configs: sei510/610: android bootflow via abootimg
Activate the following Kconfig options:
* AVB for Android Verified Boot support
* ADTIMG for merging DTBOs
* ABOOTIMG for extracting Android boot image
Also rework the partitioning tables:
- add a misc partition to handle BCB messages
- add a dtbo partition to store various DTBOs
- add a vbmeta partition for AVB hashes
- Merge vendor and system into the "super" partition
Note: avb support is disables by default. To activate it:
=> setenv force_avb 1;
=> saveenv;
Signed-off-by: Guillaume La Roque <[email protected]>
Signed-off-by: Mattijs Korpershoek <[email protected]>
Acked-by: Neil Armstrong <[email protected]>
Signed-off-by: Neil Armstrong <[email protected]>