From: Sebastian Herbszt <>
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2011 14:51:26 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: ahci: split ICH9 from core

ahci: split ICH9 from core

There are multiple ahci devices out there. The currently implemented ich-9
is only one of the many. So let's split that one out into a separate file
to stress the difference.

Signed-off-by: Sebastian Herbszt <>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <>
Signed-off-by: Kevin Wolf <>

diff --git a/Makefile.objs b/Makefile.objs
index f1c7bfe4ea..353b1a8318 100644
--- a/Makefile.objs
+++ b/Makefile.objs
@@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ hw-obj-$(CONFIG_IDE_CMD646) += ide/cmd646.o
 hw-obj-$(CONFIG_IDE_MACIO) += ide/macio.o
 hw-obj-$(CONFIG_IDE_VIA) += ide/via.o
 hw-obj-$(CONFIG_AHCI) += ide/ahci.o
+hw-obj-$(CONFIG_AHCI) += ide/ich.o
 # SCSI layer
 hw-obj-$(CONFIG_LSI_SCSI_PCI) += lsi53c895a.o
diff --git a/hw/ide/ahci.c b/hw/ide/ahci.c
index 671b4df7f6..28412d09aa 100644
--- a/hw/ide/ahci.c
+++ b/hw/ide/ahci.c
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
 #include "cpu-common.h"
 #include "internal.h"
 #include <hw/ide/pci.h>
+#include <hw/ide/ahci.h>
 /* #define DEBUG_AHCI */
@@ -83,304 +84,6 @@ do { fprintf(stderr, "ahci: %s: [%d] ", __FUNCTION__, port); \
 #define DPRINTF(port, fmt, ...) do {} while(0)
-#define AHCI_PCI_BAR              5
-#define AHCI_MAX_PORTS            32
-#define AHCI_MAX_SG               168 /* hardware max is 64K */
-#define AHCI_DMA_BOUNDARY         0xffffffff
-#define AHCI_USE_CLUSTERING       0
-#define AHCI_MAX_CMDS             32
-#define AHCI_CMD_SZ               32
-#define AHCI_RX_FIS_SZ            256
-#define AHCI_CMD_TBL_CDB          0x40
-#define AHCI_CMD_TBL_HDR_SZ       0x80
-#define AHCI_CMD_TBL_SZ           (AHCI_CMD_TBL_HDR_SZ + (AHCI_MAX_SG * 16))
-                                   AHCI_RX_FIS_SZ)
-#define AHCI_IRQ_ON_SG            (1 << 31)
-#define AHCI_CMD_ATAPI            (1 << 5)
-#define AHCI_CMD_WRITE            (1 << 6)
-#define AHCI_CMD_PREFETCH         (1 << 7)
-#define AHCI_CMD_RESET            (1 << 8)
-#define AHCI_CMD_CLR_BUSY         (1 << 10)
-#define RX_FIS_D2H_REG            0x40 /* offset of D2H Register FIS data */
-#define RX_FIS_SDB                0x58 /* offset of SDB FIS data */
-#define RX_FIS_UNK                0x60 /* offset of Unknown FIS data */
-/* global controller registers */
-#define HOST_CAP                  0x00 /* host capabilities */
-#define HOST_CTL                  0x04 /* global host control */
-#define HOST_IRQ_STAT             0x08 /* interrupt status */
-#define HOST_PORTS_IMPL           0x0c /* bitmap of implemented ports */
-#define HOST_VERSION              0x10 /* AHCI spec. version compliancy */
-/* HOST_CTL bits */
-#define HOST_CTL_RESET            (1 << 0)  /* reset controller; self-clear */
-#define HOST_CTL_IRQ_EN           (1 << 1)  /* global IRQ enable */
-#define HOST_CTL_AHCI_EN          (1 << 31) /* AHCI enabled */
-/* HOST_CAP bits */
-#define HOST_CAP_SSC              (1 << 14) /* Slumber capable */
-#define HOST_CAP_AHCI             (1 << 18) /* AHCI only */
-#define HOST_CAP_CLO              (1 << 24) /* Command List Override support */
-#define HOST_CAP_SSS              (1 << 27) /* Staggered Spin-up */
-#define HOST_CAP_NCQ              (1 << 30) /* Native Command Queueing */
-#define HOST_CAP_64               (1 << 31) /* PCI DAC (64-bit DMA) support */
-/* registers for each SATA port */
-#define PORT_LST_ADDR             0x00 /* command list DMA addr */
-#define PORT_LST_ADDR_HI          0x04 /* command list DMA addr hi */
-#define PORT_FIS_ADDR             0x08 /* FIS rx buf addr */
-#define PORT_FIS_ADDR_HI          0x0c /* FIS rx buf addr hi */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT             0x10 /* interrupt status */
-#define PORT_IRQ_MASK             0x14 /* interrupt enable/disable mask */
-#define PORT_CMD                  0x18 /* port command */
-#define PORT_TFDATA               0x20 /* taskfile data */
-#define PORT_SIG                  0x24 /* device TF signature */
-#define PORT_SCR_STAT             0x28 /* SATA phy register: SStatus */
-#define PORT_SCR_CTL              0x2c /* SATA phy register: SControl */
-#define PORT_SCR_ERR              0x30 /* SATA phy register: SError */
-#define PORT_SCR_ACT              0x34 /* SATA phy register: SActive */
-#define PORT_CMD_ISSUE            0x38 /* command issue */
-#define PORT_RESERVED             0x3c /* reserved */
-/* PORT_IRQ_{STAT,MASK} bits */
-#define PORT_IRQ_COLD_PRES        (1 << 31) /* cold presence detect */
-#define PORT_IRQ_TF_ERR           (1 << 30) /* task file error */
-#define PORT_IRQ_HBUS_ERR         (1 << 29) /* host bus fatal error */
-#define PORT_IRQ_HBUS_DATA_ERR    (1 << 28) /* host bus data error */
-#define PORT_IRQ_IF_ERR           (1 << 27) /* interface fatal error */
-#define PORT_IRQ_IF_NONFATAL      (1 << 26) /* interface non-fatal error */
-#define PORT_IRQ_OVERFLOW         (1 << 24) /* xfer exhausted available S/G */
-#define PORT_IRQ_BAD_PMP          (1 << 23) /* incorrect port multiplier */
-#define PORT_IRQ_PHYRDY           (1 << 22) /* PhyRdy changed */
-#define PORT_IRQ_DEV_ILCK         (1 << 7) /* device interlock */
-#define PORT_IRQ_CONNECT          (1 << 6) /* port connect change status */
-#define PORT_IRQ_SG_DONE          (1 << 5) /* descriptor processed */
-#define PORT_IRQ_UNK_FIS          (1 << 4) /* unknown FIS rx'd */
-#define PORT_IRQ_SDB_FIS          (1 << 3) /* Set Device Bits FIS rx'd */
-#define PORT_IRQ_DMAS_FIS         (1 << 2) /* DMA Setup FIS rx'd */
-#define PORT_IRQ_PIOS_FIS         (1 << 1) /* PIO Setup FIS rx'd */
-#define PORT_IRQ_D2H_REG_FIS      (1 << 0) /* D2H Register FIS rx'd */
-                                   PORT_IRQ_CONNECT | PORT_IRQ_PHYRDY |    \
-                                   PORT_IRQ_UNK_FIS)
-#define PORT_IRQ_ERROR            (PORT_IRQ_FREEZE | PORT_IRQ_TF_ERR |     \
-                                   PORT_IRQ_HBUS_DATA_ERR)
-#define DEF_PORT_IRQ              (PORT_IRQ_ERROR | PORT_IRQ_SG_DONE |     \
-                                   PORT_IRQ_SDB_FIS | PORT_IRQ_DMAS_FIS |  \
-                                   PORT_IRQ_PIOS_FIS | PORT_IRQ_D2H_REG_FIS)
-/* PORT_CMD bits */
-#define PORT_CMD_ATAPI            (1 << 24) /* Device is ATAPI */
-#define PORT_CMD_LIST_ON          (1 << 15) /* cmd list DMA engine running */
-#define PORT_CMD_FIS_ON           (1 << 14) /* FIS DMA engine running */
-#define PORT_CMD_FIS_RX           (1 << 4) /* Enable FIS receive DMA engine */
-#define PORT_CMD_CLO              (1 << 3) /* Command list override */
-#define PORT_CMD_POWER_ON         (1 << 2) /* Power up device */
-#define PORT_CMD_SPIN_UP          (1 << 1) /* Spin up device */
-#define PORT_CMD_START            (1 << 0) /* Enable port DMA engine */
-#define PORT_CMD_ICC_MASK         (0xf << 28) /* i/f ICC state mask */
-#define PORT_CMD_ICC_ACTIVE       (0x1 << 28) /* Put i/f in active state */
-#define PORT_CMD_ICC_PARTIAL      (0x2 << 28) /* Put i/f in partial state */
