]> Git Repo - J-u-boot.git/commitdiff
ARM: remove broken "netstar" board
authorWolfgang Denk <[email protected]>
Fri, 26 Aug 2011 02:25:38 +0000 (02:25 +0000)
committerAlbert ARIBAUD <[email protected]>
Sun, 4 Sep 2011 09:36:14 +0000 (11:36 +0200)
Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Denk <[email protected]>
13 files changed:
board/netstar/Makefile [deleted file]
board/netstar/config.mk [deleted file]
board/netstar/crcek.S [deleted file]
board/netstar/crcek.h [deleted file]
board/netstar/crcit.c [deleted file]
board/netstar/eeprom.c [deleted file]
board/netstar/netstar.c [deleted file]
board/netstar/setup.S [deleted file]
include/configs/netstar.h [deleted file]

diff --git a/MAKEALL b/MAKEALL
index 8eaa0d5ac92e5d1eab26dc994918e75e8a5c65fa..ce987e89ccd0df9168f7789aa4adb146d955aff9 100755 (executable)
@@ -326,7 +326,6 @@ LIST_ARM9="                 \
        magnesium               \
        mv88f6281gtw_ge         \
        mx1ads                  \
-       netstar                 \
        nhk8815                 \
        nhk8815_onenand         \
        omap1510inn             \
index 6cafb994a28f9a4c17fd02efda2017efccbfb8f1..699a752b49040829254a767846fe661f2c73d8b3 100644 (file)
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -932,7 +932,6 @@ clean:
               $(obj)tools/ncb             $(obj)tools/ubsha1
        @rm -f $(obj)board/cray/L1/{bootscript.c,bootscript.image}        \
               $(obj)board/matrix_vision/*/bootscript.img                 \
-              $(obj)board/netstar/{eeprom,crcek,crcit,*.srec,*.bin}      \
               $(obj)board/voiceblue/eeprom                               \
               $(obj)u-boot.lds                                           \
               $(obj)arch/blackfin/cpu/bootrom-asm-offsets.[chs]          \
diff --git a/board/netstar/Makefile b/board/netstar/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7230a2f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# (C) Copyright 2006
-# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, [email protected].
-# (C) Copyright 2005
-# Ladislav Michl, 2N Telekomunikace, [email protected]
-# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
-# project.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
-# MA 02111-1307 USA
-include $(TOPDIR)/config.mk
-LIB    = $(obj)lib$(BOARD).o
-COBJS  := netstar.o
-SOBJS  := setup.o
-SRCS   := $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(COBJS:.o=.c)
-OBJS   := $(addprefix $(obj),$(COBJS))
-SOBJS  := $(addprefix $(obj),$(SOBJS))
-LOAD_ADDR = 0x10400000
-all:   $(obj).depend $(LIB) $(obj)eeprom.srec $(obj)eeprom.bin \
-               $(obj)crcek.srec $(obj)crcek.bin $(obj)crcit
-$(LIB):        $(OBJS) $(SOBJS)
-       $(call cmd_link_o_target, $^)
-       echo "b eeprom" | $(CC) $(AFLAGS) -c -x assembler -o $@ -
-$(obj)eeprom:          $(obj)eeprom_start.o $(obj)eeprom.o
-       $(LD) -Ttext $(LOAD_ADDR) -e eeprom -o $@ $^ \
-               -L$(obj)../../examples/standalone -lstubs \
-               $(PLATFORM_LIBS)
-$(obj)eeprom.srec:     $(obj)eeprom
-       $(OBJCOPY) -S -O srec $(<:.o=) $@
-$(obj)eeprom.bin:      $(obj)eeprom
-       $(OBJCOPY) -S -O binary $< $@
-$(obj)crcek.srec:      $(obj)crcek.o
-       $(LD) -g -Ttext 0x00000000 -e crcek -o $(<:.o=) $^
-       $(OBJCOPY) -S -O srec $(<:.o=) $@
-$(obj)crcek.bin:       $(obj)crcek.srec
-       $(OBJCOPY) -I srec -O binary $< $@
-$(obj)crcit:           $(obj)crcit.o $(obj)crc32.o
-       $(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -o $@ $^
-$(obj)crcit.o:         crcit.c
-       $(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
-$(obj)crc32.o:         $(SRCTREE)/lib/crc32.c
-       $(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -DUSE_HOSTCC -I$(TOPDIR)/include \
-               -o $@ -c $<
-       rm -f $(SOBJS) $(OBJS) \
-               $(obj)eeprom_start.o $(obj)eeprom.o \
-               $(obj)eeprom $(obj)eeprom.srec  $(obj)eeprom.bin \
-               $(obj)crcek.o $(obj)crcek $(obj)crcek.srec $(obj)crcek.bin
-distclean:     clean
-       rm -f $(LIB) core *.bak $(obj).depend
-# defines $(obj).depend target
-include $(SRCTREE)/rules.mk
-sinclude $(obj).depend
diff --git a/board/netstar/config.mk b/board/netstar/config.mk
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9e1446e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Linux-Kernel is expected to be at 1000'8000,
-# entry 1000'8000 (mem base + reserved)
-# We load ourself to internal RAM at 2001'2000
-# Check map file when changing CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE.
-# Everything has fit into 192kB internal SRAM!
-# XXX CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE = 0x20012000
diff --git a/board/netstar/crcek.S b/board/netstar/crcek.S
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index af35662..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
- * (C) Copyright 2005
- * 2N Telekomunikace, Ladislav Michl <[email protected]>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * version 2.
