E) */\
+ AS2( add edx, AS_REG_7d )/* T1 = S1(E) + Ch(E,F,G) + H + Wt + Kt */\
+ RB##r(i, edx, edi )/* H + Wt + Kt + Ch(E,F,G) */\
+ /* in: ecx = A, eax = B^C, edx = T1 */\
+ /* unused: edx, temp: ebx, AS_REG_7d, out: eax = A, ecx = B^C, edx = E */\
+ AS2( mov ebx, ecx )\
+ AS2( xor ecx, B(i) )/* A^B */\
+ AS2( and eax, ecx )\
+ AS2( xor eax, B(i) )/* Maj(A,B,C) = B^((A^B)&(B^C) */\
+ AS2( mov AS_REG_7d, ebx )\
+ AS2( ror ebx, 2 )\
+ AS2( add eax, edx )/* T1 + Maj(A,B,C) */\
+ AS2( add edx, D(i) )\
+ AS2( mov D(i), edx )\
+ AS2( ror AS_REG_7d, 22 )\
+ AS2( xor AS_REG_7d, ebx )\
+ AS2( ror ebx, 11 )\
+ AS2( xor AS_REG_7d, ebx )\
+ AS2( add eax, AS_REG_7d )/* T1 + S0(A) + Maj(A,B,C) */\
+ AS2( mov H(i), eax )\
+#define SWAP_COPY(i) \
+ AS2( mov WORD_REG(bx), [WORD_REG(dx)+i*WORD_SZ])\
+ AS1( bswap WORD_REG(bx))\
+ AS2( mov [Wt(i*(1+CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64)+CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64)], WORD_REG(bx))
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+ FixedSizeAlignedSecBlock<byte, LOCALS_SIZE> workspace;
+ #endif
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ "lea %4, %%r8;"
+ #endif
+ ".intel_syntax noprefix;"
+#elif defined(CRYPTOPP_GENERATE_X64_MASM)
+ X86_SHA256_HashBlocks PROC FRAME
+ rex_push_reg rsi
+ push_reg rdi
+ push_reg rbx
+ push_reg rbp
+ alloc_stack(LOCALS_SIZE+8)
+ .endprolog
+ mov rdi, r8
+ lea rsi, [?SHA256_K@CryptoPP@@3QBIB + 48*4]
+ #ifndef __GNUC__
+ AS2( mov edi, [len])
+ AS2( lea WORD_REG(si), [SHA256_K+48*4])
+ #endif
+ #if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER < 1400)
+ AS_PUSH_IF86(bx)
+ #endif
+ AS_PUSH_IF86(bp)
+ AS2( mov ebx, esp)
+ AS2( and esp, -16)
+ AS_PUSH_IF86(bx)
+ AS2( mov STATE_SAVE, WORD_REG(cx))
+ AS2( mov DATA_SAVE, WORD_REG(dx))
+ AS2( add WORD_REG(di), WORD_REG(dx))
+ AS2( mov DATA_END, WORD_REG(di))
+ AS2( mov K_END, WORD_REG(si))
+ AS2( test edi, 1)
+ ASJ( jnz, 2, f)
+ AS2( movdqa xmm0, XMMWORD_PTR [WORD_REG(cx)+0*16])
+ AS2( movdqa xmm1, XMMWORD_PTR [WORD_REG(cx)+1*16])
+ ASJ( jmp, 0, f)
+ ASL(2) // non-SSE2
+ AS2( mov esi, ecx)
+ AS2( lea edi, A(0))
+ AS2( mov ecx, 8)
+ AS1( rep movsd)
+ AS2( mov esi, K_END)
+ ASJ( jmp, 3, f)
+ ASL(0)
+ AS2( movdqa E(0), xmm1)
+ AS2( movdqa A(0), xmm0)
+ ASL(3)
+ AS2( sub WORD_REG(si), 48*4)
+ AS2( mov edi, E(0)) // E
+ AS2( mov eax, B(0)) // B
+ AS2( xor eax, C(0)) // B^C
+ AS2( mov ecx, A(0)) // A
+ ROUND(0, 0, eax, ecx, edi, edx)
+ ROUND(1, 0, ecx, eax, edx, edi)
+ ROUND(2, 0, eax, ecx, edi, edx)
+ ROUND(3, 0, ecx, eax, edx, edi)
+ ROUND(4, 0, eax, ecx, edi, edx)
+ ROUND(5, 0, ecx, eax, edx, edi)
+ ROUND(6, 0, eax, ecx, edi, edx)
+ ROUND(7, 0, ecx, eax, edx, edi)
+ ROUND(8, 0, eax, ecx, edi, edx)
+ ROUND(9, 0, ecx, eax, edx, edi)
+ ROUND(10, 0, eax, ecx, edi, edx)
+ ROUND(11, 0, ecx, eax, edx, edi)
+ ROUND(12, 0, eax, ecx, edi, edx)
+ ROUND(13, 0, ecx, eax, edx, edi)
+ ROUND(14, 0, eax, ecx, edi, edx)
+ ROUND(15, 0, ecx, eax, edx, edi)
+ ASL(1)
+ AS2(add WORD_REG(si), 4*16)
+ ROUND(0, 1, eax, ecx, edi, edx)
+ ROUND(1, 1, ecx, eax, edx, edi)
+ ROUND(2, 1, eax, ecx, edi, edx)
+ ROUND(3, 1, ecx, eax, edx, edi)
+ ROUND(4, 1, eax, ecx, edi, edx)
+ ROUND(5, 1, ecx, eax, edx, edi)
+ ROUND(6, 1, eax, ecx, edi, edx)
+ ROUND(7, 1, ecx, eax, edx, edi)
+ ROUND(8, 1, eax, ecx, edi, edx)
+ ROUND(9, 1, ecx, eax, edx, edi)
+ ROUND(10, 1, eax, ecx, edi, edx)
+ ROUND(11, 1, ecx, eax, edx, edi)
+ ROUND(12, 1, eax, ecx, edi, edx)
+ ROUND(13, 1, ecx, eax, edx, edi)
+ ROUND(14, 1, eax, ecx, edi, edx)
+ ROUND(15, 1, ecx, eax, edx, edi)
+ AS2( cmp WORD_REG(si), K_END)
+ ASJ( jne, 1, b)
+ AS2( mov WORD_REG(dx), DATA_SAVE)
+ AS2( add WORD_REG(dx), 64)
+ AS2( mov AS_REG_7, STATE_SAVE)
+ AS2( mov DATA_SAVE, WORD_REG(dx))
+ AS2( test DWORD PTR DATA_END, 1)
+ ASJ( jnz, 4, f)
+ AS2( movdqa xmm1, XMMWORD_PTR [AS_REG_7+1*16])
+ AS2( movdqa xmm0, XMMWORD_PTR [AS_REG_7+0*16])
+ AS2( paddd xmm1, E(0))
+ AS2( paddd xmm0, A(0))
+ AS2( movdqa [AS_REG_7+1*16], xmm1)
+ AS2( movdqa [AS_REG_7+0*16], xmm0)
+ AS2( cmp WORD_REG(dx), DATA_END)
+ ASJ( jl, 0, b)
+ ASJ( jmp, 5, f)
+ ASL(4) // non-SSE2
+ AS2( add [AS_REG_7+0*4], ecx) // A
+ AS2( add [AS_REG_7+4*4], edi) // E
+ AS2( mov eax, B(0))
+ AS2( mov ebx, C(0))
+ AS2( mov ecx, D(0))
+ AS2( add [AS_REG_7+1*4], eax)
+ AS2( add [AS_REG_7+2*4], ebx)
+ AS2( add [AS_REG_7+3*4], ecx)
+ AS2( mov eax, F(0))
+ AS2( mov ebx, G(0))
+ AS2( mov ecx, H(0))
+ AS2( add [AS_REG_7+5*4], eax)
+ AS2( add [AS_REG_7+6*4], ebx)
+ AS2( add [AS_REG_7+7*4], ecx)
+ AS2( mov ecx, AS_REG_7d)
+ AS2( cmp WORD_REG(dx), DATA_END)
+ ASJ( jl, 2, b)
+ ASL(5)
+ AS_POP_IF86(sp)
+ AS_POP_IF86(bp)
+ #if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER < 1400)
+ AS_POP_IF86(bx)
+ #endif
+ add rsp, LOCALS_SIZE+8
+ pop rbp
+ pop rbx
+ pop rdi
+ pop rsi
+ ret
+ X86_SHA256_HashBlocks ENDP
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+ ".att_syntax prefix;"
+ :
+ : "c" (state), "d" (data), "S" (SHA256_K+48), "D" (len)
+ , "m" (workspace[0])
+ #endif
+ : "memory", "cc", "%eax"
+ , "%rbx", "%r8"
+ #endif
+ );
+#endif // #if defined(CRYPTOPP_X86_ASM_AVAILABLE) || defined(CRYPTOPP_GENERATE_X64_MASM)
+extern "C" {
+void CRYPTOPP_FASTCALL X86_SHA256_HashBlocks(word32 *state, const word32 *data, size_t len);
+size_t SHA256::HashMultipleBlocks(const word32 *input, size_t length)
+ X86_SHA256_HashBlocks(m_state, input, (length&(size_t(0)-BLOCKSIZE)) - !HasSSE2());
+ return length % BLOCKSIZE;
+size_t SHA224::HashMultipleBlocks(const word32 *input, size_t length)
+ X86_SHA256_HashBlocks(m_state, input, (length&(size_t(0)-BLOCKSIZE)) - !HasSSE2());
+ return length % BLOCKSIZE;
+#define blk2(i) (W[i&15]+=s1(W[(i-2)&15])+W[(i-7)&15]+s0(W[(i-15)&15]))
+#define Ch(x,y,z) (z^(x&(y^z)))
+#define Maj(x,y,z) (y^((x^y)&(y^z)))
+#define a(i) T[(0-i)&7]
+#define b(i) T[(1-i)&7]
+#define c(i) T[(2-i)&7]
+#define d(i) T[(3-i)&7]
+#define e(i) T[(4-i)&7]
+#define f(i) T[(5-i)&7]
+#define g(i) T[(6-i)&7]
+#define h(i) T[(7-i)&7]
+#define R(i) h(i)+=S1(e(i))+Ch(e(i),f(i),g(i))+SHA256_K[i+j]+(j?blk2(i):blk0(i));\
+ d(i)+=h(i);h(i)+=S0(a(i))+Maj(a(i),b(i),c(i))
+// for SHA256
+#define S0(x) (rotrFixed(x,2)^rotrFixed(x,13)^rotrFixed(x,22))
+#define S1(x) (rotrFixed(x,6)^rotrFixed(x,11)^rotrFixed(x,25))
+#define s0(x) (rotrFixed(x,7)^rotrFixed(x,18)^(x>>3))
+#define s1(x) (rotrFixed(x,17)^rotrFixed(x,19)^(x>>10))
+void SHA256::Transform(word32 *state, const word32 *data)
+ word32 W[16];
+ // this byte reverse is a waste of time, but this function is only called by MDC
+ ByteReverse(W, data, BLOCKSIZE);
+ X86_SHA256_HashBlocks(state, W, BLOCKSIZE - !HasSSE2());
+ word32 T[8];
+ /* Copy context->state[] to working vars */
+ memcpy(T, state, sizeof(T));
+ /* 64 operations, partially loop unrolled */
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<64; j+=16)
+ {
+ R( 0); R( 1); R( 2); R( 3);
+ R( 4); R( 5); R( 6); R( 7);
+ R( 8); R( 9); R(10); R(11);
+ R(12); R(13); R(14); R(15);
+ }
+ /* Add the working vars back into context.state[] */
+ state[0] += a(0);
+ state[1] += b(0);
+ state[2] += c(0);
+ state[3] += d(0);
+ state[4] += e(0);
+ state[5] += f(0);
+ state[6] += g(0);
+ state[7] += h(0);
+// smaller but slower
+void SHA256::Transform(word32 *state, const word32 *data)
+ word32 T[20];
+ word32 W[32];
+ unsigned int i = 0, j = 0;
+ word32 *t = T+8;
+ memcpy(t, state, 8*4);
+ word32 e = t[4], a = t[0];
+ do
+ {
+ word32 w = data[j];
+ W[j] = w;
+ w += SHA256_K[j];
+ w += t[7];
+ w += S1(e);
+ w += Ch(e, t[5], t[6]);
