self.assert_qmp(result, 'error/desc',
"Dirty bitmap 'bitmap0' not found");
+ def do_test_migration_resume_source(self, persistent, migrate_bitmaps):
+ granularity = 512
+ # regions = ((start, count), ...)
+ regions = ((0, 0x10000),
+ (0xf0000, 0x10000),
+ (0xa0201, 0x1000))
+ mig_caps = [{'capability': 'events', 'state': True}]
+ if migrate_bitmaps:
+ mig_caps.append({'capability': 'dirty-bitmaps', 'state': True})
+ result = self.vm_a.qmp('migrate-set-capabilities',
+ capabilities=mig_caps)
+ self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
+ self.add_bitmap(self.vm_a, granularity, persistent)
+ for r in regions:
+ self.vm_a.hmp_qemu_io('drive0', 'write %d %d' % r)
+ sha256 = self.get_bitmap_hash(self.vm_a)
+ result = self.vm_a.qmp('migrate', uri=mig_cmd)
+ while True:
+ event = self.vm_a.event_wait('MIGRATION')
+ if event['data']['status'] == 'completed':
+ break
+ # test that bitmap is still here
+ removed = (not migrate_bitmaps) and persistent
+ self.check_bitmap(self.vm_a, False if removed else sha256)
+ self.vm_a.qmp('cont')
+ # test that bitmap is still here after invalidation
+ self.check_bitmap(self.vm_a, sha256)
+ # shutdown and check that invalidation didn't fail
+ self.vm_a.shutdown()
+ # catch 'Could not reopen qcow2 layer: Bitmap already exists'
+ # possible error
+ log = self.vm_a.get_log()
+ log = re.sub(r'^\[I \d+\.\d+\] OPENED\n', '', log)
+ log = re.sub(r'^(wrote .* bytes at offset .*\n.*KiB.*ops.*sec.*\n){3}',
+ '', log)
+ log = re.sub(r'\[I \+\d+\.\d+\] CLOSED\n?$', '', log)
+ self.assertEqual(log, '')
+ # test that bitmap is still persistent
+ self.vm_a.launch()
+ self.check_bitmap(self.vm_a, sha256 if persistent else False)
def do_test_migration(self, persistent, migrate_bitmaps, online,
granularity = 512
def inject_test_case(klass, name, method, *args, **kwargs):
mc = operator.methodcaller(method, *args, **kwargs)
- setattr(klass, 'test_' + name, new.instancemethod(mc, None, klass))
+ setattr(klass, 'test_' + method + name, new.instancemethod(mc, None, klass))
for cmb in list(itertools.product((True, False), repeat=4)):
name = ('_' if cmb[0] else '_not_') + 'persistent_'
inject_test_case(TestDirtyBitmapMigration, name, 'do_test_migration',
+for cmb in list(itertools.product((True, False), repeat=2)):
+ name = ('_' if cmb[0] else '_not_') + 'persistent_'
+ name += ('_' if cmb[1] else '_not_') + 'migbitmap'
+ inject_test_case(TestDirtyBitmapMigration, name,
+ 'do_test_migration_resume_source', *list(cmb))
if __name__ == '__main__':