# QAPI event definitions
{ 'include': 'qapi/event.json' }
+# Tracing commands
+{ 'include': 'qapi/trace.json' }
# LostTickPolicy:
# @family: address family
+# @websocket: true in case the socket is a websocket (since 2.3).
# Since: 2.1
{ 'type': 'VncBasicInfo',
'data': { 'host': 'str',
'service': 'str',
- 'family': 'NetworkAddressFamily' } }
+ 'family': 'NetworkAddressFamily',
+ 'websocket': 'bool' } }
# @VncServerInfo
'*family': 'NetworkAddressFamily',
'*service': 'str', '*auth': 'str', '*clients': ['VncClientInfo']} }
+# @VncPriAuth:
+# vnc primary authentication method.
+# Since: 2.3
+{ 'enum': 'VncPrimaryAuth',
+ 'data': [ 'none', 'vnc', 'ra2', 'ra2ne', 'tight', 'ultra',
+ 'tls', 'vencrypt', 'sasl' ] }
+# @VncVencryptSubAuth:
+# vnc sub authentication method with vencrypt.
+# Since: 2.3
+{ 'enum': 'VncVencryptSubAuth',
+ 'data': [ 'plain',
+ 'tls-none', 'x509-none',
+ 'tls-vnc', 'x509-vnc',
+ 'tls-plain', 'x509-plain',
+ 'tls-sasl', 'x509-sasl' ] }
+# @VncInfo2:
+# Information about a vnc server
+# @id: vnc server name.
+# @server: A list of @VncBasincInfo describing all listening sockets.
+# The list can be empty (in case the vnc server is disabled).
+# It also may have multiple entries: normal + websocket,
+# possibly also ipv4 + ipv6 in the future.
+# @clients: A list of @VncClientInfo of all currently connected clients.
+# The list can be empty, for obvious reasons.
+# @auth: The current authentication type used by the server
+# @vencrypt: #optional The vencrypt sub authentication type used by the server,
+# only specified in case auth == vencrypt.
+# @display: #optional The display device the vnc server is linked to.
+# Since: 2.3
+{ 'type': 'VncInfo2',
+ 'data': { 'id' : 'str',
+ 'server' : ['VncBasicInfo'],
+ 'clients' : ['VncClientInfo'],
+ 'auth' : 'VncPrimaryAuth',
+ '*vencrypt' : 'VncVencryptSubAuth',
+ '*display' : 'str' } }
# @query-vnc:
{ 'command': 'query-vnc', 'returns': 'VncInfo' }
+# @query-vnc-servers:
+# Returns a list of vnc servers. The list can be empty.
+# Returns: a list of @VncInfo2
+# Since: 2.3
+{ 'command': 'query-vnc-servers', 'returns': ['VncInfo2'] }
# @SpiceBasicInfo
# @connection-id: SPICE connection id number. All channels with the same id
# belong to the same SPICE session.
-# @connection-type: SPICE channel type number. "1" is the main control
-# channel, filter for this one if you want to track spice
-# sessions only
+# @channel-type: SPICE channel type number. "1" is the main control
+# channel, filter for this one if you want to track spice
+# sessions only
# @channel-id: SPICE channel ID number. Usually "0", might be different when
# multiple channels of the same type exist, such as multiple
# A discriminated record of operations that can be performed with
# @transaction.
+# Since 1.1
+# drive-backup since 1.6
+# abort since 1.6
+# blockdev-snapshot-internal-sync since 1.7
+# blockdev-backup since 2.3
{ 'union': 'TransactionAction',
'data': {
'blockdev-snapshot-sync': 'BlockdevSnapshot',
'drive-backup': 'DriveBackup',
+ 'blockdev-backup': 'BlockdevBackup',
'abort': 'Abort',
'blockdev-snapshot-internal-sync': 'BlockdevSnapshotInternal'
} }
# Change the VNC server password.
-# @target: the new password to use with VNC authentication
+# @password: the new password to use with VNC authentication
# Since: 1.1
# @name: the name of the property
# @type: the typename of the property
+# @description: #optional if specified, the description of the property.
+# (since 2.2)
# Since: 1.2
{ 'type': 'DevicePropertyInfo',
- 'data': { 'name': 'str', 'type': 'str' } }
+ 'data': { 'name': 'str', 'type': 'str', '*description': 'str' } }
# @device-list-properties:
# @nodelay: #optional set TCP_NODELAY socket option (default: false)
# @telnet: #optional enable telnet protocol on server
# sockets (default: false)
+# @reconnect: #optional For a client socket, if a socket is disconnected,
+# then attempt a reconnect after the given number of seconds.
+# Setting this to zero disables this function. (default: 0)
+# (Since: 2.2)
# Since: 1.4
-{ 'type': 'ChardevSocket', 'data': { 'addr' : 'SocketAddress',
- '*server' : 'bool',
- '*wait' : 'bool',
- '*nodelay' : 'bool',
- '*telnet' : 'bool' } }
+{ 'type': 'ChardevSocket', 'data': { 'addr' : 'SocketAddress',
+ '*server' : 'bool',
+ '*wait' : 'bool',
+ '*nodelay' : 'bool',
+ '*telnet' : 'bool',
+ '*reconnect' : 'int' } }
# @ChardevUdp:
# Input event union.
+# @key: Input event of Keyboard
+# @btn: Input event of pointer buttons
+# @rel: Input event of relative pointer motion
+# @abs: Input event of absolute pointer motion
# Since: 2.0
{ 'union' : 'InputEvent',
'rel' : 'InputMoveEvent',
'abs' : 'InputMoveEvent' } }
+# @x-input-send-event
+# Send input event(s) to guest.
+# @console: #optional console to send event(s) to.
+# This parameter can be used to send the input event to
+# specific input devices in case (a) multiple input devices
+# of the same kind are added to the virtual machine and (b)
+# you have configured input routing (see docs/multiseat.txt)
+# for those input devices. If input routing is not
+# configured this parameter has no effect.
+# If @console is missing, only devices that aren't associated
+# with a console are admissible.
+# If @console is specified, it must exist, and both devices
+# associated with that console and devices not associated with a
+# console are admissible, but the former take precedence.
+# @events: List of InputEvent union.
+# Returns: Nothing on success.
+# Since: 2.2
+# Note: this command is experimental, and not a stable API.
+{ 'command': 'x-input-send-event',
+ 'data': { '*console':'int', 'events': [ 'InputEvent' ] } }
# @NumaOptions