+ e = t[3] + w;
+ t[3] = t[3+8] = e;
+ w += S0(t[0]);
+ a = w + Maj(a, t[1], t[2]);
+ t[-1] = t[7] = a;
+ --t;
+ ++j;
+ if (j%8 == 0)
+ t += 8;
+ } while (j<16);
+ do
+ {
+ i = j&0xf;
+ word32 w = s1(W[i+16-2]) + s0(W[i+16-15]) + W[i] + W[i+16-7];
+ W[i+16] = W[i] = w;
+ w += SHA256_K[j];
+ w += t[7];
+ w += S1(e);
+ w += Ch(e, t[5], t[6]);
+ e = t[3] + w;
+ t[3] = t[3+8] = e;
+ w += S0(t[0]);
+ a = w + Maj(a, t[1], t[2]);
+ t[-1] = t[7] = a;
+ w = s1(W[(i+1)+16-2]) + s0(W[(i+1)+16-15]) + W[(i+1)] + W[(i+1)+16-7];
+ W[(i+1)+16] = W[(i+1)] = w;
+ w += SHA256_K[j+1];
+ w += (t-1)[7];
+ w += S1(e);
+ w += Ch(e, (t-1)[5], (t-1)[6]);
+ e = (t-1)[3] + w;
+ (t-1)[3] = (t-1)[3+8] = e;
+ w += S0((t-1)[0]);
+ a = w + Maj(a, (t-1)[1], (t-1)[2]);
+ (t-1)[-1] = (t-1)[7] = a;
+ t-=2;
+ j+=2;
+ if (j%8 == 0)
+ t += 8;
+ } while (j<64);
+ state[0] += a;
+ state[1] += t[1];
+ state[2] += t[2];
+ state[3] += t[3];
+ state[4] += e;
+ state[5] += t[5];
+ state[6] += t[6];
+ state[7] += t[7];
+#undef S0
+#undef S1
+#undef s0
+#undef s1
+#undef R
+// *************************************************************
+void SHA384::InitState(HashWordType *state)
+ static const word64 s[8] = {
+ W64LIT(0xcbbb9d5dc1059ed8), W64LIT(0x629a292a367cd507),
+ W64LIT(0x9159015a3070dd17), W64LIT(0x152fecd8f70e5939),
+ W64LIT(0x67332667ffc00b31), W64LIT(0x8eb44a8768581511),
+ W64LIT(0xdb0c2e0d64f98fa7), W64LIT(0x47b5481dbefa4fa4)};
+ memcpy(state, s, sizeof(s));
+void SHA512::InitState(HashWordType *state)
+ static const word64 s[8] = {
+ W64LIT(0x6a09e667f3bcc908), W64LIT(0xbb67ae8584caa73b),
+ W64LIT(0x3c6ef372fe94f82b), W64LIT(0xa54ff53a5f1d36f1),
+ W64LIT(0x510e527fade682d1), W64LIT(0x9b05688c2b3e6c1f),
+ W64LIT(0x1f83d9abfb41bd6b), W64LIT(0x5be0cd19137e2179)};
+ memcpy(state, s, sizeof(s));
+CRYPTOPP_ALIGN_DATA(16) static const word64 SHA512_K[80] CRYPTOPP_SECTION_ALIGN16 = {
+static const word64 SHA512_K[80] = {
+ W64LIT(0x428a2f98d728ae22), W64LIT(0x7137449123ef65cd),
+ W64LIT(0xb5c0fbcfec4d3b2f), W64LIT(0xe9b5dba58189dbbc),
+ W64LIT(0x3956c25bf348b538), W64LIT(0x59f111f1b605d019),
+ W64LIT(0x923f82a4af194f9b), W64LIT(0xab1c5ed5da6d8118),
+ W64LIT(0xd807aa98a3030242), W64LIT(0x12835b0145706fbe),
+ W64LIT(0x243185be4ee4b28c), W64LIT(0x550c7dc3d5ffb4e2),
+ W64LIT(0x72be5d74f27b896f), W64LIT(0x80deb1fe3b1696b1),
+ W64LIT(0x9bdc06a725c71235), W64LIT(0xc19bf174cf692694),
+ W64LIT(0xe49b69c19ef14ad2), W64LIT(0xefbe4786384f25e3),
+ W64LIT(0x0fc19dc68b8cd5b5), W64LIT(0x240ca1cc77ac9c65),
+ W64LIT(0x2de92c6f592b0275), W64LIT(0x4a7484aa6ea6e483),
+ W64LIT(0x5cb0a9dcbd41fbd4), W64LIT(0x76f988da831153b5),
+ W64LIT(0x983e5152ee66dfab), W64LIT(0xa831c66d2db43210),
+ W64LIT(0xb00327c898fb213f), W64LIT(0xbf597fc7beef0ee4),
+ W64LIT(0xc6e00bf33da88fc2), W64LIT(0xd5a79147930aa725),
+ W64LIT(0x06ca6351e003826f), W64LIT(0x142929670a0e6e70),
+ W64LIT(0x27b70a8546d22ffc), W64LIT(0x2e1b21385c26c926),
+ W64LIT(0x4d2c6dfc5ac42aed), W64LIT(0x53380d139d95b3df),
+ W64LIT(0x650a73548baf63de), W64LIT(0x766a0abb3c77b2a8),
+ W64LIT(0x81c2c92e47edaee6), W64LIT(0x92722c851482353b),
+ W64LIT(0xa2bfe8a14cf10364), W64LIT(0xa81a664bbc423001),
+ W64LIT(0xc24b8b70d0f89791), W64LIT(0xc76c51a30654be30),
+ W64LIT(0xd192e819d6ef5218), W64LIT(0xd69906245565a910),
+ W64LIT(0xf40e35855771202a), W64LIT(0x106aa07032bbd1b8),
+ W64LIT(0x19a4c116b8d2d0c8), W64LIT(0x1e376c085141ab53),
+ W64LIT(0x2748774cdf8eeb99), W64LIT(0x34b0bcb5e19b48a8),
+ W64LIT(0x391c0cb3c5c95a63), W64LIT(0x4ed8aa4ae3418acb),
+ W64LIT(0x5b9cca4f7763e373), W64LIT(0x682e6ff3d6b2b8a3),
+ W64LIT(0x748f82ee5defb2fc), W64LIT(0x78a5636f43172f60),
+ W64LIT(0x84c87814a1f0ab72), W64LIT(0x8cc702081a6439ec),
+ W64LIT(0x90befffa23631e28), W64LIT(0xa4506cebde82bde9),
+ W64LIT(0xbef9a3f7b2c67915), W64LIT(0xc67178f2e372532b),
+ W64LIT(0xca273eceea26619c), W64LIT(0xd186b8c721c0c207),
+ W64LIT(0xeada7dd6cde0eb1e), W64LIT(0xf57d4f7fee6ed178),
+ W64LIT(0x06f067aa72176fba), W64LIT(0x0a637dc5a2c898a6),
+ W64LIT(0x113f9804bef90dae), W64LIT(0x1b710b35131c471b),
+ W64LIT(0x28db77f523047d84), W64LIT(0x32caab7b40c72493),
+ W64LIT(0x3c9ebe0a15c9bebc), W64LIT(0x431d67c49c100d4c),
+ W64LIT(0x4cc5d4becb3e42b6), W64LIT(0x597f299cfc657e2a),
+ W64LIT(0x5fcb6fab3ad6faec), W64LIT(0x6c44198c4a475817)
+// put assembly version in separate function, otherwise MSVC 2005 SP1 doesn't generate correct code for the non-assembly version
+CRYPTOPP_NAKED static void CRYPTOPP_FASTCALL SHA512_SSE2_Transform(word64 *state, const word64 *data)
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ (
+ ".intel_syntax noprefix;"
+ AS1( push ebx)
+ AS2( mov ebx, eax)
+ AS1( push ebx)
+ AS1( push esi)
+ AS1( push edi)
+ AS2( lea ebx, SHA512_K)
+ AS2( mov eax, esp)
+ AS2( and esp, 0xfffffff0)
+ AS2( sub esp, 27*16) // 17*16 for expanded data, 20*8 for state
+ AS1( push eax)
+ AS2( xor eax, eax)
+ AS2( lea edi, [esp+4+8*8]) // start at middle of state buffer. will decrement pointer each round to avoid copying
+ AS2( lea esi, [esp+4+20*8+8]) // 16-byte alignment, then add 8
+ AS2( movdqa xmm0, [ecx+0*16])
+ AS2( movdq2q mm4, xmm0)
+ AS2( movdqa [edi+0*16], xmm0)
+ AS2( movdqa xmm0, [ecx+1*16])
+ AS2( movdqa [edi+1*16], xmm0)
+ AS2( movdqa xmm0, [ecx+2*16])
+ AS2( movdq2q mm5, xmm0)
+ AS2( movdqa [edi+2*16], xmm0)
+ AS2( movdqa xmm0, [ecx+3*16])
+ AS2( movdqa [edi+3*16], xmm0)
+ ASJ( jmp, 0, f)
+#define SSE2_S0_S1(r, a, b, c) \
+ AS2( movq mm6, r)\
+ AS2( psrlq r, a)\
+ AS2( movq mm7, r)\
+ AS2( psllq mm6, 64-c)\
+ AS2( pxor mm7, mm6)\
+ AS2( psrlq r, b-a)\
+ AS2( pxor mm7, r)\
+ AS2( psllq mm6, c-b)\
+ AS2( pxor mm7, mm6)\
+ AS2( psrlq r, c-b)\
+ AS2( pxor r, mm7)\
+ AS2( psllq mm6, b-a)\
+ AS2( pxor r, mm6)
+#define SSE2_s0(r, a, b, c) \
+ AS2( movdqa xmm6, r)\
+ AS2( psrlq r, a)\
+ AS2( movdqa xmm7, r)\
+ AS2( psllq xmm6, 64-c)\
+ AS2( pxor xmm7, xmm6)\
+ AS2( psrlq r, b-a)\
+ AS2( pxor xmm7, r)\
+ AS2( psrlq r, c-b)\
+ AS2( pxor r, xmm7)\
+ AS2( psllq xmm6, c-a)\
+ AS2( pxor r, xmm6)
+#define SSE2_s1(r, a, b, c) \
+ AS2( movdqa xmm6, r)\
+ AS2( psrlq r, a)\
+ AS2( movdqa xmm7, r)\
+ AS2( psllq xmm6, 64-c)\
+ AS2( pxor xmm7, xmm6)\
+ AS2( psrlq r, b-a)\
+ AS2( pxor xmm7, r)\
+ AS2( psllq xmm6, c-b)\
+ AS2( pxor xmm7, xmm6)\
+ AS2( psrlq r, c-b)\
+ AS2( pxor r, xmm7)
+ ASL(SHA512_Round)
+ // k + w is in mm0, a is in mm4, e is in mm5
+ AS2( paddq mm0, [edi+7*8]) // h
+ AS2( movq mm2, [edi+5*8]) // f
+ AS2( movq mm3, [edi+6*8]) // g
+ AS2( pxor mm2, mm3)
+ AS2( pand mm2, mm5)
+ SSE2_S0_S1(mm5,14,18,41)
+ AS2( pxor mm2, mm3)
+ AS2( paddq mm0, mm2) // h += Ch(e,f,g)
+ AS2( paddq mm5, mm0) // h += S1(e)
+ AS2( movq mm2, [edi+1*8]) // b
+ AS2( movq mm1, mm2)
+ AS2( por mm2, mm4)
+ AS2( pand mm2, [edi+2*8]) // c
+ AS2( pand mm1, mm4)
+ AS2( por mm1, mm2)
+ AS2( paddq mm1, mm5) // temp = h + Maj(a,b,c)
+ AS2( paddq mm5, [edi+3*8]) // e = d + h
+ AS2( movq [edi+3*8], mm5)
+ AS2( movq [edi+11*8], mm5)
+ SSE2_S0_S1(mm4,28,34,39) // S0(a)
+ AS2( paddq mm4, mm1) // a = temp + S0(a)
+ AS2( movq [edi-8], mm4)
+ AS2( movq [edi+7*8], mm4)
+ AS1( ret)
+ // first 16 rounds
+ ASL(0)
+ AS2( movq mm0, [edx+eax*8])
+ AS2( movq [esi+eax*8], mm0)
+ AS2( movq [esi+eax*8+16*8], mm0)
+ AS2( paddq mm0, [ebx+eax*8])
+ ASC( call, SHA512_Round)
+ AS1( inc eax)
+ AS2( sub edi, 8)
+ AS2( test eax, 7)
+ ASJ( jnz, 0, b)
+ AS2( add edi, 8*8)
+ AS2( cmp eax, 16)
+ ASJ( jne, 0, b)
+ // rest of the rounds
+ AS2( movdqu xmm0, [esi+(16-2)*8])
+ ASL(1)
+ // data expansion, W[i-2] already in xmm0
+ AS2( movdqu xmm3, [esi])
+ AS2( paddq xmm3, [esi+(16-7)*8])
