Commit | Line | Data |
1 | # Originally from Debian's Lintian tool. Various false positives have been | |
2 | # removed, and various additions have been made as they've been discovered | |
3 | # in the kernel source. | |
4 | # | |
5 | # License: GPLv2 | |
6 | # | |
7 | # The format of each line is: | |
8 | # mistake||correction | |
9 | # | |
10 | abandonning||abandoning | |
11 | abigious||ambiguous | |
12 | abitrary||arbitrary | |
13 | abitrate||arbitrate | |
14 | abnornally||abnormally | |
15 | abnrormal||abnormal | |
16 | abord||abort | |
17 | aboslute||absolute | |
18 | abov||above | |
19 | abreviated||abbreviated | |
20 | absense||absence | |
21 | absolut||absolute | |
22 | absoulte||absolute | |
23 | acccess||access | |
24 | acceess||access | |
25 | accelaration||acceleration | |
26 | acceleratoin||acceleration | |
27 | accelleration||acceleration | |
28 | accesing||accessing | |
29 | accesnt||accent | |
30 | accessable||accessible | |
31 | accesss||access | |
32 | accidentaly||accidentally | |
33 | accidentually||accidentally | |
34 | acclerated||accelerated | |
35 | accoding||according | |
36 | accomodate||accommodate | |
37 | accomodates||accommodates | |
38 | accordign||according | |
39 | accoring||according | |
40 | accout||account | |
41 | accquire||acquire | |
42 | accquired||acquired | |
43 | accross||across | |
44 | accumalate||accumulate | |
45 | accumalator||accumulator | |
46 | acessable||accessible | |
47 | acess||access | |
48 | acessing||accessing | |
49 | achitecture||architecture | |
50 | acient||ancient | |
51 | acitions||actions | |
52 | acitve||active | |
53 | acknowldegement||acknowledgment | |
54 | acknowledgement||acknowledgment | |
55 | ackowledge||acknowledge | |
56 | ackowledged||acknowledged | |
57 | acording||according | |
58 | activete||activate | |
59 | actived||activated | |
60 | actualy||actually | |
61 | acumulating||accumulating | |
62 | acumulative||accumulative | |
63 | acumulator||accumulator | |
64 | acutally||actually | |
65 | adapater||adapter | |
66 | addional||additional | |
67 | additionaly||additionally | |
68 | additonal||additional | |
69 | addres||address | |
70 | adddress||address | |
71 | addreses||addresses | |
72 | addresss||address | |
73 | addrress||address | |
74 | aditional||additional | |
75 | aditionally||additionally | |
76 | aditionaly||additionally | |
77 | adminstrative||administrative | |
78 | adress||address | |
79 | adresses||addresses | |
80 | adrresses||addresses | |
81 | advertisment||advertisement | |
82 | adviced||advised | |
83 | afecting||affecting | |
84 | againt||against | |
85 | agaist||against | |
86 | aggreataon||aggregation | |
87 | aggreation||aggregation | |
88 | ajust||adjust | |
89 | albumns||albums | |
90 | alegorical||allegorical | |
91 | algined||aligned | |
92 | algorith||algorithm | |
93 | algorithmical||algorithmically | |
94 | algoritm||algorithm | |
95 | algoritms||algorithms | |
96 | algorithmn||algorithm | |
97 | algorrithm||algorithm | |
98 | algorritm||algorithm | |
99 | aligment||alignment | |
100 | alignement||alignment | |
101 | allign||align | |
102 | alligned||aligned | |
103 | alllocate||allocate | |
104 | alloated||allocated | |
105 | allocatote||allocate | |
106 | allocatrd||allocated | |
107 | allocte||allocate | |
108 | allocted||allocated | |
109 | allpication||application | |
110 | alocate||allocate | |
111 | alogirhtms||algorithms | |
112 | alogrithm||algorithm | |
113 | alot||a lot | |
114 | alow||allow | |
115 | alows||allows | |
116 | alreay||already | |
117 | alredy||already | |
118 | altough||although | |
119 | alue||value | |
120 | ambigious||ambiguous | |
121 | ambigous||ambiguous | |
122 | amoung||among | |
123 | amout||amount | |
124 | amplifer||amplifier | |
125 | amplifyer||amplifier | |
126 | an union||a union | |
127 | an user||a user | |
128 | an userspace||a userspace | |
129 | an one||a one | |
130 | analysator||analyzer | |
131 | ang||and | |
132 | anniversery||anniversary | |
133 | annoucement||announcement | |
134 | anomolies||anomalies | |
135 | anomoly||anomaly | |
136 | anway||anyway | |
137 | aplication||application | |
138 | appearence||appearance | |
139 | applicaion||application | |
140 | appliction||application | |
141 | applictions||applications | |
142 | applys||applies | |
143 | appplications||applications | |
144 | appropiate||appropriate | |
145 | appropriatly||appropriately | |
146 | approriate||appropriate | |
147 | approriately||appropriately | |
148 | apropriate||appropriate | |
149 | aquainted||acquainted | |
150 | aquired||acquired | |
151 | aquisition||acquisition | |
152 | arbitary||arbitrary | |
153 | architechture||architecture | |
154 | arguement||argument | |
155 | arguements||arguments | |
156 | arithmatic||arithmetic | |
157 | aritmetic||arithmetic | |
158 | arne't||aren't | |
159 | arraival||arrival | |
160 | artifical||artificial | |
161 | artillary||artillery | |
162 | asign||assign | |
163 | asser||assert | |
164 | assertation||assertion | |
165 | assertting||asserting | |
166 | assgined||assigned | |
167 | assiged||assigned | |
168 | assigment||assignment | |
169 | assigments||assignments | |
170 | assistent||assistant | |
171 | assocaited||associated | |
172 | assocating||associating | |
173 | assocation||association | |
174 | associcated||associated | |
175 | assotiated||associated | |
176 | asssert||assert | |
177 | assum||assume | |
178 | assumtpion||assumption | |
179 | asuming||assuming | |
180 | asycronous||asynchronous | |
181 | asynchnous||asynchronous | |
182 | asynchromous||asynchronous | |
183 | asymetric||asymmetric | |
184 | asymmeric||asymmetric | |
185 | atleast||at least | |
186 | atomatically||automatically | |
187 | atomicly||atomically | |
188 | atempt||attempt | |
189 | atrributes||attributes | |
190 | attachement||attachment | |
191 | attatch||attach | |
192 | attched||attached | |
193 | attemp||attempt | |
194 | attemps||attempts | |
195 | attemping||attempting | |
196 | attepmpt||attempt | |
197 | attnetion||attention | |
198 | attruibutes||attributes | |
199 | authentification||authentication | |
200 | authenicated||authenticated | |
201 | automaticaly||automatically | |
