* If you received this file as part of a commercial VirtualBox
* distribution, then only the terms of your commercial VirtualBox
* license agreement apply instead of the previous paragraph.
+ *
+ * Contributions after 2012-01-13 are licensed under the terms of the
+ * GNU GPL, version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
#include "hw.h"
#include "audiodev.h"
#include "audio/audio.h"
#include "pci.h"
+#include "dma.h"
enum {
AC97_Reset = 0x00,
#define EACS_VRA 1
#define EACS_VRM 8
-#define VOL_MASK 0x1f
#define MUTE_SHIFT 15
#define REC_MASK 7
} AC97BusMasterRegs;
typedef struct AC97LinkState {
- PCIDevice *pci_dev;
+ PCIDevice dev;
QEMUSoundCard card;
+ uint32_t use_broken_id;
uint32_t glob_cnt;
uint32_t glob_sta;
uint32_t cas;
SWVoiceIn *voice_mc;
int invalid_freq[3];
uint8_t silence[128];
- uint32_t base[2];
int bup_flag;
+ MemoryRegion io_nam;
+ MemoryRegion io_nabm;
} AC97LinkState;
enum {
#define dolog(...)
-typedef struct PCIAC97LinkState {
- PCIDevice dev;
- AC97LinkState ac97;
-} PCIAC97LinkState;
#define MKREGS(prefix, start) \
enum { \
prefix ## _BDBAR = start, \
uint8_t b[8];
- cpu_physical_memory_read (r->bdbar + r->civ * 8, b, 8);
+ pci_dma_read (&s->dev, r->bdbar + r->civ * 8, b, 8);
r->bd_valid = 1;
r->bd.addr = le32_to_cpu (*(uint32_t *) &b[0]) & ~3;
r->bd.ctl_len = le32_to_cpu (*(uint32_t *) &b[4]);
if (level) {
s->glob_sta |= masks[r - s->bm_regs];
dolog ("set irq level=1\n");
- qemu_set_irq (s->pci_dev->irq[0], 1);
+ qemu_set_irq (s->dev.irq[0], 1);
else {
s->glob_sta &= ~masks[r - s->bm_regs];
dolog ("set irq level=0\n");
- qemu_set_irq (s->pci_dev->irq[0], 0);
+ qemu_set_irq (s->dev.irq[0], 0);
static void mixer_store (AC97LinkState *s, uint32_t i, uint16_t v)
if (i + 2 > sizeof (s->mixer_data)) {
- dolog ("mixer_store: index %d out of bounds %d\n",
+ dolog ("mixer_store: index %d out of bounds %zd\n",
i, sizeof (s->mixer_data));
uint16_t val = 0xffff;
if (i + 2 > sizeof (s->mixer_data)) {
- dolog ("mixer_store: index %d out of bounds %d\n",
+ dolog ("mixer_store: index %d out of bounds %zd\n",
i, sizeof (s->mixer_data));
else {
AUD_set_active_in (s->voice_mc, active[MC_INDEX]);
-#ifdef USE_MIXER
-static void set_volume (AC97LinkState *s, int index,
- audmixerctl_t mt, uint32_t val)
+static void get_volume (uint16_t vol, uint16_t mask, int inverse,
+ int *mute, uint8_t *lvol, uint8_t *rvol)
- int mute = (val >> MUTE_SHIFT) & 1;
- uint8_t rvol = VOL_MASK - (val & VOL_MASK);
- uint8_t lvol = VOL_MASK - ((val >> 8) & VOL_MASK);
- rvol = 255 * rvol / VOL_MASK;
- lvol = 255 * lvol / VOL_MASK;
- if (index == AC97_Master_Volume_Mute) {
- AUD_set_volume_out (s->voice_po, mute, lvol, rvol);
- }
- else {
- AUD_set_volume (mt, &mute, &lvol, &rvol);
- }
- AUD_set_volume (mt, &mute, &lvol, &rvol);
+ *mute = (vol >> MUTE_SHIFT) & 1;
+ *rvol = (255 * (vol & mask)) / mask;
+ *lvol = (255 * ((vol >> 8) & mask)) / mask;
- rvol = VOL_MASK - ((VOL_MASK * rvol) / 255);
- lvol = VOL_MASK - ((VOL_MASK * lvol) / 255);
- mixer_store (s, index, val);
+ if (inverse) {
+ *rvol = 255 - *rvol;