-#define PORT_CMD_ICC_SLUMBER      (0x6 << 28) /* Put i/f in slumber state */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_DHRS        (1 << 0) /* Device to Host Register FIS */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_PSS         (1 << 1) /* PIO Setup FIS */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_DSS         (1 << 2) /* DMA Setup FIS */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_SDBS        (1 << 3) /* Set Device Bits */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_UFS         (1 << 4) /* Unknown FIS */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_DPS         (1 << 5) /* Descriptor Processed */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_PCS         (1 << 6) /* Port Connect Change Status */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_DMPS        (1 << 7) /* Device Mechanical Presence
-                                              Status */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_PRCS        (1 << 22) /* File Ready Status */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_IPMS        (1 << 23) /* Incorrect Port Multiplier
-                                               Status */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_OFS         (1 << 24) /* Overflow Status */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_INFS        (1 << 26) /* Interface Non-Fatal Error
-                                               Status */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_IFS         (1 << 27) /* Interface Fatal Error */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_HBDS        (1 << 28) /* Host Bus Data Error Status */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_HBFS        (1 << 29) /* Host Bus Fatal Error Status */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_TFES        (1 << 30) /* Task File Error Status */
-#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_CPDS        (1 << 31) /* Code Port Detect Status */
-/* ap->flags bits */
-#define AHCI_FLAG_NO_NCQ                  (1 << 24)
-#define AHCI_FLAG_IGN_IRQ_IF_ERR          (1 << 25) /* ignore IRQ_IF_ERR */
-#define AHCI_FLAG_HONOR_PI                (1 << 26) /* honor PORTS_IMPL */
-#define AHCI_FLAG_IGN_SERR_INTERNAL       (1 << 27) /* ignore SERR_INTERNAL */
-#define AHCI_FLAG_32BIT_ONLY              (1 << 28) /* force 32bit */
-#define ATA_SRST                          (1 << 2)  /* software reset */
-#define STATE_RUN                         0
-#define STATE_RESET                       1
-#define SATA_SCR_SSTATUS_DET_NODEV        0x0
-#define SATA_SCR_SSTATUS_SPD_NODEV        0x00
-#define SATA_SCR_SSTATUS_SPD_GEN1         0x10
-#define SATA_SCR_SSTATUS_IPM_NODEV        0x000
-#define SATA_SCR_SSTATUS_IPM_ACTIVE       0X100
-#define AHCI_SCR_SCTL_DET                 0xf
-#define SATA_FIS_TYPE_REGISTER_H2D        0x27
-#define AHCI_CMD_HDR_CMD_FIS_LEN           0x1f
-#define AHCI_CMD_HDR_PRDT_LEN              16
-#define SATA_SIGNATURE_CDROM               0xeb140000
-#define SATA_SIGNATURE_DISK                0x00000101
-                                            /* Shouldn't this be 0x2c? */
-#define SATA_PORTS                         4
-#define AHCI_PORT_REGS_START_ADDR          0x100
-#define AHCI_PORT_ADDR_OFFSET_MASK         0x7f
-#define AHCI_NUM_COMMAND_SLOTS             31
-#define AHCI_SUPPORTED_SPEED               20
-#define AHCI_SUPPORTED_SPEED_GEN1          1
-#define AHCI_VERSION_1_0                   0x10000
-#define AHCI_PROGMODE_MAJOR_REV_1          1
-#define AHCI_COMMAND_TABLE_ACMD            0x40
-#define IDE_FEATURE_DMA                    1
-#define READ_FPDMA_QUEUED                  0x60
-#define WRITE_FPDMA_QUEUED                 0x61
-#define RES_FIS_DSFIS                      0x00
-#define RES_FIS_PSFIS                      0x20
-#define RES_FIS_RFIS                       0x40
-#define RES_FIS_SDBFIS                     0x58
-#define RES_FIS_UFIS                       0x60
-typedef struct AHCIControlRegs {
-    uint32_t    cap;
-    uint32_t    ghc;
-    uint32_t    irqstatus;
-    uint32_t    impl;
-    uint32_t    version;
-} AHCIControlRegs;
-typedef struct AHCIPortRegs {
-    uint32_t    lst_addr;
-    uint32_t    lst_addr_hi;
-    uint32_t    fis_addr;
-    uint32_t    fis_addr_hi;
-    uint32_t    irq_stat;
-    uint32_t    irq_mask;
-    uint32_t    cmd;
-    uint32_t    unused0;
-    uint32_t    tfdata;
-    uint32_t    sig;
-    uint32_t    scr_stat;
-    uint32_t    scr_ctl;
-    uint32_t    scr_err;
-    uint32_t    scr_act;
-    uint32_t    cmd_issue;
-    uint32_t    reserved;
-} AHCIPortRegs;
-typedef struct AHCICmdHdr {
-    uint32_t    opts;
-    uint32_t    status;
-    uint64_t    tbl_addr;
-    uint32_t    reserved[4];
-} __attribute__ ((packed)) AHCICmdHdr;
-typedef struct AHCI_SG {
-    uint64_t    addr;
-    uint32_t    reserved;
-    uint32_t    flags_size;
-} __attribute__ ((packed)) AHCI_SG;
-typedef struct AHCIDevice AHCIDevice;
-typedef struct NCQTransferState {
-    AHCIDevice *drive;
-    BlockDriverAIOCB *aiocb;
-    QEMUSGList sglist;
-    int is_read;
-    uint16_t sector_count;
-    uint64_t lba;
-    uint8_t tag;
-    int slot;
-    int used;
-} NCQTransferState;
-struct AHCIDevice {
-    IDEDMA dma;
-    IDEBus port;
-    int port_no;
-    uint32_t port_state;
-    uint32_t finished;
-    AHCIPortRegs port_regs;
-    struct AHCIState *hba;
-    QEMUBH *check_bh;
-    uint8_t *lst;
-    uint8_t *res_fis;
-    int dma_status;
-    int done_atapi_packet;
-    int busy_slot;
-    BlockDriverCompletionFunc *dma_cb;
-    AHCICmdHdr *cur_cmd;
-    NCQTransferState ncq_tfs[AHCI_MAX_CMDS];
-typedef struct AHCIState {
-    AHCIDevice dev[SATA_PORTS];
-    AHCIControlRegs control_regs;
-    int mem;
-    qemu_irq irq;
-} AHCIState;
-typedef struct AHCIPCIState {
-    PCIDevice card;
-    AHCIState ahci;
-} AHCIPCIState;
-typedef struct NCQFrame {
-    uint8_t fis_type;
-    uint8_t c;
-    uint8_t command;
-    uint8_t sector_count_low;
-    uint8_t lba0;
-    uint8_t lba1;
-    uint8_t lba2;
-    uint8_t fua;
-    uint8_t lba3;
-    uint8_t lba4;
-    uint8_t lba5;
-    uint8_t sector_count_high;
-    uint8_t tag;
-    uint8_t reserved5;
-    uint8_t reserved6;
-    uint8_t control;
-    uint8_t reserved7;
-    uint8_t reserved8;
-    uint8_t reserved9;
-    uint8_t reserved10;
-} __attribute__ ((packed)) NCQFrame;
 static void check_cmd(AHCIState *s, int port);
 static int handle_cmd(AHCIState *s,int port,int slot);
 static void ahci_reset_port(AHCIState *s, int port);
@@ -1410,7 +1113,7 @@ static const IDEDMAOps ahci_dma_ops = {
     .reset = ahci_dma_reset,
-static void ahci_init(AHCIState *s, DeviceState *qdev)
+void ahci_init(AHCIState *s, DeviceState *qdev)
     qemu_irq *irqs;
     int i;
@@ -1434,7 +1137,7 @@ static void ahci_init(AHCIState *s, DeviceState *qdev)
-static void ahci_pci_map(PCIDevice *pci_dev, int region_num,
+void ahci_pci_map(PCIDevice *pci_dev, int region_num,
         pcibus_t addr, pcibus_t size, int type)
     struct AHCIPCIState *d = (struct AHCIPCIState *)pci_dev;
@@ -1443,7 +1146,7 @@ static void ahci_pci_map(PCIDevice *pci_dev, int region_num,
     cpu_register_physical_memory(addr, size, s->mem);
-static void ahci_reset(void *opaque)
+void ahci_reset(void *opaque)
     struct AHCIPCIState *d = opaque;
     int i;
diff --git a/hw/ide/ahci.h b/hw/ide/ahci.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63ef7855c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ide/ahci.h
