-typedef enum {
- RSTATE_DEBUG, /* qemu is running under gdb */
- RSTATE_IN_MIGRATE, /* paused waiting for an incoming migration */
- RSTATE_PANICKED, /* paused due to an internal error */
- RSTATE_IO_ERROR, /* paused due to an I/O error */
- RSTATE_PAUSED, /* paused by the user (ie. the 'stop' command) */
- RSTATE_POST_MIGRATE, /* paused following a successful migration */
- RSTATE_PRE_LAUNCH, /* qemu was started with -S and haven't started */
- RSTATE_PRE_MIGRATE, /* paused preparing to finish migrate */
- RSTATE_RESTORE, /* paused restoring the VM state */
- RSTATE_RUNNING, /* qemu is running */
- RSTATE_SAVEVM, /* paused saving VM state */
- RSTATE_SHUTDOWN, /* guest shut down and -no-shutdown is in use */
- RSTATE_WATCHDOG, /* watchdog fired and qemu is configured to pause */
-} RunState;