+ *lvol = 255 - *lvol;
+ }
-static audrecsource_t ac97_to_aud_record_source (uint8_t i)
+static void update_combined_volume_out (AC97LinkState *s)
- switch (i) {
- case REC_MIC:
- return AUD_REC_MIC;
- case REC_CD:
- return AUD_REC_CD;
+ uint8_t lvol, rvol, plvol, prvol;
+ int mute, pmute;
- case REC_VIDEO:
- return AUD_REC_VIDEO;
+ get_volume (mixer_load (s, AC97_Master_Volume_Mute), 0x3f, 1,
+ &mute, &lvol, &rvol);
+ /* FIXME: should be 1f according to spec */
+ get_volume (mixer_load (s, AC97_PCM_Out_Volume_Mute), 0x3f, 1,
+ &pmute, &plvol, &prvol);
- case REC_AUX:
- return AUD_REC_AUX;
+ mute = mute | pmute;
+ lvol = (lvol * plvol) / 255;
+ rvol = (rvol * prvol) / 255;
- case REC_LINE_IN:
- return AUD_REC_LINE_IN;
- case REC_PHONE:
- return AUD_REC_PHONE;
- default:
- dolog ("Unknown record source %d, using MIC\n", i);
- return AUD_REC_MIC;
- }
+ AUD_set_volume_out (s->voice_po, mute, lvol, rvol);
-static uint8_t aud_to_ac97_record_source (audrecsource_t rs)
+static void update_volume_in (AC97LinkState *s)
- switch (rs) {
- case AUD_REC_MIC:
- return REC_MIC;
- case AUD_REC_CD:
- return REC_CD;
- return REC_VIDEO;
+ uint8_t lvol, rvol;
+ int mute;
- case AUD_REC_AUX:
- return REC_AUX;
+ get_volume (mixer_load (s, AC97_Record_Gain_Mute), 0x0f, 0,
+ &mute, &lvol, &rvol);
- return REC_LINE_IN;
- return REC_PHONE;
+ AUD_set_volume_in (s->voice_pi, mute, lvol, rvol);
- default:
- dolog ("Unknown audio recording source %d using MIC\n", rs);
- return REC_MIC;
+static void set_volume (AC97LinkState *s, int index, uint32_t val)
+ mixer_store (s, index, val);
+ if (index == AC97_Master_Volume_Mute || index == AC97_PCM_Out_Volume_Mute) {
+ update_combined_volume_out (s);
+ } else if (index == AC97_Record_Gain_Mute) {
+ update_volume_in (s);
uint8_t rs = val & REC_MASK;
uint8_t ls = (val >> 8) & REC_MASK;
- audrecsource_t ars = ac97_to_aud_record_source (rs);
- audrecsource_t als = ac97_to_aud_record_source (ls);
- AUD_set_record_source (&als, &ars);
- rs = aud_to_ac97_record_source (ars);
- ls = aud_to_ac97_record_source (als);
mixer_store (s, AC97_Record_Select, rs | (ls << 8));
static void mixer_reset (AC97LinkState *s)
mixer_store (s, AC97_PCM_LR_ADC_Rate , 0xbb80);
mixer_store (s, AC97_MIC_ADC_Rate , 0xbb80);
-#ifdef USE_MIXER
record_select (s, 0);
- set_volume (s, AC97_Master_Volume_Mute, AUD_MIXER_VOLUME , 0x8000);
- set_volume (s, AC97_PCM_Out_Volume_Mute, AUD_MIXER_PCM , 0x8808);
- set_volume (s, AC97_Line_In_Volume_Mute, AUD_MIXER_LINE_IN, 0x8808);
+ set_volume (s, AC97_Master_Volume_Mute, 0x8000);
+ set_volume (s, AC97_PCM_Out_Volume_Mute, 0x8808);
+ set_volume (s, AC97_Line_In_Volume_Mute, 0x8808);
reset_voices (s, active);
static uint32_t nam_readb (void *opaque, uint32_t addr)
- PCIAC97LinkState *d = opaque;
- AC97LinkState *s = &d->ac97;
+ AC97LinkState *s = opaque;
dolog ("U nam readb %#x\n", addr);
s->cas = 0;
return ~0U;
static uint32_t nam_readw (void *opaque, uint32_t addr)
- PCIAC97LinkState *d = opaque;
- AC97LinkState *s = &d->ac97;
+ AC97LinkState *s = opaque;
uint32_t val = ~0U;
