my ($stmt) = @_;
$stmt =~ s/(^|\n)./$1/g;
- $stmt =~ s/^\s*{//;
+ $stmt =~ s/^\s*\{//;
$stmt =~ s/}\s*$//;
$stmt =~ s/^\s*//;
$stmt =~ s/\s*$//;
- do
+ do|
+ \#|
+ \#\#
# 79 or 80 characters, it is no longer possible to add a space and an
# opening brace there)
if ($#ctx == 0 && $ctx !~ /{\s*/ &&
- defined($lines[$ctx_ln - 1]) && $lines[$ctx_ln - 1] =~ /^\+\s*{/ &&
+ defined($lines[$ctx_ln - 1]) && $lines[$ctx_ln - 1] =~ /^\+\s*\{/ &&
defined($lines[$ctx_ln - 2]) && length($lines[$ctx_ln - 2]) < 80) {
ERROR("that open brace { should be on the previous line\n" .
"$here\n$ctx\n$rawlines[$ctx_ln - 1]\n");
my $continuation = 0;
my $check = 0;
$s =~ s/^.*\bdo\b//;
- $s =~ s/^\s*{//;
+ $s =~ s/^\s*\{//;
if ($s =~ s/^\s*\\//) {
$continuation = 1;
# check for initialisation to aggregates open brace on the next line
- if ($line =~ /^.\s*{/ &&
+ if ($line =~ /^.\s*\{/ &&
$prevline =~ /(?:^|[^=])=\s*$/) {
ERROR("that open brace { should be on the previous line\n" . $hereprev);
# function brace can't be on same line, except for #defines of do while,
# or if closed on same line
- if (($line=~/$Type\s*$Ident\(.*\).*\s{/) and
- !($line=~/\#\s*define.*do\s{/) and !($line=~/}/)) {
+ if (($line=~/$Type\s*$Ident\(.*\).*\s\{/) and
+ !($line=~/\#\s*define.*do\s\{/) and !($line=~/}/)) {
ERROR("open brace '{' following function declarations go on the next line\n" . $herecurr);
# open braces for enum, union and struct go on the same line.
- if ($line =~ /^.\s*{/ &&
+ if ($line =~ /^.\s*\{/ &&
$prevline =~ /^.\s*(?:typedef\s+)?(enum|union|struct)(?:\s+$Ident)?\s*$/) {
ERROR("open brace '{' following $1 go on the same line\n" . $hereprev);
-# ... however, open braces on typedef lines should be avoided.
- if ($line =~ /^.\s*typedef\s+(enum|union|struct)(?:\s+$Ident\b)?.*[^;]$/) {
- ERROR("typedefs should be separate from struct declaration\n" . $herecurr);
- }
# missing space after union, struct or enum definition
if ($line =~ /^.\s*(?:typedef\s+)?(enum|union|struct)(?:\s+$Ident)?(?:\s+$Ident)?[=\{]/) {
ERROR("missing space after $1 definition\n" . $herecurr);
# not required when having a single },{ on one line
} elsif ($op eq ',') {
if ($ctx !~ /.x[WEC]/ && $cc !~ /^}/ &&
- ($elements[$n] . $elements[$n + 2]) !~ " *}{") {
+ ($elements[$n] . $elements[$n + 2]) !~ " *}\\{") {
ERROR("space required after that '$op' $at\n" . $hereptr);
ERROR("space prohibited after that '$op' $at\n" . $hereptr);
- # << and >> may either have or not have spaces both sides
- } elsif ($op eq '<<' or $op eq '>>' or
- $op eq '&' or $op eq '^' or $op eq '|' or
- $op eq '+' or $op eq '-' or
- $op eq '*' or $op eq '/' or
- $op eq '%')
- {
- if ($ctx =~ /Wx[^WCE]|[^WCE]xW/) {
- ERROR("need consistent spacing around '$op' $at\n" .
- $hereptr);
- }
# A colon needs no spaces before when it is
# terminating a case value or a label.
} elsif ($opv eq ':C' || $opv eq ':L') {
#need space before brace following if, while, etc
- if (($line =~ /\(.*\){/ && $line !~ /\($Type\){/) ||
- $line =~ /do{/) {
+ if (($line =~ /\(.*\)\{/ && $line !~ /\($Type\)\{/) ||
+ $line =~ /do\{/) {
ERROR("space required before the open brace '{'\n" . $herecurr);
my $spaced_block = $block;
$spaced_block =~ s/\n\+/ /g;
- $seen++ if ($spaced_block =~ /^\s*{/);
+ $seen++ if ($spaced_block =~ /^\s*\{/);
print "APW: cond<$cond> block<$block> allowed<$allowed>\n"
if $dbg_adv_apw;
WARN("__func__ should be used instead of gcc specific __FUNCTION__\n" . $herecurr);
-# recommend qemu_strto* over strto*
- if ($line =~ /\b(strto.*?)\s*\(/) {
+# recommend qemu_strto* over strto* for numeric conversions
+ if ($line =~ /\b(strto[^k].*?)\s*\(/) {
WARN("consider using qemu_$1 in preference to $1\n" . $herecurr);
# check for module_init(), use category-specific init macros explicitly please
WARN("use QEMU instead of Qemu or QEmu\n" . $herecurr);
+# Qemu error function tests
+ # Find newlines in error messages
+ my $qemu_error_funcs = qr{error_setg|
+ error_setg_errno|
+ error_setg_win32|
+ error_set|
+ error_vreport|
+ error_report}x;
+ if ($rawline =~ /\b(?:$qemu_error_funcs)\s*\(\s*\".*\\n/) {
+ WARN("Error messages should not contain newlines\n" . $herecurr);
+ }
+ # Continue checking for error messages that contains newlines. This
+ # check handles cases where string literals are spread over multiple lines.
+ # Example:
+ # error_report("Error msg line #1"
+ # "Error msg line #2\n");
+ my $quoted_newline_regex = qr{\+\s*\".*\\n.*\"};
+ my $continued_str_literal = qr{\+\s*\".*\"};
+ if ($rawline =~ /$quoted_newline_regex/) {
+ # Backtrack to first line that does not contain only a quoted literal
+ # and assume that it is the start of the statement.
+ my $i = $linenr - 2;
+ while (($i >= 0) & $rawlines[$i] =~ /$continued_str_literal/) {
+ $i--;
+ }
+ if ($rawlines[$i] =~ /\b(?:$qemu_error_funcs)\s*\(/) {
+ WARN("Error messages should not contain newlines\n" . $herecurr);
+ }
+ }
# check for non-portable ffs() calls that have portable alternatives in QEMU
if ($line =~ /\bffs\(/) {
ERROR("use ctz32() instead of ffs()\n" . $herecurr);