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+#ifndef HW_IDE_AHCI_H
+#define HW_IDE_AHCI_H
+#define AHCI_PCI_BAR              5
+#define AHCI_MAX_PORTS            32
+#define AHCI_MAX_SG               168 /* hardware max is 64K */
+#define AHCI_DMA_BOUNDARY         0xffffffff
+#define AHCI_USE_CLUSTERING       0
+#define AHCI_MAX_CMDS             32
+#define AHCI_CMD_SZ               32
+#define AHCI_RX_FIS_SZ            256
+#define AHCI_CMD_TBL_CDB          0x40
+#define AHCI_CMD_TBL_HDR_SZ       0x80
+#define AHCI_CMD_TBL_SZ           (AHCI_CMD_TBL_HDR_SZ + (AHCI_MAX_SG * 16))
+                                   AHCI_RX_FIS_SZ)
+#define AHCI_IRQ_ON_SG            (1 << 31)
+#define AHCI_CMD_ATAPI            (1 << 5)
+#define AHCI_CMD_WRITE            (1 << 6)
+#define AHCI_CMD_PREFETCH         (1 << 7)
+#define AHCI_CMD_RESET            (1 << 8)
+#define AHCI_CMD_CLR_BUSY         (1 << 10)
+#define RX_FIS_D2H_REG            0x40 /* offset of D2H Register FIS data */
+#define RX_FIS_SDB                0x58 /* offset of SDB FIS data */
+#define RX_FIS_UNK                0x60 /* offset of Unknown FIS data */
+/* global controller registers */
+#define HOST_CAP                  0x00 /* host capabilities */
+#define HOST_CTL                  0x04 /* global host control */
+#define HOST_IRQ_STAT             0x08 /* interrupt status */
+#define HOST_PORTS_IMPL           0x0c /* bitmap of implemented ports */
+#define HOST_VERSION              0x10 /* AHCI spec. version compliancy */
+/* HOST_CTL bits */
+#define HOST_CTL_RESET            (1 << 0)  /* reset controller; self-clear */
+#define HOST_CTL_IRQ_EN           (1 << 1)  /* global IRQ enable */
+#define HOST_CTL_AHCI_EN          (1 << 31) /* AHCI enabled */
+/* HOST_CAP bits */
+#define HOST_CAP_SSC              (1 << 14) /* Slumber capable */
+#define HOST_CAP_AHCI             (1 << 18) /* AHCI only */
+#define HOST_CAP_CLO              (1 << 24) /* Command List Override support */
+#define HOST_CAP_SSS              (1 << 27) /* Staggered Spin-up */
+#define HOST_CAP_NCQ              (1 << 30) /* Native Command Queueing */
+#define HOST_CAP_64               (1 << 31) /* PCI DAC (64-bit DMA) support */
+/* registers for each SATA port */
+#define PORT_LST_ADDR             0x00 /* command list DMA addr */
+#define PORT_LST_ADDR_HI          0x04 /* command list DMA addr hi */
+#define PORT_FIS_ADDR             0x08 /* FIS rx buf addr */
+#define PORT_FIS_ADDR_HI          0x0c /* FIS rx buf addr hi */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT             0x10 /* interrupt status */
+#define PORT_IRQ_MASK             0x14 /* interrupt enable/disable mask */
+#define PORT_CMD                  0x18 /* port command */
+#define PORT_TFDATA               0x20 /* taskfile data */
+#define PORT_SIG                  0x24 /* device TF signature */
+#define PORT_SCR_STAT             0x28 /* SATA phy register: SStatus */
+#define PORT_SCR_CTL              0x2c /* SATA phy register: SControl */
+#define PORT_SCR_ERR              0x30 /* SATA phy register: SError */
+#define PORT_SCR_ACT              0x34 /* SATA phy register: SActive */
+#define PORT_CMD_ISSUE            0x38 /* command issue */
+#define PORT_RESERVED             0x3c /* reserved */
+/* PORT_IRQ_{STAT,MASK} bits */
+#define PORT_IRQ_COLD_PRES        (1 << 31) /* cold presence detect */
+#define PORT_IRQ_TF_ERR           (1 << 30) /* task file error */
+#define PORT_IRQ_HBUS_ERR         (1 << 29) /* host bus fatal error */
+#define PORT_IRQ_HBUS_DATA_ERR    (1 << 28) /* host bus data error */