202 | automaticly||automatically | |
203 | automatize||automate | |
204 | automatized||automated | |
205 | automatizes||automates | |
206 | autonymous||autonomous | |
207 | auxillary||auxiliary | |
208 | auxilliary||auxiliary | |
209 | avaiable||available | |
210 | avaible||available | |
211 | availabe||available | |
212 | availabled||available | |
213 | availablity||availability | |
214 | availaible||available | |
215 | availale||available | |
216 | availavility||availability | |
217 | availble||available | |
218 | availiable||available | |
219 | availible||available | |
220 | avalable||available | |
221 | avaliable||available | |
222 | aysnc||async | |
223 | backgroud||background | |
224 | backword||backward | |
225 | backwords||backwards | |
226 | bahavior||behavior | |
227 | bakup||backup | |
228 | baloon||balloon | |
229 | baloons||balloons | |
230 | bandwith||bandwidth | |
231 | banlance||balance | |
232 | batery||battery | |
233 | beacuse||because | |
234 | becasue||because | |
235 | becomming||becoming | |
236 | becuase||because | |
237 | beeing||being | |
238 | befor||before | |
239 | begining||beginning | |
240 | beter||better | |
241 | betweeen||between | |
242 | bianries||binaries | |
243 | bitmast||bitmask | |
244 | boardcast||broadcast | |
245 | borad||board | |
246 | boundry||boundary | |
247 | brievely||briefly | |
248 | brigde||bridge | |
249 | broadcase||broadcast | |
250 | broadcat||broadcast | |
251 | bufer||buffer | |
252 | bufufer||buffer | |
253 | cacluated||calculated | |
254 | caculate||calculate | |
255 | caculation||calculation | |
256 | cadidate||candidate | |
257 | cahces||caches | |
258 | calender||calendar | |
259 | calescing||coalescing | |
260 | calle||called | |
261 | callibration||calibration | |
262 | callled||called | |
263 | callser||caller | |
264 | calucate||calculate | |
265 | calulate||calculate | |
266 | cancelation||cancellation | |
267 | cancle||cancel | |
268 | canot||cannot | |
269 | capabilites||capabilities | |
270 | capabilties||capabilities | |
271 | capabilty||capability | |
272 | capabitilies||capabilities | |
273 | capablity||capability | |
274 | capatibilities||capabilities | |
275 | capapbilities||capabilities | |
276 | caputure||capture | |
277 | carefuly||carefully | |
278 | cariage||carriage | |
279 | catagory||category | |
280 | cehck||check | |
281 | challange||challenge | |
282 | challanges||challenges | |
283 | chache||cache | |
284 | chanell||channel | |
285 | changable||changeable | |
286 | chanined||chained | |
287 | channle||channel | |
288 | channnel||channel | |
289 | charachter||character | |
290 | charachters||characters | |
291 | charactor||character | |
292 | charater||character | |
293 | charaters||characters | |
294 | charcter||character | |
295 | chcek||check | |
296 | chck||check | |
297 | checksumed||checksummed | |
298 | checksuming||checksumming | |
299 | childern||children | |
300 | childs||children | |
301 | chiled||child | |
302 | chked||checked | |
303 | chnage||change | |
304 | chnages||changes | |
305 | chnnel||channel | |
306 | choosen||chosen | |
307 | chouse||chose | |
308 | circumvernt||circumvent | |
309 | claread||cleared | |
310 | clared||cleared | |
311 | closeing||closing | |
312 | clustred||clustered | |
313 | cnfiguration||configuration | |
314 | coexistance||coexistence | |
315 | colescing||coalescing | |
316 | collapsable||collapsible | |
317 | colorfull||colorful | |
318 | comand||command | |
319 | comit||commit | |
320 | commerical||commercial | |
321 | comming||coming | |
322 | comminucation||communication | |
323 | commited||committed | |
324 | commiting||committing | |
325 | committ||commit | |
326 | commnunication||communication | |
327 | commoditiy||commodity | |
328 | comsume||consume | |
329 | comsumer||consumer | |
330 | comsuming||consuming | |
331 | compability||compatibility | |
332 | compaibility||compatibility | |
333 | comparsion||comparison | |
334 | compatability||compatibility | |
335 | compatable||compatible | |
336 | compatibililty||compatibility | |
337 | compatibiliy||compatibility | |
338 | compatibilty||compatibility | |
339 | compatiblity||compatibility | |
340 | competion||completion | |
341 | compilant||compliant | |
342 | compleatly||completely | |
343 | completition||completion | |
344 | completly||completely | |
345 | complient||compliant | |
346 | componnents||components | |
347 | compoment||component | |
348 | comppatible||compatible | |
349 | compres||compress | |
350 | compresion||compression | |
351 | comression||compression | |
352 | comunicate||communicate | |
353 | comunication||communication | |
354 | conbination||combination | |
355 | conditionaly||conditionally | |
356 | conditon||condition | |
357 | condtion||condition | |
358 | conected||connected | |
359 | conector||connector | |
360 | configration||configuration | |
361 | configred||configured | |
362 | configuartion||configuration | |
363 | configuation||configuration | |
364 | configued||configured | |
365 | configuratoin||configuration | |
366 | configuraton||configuration | |
367 | configuretion||configuration | |
368 | configutation||configuration | |
369 | conider||consider | |
370 | conjuction||conjunction | |
371 | connecetd||connected | |
372 | connectinos||connections | |
373 | connetor||connector | |
374 | connnection||connection | |
375 | connnections||connections | |
376 | consistancy||consistency | |
377 | consistant||consistent | |
378 | containes||contains | |
379 | containts||contains | |
380 | contaisn||contains | |
381 | contant||contact | |
382 | contence||contents | |
383 | contiguos||contiguous | |
384 | continious||continuous | |
385 | continous||continuous | |
386 | continously||continuously | |
387 | continueing||continuing | |
388 | contraints||constraints | |
389 | contruct||construct | |
390 | contol||control | |
391 | contoller||controller | |
392 | controled||controlled | |
393 | controler||controller | |
394 | controll||control | |
395 | contruction||construction | |
396 | contry||country | |
397 | conuntry||country | |
398 | convertion||conversion | |
399 | convertor||converter | |
400 | convienient||convenient | |
