2 * QEMU Bluetooth L2CAP logic.
4 * Copyright (C) 2008 Andrzej Zaborowski <balrog@zabor.org>
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
8 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
9 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 #include "qemu-common.h"
21 #include "qemu-timer.h"
24 #define L2CAP_CID_MAX 0x100 /* Between 0x40 and 0x10000 */
26 struct l2cap_instance_s {
27 struct bt_link_s *link;
28 struct bt_l2cap_device_s *dev;
31 uint8_t frame_in[65535 + L2CAP_HDR_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned (4)));
34 uint8_t frame_out[65535 + L2CAP_HDR_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned (4)));
37 /* Signalling channel timers. They exist per-request but we can make
38 * sure we have no more than one outstanding request at any time. */
46 struct bt_l2cap_conn_params_s params;
48 void (*frame_in)(struct l2cap_chan_s *chan, uint16_t cid,
49 const l2cap_hdr *hdr, int len);
53 struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap;
55 /* Only allocated channels */
57 #define L2CAP_CFG_INIT 2
58 #define L2CAP_CFG_ACC 1
59 int config_req_id; /* TODO: handle outgoing requests generically */
62 /* Only connection-oriented channels. Note: if we allow the tx and
63 * rx traffic to be in different modes at any time, we need two. */
66 /* Only flow-controlled, connection-oriented channels */
67 uint8_t sdu[65536]; /* TODO: dynamically allocate */
68 int len_cur, len_total;
71 QEMUTimer *monitor_timer;
72 QEMUTimer *retransmission_timer;
73 } *cid[L2CAP_CID_MAX];
74 /* The channel state machine states map as following:
76 * WAIT_CONNECT -> never occurs
77 * WAIT_CONNECT_RSP -> never occurs
78 * CONFIG -> cid[N] && config < 3
79 * WAIT_CONFIG -> never occurs, cid[N] && config == 0 && !config_r
80 * WAIT_SEND_CONFIG -> never occurs, cid[N] && config == 1 && !config_r
81 * WAIT_CONFIG_REQ_RSP -> cid[N] && config == 0 && config_req_id
82 * WAIT_CONFIG_RSP -> cid[N] && config == 1 && config_req_id
83 * WAIT_CONFIG_REQ -> cid[N] && config == 2
84 * OPEN -> cid[N] && config == 3
85 * WAIT_DISCONNECT -> never occurs
88 struct l2cap_chan_s signalling_ch;
89 struct l2cap_chan_s group_ch;
92 struct slave_l2cap_instance_s {
93 struct bt_link_s link; /* Underlying logical link (ACL) */
94 struct l2cap_instance_s l2cap;
97 struct bt_l2cap_psm_s {
100 int (*new_channel)(struct bt_l2cap_device_s *device,
101 struct bt_l2cap_conn_params_s *params);
102 struct bt_l2cap_psm_s *next;
105 static const uint16_t l2cap_fcs16_table[256] = {
106 0x0000, 0xc0c1, 0xc181, 0x0140, 0xc301, 0x03c0, 0x0280, 0xc241,
107 0xc601, 0x06c0, 0x0780, 0xc741, 0x0500, 0xc5c1, 0xc481, 0x0440,
108 0xcc01, 0x0cc0, 0x0d80, 0xcd41, 0x0f00, 0xcfc1, 0xce81, 0x0e40,
109 0x0a00, 0xcac1, 0xcb81, 0x0b40, 0xc901, 0x09c0, 0x0880, 0xc841,
110 0xd801, 0x18c0, 0x1980, 0xd941, 0x1b00, 0xdbc1, 0xda81, 0x1a40,
111 0x1e00, 0xdec1, 0xdf81, 0x1f40, 0xdd01, 0x1dc0, 0x1c80, 0xdc41,
112 0x1400, 0xd4c1, 0xd581, 0x1540, 0xd701, 0x17c0, 0x1680, 0xd641,
