hw/net/can: CTU CAN FD IP open hardware core emulation.
The implementation of the model of complete open-source/design/hardware
CAN FD controller. The IP core project has been started and is maintained
by Ondrej Ille at Czech Technical University in Prague.
CTU CAN FD project pages:
CAN bus CTU FEE Projects Listing page:
The core is mapped to PCIe card same as on one of its real hardware
adaptations. The device implementing two CTU CAN FD ip cores
is instantiated after CAN bus definition
-object can-bus,id=canbus0-bus
by QEMU parameters
-device ctucan_pci,canbus0=canbus0-bus,canbus1=canbus0-bus
Signed-off-by: Jan Charvat <[email protected]>
Signed-off-by: Pavel Pisa <[email protected]>
Message-Id: <
1600069689[email protected]>
Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <[email protected]>