Qemu Coding Style
+Please use the script checkpatch.pl in the scripts directory to check
+patches before submitting.
1. Whitespace
Of course, the most important aspect in any coding style is whitespace.
lost on this issue.
QEMU indents are four spaces. Tabs are never used, except in Makefiles
-where they have been irreversibly coded into the syntax by some moron.
+where they have been irreversibly coded into the syntax.
Spaces of course are superior to tabs because:
- You have just one way to specify whitespace, not two. Ambiguity breeds
3. Naming
Variables are lower_case_with_underscores; easy to type and read. Structured
-type names are in CamelCase; harder to type but standing out. Scalar type
+type names are in CamelCase; harder to type but standing out. Enum type
+names and function type names should also be in CamelCase. Scalar type
names are lower_case_with_underscores_ending_with_a_t, like the POSIX
uint64_t and family. Note that this last convention contradicts POSIX
and is therefore likely to be changed.
-Typedefs are used to eliminate the redundant 'struct' keyword. It is the
-QEMU coding style.
+When wrapping standard library functions, use the prefix qemu_ to alert
+readers that they are seeing a wrapped version; otherwise avoid this prefix.
4. Block structure
printf("a was something else entirely.\n");
+Note that 'else if' is considered a single statement; otherwise a long if/
+else if/else if/.../else sequence would need an indent for every else
An exception is the opening brace for a function; for reasons of tradition
and clarity it comes on a line by itself: