use strict;
use warnings;
+use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
my $P = $0;
$P =~ s@.*/@@g;
my $emacs = 0;
my $terse = 0;
my $file = undef;
+my $color = "auto";
my $no_warnings = 0;
my $summary = 1;
my $mailback = 0;
is all off)
--test-only=WORD report only warnings/errors containing WORD
+ --color[=WHEN] Use colors 'always', 'never', or only when output
+ is a terminal ('auto'). Default is 'auto'.
-h, --help, --version display this help and exit
When FILE is - read standard input.
+# Perl's Getopt::Long allows options to take optional arguments after a space.
+# Prevent --color by itself from consuming other arguments
+foreach (@ARGV) {
+ if ($_ eq "--color" || $_ eq "-color") {
+ $_ = "--color=$color";
+ }
'q|quiet+' => \$quiet,
'tree!' => \$tree,
'debug=s' => \%debug,
'test-only=s' => \$tst_only,
+ 'color=s' => \$color,
+ 'no-color' => sub { $color = 'never'; },
'h|help' => \$help,
'version' => \$help
) or help(1);
die "One of --file, --branch, --patch is required\n";
+if ($color =~ /^always$/i) {
+ $color = 1;
+} elsif ($color =~ /^never$/i) {
+ $color = 0;
+} elsif ($color =~ /^auto$/i) {
+ $color = (-t STDOUT);
+} else {
+ die "Invalid color mode: $color\n";
my $dbg_values = 0;
my $dbg_possible = 0;
my $dbg_type = 0;
our $Type;
our $Declare;
-our $UTF8 = qr {
- [\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E] # ASCII
- | [\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF] # non-overlong 2-byte
+our $NON_ASCII_UTF8 = qr{
+ [\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF] # non-overlong 2-byte
| \xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF] # excluding overlongs
| [\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # straight 3-byte
| \xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF] # excluding surrogates
| \xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2} # plane 16
+our $UTF8 = qr{
+ [\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E] # ASCII
# There are still some false positives, but this catches most
# common cases.
our $typeTypedefs = qr{(?x:
+ (?![KMGTPE]iB) # IEC binary prefix (do not match)
[A-Z][A-Z\d_]*[a-z][A-Za-z\d_]* # camelcase
| [A-Z][A-Z\d_]*AIOCB # all uppercase
| [A-Z][A-Z\d_]*CPU # all uppercase
+ # external libraries
- qr{xendevicemodel_handle},
+ qr{xen\w+_handle},
+ # Glib definitions
+ qr{gchar},
+ qr{gshort},
+ qr{glong},
+ qr{gint},
+ qr{gboolean},
+ qr{guchar},
+ qr{gushort},
+ qr{gulong},
+ qr{guint},
+ qr{gfloat},
+ qr{gdouble},
+ qr{gpointer},
+ qr{gconstpointer},
+ qr{gint8},
+ qr{guint8},
+ qr{gint16},
+ qr{guint16},
+ qr{gint32},
+ qr{guint32},
+ qr{gint64},
+ qr{guint64},
+ qr{gsize},
+ qr{gssize},
+ qr{goffset},
+ qr{gintptr},
+ qr{guintptr},
# This can be modified by sub possible. Since it can be empty, be careful
my $vname;
if ($chk_branch) {
my @patches;
+ my %git_commits = ();
my $HASH;
- open($HASH, "-|", "git", "log", "--format=%H", $ARGV[0]) ||
- die "$P: git log --format=%H $ARGV[0] failed - $!\n";
- while (<$HASH>) {
- chomp;
- push @patches, $_;
+ open($HASH, "-|", "git", "log", "--reverse", "--no-merges", "--format=%H %s", $ARGV[0]) ||
+ die "$P: git log --reverse --no-merges --format='%H %s' $ARGV[0] failed - $!\n";
+ for my $line (<$HASH>) {