- uint32_t index = addr - s->base[0];
+ uint32_t index = addr;
s->cas = 0;
val = mixer_load (s, index);
return val;
static uint32_t nam_readl (void *opaque, uint32_t addr)
- PCIAC97LinkState *d = opaque;
- AC97LinkState *s = &d->ac97;
+ AC97LinkState *s = opaque;
dolog ("U nam readl %#x\n", addr);
s->cas = 0;
return ~0U;
static void nam_writeb (void *opaque, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val)
- PCIAC97LinkState *d = opaque;
- AC97LinkState *s = &d->ac97;
+ AC97LinkState *s = opaque;
dolog ("U nam writeb %#x <- %#x\n", addr, val);
s->cas = 0;
static void nam_writew (void *opaque, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val)
- PCIAC97LinkState *d = opaque;
- AC97LinkState *s = &d->ac97;
- uint32_t index = addr - s->base[0];
+ AC97LinkState *s = opaque;
+ uint32_t index = addr;
s->cas = 0;
switch (index) {
case AC97_Reset:
val |= mixer_load (s, index) & 0xf;
mixer_store (s, index, val);
-#ifdef USE_MIXER
- case AC97_Master_Volume_Mute:
- set_volume (s, index, AUD_MIXER_VOLUME, val);
- break;
case AC97_PCM_Out_Volume_Mute:
- set_volume (s, index, AUD_MIXER_PCM, val);
- break;
+ case AC97_Master_Volume_Mute:
+ case AC97_Record_Gain_Mute:
case AC97_Line_In_Volume_Mute:
- set_volume (s, index, AUD_MIXER_LINE_IN, val);
+ set_volume (s, index, val);
case AC97_Record_Select:
record_select (s, val);
case AC97_Vendor_ID1:
case AC97_Vendor_ID2:
dolog ("Attempt to write vendor ID to %#x\n", val);
static void nam_writel (void *opaque, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val)
- PCIAC97LinkState *d = opaque;
- AC97LinkState *s = &d->ac97;
+ AC97LinkState *s = opaque;
dolog ("U nam writel %#x <- %#x\n", addr, val);
s->cas = 0;
static uint32_t nabm_readb (void *opaque, uint32_t addr)
- PCIAC97LinkState *d = opaque;
- AC97LinkState *s = &d->ac97;
+ AC97LinkState *s = opaque;
AC97BusMasterRegs *r = NULL;
- uint32_t index = addr - s->base[1];
+ uint32_t index = addr;
uint32_t val = ~0U;
switch (index) {
static uint32_t nabm_readw (void *opaque, uint32_t addr)
- PCIAC97LinkState *d = opaque;
- AC97LinkState *s = &d->ac97;
+ AC97LinkState *s = opaque;
AC97BusMasterRegs *r = NULL;
- uint32_t index = addr - s->base[1];
+ uint32_t index = addr;
uint32_t val = ~0U;
switch (index) {
static uint32_t nabm_readl (void *opaque, uint32_t addr)
- PCIAC97LinkState *d = opaque;
- AC97LinkState *s = &d->ac97;
+ AC97LinkState *s = opaque;
AC97BusMasterRegs *r = NULL;
- uint32_t index = addr - s->base[1];
+ uint32_t index = addr;
uint32_t val = ~0U;
switch (index) {
static void nabm_writeb (void *opaque, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val)
- PCIAC97LinkState *d = opaque;
- AC97LinkState *s = &d->ac97;
+ AC97LinkState *s = opaque;
AC97BusMasterRegs *r = NULL;
- uint32_t index = addr - s->base[1];
+ uint32_t index = addr;
switch (index) {
case PI_LVI:
case PO_LVI:
static void nabm_writew (void *opaque, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val)
- PCIAC97LinkState *d = opaque;
- AC97LinkState *s = &d->ac97;
+ AC97LinkState *s = opaque;
AC97BusMasterRegs *r = NULL;
