+static void qdict_flatten_test(void)
+ QList *list1 = qlist_new();
+ QList *list2 = qlist_new();
+ QDict *dict1 = qdict_new();
+ QDict *dict2 = qdict_new();
+ QDict *dict3 = qdict_new();
+ /*
+ * Test the flattening of
+ *
+ * {
+ * "e": [
+ * 42,
+ * [
+ * 23,
+ * 66,
+ * {
+ * "a": 0,
+ * "b": 1
+ * }
+ * ]
+ * ],
+ * "f": {
+ * "c": 2,
+ * "d": 3,
+ * },
+ * "g": 4
+ * }
+ *
+ * to
+ *
+ * {
+ * "e.0": 42,
+ * "e.1.0": 23,
+ * "e.1.1": 66,
+ * "e.1.2.a": 0,
+ * "e.1.2.b": 1,
+ * "f.c": 2,
+ * "f.d": 3,
+ * "g": 4
+ * }
+ */
+ qdict_put(dict1, "a", qint_from_int(0));
+ qdict_put(dict1, "b", qint_from_int(1));
+ qlist_append_obj(list1, QOBJECT(qint_from_int(23)));
+ qlist_append_obj(list1, QOBJECT(qint_from_int(66)));
+ qlist_append_obj(list1, QOBJECT(dict1));
+ qlist_append_obj(list2, QOBJECT(qint_from_int(42)));
+ qlist_append_obj(list2, QOBJECT(list1));
+ qdict_put(dict2, "c", qint_from_int(2));
+ qdict_put(dict2, "d", qint_from_int(3));
+ qdict_put_obj(dict3, "e", QOBJECT(list2));
+ qdict_put_obj(dict3, "f", QOBJECT(dict2));
+ qdict_put(dict3, "g", qint_from_int(4));
+ qdict_flatten(dict3);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(dict3, "e.0") == 42);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(dict3, "e.1.0") == 23);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(dict3, "e.1.1") == 66);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(dict3, "e.1.2.a") == 0);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(dict3, "e.1.2.b") == 1);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(dict3, "f.c") == 2);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(dict3, "f.d") == 3);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(dict3, "g") == 4);
+ g_assert(qdict_size(dict3) == 8);
+ QDECREF(dict3);
+static void qdict_array_split_test(void)
+ QDict *test_dict = qdict_new();
+ QDict *dict1, *dict2;
+ QInt *int1;
+ QList *test_list;
+ /*
+ * Test the split of
+ *
+ * {
+ * "1.x": 0,
+ * "4.y": 1,
+ * "0.a": 42,
+ * "o.o": 7,
+ * "0.b": 23,
+ * "2": 66
+ * }
+ *
+ * to
+ *
+ * [
+ * {
+ * "a": 42,
+ * "b": 23
+ * },
+ * {
+ * "x": 0
+ * },
+ * 66
+ * ]
+ *
+ * and
+ *
+ * {
+ * "4.y": 1,
+ * "o.o": 7
+ * }
+ *
+ * (remaining in the old QDict)
+ *
+ * This example is given in the comment of qdict_array_split().
+ */
+ qdict_put(test_dict, "1.x", qint_from_int(0));
+ qdict_put(test_dict, "4.y", qint_from_int(1));
+ qdict_put(test_dict, "0.a", qint_from_int(42));
+ qdict_put(test_dict, "o.o", qint_from_int(7));
+ qdict_put(test_dict, "0.b", qint_from_int(23));
+ qdict_put(test_dict, "2", qint_from_int(66));
+ qdict_array_split(test_dict, &test_list);
+ dict1 = qobject_to_qdict(qlist_pop(test_list));
+ dict2 = qobject_to_qdict(qlist_pop(test_list));
+ int1 = qobject_to_qint(qlist_pop(test_list));
+ g_assert(dict1);
+ g_assert(dict2);
+ g_assert(int1);
+ g_assert(qlist_empty(test_list));
+ QDECREF(test_list);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(dict1, "a") == 42);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(dict1, "b") == 23);
+ g_assert(qdict_size(dict1) == 2);
+ QDECREF(dict1);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(dict2, "x") == 0);
+ g_assert(qdict_size(dict2) == 1);
+ QDECREF(dict2);
+ g_assert(qint_get_int(int1) == 66);
+ QDECREF(int1);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(test_dict, "4.y") == 1);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(test_dict, "o.o") == 7);
+ g_assert(qdict_size(test_dict) == 2);
+ QDECREF(test_dict);
+ /*
+ * Test the split of
+ *
+ * {
+ * "0": 42,
+ * "1": 23,
+ * "1.x": 84
+ * }
+ *
+ * to
+ *
+ * [
+ * 42
+ * ]
+ *
+ * and
+ *
+ * {
+ * "1": 23,
+ * "1.x": 84
+ * }
+ *
+ * That is, test whether splitting stops if there is both an entry with key
+ * of "%u" and other entries with keys prefixed "%u." for the same index.