401 | convinient||convenient | |
402 | corected||corrected | |
403 | correponding||corresponding | |
404 | correponds||corresponds | |
405 | correspoding||corresponding | |
406 | cotrol||control | |
407 | cound||could | |
408 | couter||counter | |
409 | coutner||counter | |
410 | cryptocraphic||cryptographic | |
411 | cunter||counter | |
412 | curently||currently | |
413 | cylic||cyclic | |
414 | dafault||default | |
415 | deactive||deactivate | |
416 | deafult||default | |
417 | deamon||daemon | |
418 | debouce||debounce | |
419 | decendant||descendant | |
420 | decendants||descendants | |
421 | decompres||decompress | |
422 | decsribed||described | |
423 | decription||description | |
424 | dectected||detected | |
425 | defailt||default | |
426 | deferal||deferral | |
427 | deffered||deferred | |
428 | defferred||deferred | |
429 | definate||definite | |
430 | definately||definitely | |
431 | definiation||definition | |
432 | defintion||definition | |
433 | defintions||definitions | |
434 | defualt||default | |
435 | defult||default | |
436 | deintializing||deinitializing | |
437 | deintialize||deinitialize | |
438 | deintialized||deinitialized | |
439 | deivce||device | |
440 | delared||declared | |
441 | delare||declare | |
442 | delares||declares | |
443 | delaring||declaring | |
444 | delemiter||delimiter | |
445 | delievered||delivered | |
446 | demodualtor||demodulator | |
447 | demension||dimension | |
448 | dependancies||dependencies | |
449 | dependancy||dependency | |
450 | dependant||dependent | |
451 | dependend||dependent | |
452 | depreacted||deprecated | |
453 | depreacte||deprecate | |
454 | desactivate||deactivate | |
455 | desciptor||descriptor | |
456 | desciptors||descriptors | |
457 | descripto||descriptor | |
458 | descripton||description | |
459 | descrition||description | |
460 | descritptor||descriptor | |
461 | desctiptor||descriptor | |
462 | desriptor||descriptor | |
463 | desriptors||descriptors | |
464 | desination||destination | |
465 | destionation||destination | |
466 | destoried||destroyed | |
467 | destory||destroy | |
468 | destoryed||destroyed | |
469 | destorys||destroys | |
470 | destroied||destroyed | |
471 | detabase||database | |
472 | deteced||detected | |
473 | detectt||detect | |
474 | develope||develop | |
475 | developement||development | |
476 | developped||developed | |
477 | developpement||development | |
478 | developper||developer | |
479 | developpment||development | |
480 | deveolpment||development | |
481 | devided||divided | |
482 | deviece||device | |
483 | devision||division | |
484 | diable||disable | |
485 | diabled||disabled | |
486 | dicline||decline | |
487 | dictionnary||dictionary | |
488 | didnt||didn't | |
489 | diferent||different | |
490 | differrence||difference | |
491 | diffrent||different | |
492 | differenciate||differentiate | |
493 | diffrentiate||differentiate | |
494 | difinition||definition | |
495 | digial||digital | |
496 | dimention||dimension | |
497 | dimesions||dimensions | |
498 | diconnected||disconnected | |
499 | disabed||disabled | |
500 | disble||disable | |
501 | disgest||digest | |
502 | disired||desired | |
503 | dispalying||displaying | |
504 | diplay||display | |
505 | directon||direction | |
506 | direcly||directly | |
507 | direectly||directly | |
508 | diregard||disregard | |
509 | disassocation||disassociation | |
510 | disapear||disappear | |
511 | disapeared||disappeared | |
512 | disappared||disappeared | |
513 | disbale||disable | |
514 | disbaled||disabled | |
515 | disble||disable | |
516 | disbled||disabled | |
517 | disconnet||disconnect | |
518 | discontinous||discontinuous | |
519 | disharge||discharge | |
520 | disnabled||disabled | |
521 | dispertion||dispersion | |
522 | dissapears||disappears | |
523 | dissconect||disconnect | |
524 | distiction||distinction | |
525 | divisable||divisible | |
526 | divsiors||divisors | |
527 | docuentation||documentation | |
528 | documantation||documentation | |
529 | documentaion||documentation | |
530 | documment||document | |
531 | doesnt||doesn't | |
532 | donwload||download | |
533 | donwloading||downloading | |
534 | dorp||drop | |
535 | dosen||doesn | |
536 | downlad||download | |
537 | downlads||downloads | |
538 | droped||dropped | |
539 | droput||dropout | |
540 | druing||during | |
541 | dyanmic||dynamic | |
542 | dynmaic||dynamic | |
543 | eanable||enable | |
544 | eanble||enable | |
545 | easilly||easily | |
546 | ecspecially||especially | |
547 | edditable||editable | |
548 | editting||editing | |
549 | efective||effective | |
550 | effectivness||effectiveness | |
551 | efficently||efficiently | |
552 | ehther||ether | |
553 | eigth||eight | |
554 | elementry||elementary | |
555 | eletronic||electronic | |
556 | embeded||embedded | |
557 | enabledi||enabled | |
558 | enbale||enable | |
559 | enble||enable | |
560 | enchanced||enhanced | |
561 | encorporating||incorporating | |
562 | encrupted||encrypted | |
563 | encrypiton||encryption | |
564 | encryptio||encryption | |
565 | endianess||endianness | |
566 | enpoint||endpoint | |
567 | enhaced||enhanced | |
568 | enlightnment||enlightenment | |
569 | enqueing||enqueuing | |
570 | entires||entries | |
571 | entites||entities | |
572 | entrys||entries | |
573 | enocded||encoded | |
574 | enought||enough | |
575 | enterily||entirely | |
576 | enviroiment||environment | |
577 | enviroment||environment | |
578 | environement||environment | |
579 | environent||environment | |
580 | eqivalent||equivalent | |
581 | equiped||equipped | |
582 | equivelant||equivalent | |
583 | equivilant||equivalent | |
584 | eror||error | |
585 | errorr||error | |
586 | errror||error | |
587 | estbalishment||establishment | |
588 | etsablishment||establishment | |
589 | etsbalishment||establishment | |
590 | evalute||evaluate | |
591 | evalutes||evaluates | |
592 | evalution||evaluation | |
593 | excecutable||executable | |
594 | exceded||exceeded | |
595 | exceds||exceeds | |
596 | exceeed||exceed | |
597 | excellant||excellent | |
598 | execeeded||exceeded | |
599 | execeeds||exceeds | |
600 | exeed||exceed | |
601 | exeeds||exceeds | |
