3. Naming
-Variables are lower_case_with_underscores; easy to type and read.
-Structured type names are in CamelCase; harder to type but standing
-out. Scalar type names are a_lower_case_beginning_with_an a or an.
-Do not use _t suffix if you are including any headers.
+Variables are lower_case_with_underscores; easy to type and read. Structured
+type names are in CamelCase; harder to type but standing out. Scalar type
+names are lower_case_with_underscores_ending_with_a_t, like the POSIX
+uint64_t and family. Note that this last convention contradicts POSIX
+and is therefore likely to be changed.
+Typedefs are used to eliminate the redundant 'struct' keyword. It is the
+QEMU coding style.
+When wrapping standard library functions, use the prefix qemu_ to alert
+readers that they are seeing a wrapped version; otherwise avoid this prefix.
4. Block structure