#include "hw.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "usb.h"
-#include "sysemu.h"
+#include "usb-desc.h"
+#include "qemu-timer.h"
/* HID interface requests */
#define GET_REPORT 0xa101
#define USB_TABLET 2
#define USB_KEYBOARD 3
+typedef struct USBPointerEvent {
+ int32_t xdx, ydy; /* relative iff it's a mouse, otherwise absolute */
+ int32_t dz, buttons_state;
+} USBPointerEvent;
+#define QUEUE_LENGTH 16 /* should be enough for a triple-click */
+#define QUEUE_INCR(v) ((v)++, (v) &= QUEUE_MASK)
typedef struct USBMouseState {
- int dx, dy, dz, buttons_state;
- int x, y;
+ USBPointerEvent queue[QUEUE_LENGTH];
int mouse_grabbed;
QEMUPutMouseEntry *eh_entry;
} USBMouseState;
typedef struct USBKeyboardState {
+ uint32_t keycodes[QUEUE_LENGTH];
uint16_t modifiers;
uint8_t leds;
uint8_t key[16];
- int keys;
+ int32_t keys;
} USBKeyboardState;
typedef struct USBHIDState {
USBMouseState ptr;
USBKeyboardState kbd;
+ uint32_t head; /* index into circular queue */
+ uint32_t n;
int kind;
- int protocol;
+ int32_t protocol;
uint8_t idle;
int64_t next_idle_clock;
int changed;
void (*datain)(void *);
} USBHIDState;
-/* mostly the same values as the Bochs USB Mouse device */
-static const uint8_t qemu_mouse_dev_descriptor[] = {
- 0x12, /* u8 bLength; */
- 0x01, /* u8 bDescriptorType; Device */
- 0x00, 0x01, /* u16 bcdUSB; v1.0 */
- 0x00, /* u8 bDeviceClass; */
- 0x00, /* u8 bDeviceSubClass; */
- 0x00, /* u8 bDeviceProtocol; [ low/full speeds only ] */
- 0x08, /* u8 bMaxPacketSize0; 8 Bytes */
- 0x27, 0x06, /* u16 idVendor; */
- 0x01, 0x00, /* u16 idProduct; */
- 0x00, 0x00, /* u16 bcdDevice */
- 0x03, /* u8 iManufacturer; */
- 0x02, /* u8 iProduct; */
- 0x01, /* u8 iSerialNumber; */
- 0x01 /* u8 bNumConfigurations; */
+enum {
+static const USBDescStrings desc_strings = {
+ [STR_SERIALNUMBER] = "42", /* == remote wakeup works */
+static const USBDescIface desc_iface_mouse = {
+ .bInterfaceNumber = 0,
+ .bNumEndpoints = 1,
+ .bInterfaceClass = USB_CLASS_HID,
+ .bInterfaceSubClass = 0x01, /* boot */
+ .bInterfaceProtocol = 0x02,
+ .ndesc = 1,
+ .descs = (USBDescOther[]) {
+ {
+ /* HID descriptor */
+ .data = (uint8_t[]) {
+ 0x09, /* u8 bLength */
+ USB_DT_HID, /* u8 bDescriptorType */
+ 0x01, 0x00, /* u16 HID_class */
+ 0x00, /* u8 country_code */
+ 0x01, /* u8 num_descriptors */
+ USB_DT_REPORT, /* u8 type: Report */
+ 52, 0, /* u16 len */
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ .eps = (USBDescEndpoint[]) {
+ {
+ .bEndpointAddress = USB_DIR_IN | 0x01,
+ .bmAttributes = USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT,
+ .wMaxPacketSize = 4,
+ .bInterval = 0x0a,
+ },
+ },
+static const USBDescIface desc_iface_tablet = {
+ .bInterfaceNumber = 0,
+ .bNumEndpoints = 1,
+ .bInterfaceClass = USB_CLASS_HID,
+ .bInterfaceSubClass = 0x01, /* boot */
+ .bInterfaceProtocol = 0x02,
+ .ndesc = 1,
+ .descs = (USBDescOther[]) {
+ {
+ /* HID descriptor */
+ .data = (uint8_t[]) {
+ 0x09, /* u8 bLength */
+ USB_DT_HID, /* u8 bDescriptorType */
+ 0x01, 0x00, /* u16 HID_class */
+ 0x00, /* u8 country_code */
+ 0x01, /* u8 num_descriptors */