+#define PORT_IRQ_IF_ERR           (1 << 27) /* interface fatal error */
+#define PORT_IRQ_IF_NONFATAL      (1 << 26) /* interface non-fatal error */
+#define PORT_IRQ_OVERFLOW         (1 << 24) /* xfer exhausted available S/G */
+#define PORT_IRQ_BAD_PMP          (1 << 23) /* incorrect port multiplier */
+#define PORT_IRQ_PHYRDY           (1 << 22) /* PhyRdy changed */
+#define PORT_IRQ_DEV_ILCK         (1 << 7) /* device interlock */
+#define PORT_IRQ_CONNECT          (1 << 6) /* port connect change status */
+#define PORT_IRQ_SG_DONE          (1 << 5) /* descriptor processed */
+#define PORT_IRQ_UNK_FIS          (1 << 4) /* unknown FIS rx'd */
+#define PORT_IRQ_SDB_FIS          (1 << 3) /* Set Device Bits FIS rx'd */
+#define PORT_IRQ_DMAS_FIS         (1 << 2) /* DMA Setup FIS rx'd */
+#define PORT_IRQ_PIOS_FIS         (1 << 1) /* PIO Setup FIS rx'd */
+#define PORT_IRQ_D2H_REG_FIS      (1 << 0) /* D2H Register FIS rx'd */
+                                   PORT_IRQ_CONNECT | PORT_IRQ_PHYRDY |    \
+                                   PORT_IRQ_UNK_FIS)
+#define PORT_IRQ_ERROR            (PORT_IRQ_FREEZE | PORT_IRQ_TF_ERR |     \
+                                   PORT_IRQ_HBUS_DATA_ERR)
+#define DEF_PORT_IRQ              (PORT_IRQ_ERROR | PORT_IRQ_SG_DONE |     \
+                                   PORT_IRQ_SDB_FIS | PORT_IRQ_DMAS_FIS |  \
+                                   PORT_IRQ_PIOS_FIS | PORT_IRQ_D2H_REG_FIS)
+/* PORT_CMD bits */
+#define PORT_CMD_ATAPI            (1 << 24) /* Device is ATAPI */
+#define PORT_CMD_LIST_ON          (1 << 15) /* cmd list DMA engine running */
+#define PORT_CMD_FIS_ON           (1 << 14) /* FIS DMA engine running */
+#define PORT_CMD_FIS_RX           (1 << 4) /* Enable FIS receive DMA engine */
+#define PORT_CMD_CLO              (1 << 3) /* Command list override */
+#define PORT_CMD_POWER_ON         (1 << 2) /* Power up device */
+#define PORT_CMD_SPIN_UP          (1 << 1) /* Spin up device */
+#define PORT_CMD_START            (1 << 0) /* Enable port DMA engine */
+#define PORT_CMD_ICC_MASK         (0xf << 28) /* i/f ICC state mask */
+#define PORT_CMD_ICC_ACTIVE       (0x1 << 28) /* Put i/f in active state */
+#define PORT_CMD_ICC_PARTIAL      (0x2 << 28) /* Put i/f in partial state */
+#define PORT_CMD_ICC_SLUMBER      (0x6 << 28) /* Put i/f in slumber state */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_DHRS        (1 << 0) /* Device to Host Register FIS */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_PSS         (1 << 1) /* PIO Setup FIS */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_DSS         (1 << 2) /* DMA Setup FIS */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_SDBS        (1 << 3) /* Set Device Bits */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_UFS         (1 << 4) /* Unknown FIS */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_DPS         (1 << 5) /* Descriptor Processed */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_PCS         (1 << 6) /* Port Connect Change Status */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_DMPS        (1 << 7) /* Device Mechanical Presence
+                                              Status */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_PRCS        (1 << 22) /* File Ready Status */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_IPMS        (1 << 23) /* Incorrect Port Multiplier
+                                               Status */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_OFS         (1 << 24) /* Overflow Status */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_INFS        (1 << 26) /* Interface Non-Fatal Error