+ AS2( movdqa xmm2, [esi+(16-15)*8])
+ SSE2_s1(xmm0, 6, 19, 61)
+ AS2( paddq xmm0, xmm3)
+ SSE2_s0(xmm2, 1, 7, 8)
+ AS2( paddq xmm0, xmm2)
+ AS2( movdq2q mm0, xmm0)
+ AS2( movhlps xmm1, xmm0)
+ AS2( paddq mm0, [ebx+eax*8])
+ AS2( movlps [esi], xmm0)
+ AS2( movlps [esi+8], xmm1)
+ AS2( movlps [esi+8*16], xmm0)
+ AS2( movlps [esi+8*17], xmm1)
+ // 2 rounds
+ ASC( call, SHA512_Round)
+ AS2( sub edi, 8)
+ AS2( movdq2q mm0, xmm1)
+ AS2( paddq mm0, [ebx+eax*8+8])
+ ASC( call, SHA512_Round)
+ // update indices and loop
+ AS2( add esi, 16)
+ AS2( add eax, 2)
+ AS2( sub edi, 8)
+ AS2( test eax, 7)
+ ASJ( jnz, 1, b)
+ // do housekeeping every 8 rounds
+ AS2( mov esi, 0xf)
+ AS2( and esi, eax)
+ AS2( lea esi, [esp+4+20*8+8+esi*8])
+ AS2( add edi, 8*8)
+ AS2( cmp eax, 80)
+ ASJ( jne, 1, b)
+#define SSE2_CombineState(i) \
+ AS2( movdqa xmm0, [edi+i*16])\
+ AS2( paddq xmm0, [ecx+i*16])\
+ AS2( movdqa [ecx+i*16], xmm0)
+ SSE2_CombineState(0)
+ SSE2_CombineState(1)
+ SSE2_CombineState(2)
+ SSE2_CombineState(3)
+ AS1( pop esp)
+ AS1( emms)
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+ AS1( pop ebx)
+ ".att_syntax prefix;"
+ :
+ : "a" (SHA512_K), "c" (state), "d" (data)
+ : "%esi", "%edi", "memory", "cc"
+ );
+ AS1( pop edi)
+ AS1( pop esi)
+ AS1( pop ebx)
+ AS1( ret)
+void SHA512::Transform(word64 *state, const word64 *data)
+ if (HasSSE2())
+ {
+ SHA512_SSE2_Transform(state, data);
+ return;
+ }
+#define S0(x) (rotrFixed(x,28)^rotrFixed(x,34)^rotrFixed(x,39))
+#define S1(x) (rotrFixed(x,14)^rotrFixed(x,18)^rotrFixed(x,41))
+#define s0(x) (rotrFixed(x,1)^rotrFixed(x,8)^(x>>7))
+#define s1(x) (rotrFixed(x,19)^rotrFixed(x,61)^(x>>6))
+#define R(i) h(i)+=S1(e(i))+Ch(e(i),f(i),g(i))+SHA512_K[i+j]+(j?blk2(i):blk0(i));\
+ d(i)+=h(i);h(i)+=S0(a(i))+Maj(a(i),b(i),c(i))
+ word64 W[16];
+ word64 T[8];
+ /* Copy context->state[] to working vars */
+ memcpy(T, state, sizeof(T));
+ /* 80 operations, partially loop unrolled */
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<80; j+=16)
+ {
+ R( 0); R( 1); R( 2); R( 3);
+ R( 4); R( 5); R( 6); R( 7);
+ R( 8); R( 9); R(10); R(11);
+ R(12); R(13); R(14); R(15);
+ }
+ /* Add the working vars back into context.state[] */
+ state[0] += a(0);
+ state[1] += b(0);
+ state[2] += c(0);
+ state[3] += d(0);
+ state[4] += e(0);
+ state[5] += f(0);
+ state[6] += g(0);
+ state[7] += h(0);
+#endif // #ifndef CRYPTOPP_GENERATE_X64_MASM
+#endif // #ifndef CRYPTOPP_IMPORTS
--- /dev/null
+#include "iterhash.h"
+/// <a href="http://www.weidai.com/scan-mirror/md.html#SHA-1">SHA-1</a>
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL SHA1 : public IteratedHashWithStaticTransform<word32, BigEndian, 64, 20, SHA1>
+ static void CRYPTOPP_API InitState(HashWordType *state);
+ static void CRYPTOPP_API Transform(word32 *digest, const word32 *data);
+ static const char * CRYPTOPP_API StaticAlgorithmName() {return "SHA-1";}
+typedef SHA1 SHA; // for backwards compatibility
+//! implements the SHA-256 standard
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL SHA256 : public IteratedHashWithStaticTransform<word32, BigEndian, 64, 32, SHA256, 32, true>
+ size_t HashMultipleBlocks(const word32 *input, size_t length);
+ static void CRYPTOPP_API InitState(HashWordType *state);
+ static void CRYPTOPP_API Transform(word32 *digest, const word32 *data);
+ static const char * CRYPTOPP_API StaticAlgorithmName() {return "SHA-256";}
+//! implements the SHA-224 standard
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL SHA224 : public IteratedHashWithStaticTransform<word32, BigEndian, 64, 32, SHA224, 28, true>
+ size_t HashMultipleBlocks(const word32 *input, size_t length);
+ static void CRYPTOPP_API InitState(HashWordType *state);
+ static void CRYPTOPP_API Transform(word32 *digest, const word32 *data) {SHA256::Transform(digest, data);}
+ static const char * CRYPTOPP_API StaticAlgorithmName() {return "SHA-224";}
+//! implements the SHA-512 standard
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL SHA512 : public IteratedHashWithStaticTransform<word64, BigEndian, 128, 64, SHA512, 64, CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X86>
+ static void CRYPTOPP_API InitState(HashWordType *state);
+ static void CRYPTOPP_API Transform(word64 *digest, const word64 *data);
+ static const char * CRYPTOPP_API StaticAlgorithmName() {return "SHA-512";}
+//! implements the SHA-384 standard
+class CRYPTOPP_DLL SHA384 : public IteratedHashWithStaticTransform<word64, BigEndian, 128, 64, SHA384, 48, CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X86>
+ static void CRYPTOPP_API InitState(HashWordType *state);
+ static void CRYPTOPP_API Transform(word64 *digest, const word64 *data) {SHA512::Transform(digest, data);}
+ static const char * CRYPTOPP_API StaticAlgorithmName() {return "SHA-384";}
--- /dev/null
+#include "config.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+template <class T> class simple_ptr
+ simple_ptr() : m_p(NULL) {}
+ ~simple_ptr() {delete m_p;}
+ T *m_p;
+template <class T> class member_ptr
+ explicit member_ptr(T *p = NULL) : m_p(p) {}
+ ~member_ptr();
+ const T& operator*() const { return *m_p; }
+ T& operator*() { return *m_p; }
+ const T* operator->() const { return m_p; }
+ T* operator->() { return m_p; }
+ const T* get() const { return m_p; }
+ T* get() { return m_p; }
+ T* release()
+ {
+ T *old_p = m_p;
+ m_p = 0;
+ return old_p;
+ }
+ void reset(T *p = 0);
+ member_ptr(const member_ptr<T>& rhs); // copy not allowed
+ void operator=(const member_ptr<T>& rhs); // assignment not allowed
+ T *m_p;
+template <class T> member_ptr<T>::~member_ptr() {delete m_p;}
+template <class T> void member_ptr<T>::reset(T *p) {delete m_p; m_p = p;}
+// ********************************************************
+template<class T> class value_ptr : public member_ptr<T>
+ value_ptr(const T &obj) : member_ptr<T>(new T(obj)) {}
+ value_ptr(T *p = NULL) : member_ptr<T>(p) {}
+ value_ptr(const value_ptr<T>& rhs)
+ : member_ptr<T>(rhs.m_p ? new T(*rhs.m_p) : NULL) {}
+ value_ptr<T>& operator=(const value_ptr<T>& rhs);
+ bool operator==(const value_ptr<T>& rhs)
+ {
+ return (!this->m_p && !rhs.m_p) || (this->m_p && rhs.m_p && *this->m_p == *rhs.m_p);
+ }
+template <class T> value_ptr<T>& value_ptr<T>::operator=(const value_ptr<T>& rhs)
+ T *old_p = this->m_p;
+ this->m_p = rhs.m_p ? new T(*rhs.m_p) : NULL;
+ delete old_p;
+ return *this;
+// ********************************************************
+template<class T> class clonable_ptr : public member_ptr<T>
+ clonable_ptr(const T &obj) : member_ptr<T>(obj.Clone()) {}
+ clonable_ptr(T *p = NULL) : member_ptr<T>(p) {}
+ clonable_ptr(const clonable_ptr<T>& rhs)
+ : member_ptr<T>(rhs.m_p ? rhs.m_p->Clone() : NULL) {}
+ clonable_ptr<T>& operator=(const clonable_ptr<T>& rhs);
+template <class T> clonable_ptr<T>& clonable_ptr<T>::operator=(const clonable_ptr<T>& rhs)
+ T *old_p = this->m_p;
+ this->m_p = rhs.m_p ? rhs.m_p->Clone() : NULL;
+ delete old_p;
+ return *this;
+// ********************************************************
+template<class T> class counted_ptr
+ explicit counted_ptr(T *p = 0);
+ counted_ptr(const T &r) : m_p(0) {attach(r);}
+ counted_ptr(const counted_ptr<T>& rhs);
+ ~counted_ptr();
+ const T& operator*() const { return *m_p; }
+ T& operator*() { return *m_p; }
+ const T* operator->() const { return m_p; }
+ T* operator->() { return get(); }
+ const T* get() const { return m_p; }
+ T* get();
+ void attach(const T &p);
+ counted_ptr<T> & operator=(const counted_ptr<T>& rhs);
+ T *m_p;
+template <class T> counted_ptr<T>::counted_ptr(T *p)
+ : m_p(p)
+ if (m_p)
+ m_p->m_referenceCount = 1;
+template <class T> counted_ptr<T>::counted_ptr(const counted_ptr<T>& rhs)
+ : m_p(rhs.m_p)
+ if (m_p)
+ m_p->m_referenceCount++;
+template <class T> counted_ptr<T>::~counted_ptr()
+ if (m_p && --m_p->m_referenceCount == 0)
+ delete m_p;
+template <class T> void counted_ptr<T>::attach(const T &r)
+ if (m_p && --m_p->m_referenceCount == 0)
+ delete m_p;
+ if (r.m_referenceCount == 0)
+ {
+ m_p = r.clone();
+ m_p->m_referenceCount = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_p = const_cast<T *>(&r);
+ m_p->m_referenceCount++;
+ }
+template <class T> T* counted_ptr<T>::get()
+ if (m_p && m_p->m_referenceCount > 1)
+ {
+ T *temp = m_p->clone();
+ m_p->m_referenceCount--;
+ m_p = temp;
+ m_p->m_referenceCount = 1;
+ }
+ return m_p;
+template <class T> counted_ptr<T> & counted_ptr<T>::operator=(const counted_ptr<T>& rhs)
+ if (m_p != rhs.m_p)
+ {
+ if (m_p && --m_p->m_referenceCount == 0)
+ delete m_p;
+ m_p = rhs.m_p;
+ if (m_p)
+ m_p->m_referenceCount++;
+ }
+ return *this;
+// ********************************************************
+template <class T> class vector_member_ptrs
+ vector_member_ptrs(size_t size=0)
+ : m_size(size), m_ptr(new member_ptr<T>[size]) {}
+ ~vector_member_ptrs()
+ {delete [] this->m_ptr;}
+ member_ptr<T>& operator[](size_t index)
+ {assert(index<this->m_size); return this->m_ptr[index];}
+ const member_ptr<T>& operator[](size_t index) const
+ {assert(index<this->m_size); return this->m_ptr[index];}
+ size_t size() const {return this->m_size;}
+ void resize(size_t newSize)
+ {
+ member_ptr<T> *newPtr = new member_ptr<T>[newSize];
+ for (size_t i=0; i<this->m_size && i<newSize; i++)
+ newPtr[i].reset(this->m_ptr[i].release());
+ delete [] this->m_ptr;
+ this->m_size = newSize;
+ this->m_ptr = newPtr;
+ }
+ vector_member_ptrs(const vector_member_ptrs<T> &c); // copy not allowed
+ void operator=(const vector_member_ptrs<T> &x); // assignment not allowed
+ size_t m_size;
+ member_ptr<T> *m_ptr;
--- /dev/null
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <exception>
+#include <typeinfo>
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#include <string.h> // CodeWarrior doesn't have memory.h
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+// re-disable this
+#pragma warning(disable: 4231)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_CRTAPI1)
// file license.txt or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include "headers.h"
-#include "sha.h"
+#include "cryptopp/sha.h"
return error("AcceptBlock() : rejected by checkpoint lockin at 33333");
if (pindexPrev->nHeight+1 == 68555 && hash != uint256("0x00000000001e1b4903550a0b96e9a9405c8a95f387162e4944e8d9fbe501cd6a"))
return error("AcceptBlock() : rejected by checkpoint lockin at 68555");
+ if (pindexPrev->nHeight+1 == 70567 && hash != uint256("0x00000000006a49b14bcf27462068f1264c961f11fa2e0eddd2be0791e1d4124a"))
+ return error("AcceptBlock() : rejected by checkpoint lockin at 70567");
// Write block to history file
if (!CheckDiskSpace(::GetSerializeSize(*this, SER_DISK)))
static const unsigned int pSHA256InitState[8] =
{0x6a09e667, 0xbb67ae85, 0x3c6ef372, 0xa54ff53a, 0x510e527f, 0x9b05688c, 0x1f83d9ab, 0x5be0cd19};
-static const unsigned int SHA256_K[64] = {
- 0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5,
- 0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5,
- 0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3,
- 0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174,
- 0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc,
- 0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da,
- 0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7,
- 0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967,
- 0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13,
- 0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85,
- 0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3,
- 0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070,
- 0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5,
- 0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3,
- 0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208,
- 0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2
-#define blk0(i) (W[i] = dat[i])
-#define blk2(i) (W[i&15]+=s1(W[(i-2)&15])+W[(i-7)&15]+s0(W[(i-15)&15]))
-#define Ch(x,y,z) (z^(x&(y^z)))
-#define Maj(x,y,z) ((x&y)|(z&(x|y)))
-#define a(i) T[(0-i)&7]
-#define b(i) T[(1-i)&7]
-#define c(i) T[(2-i)&7]
-#define d(i) T[(3-i)&7]
-#define e(i) T[(4-i)&7]
-#define f(i) T[(5-i)&7]
-#define g(i) T[(6-i)&7]
-#define h(i) T[(7-i)&7]
-#define R(i,j) h(i)+=S1(e(i))+Ch(e(i),f(i),g(i))+SHA256_K[i+j]+(j?blk2(i):blk0(i));\
- d(i)+=h(i);h(i)+=S0(a(i))+Maj(a(i),b(i),c(i))
-#define rotrFixed(x,y) ((x>>y) | (x<<(sizeof(unsigned int)*8-y)))
-// for SHA256
-#define S0(x) (rotrFixed(x,2)^rotrFixed(x,13)^rotrFixed(x,22))
-#define S1(x) (rotrFixed(x,6)^rotrFixed(x,11)^rotrFixed(x,25))
-#define s0(x) (rotrFixed(x,7)^rotrFixed(x,18)^(x>>3))
-#define s1(x) (rotrFixed(x,17)^rotrFixed(x,19)^(x>>10))
-#if 1
-inline void SHA256Transform(void* pout, const void* pin, const void* pinit)
- memcpy(pout, pinit, 32);
- unsigned int* dat = (unsigned int*)pin;
- unsigned int* T = (unsigned int*)pout;
- unsigned int* initstate = (unsigned int*)pinit;
- unsigned int W[16];
- R( 0, 0); R( 1, 0); R( 2, 0); R( 3, 0); R( 4, 0); R( 5, 0); R( 6, 0); R( 7, 0); R( 8, 0); R( 9, 0); R(10, 0); R(11, 0); R(12, 0); R(13, 0); R(14, 0); R(15, 0);
- R( 0, 16); R( 1, 16); R( 2, 16); R( 3, 16); R( 4, 16); R( 5, 16); R( 6, 16); R( 7, 16); R( 8, 16); R( 9, 16); R(10, 16); R(11, 16); R(12, 16); R(13, 16); R(14, 16); R(15, 16);
- R( 0, 32); R( 1, 32); R( 2, 32); R( 3, 32); R( 4, 32); R( 5, 32); R( 6, 32); R( 7, 32); R( 8, 32); R( 9, 32); R(10, 32); R(11, 32); R(12, 32); R(13, 32); R(14, 32); R(15, 32);
- R( 0, 48); R( 1, 48); R( 2, 48); R( 3, 48); R( 4, 48); R( 5, 48); R( 6, 48); R( 7, 48); R( 8, 48); R( 9, 48); R(10, 48); R(11, 48); R(12, 48); R(13, 48); R(14, 48); R(15, 48);
- T[0] += initstate[0];
- T[1] += initstate[1];
- T[2] += initstate[2];
- T[3] += initstate[3];
- T[4] += initstate[4];
- T[5] += initstate[5];
- T[6] += initstate[6];
- T[7] += initstate[7];
inline void SHA256Transform(void* pstate, void* pinput, const void* pinit)
memcpy(pstate, pinit, 32);
CryptoPP::SHA256::Transform((CryptoPP::word32*)pstate, (CryptoPP::word32*)pinput);
if (fShutdown)
- while (vNodes.empty())
+ while (vNodes.empty() || IsInitialBlockDownload())
if (fShutdown)
// Prebuild hash buffer
- struct unnamed1
+ struct tmpworkspace
struct unnamed2
unsigned char pchPadding0[64];
uint256 hash1;
unsigned char pchPadding1[64];
- }
- tmp;
+ };
+ char tmpbuf[sizeof(tmpworkspace)+16];
+ tmpworkspace& tmp = *(tmpworkspace*)alignup<16>(tmpbuf);
tmp.block.nVersion = pblock->nVersion;
tmp.block.hashPrevBlock = pblock->hashPrevBlock = (pindexPrev ? pindexPrev->GetBlockHash() : 0);
((unsigned int*)&tmp)[i] = ByteReverse(((unsigned int*)&tmp)[i]);
// Precalc the first half of the first hash, which stays constant
- uint256 midstate;
+ uint256 midstatebuf[2];
+ uint256& midstate = *alignup<16>(midstatebuf);
SHA256Transform(&midstate, &tmp.block, pSHA256InitState);
int64 nStart = GetTime();
uint256 hashTarget = CBigNum().SetCompact(pblock->nBits).getuint256();
- uint256 hash;
+ uint256 hashbuf[2];
+ uint256& hash = *alignup<16>(hashbuf);
SHA256Transform(&tmp.hash1, (char*)&tmp.block + 64, &midstate);