+ $line =~ /^([0-9a-fA-F]{40,40}) (.*)$/;
+ next if (!defined($1) || !defined($2));
+ my $sha1 = $1;
+ my $subject = $2;
+ push(@patches, $sha1);
+ $git_commits{$sha1} = $subject;
close $HASH;
die "$P: no revisions returned for revlist '$chk_branch'\n"
unless @patches;
+ my $i = 1;
+ my $num_patches = @patches;
for my $hash (@patches) {
my $FILE;
open($FILE, '-|', "git", "show", $hash) ||
die "$P: git show $hash - $!\n";
- $vname = $hash;
while (<$FILE>) {
push(@rawlines, $_);
+ $vname = substr($hash, 0, 12) . ' (' . $git_commits{$hash} . ')';
+ if ($num_patches > 1 && $quiet == 0) {
+ my $prefix = "$i/$num_patches";
+ $prefix = BLUE . BOLD . $prefix . RESET if $color;
+ print "$prefix Checking commit $vname\n";
+ $vname = "Patch $i/$num_patches";
+ } else {
+ $vname = "Commit " . $vname;
+ }
if (!process($hash)) {
$exit = 1;
+ print "\n" if ($num_patches > 1 && $quiet == 0);
@rawlines = ();
@lines = ();
+ $i++;
} else {
for my $filename (@ARGV) {
} else {
$vname = $filename;
+ print "Checking $filename...\n" if @ARGV > 1 && $quiet == 0;
while (<$FILE>) {
push(@rawlines, $_);
- do|
- \#|
- \#\#
+ do
- ^(?:typedef|struct|enum)\b
+ ^(?:typedef|struct|enum)\b|
+ ^\#
warn "CHECK<$possible> ($line)\n" if ($dbg_possible > 2);
if ($possible !~ $notPermitted) {
if ($possible =~ /^\s*$/) {
} elsif ($possible =~ /\s/) {
- $possible =~ s/\s*$Type\s*//g;
+ $possible =~ s/\s*(?:$Type|\#\#)\s*//g;
for my $modifier (split(' ', $possible)) {
if ($modifier !~ $notPermitted) {
warn "MODIFIER: $modifier ($possible) ($line)\n" if ($dbg_possible);
my $prefix = '';
sub report {
- if (defined $tst_only && $_[0] !~ /\Q$tst_only\E/) {
+ my ($level, $msg) = @_;
+ if (defined $tst_only && $msg !~ /\Q$tst_only\E/) {
return 0;
- my $line = $prefix . $_[0];
- $line = (split('\n', $line))[0] . "\n" if ($terse);
+ my $output = '';
+ $output .= BOLD if $color;
+ $output .= $prefix;
+ $output .= RED if $color && $level eq 'ERROR';
+ $output .= MAGENTA if $color && $level eq 'WARNING';
+ $output .= $level . ':';
+ $output .= RESET if $color;
+ $output .= ' ' . $msg . "\n";
+ $output = (split('\n', $output))[0] . "\n" if ($terse);
- push(our @report, $line);
+ push(our @report, $output);
return 1;
our @report;
sub ERROR {
- if (report("ERROR: $_[0]\n")) {
+ if (report("ERROR", $_[0])) {
our $clean = 0;
our $cnt_error++;
sub WARN {
- if (report("WARNING: $_[0]\n")) {
+ if (report("WARNING", $_[0])) {
our $clean = 0;
our $cnt_warn++;
my $signoff = 0;
my $is_patch = 0;
+ my $in_header_lines = $file ? 0 : 1;
+ my $in_commit_log = 0; #Scanning lines before patch
+ my $reported_maintainer_file = 0;
+ my $non_utf8_charset = 0;
our @report = ();
our $cnt_lines = 0;
our $cnt_error = 0;
# extract the filename as it passes
if ($line =~ /^diff --git.*?(\S+)$/) {
$realfile = $1;
- $realfile =~ s@^([^/]*)/@@;
+ $realfile =~ s@^([^/]*)/@@ if (!$file);
} elsif ($line =~ /^\+\+\+\s+(\S+)/) {
$realfile = $1;
- $realfile =~ s@^([^/]*)/@@;
+ $realfile =~ s@^([^/]*)/@@ if (!$file);
$p1_prefix = $1;
if (!$file && $tree && $p1_prefix ne '' &&
$is_patch = 1;
+ if ($line =~ /^Author: .*via Qemu-devel.*<qemu-devel\>/) {
+ ERROR("Author email address is mangled by the mailing list\n" . $herecurr);
+ }
#check the patch for a signoff:
if ($line =~ /^\s*signed-off-by:/i) {
# This is a signoff, if ugly, so do not double report.
+ $in_commit_log = 0;
if (!($line =~ /^\s*Signed-off-by:/)) {
ERROR("The correct form is \"Signed-off-by\"\n" .
+# Check if MAINTAINERS is being updated. If so, there's probably no need to
+# emit the "does MAINTAINERS need updating?" message on file add/move/delete
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*MAINTAINERS\s*\|/) {
+ $reported_maintainer_file = 1;
+ }
+# Check for added, moved or deleted files
+ if (!$reported_maintainer_file && !$in_commit_log &&
+ ($line =~ /^(?:new|deleted) file mode\s*\d+\s*$/ ||
+ $line =~ /^rename (?:from|to) [\w\/\.\-]+\s*$/ ||
+ ($line =~ /\{\s*([\w\/\.\-]*)\s*\=\>\s*([\w\/\.\-]*)\s*\}/ &&
+ (defined($1) || defined($2))))) {
+ $reported_maintainer_file = 1;
+ WARN("added, moved or deleted file(s), does MAINTAINERS need updating?\n" . $herecurr);
+ }
# Check for wrappage within a valid hunk of the file
if ($realcnt != 0 && $line !~ m{^(?:\+|-| |\\ No newline|$)}) {
ERROR("patch seems to be corrupt (line wrapped?)\n" .
ERROR("Invalid UTF-8, patch and commit message should be encoded in UTF-8\n" . $hereptr);
+# Check if it's the start of a commit log
+# (not a header line and we haven't seen the patch filename)
+ if ($in_header_lines && $realfile =~ /^$/ &&
+ !($rawline =~ /^\s+\S/ ||
+ $rawline =~ /^(commit\b|from\b|[\w-]+:).*$/i)) {
+ $in_header_lines = 0;
+ $in_commit_log = 1;
+ }
+# Check if there is UTF-8 in a commit log when a mail header has explicitly
+# declined it, i.e defined some charset where it is missing.
+ if ($in_header_lines &&
+ $rawline =~ /^Content-Type:.+charset="(.+)".*$/ &&
+ $1 !~ /utf-8/i) {
+ $non_utf8_charset = 1;
+ }
+ if ($in_commit_log && $non_utf8_charset && $realfile =~ /^$/ &&
+ $rawline =~ /$NON_ASCII_UTF8/) {
+ WARN("8-bit UTF-8 used in possible commit log\n" . $herecurr);
+ }
# ignore non-hunk lines and lines being removed
next if (!$hunk_line || $line =~ /^-/);
# check we are in a valid C source file if not then ignore this hunk
next if ($realfile !~ /\.(h|c|cpp)$/);
+# Block comment styles
+ # Block comments use /* on a line of its own
+ if ($rawline !~ m@^\+.*/\*.*\*/[ \t]*$@ && #inline /*...*/
+ $rawline =~ m@^\+.*/\*\*?+[ \t]*[^ \t]@) { # /* or /** non-blank
+ WARN("Block comments use a leading /* on a separate line\n" . $herecurr);
+ }
+# Block comments use * on subsequent lines
+ if ($prevline =~ /$;[ \t]*$/ && #ends in comment
+ $prevrawline =~ /^\+.*?\/\*/ && #starting /*
+ $prevrawline !~ /\*\/[ \t]*$/ && #no trailing */
+ $rawline =~ /^\+/ && #line is new
+ $rawline !~ /^\+[ \t]*\*/) { #no leading *
+ WARN("Block comments use * on subsequent lines\n" . $hereprev);
+ }
+# Block comments use */ on trailing lines