602 | exeuction||execution | |
603 | existance||existence | |
604 | existant||existent | |
605 | exixt||exist | |
606 | exlcude||exclude | |
607 | exlcusive||exclusive | |
608 | exmaple||example | |
609 | expecially||especially | |
610 | experies||expires | |
611 | explicite||explicit | |
612 | explicitely||explicitly | |
613 | explict||explicit | |
614 | explictely||explicitly | |
615 | explictly||explicitly | |
616 | expresion||expression | |
617 | exprimental||experimental | |
618 | extened||extended | |
619 | exteneded||extended | |
620 | extensability||extensibility | |
621 | extention||extension | |
622 | extenstion||extension | |
623 | extracter||extractor | |
624 | faied||failed | |
625 | faield||failed | |
626 | faild||failed | |
627 | failded||failed | |
628 | failer||failure | |
629 | faill||fail | |
630 | failied||failed | |
631 | faillure||failure | |
632 | failue||failure | |
633 | failuer||failure | |
634 | failng||failing | |
635 | faireness||fairness | |
636 | falied||failed | |
637 | faliure||failure | |
638 | fallbck||fallback | |
639 | familar||familiar | |
640 | fatser||faster | |
641 | feauture||feature | |
642 | feautures||features | |
643 | fetaure||feature | |
644 | fetaures||features | |
645 | fileystem||filesystem | |
646 | fimrware||firmware | |
647 | fimware||firmware | |
648 | firmare||firmware | |
649 | firmaware||firmware | |
650 | firware||firmware | |
651 | firwmare||firmware | |
652 | finanize||finalize | |
653 | findn||find | |
654 | finilizes||finalizes | |
655 | finsih||finish | |
656 | flusing||flushing | |
657 | folloing||following | |
658 | followign||following | |
659 | followings||following | |
660 | follwing||following | |
661 | fonud||found | |
662 | forseeable||foreseeable | |
663 | forse||force | |
664 | fortan||fortran | |
665 | forwardig||forwarding | |
666 | frambuffer||framebuffer | |
667 | framming||framing | |
668 | framwork||framework | |
669 | frequence||frequency | |
670 | frequncy||frequency | |
671 | frequancy||frequency | |
672 | frome||from | |
673 | fucntion||function | |
674 | fuction||function | |
675 | fuctions||functions | |
676 | fullill||fulfill | |
677 | funcation||function | |
678 | funcion||function | |
679 | functionallity||functionality | |
680 | functionaly||functionally | |
681 | functionnality||functionality | |
682 | functonality||functionality | |
683 | funtion||function | |
684 | funtions||functions | |
685 | furthur||further | |
686 | futhermore||furthermore | |
687 | futrue||future | |
688 | gatable||gateable | |
689 | gateing||gating | |
690 | gauage||gauge | |
691 | gaurenteed||guaranteed | |
692 | generiously||generously | |
693 | genereate||generate | |
694 | genereted||generated | |
695 | genric||generic | |
696 | globel||global | |
697 | grabing||grabbing | |
698 | grahical||graphical | |
699 | grahpical||graphical | |
700 | granularty||granularity | |
701 | grapic||graphic | |
702 | grranted||granted | |
703 | guage||gauge | |
704 | guarenteed||guaranteed | |
705 | guarentee||guarantee | |
706 | halfs||halves | |
707 | hander||handler | |
708 | handfull||handful | |
709 | hanlde||handle | |
710 | hanled||handled | |
711 | happend||happened | |
712 | hardare||hardware | |
713 | harware||hardware | |
714 | havind||having | |
715 | heirarchically||hierarchically | |
716 | heirarchy||hierarchy | |
717 | helpfull||helpful | |
718 | hearbeat||heartbeat | |
719 | heterogenous||heterogeneous | |
720 | hexdecimal||hexadecimal | |
721 | hybernate||hibernate | |
722 | hierachy||hierarchy | |
723 | hierarchie||hierarchy | |
724 | homogenous||homogeneous | |
725 | howver||however | |
726 | hsould||should | |
727 | hypervior||hypervisor | |
728 | hypter||hyper | |
729 | identidier||identifier | |
730 | iligal||illegal | |
731 | illigal||illegal | |
732 | illgal||illegal | |
733 | iomaped||iomapped | |
734 | imblance||imbalance | |
735 | immeadiately||immediately | |
736 | immedaite||immediate | |
737 | immedate||immediate | |
738 | immediatelly||immediately | |
739 | immediatly||immediately | |
740 | immidiate||immediate | |
741 | immutible||immutable | |
742 | impelentation||implementation | |
743 | impementated||implemented | |
744 | implemantation||implementation | |
745 | implemenation||implementation | |
746 | implementaiton||implementation | |
747 | implementated||implemented | |
748 | implemention||implementation | |
749 | implementd||implemented | |
750 | implemetation||implementation | |
751 | implemntation||implementation | |
752 | implentation||implementation | |
753 | implmentation||implementation | |
754 | implmenting||implementing | |
755 | incative||inactive | |
756 | incomming||incoming | |
757 | incompatabilities||incompatibilities | |
758 | incompatable||incompatible | |
759 | incompatble||incompatible | |
760 | inconsistant||inconsistent | |
761 | increas||increase | |
762 | incremeted||incremented | |
763 | incrment||increment | |
764 | incuding||including | |
765 | inculde||include | |
766 | indendation||indentation | |
767 | indended||intended | |
768 | independant||independent | |
769 | independantly||independently | |
770 | independed||independent | |
771 | indiate||indicate | |
772 | indicat||indicate | |
773 | inexpect||inexpected | |
774 | inferface||interface | |
775 | infinit||infinite | |
776 | infomation||information | |
777 | informatiom||information | |
778 | informations||information | |
779 | informtion||information | |
780 | infromation||information | |
781 | ingore||ignore | |
782 | inital||initial | |
783 | initalized||initialized | |
784 | initalised||initialized | |
785 | initalise||initialize | |
786 | initalize||initialize | |
787 | initation||initiation | |
788 | initators||initiators | |
789 | initialiazation||initialization | |
790 | initializationg||initialization | |
791 | initializiation||initialization | |
792 | initialze||initialize | |
793 | initialzed||initialized | |
794 | initialzing||initializing | |
795 | initilization||initialization | |
796 | initilize||initialize | |
797 | initliaze||initialize | |
798 | initilized||initialized | |
799 | inofficial||unofficial | |
800 | inrerface||interface | |
801 | insititute||institute | |