- uint32_t index = addr - s->base[1];
+ uint32_t index = addr;
switch (index) {
case PI_SR:
case PO_SR:
static void nabm_writel (void *opaque, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val)
- PCIAC97LinkState *d = opaque;
- AC97LinkState *s = &d->ac97;
+ AC97LinkState *s = opaque;
AC97BusMasterRegs *r = NULL;
- uint32_t index = addr - s->base[1];
+ uint32_t index = addr;
switch (index) {
case PI_BDBAR:
case PO_BDBAR:
while (temp) {
int copied;
to_copy = audio_MIN (temp, sizeof (tmpbuf));
- cpu_physical_memory_read (addr, tmpbuf, to_copy);
+ pci_dma_read (&s->dev, addr, tmpbuf, to_copy);
copied = AUD_write (s->voice_po, tmpbuf, to_copy);
dolog ("write_audio max=%x to_copy=%x copied=%x\n",
max, to_copy, copied);
static void write_bup (AC97LinkState *s, int elapsed)
- int written = 0;
dolog ("write_bup\n");
if (!(s->bup_flag & BUP_SET)) {
if (s->bup_flag & BUP_LAST) {
temp -= copied;
elapsed -= copied;
- written += copied;
*stop = 1;
- cpu_physical_memory_write (addr, tmpbuf, acquired);
+ pci_dma_write (&s->dev, addr, tmpbuf, acquired);
temp -= acquired;
addr += acquired;
nread += acquired;
static void transfer_audio (AC97LinkState *s, int index, int elapsed)
AC97BusMasterRegs *r = &s->bm_regs[index];
- int written = 0, stop = 0;
+ int stop = 0;
if (s->invalid_freq[index]) {
AUD_log ("ac97", "attempt to use voice %d with invalid frequency %d\n",
switch (index) {
case PO_INDEX:
temp = write_audio (s, r, elapsed, &stop);
- written += temp;
elapsed -= temp;
r->picb -= (temp >> 1);
transfer_audio (opaque, PO_INDEX, free);
-static void ac97_save (QEMUFile *f, void *opaque)
- size_t i;
- uint8_t active[LAST_INDEX];
- AC97LinkState *s = opaque;
- pci_device_save (s->pci_dev, f);
- qemu_put_be32s (f, &s->glob_cnt);
- qemu_put_be32s (f, &s->glob_sta);
- qemu_put_be32s (f, &s->cas);
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE (s->bm_regs); ++i) {
- AC97BusMasterRegs *r = &s->bm_regs[i];
- qemu_put_be32s (f, &r->bdbar);
- qemu_put_8s (f, &r->civ);
- qemu_put_8s (f, &r->lvi);
- qemu_put_be16s (f, &r->sr);
- qemu_put_be16s (f, &r->picb);
- qemu_put_8s (f, &r->piv);
- qemu_put_8s (f, &r->cr);
- qemu_put_be32s (f, &r->bd_valid);
- qemu_put_be32s (f, &r->bd.addr);
- qemu_put_be32s (f, &r->bd.ctl_len);
+static const VMStateDescription vmstate_ac97_bm_regs = {
+ .name = "ac97_bm_regs",
+ .version_id = 1,
+ .minimum_version_id = 1,
+ .minimum_version_id_old = 1,
+ .fields = (VMStateField []) {
+ VMSTATE_UINT32 (bdbar, AC97BusMasterRegs),
+ VMSTATE_UINT8 (civ, AC97BusMasterRegs),
+ VMSTATE_UINT8 (lvi, AC97BusMasterRegs),
+ VMSTATE_UINT16 (sr, AC97BusMasterRegs),
+ VMSTATE_UINT16 (picb, AC97BusMasterRegs),
+ VMSTATE_UINT8 (piv, AC97BusMasterRegs),
+ VMSTATE_UINT8 (cr, AC97BusMasterRegs),
+ VMSTATE_UINT32 (bd_valid, AC97BusMasterRegs),
+ VMSTATE_UINT32 (bd.addr, AC97BusMasterRegs),
+ VMSTATE_UINT32 (bd.ctl_len, AC97BusMasterRegs),
- qemu_put_buffer (f, s->mixer_data, sizeof (s->mixer_data));
- active[PI_INDEX] = AUD_is_active_in (s->voice_pi) ? 1 : 0;
- active[PO_INDEX] = AUD_is_active_out (s->voice_po) ? 1 : 0;
- active[MC_INDEX] = AUD_is_active_in (s->voice_mc) ? 1 : 0;
- qemu_put_buffer (f, active, sizeof (active));
-static int ac97_load (QEMUFile *f, void *opaque, int version_id)
+static int ac97_post_load (void *opaque, int version_id)
- int ret;
- size_t i;
uint8_t active[LAST_INDEX];
AC97LinkState *s = opaque;
- if (version_id != 2)
- return -EINVAL;
- ret = pci_device_load (s->pci_dev, f);
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- qemu_get_be32s (f, &s->glob_cnt);
- qemu_get_be32s (f, &s->glob_sta);
- qemu_get_be32s (f, &s->cas);
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE (s->bm_regs); ++i) {
- AC97BusMasterRegs *r = &s->bm_regs[i];
- qemu_get_be32s (f, &r->bdbar);
- qemu_get_8s (f, &r->civ);
- qemu_get_8s (f, &r->lvi);
- qemu_get_be16s (f, &r->sr);
- qemu_get_be16s (f, &r->picb);
- qemu_get_8s (f, &r->piv);
- qemu_get_8s (f, &r->cr);
- qemu_get_be32s (f, &r->bd_valid);
- qemu_get_be32s (f, &r->bd.addr);
- qemu_get_be32s (f, &r->bd.ctl_len);
- }
- qemu_get_buffer (f, s->mixer_data, sizeof (s->mixer_data));
- qemu_get_buffer (f, active, sizeof (active));
-#ifdef USE_MIXER
record_select (s, mixer_load (s, AC97_Record_Select));
-#define V_(a, b) set_volume (s, a, b, mixer_load (s, a))
- V_ (AC97_Master_Volume_Mute, AUD_MIXER_VOLUME);
- V_ (AC97_PCM_Out_Volume_Mute, AUD_MIXER_PCM);
- V_ (AC97_Line_In_Volume_Mute, AUD_MIXER_LINE_IN);
-#undef V_
+ set_volume (s, AC97_Master_Volume_Mute,
+ mixer_load (s, AC97_Master_Volume_Mute));
+ set_volume (s, AC97_PCM_Out_Volume_Mute,
+ mixer_load (s, AC97_PCM_Out_Volume_Mute));
+ set_volume (s, AC97_Line_In_Volume_Mute,
+ mixer_load (s, AC97_Line_In_Volume_Mute));
+ active[PI_INDEX] = !!(s->bm_regs[PI_INDEX].cr & CR_RPBM);
+ active[PO_INDEX] = !!(s->bm_regs[PO_INDEX].cr & CR_RPBM);
+ active[MC_INDEX] = !!(s->bm_regs[MC_INDEX].cr & CR_RPBM);
reset_voices (s, active);
s->bup_flag = 0;
return 0;
-static void ac97_map (PCIDevice *pci_dev, int region_num,
- uint32_t addr, uint32_t size, int type)
+static bool is_version_2 (void *opaque, int version_id)
- PCIAC97LinkState *d = (PCIAC97LinkState *) pci_dev;
- AC97LinkState *s = &d->ac97;
- if (!region_num) {
- s->base[0] = addr;
- register_ioport_read (addr, 256 * 1, 1, nam_readb, d);
- register_ioport_read (addr, 256 * 2, 2, nam_readw, d);
- register_ioport_read (addr, 256 * 4, 4, nam_readl, d);
- register_ioport_write (addr, 256 * 1, 1, nam_writeb, d);
- register_ioport_write (addr, 256 * 2, 2, nam_writew, d);
- register_ioport_write (addr, 256 * 4, 4, nam_writel, d);
- }
- else {
- s->base[1] = addr;
- register_ioport_read (addr, 64 * 1, 1, nabm_readb, d);
- register_ioport_read (addr, 64 * 2, 2, nabm_readw, d);
- register_ioport_read (addr, 64 * 4, 4, nabm_readl, d);
- register_ioport_write (addr, 64 * 1, 1, nabm_writeb, d);
- register_ioport_write (addr, 64 * 2, 2, nabm_writew, d);
- register_ioport_write (addr, 64 * 4, 4, nabm_writel, d);
- }
+ return version_id == 2;
+static const VMStateDescription vmstate_ac97 = {
+ .name = "ac97",
+ .version_id = 3,
+ .minimum_version_id = 2,
