+ * Check the availability of hardware cursor.
+ * @param crt 0 for PANEL, 1 for CRT.
+ */
+static inline int is_hwc_enabled(SM501State *state, int crt)
+ uint32_t addr = crt ? state->dc_crt_hwc_addr : state->dc_panel_hwc_addr;
+ return addr & 0x80000000;
+ * Get the address which holds cursor pattern data.
+ * @param crt 0 for PANEL, 1 for CRT.
+ */
+static inline uint32_t get_hwc_address(SM501State *state, int crt)
+ uint32_t addr = crt ? state->dc_crt_hwc_addr : state->dc_panel_hwc_addr;
+ return (addr & 0x03FFFFF0)/* >> 4*/;
+ * Get the cursor position in y coordinate.
+ * @param crt 0 for PANEL, 1 for CRT.
+ */
+static inline uint32_t get_hwc_y(SM501State *state, int crt)
+ uint32_t location = crt ? state->dc_crt_hwc_location
+ : state->dc_panel_hwc_location;
+ return (location & 0x07FF0000) >> 16;
+ * Get the cursor position in x coordinate.
+ * @param crt 0 for PANEL, 1 for CRT.
+ */
+static inline uint32_t get_hwc_x(SM501State *state, int crt)
+ uint32_t location = crt ? state->dc_crt_hwc_location
+ : state->dc_panel_hwc_location;
+ return location & 0x000007FF;
+ * Get the cursor position in x coordinate.
+ * @param crt 0 for PANEL, 1 for CRT.
+ * @param index 0, 1, 2 or 3 which specifies color of corsor dot.
+ */
+static inline uint16_t get_hwc_color(SM501State *state, int crt, int index)
+ uint32_t color_reg = 0;
+ uint16_t color_565 = 0;
+ if (index == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ switch (index) {
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ color_reg = crt ? state->dc_crt_hwc_color_1_2
+ : state->dc_panel_hwc_color_1_2;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ color_reg = crt ? state->dc_crt_hwc_color_3
+ : state->dc_panel_hwc_color_3;
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("invalid hw cursor color.\n");
+ abort();
+ }
+ switch (index) {
+ case 1:
+ case 3:
+ color_565 = (uint16_t)(color_reg & 0xFFFF);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ color_565 = (uint16_t)((color_reg >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
+ break;
+ }
+ return color_565;
+static int within_hwc_y_range(SM501State *state, int y, int crt)
+ int hwc_y = get_hwc_y(state, crt);
+ return (hwc_y <= y && y < hwc_y + SM501_HWC_HEIGHT);
+static void sm501_2d_operation(SM501State * s)
+ /* obtain operation parameters */
+ int operation = (s->twoD_control >> 16) & 0x1f;
+ int rtl = s->twoD_control & 0x8000000;
+ int src_x = (s->twoD_source >> 16) & 0x01FFF;
+ int src_y = s->twoD_source & 0xFFFF;
+ int dst_x = (s->twoD_destination >> 16) & 0x01FFF;
+ int dst_y = s->twoD_destination & 0xFFFF;
+ int operation_width = (s->twoD_dimension >> 16) & 0x1FFF;
+ int operation_height = s->twoD_dimension & 0xFFFF;
+ uint32_t color = s->twoD_foreground;
+ int format_flags = (s->twoD_stretch >> 20) & 0x3;
+ int addressing = (s->twoD_stretch >> 16) & 0xF;
+ /* get frame buffer info */
+ uint8_t * src = s->local_mem + (s->twoD_source_base & 0x03FFFFFF);
+ uint8_t * dst = s->local_mem + (s->twoD_destination_base & 0x03FFFFFF);
+ int src_width = (s->dc_crt_h_total & 0x00000FFF) + 1;
+ int dst_width = (s->dc_crt_h_total & 0x00000FFF) + 1;
+ if (addressing != 0x0) {
+ printf("%s: only XY addressing is supported.\n", __func__);
+ abort();
+ }
+ if ((s->twoD_source_base & 0x08000000) ||
+ (s->twoD_destination_base & 0x08000000)) {
+ printf("%s: only local memory is supported.\n", __func__);
+ abort();
+ }
+ switch (operation) {
+ case 0x00: /* copy area */
+#define COPY_AREA(_bpp, _pixel_type, rtl) { \
+ int y, x, index_d, index_s; \
+ for (y = 0; y < operation_height; y++) { \
+ for (x = 0; x < operation_width; x++) { \
+ if (rtl) { \
+ index_s = ((src_y - y) * src_width + src_x - x) * _bpp; \
+ index_d = ((dst_y - y) * dst_width + dst_x - x) * _bpp; \
+ } else { \
+ index_s = ((src_y + y) * src_width + src_x + x) * _bpp; \
+ index_d = ((dst_y + y) * dst_width + dst_x + x) * _bpp; \
+ } \
+ *(_pixel_type*)&dst[index_d] = *(_pixel_type*)&src[index_s];\
+ } \
+ } \
+ }
+ switch (format_flags) {
+ case 0:
+ COPY_AREA(1, uint8_t, rtl);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ COPY_AREA(2, uint16_t, rtl);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ COPY_AREA(4, uint32_t, rtl);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x01: /* fill rectangle */
+#define FILL_RECT(_bpp, _pixel_type) { \
+ int y, x; \
+ for (y = 0; y < operation_height; y++) { \
+ for (x = 0; x < operation_width; x++) { \
+ int index = ((dst_y + y) * dst_width + dst_x + x) * _bpp; \
+ *(_pixel_type*)&dst[index] = (_pixel_type)color; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ }
+ switch (format_flags) {
+ case 0:
+ FILL_RECT(1, uint8_t);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ FILL_RECT(2, uint16_t);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ FILL_RECT(4, uint32_t);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("non-implemented SM501 2D operation. %d\n", operation);
+ abort();
+ break;
+ }
+static uint64_t sm501_system_config_read(void *opaque, hwaddr addr,
+ unsigned size)