Board: stm32mp1: Add supply current boot information
For DK1/DK2 boards, check if power supply provides enough current
to allow the board to boot correctly.
ADC@0 channel 18 and 19 are connected to USB type-C CC1 and CC2
signals. The table below shows the behavior for different range of
CC1 or CC2:
range | power supply | red led | console message
(Volts) | (Amps) | blinks |
[2.10 - 1.23[ | 3 | NO | NO
[1.23 - 0.66[ | 1.5 | 3 times | WARNING 1.5A power supply detected
[0.66 - 0] | 0.5 | 2 times | WARNING 500mA power supply detected
If detected current is < 3A, red led is kept ON after blinking.
Signed-off-by: Patrice Chotard <[email protected]>