+ int ret_val = FPGA_FAIL;
+ xilinx_virtex2_slave_fns *fn = desc->iface_fns;
+ unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *)buf;
+ int cookie = desc->cookie;
+ ret_val = virtex2_slave_pre(fn, cookie);
+ if (ret_val != FPGA_SUCCESS)
+ return ret_val;
+ if (fn->wbulkdata) {
+ /* Load the data in a single chunk */
+ (*fn->wbulkdata)(data, bsize, true, cookie);
+ } else {
+ size_t bytecount = 0;
+ /*
+ * Load the data bit by bit
+ */
+ while (bytecount < bsize) {
+ unsigned char curr_data = data[bytecount++];
+ int bit;
+ if (ctrlc()) {
+ (*fn->abort) (cookie);
+ return FPGA_FAIL;
+ }
+ if ((*fn->done)(cookie) == FPGA_SUCCESS) {
+ PRINTF("%s:%d:done went active early, bytecount = %d\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, bytecount);
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((*fn->init)(cookie)) {
+ printf("\n%s:%d: ** Error: INIT asserted during configuration\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__);
+ printf("%zu = buffer offset, %zu = buffer size\n",
+ bytecount, bsize);
+ (*fn->abort)(cookie);
+ return FPGA_FAIL;
+ }
+ for (bit = 7; bit >= 0; --bit) {
+ unsigned char curr_bit = (curr_data >> bit) & 1;
+ (*fn->wdata)(curr_bit, true, cookie);
+ (*fn->clk)(false, true, cookie);
+ (*fn->clk)(true, true, cookie);
+ }
+ /* Slave serial never uses a busy pin */
+ if (bytecount % (bsize / 40) == 0)
+ putc('.');
+ }
+ }
+ return virtex2_slave_post(fn, cookie);