113 0xd201, 0x12c0, 0x1380, 0xd341, 0x1100, 0xd1c1, 0xd081, 0x1040,
114 0xf001, 0x30c0, 0x3180, 0xf141, 0x3300, 0xf3c1, 0xf281, 0x3240,
115 0x3600, 0xf6c1, 0xf781, 0x3740, 0xf501, 0x35c0, 0x3480, 0xf441,
116 0x3c00, 0xfcc1, 0xfd81, 0x3d40, 0xff01, 0x3fc0, 0x3e80, 0xfe41,
117 0xfa01, 0x3ac0, 0x3b80, 0xfb41, 0x3900, 0xf9c1, 0xf881, 0x3840,
118 0x2800, 0xe8c1, 0xe981, 0x2940, 0xeb01, 0x2bc0, 0x2a80, 0xea41,
119 0xee01, 0x2ec0, 0x2f80, 0xef41, 0x2d00, 0xedc1, 0xec81, 0x2c40,
120 0xe401, 0x24c0, 0x2580, 0xe541, 0x2700, 0xe7c1, 0xe681, 0x2640,
121 0x2200, 0xe2c1, 0xe381, 0x2340, 0xe101, 0x21c0, 0x2080, 0xe041,
122 0xa001, 0x60c0, 0x6180, 0xa141, 0x6300, 0xa3c1, 0xa281, 0x6240,
123 0x6600, 0xa6c1, 0xa781, 0x6740, 0xa501, 0x65c0, 0x6480, 0xa441,
124 0x6c00, 0xacc1, 0xad81, 0x6d40, 0xaf01, 0x6fc0, 0x6e80, 0xae41,
125 0xaa01, 0x6ac0, 0x6b80, 0xab41, 0x6900, 0xa9c1, 0xa881, 0x6840,
126 0x7800, 0xb8c1, 0xb981, 0x7940, 0xbb01, 0x7bc0, 0x7a80, 0xba41,
127 0xbe01, 0x7ec0, 0x7f80, 0xbf41, 0x7d00, 0xbdc1, 0xbc81, 0x7c40,
128 0xb401, 0x74c0, 0x7580, 0xb541, 0x7700, 0xb7c1, 0xb681, 0x7640,
129 0x7200, 0xb2c1, 0xb381, 0x7340, 0xb101, 0x71c0, 0x7080, 0xb041,
130 0x5000, 0x90c1, 0x9181, 0x5140, 0x9301, 0x53c0, 0x5280, 0x9241,
131 0x9601, 0x56c0, 0x5780, 0x9741, 0x5500, 0x95c1, 0x9481, 0x5440,
132 0x9c01, 0x5cc0, 0x5d80, 0x9d41, 0x5f00, 0x9fc1, 0x9e81, 0x5e40,
133 0x5a00, 0x9ac1, 0x9b81, 0x5b40, 0x9901, 0x59c0, 0x5880, 0x9841,
134 0x8801, 0x48c0, 0x4980, 0x8941, 0x4b00, 0x8bc1, 0x8a81, 0x4a40,
135 0x4e00, 0x8ec1, 0x8f81, 0x4f40, 0x8d01, 0x4dc0, 0x4c80, 0x8c41,
136 0x4400, 0x84c1, 0x8581, 0x4540, 0x8701, 0x47c0, 0x4680, 0x8641,
137 0x8201, 0x42c0, 0x4380, 0x8341, 0x4100, 0x81c1, 0x8081, 0x4040,
140 static uint16_t l2cap_fcs16(const uint8_t *message, int len)
142 uint16_t fcs = 0x0000;
152 fcs = (fcs >> 1) ^ 0xa001;
157 fcs = (fcs >> 8) ^ l2cap_fcs16_table[(fcs ^ *message ++) & 0xff];
163 /* L2CAP layer logic (protocol) */
165 static void l2cap_retransmission_timer_update(struct l2cap_chan_s *ch)
168 if (ch->mode != L2CAP_MODE_BASIC && ch->rexmit)
169 qemu_mod_timer(ch->retransmission_timer);
171 qemu_del_timer(ch->retransmission_timer);
175 static void l2cap_monitor_timer_update(struct l2cap_chan_s *ch)
178 if (ch->mode != L2CAP_MODE_BASIC && !ch->rexmit)
179 qemu_mod_timer(ch->monitor_timer);
181 qemu_del_timer(ch->monitor_timer);
185 static void l2cap_command_reject(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap, int id,
186 uint16_t reason, const void *data, int plen)
190 l2cap_cmd_rej *params;
193 reason = cpu_to_le16(reason);
194 len = cpu_to_le16(L2CAP_CMD_REJ_SIZE + plen);
196 pkt = l2cap->signalling_ch.params.sdu_out(&l2cap->signalling_ch.params,
198 hdr = (void *) (pkt + 0);
199 params = (void *) (pkt + L2CAP_CMD_HDR_SIZE);
201 hdr->code = L2CAP_COMMAND_REJ;
203 memcpy(&hdr->len, &len, sizeof(hdr->len));
204 memcpy(¶ms->reason, &reason, sizeof(reason));
206 memcpy(pkt + L2CAP_CMD_HDR_SIZE + L2CAP_CMD_REJ_SIZE, data, plen);
208 l2cap->signalling_ch.params.sdu_submit(&l2cap->signalling_ch.params);
211 static void l2cap_command_reject_cid(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap, int id,
212 uint16_t reason, uint16_t dcid, uint16_t scid)
214 l2cap_cmd_rej_cid params = {
219 l2cap_command_reject(l2cap, id, reason, ¶ms, L2CAP_CMD_REJ_CID_SIZE);
222 static void l2cap_connection_response(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap,
223 int dcid, int scid, int result, int status)
227 l2cap_conn_rsp *params;
229 pkt = l2cap->signalling_ch.params.sdu_out(&l2cap->signalling_ch.params,
231 hdr = (void *) (pkt + 0);
232 params = (void *) (pkt + L2CAP_CMD_HDR_SIZE);
234 hdr->code = L2CAP_CONN_RSP;
235 hdr->ident = l2cap->last_id;
236 hdr->len = cpu_to_le16(L2CAP_CONN_RSP_SIZE);
238 params->dcid = cpu_to_le16(dcid);
239 params->scid = cpu_to_le16(scid);
240 params->result = cpu_to_le16(result);
241 params->status = cpu_to_le16(status);
243 l2cap->signalling_ch.params.sdu_submit(&l2cap->signalling_ch.params);
246 static void l2cap_configuration_request(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap,
247 int dcid, int flag, const uint8_t *data, int len)
251 l2cap_conf_req *params;
253 pkt = l2cap->signalling_ch.params.sdu_out(&l2cap->signalling_ch.params,
255 hdr = (void *) (pkt + 0);
256 params = (void *) (pkt + L2CAP_CMD_HDR_SIZE);
258 /* TODO: unify the id sequencing */
259 l2cap->last_id = l2cap->next_id;
260 l2cap->next_id = l2cap->next_id == 255 ? 1 : l2cap->next_id + 1;
262 hdr->code = L2CAP_CONF_REQ;
263 hdr->ident = l2cap->last_id;
264 hdr->len = cpu_to_le16(L2CAP_CONF_REQ_SIZE(len));
266 params->dcid = cpu_to_le16(dcid);
267 params->flags = cpu_to_le16(flag);
269 memcpy(params->data, data, len);
271 l2cap->signalling_ch.params.sdu_submit(&l2cap->signalling_ch.params);
274 static void l2cap_configuration_response(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap,
275 int scid, int flag, int result, const uint8_t *data, int len)
279 l2cap_conf_rsp *params;
281 pkt = l2cap->signalling_ch.params.sdu_out(&l2cap->signalling_ch.params,
283 hdr = (void *) (pkt + 0);
284 params = (void *) (pkt + L2CAP_CMD_HDR_SIZE);
286 hdr->code = L2CAP_CONF_RSP;
287 hdr->ident = l2cap->last_id;
288 hdr->len = cpu_to_le16(L2CAP_CONF_RSP_SIZE(len));
290 params->scid = cpu_to_le16(scid);
291 params->flags = cpu_to_le16(flag);
292 params->result = cpu_to_le16(result);
294 memcpy(params->data, data, len);
296 l2cap->signalling_ch.params.sdu_submit(&l2cap->signalling_ch.params);
299 static void l2cap_disconnection_response(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap,
304 l2cap_disconn_rsp *params;
306 pkt = l2cap->signalling_ch.params.sdu_out(&l2cap->signalling_ch.params,
308 hdr = (void *) (pkt + 0);
309 params = (void *) (pkt + L2CAP_CMD_HDR_SIZE);
311 hdr->code = L2CAP_DISCONN_RSP;
312 hdr->ident = l2cap->last_id;
313 hdr->len = cpu_to_le16(L2CAP_DISCONN_RSP_SIZE);
315 params->dcid = cpu_to_le16(dcid);
316 params->scid = cpu_to_le16(scid);
318 l2cap->signalling_ch.params.sdu_submit(&l2cap->signalling_ch.params);