- *
- * Image layout looks like following:
- *     u32 - size
- *     u32 - version
- *     ... - data
- *     u32 - crc32
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include "crcek.h"
- * do_crc32 - calculate CRC32 of given buffer
- * r0 - crc
- * r1 - pointer to buffer
- * r2 - buffer len
- */
-       .macro  do_crc32
-       ldr     r5, FFFFFFFF
-       eor     r0, r0, r5
-       adr     r3, CRC32_TABLE
-       ldrb    r4, [r1], #1
-       eor     r4, r4, r0
-       and     r4, r4, #0xff
-       ldr     r4, [r3, r4, lsl#2]
-       eor     r0, r4, r0, lsr#8
-       subs    r2, r2, #0x1
-       bne     1b
-       eor     r0, r0, r5
-       .endm
-       .macro crcuj, offset, size
-       mov     r0, #0
-       ldr     r1, \offset
-       ldr     r2, [r1], #4
-       cmp     r2, r0          @ no data, no problem
-       beq     2f
-       tst     r2, #3          @ unaligned size
-       bne     2f
-       ldr     r3, \size
-       cmp     r2, r3          @ bogus size
-       bhi     2f
-       do_crc32
-       ldr     r1, [r1]
-       cmp     r0, r1
-       .endm
-       .macro wait, reg
-       mov     \reg, #0x100000
-       subs    \reg, \reg, #0x1
-       bne     3b
-       .endm
-.globl crcek
-       /* Enable I-cache */
-       mrc     p15, 0, r1, c0, c0, 0           @ read C15 ID register
-       mrc     p15, 0, r1, c0, c0, 1           @ read C15 Cache information register
-       mrc     p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 0           @ read C15 Control register
-       orr     r1, r1, #0x1000                 @ enable I-cache, map interrupt vector 0xffff0000
-       mcr     p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 0           @ write C15 Control register
-       mov     r1, #0x00
-       mcr     p15, 0, r1, c7, c5, 0           @ Flush I-cache
-       nop
-       nop
-       nop
-       nop
-       /* Setup clocking mode */
-       ldr     r0, MPU_CLKM_BASE               @ base of CLOCK unit
-       ldrh    r1, [r0, #0x18]                 @ ARM_SYST - get reset status
-       bic     r1, r1, #(7 << 11)              @ clear clock select
-       orr     r1, r1, #(2 << 11)              @ set synchronous scalable
-       mov     r2, #0
-       cmp     r2, #1                          @ this loop will wait for at least 100 cycles
-       streqh  r1, [r0, #0x18]                 @ before issuing next request from MPU
-       add     r2, r2, #1                      @ on the 1st run code is loaded into I-cache
-       cmp     r2, #16                         @ and second run will set clocking mode
-       bne     loop
-       nop
-       /* Setup clock dividers */
-       ldr     r1, CKCTL_VAL
-       orr     r1, r1, #0x2000                 @ enable DSP clock
-       strh    r1, [r0]                        @ setup clock divisors
-       /* Setup DPLL to generate requested freq */
-       ldr     r0, DPLL1_BASE                  @ base of DPLL1 register
-       mov     r1, #0x0010                     @ set PLL_ENABLE
-       orr     r1, r1, #0x2000                 @ set IOB to new locking
-       orr     r1, r1, #(OMAP5910_DPLL_MUL << 7) @ setup multiplier CLKREF
-       orr     r1, r1, #(OMAP5910_DPLL_DIV << 5) @ setup divider CLKREF
-       strh    r1, [r0]                        @ write
-       ldrh    r1, [r0]                        @ get DPLL value
-       tst     r1, #0x01
-       beq     locking                         @ while LOCK not set
-       /* Enable clock */
-       ldr     r0, MPU_CLKM_BASE               @ base of CLOCK unit
-       mov     r1, #(1 << 10)                  @ disable idle mode do not check
-                                               @ nWAKEUP pin, other remain active
-       strh    r1, [r0, #0x04]
-       ldr     r1, EN_CLK_VAL
-       strh    r1, [r0, #0x08]
-       mov     r1, #0x003f                     @ FLASH.RP not enabled in idle and
-       strh    r1, [r0, #0x0c]                 @ max delayed ( 32 x CLKIN )
-       mov     r6, #0
-       crcuj   _LOADER1_OFFSET, _LOADER_SIZE
-       bne     crc1_bad
-       orr     r6, r6, #1
-       crcuj   _LOADER2_OFFSET, _LOADER_SIZE
-       bne     crc2_bad
-       orr     r6, r6, #2
-       ldr     r3, _LOADER1_OFFSET
-       ldr     r4, _LOADER2_OFFSET
-       teq     r6, #3
-       bne     one_is_bad      @ one of them (or both) has bad crc
-       ldr     r1, [r3, #4]
-       ldr     r2, [r4, #4]
-       cmp     r1, r2          @ boot 2nd loader if versions differ
-       beq     boot_1st
-       b       boot_2nd
-       tst     r6, #1
-       bne     boot_1st
-       tst     r6, #2
-       bne     boot_2nd
-@ We are doomed, so let user know.
-       ldr     r0, GPIO_BASE   @ configure GPIO pins
-       ldr     r1, GPIO_DIRECTION
-       strh    r1, [r0, #0x08]
-       mov     r1, #0x08
-       strh    r1, [r0, #0x04]
-       wait    r3
-       mov     r1, #0x10
-       strh    r1, [r0, #0x04]
-       wait    r3
-       b blink_loop
-       add     pc, r3, #8
-       add     pc, r4, #8
-       .word LOADER_SIZE - 8   @ minus size and crc32
-       .word LOADER1_OFFSET
-       .word LOADER2_OFFSET
-       .word 0xffffffff
-       .word 0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x076dc419
-       .word 0x706af48f, 0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3, 0x0edb8832, 0x79dcb8a4
-       .word 0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988, 0x09b64c2b, 0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07
-       .word 0x90bf1d91, 0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2, 0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de
-       .word 0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7, 0x136c9856
-       .word 0x646ba8c0, 0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec, 0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9
-       .word 0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4
-       .word 0xa2677172, 0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd, 0xa50ab56b
-       .word 0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c, 0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940, 0x32d86ce3
-       .word 0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59, 0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a
-       .word 0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116, 0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423, 0xcfba9599
-       .word 0xb8bda50f, 0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924
-       .word 0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d, 0x76dc4190
-       .word 0x01db7106, 0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a, 0x71b18589, 0x06b6b51f
-       .word 0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433, 0x7807c9a2, 0x0f00f934, 0x9609a88e
-       .word 0xe10e9818, 0x7f6a0dbb, 0x086d3d2d, 0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01
-       .word 0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e, 0x6c0695ed
-       .word 0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457, 0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950
-       .word 0x8bbeb8ea, 0xfcb9887c, 0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3
-       .word 0xfbd44c65, 0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2
-       .word 0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7, 0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb, 0x4369e96a
-       .word 0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0, 0x44042d73, 0x33031de5
-       .word 0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9, 0x5005713c, 0x270241aa, 0xbe0b1010
-       .word 0xc90c2086, 0x5768b525, 0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f
-       .word 0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4, 0x59b33d17
-       .word 0x2eb40d81, 0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6
-       .word 0x03b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a, 0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x04db2615
-       .word 0x73dc1683, 0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84, 0x0d6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8
-       .word 0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0x0a00ae27, 0x7d079eb1, 0xf00f9344
-       .word 0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe, 0xf762575d, 0x806567cb
-       .word 0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7, 0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a
-       .word 0x67dd4acc, 0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5
-       .word 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e, 0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252, 0xd1bb67f1
-       .word 0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b, 0xd80d2bda, 0xaf0a1b4c
-       .word 0x36034af6, 0x41047a60, 0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55, 0x316e8eef
-       .word 0x4669be79, 0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236
-       .word 0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703, 0x220216b9, 0x5505262f, 0xc5ba3bbe
-       .word 0xb2bd0b28, 0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04, 0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31
-       .word 0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d, 0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c
-       .word 0x026d930a, 0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f, 0x72076785, 0x05005713
-       .word 0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0x0cb61b38, 0x92d28e9b
-       .word 0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0x0bdbdf21, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242
-       .word 0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e, 0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1
-       .word 0x18b74777, 0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c
-       .word 0x8f659eff, 0xf862ae69, 0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45, 0xa00ae278
-       .word 0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2, 0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7
-       .word 0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db, 0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc, 0x40df0b66
-       .word 0x37d83bf0, 0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9
-       .word 0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6, 0xbad03605
-       .word 0xcdd70693, 0x54de5729, 0x23d967bf, 0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8
-       .word 0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94, 0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b
-       .word 0x2d02ef8d
-       .word 0xfffce000
-       .word 0xfffece00
-       .word 0xfffecf00
-       .word OMAP5910_ARM_CKCTL
-       .word OMAP5910_ARM_EN_CLK
-       .word 0x0000ffe7
diff --git a/board/netstar/crcek.h b/board/netstar/crcek.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 30c0860..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#define LOADER_SIZE    (448 * 1024)
-#define LOADER1_OFFSET (128 * 1024)
diff --git a/board/netstar/crcit.c b/board/netstar/crcit.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a162649..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
- * (C) Copyright 2005
- * 2N Telekomunikace, Ladislav Michl <[email protected]>
- *
- * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
- * project.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include "crcek.h"
-extern uint32_t crc32(uint32_t, const unsigned char *, uint);
-static uint32_t data[LOADER_SIZE/4 + 3];
-static int do_crc(char *path, unsigned version)
-       uint32_t *p;
-       ssize_t size;
-       int fd;
-       fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
-       if (fd == -1) {
-               perror("Error opening file");
-               return EXIT_FAILURE;
-       }
-       p = data + 2;
-       size = read(fd, p, LOADER_SIZE + 4);
-       if (size == -1) {
-               perror("Error reading file");
-               return EXIT_FAILURE;
-       }
-       if (size > LOADER_SIZE) {
-               fprintf(stderr, "File too large\n");
-               return EXIT_FAILURE;
-       }
-       size  = (size + 3) & ~3;        /* round up to 4 bytes */
-       size += 4;                      /* add size of version field */
-       data[0] = size;
-       data[1] = version;
-       data[size/4 + 1] = crc32(0, (unsigned char *)(data + 1), size);
-       close(fd);
-       if (write(STDOUT_FILENO, data, size + 4 /*size*/ + 4 /*crc*/) == -1) {
-               perror("Error writing file");
-               return EXIT_FAILURE;
-       }
-       return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-int main(int argc, char * const *argv)
-       if (argc == 2) {
-               return do_crc(argv[1], 0);
-       } else if ((argc == 4) && (strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0)) {
-               char *endptr, *nptr = argv[2];
-               unsigned ver = strtoul(nptr, &endptr, 0);
-               if (*nptr != '\0' && *endptr == '\0')
-                       return do_crc(argv[3], ver);
-       }
-       fprintf(stderr, "Usage: crcit [-v version] <image>\n");
-       return EXIT_FAILURE;
diff --git a/board/netstar/eeprom.c b/board/netstar/eeprom.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index aa375a4..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
- * (C) Copyright 2005
- * Ladislav Michl, 2N Telekomunikace, [email protected]
- *
- * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
- * project.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * Some code shamelessly stolen back from Robin Getz.
- */
-#include <common.h>
-#include <exports.h>
-#include <timestamp.h>
-#include <net.h>
-#include "../drivers/net/smc91111.h"
-static struct eth_device dev = {
-       .iobase = CONFIG_SMC91111_BASE
-static u16 read_eeprom_reg(u16 reg)
-       int timeout;
-       SMC_SELECT_BANK(&dev, 2);
-       SMC_outw(&dev, reg, PTR_REG);
-       SMC_SELECT_BANK(&dev, 1);
-       SMC_outw(&dev, SMC_inw(&dev, CTL_REG) | CTL_EEPROM_SELECT |
-               CTL_RELOAD, CTL_REG);
-       timeout = 100;
-       while ((SMC_inw(&dev, CTL_REG) & CTL_RELOAD) && --timeout)
-               udelay(100);
-       if (timeout == 0) {
-               printf("Timeout reading register %02x\n", reg);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return SMC_inw(&dev, GP_REG);
-static int write_eeprom_reg(u16 value, u16 reg)
-       int timeout;
-       SMC_SELECT_BANK(&dev, 2);
-       SMC_outw(&dev, reg, PTR_REG);
-       SMC_SELECT_BANK(&dev, 1);
-       SMC_outw(&dev, value, GP_REG);
-       SMC_outw(&dev, SMC_inw(&dev, CTL_REG) | CTL_EEPROM_SELECT |
-               CTL_STORE, CTL_REG);
-       timeout = 100;
-       while ((SMC_inw(&dev, CTL_REG) & CTL_STORE) && --timeout)
-               udelay(100);
-       if (timeout == 0) {
-               printf("Timeout writing register %02x\n", reg);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return 1;
-static int write_data(u16 *buf, int len)
-       u16 reg = 0x23;
-       while (len--)
-               write_eeprom_reg(*buf++, reg++);
-       return 0;
-static int verify_macaddr(char *s)
-       u16 reg;
-       int i, err = 0;
-       puts("HWaddr: ");
-       for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-               reg = read_eeprom_reg(0x20 + i);
-               printf("%02x:%02x%c", reg & 0xff, reg >> 8, i != 2 ? ':' : '\n');
-               if (s)
-                       err |= reg != ((u16 *)s)[i];
-       }
-       return err ? 0 : 1;
-static int set_mac(char *s)
-       int i;
-       char *e, eaddr[6];
-       /* turn string into mac value */
-       for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-               eaddr[i] = simple_strtoul(s, &e, 16);
-               s = (*e) ? e+1 : e;
-       }
-       for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-               write_eeprom_reg(*(((u16 *)eaddr) + i), 0x20 + i);
-       return 0;
-static int parse_element(char *s, unsigned char *buf, int len)
-       int cnt;
-       char *p, num[3];
-       unsigned char id;
-       id = simple_strtoul(s, &p, 16);
-       if (*p++ != ':')
-               return -1;
-       cnt = 2;
-       num[2] = 0;
-       for (; *p; p += 2) {
-               if (p[1] == 0)
-                       return -2;
-               if (cnt + 3 > len)
-                       return -3;
-               num[0] = p[0];
-               num[1] = p[1];
-               buf[cnt++] = simple_strtoul(num, NULL, 16);
-       }
-       buf[0] = id;
-       buf[1] = cnt - 2;
-       return cnt;
-int eeprom(int argc, char * const argv[])
-       int i, len, ret;
-       unsigned char buf[58], *p;
-       app_startup(argv);
-       i = get_version();
-       if (i != XF_VERSION) {
-               printf("Using ABI version %d, but U-Boot provides %d\n",
-                       XF_VERSION, i);
-               return 1;
-       }
-       if ((SMC_inw(&dev, BANK_SELECT) & 0xFF00) != 0x3300) {
-               puts("SMSC91111 not found\n");
-               return 2;
-       }
-       /* Called without parameters - print MAC address */
-       if (argc < 2) {
-               verify_macaddr(NULL);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       /* Print help message */
-       if (argv[1][1] == 'h') {
-               puts("NetStar EEPROM writer\n"
-                       "Built: " U_BOOT_DATE " at " U_BOOT_TIME "\n"
-                       "Usage:\n\t<mac_address> [<element_1>] [<...>]\n");
-               return 0;
-       }
-       /* Try to parse information elements */
-       len = sizeof(buf);
-       p = buf;
-       for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
-               ret = parse_element(argv[i], p, len);
-               switch (ret) {
-               case -1:
-                       printf("Element %d: malformed\n", i - 1);
-                       return 3;
-               case -2:
-                       printf("Element %d: odd character count\n", i - 1);
-                       return 3;
-               case -3:
-                       puts("Out of EEPROM memory\n");
-                       return 3;
-               default:
-                       p += ret;
-                       len -= ret;
-               }
-       }
-       /* First argument (MAC) is mandatory */
-       set_mac(argv[1]);
-       if (verify_macaddr(argv[1])) {
-               puts("*** HWaddr does not match! ***\n");
-               return 4;
-       }
-       while (len--)
-               *p++ = 0;
-       write_data((u16 *)buf, sizeof(buf) >> 1);
-       return 0;
diff --git a/board/netstar/netstar.c b/board/netstar/netstar.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index df1704b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
- * (C) Copyright 2005 2N TELEKOMUNIKACE, Ladislav Michl
- *
- * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
- * project.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include <common.h>
-#include <netdev.h>
-#include <i2c.h>
-#include <flash.h>
-#include <nand.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-int board_init(void)
-       /* arch number of NetStar board */
-       gd->bd->bi_arch_number = MACH_TYPE_NETSTAR;
-       /* adress of boot parameters */
-       gd->bd->bi_boot_params = 0x10000100;
-       return 0;
-int dram_init(void)
-       gd->bd->bi_dram[0].start = PHYS_SDRAM_1;
-       gd->bd->bi_dram[0].size = PHYS_SDRAM_1_SIZE;
-       /* Take the Ethernet controller out of reset and wait
-        * for the EEPROM load to complete. */
-       *((volatile unsigned short *) GPIO_DATA_OUTPUT_REG) |= 0x80;
-       udelay(10);     /* doesn't work before timer_init call */
-       *((volatile unsigned short *) GPIO_DATA_OUTPUT_REG) &= ~0x80;
-       udelay(500);
-       return 0;
-int misc_init_r(void)
-#if defined(CONFIG_RTC_DS1307)
-       /* enable trickle charge */
-       i2c_reg_write(CONFIG_SYS_I2C_RTC_ADDR, 0x10, 0xaa);
-       return 0;
-int board_late_init(void)
-       return 0;
-#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_FLASH)
-ulong board_flash_get_legacy(ulong base, int banknum, flash_info_t * info)
-       if (banknum == 0) {     /* AM29LV800 boot flash */
-               info->portwidth = FLASH_CFI_16BIT;
-               info->chipwidth = FLASH_CFI_BY16;
-               info->interface = FLASH_CFI_X16;
-               return 1;
-       }
-       return 0;
-#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NAND)
- *     hardware specific access to control-lines
- *
- *     NAND_NCE: bit 0 - don't care
- *     NAND_CLE: bit 1 -> bit 1  (0x0002)
- *     NAND_ALE: bit 2 -> bit 2  (0x0004)
- */
-static void netstar_nand_hwcontrol(struct mtd_info *mtd, int cmd,
-       unsigned int ctrl)
-       struct nand_chip *chip = mtd->priv;
-       unsigned long mask;
-       if (cmd == NAND_CMD_NONE)
-               return;
-       mask = (ctrl & NAND_CLE) ? 0x02 : 0;
-       if (ctrl & NAND_ALE)
-               mask |= 0x04;
-       writeb(cmd, (unsigned long)chip->IO_ADDR_W | mask);
-int board_nand_init(struct nand_chip *nand)
-       nand->options = NAND_SAMSUNG_LP_OPTIONS;
-       nand->ecc.mode = NAND_ECC_SOFT;
-       nand->cmd_ctrl = netstar_nand_hwcontrol;
-       nand->chip_delay = 400;
-       return 0;
-int board_eth_init(bd_t *bis)
-       int rc = 0;
-#ifdef CONFIG_SMC91111
-       rc = smc91111_initialize(0, CONFIG_SMC91111_BASE);
-       return rc;
diff --git a/board/netstar/setup.S b/board/netstar/setup.S
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 72e1811..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
- * Board specific setup info
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2004 Ales Jindra <[email protected]>
- * (C) Copyright 2005 Ladislav Michl <[email protected]>
- *
- * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
- * project.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <version.h>
-       .word   CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE    /* SDRAM load addr from config.mk */
-OMAP5910_LPG1_BASE:            .word 0xfffbd000
-OMAP5910_TIPB_SWITCHES_BASE:   .word 0xfffbc800
-OMAP5910_MPU_TC_BASE:          .word 0xfffecc00
-OMAP5910_MPU_CLKM_BASE:                .word 0xfffece00
-OMAP5910_ULPD_PWR_MNG_BASE:    .word 0xfffe0800
-OMAP5910_DPLL1_BASE:           .word 0xfffecf00
-OMAP5910_GPIO_BASE:            .word 0xfffce000
-OMAP5910_MPU_WD_TIMER_BASE:    .word 0xfffec800
-OMAP5910_MPUI_BASE:            .word 0xfffec900
-_OMAP5910_ARM_CKCTL:           .word OMAP5910_ARM_CKCTL
-_OMAP5910_ARM_EN_CLK:          .word OMAP5910_ARM_EN_CLK
-OMAP5910_MPUI_CTRL:            .word 0x0000ff1b
-VAL_EMIFS_CS0_CONFIG:          .word 0x00009090
-VAL_EMIFS_CS1_CONFIG:          .word 0x00003031
-VAL_EMIFS_CS2_CONFIG:          .word 0x0000a0a1
-VAL_EMIFS_CS3_CONFIG:          .word 0x0000c0c0
-VAL_EMIFS_DYN_WAIT:            .word 0x00000000
-/* autorefresh counter 0x246 ((64000000/13.4)-400)/8192) */
-                               /*     SLRF       SD_RET     ARE        SDRAM_TYPE   ARCV           SDRAM_FREQUENCY PWD     CLK */
-#if (PHYS_SDRAM_1_SIZE == SZ_32M)
-VAL_EMIFF_SDRAM_CONFIG:                .word ((0 << 0) | (0 << 1) | (3 << 2) | (0xf << 4) | (0x246 << 8) | (0 << 24) | (0 << 26) | (0 << 27))
-VAL_EMIFF_SDRAM_CONFIG:                .word ((0 << 0) | (0 << 1) | (3 << 2) | (0xd << 4) | (0x246 << 8) | (0 << 24) | (0 << 26) | (0 << 27))
-VAL_EMIFF_SDRAM_CONFIG2:       .word 0x00000003
-VAL_EMIFF_MRS:                 .word 0x00000037
- * GPIO04 - Green LED (Red LED is connected to LED Pulse Generator)
- * GPIO07 - LAN91C111 reset
- */
-       .word 0x0000ff6f
- * Disable everything (green LED is connected via invertor)
- */
-       .word 0x00000010
-       .word 0xfffe1000
-       .align 4
-       .word 0x00000000        @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_0
-       .word 0x00000000        @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_1
-       .word 0x00000000        @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_2
-       .word 0x00000000        @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_3
-       .word 0x00000000        @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_4
-       .word 0x02080480        @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_5
-       .word 0x0100001c        @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_6