if (nTransactionsUpdated != nTransactionsUpdatedLast && GetTime() - nStart > 60)
if (pindexPrev != pindexBest)
- {
- // Pause generating during initial download
- if (GetTime() - nStart < 20)
- {
- CBlockIndex* pindexTmp;
- do
- {
- pindexTmp = pindexBest;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- {
- Sleep(1000);
- if (fShutdown)
- return;
- }
- }
- while (pindexTmp != pindexBest);
- }
- }
pblock->nTime = max(pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast()+1, GetAdjustedTime());
tmp.block.nTime = ByteReverse(pblock->nTime);
CFLAGS=-mthreads -O2 -w -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Wformat $(DEBUGFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(INCLUDEPATHS)
HEADERS=headers.h strlcpy.h serialize.h uint256.h util.h key.h bignum.h base58.h \
- script.h db.h net.h irc.h main.h rpc.h uibase.h ui.h noui.h init.h sha.h
+ script.h db.h net.h irc.h main.h rpc.h uibase.h ui.h noui.h init.h
+OBJS= \
+ obj/util.o \
+ obj/script.o \
+ obj/db.o \
+ obj/net.o \
+ obj/irc.o \
+ obj/main.o \
+ obj/rpc.o \
+ obj/init.o \
+ cryptopp/obj/sha.o \
+ cryptopp/obj/cpu.o
all: bitcoin.exe
obj/%.o: %.cpp $(HEADERS)
g++ -c $(CFLAGS) -DGUI -o $@ $<
-obj/sha.o: sha.cpp sha.h
- g++ -c $(CFLAGS) -O3 -o $@ $<
+cryptopp/obj/%.o: cryptopp/%.cpp
+ g++ -c $(CFLAGS) -O3 -DCRYPTOPP_X86_ASM_AVAILABLE -o $@ $<
obj/ui_res.o: ui.rc rc/bitcoin.ico rc/check.ico rc/send16.bmp rc/send16mask.bmp rc/send16masknoshadow.bmp rc/send20.bmp rc/send20mask.bmp rc/addressbook16.bmp rc/addressbook16mask.bmp rc/addressbook20.bmp rc/addressbook20mask.bmp
windres $(DEFS) $(INCLUDEPATHS) -o $@ -i $<
-OBJS= \
- obj/util.o \
- obj/script.o \
- obj/db.o \
- obj/net.o \
- obj/irc.o \
- obj/main.o \
- obj/rpc.o \
- obj/init.o
-bitcoin.exe: $(OBJS) obj/ui.o obj/uibase.o obj/sha.o obj/ui_res.o
+bitcoin.exe: $(OBJS) obj/ui.o obj/uibase.o obj/ui_res.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -mwindows -Wl,--subsystem,windows -o $@ $(LIBPATHS) $^ $(WXLIBS) $(LIBS)
obj/nogui/%.o: %.cpp $(HEADERS)
g++ -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-bitcoind.exe: $(OBJS:obj/%=obj/nogui/%) obj/sha.o obj/ui_res.o
+bitcoind.exe: $(OBJS:obj/%=obj/nogui/%) obj/ui_res.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(LIBPATHS) $^ $(LIBS)
-del /Q obj\*
-del /Q obj\nogui\*
+ -del /Q cryptopp\obj\*
-del /Q headers.h.gch
# ppc doesn't work because we don't support big-endian
CFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -O2 -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Wformat $(DEBUGFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(INCLUDEPATHS)
HEADERS=headers.h strlcpy.h serialize.h uint256.h util.h key.h bignum.h base58.h \
- script.h db.h net.h irc.h main.h rpc.h uibase.h ui.h noui.h init.h sha.h
-all: bitcoin
-obj/%.o: %.cpp $(HEADERS)
- g++ -c $(CFLAGS) -DGUI -o $@ $<
-obj/sha.o: sha.cpp sha.h
- g++ -c $(CFLAGS) -O3 -o $@ $<
+ script.h db.h net.h irc.h main.h rpc.h uibase.h ui.h noui.h init.h
obj/util.o \
obj/irc.o \
obj/main.o \
obj/rpc.o \
- obj/init.o
+ obj/init.o \
+ cryptopp/obj/sha.o \
+ cryptopp/obj/cpu.o
-bitcoin: $(OBJS) obj/ui.o obj/uibase.o obj/sha.o
+all: bitcoin
+obj/%.o: %.cpp $(HEADERS)
+ g++ -c $(CFLAGS) -DGUI -o $@ $<
+cryptopp/obj/%.o: cryptopp/%.cpp
+ g++ -c $(CFLAGS) -O3 -o $@ $<
+bitcoin: $(OBJS) obj/ui.o obj/uibase.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(LIBPATHS) $^ $(WXLIBS) $(LIBS)
obj/nogui/%.o: %.cpp $(HEADERS)
g++ -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-bitcoind: $(OBJS:obj/%=obj/nogui/%) obj/sha.o
+bitcoind: $(OBJS:obj/%=obj/nogui/%)
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(LIBPATHS) $^ $(LIBS)
CFLAGS=-O2 -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Wformat $(DEBUGFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(INCLUDEPATHS)
HEADERS=headers.h strlcpy.h serialize.h uint256.h util.h key.h bignum.h base58.h \
- script.h db.h net.h irc.h main.h rpc.h uibase.h ui.h noui.h init.h sha.h
+ script.h db.h net.h irc.h main.h rpc.h uibase.h ui.h noui.h init.h
+OBJS= \
+ obj/util.o \
+ obj/script.o \
+ obj/db.o \
+ obj/net.o \
+ obj/irc.o \
+ obj/main.o \
+ obj/rpc.o \
+ obj/init.o \
+ cryptopp/obj/sha.o \
+ cryptopp/obj/cpu.o
all: bitcoin
obj/%.o: %.cpp $(HEADERS) headers.h.gch
g++ -c $(CFLAGS) -DGUI -o $@ $<
-obj/sha.o: sha.cpp sha.h
+cryptopp/obj/%.o: cryptopp/%.cpp
g++ -c $(CFLAGS) -O3 -o $@ $<
-OBJS= \
- obj/util.o \
- obj/script.o \
- obj/db.o \
- obj/net.o \
- obj/irc.o \
- obj/main.o \
- obj/rpc.o \
- obj/init.o
-bitcoin: $(OBJS) obj/ui.o obj/uibase.o obj/sha.o
+bitcoin: $(OBJS) obj/ui.o obj/uibase.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(LIBPATHS) $^ $(WXLIBS) $(LIBS)
obj/nogui/%.o: %.cpp $(HEADERS)
g++ -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-bitcoind: $(OBJS:obj/%=obj/nogui/%) obj/sha.o
+bitcoind: $(OBJS:obj/%=obj/nogui/%)
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(LIBPATHS) $^ $(LIBS)
-rm -f obj/*.o
-rm -f obj/nogui/*.o
+ -rm -f cryptopp/obj/*.o
-rm -f headers.h.gch
kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib shlwapi.lib
HEADERS=headers.h strlcpy.h serialize.h uint256.h util.h key.h bignum.h base58.h \
- script.h db.h net.h irc.h main.h rpc.h uibase.h ui.h noui.h init.h sha.h
+ script.h db.h net.h irc.h main.h rpc.h uibase.h ui.h noui.h init.h
+OBJS= \
+ obj\util.obj \
+ obj\script.obj \
+ obj\db.obj \
+ obj\net.obj \
+ obj\irc.obj \
+ obj\main.obj \
+ obj\rpc.obj \
+ obj\init.obj \
+ cryptopp\obj\sha.obj \
+ cryptopp\obj\cpu.obj
all: bitcoin.exe
- cl $(CFLAGS) /DGUI /Fo$@ %s
+ cl $(CFLAGS) /DGUI /Fo$@ %s
obj\util.obj: $(HEADERS)
obj\uibase.obj: $(HEADERS)
-obj\sha.obj: sha.cpp sha.h
- cl $(CFLAGS) /O2 /Fo$@ %s
+cryptopp\obj\sha.obj: cryptopp\sha.cpp
+ cl $(CFLAGS) /O2 /Fo$@ %s
-obj\ui.res: ui.rc rc/bitcoin.ico rc/check.ico rc/send16.bmp rc/send16mask.bmp rc/send16masknoshadow.bmp rc/send20.bmp rc/send20mask.bmp rc/addressbook16.bmp rc/addressbook16mask.bmp rc/addressbook20.bmp rc/addressbook20mask.bmp
- rc $(INCLUDEPATHS) $(DEFS) /Fo$@ %s
+cryptopp\obj\cpu.obj: cryptopp\cpu.cpp
+ cl $(CFLAGS) /O2 /Fo$@ %s
-OBJS= \
- obj\util.obj \
- obj\script.obj \
- obj\db.obj \
- obj\net.obj \
- obj\irc.obj \
- obj\main.obj \
- obj\rpc.obj \
- obj\init.obj
+obj\ui.res: ui.rc rc/bitcoin.ico rc/check.ico rc/send16.bmp rc/send16mask.bmp rc/send16masknoshadow.bmp rc/send20.bmp rc/send20mask.bmp rc/addressbook16.bmp rc/addressbook16mask.bmp rc/addressbook20.bmp rc/addressbook20mask.bmp
+ rc $(INCLUDEPATHS) $(DEFS) /Fo$@ %s
-bitcoin.exe: $(OBJS) obj\ui.obj obj\uibase.obj obj\sha.obj obj\ui.res
+bitcoin.exe: $(OBJS) obj\ui.obj obj\uibase.obj obj\ui.res
- cl $(CFLAGS) /Fo$@ %s
+ cl $(CFLAGS) /Fo$@ %s
obj\nogui\util.obj: $(HEADERS)
obj\nogui\init.obj: $(HEADERS)
-bitcoind.exe: $(OBJS:obj\=obj\nogui\) obj\sha.obj obj\ui.res
- link /nologo /DEBUG /OUT:$@ $(LIBPATHS) $** $(LIBS)
+bitcoind.exe: $(OBJS:obj\=obj\nogui\) obj\ui.res
+ link /nologo /DEBUG /OUT:$@ $(LIBPATHS) $** $(LIBS)
- -del /Q obj\*
- -del *.ilk
- -del *.pdb
+ -del /Q obj\*
+ -del /Q obj\nogui\*
+ -del /Q cryptopp\obj\*
+ -del /Q *.ilk
+ -del /Q *.pdb
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
-// This file is public domain
-// SHA routines extracted as a standalone file from:
-// Crypto++: a C++ Class Library of Cryptographic Schemes
-// Version 5.5.2 (9/24/2007)
-// http://www.cryptopp.com
-// sha.cpp - modified by Wei Dai from Steve Reid's public domain sha1.c
-// Steve Reid implemented SHA-1. Wei Dai implemented SHA-2.