321 static void l2cap_echo_response(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap,
322 const uint8_t *data, int len)
328 pkt = l2cap->signalling_ch.params.sdu_out(&l2cap->signalling_ch.params,
329 L2CAP_CMD_HDR_SIZE + len);
330 hdr = (void *) (pkt + 0);
331 params = (void *) (pkt + L2CAP_CMD_HDR_SIZE);
333 hdr->code = L2CAP_ECHO_RSP;
334 hdr->ident = l2cap->last_id;
335 hdr->len = cpu_to_le16(len);
337 memcpy(params, data, len);
339 l2cap->signalling_ch.params.sdu_submit(&l2cap->signalling_ch.params);
342 static void l2cap_info_response(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap, int type,
343 int result, const uint8_t *data, int len)
347 l2cap_info_rsp *params;
349 pkt = l2cap->signalling_ch.params.sdu_out(&l2cap->signalling_ch.params,
351 hdr = (void *) (pkt + 0);
352 params = (void *) (pkt + L2CAP_CMD_HDR_SIZE);
354 hdr->code = L2CAP_INFO_RSP;
355 hdr->ident = l2cap->last_id;
356 hdr->len = cpu_to_le16(L2CAP_INFO_RSP_SIZE + len);
358 params->type = cpu_to_le16(type);
359 params->result = cpu_to_le16(result);
361 memcpy(params->data, data, len);
363 l2cap->signalling_ch.params.sdu_submit(&l2cap->signalling_ch.params);
366 static uint8_t *l2cap_bframe_out(struct bt_l2cap_conn_params_s *parm, int len);
367 static void l2cap_bframe_submit(struct bt_l2cap_conn_params_s *parms);
369 static uint8_t *l2cap_iframe_out(struct bt_l2cap_conn_params_s *parm, int len);
370 static void l2cap_iframe_submit(struct bt_l2cap_conn_params_s *parm);
372 static void l2cap_bframe_in(struct l2cap_chan_s *ch, uint16_t cid,
373 const l2cap_hdr *hdr, int len);
374 static void l2cap_iframe_in(struct l2cap_chan_s *ch, uint16_t cid,
375 const l2cap_hdr *hdr, int len);
377 static int l2cap_cid_new(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap)
381 for (i = L2CAP_CID_ALLOC; i < L2CAP_CID_MAX; i ++)
385 return L2CAP_CID_INVALID;
388 static inline struct bt_l2cap_psm_s *l2cap_psm(
389 struct bt_l2cap_device_s *device, int psm)
391 struct bt_l2cap_psm_s *ret = device->first_psm;
393 while (ret && ret->psm != psm)
399 static struct l2cap_chan_s *l2cap_channel_open(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap,
400 int psm, int source_cid)
402 struct l2cap_chan_s *ch = NULL;
403 struct bt_l2cap_psm_s *psm_info;
405 int cid = l2cap_cid_new(l2cap);
408 /* See what the channel is to be used for.. */
409 psm_info = l2cap_psm(l2cap->dev, psm);
412 /* Device supports this use-case. */
413 ch = qemu_mallocz(sizeof(*ch));
414 ch->params.sdu_out = l2cap_bframe_out;
415 ch->params.sdu_submit = l2cap_bframe_submit;
416 ch->frame_in = l2cap_bframe_in;
418 ch->min_mtu = MAX(48, psm_info->min_mtu);
419 ch->params.remote_mtu = MAX(672, ch->min_mtu);
420 ch->remote_cid = source_cid;
421 ch->mode = L2CAP_MODE_BASIC;
424 /* Does it feel like opening yet another channel though? */
425 if (!psm_info->new_channel(l2cap->dev, &ch->params)) {
426 l2cap->cid[cid] = ch;
428 result = L2CAP_CR_SUCCESS;
429 status = L2CAP_CS_NO_INFO;
433 result = L2CAP_CR_NO_MEM;
434 status = L2CAP_CS_NO_INFO;
437 result = L2CAP_CR_BAD_PSM;
438 status = L2CAP_CS_NO_INFO;
441 result = L2CAP_CR_NO_MEM;
442 status = L2CAP_CS_NO_INFO;
445 l2cap_connection_response(l2cap, cid, source_cid, result, status);
450 static void l2cap_channel_close(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap,
451 int cid, int source_cid)
453 struct l2cap_chan_s *ch = NULL;
455 /* According to Volume 3, section 6.1.1, pg 1048 of BT Core V2.0, a
456 * connection in CLOSED state still responds with a L2CAP_DisconnectRsp
457 * message on an L2CAP_DisconnectReq event. */
458 if (unlikely(cid < L2CAP_CID_ALLOC)) {
459 l2cap_command_reject_cid(l2cap, l2cap->last_id, L2CAP_REJ_CID_INVAL,
463 if (likely(cid >= L2CAP_CID_ALLOC && cid < L2CAP_CID_MAX))
464 ch = l2cap->cid[cid];
467 if (ch->remote_cid != source_cid) {
468 fprintf(stderr, "%s: Ignoring a Disconnection Request with the "
469 "invalid SCID %04x.\n", __FUNCTION__, source_cid);
473 l2cap->cid[cid] = NULL;
475 ch->params.close(ch->params.opaque);
479 l2cap_disconnection_response(l2cap, cid, source_cid);
482 static void l2cap_channel_config_null(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap,
483 struct l2cap_chan_s *ch)
485 l2cap_configuration_request(l2cap, ch->remote_cid, 0, NULL, 0);
486 ch->config_req_id = l2cap->last_id;
487 ch->config &= ~L2CAP_CFG_INIT;
490 static void l2cap_channel_config_req_event(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap,
491 struct l2cap_chan_s *ch)
493 /* Use all default channel options and terminate negotiation. */
494 l2cap_channel_config_null(l2cap, ch);
497 static int l2cap_channel_config(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap,
498 struct l2cap_chan_s *ch, int flag,
499 const uint8_t *data, int len)
502 l2cap_conf_opt_qos *qos;
505 int result = L2CAP_CONF_SUCCESS;
507 data = memcpy(rsp, data, len);
511 if (len < L2CAP_CONF_OPT_SIZE ||
512 len < L2CAP_CONF_OPT_SIZE + opt->len) {
513 result = L2CAP_CONF_REJECT;
516 data += L2CAP_CONF_OPT_SIZE + opt->len;
517 len -= L2CAP_CONF_OPT_SIZE + opt->len;
519 switch (opt->type & 0x7f) {
522 result = L2CAP_CONF_REJECT;
527 val = le16_to_cpup((void *) opt->val);
528 if (val < ch->min_mtu) {
529 cpu_to_le16w((void *) opt->val, ch->min_mtu);
530 result = L2CAP_CONF_UNACCEPT;
534 ch->params.remote_mtu = val;
539 result = L2CAP_CONF_REJECT;
544 val = le16_to_cpup((void *) opt->val);
548 result = L2CAP_CONF_UNACCEPT;
554 if (opt->len != L2CAP_CONF_OPT_QOS_SIZE) {
555 result = L2CAP_CONF_REJECT;
558 qos = (void *) opt->val;
564 result = L2CAP_CONF_UNACCEPT;
568 val = qos->service_type;
569 if (val != L2CAP_CONF_QOS_BEST_EFFORT &&
571 qos->service_type = L2CAP_CONF_QOS_BEST_EFFORT;
572 result = L2CAP_CONF_UNACCEPT;
575 if (val != L2CAP_CONF_QOS_NO_TRAFFIC) {
576 /* XXX: These values should possibly be calculated
577 * based on LM / baseband properties also. */
580 val = le32_to_cpu(qos->token_rate);
581 if (val == L2CAP_CONF_QOS_WILDCARD)
582 qos->token_rate = cpu_to_le32(0x100000);
584 /* Token bucket size */
585 val = le32_to_cpu(qos->token_bucket_size);
586 if (val == L2CAP_CONF_QOS_WILDCARD)
587 qos->token_bucket_size = cpu_to_le32(65500);
589 /* Any Peak bandwidth value is correct to return as-is */
590 /* Any Access latency value is correct to return as-is */
591 /* Any Delay variation value is correct to return as-is */
597 result = L2CAP_CONF_REJECT;
604 case L2CAP_MODE_BASIC:
606 ch->frame_in = l2cap_bframe_in;
608 /* All other parameters shall be ignored */
614 ch->frame_in = l2cap_iframe_in;
615 /* Note: most of these parameters refer to incoming traffic
616 * so we don't need to save them as long as we can accept
617 * incoming PDUs at any values of the parameters. */
621 if (val < 1 || val > 32) {
623 result = L2CAP_CONF_UNACCEPT;
631 result = L2CAP_CONF_UNACCEPT;
635 /* Remote Retransmission time-out shouldn't affect local
638 /* The Monitor time-out drives the local Monitor timer (?),
639 * so save the value. */
640 val = (opt->val[6] << 8) | opt->val[5];
642 opt->val[5] = 100 & 0xff;
643 opt->val[6] = 100 >> 8;
644 result = L2CAP_CONF_UNACCEPT;
647 ch->monitor_timeout = val;
648 l2cap_monitor_timer_update(ch);
651 val = (opt->val[8] << 8) | opt->val[7];
652 if (val < ch->min_mtu) {
653 opt->val[7] = ch->min_mtu & 0xff;
654 opt->val[8] = ch->min_mtu >> 8;
655 result = L2CAP_CONF_UNACCEPT;
662 result = L2CAP_CONF_UNACCEPT;
668 if (!(opt->type >> 7))
669 result = L2CAP_CONF_UNKNOWN;
673 if (result != L2CAP_CONF_SUCCESS)
674 break; /* XXX: should continue? */
677 l2cap_configuration_response(l2cap, ch->remote_cid,
678 flag, result, rsp, len);
680 return result == L2CAP_CONF_SUCCESS && !flag;
683 static void l2cap_channel_config_req_msg(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap,
684 int flag, int cid, const uint8_t *data, int len)
686 struct l2cap_chan_s *ch;
688 if (unlikely(cid >= L2CAP_CID_MAX || !l2cap->cid[cid])) {
689 l2cap_command_reject_cid(l2cap, l2cap->last_id, L2CAP_REJ_CID_INVAL,
693 ch = l2cap->cid[cid];
695 /* From OPEN go to WAIT_CONFIG_REQ and from WAIT_CONFIG_REQ_RSP to
696 * WAIT_CONFIG_REQ_RSP. This is assuming the transition chart for OPEN
697 * on pg 1053, section 6.1.5, volume 3 of BT Core V2.0 has a mistake
698 * and on options-acceptable we go back to OPEN and otherwise to
699 * WAIT_CONFIG_REQ and not the other way. */
700 ch->config &= ~L2CAP_CFG_ACC;
702 if (l2cap_channel_config(l2cap, ch, flag, data, len))
703 /* Go to OPEN or WAIT_CONFIG_RSP */
704 ch->config |= L2CAP_CFG_ACC;
706 /* TODO: if the incoming traffic flow control or retransmission mode
707 * changed then we probably need to also generate the
708 * ConfigureChannel_Req event and set the outgoing traffic to the same
710 if (!(ch->config & L2CAP_CFG_INIT) && (ch->config & L2CAP_CFG_ACC) &&
712 l2cap_channel_config_req_event(l2cap, ch);
715 static int l2cap_channel_config_rsp_msg(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap,
716 int result, int flag, int cid, const uint8_t *data, int len)
718 struct l2cap_chan_s *ch;
720 if (unlikely(cid >= L2CAP_CID_MAX || !l2cap->cid[cid])) {