+ USB_DT_REPORT, /* u8 type: Report */
+ 74, 0, /* u16 len */
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ .eps = (USBDescEndpoint[]) {
+ {
+ .bEndpointAddress = USB_DIR_IN | 0x01,
+ .bmAttributes = USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT,
+ .wMaxPacketSize = 8,
+ .bInterval = 0x0a,
+ },
+ },
+static const USBDescIface desc_iface_keyboard = {
+ .bInterfaceNumber = 0,
+ .bNumEndpoints = 1,
+ .bInterfaceClass = USB_CLASS_HID,
+ .bInterfaceSubClass = 0x01, /* boot */
+ .bInterfaceProtocol = 0x01, /* keyboard */
+ .ndesc = 1,
+ .descs = (USBDescOther[]) {
+ {
+ /* HID descriptor */
+ .data = (uint8_t[]) {
+ 0x09, /* u8 bLength */
+ USB_DT_HID, /* u8 bDescriptorType */
+ 0x11, 0x01, /* u16 HID_class */
+ 0x00, /* u8 country_code */
+ 0x01, /* u8 num_descriptors */
+ USB_DT_REPORT, /* u8 type: Report */
+ 0x3f, 0, /* u16 len */
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ .eps = (USBDescEndpoint[]) {
+ {
+ .bEndpointAddress = USB_DIR_IN | 0x01,
+ .bmAttributes = USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT,
+ .wMaxPacketSize = 8,
+ .bInterval = 0x0a,
+ },
+ },
+static const USBDescDevice desc_device_mouse = {
+ .bcdUSB = 0x0100,
+ .bMaxPacketSize0 = 8,
+ .bNumConfigurations = 1,
+ .confs = (USBDescConfig[]) {
+ {
+ .bNumInterfaces = 1,
+ .bConfigurationValue = 1,
+ .iConfiguration = STR_CONFIG_MOUSE,
+ .bmAttributes = 0xa0,
+ .bMaxPower = 50,
+ .ifs = &desc_iface_mouse,
+ },
+ },
+static const USBDescDevice desc_device_tablet = {
+ .bcdUSB = 0x0100,
+ .bMaxPacketSize0 = 8,
+ .bNumConfigurations = 1,
+ .confs = (USBDescConfig[]) {
+ {
+ .bNumInterfaces = 1,
+ .bConfigurationValue = 1,
+ .iConfiguration = STR_CONFIG_TABLET,
+ .bmAttributes = 0xa0,
+ .bMaxPower = 50,
+ .ifs = &desc_iface_tablet,
+ },
+ },
+static const USBDescDevice desc_device_keyboard = {
+ .bcdUSB = 0x0100,
+ .bMaxPacketSize0 = 8,
+ .bNumConfigurations = 1,
+ .confs = (USBDescConfig[]) {
+ {
+ .bNumInterfaces = 1,
+ .bConfigurationValue = 1,
+ .iConfiguration = STR_CONFIG_KEYBOARD,
+ .bmAttributes = 0xa0,
+ .bMaxPower = 50,
+ .ifs = &desc_iface_keyboard,
+ },
+ },
-static const uint8_t qemu_mouse_config_descriptor[] = {
- /* one configuration */
- 0x09, /* u8 bLength; */
- 0x02, /* u8 bDescriptorType; Configuration */
- 0x22, 0x00, /* u16 wTotalLength; */
- 0x01, /* u8 bNumInterfaces; (1) */
- 0x01, /* u8 bConfigurationValue; */
- 0x04, /* u8 iConfiguration; */
- 0xe0, /* u8 bmAttributes;
- Bit 7: must be set,
- 6: Self-powered,
- 5: Remote wakeup,
- 4..0: resvd */
- 50, /* u8 MaxPower; */
- /* USB 1.1:
- * USB 2.0, single TT organization (mandatory):
- * one interface, protocol 0
- *
- * USB 2.0, multiple TT organization (optional):
- * two interfaces, protocols 1 (like single TT)
- * and 2 (multiple TT mode) ... config is
- * sometimes settable
- */
- /* one interface */
- 0x09, /* u8 if_bLength; */
- 0x04, /* u8 if_bDescriptorType; Interface */
- 0x00, /* u8 if_bInterfaceNumber; */
- 0x00, /* u8 if_bAlternateSetting; */
- 0x01, /* u8 if_bNumEndpoints; */
- 0x03, /* u8 if_bInterfaceClass; */
- 0x01, /* u8 if_bInterfaceSubClass; */
- 0x02, /* u8 if_bInterfaceProtocol; [usb1.1 or single tt] */
- 0x07, /* u8 if_iInterface; */
- /* HID descriptor */
- 0x09, /* u8 bLength; */
- 0x21, /* u8 bDescriptorType; */
- 0x01, 0x00, /* u16 HID_class */
- 0x00, /* u8 country_code */
- 0x01, /* u8 num_descriptors */
- 0x22, /* u8 type; Report */
- 52, 0, /* u16 len */
- /* one endpoint (status change endpoint) */
- 0x07, /* u8 ep_bLength; */
- 0x05, /* u8 ep_bDescriptorType; Endpoint */
- 0x81, /* u8 ep_bEndpointAddress; IN Endpoint 1 */
- 0x03, /* u8 ep_bmAttributes; Interrupt */
- 0x04, 0x00, /* u16 ep_wMaxPacketSize; */
- 0x0a, /* u8 ep_bInterval; (255ms -- usb 2.0 spec) */
+static const USBDesc desc_mouse = {
+ .id = {
+ .idVendor = 0x0627,
+ .idProduct = 0x0001,
+ .bcdDevice = 0,
+ .iManufacturer = STR_MANUFACTURER,
+ .iProduct = STR_PRODUCT_MOUSE,
+ .iSerialNumber = STR_SERIALNUMBER,
+ },
+ .full = &desc_device_mouse,
+ .str = desc_strings,
-static const uint8_t qemu_tablet_config_descriptor[] = {
- /* one configuration */
- 0x09, /* u8 bLength; */
- 0x02, /* u8 bDescriptorType; Configuration */
- 0x22, 0x00, /* u16 wTotalLength; */
- 0x01, /* u8 bNumInterfaces; (1) */
- 0x01, /* u8 bConfigurationValue; */
- 0x05, /* u8 iConfiguration; */
- 0xa0, /* u8 bmAttributes;
- Bit 7: must be set,
- 6: Self-powered,
- 5: Remote wakeup,
- 4..0: resvd */
- 50, /* u8 MaxPower; */
- /* USB 1.1:
- * USB 2.0, single TT organization (mandatory):
- * one interface, protocol 0
- *
- * USB 2.0, multiple TT organization (optional):
- * two interfaces, protocols 1 (like single TT)
- * and 2 (multiple TT mode) ... config is
- * sometimes settable
- */
- /* one interface */
- 0x09, /* u8 if_bLength; */
- 0x04, /* u8 if_bDescriptorType; Interface */
- 0x00, /* u8 if_bInterfaceNumber; */
- 0x00, /* u8 if_bAlternateSetting; */
- 0x01, /* u8 if_bNumEndpoints; */
- 0x03, /* u8 if_bInterfaceClass; */
- 0x01, /* u8 if_bInterfaceSubClass; */
- 0x02, /* u8 if_bInterfaceProtocol; [usb1.1 or single tt] */
- 0x07, /* u8 if_iInterface; */
- /* HID descriptor */
- 0x09, /* u8 bLength; */
- 0x21, /* u8 bDescriptorType; */
- 0x01, 0x00, /* u16 HID_class */
- 0x00, /* u8 country_code */
- 0x01, /* u8 num_descriptors */
- 0x22, /* u8 type; Report */
- 74, 0, /* u16 len */
- /* one endpoint (status change endpoint) */
- 0x07, /* u8 ep_bLength; */
- 0x05, /* u8 ep_bDescriptorType; Endpoint */
- 0x81, /* u8 ep_bEndpointAddress; IN Endpoint 1 */
- 0x03, /* u8 ep_bmAttributes; Interrupt */
- 0x08, 0x00, /* u16 ep_wMaxPacketSize; */
- 0x0a, /* u8 ep_bInterval; (255ms -- usb 2.0 spec) */
+static const USBDesc desc_tablet = {
+ .id = {
+ .idVendor = 0x0627,
+ .idProduct = 0x0001,
+ .bcdDevice = 0,
+ .iManufacturer = STR_MANUFACTURER,
+ .iSerialNumber = STR_SERIALNUMBER,
+ },
+ .full = &desc_device_tablet,
+ .str = desc_strings,
-static const uint8_t qemu_keyboard_config_descriptor[] = {
- /* one configuration */
- 0x09, /* u8 bLength; */
- USB_DT_CONFIG, /* u8 bDescriptorType; Configuration */
- 0x22, 0x00, /* u16 wTotalLength; */
- 0x01, /* u8 bNumInterfaces; (1) */
- 0x01, /* u8 bConfigurationValue; */
- 0x06, /* u8 iConfiguration; */
- 0xa0, /* u8 bmAttributes;
- Bit 7: must be set,