802 | instace||instance | |
803 | instal||install | |
804 | instanciate||instantiate | |
805 | instanciated||instantiated | |
806 | instuments||instruments | |
807 | insufficent||insufficient | |
808 | inteface||interface | |
809 | integreated||integrated | |
810 | integrety||integrity | |
811 | integrey||integrity | |
812 | intendet||intended | |
813 | intented||intended | |
814 | interanl||internal | |
815 | interchangable||interchangeable | |
816 | interferring||interfering | |
817 | interger||integer | |
818 | intergrated||integrated | |
819 | intermittant||intermittent | |
820 | internel||internal | |
821 | interoprability||interoperability | |
822 | interuupt||interrupt | |
823 | interupt||interrupt | |
824 | interupts||interrupts | |
825 | interrface||interface | |
826 | interrrupt||interrupt | |
827 | interrup||interrupt | |
828 | interrups||interrupts | |
829 | interruptted||interrupted | |
830 | interupted||interrupted | |
831 | intiailized||initialized | |
832 | intial||initial | |
833 | intialisation||initialisation | |
834 | intialised||initialised | |
835 | intialise||initialise | |
836 | intialization||initialization | |
837 | intialized||initialized | |
838 | intialize||initialize | |
839 | intregral||integral | |
840 | intrerrupt||interrupt | |
841 | intrrupt||interrupt | |
842 | intterrupt||interrupt | |
843 | intuative||intuitive | |
844 | inavlid||invalid | |
845 | invaid||invalid | |
846 | invaild||invalid | |
847 | invailid||invalid | |
848 | invald||invalid | |
849 | invalde||invalid | |
850 | invalide||invalid | |
851 | invalidiate||invalidate | |
852 | invalud||invalid | |
853 | invididual||individual | |
854 | invokation||invocation | |
855 | invokations||invocations | |
856 | ireelevant||irrelevant | |
857 | irrelevent||irrelevant | |
858 | isnt||isn't | |
859 | isssue||issue | |
860 | issus||issues | |
861 | iteraions||iterations | |
862 | iternations||iterations | |
863 | itertation||iteration | |
864 | itslef||itself | |
865 | jave||java | |
866 | jeffies||jiffies | |
867 | jumpimng||jumping | |
868 | juse||just | |
869 | jus||just | |
870 | kown||known | |
871 | langage||language | |
872 | langauage||language | |
873 | langauge||language | |
874 | langugage||language | |
875 | lauch||launch | |
876 | layed||laid | |
877 | legnth||length | |
878 | leightweight||lightweight | |
879 | lengh||length | |
880 | lenght||length | |
881 | lenth||length | |
882 | lesstiff||lesstif | |
883 | libaries||libraries | |
884 | libary||library | |
885 | librairies||libraries | |
886 | libraris||libraries | |
887 | licenceing||licencing | |
888 | limted||limited | |
889 | logaritmic||logarithmic | |
890 | loggging||logging | |
891 | loggin||login | |
892 | logile||logfile | |
893 | loobpack||loopback | |
894 | loosing||losing | |
895 | losted||lost | |
896 | maangement||management | |
897 | machinary||machinery | |
898 | maibox||mailbox | |
899 | maintainance||maintenance | |
900 | maintainence||maintenance | |
901 | maintan||maintain | |
902 | makeing||making | |
903 | mailformed||malformed | |
904 | malplaced||misplaced | |
905 | malplace||misplace | |
906 | managable||manageable | |
907 | managament||management | |
908 | managment||management | |
909 | mangement||management | |
910 | manger||manager | |
911 | manoeuvering||maneuvering | |
912 | manufaucturing||manufacturing | |
913 | mappping||mapping | |
914 | maping||mapping | |
915 | matchs||matches | |
916 | mathimatical||mathematical | |
917 | mathimatic||mathematic | |
918 | mathimatics||mathematics | |
919 | maximium||maximum | |
920 | maxium||maximum | |
921 | mechamism||mechanism | |
922 | meetign||meeting | |
923 | memeory||memory | |
924 | memmber||member | |
925 | memoery||memory | |
926 | memroy||memory | |
927 | ment||meant | |
928 | mergable||mergeable | |
929 | mesage||message | |
930 | messags||messages | |
931 | messgaes||messages | |
932 | messsage||message | |
933 | messsages||messages | |
934 | metdata||metadata | |
935 | micropone||microphone | |
936 | microprocesspr||microprocessor | |
937 | migrateable||migratable | |
938 | milliseonds||milliseconds | |
939 | minium||minimum | |
940 | minimam||minimum | |
941 | miniumum||minimum | |
942 | minumum||minimum | |
943 | misalinged||misaligned | |
944 | miscelleneous||miscellaneous | |
945 | misformed||malformed | |
946 | mispelled||misspelled | |
947 | mispelt||misspelt | |
948 | mising||missing | |
949 | mismactch||mismatch | |
950 | missign||missing | |
951 | missmanaged||mismanaged | |
952 | missmatch||mismatch | |
953 | misssing||missing | |
954 | miximum||maximum | |
955 | mmnemonic||mnemonic | |
956 | mnay||many | |
957 | modfiy||modify | |
958 | modifer||modifier | |
959 | modulues||modules | |
960 | momery||memory | |
961 | memomry||memory | |
962 | monitring||monitoring | |
963 | monochorome||monochrome | |
964 | monochromo||monochrome | |
965 | monocrome||monochrome | |
966 | mopdule||module | |
967 | mroe||more | |
968 | multipler||multiplier | |
969 | mulitplied||multiplied | |
970 | multidimensionnal||multidimensional | |
971 | multipe||multiple | |
972 | multple||multiple | |
973 | mumber||number | |
974 | muticast||multicast | |
975 | mutilcast||multicast | |
976 | mutiple||multiple | |
977 | mutli||multi | |
978 | nams||names | |
979 | navagating||navigating | |
980 | nead||need | |
981 | neccecary||necessary | |
982 | neccesary||necessary | |
983 | neccessary||necessary | |
984 | necesary||necessary | |
985 | neded||needed | |
986 | negaive||negative | |
987 | negoitation||negotiation | |
988 | negotation||negotiation | |
989 | nerver||never | |
990 | nescessary||necessary | |
991 | nessessary||necessary | |
992 | noticable||noticeable | |
993 | notication||notification | |
994 | notications||notifications | |
995 | notifcations||notifications | |
996 | notifed||notified | |
997 | notity||notify | |
998 | nubmer||number | |
999 | numebr||number | |
1000 | numner||number | |
1001 | obtaion||obtain | |
1002 | obusing||abusing | |
1003 | occassionally||occasionally | |
1004 | occationally||occasionally | |
1005 | occurance||occurrence | |
1006 | occurances||occurrences | |
