UNSAFE_CTransaction(const CMutableTransaction &tx) : CTransaction(tx, true) {}
+extern ZCJoinSplit* params;
+TEST(checktransaction_tests, SaplingSproutInputSumsTooLarge) {
+ CMutableTransaction mtx = GetValidTransaction();
+ mtx.vjoinsplit.resize(0);
+ mtx.fOverwintered = true;
+ mtx.nVersion = SAPLING_TX_VERSION;
+ mtx.nVersionGroupId = SAPLING_VERSION_GROUP_ID;
+ mtx.nExpiryHeight = 0;
+ {
+ // create JSDescription
+ uint256 rt;
+ uint256 joinSplitPubKey;
+ std::array<libzcash::JSInput, ZC_NUM_JS_INPUTS> inputs = {
+ libzcash::JSInput(),
+ libzcash::JSInput()
+ };
+ std::array<libzcash::JSOutput, ZC_NUM_JS_OUTPUTS> outputs = {
+ libzcash::JSOutput(),
+ libzcash::JSOutput()
+ };
+ std::array<size_t, ZC_NUM_JS_INPUTS> inputMap;
+ std::array<size_t, ZC_NUM_JS_OUTPUTS> outputMap;
+ auto jsdesc = JSDescription::Randomized(
+ true,
+ *params, joinSplitPubKey, rt,
+ inputs, outputs,
+ inputMap, outputMap,
+ 0, 0, false);
+ mtx.vjoinsplit.push_back(jsdesc);
+ }
+ mtx.vShieldedSpend.push_back(SpendDescription());
+ mtx.vjoinsplit[0].vpub_new = (MAX_MONEY / 2) + 10;
+ {
+ UNSAFE_CTransaction tx(mtx);
+ CValidationState state;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CheckTransactionWithoutProofVerification(tx, state));
+ }
+ mtx.valueBalance = (MAX_MONEY / 2) + 10;
+ {
+ UNSAFE_CTransaction tx(mtx);
+ MockCValidationState state;
+ EXPECT_CALL(state, DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-txintotal-toolarge", false)).Times(1);
+ CheckTransactionWithoutProofVerification(tx, state);
+ }
// Test bad Overwinter version number in CheckTransactionWithoutProofVerification
TEST(checktransaction_tests, OverwinterVersionNumberLow) {
REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-txintotal-toolarge");
- }
+ // Also check for Sapling
+ if (tx.valueBalance >= 0) {
+ // NB: positive valueBalance "adds" money to the transparent value pool, just as inputs do
+ nValueIn += tx.valueBalance;
+ if (!MoneyRange(nValueIn)) {
+ return state.DoS(100, error("CheckTransaction(): txin total out of range"),
+ REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-txintotal-toolarge");
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Check for duplicate inputs
set<COutPoint> vInOutPoints;