]> Git Repo - VerusCoin.git/blob - src/komodo_ccdata.h
[VerusCoin.git] / src / komodo_ccdata.h
1 /******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright © 2014-2018 The SuperNET Developers.                             *
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14  ******************************************************************************/
19 struct komodo_ccdata *CC_data;
20 int32_t CC_firstheight;
22 uint256 BuildMerkleTree(bool* fMutated, const std::vector<uint256> leaves, std::vector<uint256> &vMerkleTree);
24 uint256 komodo_calcMoM(int32_t height,int32_t MoMdepth)
25 {
26     static uint256 zero; CBlockIndex *pindex; int32_t i; std::vector<uint256> tree, leaves;
27     bool fMutated;
28     MoMdepth &= 0xffff;  // In case it includes the ccid
29     if ( MoMdepth >= height )
30         return(zero);
31     for (i=0; i<MoMdepth; i++)
32     {
33         if ( (pindex= komodo_chainactive(height - i)) != 0 )
34             leaves.push_back(pindex->hashMerkleRoot);
35         else
36             return(zero);
37     }
38     return BuildMerkleTree(&fMutated, leaves, tree);
39 }
41 struct komodo_ccdata_entry *komodo_allMoMs(int32_t *nump,uint256 *MoMoMp,int32_t kmdstarti,int32_t kmdendi)
42 {
43     struct komodo_ccdata_entry *allMoMs=0; struct komodo_ccdata *ccdata,*tmpptr; int32_t i,num,max;
44     bool fMutated; std::vector<uint256> tree, leaves;
45     num = max = 0;
46     portable_mutex_lock(&KOMODO_CC_mutex);
47     DL_FOREACH_SAFE(CC_data,ccdata,tmpptr)
48     {
49         if ( ccdata->MoMdata.height <= kmdendi && ccdata->MoMdata.height >= kmdstarti )
50         {
51             if ( num >= max )
52             {
53                 max += 100;
54                 allMoMs = (struct komodo_ccdata_entry *)realloc(allMoMs,max * sizeof(*allMoMs));
55             }
56             allMoMs[num].MoM = ccdata->MoMdata.MoM;
57             allMoMs[num].notarized_height = ccdata->MoMdata.notarized_height;
58             allMoMs[num].kmdheight = ccdata->MoMdata.height;
59             allMoMs[num].txi = ccdata->MoMdata.txi;
60             strcpy(allMoMs[num].symbol,ccdata->symbol);
61             num++;
62         }
63         if ( ccdata->MoMdata.height < kmdstarti )
64             break;
65     }
66     portable_mutex_unlock(&KOMODO_CC_mutex);
67     if ( (*nump= num) > 0 )
68     {
69         for (i=0; i<num; i++)
70             leaves.push_back(allMoMs[i].MoM);
71         *MoMoMp = BuildMerkleTree(&fMutated, leaves, tree);
72     }
73     else
74     {
75         free(allMoMs);
76         allMoMs = 0;
77     }
78     return(allMoMs);
79 }
81 int32_t komodo_addpair(struct komodo_ccdataMoMoM *mdata,int32_t notarized_height,int32_t offset,int32_t maxpairs)
82 {
83     if ( maxpairs >= 0) {
84         if ( mdata->numpairs >= maxpairs )
85         {
86             maxpairs += 100;
87             mdata->pairs = (struct komodo_ccdatapair *)realloc(mdata->pairs,sizeof(*mdata->pairs)*maxpairs);
88             //fprintf(stderr,"pairs reallocated to %p num.%d\n",mdata->pairs,mdata->numpairs);
89         }
90     } else {
91         fprintf(stderr,"komodo_addpair.maxpairs %d must be >= 0\n",(int32_t)maxpairs);
92         return(-1);
93     }
94     mdata->pairs[mdata->numpairs].notarized_height = notarized_height;
95     mdata->pairs[mdata->numpairs].MoMoMoffset = offset;
96     mdata->numpairs++;
97     return(maxpairs);
98 }
100 int32_t komodo_MoMoMdata(char *hexstr,int32_t hexsize,struct komodo_ccdataMoMoM *mdata,char *symbol,int32_t kmdheight,int32_t notarized_height)
101 {
102     uint8_t hexdata[8192]; struct komodo_ccdata *ccdata,*tmpptr; int32_t len,maxpairs,i,retval=-1,depth,starti,endi,CCid=0; struct komodo_ccdata_entry *allMoMs;
103     starti = endi = depth = len = maxpairs = 0;
104     hexstr[0] = 0;
105     if ( sizeof(hexdata)*2+1 > hexsize )
106     {
107         fprintf(stderr,"hexsize.%d too small for %d\n",hexsize,(int32_t)sizeof(hexdata));
108         return(-1);