1007 | occurd||occurred | |
1008 | occured||occurred | |
1009 | occurence||occurrence | |
1010 | occure||occurred | |
1011 | occuring||occurring | |
1012 | offser||offset | |
1013 | offet||offset | |
1014 | offlaod||offload | |
1015 | offloded||offloaded | |
1016 | offseting||offsetting | |
1017 | omited||omitted | |
1018 | omiting||omitting | |
1019 | omitt||omit | |
1020 | ommiting||omitting | |
1021 | ommitted||omitted | |
1022 | onself||oneself | |
1023 | ony||only | |
1024 | openning||opening | |
1025 | operatione||operation | |
1026 | opertaions||operations | |
1027 | opportunies||opportunities | |
1028 | optionnal||optional | |
1029 | optmizations||optimizations | |
1030 | orientatied||orientated | |
1031 | orientied||oriented | |
1032 | orignal||original | |
1033 | originial||original | |
1034 | otherise||otherwise | |
1035 | ouput||output | |
1036 | oustanding||outstanding | |
1037 | overaall||overall | |
1038 | overhread||overhead | |
1039 | overlaping||overlapping | |
1040 | overflw||overflow | |
1041 | overlfow||overflow | |
1042 | overide||override | |
1043 | overrided||overridden | |
1044 | overriden||overridden | |
1045 | overrrun||overrun | |
1046 | overun||overrun | |
1047 | overwritting||overwriting | |
1048 | overwriten||overwritten | |
1049 | pacakge||package | |
1050 | pachage||package | |
1051 | packacge||package | |
1052 | packege||package | |
1053 | packge||package | |
1054 | packtes||packets | |
1055 | pakage||package | |
1056 | paket||packet | |
1057 | pallette||palette | |
1058 | paln||plan | |
1059 | paramameters||parameters | |
1060 | paramaters||parameters | |
1061 | paramater||parameter | |
1062 | parametes||parameters | |
1063 | parametised||parametrised | |
1064 | paramter||parameter | |
1065 | paramters||parameters | |
1066 | parmaters||parameters | |
1067 | particuarly||particularly | |
1068 | particularily||particularly | |
1069 | partion||partition | |
1070 | partions||partitions | |
1071 | partiton||partition | |
1072 | pased||passed | |
1073 | passin||passing | |
1074 | pathes||paths | |
1075 | pattrns||patterns | |
1076 | pecularities||peculiarities | |
1077 | peformance||performance | |
1078 | peforming||performing | |
1079 | peice||piece | |
1080 | pendantic||pedantic | |
1081 | peprocessor||preprocessor | |
1082 | perfomance||performance | |
1083 | perfoming||performing | |
1084 | perfomring||performing | |
1085 | periperal||peripheral | |
1086 | peripherial||peripheral | |
1087 | permissons||permissions | |
1088 | peroid||period | |
1089 | persistance||persistence | |
1090 | persistant||persistent | |
1091 | phoneticly||phonetically | |
1092 | plalform||platform | |
1093 | platfoem||platform | |
1094 | platfrom||platform | |
1095 | plattform||platform | |
1096 | pleaes||please | |
1097 | ploting||plotting | |
1098 | plugable||pluggable | |
1099 | poinnter||pointer | |
1100 | pointeur||pointer | |
1101 | poiter||pointer | |
1102 | posible||possible | |
1103 | positon||position | |
1104 | possibilites||possibilities | |
1105 | potocol||protocol | |
1106 | powerfull||powerful | |
1107 | pramater||parameter | |
1108 | preamle||preamble | |
1109 | preample||preamble | |
1110 | preapre||prepare | |
1111 | preceeded||preceded | |
1112 | preceeding||preceding | |
1113 | preceed||precede | |
1114 | precendence||precedence | |
1115 | precission||precision | |
1116 | preemptable||preemptible | |
1117 | prefered||preferred | |
1118 | prefferably||preferably | |
1119 | prefitler||prefilter | |
1120 | preform||perform | |
1121 | premption||preemption | |
1122 | prepaired||prepared | |
1123 | prepate||prepare | |
1124 | preperation||preparation | |
1125 | preprare||prepare | |
1126 | pressre||pressure | |
1127 | presuambly||presumably | |
1128 | previosuly||previously | |
1129 | primative||primitive | |
1130 | princliple||principle | |
1131 | priorty||priority | |
1132 | privilaged||privileged | |
1133 | privilage||privilege | |
1134 | priviledge||privilege | |
1135 | priviledges||privileges | |
1136 | privleges||privileges | |
1137 | probaly||probably | |
1138 | procceed||proceed | |
1139 | proccesors||processors | |
1140 | procesed||processed | |
1141 | proces||process | |
1142 | procesing||processing | |
1143 | processessing||processing | |
1144 | processess||processes | |
1145 | processpr||processor | |
1146 | processsed||processed | |
1147 | processsing||processing | |
1148 | procteted||protected | |
1149 | prodecure||procedure | |
1150 | progamming||programming | |
1151 | progams||programs | |
1152 | progess||progress | |
1153 | programable||programmable | |
1154 | programers||programmers | |
1155 | programm||program | |
1156 | programms||programs | |
1157 | progresss||progress | |
1158 | prohibitted||prohibited | |
1159 | prohibitting||prohibiting | |
1160 | promiscous||promiscuous | |
1161 | promps||prompts | |
1162 | pronnounced||pronounced | |
1163 | prononciation||pronunciation | |
1164 | pronouce||pronounce | |
1165 | pronunce||pronounce | |
1166 | propery||property | |
1167 | propigate||propagate | |
1168 | propigation||propagation | |
1169 | propogation||propagation | |
1170 | propogate||propagate | |
1171 | prosess||process | |
1172 | protable||portable | |
1173 | protcol||protocol | |
1174 | protecion||protection | |
1175 | protedcted||protected | |
1176 | protocoll||protocol | |
1177 | promixity||proximity | |
1178 | psudo||pseudo | |
1179 | psuedo||pseudo | |
1180 | psychadelic||psychedelic | |
1181 | purgable||purgeable | |
1182 | pwoer||power | |
1183 | queing||queuing | |
1184 | quering||querying | |
1185 | queus||queues | |
1186 | randomally||randomly | |
1187 | raoming||roaming | |
1188 | reasearcher||researcher | |
1189 | reasearchers||researchers | |
1190 | reasearch||research | |
1191 | receieve||receive | |
1192 | recepient||recipient | |
1193 | recevied||received | |
1194 | receving||receiving | |
1195 | recievd||received | |
1196 | recieved||received | |
1197 | recieve||receive | |
1198 | reciever||receiver | |
1199 | recieves||receives | |
1200 | recieving||receiving | |
1201 | recogniced||recognised | |
1202 | recognizeable||recognizable | |
1203 | recommanded||recommended | |
1204 | recyle||recycle | |