+ .minimum_version_id_old = 2,
+ .post_load = ac97_post_load,
+ .fields = (VMStateField []) {
+ VMSTATE_PCI_DEVICE (dev, AC97LinkState),
+ VMSTATE_UINT32 (glob_cnt, AC97LinkState),
+ VMSTATE_UINT32 (glob_sta, AC97LinkState),
+ VMSTATE_UINT32 (cas, AC97LinkState),
+ VMSTATE_STRUCT_ARRAY (bm_regs, AC97LinkState, 3, 1,
+ vmstate_ac97_bm_regs, AC97BusMasterRegs),
+ VMSTATE_BUFFER (mixer_data, AC97LinkState),
+ VMSTATE_UNUSED_TEST (is_version_2, 3),
+ }
+static const MemoryRegionPortio nam_portio[] = {
+ { 0, 256 * 1, 1, .read = nam_readb, },
+ { 0, 256 * 2, 2, .read = nam_readw, },
+ { 0, 256 * 4, 4, .read = nam_readl, },
+ { 0, 256 * 1, 1, .write = nam_writeb, },
+ { 0, 256 * 2, 2, .write = nam_writew, },
+ { 0, 256 * 4, 4, .write = nam_writel, },
+static const MemoryRegionOps ac97_io_nam_ops = {
+ .old_portio = nam_portio,
+static const MemoryRegionPortio nabm_portio[] = {
+ { 0, 64 * 1, 1, .read = nabm_readb, },
+ { 0, 64 * 2, 2, .read = nabm_readw, },
+ { 0, 64 * 4, 4, .read = nabm_readl, },
+ { 0, 64 * 1, 1, .write = nabm_writeb, },
+ { 0, 64 * 2, 2, .write = nabm_writew, },
+ { 0, 64 * 4, 4, .write = nabm_writel, },
+static const MemoryRegionOps ac97_io_nabm_ops = {
+ .old_portio = nabm_portio,
static void ac97_on_reset (void *opaque)
AC97LinkState *s = opaque;
mixer_reset (s);
-int ac97_init (PCIBus *bus)
+static int ac97_initfn (PCIDevice *dev)
- PCIAC97LinkState *d;
- AC97LinkState *s;
- uint8_t *c;
- if (!bus) {
- AUD_log ("ac97", "No PCI bus\n");
- return -1;
+ AC97LinkState *s = DO_UPCAST (AC97LinkState, dev, dev);
+ uint8_t *c = s->dev.config;
+ /* TODO: no need to override */
+ c[PCI_COMMAND] = 0x00; /* pcicmd pci command rw, ro */
+ c[PCI_COMMAND + 1] = 0x00;
+ /* TODO: */
+ c[PCI_STATUS] = PCI_STATUS_FAST_BACK; /* pcists pci status rwc, ro */
+ c[PCI_CLASS_PROG] = 0x00; /* pi programming interface ro */
+ /* TODO set when bar is registered. no need to override. */
+ /* nabmar native audio mixer base address rw */
+ c[PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 + 1] = 0x00;
+ c[PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 + 2] = 0x00;
+ c[PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 + 3] = 0x00;
+ /* TODO set when bar is registered. no need to override. */
+ /* nabmbar native audio bus mastering base address rw */
+ c[PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 + 5] = 0x00;
+ c[PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 + 6] = 0x00;
+ c[PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 + 7] = 0x00;
+ if (s->use_broken_id) {
+ c[PCI_SUBSYSTEM_VENDOR_ID + 1] = 0x80;
+ c[PCI_SUBSYSTEM_ID] = 0x00;
+ c[PCI_SUBSYSTEM_ID + 1] = 0x00;
- d = (PCIAC97LinkState *) pci_register_device (bus, "AC97",
- sizeof (PCIAC97LinkState),
- -1, NULL, NULL);
+ c[PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE] = 0x00; /* intr_ln interrupt line rw */
+ c[PCI_INTERRUPT_PIN] = 0x01; /* intr_pn interrupt pin ro */
- if (!d) {
- AUD_log ("ac97", "Failed to register PCI device\n");
- return -1;
- }
- s = &d->ac97;
- s->pci_dev = &d->dev;
- c = d->dev.config;