+ if ($rawline !~ m@^\+[ \t]*\*/[ \t]*$@ && #trailing */
+ $rawline !~ m@^\+.*/\*.*\*/[ \t]*$@ && #inline /*...*/
+ $rawline !~ m@^\+.*\*{2,}/[ \t]*$@ && #trailing **/
+ $rawline =~ m@^\+[ \t]*.+\*\/[ \t]*$@) { #non blank */
+ WARN("Block comments use a trailing */ on a separate line\n" . $herecurr);
+ }
+# Block comment * alignment
+ if ($prevline =~ /$;[ \t]*$/ && #ends in comment
+ $line =~ /^\+[ \t]*$;/ && #leading comment
+ $rawline =~ /^\+[ \t]*\*/ && #leading *
+ (($prevrawline =~ /^\+.*?\/\*/ && #leading /*
+ $prevrawline !~ /\*\/[ \t]*$/) || #no trailing */
+ $prevrawline =~ /^\+[ \t]*\*/)) { #leading *
+ my $oldindent;
+ $prevrawline =~ m@^\+([ \t]*/?)\*@;
+ if (defined($1)) {
+ $oldindent = expand_tabs($1);
+ } else {
+ $prevrawline =~ m@^\+(.*/?)\*@;
+ $oldindent = expand_tabs($1);
+ }
+ $rawline =~ m@^\+([ \t]*)\*@;
+ my $newindent = $1;
+ $newindent = expand_tabs($newindent);
+ if (length($oldindent) ne length($newindent)) {
+ WARN("Block comments should align the * on each line\n" . $hereprev);
+ }
+ }
# Check for potential 'bare' types
my ($stat, $cond, $line_nr_next, $remain_next, $off_next,
my ($where, $prefix) = ($-[1], $1);
if ($prefix !~ /$Type\s+$/ &&
($where != 0 || $prefix !~ /^.\s+$/) &&
- $prefix !~ /{\s+$/ &&
$prefix !~ /\#\s*define[^(]*\([^)]*\)\s+$/ &&
- $prefix !~ /,\s+$/) {
+ $prefix !~ /[,{:]\s+$/) {
ERROR("space prohibited before open square bracket '['\n" . $herecurr);
+ if ($line =~ /^.\s*(Q(?:S?LIST|SIMPLEQ|TAILQ)_HEAD)\s*\(\s*[^,]/ &&
+ $line !~ /^.typedef/) {
+ ERROR("named $1 should be typedefed separately\n" . $herecurr);
+ }
# Need a space before open parenthesis after if, while etc
if ($line=~/\b(if|while|for|switch)\(/) {
ERROR("space required before the open parenthesis '('\n" . $herecurr);
- info_report}x;
+ info_report|
+ g_test_message}x;
if ($rawline =~ /\b(?:$qemu_error_funcs)\s*\(.*\".*\\n/) {
ERROR("Error messages should not contain newlines\n" . $herecurr);
+ if ($is_patch && $chk_signoff && $signoff == 0) {
+ ERROR("Missing Signed-off-by: line(s)\n");
+ }
# If we have no input at all, then there is nothing to report on
# so just keep quiet.
if ($#rawlines == -1) {
- exit(0);
+ return 1;
# In mailback mode only produce a report in the negative, for
# things that appear to be patches.
if ($mailback && ($clean == 1 || !$is_patch)) {
- exit(0);
+ return 1;
# This is not a patch, and we are are in 'no-patch' mode so
# just keep quiet.
if (!$chk_patch && !$is_patch) {
- exit(0);
+ return 1;
if (!$is_patch) {
ERROR("Does not appear to be a unified-diff format patch\n");
- if ($is_patch && $chk_signoff && $signoff == 0) {
- ERROR("Missing Signed-off-by: line(s)\n");
- }
print report_dump();
if ($summary && !($clean == 1 && $quiet == 1)) {