1205 | redircet||redirect | |
1206 | redirectrion||redirection | |
1207 | redundacy||redundancy | |
1208 | reename||rename | |
1209 | refcounf||refcount | |
1210 | refence||reference | |
1211 | refered||referred | |
1212 | referenace||reference | |
1213 | refering||referring | |
1214 | refernces||references | |
1215 | refernnce||reference | |
1216 | refrence||reference | |
1217 | registed||registered | |
1218 | registerd||registered | |
1219 | registeration||registration | |
1220 | registeresd||registered | |
1221 | registerred||registered | |
1222 | registes||registers | |
1223 | registraration||registration | |
1224 | regsiter||register | |
1225 | regster||register | |
1226 | regualar||regular | |
1227 | reguator||regulator | |
1228 | regulamentations||regulations | |
1229 | reigstration||registration | |
1230 | releated||related | |
1231 | relevent||relevant | |
1232 | reloade||reload | |
1233 | remoote||remote | |
1234 | remore||remote | |
1235 | removeable||removable | |
1236 | repectively||respectively | |
1237 | replacable||replaceable | |
1238 | replacments||replacements | |
1239 | replys||replies | |
1240 | reponse||response | |
1241 | representaion||representation | |
1242 | reqeust||request | |
1243 | reqister||register | |
1244 | requed||requeued | |
1245 | requestied||requested | |
1246 | requiere||require | |
1247 | requirment||requirement | |
1248 | requred||required | |
1249 | requried||required | |
1250 | requst||request | |
1251 | requsted||requested | |
1252 | reregisteration||reregistration | |
1253 | reseting||resetting | |
1254 | reseved||reserved | |
1255 | reseverd||reserved | |
1256 | resizeable||resizable | |
1257 | resouce||resource | |
1258 | resouces||resources | |
1259 | resoures||resources | |
1260 | responce||response | |
1261 | resrouce||resource | |
1262 | ressizes||resizes | |
1263 | ressource||resource | |
1264 | ressources||resources | |
1265 | restesting||retesting | |
1266 | resumbmitting||resubmitting | |
1267 | retransmited||retransmitted | |
1268 | retreived||retrieved | |
1269 | retreive||retrieve | |
1270 | retreiving||retrieving | |
1271 | retrive||retrieve | |
1272 | retrived||retrieved | |
1273 | retrun||return | |
1274 | retun||return | |
1275 | retuned||returned | |
1276 | reudce||reduce | |
1277 | reuest||request | |
1278 | reuqest||request | |
1279 | reutnred||returned | |
1280 | revsion||revision | |
1281 | rmeoved||removed | |
1282 | rmeove||remove | |
1283 | rmeoves||removes | |
1284 | rountine||routine | |
1285 | routins||routines | |
1286 | rquest||request | |
1287 | runing||running | |
1288 | runned||ran | |
1289 | runnning||running | |
1290 | runtine||runtime | |
1291 | sacrifying||sacrificing | |
1292 | safly||safely | |
1293 | safty||safety | |
1294 | savable||saveable | |
1295 | scaleing||scaling | |
1296 | scaned||scanned | |
1297 | scaning||scanning | |
1298 | scarch||search | |
1299 | schdule||schedule | |
1300 | seach||search | |
1301 | searchs||searches | |
1302 | secion||section | |
1303 | secquence||sequence | |
1304 | secund||second | |
1305 | segement||segment | |
1306 | seleted||selected | |
1307 | semaphone||semaphore | |
1308 | senario||scenario | |
1309 | senarios||scenarios | |
1310 | sentivite||sensitive | |
1311 | separatly||separately | |
1312 | sepcify||specify | |
1313 | seperated||separated | |
1314 | seperately||separately | |
1315 | seperate||separate | |
1316 | seperatly||separately | |
1317 | seperator||separator | |
1318 | sepperate||separate | |
1319 | seqeunce||sequence | |
1320 | seqeuncer||sequencer | |
1321 | seqeuencer||sequencer | |
1322 | sequece||sequence | |
1323 | sequemce||sequence | |
1324 | sequencial||sequential | |
1325 | serivce||service | |
1326 | serveral||several | |
1327 | servive||service | |
1328 | setts||sets | |
1329 | settting||setting | |
1330 | shapshot||snapshot | |
1331 | shotdown||shutdown | |
1332 | shoud||should | |
1333 | shouldnt||shouldn't | |
1334 | shoule||should | |
1335 | shrinked||shrunk | |
1336 | siginificantly||significantly | |
1337 | signabl||signal | |
1338 | significanly||significantly | |
1339 | similary||similarly | |
1340 | similiar||similar | |
1341 | simlar||similar | |
1342 | simliar||similar | |
1343 | simpified||simplified | |
1344 | singaled||signaled | |
1345 | singal||signal | |
1346 | singed||signed | |
1347 | sleeped||slept | |
1348 | sliped||slipped | |
1349 | softwade||software | |
1350 | softwares||software | |
1351 | soley||solely | |
1352 | souce||source | |
1353 | speach||speech | |
1354 | specfic||specific | |
1355 | specfield||specified | |
1356 | speciefied||specified | |
1357 | specifc||specific | |
1358 | specifed||specified | |
1359 | specificatin||specification | |
1360 | specificaton||specification | |
1361 | specificed||specified | |
1362 | specifing||specifying | |
1363 | specifiy||specify | |
1364 | specifiying||specifying | |
1365 | speficied||specified | |
1366 | speicify||specify | |
1367 | speling||spelling | |
1368 | spinlcok||spinlock | |
1369 | spinock||spinlock | |
1370 | splitted||split | |
1371 | spreaded||spread | |
1372 | spurrious||spurious | |
1373 | sructure||structure | |
1374 | stablilization||stabilization | |
1375 | staically||statically | |
1376 | staion||station | |
1377 | standardss||standards | |
1378 | standartization||standardization | |
1379 | standart||standard | |
1380 | standy||standby | |
1381 | stardard||standard | |
1382 | staticly||statically | |
1383 | statuss||status | |
1384 | stoped||stopped | |
1385 | stoping||stopping | |
1386 | stoppped||stopped | |
1387 | straming||streaming | |
1388 | struc||struct | |
1389 | structres||structures | |
1390 | stuct||struct | |
1391 | strucuture||structure | |
1392 | stucture||structure | |
1393 | sturcture||structure | |
1394 | subdirectoires||subdirectories | |
1395 | suble||subtle | |
1396 | substract||subtract | |
1397 | submited||submitted | |
1398 | submition||submission | |
1399 | succeded||succeeded | |
1400 | suceed||succeed | |
1401 | succesfully||successfully | |
1402 | succesful||successful | |
1403 | successed||succeeded | |
1404 | successfull||successful | |
1405 | successfuly||successfully | |