- 6: Self-powered,
- 5: Remote wakeup,
- 4..0: resvd */
- 0x32, /* u8 MaxPower; */
- /* USB 1.1:
- * USB 2.0, single TT organization (mandatory):
- * one interface, protocol 0
- *
- * USB 2.0, multiple TT organization (optional):
- * two interfaces, protocols 1 (like single TT)
- * and 2 (multiple TT mode) ... config is
- * sometimes settable
- */
- /* one interface */
- 0x09, /* u8 if_bLength; */
- USB_DT_INTERFACE, /* u8 if_bDescriptorType; Interface */
- 0x00, /* u8 if_bInterfaceNumber; */
- 0x00, /* u8 if_bAlternateSetting; */
- 0x01, /* u8 if_bNumEndpoints; */
- 0x03, /* u8 if_bInterfaceClass; HID */
- 0x01, /* u8 if_bInterfaceSubClass; Boot */
- 0x01, /* u8 if_bInterfaceProtocol; Keyboard */
- 0x07, /* u8 if_iInterface; */
- /* HID descriptor */
- 0x09, /* u8 bLength; */
- USB_DT_HID, /* u8 bDescriptorType; */
- 0x11, 0x01, /* u16 HID_class */
- 0x00, /* u8 country_code */
- 0x01, /* u8 num_descriptors */
- USB_DT_REPORT, /* u8 type; Report */
- 0x3f, 0x00, /* u16 len */
- /* one endpoint (status change endpoint) */
- 0x07, /* u8 ep_bLength; */
- USB_DT_ENDPOINT, /* u8 ep_bDescriptorType; Endpoint */
- USB_DIR_IN | 0x01, /* u8 ep_bEndpointAddress; IN Endpoint 1 */
- 0x03, /* u8 ep_bmAttributes; Interrupt */
- 0x08, 0x00, /* u16 ep_wMaxPacketSize; */
- 0x0a, /* u8 ep_bInterval; (255ms -- usb 2.0 spec) */
+static const USBDesc desc_keyboard = {
+ .id = {
+ .idVendor = 0x0627,
+ .idProduct = 0x0001,
+ .bcdDevice = 0,
+ .iManufacturer = STR_MANUFACTURER,
+ .iSerialNumber = STR_SERIALNUMBER,
+ },
+ .full = &desc_device_keyboard,
+ .str = desc_strings,
static const uint8_t qemu_mouse_hid_report_descriptor[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x4a,
0x52, 0x4b, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0x4f, 0x00, 0x4d,
0x51, 0x4e, 0x49, 0x4c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe3, 0xe7, 0x65, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
if (hs->datain)
+ usb_wakeup(&hs->dev);
+static void usb_pointer_event_clear(USBPointerEvent *e, int buttons) {
+ e->xdx = e->ydy = e->dz = 0;
+ e->buttons_state = buttons;
+static void usb_pointer_event_combine(USBPointerEvent *e, int xyrel,
+ int x1, int y1, int z1) {
+ if (xyrel) {
+ e->xdx += x1;
+ e->ydy += y1;
+ } else {
+ e->xdx = x1;
+ e->ydy = y1;
+ }
+ e->dz += z1;
-static void usb_mouse_event(void *opaque,
- int dx1, int dy1, int dz1, int buttons_state)
+static void usb_pointer_event(void *opaque,
+ int x1, int y1, int z1, int buttons_state)
USBHIDState *hs = opaque;
USBMouseState *s = &hs->ptr;
- s->dx += dx1;
- s->dy += dy1;
- s->dz += dz1;
- s->buttons_state = buttons_state;
+ unsigned use_slot = (hs->head + hs->n - 1) & QUEUE_MASK;
+ unsigned previous_slot = (use_slot - 1) & QUEUE_MASK;
+ /* We combine events where feasible to keep the queue small. We shouldn't
+ * combine anything with the first event of a particular button state, as
+ * that would change the location of the button state change. When the
+ * queue is empty, a second event is needed because we don't know if
+ * the first event changed the button state. */
+ if (hs->n == QUEUE_LENGTH) {
+ /* Queue full. Discard old button state, combine motion normally. */
+ s->queue[use_slot].buttons_state = buttons_state;
+ } else if (hs->n < 2 ||
+ s->queue[use_slot].buttons_state != buttons_state ||
+ s->queue[previous_slot].buttons_state != s->queue[use_slot].buttons_state) {
+ /* Cannot or should not combine, so add an empty item to the queue. */
+ QUEUE_INCR(use_slot);
+ hs->n++;
+ usb_pointer_event_clear(&s->queue[use_slot], buttons_state);
+ }
+ usb_pointer_event_combine(&s->queue[use_slot],
+ hs->kind == USB_MOUSE,
+ x1, y1, z1);
-static void usb_tablet_event(void *opaque,
- int x, int y, int dz, int buttons_state)
+static void usb_keyboard_event(void *opaque, int keycode)
USBHIDState *hs = opaque;
- USBMouseState *s = &hs->ptr;
- s->x = x;
- s->y = y;
- s->dz += dz;
- s->buttons_state = buttons_state;
+ USBKeyboardState *s = &hs->kbd;
+ int slot;
+ if (hs->n == QUEUE_LENGTH) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "usb-kbd: warning: key event queue full\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ slot = (hs->head + hs->n) & QUEUE_MASK; hs->n++;
+ s->keycodes[slot] = keycode;
-static void usb_keyboard_event(void *opaque, int keycode)
+static void usb_keyboard_process_keycode(USBHIDState *hs)
- USBHIDState *hs = opaque;
USBKeyboardState *s = &hs->kbd;
uint8_t hid_code, key;
- int i;
+ int i, keycode, slot;
+ if (hs->n == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ slot = hs->head & QUEUE_MASK; QUEUE_INCR(hs->head); hs->n--;
+ keycode = s->keycodes[slot];
key = keycode & 0x7f;
hid_code = usb_hid_usage_keys[key | ((s->modifiers >> 1) & (1 << 7))];
case 0xe0:
if (s->modifiers & (1 << 9)) {
s->modifiers ^= 3 << 8;
+ usb_hid_changed(hs);
case 0xe1 ... 0xe7:
if (keycode & (1 << 7)) {
s->modifiers &= ~(1 << (hid_code & 0x0f));
+ usb_hid_changed(hs);
case 0xe8 ... 0xef:
s->modifiers |= 1 << (hid_code & 0x0f);
+ usb_hid_changed(hs);
if (s->key[i] == hid_code) {
s->key[i] = s->key[-- s->keys];
s->key[s->keys] = 0x00;
- usb_hid_changed(hs);
if (i < 0)
} else
- usb_hid_changed(hs);
static inline int int_clamp(int val, int vmin, int vmax)
return val;
-static int usb_mouse_poll(USBHIDState *hs, uint8_t *buf, int len)
+static int usb_pointer_poll(USBHIDState *hs, uint8_t *buf, int len)
int dx, dy, dz, b, l;
+ int index;
USBMouseState *s = &hs->ptr;
+ USBPointerEvent *e;
if (!s->mouse_grabbed) {
- s->mouse_grabbed = 1;
+ s->mouse_grabbed = 1;
- dx = int_clamp(s->dx, -127, 127);
- dy = int_clamp(s->dy, -127, 127);
- dz = int_clamp(s->dz, -127, 127);
+ /* When the buffer is empty, return the last event. Relative
+ movements will all be zero. */
+ index = (hs->n ? hs->head : hs->head - 1);
+ e = &s->queue[index & QUEUE_MASK];
- s->dx -= dx;
- s->dy -= dy;
- s->dz -= dz;
- /* Appears we have to invert the wheel direction */
- dz = 0 - dz;
+ if (hs->kind == USB_MOUSE) {
+ dx = int_clamp(e->xdx, -127, 127);
+ dy = int_clamp(e->ydy, -127, 127);
+ e->xdx -= dx;
+ e->ydy -= dy;
+ } else {
+ dx = e->xdx;
+ dy = e->ydy;
+ }
+ dz = int_clamp(e->dz, -127, 127);
+ e->dz -= dz;
b = 0;
- if (s->buttons_state & MOUSE_EVENT_LBUTTON)
+ if (e->buttons_state & MOUSE_EVENT_LBUTTON)
b |= 0x01;
- if (s->buttons_state & MOUSE_EVENT_RBUTTON)
+ if (e->buttons_state & MOUSE_EVENT_RBUTTON)
b |= 0x02;
- if (s->buttons_state & MOUSE_EVENT_MBUTTON)
+ if (e->buttons_state & MOUSE_EVENT_MBUTTON)
b |= 0x04;
- l = 0;
- if (len > l)
- buf[l ++] = b;
- if (len > l)
- buf[l ++] = dx;
- if (len > l)
- buf[l ++] = dy;
- if (len > l)
- buf[l ++] = dz;
- return l;
-static int usb_tablet_poll(USBHIDState *hs, uint8_t *buf, int len)
- int dz, b, l;
- USBMouseState *s = &hs->ptr;
- if (!s->mouse_grabbed) {
- qemu_activate_mouse_event_handler(s->eh_entry);
- s->mouse_grabbed = 1;
+ if (hs->n &&
+ !e->dz &&
+ (hs->kind == USB_TABLET || (!e->xdx && !e->ydy))) {
+ /* that deals with this event */
+ QUEUE_INCR(hs->head);
+ hs->n--;
- dz = int_clamp(s->dz, -127, 127);
- s->dz -= dz;
/* Appears we have to invert the wheel direction */
dz = 0 - dz;
- b = 0;
- if (s->buttons_state & MOUSE_EVENT_LBUTTON)
- b |= 0x01;
- if (s->buttons_state & MOUSE_EVENT_RBUTTON)
- b |= 0x02;
- if (s->buttons_state & MOUSE_EVENT_MBUTTON)
- b |= 0x04;
+ l = 0;
+ switch (hs->kind) {
+ case USB_MOUSE:
+ if (len > l)
+ buf[l++] = b;
+ if (len > l)
+ buf[l++] = dx;
+ if (len > l)
+ buf[l++] = dy;
+ if (len > l)
+ buf[l++] = dz;
+ break;
+ case USB_TABLET:
+ if (len > l)
+ buf[l++] = b;
+ if (len > l)
+ buf[l++] = dx & 0xff;
+ if (len > l)
+ buf[l++] = dx >> 8;
+ if (len > l)
+ buf[l++] = dy & 0xff;
+ if (len > l)
+ buf[l++] = dy >> 8;
+ if (len > l)
+ buf[l++] = dz;
+ break;
- buf[0] = b;
- buf[1] = s->x & 0xff;
- buf[2] = s->x >> 8;
- buf[3] = s->y & 0xff;
- buf[4] = s->y >> 8;
- buf[5] = dz;
- l = 6;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
return l;
-static int usb_keyboard_poll(USBKeyboardState *s, uint8_t *buf, int len)
+static int usb_keyboard_poll(USBHIDState *hs, uint8_t *buf, int len)
+ USBKeyboardState *s = &hs->kbd;
if (len < 2)
return 0;
+ usb_keyboard_process_keycode(hs);
buf[0] = s->modifiers & 0xff;
buf[1] = 0;
if (s->keys > 6)
USBHIDState *s = (USBHIDState *)dev;
- s->ptr.dx = 0;
- s->ptr.dy = 0;
- s->ptr.dz = 0;
- s->ptr.x = 0;
- s->ptr.y = 0;
- s->ptr.buttons_state = 0;
+ memset(s->ptr.queue, 0, sizeof (s->ptr.queue));
+ s->head = 0;
+ s->n = 0;
s->protocol = 1;
USBHIDState *s = (USBHIDState *)dev;
qemu_add_kbd_event_handler(usb_keyboard_event, s);
+ memset(s->kbd.keycodes, 0, sizeof (s->kbd.keycodes));
+ s->head = 0;
+ s->n = 0;
+ memset(s->kbd.key, 0, sizeof (s->kbd.key));
+ s->kbd.keys = 0;
s->protocol = 1;
int index, int length, uint8_t *data)
USBHIDState *s = (USBHIDState *)dev;
- int ret = 0;
+ int ret;
+ ret = usb_desc_handle_control(dev, request, value, index, length, data);
+ if (ret >= 0) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ret = 0;
switch(request) {
- case DeviceRequest | USB_REQ_GET_STATUS:
- data[0] = (1 << USB_DEVICE_SELF_POWERED) |
- (dev->remote_wakeup << USB_DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP);
- data[1] = 0x00;
- ret = 2;
- break;
- case DeviceOutRequest | USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE:
- if (value == USB_DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP) {
- dev->remote_wakeup = 0;
- } else {
- goto fail;
- }
- ret = 0;
- break;
- case DeviceOutRequest | USB_REQ_SET_FEATURE:
- if (value == USB_DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP) {
- dev->remote_wakeup = 1;
- } else {
- goto fail;
- }
- ret = 0;
- break;
- case DeviceOutRequest | USB_REQ_SET_ADDRESS:
- dev->addr = value;
- ret = 0;
- break;
- case DeviceRequest | USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR:
- switch(value >> 8) {
- memcpy(data, qemu_mouse_dev_descriptor,
- sizeof(qemu_mouse_dev_descriptor));
- ret = sizeof(qemu_mouse_dev_descriptor);
- break;
- if (s->kind == USB_MOUSE) {
- memcpy(data, qemu_mouse_config_descriptor,
- sizeof(qemu_mouse_config_descriptor));
- ret = sizeof(qemu_mouse_config_descriptor);
- } else if (s->kind == USB_TABLET) {
- memcpy(data, qemu_tablet_config_descriptor,
- sizeof(qemu_tablet_config_descriptor));
- ret = sizeof(qemu_tablet_config_descriptor);
- } else if (s->kind == USB_KEYBOARD) {
- memcpy(data, qemu_keyboard_config_descriptor,
- sizeof(qemu_keyboard_config_descriptor));
- ret = sizeof(qemu_keyboard_config_descriptor);
- }
- break;
- switch(value & 0xff) {
- case 0:
- /* language ids */
- data[0] = 4;
- data[1] = 3;
- data[2] = 0x09;
- data[3] = 0x04;
- ret = 4;
- break;
- case 1:
- /* serial number */
- ret = set_usb_string(data, "1");
- break;
- case 2:
- /* product description */
- ret = set_usb_string(data, s->dev.product_desc);
- break;
- case 3:
- /* vendor description */
- ret = set_usb_string(data, "QEMU " QEMU_VERSION);
- break;
- case 4:
- ret = set_usb_string(data, "HID Mouse");
- break;
- case 5:
- ret = set_usb_string(data, "HID Tablet");
- break;
- case 6:
- ret = set_usb_string(data, "HID Keyboard");
- break;
- case 7:
- ret = set_usb_string(data, "Endpoint1 Interrupt Pipe");
- break;
- default:
- goto fail;
- }
- break;
- default:
- goto fail;
- }
- break;
- case DeviceRequest | USB_REQ_GET_CONFIGURATION:
- data[0] = 1;
- ret = 1;
- break;
- case DeviceOutRequest | USB_REQ_SET_CONFIGURATION:
- ret = 0;
- break;
case DeviceRequest | USB_REQ_GET_INTERFACE:
data[0] = 0;
ret = 1;
- if (s->kind == USB_MOUSE)
- ret = usb_mouse_poll(s, data, length);
- else if (s->kind == USB_TABLET)
- ret = usb_tablet_poll(s, data, length);
+ if (s->kind == USB_MOUSE || s->kind == USB_TABLET)
+ ret = usb_pointer_poll(s, data, length);
else if (s->kind == USB_KEYBOARD)
- ret = usb_keyboard_poll(&s->kbd, data, length);
+ ret = usb_keyboard_poll(s, data, length);
if (s->kind == USB_KEYBOARD)
case SET_IDLE:
s->idle = (uint8_t) (value >> 8);
- usb_hid_set_next_idle(s, qemu_get_clock(vm_clock));
+ usb_hid_set_next_idle(s, qemu_get_clock_ns(vm_clock));
ret = 0;
switch(p->pid) {
if (p->devep == 1) {
- int64_t curtime = qemu_get_clock(vm_clock);
+ int64_t curtime = qemu_get_clock_ns(vm_clock);
if (!s->changed && (!s->idle || s->next_idle_clock - curtime > 0))
return USB_RET_NAK;
usb_hid_set_next_idle(s, curtime);
- s->changed = 0;
- if (s->kind == USB_MOUSE)
- ret = usb_mouse_poll(s, p->data, p->len);
- else if (s->kind == USB_TABLET)
- ret = usb_tablet_poll(s, p->data, p->len);
- else if (s->kind == USB_KEYBOARD)
- ret = usb_keyboard_poll(&s->kbd, p->data, p->len);
+ if (s->kind == USB_MOUSE || s->kind == USB_TABLET) {
+ ret = usb_pointer_poll(s, p->data, p->len);
+ }
+ else if (s->kind == USB_KEYBOARD) {
+ ret = usb_keyboard_poll(s, p->data, p->len);
+ }
+ s->changed = s->n > 0;
} else {
goto fail;
static int usb_hid_initfn(USBDevice *dev, int kind)
USBHIDState *s = DO_UPCAST(USBHIDState, dev, dev);
- s->dev.speed = USB_SPEED_FULL;
+ usb_desc_init(dev);
s->kind = kind;
if (s->kind == USB_MOUSE) {
- s->ptr.eh_entry = qemu_add_mouse_event_handler(usb_mouse_event, s,
+ s->ptr.eh_entry = qemu_add_mouse_event_handler(usb_pointer_event, s,
0, "QEMU USB Mouse");
} else if (s->kind == USB_TABLET) {
- s->ptr.eh_entry = qemu_add_mouse_event_handler(usb_tablet_event, s,
+ s->ptr.eh_entry = qemu_add_mouse_event_handler(usb_pointer_event, s,
1, "QEMU USB Tablet");
/* Force poll routine to be run and grab input the first time. */
s->changed = 1;
return 0;
s->datain = datain;
+static int usb_hid_post_load(void *opaque, int version_id)
+ USBHIDState *s = opaque;
+ if (s->idle) {
+ usb_hid_set_next_idle(s, qemu_get_clock_ns(vm_clock));
+ }
+ return 0;
+static const VMStateDescription vmstate_usb_ptr_queue = {
+ .name = "usb-ptr-queue",
+ .version_id = 1,
+ .minimum_version_id = 1,
+ .fields = (VMStateField []) {
+ VMSTATE_INT32(xdx, USBPointerEvent),
+ VMSTATE_INT32(ydy, USBPointerEvent),
+ VMSTATE_INT32(dz, USBPointerEvent),
+ VMSTATE_INT32(buttons_state, USBPointerEvent),
+ }
+static const VMStateDescription vmstate_usb_ptr = {
+ .name = "usb-ptr",
+ .version_id = 1,
+ .minimum_version_id = 1,
+ .post_load = usb_hid_post_load,
+ .fields = (VMStateField []) {
+ vmstate_usb_ptr_queue, USBPointerEvent),
+ VMSTATE_UINT32(head, USBHIDState),
+ VMSTATE_INT32(protocol, USBHIDState),
+ }
+static const VMStateDescription vmstate_usb_kbd = {
+ .name = "usb-kbd",
+ .version_id = 1,
+ .minimum_version_id = 1,
+ .post_load = usb_hid_post_load,
+ .fields = (VMStateField []) {
+ VMSTATE_UINT32(head, USBHIDState),
+ VMSTATE_UINT16(kbd.modifiers, USBHIDState),
+ VMSTATE_UINT8(kbd.leds, USBHIDState),
+ VMSTATE_UINT8_ARRAY(kbd.key, USBHIDState, 16),
+ VMSTATE_INT32(kbd.keys, USBHIDState),
+ VMSTATE_INT32(protocol, USBHIDState),
+ }
static struct USBDeviceInfo hid_info[] = {
.product_desc = "QEMU USB Tablet",
.qdev.name = "usb-tablet",
.usbdevice_name = "tablet",
.qdev.size = sizeof(USBHIDState),
+ .qdev.vmsd = &vmstate_usb_ptr,
+ .usb_desc = &desc_tablet,
.init = usb_tablet_initfn,
.handle_packet = usb_generic_handle_packet,
.handle_reset = usb_mouse_handle_reset,
.qdev.name = "usb-mouse",
.usbdevice_name = "mouse",
.qdev.size = sizeof(USBHIDState),
+ .qdev.vmsd = &vmstate_usb_ptr,
+ .usb_desc = &desc_mouse,
.init = usb_mouse_initfn,
.handle_packet = usb_generic_handle_packet,
.handle_reset = usb_mouse_handle_reset,
.qdev.name = "usb-kbd",
.usbdevice_name = "keyboard",
.qdev.size = sizeof(USBHIDState),
+ .qdev.vmsd = &vmstate_usb_kbd,
+ .usb_desc = &desc_keyboard,
.init = usb_keyboard_initfn,
.handle_packet = usb_generic_handle_packet,
.handle_reset = usb_keyboard_handle_reset,