-// Both are in the public domain.
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <memory.h>
-#include "sha.h"
-namespace CryptoPP
-// start of Steve Reid's code
-#define blk0(i) (W[i] = data[i])
-#define blk1(i) (W[i&15] = rotlFixed(W[(i+13)&15]^W[(i+8)&15]^W[(i+2)&15]^W[i&15],1))
-void SHA1::InitState(HashWordType *state)
- state[0] = 0x67452301L;
- state[1] = 0xEFCDAB89L;
- state[2] = 0x98BADCFEL;
- state[3] = 0x10325476L;
- state[4] = 0xC3D2E1F0L;
-#define f1(x,y,z) (z^(x&(y^z)))
-#define f2(x,y,z) (x^y^z)
-#define f3(x,y,z) ((x&y)|(z&(x|y)))
-#define f4(x,y,z) (x^y^z)
-/* (R0+R1), R2, R3, R4 are the different operations used in SHA1 */
-#define R0(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=f1(w,x,y)+blk0(i)+0x5A827999+rotlFixed(v,5);w=rotlFixed(w,30);
-#define R1(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=f1(w,x,y)+blk1(i)+0x5A827999+rotlFixed(v,5);w=rotlFixed(w,30);
-#define R2(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=f2(w,x,y)+blk1(i)+0x6ED9EBA1+rotlFixed(v,5);w=rotlFixed(w,30);
-#define R3(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=f3(w,x,y)+blk1(i)+0x8F1BBCDC+rotlFixed(v,5);w=rotlFixed(w,30);
-#define R4(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=f4(w,x,y)+blk1(i)+0xCA62C1D6+rotlFixed(v,5);w=rotlFixed(w,30);
-void SHA1::Transform(word32 *state, const word32 *data)
- word32 W[16];
- /* Copy context->state[] to working vars */
- word32 a = state[0];
- word32 b = state[1];
- word32 c = state[2];
- word32 d = state[3];
- word32 e = state[4];
- /* 4 rounds of 20 operations each. Loop unrolled. */
- R0(a,b,c,d,e, 0); R0(e,a,b,c,d, 1); R0(d,e,a,b,c, 2); R0(c,d,e,a,b, 3);
- R0(b,c,d,e,a, 4); R0(a,b,c,d,e, 5); R0(e,a,b,c,d, 6); R0(d,e,a,b,c, 7);
- R0(c,d,e,a,b, 8); R0(b,c,d,e,a, 9); R0(a,b,c,d,e,10); R0(e,a,b,c,d,11);
- R0(d,e,a,b,c,12); R0(c,d,e,a,b,13); R0(b,c,d,e,a,14); R0(a,b,c,d,e,15);
- R1(e,a,b,c,d,16); R1(d,e,a,b,c,17); R1(c,d,e,a,b,18); R1(b,c,d,e,a,19);
- R2(a,b,c,d,e,20); R2(e,a,b,c,d,21); R2(d,e,a,b,c,22); R2(c,d,e,a,b,23);
- R2(b,c,d,e,a,24); R2(a,b,c,d,e,25); R2(e,a,b,c,d,26); R2(d,e,a,b,c,27);
- R2(c,d,e,a,b,28); R2(b,c,d,e,a,29); R2(a,b,c,d,e,30); R2(e,a,b,c,d,31);
- R2(d,e,a,b,c,32); R2(c,d,e,a,b,33); R2(b,c,d,e,a,34); R2(a,b,c,d,e,35);
- R2(e,a,b,c,d,36); R2(d,e,a,b,c,37); R2(c,d,e,a,b,38); R2(b,c,d,e,a,39);
- R3(a,b,c,d,e,40); R3(e,a,b,c,d,41); R3(d,e,a,b,c,42); R3(c,d,e,a,b,43);
- R3(b,c,d,e,a,44); R3(a,b,c,d,e,45); R3(e,a,b,c,d,46); R3(d,e,a,b,c,47);
- R3(c,d,e,a,b,48); R3(b,c,d,e,a,49); R3(a,b,c,d,e,50); R3(e,a,b,c,d,51);
- R3(d,e,a,b,c,52); R3(c,d,e,a,b,53); R3(b,c,d,e,a,54); R3(a,b,c,d,e,55);
- R3(e,a,b,c,d,56); R3(d,e,a,b,c,57); R3(c,d,e,a,b,58); R3(b,c,d,e,a,59);
- R4(a,b,c,d,e,60); R4(e,a,b,c,d,61); R4(d,e,a,b,c,62); R4(c,d,e,a,b,63);
- R4(b,c,d,e,a,64); R4(a,b,c,d,e,65); R4(e,a,b,c,d,66); R4(d,e,a,b,c,67);
- R4(c,d,e,a,b,68); R4(b,c,d,e,a,69); R4(a,b,c,d,e,70); R4(e,a,b,c,d,71);
- R4(d,e,a,b,c,72); R4(c,d,e,a,b,73); R4(b,c,d,e,a,74); R4(a,b,c,d,e,75);
- R4(e,a,b,c,d,76); R4(d,e,a,b,c,77); R4(c,d,e,a,b,78); R4(b,c,d,e,a,79);
- /* Add the working vars back into context.state[] */
- state[0] += a;
- state[1] += b;
- state[2] += c;
- state[3] += d;
- state[4] += e;
-// end of Steve Reid's code
-// *************************************************************
-void SHA224::InitState(HashWordType *state)
- static const word32 s[8] = {0xc1059ed8, 0x367cd507, 0x3070dd17, 0xf70e5939, 0xffc00b31, 0x68581511, 0x64f98fa7, 0xbefa4fa4};
- memcpy(state, s, sizeof(s));
-void SHA256::InitState(HashWordType *state)
- static const word32 s[8] = {0x6a09e667, 0xbb67ae85, 0x3c6ef372, 0xa54ff53a, 0x510e527f, 0x9b05688c, 0x1f83d9ab, 0x5be0cd19};
- memcpy(state, s, sizeof(s));
-static const word32 SHA256_K[64] = {
- 0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5,
- 0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5,
- 0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3,
- 0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174,
- 0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc,
- 0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da,
- 0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7,
- 0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967,
- 0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13,
- 0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85,
- 0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3,
- 0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070,
- 0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5,
- 0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3,
- 0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208,
- 0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2
-#define blk2(i) (W[i&15]+=s1(W[(i-2)&15])+W[(i-7)&15]+s0(W[(i-15)&15]))
-#define Ch(x,y,z) (z^(x&(y^z)))
-#define Maj(x,y,z) ((x&y)|(z&(x|y)))
-#define a(i) T[(0-i)&7]
-#define b(i) T[(1-i)&7]
-#define c(i) T[(2-i)&7]
-#define d(i) T[(3-i)&7]
-#define e(i) T[(4-i)&7]
-#define f(i) T[(5-i)&7]
-#define g(i) T[(6-i)&7]
-#define h(i) T[(7-i)&7]
-#define R(i) h(i)+=S1(e(i))+Ch(e(i),f(i),g(i))+SHA256_K[i+j]+(j?blk2(i):blk0(i));\
- d(i)+=h(i);h(i)+=S0(a(i))+Maj(a(i),b(i),c(i))
-// for SHA256
-#define S0(x) (rotrFixed(x,2)^rotrFixed(x,13)^rotrFixed(x,22))
-#define S1(x) (rotrFixed(x,6)^rotrFixed(x,11)^rotrFixed(x,25))
-#define s0(x) (rotrFixed(x,7)^rotrFixed(x,18)^(x>>3))
-#define s1(x) (rotrFixed(x,17)^rotrFixed(x,19)^(x>>10))
-void SHA256::Transform(word32 *state, const word32 *data)
- word32 W[16];
- word32 T[8];
- /* Copy context->state[] to working vars */
- memcpy(T, state, sizeof(T));
- /* 64 operations, partially loop unrolled */
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<64; j+=16)
- {
- R( 0); R( 1); R( 2); R( 3);
- R( 4); R( 5); R( 6); R( 7);
- R( 8); R( 9); R(10); R(11);
- R(12); R(13); R(14); R(15);
- }
- /* Add the working vars back into context.state[] */
- state[0] += a(0);
- state[1] += b(0);
- state[2] += c(0);
- state[3] += d(0);
- state[4] += e(0);
- state[5] += f(0);
- state[6] += g(0);
- state[7] += h(0);
-// smaller but slower
-void SHA256_Transform(word32 *state, const word32 *data)
- word32 T[20];
- word32 W[32];
- unsigned int i = 0, j = 0;
- word32 *t = T+8;
- memcpy(t, state, 8*4);
- word32 e = t[4], a = t[0];
- do
- {
- word32 w = data[j];
- W[j] = w;
- w += K[j];
- w += t[7];
- w += S1(e);
- w += Ch(e, t[5], t[6]);
- e = t[3] + w;
- t[3] = t[3+8] = e;
- w += S0(t[0]);
- a = w + Maj(a, t[1], t[2]);
- t[-1] = t[7] = a;
- --t;
- ++j;
- if (j%8 == 0)
- t += 8;
- } while (j<16);
- do
- {
- i = j&0xf;
- word32 w = s1(W[i+16-2]) + s0(W[i+16-15]) + W[i] + W[i+16-7];
- W[i+16] = W[i] = w;
- w += K[j];
- w += t[7];
- w += S1(e);
- w += Ch(e, t[5], t[6]);
- e = t[3] + w;
- t[3] = t[3+8] = e;
- w += S0(t[0]);
- a = w + Maj(a, t[1], t[2]);
- t[-1] = t[7] = a;
- w = s1(W[(i+1)+16-2]) + s0(W[(i+1)+16-15]) + W[(i+1)] + W[(i+1)+16-7];
- W[(i+1)+16] = W[(i+1)] = w;
- w += K[j+1];
- w += (t-1)[7];
- w += S1(e);
- w += Ch(e, (t-1)[5], (t-1)[6]);
- e = (t-1)[3] + w;
- (t-1)[3] = (t-1)[3+8] = e;