+                                               Status */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_IFS         (1 << 27) /* Interface Fatal Error */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_HBDS        (1 << 28) /* Host Bus Data Error Status */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_HBFS        (1 << 29) /* Host Bus Fatal Error Status */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_TFES        (1 << 30) /* Task File Error Status */
+#define PORT_IRQ_STAT_CPDS        (1 << 31) /* Code Port Detect Status */
+/* ap->flags bits */
+#define AHCI_FLAG_NO_NCQ                  (1 << 24)
+#define AHCI_FLAG_IGN_IRQ_IF_ERR          (1 << 25) /* ignore IRQ_IF_ERR */
+#define AHCI_FLAG_HONOR_PI                (1 << 26) /* honor PORTS_IMPL */
+#define AHCI_FLAG_IGN_SERR_INTERNAL       (1 << 27) /* ignore SERR_INTERNAL */
+#define AHCI_FLAG_32BIT_ONLY              (1 << 28) /* force 32bit */
+#define ATA_SRST                          (1 << 2)  /* software reset */
+#define STATE_RUN                         0
+#define STATE_RESET                       1
+#define SATA_SCR_SSTATUS_DET_NODEV        0x0
+#define SATA_SCR_SSTATUS_SPD_NODEV        0x00
+#define SATA_SCR_SSTATUS_SPD_GEN1         0x10
+#define SATA_SCR_SSTATUS_IPM_NODEV        0x000
+#define SATA_SCR_SSTATUS_IPM_ACTIVE       0X100
+#define AHCI_SCR_SCTL_DET                 0xf
+#define SATA_FIS_TYPE_REGISTER_H2D        0x27
+#define AHCI_CMD_HDR_CMD_FIS_LEN           0x1f
+#define AHCI_CMD_HDR_PRDT_LEN              16
+#define SATA_SIGNATURE_CDROM               0xeb140000
+#define SATA_SIGNATURE_DISK                0x00000101
+                                            /* Shouldn't this be 0x2c? */
+#define SATA_PORTS                         4
+#define AHCI_PORT_REGS_START_ADDR          0x100
+#define AHCI_PORT_ADDR_OFFSET_MASK         0x7f
+#define AHCI_NUM_COMMAND_SLOTS             31
+#define AHCI_SUPPORTED_SPEED               20
+#define AHCI_SUPPORTED_SPEED_GEN1          1
+#define AHCI_VERSION_1_0                   0x10000
+#define AHCI_PROGMODE_MAJOR_REV_1          1
+#define AHCI_COMMAND_TABLE_ACMD            0x40
+#define IDE_FEATURE_DMA                    1
+#define READ_FPDMA_QUEUED                  0x60
+#define WRITE_FPDMA_QUEUED                 0x61
+#define RES_FIS_DSFIS                      0x00
+#define RES_FIS_PSFIS                      0x20
+#define RES_FIS_RFIS                       0x40
+#define RES_FIS_SDBFIS                     0x58
+#define RES_FIS_UFIS                       0x60
+typedef struct AHCIControlRegs {
+    uint32_t    cap;
+    uint32_t    ghc;
+    uint32_t    irqstatus;
+    uint32_t    impl;
+    uint32_t    version;
+} AHCIControlRegs;
+typedef struct AHCIPortRegs {
+    uint32_t    lst_addr;
+    uint32_t    lst_addr_hi;
+    uint32_t    fis_addr;
+    uint32_t    fis_addr_hi;
+    uint32_t    irq_stat;
+    uint32_t    irq_mask;
+    uint32_t    cmd;
+    uint32_t    unused0;
+    uint32_t    tfdata;
+    uint32_t    sig;
+    uint32_t    scr_stat;
+    uint32_t    scr_ctl;
+    uint32_t    scr_err;
+    uint32_t    scr_act;
+    uint32_t    cmd_issue;
+    uint32_t    reserved;
+} AHCIPortRegs;
+typedef struct AHCICmdHdr {
+    uint32_t    opts;
+    uint32_t    status;
+    uint64_t    tbl_addr;
+    uint32_t    reserved[4];
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) AHCICmdHdr;
+typedef struct AHCI_SG {
+    uint64_t    addr;
+    uint32_t    reserved;
+    uint32_t    flags_size;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) AHCI_SG;
+typedef struct AHCIDevice AHCIDevice;