109     }
110     memset(mdata,0,sizeof(*mdata));
111     portable_mutex_lock(&KOMODO_CC_mutex);
112     DL_FOREACH_SAFE(CC_data,ccdata,tmpptr)
113     {
114         if ( ccdata->MoMdata.height < kmdheight )
115         {
116             //fprintf(stderr,"%s notarized.%d kmd.%d\n",ccdata->symbol,ccdata->MoMdata.notarized_height,ccdata->MoMdata.height);
117             if ( strcmp(ccdata->symbol,symbol) == 0 )
118             {
119                 if ( endi == 0 )
120                 {
121                     endi = ccdata->MoMdata.height;
122                     CCid = ccdata->CCid;
123                 }
124                 if ( (mdata->numpairs == 1 && notarized_height == 0) || ccdata->MoMdata.notarized_height <= notarized_height )
125                 {
126                     starti = ccdata->MoMdata.height + 1;
127                     if ( notarized_height == 0 )
128                         notarized_height = ccdata->MoMdata.notarized_height;
129                     break;
130                 }
131             }
132             starti = ccdata->MoMdata.height;
133         }
134     }
135     portable_mutex_unlock(&KOMODO_CC_mutex);
136     mdata->kmdstarti = starti;
137     mdata->kmdendi = endi;
138     if ( starti != 0 && endi != 0 && endi >= starti )
139     {
140         if ( (allMoMs= komodo_allMoMs(&depth,&mdata->MoMoM,starti,endi)) != 0 )
141         {
142             mdata->MoMoMdepth = depth;
143             for (i=0; i<depth; i++)
144             {
145                 if ( strcmp(symbol,allMoMs[i].symbol) == 0 )
146                     maxpairs = komodo_addpair(mdata,allMoMs[i].notarized_height,i,maxpairs);
147             }
148             if ( mdata->numpairs > 0 )
149             {
150                 len += iguana_rwnum(1,&hexdata[len],sizeof(CCid),(uint8_t *)&CCid);
151                 len += iguana_rwnum(1,&hexdata[len],sizeof(uint32_t),(uint8_t *)&mdata->kmdstarti);
152                 len += iguana_rwnum(1,&hexdata[len],sizeof(uint32_t),(uint8_t *)&mdata->kmdendi);
153                 len += iguana_rwbignum(1,&hexdata[len],sizeof(mdata->MoMoM),(uint8_t *)&mdata->MoMoM);
154                 len += iguana_rwnum(1,&hexdata[len],sizeof(uint32_t),(uint8_t *)&mdata->MoMoMdepth);
155                 len += iguana_rwnum(1,&hexdata[len],sizeof(uint32_t),(uint8_t *)&mdata->numpairs);
156                 for (i=0; i<mdata->numpairs; i++)
157                 {
158                     if ( len + sizeof(uint32_t)*2 > sizeof(hexdata) )
159                     {
160                         fprintf(stderr,"%s %d %d i.%d of %d exceeds hexdata.%d\n",symbol,kmdheight,notarized_height,i,mdata->numpairs,(int32_t)sizeof(hexdata));
161                         break;
162                     }
163                     len += iguana_rwnum(1,&hexdata[len],sizeof(uint32_t),(uint8_t *)&mdata->pairs[i].notarized_height);
164                     len += iguana_rwnum(1,&hexdata[len],sizeof(uint32_t),(uint8_t *)&mdata->pairs[i].MoMoMoffset);
165                 }
166                 if ( i == mdata->numpairs && len*2+1 < hexsize )
167                 {
168                     init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,hexdata,len);
169                     //fprintf(stderr,"hexstr.(%s)\n",hexstr);
170                     retval = 0;
171                 } else fprintf(stderr,"%s %d %d too much hexdata[%d] for hexstr[%d]\n",symbol,kmdheight,notarized_height,len,hexsize);
172             }
173             free(allMoMs);
174         }
175     }
176     return(retval);
177 }
179 void komodo_purge_ccdata(int32_t height)
180 {
181     struct komodo_ccdata *ccdata,*tmpptr;
182     if ( ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL[0] == 0 )
183     {
184         portable_mutex_lock(&KOMODO_CC_mutex);
185         DL_FOREACH_SAFE(CC_data,ccdata,tmpptr)
186         {
187             if ( ccdata->MoMdata.height >= height )
188             {