- w += S0((t-1)[0]);
- a = w + Maj(a, (t-1)[1], (t-1)[2]);
- (t-1)[-1] = (t-1)[7] = a;
- t-=2;
- j+=2;
- if (j%8 == 0)
- t += 8;
- } while (j<64);
- state[0] += a;
- state[1] += t[1];
- state[2] += t[2];
- state[3] += t[3];
- state[4] += e;
- state[5] += t[5];
- state[6] += t[6];
- state[7] += t[7];
-#undef S0
-#undef S1
-#undef s0
-#undef s1
-#undef R
-// *************************************************************
-void SHA384::InitState(HashWordType *state)
- static const word64 s[8] = {
- W64LIT(0xcbbb9d5dc1059ed8), W64LIT(0x629a292a367cd507),
- W64LIT(0x9159015a3070dd17), W64LIT(0x152fecd8f70e5939),
- W64LIT(0x67332667ffc00b31), W64LIT(0x8eb44a8768581511),
- W64LIT(0xdb0c2e0d64f98fa7), W64LIT(0x47b5481dbefa4fa4)};
- memcpy(state, s, sizeof(s));
-void SHA512::InitState(HashWordType *state)
- static const word64 s[8] = {
- W64LIT(0x6a09e667f3bcc908), W64LIT(0xbb67ae8584caa73b),
- W64LIT(0x3c6ef372fe94f82b), W64LIT(0xa54ff53a5f1d36f1),
- W64LIT(0x510e527fade682d1), W64LIT(0x9b05688c2b3e6c1f),
- W64LIT(0x1f83d9abfb41bd6b), W64LIT(0x5be0cd19137e2179)};
- memcpy(state, s, sizeof(s));
-CRYPTOPP_ALIGN_DATA(16) static const word64 SHA512_K[80] CRYPTOPP_SECTION_ALIGN16 = {
- W64LIT(0x428a2f98d728ae22), W64LIT(0x7137449123ef65cd),
- W64LIT(0xb5c0fbcfec4d3b2f), W64LIT(0xe9b5dba58189dbbc),
- W64LIT(0x3956c25bf348b538), W64LIT(0x59f111f1b605d019),
- W64LIT(0x923f82a4af194f9b), W64LIT(0xab1c5ed5da6d8118),
- W64LIT(0xd807aa98a3030242), W64LIT(0x12835b0145706fbe),
- W64LIT(0x243185be4ee4b28c), W64LIT(0x550c7dc3d5ffb4e2),
- W64LIT(0x72be5d74f27b896f), W64LIT(0x80deb1fe3b1696b1),
- W64LIT(0x9bdc06a725c71235), W64LIT(0xc19bf174cf692694),
- W64LIT(0xe49b69c19ef14ad2), W64LIT(0xefbe4786384f25e3),
- W64LIT(0x0fc19dc68b8cd5b5), W64LIT(0x240ca1cc77ac9c65),
- W64LIT(0x2de92c6f592b0275), W64LIT(0x4a7484aa6ea6e483),
- W64LIT(0x5cb0a9dcbd41fbd4), W64LIT(0x76f988da831153b5),
- W64LIT(0x983e5152ee66dfab), W64LIT(0xa831c66d2db43210),
- W64LIT(0xb00327c898fb213f), W64LIT(0xbf597fc7beef0ee4),
- W64LIT(0xc6e00bf33da88fc2), W64LIT(0xd5a79147930aa725),
- W64LIT(0x06ca6351e003826f), W64LIT(0x142929670a0e6e70),
- W64LIT(0x27b70a8546d22ffc), W64LIT(0x2e1b21385c26c926),
- W64LIT(0x4d2c6dfc5ac42aed), W64LIT(0x53380d139d95b3df),
- W64LIT(0x650a73548baf63de), W64LIT(0x766a0abb3c77b2a8),
- W64LIT(0x81c2c92e47edaee6), W64LIT(0x92722c851482353b),
- W64LIT(0xa2bfe8a14cf10364), W64LIT(0xa81a664bbc423001),
- W64LIT(0xc24b8b70d0f89791), W64LIT(0xc76c51a30654be30),
- W64LIT(0xd192e819d6ef5218), W64LIT(0xd69906245565a910),
- W64LIT(0xf40e35855771202a), W64LIT(0x106aa07032bbd1b8),
- W64LIT(0x19a4c116b8d2d0c8), W64LIT(0x1e376c085141ab53),
- W64LIT(0x2748774cdf8eeb99), W64LIT(0x34b0bcb5e19b48a8),
- W64LIT(0x391c0cb3c5c95a63), W64LIT(0x4ed8aa4ae3418acb),
- W64LIT(0x5b9cca4f7763e373), W64LIT(0x682e6ff3d6b2b8a3),
- W64LIT(0x748f82ee5defb2fc), W64LIT(0x78a5636f43172f60),
- W64LIT(0x84c87814a1f0ab72), W64LIT(0x8cc702081a6439ec),
- W64LIT(0x90befffa23631e28), W64LIT(0xa4506cebde82bde9),
- W64LIT(0xbef9a3f7b2c67915), W64LIT(0xc67178f2e372532b),
- W64LIT(0xca273eceea26619c), W64LIT(0xd186b8c721c0c207),
- W64LIT(0xeada7dd6cde0eb1e), W64LIT(0xf57d4f7fee6ed178),
- W64LIT(0x06f067aa72176fba), W64LIT(0x0a637dc5a2c898a6),
- W64LIT(0x113f9804bef90dae), W64LIT(0x1b710b35131c471b),
- W64LIT(0x28db77f523047d84), W64LIT(0x32caab7b40c72493),
- W64LIT(0x3c9ebe0a15c9bebc), W64LIT(0x431d67c49c100d4c),
- W64LIT(0x4cc5d4becb3e42b6), W64LIT(0x597f299cfc657e2a),
- W64LIT(0x5fcb6fab3ad6faec), W64LIT(0x6c44198c4a475817)
-// put assembly version in separate function, otherwise MSVC 2005 SP1 doesn't generate correct code for the non-assembly version
-CRYPTOPP_NAKED static void CRYPTOPP_FASTCALL SHA512_SSE2_Transform(word64 *state, const word64 *data)
-#ifdef __GNUC__
- __asm__ __volatile__
- (
- ".intel_syntax noprefix;"
- AS1( push ebx)
- AS2( mov ebx, eax)
- AS1( push ebx)
- AS1( push esi)
- AS1( push edi)
- AS2( lea ebx, SHA512_K)
- AS2( mov eax, esp)
- AS2( and esp, 0xfffffff0)
- AS2( sub esp, 27*16) // 17*16 for expanded data, 20*8 for state
- AS1( push eax)
- AS2( xor eax, eax)
- AS2( lea edi, [esp+4+8*8]) // start at middle of state buffer. will decrement pointer each round to avoid copying
- AS2( lea esi, [esp+4+20*8+8]) // 16-byte alignment, then add 8
- AS2( movq mm4, [ecx+0*8])
- AS2( movq [edi+0*8], mm4)
- AS2( movq mm0, [ecx+1*8])
- AS2( movq [edi+1*8], mm0)
- AS2( movq mm0, [ecx+2*8])
- AS2( movq [edi+2*8], mm0)
- AS2( movq mm0, [ecx+3*8])
- AS2( movq [edi+3*8], mm0)
- AS2( movq mm5, [ecx+4*8])
- AS2( movq [edi+4*8], mm5)
- AS2( movq mm0, [ecx+5*8])
- AS2( movq [edi+5*8], mm0)
- AS2( movq mm0, [ecx+6*8])
- AS2( movq [edi+6*8], mm0)
- AS2( movq mm0, [ecx+7*8])
- AS2( movq [edi+7*8], mm0)
- ASJ( jmp, 0, f)
-#define SSE2_S0_S1(r, a, b, c) \
- AS2( movq mm6, r)\
- AS2( psrlq r, a)\
- AS2( movq mm7, r)\
- AS2( psllq mm6, 64-c)\
- AS2( pxor mm7, mm6)\
- AS2( psrlq r, b-a)\
- AS2( pxor mm7, r)\
- AS2( psllq mm6, c-b)\
- AS2( pxor mm7, mm6)\
- AS2( psrlq r, c-b)\
- AS2( pxor r, mm7)\
- AS2( psllq mm6, b-a)\
- AS2( pxor r, mm6)
-#define SSE2_s0(r, a, b, c) \
- AS2( movdqa xmm6, r)\
- AS2( psrlq r, a)\
- AS2( movdqa xmm7, r)\
- AS2( psllq xmm6, 64-c)\
- AS2( pxor xmm7, xmm6)\
- AS2( psrlq r, b-a)\
- AS2( pxor xmm7, r)\
- AS2( psrlq r, c-b)\
- AS2( pxor r, xmm7)\
- AS2( psllq xmm6, c-a)\
- AS2( pxor r, xmm6)
-#define SSE2_s1(r, a, b, c) \
- AS2( movdqa xmm6, r)\
- AS2( psrlq r, a)\
- AS2( movdqa xmm7, r)\
- AS2( psllq xmm6, 64-c)\
- AS2( pxor xmm7, xmm6)\
- AS2( psrlq r, b-a)\
- AS2( pxor xmm7, r)\
- AS2( psllq xmm6, c-b)\
- AS2( pxor xmm7, xmm6)\
- AS2( psrlq r, c-b)\
- AS2( pxor r, xmm7)
- ASL(SHA512_Round)
- // k + w is in mm0, a is in mm4, e is in mm5
- AS2( paddq mm0, [edi+7*8]) // h
- AS2( movq mm2, [edi+5*8]) // f
- AS2( movq mm3, [edi+6*8]) // g
- AS2( pxor mm2, mm3)
- AS2( pand mm2, mm5)
- SSE2_S0_S1(mm5,14,18,41)
- AS2( pxor mm2, mm3)
- AS2( paddq mm0, mm2) // h += Ch(e,f,g)
- AS2( paddq mm5, mm0) // h += S1(e)
- AS2( movq mm2, [edi+1*8]) // b
- AS2( movq mm1, mm2)
- AS2( por mm2, mm4)
- AS2( pand mm2, [edi+2*8]) // c
- AS2( pand mm1, mm4)
- AS2( por mm1, mm2)
- AS2( paddq mm1, mm5) // temp = h + Maj(a,b,c)
- AS2( paddq mm5, [edi+3*8]) // e = d + h
- AS2( movq [edi+3*8], mm5)
- AS2( movq [edi+11*8], mm5)
- SSE2_S0_S1(mm4,28,34,39) // S0(a)
- AS2( paddq mm4, mm1) // a = temp + S0(a)
- AS2( movq [edi-8], mm4)
- AS2( movq [edi+7*8], mm4)
- AS1( ret)
- // first 16 rounds
- ASL(0)
- AS2( movq mm0, [edx+eax*8])
- AS2( movq [esi+eax*8], mm0)
- AS2( movq [esi+eax*8+16*8], mm0)
- AS2( paddq mm0, [ebx+eax*8])
- ASC( call, SHA512_Round)
- AS1( inc eax)
- AS2( sub edi, 8)
- AS2( test eax, 7)
- ASJ( jnz, 0, b)
- AS2( add edi, 8*8)
- AS2( cmp eax, 16)
- ASJ( jne, 0, b)
- // rest of the rounds
- AS2( movdqu xmm0, [esi+(16-2)*8])
- ASL(1)
- // data expansion, W[i-2] already in xmm0
- AS2( movdqu xmm3, [esi])
- AS2( paddq xmm3, [esi+(16-7)*8])
- AS2( movdqa xmm2, [esi+(16-15)*8])
- SSE2_s1(xmm0, 6, 19, 61)
- AS2( paddq xmm0, xmm3)
- SSE2_s0(xmm2, 1, 7, 8)
- AS2( paddq xmm0, xmm2)
- AS2( movdq2q mm0, xmm0)