+ */
+ test_dict = qdict_new();
+ qdict_put(test_dict, "0", qint_from_int(42));
+ qdict_put(test_dict, "1", qint_from_int(23));
+ qdict_put(test_dict, "1.x", qint_from_int(84));
+ qdict_array_split(test_dict, &test_list);
+ int1 = qobject_to_qint(qlist_pop(test_list));
+ g_assert(int1);
+ g_assert(qlist_empty(test_list));
+ QDECREF(test_list);
+ g_assert(qint_get_int(int1) == 42);
+ QDECREF(int1);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(test_dict, "1") == 23);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(test_dict, "1.x") == 84);
+ g_assert(qdict_size(test_dict) == 2);
+ QDECREF(test_dict);
+static void qdict_join_test(void)
+ QDict *dict1, *dict2;
+ bool overwrite = false;
+ int i;
+ dict1 = qdict_new();
+ dict2 = qdict_new();
+ /* Test everything once without overwrite and once with */
+ do
+ {
+ /* Test empty dicts */
+ qdict_join(dict1, dict2, overwrite);
+ g_assert(qdict_size(dict1) == 0);
+ g_assert(qdict_size(dict2) == 0);
+ /* First iteration: Test movement */
+ /* Second iteration: Test empty source and non-empty destination */
+ qdict_put(dict2, "foo", qint_from_int(42));
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ qdict_join(dict1, dict2, overwrite);
+ g_assert(qdict_size(dict1) == 1);
+ g_assert(qdict_size(dict2) == 0);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(dict1, "foo") == 42);
+ }
+ /* Test non-empty source and destination without conflict */
+ qdict_put(dict2, "bar", qint_from_int(23));
+ qdict_join(dict1, dict2, overwrite);
+ g_assert(qdict_size(dict1) == 2);
+ g_assert(qdict_size(dict2) == 0);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(dict1, "foo") == 42);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(dict1, "bar") == 23);
+ /* Test conflict */
+ qdict_put(dict2, "foo", qint_from_int(84));
+ qdict_join(dict1, dict2, overwrite);
+ g_assert(qdict_size(dict1) == 2);
+ g_assert(qdict_size(dict2) == !overwrite);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(dict1, "foo") == overwrite ? 84 : 42);
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(dict1, "bar") == 23);
+ if (!overwrite) {
+ g_assert(qdict_get_int(dict2, "foo") == 84);
+ }
+ /* Check the references */
+ g_assert(qdict_get(dict1, "foo")->refcnt == 1);
+ g_assert(qdict_get(dict1, "bar")->refcnt == 1);
+ if (!overwrite) {
+ g_assert(qdict_get(dict2, "foo")->refcnt == 1);
+ }
+ /* Clean up */
+ qdict_del(dict1, "foo");
+ qdict_del(dict1, "bar");
+ if (!overwrite) {
+ qdict_del(dict2, "foo");
+ }
+ }
+ while (overwrite ^= true);
+ QDECREF(dict1);
+ QDECREF(dict2);
* Errors test-cases
g_test_add_func("/public/del", qdict_del_test);
g_test_add_func("/public/to_qdict", qobject_to_qdict_test);
g_test_add_func("/public/iterapi", qdict_iterapi_test);
+ g_test_add_func("/public/flatten", qdict_flatten_test);
+ g_test_add_func("/public/array_split", qdict_array_split_test);
+ g_test_add_func("/public/join", qdict_join_test);
g_test_add_func("/errors/put_exists", qdict_put_exists_test);
g_test_add_func("/errors/get_not_exists", qdict_get_not_exists_test);