1406 | sucessfully||successfully | |
1407 | sucessful||successful | |
1408 | sucess||success | |
1409 | superflous||superfluous | |
1410 | superseeded||superseded | |
1411 | suplied||supplied | |
1412 | suported||supported | |
1413 | suport||support | |
1414 | supportet||supported | |
1415 | suppored||supported | |
1416 | supportin||supporting | |
1417 | suppoted||supported | |
1418 | suppported||supported | |
1419 | suppport||support | |
1420 | supprot||support | |
1421 | supress||suppress | |
1422 | surpressed||suppressed | |
1423 | surpresses||suppresses | |
1424 | susbsystem||subsystem | |
1425 | suspeneded||suspended | |
1426 | suspsend||suspend | |
1427 | suspicously||suspiciously | |
1428 | swaping||swapping | |
1429 | switchs||switches | |
1430 | swith||switch | |
1431 | swithable||switchable | |
1432 | swithc||switch | |
1433 | swithced||switched | |
1434 | swithcing||switching | |
1435 | swithed||switched | |
1436 | swithing||switching | |
1437 | swtich||switch | |
1438 | syfs||sysfs | |
1439 | symetric||symmetric | |
1440 | synax||syntax | |
1441 | synchonized||synchronized | |
1442 | synchronuously||synchronously | |
1443 | syncronize||synchronize | |
1444 | syncronized||synchronized | |
1445 | syncronizing||synchronizing | |
1446 | syncronus||synchronous | |
1447 | syste||system | |
1448 | sytem||system | |
1449 | sythesis||synthesis | |
1450 | taht||that | |
1451 | tansmit||transmit | |
1452 | targetted||targeted | |
1453 | targetting||targeting | |
1454 | taskelt||tasklet | |
1455 | teh||the | |
1456 | temorary||temporary | |
1457 | temproarily||temporarily | |
1458 | temperture||temperature | |
1459 | thead||thread | |
1460 | therfore||therefore | |
1461 | thier||their | |
1462 | threds||threads | |
1463 | threee||three | |
1464 | threshhold||threshold | |
1465 | thresold||threshold | |
1466 | throught||through | |
1467 | trackling||tracking | |
1468 | troughput||throughput | |
1469 | trys||tries | |
1470 | thses||these | |
1471 | tiggers||triggers | |
1472 | tiggered||triggered | |
1473 | tipically||typically | |
1474 | timeing||timing | |
1475 | timout||timeout | |
1476 | tmis||this | |
1477 | toogle||toggle | |
1478 | torerable||tolerable | |
1479 | traget||target | |
1480 | traking||tracking | |
1481 | tramsmitted||transmitted | |
1482 | tramsmit||transmit | |
1483 | tranasction||transaction | |
1484 | tranceiver||transceiver | |
1485 | tranfer||transfer | |
1486 | tranmission||transmission | |
1487 | transcevier||transceiver | |
1488 | transciever||transceiver | |
1489 | transferd||transferred | |
1490 | transfered||transferred | |
1491 | transfering||transferring | |
1492 | transision||transition | |
1493 | transmittd||transmitted | |
1494 | transormed||transformed | |
1495 | trasfer||transfer | |
1496 | trasmission||transmission | |
1497 | treshold||threshold | |
1498 | triggerd||triggered | |
1499 | trigerred||triggered | |
1500 | trigerring||triggering | |
1501 | trun||turn | |
1502 | tunning||tuning | |
1503 | ture||true | |
1504 | tyep||type | |
1505 | udpate||update | |
1506 | uesd||used | |
1507 | uknown||unknown | |
1508 | usccess||success | |
1509 | uncommited||uncommitted | |
1510 | uncompatible||incompatible | |
1511 | unconditionaly||unconditionally | |
1512 | undeflow||underflow | |
1513 | underun||underrun | |
1514 | unecessary||unnecessary | |
1515 | unexecpted||unexpected | |
1516 | unexepected||unexpected | |
1517 | unexpcted||unexpected | |
1518 | unexpectd||unexpected | |
1519 | unexpeted||unexpected | |
1520 | unexpexted||unexpected | |
1521 | unfortunatelly||unfortunately | |
1522 | unifiy||unify | |
1523 | uniterrupted||uninterrupted | |
1524 | unintialized||uninitialized | |
1525 | unitialized||uninitialized | |
1526 | unkmown||unknown | |
1527 | unknonw||unknown | |
1528 | unknouwn||unknown | |
1529 | unknow||unknown | |
1530 | unkown||unknown | |
1531 | unamed||unnamed | |
1532 | uneeded||unneeded | |
1533 | unneded||unneeded | |
1534 | unneccecary||unnecessary | |
1535 | unneccesary||unnecessary | |
1536 | unneccessary||unnecessary | |
1537 | unnecesary||unnecessary | |
1538 | unneedingly||unnecessarily | |
1539 | unnsupported||unsupported | |
1540 | unmached||unmatched | |
1541 | unprecise||imprecise | |
1542 | unregester||unregister | |
1543 | unresgister||unregister | |
1544 | unrgesiter||unregister | |
1545 | unsinged||unsigned | |
1546 | unstabel||unstable | |
1547 | unsolicitied||unsolicited | |
1548 | unsuccessfull||unsuccessful | |
1549 | unsuported||unsupported | |
1550 | untill||until | |
1551 | ununsed||unused | |
1552 | unuseful||useless | |
1553 | unvalid||invalid | |
1554 | upate||update | |
1555 | upsupported||unsupported | |
1556 | usefule||useful | |
1557 | usefull||useful | |
1558 | usege||usage | |
1559 | usera||users | |
1560 | usualy||usually | |
1561 | usupported||unsupported | |
1562 | utilites||utilities | |
1563 | utillities||utilities | |
1564 | utilties||utilities | |
1565 | utiltity||utility | |
1566 | utitity||utility | |
1567 | utitlty||utility | |
1568 | vaid||valid | |
1569 | vaild||valid | |
1570 | valide||valid | |
1571 | variantions||variations | |
1572 | varible||variable | |
1573 | varient||variant | |
1574 | vaule||value | |
1575 | verbse||verbose | |
1576 | veify||verify | |
1577 | veriosn||version | |
1578 | verisons||versions | |
1579 | verison||version | |
1580 | verson||version | |
1581 | vicefersa||vice-versa | |
1582 | virtal||virtual | |
1583 | virtaul||virtual | |
1584 | virtiual||virtual | |
1585 | visiters||visitors | |
1586 | vitual||virtual | |
1587 | vunerable||vulnerable | |
1588 | wakeus||wakeups | |
1589 | wathdog||watchdog | |
1590 | wating||waiting | |
1591 | wiat||wait | |
1592 | wether||whether | |
1593 | whataver||whatever | |
1594 | whcih||which | |
1595 | whenver||whenever | |
1596 | wheter||whether | |
1597 | whe||when | |
1598 | wierd||weird | |
1599 | wiil||will | |
1600 | wirte||write | |
1601 | withing||within | |
1602 | wnat||want | |
1603 | wont||won't | |
1604 | workarould||workaround | |
1605 | writeing||writing | |
1606 | writting||writing | |
1607 | wtih||with | |
1608 | zombe||zombie | |
1609 | zomebie||zombie |