-       .word 0x0004800b        @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_7
-       .word 0x10001200        @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_8
-       .word 0x01201012        @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_9
-       .word 0x02082248        @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_A
-       .word 0x00000248        @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_B
-       .word 0x12240000        @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_C
-       .word 0x00002000        @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_D
-       .word 0x00000000        @ PULL_DWN_CTRL_0
-       .word 0x00000800        @ PULL_DWN_CTRL_1
-       .word 0x01801000        @ PULL_DWN_CTRL_2
-       .word 0x00000000        @ PULL_DWN_CTRL_3
-       .word 0x00000000        @ GATE_INH_CTRL_0
-       .word 0x00000000        @ VOLTAGE_CTRL_0
-       .word 0x00000000        @ TEST_DBG_CTRL_0
-       .word 0x00000006        @ MOD_CONF_CTRL_0
-       .word 0x0000eaef        @ COMP_MODE_CTRL_0
-       .align 1
-       .byte 0x00              @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_0
-       .byte 0x04              @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_1
-       .byte 0x08              @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_2
-       .byte 0x10              @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_3
-       .byte 0x14              @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_4
-       .byte 0x18              @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_5
-       .byte 0x1c              @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_6
-       .byte 0x20              @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_7
-       .byte 0x24              @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_8
-       .byte 0x28              @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_9
-       .byte 0x2c              @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_A
-       .byte 0x30              @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_B
-       .byte 0x34              @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_C
-       .byte 0x38              @ FUNC_MUX_CTRL_D
-       .byte 0x40              @ PULL_DWN_CTRL_0
-       .byte 0x44              @ PULL_DWN_CTRL_1
-       .byte 0x48              @ PULL_DWN_CTRL_2
-       .byte 0x4c              @ PULL_DWN_CTRL_3
-       .byte 0x50              @ GATE_INH_CTRL_0
-       .byte 0x60              @ VOLTAGE_CTRL_0
-       .byte 0x70              @ TEST_DBG_CTRL_0
-       .byte 0x80              @ MOD_CONF_CTRL_0
-       .byte 0x0c              @ COMP_MODE_CTRL_0
-       .byte 0xff
-.globl lowlevel_init
-       /* Improve performance a bit... */
-       mrc     p15, 0, r1, c0, c0, 0           @ read C15 ID register
-       mrc     p15, 0, r1, c0, c0, 1           @ read C15 Cache information register
-       mrc     p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 0           @ read C15 Control register
-       orr     r1, r1, #0x1000                 @ enable I-cache, map interrupt vector 0xffff0000
-       mcr     p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 0           @ write C15 Control register
-       mov     r1, #0x00
-       mcr     p15, 0, r1, c7, c5, 0           @ Flush I-cache
-       nop
-       nop
-       nop
-       nop
-       /* Setup clocking mode */
-       ldr     r0, OMAP5910_MPU_CLKM_BASE      @ base of CLOCK unit
-       ldrh    r1, [r0, #0x18]                 @ ARM_SYST - get reset status
-       bic     r1, r1, #(7 << 11)              @ clear clock select
-       orr     r1, r1, #(2 << 11)              @ set synchronous scalable
-       mov     r2, #0
-       cmp     r2, #1                          @ this loop will wait for at least 100 cycles
-       streqh  r1, [r0, #0x18]                 @ before issuing next request from MPU
-       add     r2, r2, #1                      @ on the 1st run code is loaded into I-cache
-       cmp     r2, #16                         @ and second run will set clocking mode
-       bne     loop
-       nop
-       /* Setup clock dividers */
-       ldr     r1, _OMAP5910_ARM_CKCTL
-       orr     r1, r1, #0x2000                 @ enable DSP clock
-       strh    r1, [r0]                        @ setup clock divisors
-       /* Setup DPLL to generate requested freq */
-       ldr     r0, OMAP5910_DPLL1_BASE         @ base of DPLL1 register
-       mov     r1, #0x0010                     @ set PLL_ENABLE
-       orr     r1, r1, #0x2000                 @ set IOB to new locking
-       orr     r1, r1, #(OMAP5910_DPLL_MUL << 7) @ setup multiplier CLKREF
-       orr     r1, r1, #(OMAP5910_DPLL_DIV << 5) @ setup divider CLKREF
-       strh    r1, [r0]                        @ write
-       ldrh    r1, [r0]                        @ get DPLL value
-       tst     r1, #0x01
-       beq     locking                         @ while LOCK not set
-       /* Enable clock */
-       ldr     r0, OMAP5910_MPU_CLKM_BASE      @ base of CLOCK unit
-       mov     r1, #(1 << 10)                  @ disable idle mode do not check
-                                               @ nWAKEUP pin, other remain active
-       strh    r1, [r0, #0x04]
-       ldr     r1, _OMAP5910_ARM_EN_CLK
-       strh    r1, [r0, #0x08]
-       mov     r1, #0x003f                     @ FLASH.RP not enabled in idle and
-       strh    r1, [r0, #0x0c]                 @ max delayed ( 32 x CLKIN )
-       /* Configure 5910 pins functions to match our board. */
-       ldr     r0, MUX_CONFIG_BASE
-       adr     r1, MUX_CONFIG_VALUES
-       adr     r2, MUX_CONFIG_OFFSETS
-       ldrb    r3, [r2], #1
-       ldr     r4, [r1], #4
-       cmp     r3, #0xff
-       strne   r4, [r0, r3]
-       bne     next_mux_cfg
-       /* Configure GPIO pins (also disables Green LED) */
-       ldr     r0, OMAP5910_GPIO_BASE
-       ldr     r1, GPIO_OUTPUT
-       strh    r1, [r0, #0x04]
-       ldr     r1, GPIO_DIRECTION
-       strh    r1, [r0, #0x08]
-       /* EnablePeripherals */
-       ldr     r0, OMAP5910_MPU_CLKM_BASE      @ CLOCK unit
-       mov     r1, #0x0001                     @ Peripheral enable
-       strh    r1, [r0, #0x14]
-       /* Program LED Pulse Generator */
-       ldr     r0, OMAP5910_LPG1_BASE          @ 1st LED Pulse Generator
-       mov     r1, #0x7F                       @ Set obscure frequency in
-       strb    r1, [r0, #0x00]                 @ LCR
-       mov     r1, #0x01                       @ Enable clock (CLK_EN) in
-       strb    r1, [r0, #0x04]                 @ PMR
-       /* TIPB Lock UART1 */
-       ldr     r0, OMAP5910_TIPB_SWITCHES_BASE @ prepare base of TIPB switches
-       mov     r1, #1                          @ ARM allocated
-       strh    r1, [r0,#0x04]                  @ clear IRQ line and status bits
-       strh    r1, [r0,#0x00]
-       ldrh    r1, [r0,#0x04]
-       /* Disable watchdog */
-       ldr     r0, OMAP5910_MPU_WD_TIMER_BASE
-       mov     r1, #0xf5
-       strh    r1, [r0, #0x8]
-       mov     r1, #0xa0
-       strh    r1, [r0, #0x8]
-       /* Enable MCLK */
-       ldr     r0, OMAP5910_ULPD_PWR_MNG_BASE
-       mov     r1, #0x6
-       strh    r1, [r0, #0x34]
-       strh    r1, [r0, #0x34]
-       /* Setup clock divisors */
-       ldr     r0, OMAP5910_ULPD_PWR_MNG_BASE  @ base of ULDPL DPLL1 register
-       mov     r1, #0x0010                     @ set PLL_ENABLE
-       orr     r1, r1, #0x2000                 @ set IOB to new locking
-       strh    r1, [r0]                        @ write
-       ldrh    r1, [r0]                        @ get DPLL value
-       tst     r1, #1
-       beq     ulocking                        @ while LOCK not set
-       /* EMIF init */
-       ldr     r0, OMAP5910_MPU_TC_BASE
-       ldrh    r1, [r0, #0x0c]                 @ EMIFS_CONFIG_REG
-       bic     r1, r1, #0x0c                   @ pwr down disabled, flash WP
-       orr     r1, r1, #0x01
-       str     r1, [r0, #0x0c]
-       ldr     r1, VAL_EMIFS_CS0_CONFIG
-       str     r1, [r0, #0x10]                 @ EMIFS_CS0_CONFIG
-       ldr     r1, VAL_EMIFS_CS1_CONFIG
-       str     r1, [r0, #0x14]                 @ EMIFS_CS1_CONFIG
-       ldr     r1, VAL_EMIFS_CS2_CONFIG
-       str     r1, [r0, #0x18]                 @ EMIFS_CS2_CONFIG
-       ldr     r1, VAL_EMIFS_CS3_CONFIG
-       str     r1, [r0, #0x1c]                 @ EMIFS_CS3_CONFIG
-       ldr     r1, VAL_EMIFS_DYN_WAIT
-       str     r1, [r0, #0x40]                 @ EMIFS_CFG_DYN_WAIT
-       /* Setup SDRAM */
-       ldr     r1, VAL_EMIFF_SDRAM_CONFIG
-       str     r1, [r0, #0x20]                 @ EMIFF_SDRAM_CONFIG
-       ldr     r1, VAL_EMIFF_SDRAM_CONFIG2
-       str     r1, [r0, #0x3c]                 @ EMIFF_SDRAM_CONFIG2
-       ldr     r1, VAL_EMIFF_MRS
-       str     r1, [r0, #0x24]                 @ EMIFF_MRS
-       /* SDRAM needs 100us to stabilize */
-       mov     r0, #0x4000
-       subs    r0, r0, #0x1
-       bne     sdelay
-       /* back to arch calling code */
-       mov     pc, lr
index 6c7775d70ec6e54ddcdb8527be401e3f4775912f..86d31b76b6f0ade2f212151993ea83cb5522bb99 100644 (file)
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ sbc2410x                     arm         arm920t     -                   -
 VCMA9                        arm         arm920t     vcma9               mpl            s3c24x0
 smdk2400                     arm         arm920t     -                   samsung        s3c24x0
 smdk2410                     arm         arm920t     -                   samsung        s3c24x0
-netstar                      arm         arm925t
 voiceblue                    arm         arm925t
 omap1510inn                  arm         arm925t     -                   ti
 integratorap_cm926ejs        arm         arm926ejs   integrator          armltd         -           integratorap
index 8d04db6b82703a735e1a81b6ae7acc564a4f7195..df14b4e0e081cc0d06fd98bcd541ec57f188e535 100644 (file)
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ easily if here is something they might want to dig for...
 Board  Arch    CPU     removed     Commit      last known maintainer/contact
+netstar        arm     arm925t -         2011-07-17
 mx1fs2 arm     arm920t -         2011-07-17
 lpd7a404 arm   lh7a40x -         2011-07-17
 edb9301        arm     arm920t -         2011-07-17
diff --git a/include/configs/netstar.h b/include/configs/netstar.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f159013..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
- * (C) Copyright 2005 2N TELEKOMUNIKACE, Ladislav Michl
- *
- * Configuation settings for the TI OMAP NetStar board.
- *
- * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
- * project.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#ifndef __CONFIG_H
-#define __CONFIG_H
-#include <configs/omap1510.h>
-#define CONFIG_ARM925T 1               /* This is an arm925t CPU */
-#define CONFIG_OMAP    1               /* in a TI OMAP core */
-#define CONFIG_OMAP1510 1              /* which is in a 5910 */
-/* Input clock of PLL */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_CLK_FREQ            150000000       /* 150MHz */
-#define CONFIG_XTAL_FREQ               12000000        /*  12MHz */
-#undef CONFIG_USE_IRQ                  /* we don't need IRQ/FIQ stuff */
-#define CONFIG_MISC_INIT_R             /* There is nothing to really init */
-#define BOARD_LATE_INIT                        /* but we flash the LEDs here */
-#define CONFIG_CMDLINE_TAG             1       /* enable passing of ATAGs */
-#define CONFIG_INITRD_TAG              1
-#define CONFIG_SILENT_CONSOLE          1       /* enable silent startup */
- * Physical Memory Map
- */
-#define CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS           1
-#define PHYS_SDRAM_1                   0x10000000
-#define PHYS_SDRAM_1_SIZE              (64 * 1024 * 1024)
-#define PHYS_FLASH_1                   0x00000000
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_BASE                PHYS_FLASH_1
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_LEN         (256 * 1024)
- * Environment settings
- */
-#define CONFIG_ENV_ADDR                        0x4000
-#define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE                        (8 * 1024)
-#define CONFIG_ENV_SECT_SIZE           (8 * 1024)
-#define CONFIG_ENV_ADDR_REDUND         0x6000
- * Size of malloc() pool
- */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN          (4 * 1024 * 1024)
- * The stack size is set up in start.S using the settings below
- */
-#define CONFIG_STACKSIZE               (1 * 1024 * 1024)
- * Hardware drivers
- */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_NS16550
-#define CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_SERIAL
-#define CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_REG_SIZE    (-4)
-#define CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_CLK         (CONFIG_XTAL_FREQ)
-#define CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_COM1                OMAP1510_UART1_BASE
-#define CONFIG_SMC91111
-#define CONFIG_SMC91111_BASE           0x04000300
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_SECT      19
-#define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_BASE           0x04000000 + (2 << 23)
-#define NAND_ALLOW_ERASE_ALL           1
-#define CONFIG_HARD_I2C
-#define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SPEED           100000
-#define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SLAVE           1
-#define CONFIG_RTC_DS1307
-#define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_RTC_ADDR                0x68
-#define CONFIG_CONS_INDEX              1
-#define CONFIG_BAUDRATE                        115200
-#define CONFIG_SYS_BAUDRATE_TABLE      { 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 }
- * Partitions (mtdparts command line support)
- */
-#define MTDIDS_DEFAULT         "nor0=physmap-flash.0,nand0=gen_nand.0"
-#define MTDPARTS_DEFAULT       "mtdparts=" \
-       "physmap-flash.0:8k@16k(env),8k(r_env),448k@576k(u-boot);" \
-       "gen_nand.0:4M(kernel0),40M(rootfs0),4M(kernel1),40M(rootfs1),-(data)"
- * Command line configuration
- */
- * BOOTP options
- */
-#define CONFIG_BOOTDELAY       3
-#define CONFIG_ZERO_BOOTDELAY_CHECK    /* allow to break in always */
-#undef  CONFIG_BOOTARGS                /* the boot command will set bootargs*/
-#define CONFIG_SYS_AUTOLOAD            "n"             /* No autoload */
-#define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND     "run fboot"
-#define CONFIG_PREBOOT         "run setup"
-#define        CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS                                       \
-       "autostart=yes\0"                                               \
-       "ospart=0\0"                                                    \
-       "setup=setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,$baudrate $mtdparts\0"     \
-       "setpart="                                                      \
-       "if test -n $swapos; then "                                     \
-               "setenv swapos; saveenv; "                              \
-               "if test $ospart -eq 0; then "                          \
-                       "setenv ospart 1; "                             \
-               "else "                                                 \
-                       "setenv ospart 0; "                             \
-               "fi; "                                                  \
-       "fi\0"                                                          \
-       "nfsargs=setenv bootargs $bootargs "                            \
-               "ip=$ipaddr:$serverip:$gatewayip:$netmask:$hostname::off " \
-               "nfsroot=$rootpath root=/dev/nfs\0"                     \
-       "flashargs=run setpart;setenv bootargs $bootargs "              \
-               "root=mtd:rootfs$ospart ro "                            \
-               "rootfstype=jffs2\0"                                    \
-       "ip=$ipaddr:$serverip:$gatewayip:$netmask:$hostname::off\0"     \
-       "fboot=run flashargs;nboot kernel$ospart\0"                     \
-       "nboot=bootp;run nfsargs;tftp\0"
-#if 0  /* feel free to disable for development */
-#define        CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_KEYED           /* Enable password protection   */
-#define CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_PROMPT         \
-       "\nNetStar PBX - boot in %d secs...\n", bootdelay
-#define CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_DELAY_STR      "."     /* 1st "password"       */
- * Miscellaneous configurable options
- */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT              "# "
-#define CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE              256
-#define CONFIG_SYS_PBSIZE              (CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE + \
-        sizeof(CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT) + 16)
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS             16
-#define CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT_HUSH_PS2     "> "
-#define CONFIG_SYS_LOAD_ADDR           (PHYS_SDRAM_1 + 0x400000)
-/* The 1510 has 3 timers, they can be driven by the RefClk (12MHz) or by DPLL1.
- * This time is further subdivided by a local divisor.
- */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_PTV                 7
-#define CONFIG_SYS_HZ                  1000
-#define OMAP5910_DPLL_DIV              1
-#define OMAP5910_DPLL_MUL              \
-#define OMAP5910_ARM_PER_DIV   2       /* CKL/4 */
-#define OMAP5910_LCD_DIV       2       /* CKL/4 */
-#define OMAP5910_ARM_DIV       0       /* CKL/1 */
-#define OMAP5910_DSP_DIV       0       /* CKL/1 */
-#define OMAP5910_TC_DIV                1       /* CKL/2 */
-#define OMAP5910_DSP_MMU_DIV   1       /* CKL/2 */
-#define OMAP5910_ARM_TIM_SEL   1       /* CKL used for MPU timers */
-#define OMAP5910_ARM_EN_CLK    0x03d6  /* 0000 0011 1101 0110b */
-#define OMAP5910_ARM_CKCTL     ((OMAP5910_ARM_PER_DIV)  |      \
-                                (OMAP5910_LCD_DIV << 2) |      \
-                                (OMAP5910_ARM_DIV << 4) |      \
-                                (OMAP5910_DSP_DIV << 6) |      \
-                                (OMAP5910_TC_DIV << 8) |       \
-                                (OMAP5910_DSP_MMU_DIV << 10) | \
-                                (OMAP5910_ARM_TIM_SEL << 12))
-#endif /* __CONFIG_H */
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