189                 printf("PURGE %s notarized.%d\n",ccdata->symbol,ccdata->MoMdata.notarized_height);
190                 DL_DELETE(CC_data,ccdata);
191                 free(ccdata);
192             } else break;
193         }
194         portable_mutex_unlock(&KOMODO_CC_mutex);
195     }
196     else
197     {
198         // purge notarized data
199     }
200 }
202 // this is just a demo of ccdata processing to create example data for the MoMoM and allMoMs calls
203 int32_t komodo_rwccdata(char *thischain,int32_t rwflag,struct komodo_ccdata *ccdata,struct komodo_ccdataMoMoM *MoMoMdata)
204 {
205     uint256 hash,zero; bits256 tmp; int32_t i,nonz; struct komodo_ccdata *ptr; struct notarized_checkpoint *np;
206     return(0); // disable this path as libscott method is much better
207     if ( rwflag == 0 )
208     {
209         // load from disk
210     }
211     else
212     {
213         // write to disk
214     }
215     if ( ccdata->MoMdata.height > 0 && (CC_firstheight == 0 || ccdata->MoMdata.height < CC_firstheight) )
216         CC_firstheight = ccdata->MoMdata.height;
217     for (nonz=i=0; i<32; i++)
218     {
219         if ( (tmp.bytes[i]= ((uint8_t *)&ccdata->MoMdata.MoM)[31-i]) != 0 )
220             nonz++;
221     }
222     if ( nonz == 0 )
223         return(0);
224     memcpy(&hash,&tmp,sizeof(hash));
225     //fprintf(stderr,"[%s] ccdata.%s id.%d notarized_ht.%d MoM.%s height.%d/t%d\n",ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL,ccdata->symbol,ccdata->CCid,ccdata->MoMdata.notarized_height,hash.ToString().c_str(),ccdata->MoMdata.height,ccdata->MoMdata.txi);
226     if ( ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL[0] == 0 )
227     {
228         if ( CC_data != 0 && (CC_data->MoMdata.height > ccdata->MoMdata.height || (CC_data->MoMdata.height == ccdata->MoMdata.height && CC_data->MoMdata.txi >= ccdata->MoMdata.txi)) )
229         {
230             printf("out of order detected? SKIP CC_data ht.%d/txi.%d vs ht.%d/txi.%d\n",CC_data->MoMdata.height,CC_data->MoMdata.txi,ccdata->MoMdata.height,ccdata->MoMdata.txi);
231         }
232         else
233         {
234             ptr = (struct komodo_ccdata *)calloc(1,sizeof(*ptr));
235             *ptr = *ccdata;
236             portable_mutex_lock(&KOMODO_CC_mutex);
237             DL_PREPEND(CC_data,ptr);
238             portable_mutex_unlock(&KOMODO_CC_mutex);
239         }
240     }
241     else
242     {
243         if ( MoMoMdata != 0 && MoMoMdata->pairs != 0 )
244         {
245             for (i=0; i<MoMoMdata->numpairs; i++)
246             {
247                 if ( (np= komodo_npptr(MoMoMdata->pairs[i].notarized_height)) != 0 )
248                 {
249                     memset(&zero,0,sizeof(zero));
250                     if ( memcmp(&np->MoMoM,&zero,sizeof(np->MoMoM)) == 0 )
251                     {
252                         np->MoMoM = MoMoMdata->MoMoM;
253                         np->MoMoMdepth = MoMoMdata->MoMoMdepth;
254                         np->MoMoMoffset = MoMoMdata->MoMoMoffset;
255                         np->kmdstarti = MoMoMdata->kmdstarti;
256                         np->kmdendi = MoMoMdata->kmdendi;
257                     }
258                     else if ( memcmp(&np->MoMoM,&MoMoMdata->MoMoM,sizeof(np->MoMoM)) != 0 || np->MoMoMdepth != MoMoMdata->MoMoMdepth || np->MoMoMoffset != MoMoMdata->MoMoMoffset || np->kmdstarti != MoMoMdata->kmdstarti || np->kmdendi != MoMoMdata->kmdendi )
259                     {
260                         fprintf(stderr,"preexisting MoMoM mismatch: %s (%d %d %d %d) vs %s (%d %d %d %d)\n",np->MoMoM.ToString().c_str(),np->MoMoMdepth,np->MoMoMoffset,np->kmdstarti,np->kmdendi,MoMoMdata->MoMoM.ToString().c_str(),MoMoMdata->MoMoMdepth,MoMoMdata->MoMoMoffset,MoMoMdata->kmdstarti,MoMoMdata->kmdendi);
261                     }
262                 }
263             }
264         }
265     }
266     return(1);
267 }
269 #endif
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