- AS2( movhlps xmm1, xmm0)
- AS2( paddq mm0, [ebx+eax*8])
- AS2( movlps [esi], xmm0)
- AS2( movlps [esi+8], xmm1)
- AS2( movlps [esi+8*16], xmm0)
- AS2( movlps [esi+8*17], xmm1)
- // 2 rounds
- ASC( call, SHA512_Round)
- AS2( sub edi, 8)
- AS2( movdq2q mm0, xmm1)
- AS2( paddq mm0, [ebx+eax*8+8])
- ASC( call, SHA512_Round)
- // update indices and loop
- AS2( add esi, 16)
- AS2( add eax, 2)
- AS2( sub edi, 8)
- AS2( test eax, 7)
- ASJ( jnz, 1, b)
- // do housekeeping every 8 rounds
- AS2( mov esi, 0xf)
- AS2( and esi, eax)
- AS2( lea esi, [esp+4+20*8+8+esi*8])
- AS2( add edi, 8*8)
- AS2( cmp eax, 80)
- ASJ( jne, 1, b)
-#define SSE2_CombineState(i) \
- AS2( movq mm0, [edi+i*8])\
- AS2( paddq mm0, [ecx+i*8])\
- AS2( movq [ecx+i*8], mm0)
- SSE2_CombineState(0)
- SSE2_CombineState(1)
- SSE2_CombineState(2)
- SSE2_CombineState(3)
- SSE2_CombineState(4)
- SSE2_CombineState(5)
- SSE2_CombineState(6)
- SSE2_CombineState(7)
- AS1( pop esp)
- AS1( emms)
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
- AS1( pop ebx)
- ".att_syntax prefix;"
- :
- : "a" (SHA512_K), "c" (state), "d" (data)
- : "%esi", "%edi", "memory", "cc"
- );
- AS1( pop edi)
- AS1( pop esi)
- AS1( pop ebx)
- AS1( ret)
-void SHA512::Transform(word64 *state, const word64 *data)
- if (HasSSE2())
- {
- SHA512_SSE2_Transform(state, data);
- return;
- }
-#define S0(x) (rotrFixed(x,28)^rotrFixed(x,34)^rotrFixed(x,39))
-#define S1(x) (rotrFixed(x,14)^rotrFixed(x,18)^rotrFixed(x,41))
-#define s0(x) (rotrFixed(x,1)^rotrFixed(x,8)^(x>>7))
-#define s1(x) (rotrFixed(x,19)^rotrFixed(x,61)^(x>>6))
-#define R(i) h(i)+=S1(e(i))+Ch(e(i),f(i),g(i))+SHA512_K[i+j]+(j?blk2(i):blk0(i));\
- d(i)+=h(i);h(i)+=S0(a(i))+Maj(a(i),b(i),c(i))
- word64 W[16];
- word64 T[8];
- /* Copy context->state[] to working vars */
- memcpy(T, state, sizeof(T));
- /* 80 operations, partially loop unrolled */
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<80; j+=16)
- {
- R( 0); R( 1); R( 2); R( 3);
- R( 4); R( 5); R( 6); R( 7);
- R( 8); R( 9); R(10); R(11);
- R(12); R(13); R(14); R(15);
- }
- /* Add the working vars back into context.state[] */
- state[0] += a(0);
- state[1] += b(0);
- state[2] += c(0);
- state[3] += d(0);
- state[4] += e(0);
- state[5] += f(0);
- state[6] += g(0);
- state[7] += h(0);
+++ /dev/null
-// This file is public domain
-// SHA routines extracted as a standalone file from:
-// Crypto++: a C++ Class Library of Cryptographic Schemes
-// Version 5.5.2 (9/24/2007)
-// http://www.cryptopp.com
-#include <stdlib.h>
-namespace CryptoPP
-// Dependencies
-typedef unsigned char byte;
-typedef unsigned short word16;
-typedef unsigned int word32;
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
-typedef unsigned __int64 word64;
-typedef unsigned long long word64;
-template <class T> inline T rotlFixed(T x, unsigned int y)
- assert(y < sizeof(T)*8);
- return T((x<<y) | (x>>(sizeof(T)*8-y)));
-template <class T> inline T rotrFixed(T x, unsigned int y)
- assert(y < sizeof(T)*8);
- return T((x>>y) | (x<<(sizeof(T)*8-y)));
-// ************** endian reversal ***************
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
- #if _MSC_VER >= 1400
- #elif _MSC_VER >= 1300
- #define CRYPTOPP_FAST_ROTATE(x) ((x) == 32 | (x) == 64)
- #else
- #define CRYPTOPP_FAST_ROTATE(x) ((x) == 32)
- #endif
-#elif (defined(__MWERKS__) && TARGET_CPU_PPC) || \
- (defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(_ARCH_PWR2) || defined(_ARCH_PWR) || defined(_ARCH_PPC) || defined(_ARCH_PPC64) || defined(_ARCH_COM)))
- #define CRYPTOPP_FAST_ROTATE(x) ((x) == 32)
-#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64 || CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X86) // depend on GCC's peephole optimization to generate rotate instructions
-inline byte ByteReverse(byte value)
- return value;
-inline word16 ByteReverse(word16 value)
- return bswap_16(value);
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
- return _byteswap_ushort(value);
- return rotlFixed(value, 8U);
-inline word32 ByteReverse(word32 value)
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
- __asm__ ("bswap %0" : "=r" (value) : "0" (value));
- return value;
- return bswap_32(value);
-#elif defined(__MWERKS__) && TARGET_CPU_PPC
- return (word32)__lwbrx(&value,0);
-#elif _MSC_VER >= 1400 || (_MSC_VER >= 1300 && !defined(_DLL))
- return _byteswap_ulong(value);
- // 5 instructions with rotate instruction, 9 without
- return (rotrFixed(value, 8U) & 0xff00ff00) | (rotlFixed(value, 8U) & 0x00ff00ff);
- // 6 instructions with rotate instruction, 8 without
- value = ((value & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8) | ((value & 0x00FF00FF) << 8);
- return rotlFixed(value, 16U);
-inline word64 ByteReverse(word64 value)
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__)
- __asm__ ("bswap %0" : "=r" (value) : "0" (value));
- return value;
- return bswap_64(value);
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
- return _byteswap_uint64(value);
-#elif defined(CRYPTOPP_SLOW_WORD64)
- return (word64(ByteReverse(word32(value))) << 32) | ByteReverse(word32(value>>32));
- value = ((value & W64LIT(0xFF00FF00FF00FF00)) >> 8) | ((value & W64LIT(0x00FF00FF00FF00FF)) << 8);
- value = ((value & W64LIT(0xFFFF0000FFFF0000)) >> 16) | ((value & W64LIT(0x0000FFFF0000FFFF)) << 16);
- return rotlFixed(value, 32U);
-// SHA
-// http://www.weidai.com/scan-mirror/md.html#SHA-1
-class SHA1
- typedef word32 HashWordType;
- static void InitState(word32 *state);
- static void Transform(word32 *digest, const word32 *data);
- static const char * StaticAlgorithmName() {return "SHA-1";}
-typedef SHA1 SHA; // for backwards compatibility
-// implements the SHA-256 standard
-class SHA256
- typedef word32 HashWordType;
- static void InitState(word32 *state);
- static void Transform(word32 *digest, const word32 *data);
- static const char * StaticAlgorithmName() {return "SHA-256";}
-// implements the SHA-224 standard
-class SHA224
- typedef word32 HashWordType;
- static void InitState(word32 *state);
- static void Transform(word32 *digest, const word32 *data) {SHA256::Transform(digest, data);}
- static const char * StaticAlgorithmName() {return "SHA-224";}
-// implements the SHA-512 standard
-class SHA512
- typedef word64 HashWordType;
- static void InitState(word64 *state);
- static void Transform(word64 *digest, const word64 *data);
- static const char * StaticAlgorithmName() {return "SHA-512";}
-// implements the SHA-384 standard
-class SHA384
- typedef word64 HashWordType;
- static void InitState(word64 *state);
- static void Transform(word64 *digest, const word64 *data) {SHA512::Transform(digest, data);}
- static const char * StaticAlgorithmName() {return "SHA-384";}
return (T&)val;
+// Align by increasing pointer, must have extra space at end of buffer
+template <size_t nBytes, typename T>
+T* alignup(T* p)
+ union
+ {
+ T* ptr;
+ size_t n;
+ } u;
+ u.ptr = p;
+ u.n = (u.n + (nBytes-1)) & ~(nBytes-1);
+ return u.ptr;
#ifdef __WXMSW__
#define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0
#define MSG_DONTWAIT 0