mtd: nand: mxs_nand_spl: Remove the page aligned access
The mxs_nand_spl driver can support to read from page unaligned offset,
so don't need to set bl_len to ask spl_load_simple_fit to handle
the page unaligned access.
Actually spl_load_simple_fit has two parts of reading:
spl_simple_fit_read and spl_load_fit_image.
The spl_load_fit_image can handle the page unaligned offset,
but the spl_simple_fit_read can't do it. spl_simple_fit_read requires
the FIT location at page aligned offset.
Hence, remove the nand_get_mtd overwrite function from mxs_nand_spl
to use page unaligned read by driver.
Signed-off-by: Ye Li <[email protected]>
Tested-by: Tim Harvey <[email protected]> #gw_ventana