- pci_config_set_vendor_id (c, PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL); /* ro */
- pci_config_set_device_id (c, PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801AA_5); /* ro */
- c[0x04] = 0x00; /* pcicmd pci command rw, ro */
- c[0x05] = 0x00;
- c[0x06] = 0x80; /* pcists pci status rwc, ro */
- c[0x07] = 0x02;
+ memory_region_init_io (&s->io_nam, &ac97_io_nam_ops, s, "ac97-nam", 1024);
+ memory_region_init_io (&s->io_nabm, &ac97_io_nabm_ops, s, "ac97-nabm", 256);
+ pci_register_bar (&s->dev, 0, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO, &s->io_nam);
+ pci_register_bar (&s->dev, 1, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO, &s->io_nabm);
+ qemu_register_reset (ac97_on_reset, s);
+ AUD_register_card ("ac97", &s->card);
+ ac97_on_reset (s);
+ return 0;
- c[0x08] = 0x01; /* rid revision ro */
- c[0x09] = 0x00; /* pi programming interface ro */
- pci_config_set_class (c, PCI_CLASS_MULTIMEDIA_AUDIO); /* ro */
- c[PCI_HEADER_TYPE] = PCI_HEADER_TYPE_NORMAL; /* headtyp header type ro */
+static int ac97_exitfn (PCIDevice *dev)
+ AC97LinkState *s = DO_UPCAST (AC97LinkState, dev, dev);
- c[0x10] = 0x01; /* nabmar native audio mixer base
- address rw */
- c[0x11] = 0x00;
- c[0x12] = 0x00;
- c[0x13] = 0x00;
+ memory_region_destroy (&s->io_nam);
+ memory_region_destroy (&s->io_nabm);
+ return 0;
- c[0x14] = 0x01; /* nabmbar native audio bus mastering
- base address rw */
- c[0x15] = 0x00;
- c[0x16] = 0x00;
- c[0x17] = 0x00;
+int ac97_init (PCIBus *bus)
+ pci_create_simple (bus, -1, "AC97");
+ return 0;
- c[0x2c] = 0x86; /* svid subsystem vendor id rwo */
- c[0x2d] = 0x80;
+static Property ac97_properties[] = {
+ DEFINE_PROP_UINT32 ("use_broken_id", AC97LinkState, use_broken_id, 0),
- c[0x2e] = 0x00; /* sid subsystem id rwo */
- c[0x2f] = 0x00;
+static void ac97_class_init (ObjectClass *klass, void *data)
+ DeviceClass *dc = DEVICE_CLASS (klass);
+ PCIDeviceClass *k = PCI_DEVICE_CLASS (klass);
+ k->init = ac97_initfn;
+ k->exit = ac97_exitfn;
+ k->vendor_id = PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL;
+ k->device_id = PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801AA_5;
+ k->revision = 0x01;
+ dc->desc = "Intel 82801AA AC97 Audio";
+ dc->vmsd = &vmstate_ac97;
+ dc->props = ac97_properties;
- c[0x3c] = 0x00; /* intr_ln interrupt line rw */
- c[0x3d] = 0x01; /* intr_pn interrupt pin ro */
+static TypeInfo ac97_info = {
+ .name = "AC97",
+ .parent = TYPE_PCI_DEVICE,
+ .instance_size = sizeof (AC97LinkState),
+ .class_init = ac97_class_init,
- pci_register_bar (&d->dev, 0, 256 * 4, PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO, ac97_map);
- pci_register_bar (&d->dev, 1, 64 * 4, PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO, ac97_map);
- register_savevm ("ac97", 0, 2, ac97_save, ac97_load, s);
- qemu_register_reset (ac97_on_reset, 0, s);
- AUD_register_card ("ac97", &s->card);
- ac97_on_reset (s);
- return 0;
+static void ac97_register_types (void)
+ type_register_static (&ac97_info);
+type_init (ac97_register_types)