{ 'command': 'device_del', 'data': {'id': 'str'} }
+# @DumpGuestMemoryFormat:
+# An enumeration of guest-memory-dump's format.
+# @elf: elf format
+# @kdump-zlib: kdump-compressed format with zlib-compressed
+# @kdump-lzo: kdump-compressed format with lzo-compressed
+# @kdump-snappy: kdump-compressed format with snappy-compressed
+# Since: 2.0
+{ 'enum': 'DumpGuestMemoryFormat',
+ 'data': [ 'elf', 'kdump-zlib', 'kdump-lzo', 'kdump-snappy' ] }
# @dump-guest-memory
# want to dump all guest's memory, please specify the start @begin
# and @length
+# @format: #optional if specified, the format of guest memory dump. But non-elf
+# format is conflict with paging and filter, ie. @paging, @begin and
+# @length is not allowed to be specified with non-elf @format at the
+# same time (since 2.0)
# Returns: nothing on success
# Since: 1.2
{ 'command': 'dump-guest-memory',
'data': { 'paging': 'bool', 'protocol': 'str', '*begin': 'int',
- '*length': 'int' } }
+ '*length': 'int', '*format': 'DumpGuestMemoryFormat' } }
+# @DumpGuestMemoryCapability:
+# A list of the available formats for dump-guest-memory
+# Since: 2.0
+{ 'type': 'DumpGuestMemoryCapability',
+ 'data': {
+ 'formats': ['DumpGuestMemoryFormat'] } }
+# @query-dump-guest-memory-capability:
+# Returns the available formats for dump-guest-memory
+# Returns: A @DumpGuestMemoryCapability object listing available formats for
+# dump-guest-memory
+# Since: 2.0
+{ 'command': 'query-dump-guest-memory-capability',
+ 'returns': 'DumpGuestMemoryCapability' }
# @netdev_add: