For more details refer Chapter 2 - System Boot and section 2.14
(flash header description) of the processor's manual.
-This implementation does not use at the moment the secure boot feature
-of the processor. The image is generated disabling all security fields.
Command syntax:
./tools/mkimage -l <mx u-boot_file>
+ CSF value
+ Total size of CSF (Command Sequence File)
+ used for Secure Boot/ High Assurance Boot
+ (HAB).
+ Using this command will populate the IVT
+ (Initial Vector Table) CSF pointer and adjust
+ the length fields only. The CSF itself needs
+ to be generated with Freescale tools and
+ 'manually' appended to the u-boot.imx file.
+ The CSF is then simply concatenated
+ to the u-boot image, making a signed bootloader,
+ that the processor can verify
+ if the fuses for the keys are burned.
+ Further infos how to configure the SOC to verify
+ the bootloader can be found in the "High
+ Assurance Boot Version Application Programming
+ Interface Reference Manual" as part of the
+ Freescale Code Signing Tool, available on the
+ manufacturer's website.
+ Example:
+ CSF 0x2000
DATA type address value
type: word=4, halfword=2, byte=1
DATA 4 0x73FA88a0 0x200
The processor support up to 60 register programming commands for IMXIMAGE_VERSION 1
-and 121 register programming commands for IMXIMAGE_VERSION 2.
+and 220 register programming commands for IMXIMAGE_VERSION 2.
An error is generated if more commands are found in the configuration file.
3. All commands are optional to program.