+typedef struct NCQTransferState {
+    AHCIDevice *drive;
+    BlockDriverAIOCB *aiocb;
+    QEMUSGList sglist;
+    int is_read;
+    uint16_t sector_count;
+    uint64_t lba;
+    uint8_t tag;
+    int slot;
+    int used;
+} NCQTransferState;
+struct AHCIDevice {
+    IDEDMA dma;
+    IDEBus port;
+    int port_no;
+    uint32_t port_state;
+    uint32_t finished;
+    AHCIPortRegs port_regs;
+    struct AHCIState *hba;
+    QEMUBH *check_bh;
+    uint8_t *lst;
+    uint8_t *res_fis;
+    int dma_status;
+    int done_atapi_packet;
+    int busy_slot;
+    BlockDriverCompletionFunc *dma_cb;
+    AHCICmdHdr *cur_cmd;
+    NCQTransferState ncq_tfs[AHCI_MAX_CMDS];
+typedef struct AHCIState {
+    AHCIDevice dev[SATA_PORTS];
+    AHCIControlRegs control_regs;
+    int mem;
+    qemu_irq irq;
+} AHCIState;
+typedef struct AHCIPCIState {
+    PCIDevice card;
+    AHCIState ahci;
+} AHCIPCIState;
+typedef struct NCQFrame {
+    uint8_t fis_type;
+    uint8_t c;
+    uint8_t command;
+    uint8_t sector_count_low;
+    uint8_t lba0;
+    uint8_t lba1;
+    uint8_t lba2;
+    uint8_t fua;
+    uint8_t lba3;
+    uint8_t lba4;
+    uint8_t lba5;
+    uint8_t sector_count_high;
+    uint8_t tag;
+    uint8_t reserved5;
+    uint8_t reserved6;
+    uint8_t control;
+    uint8_t reserved7;
+    uint8_t reserved8;
+    uint8_t reserved9;
+    uint8_t reserved10;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) NCQFrame;
+void ahci_init(AHCIState *s, DeviceState *qdev);
+void ahci_pci_map(PCIDevice *pci_dev, int region_num,
+        pcibus_t addr, pcibus_t size, int type);
+void ahci_reset(void *opaque);
+#endif /* HW_IDE_AHCI_H */
diff --git a/hw/ide/ich.c b/hw/ide/ich.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9868b73592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ide/ich.c
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#include <hw/hw.h>
+#include <hw/msi.h>
+#include <hw/pc.h>
+#include <hw/pci.h>
+#include <hw/isa.h>
+#include "block.h"
+#include "block_int.h"
+#include "sysemu.h"
+#include "dma.h"
+#include <hw/ide/pci.h>
+#include <hw/ide/ahci.h>
+static int pci_ich9_ahci_initfn(PCIDevice *dev)
+    struct AHCIPCIState *d;
+    d = DO_UPCAST(struct AHCIPCIState, card, dev);
+    pci_config_set_vendor_id(d->card.config, PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL);
+    pci_config_set_device_id(d->card.config, PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801IR);
+    pci_config_set_class(d->card.config, PCI_CLASS_STORAGE_SATA);
+    pci_config_set_revision(d->card.config, 0x02);
+    pci_config_set_prog_interface(d->card.config, AHCI_PROGMODE_MAJOR_REV_1);
+    d->card.config[PCI_CACHE_LINE_SIZE] = 0x08;  /* Cache line size */
+    d->card.config[PCI_LATENCY_TIMER]   = 0x00;  /* Latency timer */
+    pci_config_set_interrupt_pin(d->card.config, 1);
+    /* XXX Software should program this register */
+    d->card.config[0x90]   = 1 << 6; /* Address Map Register - AHCI mode */
+    qemu_register_reset(ahci_reset, d);
+    /* XXX BAR size should be 1k, but that breaks, so bump it to 4k for now */
+    pci_register_bar(&d->card, 5, 0x1000, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE_MEMORY,
+                     ahci_pci_map);
+    msi_init(dev, 0x50, 1, true, false);
+    ahci_init(&d->ahci, &dev->qdev);
+    d->ahci.irq = d->card.irq[0];
+    return 0;
+static PCIDeviceInfo ich_ahci_info[] = {
+    {
+    = "ich9-ahci",
+        .qdev.size    = sizeof(AHCIPCIState),
+        .init         = pci_ich9_ahci_initfn,
+    },{
+        /* end of list */
+    }
+static void ich_ahci_register(void)
+    pci_qdev_register_many(ich_ahci_info);