721 l2cap_command_reject_cid(l2cap, l2cap->last_id, L2CAP_REJ_CID_INVAL,
725 ch = l2cap->cid[cid];
727 if (ch->config_req_id != l2cap->last_id)
729 ch->config_req_id = 0;
731 if (result == L2CAP_CONF_SUCCESS) {
733 ch->config |= L2CAP_CFG_INIT;
735 l2cap_channel_config_null(l2cap, ch);
737 /* Retry until we succeed */
738 l2cap_channel_config_req_event(l2cap, ch);
743 static void l2cap_channel_open_req_msg(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap,
744 int psm, int source_cid)
746 struct l2cap_chan_s *ch = l2cap_channel_open(l2cap, psm, source_cid);
752 if (!(ch->config & L2CAP_CFG_INIT) && !ch->config_req_id)
753 l2cap_channel_config_req_event(l2cap, ch);
756 static void l2cap_info(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap, int type)
760 int result = L2CAP_IR_SUCCESS;
763 case L2CAP_IT_CL_MTU:
764 data[len ++] = l2cap->group_ch.mps & 0xff;
765 data[len ++] = l2cap->group_ch.mps >> 8;
768 case L2CAP_IT_FEAT_MASK:
769 /* (Prematurely) report Flow control and Retransmission modes. */
777 result = L2CAP_IR_NOTSUPP;
780 l2cap_info_response(l2cap, type, result, data, len);
783 static void l2cap_command(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap, int code, int id,
784 const uint8_t *params, int len)
789 /* TODO: do the IDs really have to be in sequence? */
790 if (!id || (id != l2cap->last_id && id != l2cap->next_id)) {
791 fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of sequence command packet ignored.\n",
798 if (id == l2cap->next_id) {
799 l2cap->last_id = l2cap->next_id;
800 l2cap->next_id = l2cap->next_id == 255 ? 1 : l2cap->next_id + 1;
802 /* TODO: Need to re-send the same response, without re-executing
803 * the corresponding command! */
808 if (unlikely(len != 2 && len != 4 && len != 6)) {
813 /* We never issue commands other than Command Reject currently. */
814 fprintf(stderr, "%s: stray Command Reject (%02x, %04x) "
815 "packet, ignoring.\n", __FUNCTION__, id,
816 le16_to_cpu(((l2cap_cmd_rej *) params)->reason));
820 if (unlikely(len != L2CAP_CONN_REQ_SIZE)) {
825 l2cap_channel_open_req_msg(l2cap,
826 le16_to_cpu(((l2cap_conn_req *) params)->psm),
827 le16_to_cpu(((l2cap_conn_req *) params)->scid));
831 if (unlikely(len != L2CAP_CONN_RSP_SIZE)) {
836 /* We never issue Connection Requests currently. TODO */
837 fprintf(stderr, "%s: unexpected Connection Response (%02x) "
838 "packet, ignoring.\n", __FUNCTION__, id);
842 if (unlikely(len < L2CAP_CONF_REQ_SIZE(0))) {
847 l2cap_channel_config_req_msg(l2cap,
848 le16_to_cpu(((l2cap_conf_req *) params)->flags) & 1,
849 le16_to_cpu(((l2cap_conf_req *) params)->dcid),
850 ((l2cap_conf_req *) params)->data,
851 len - L2CAP_CONF_REQ_SIZE(0));
855 if (unlikely(len < L2CAP_CONF_RSP_SIZE(0))) {
860 if (l2cap_channel_config_rsp_msg(l2cap,
861 le16_to_cpu(((l2cap_conf_rsp *) params)->result),
862 le16_to_cpu(((l2cap_conf_rsp *) params)->flags) & 1,
863 le16_to_cpu(((l2cap_conf_rsp *) params)->scid),
864 ((l2cap_conf_rsp *) params)->data,
865 len - L2CAP_CONF_RSP_SIZE(0)))
866 fprintf(stderr, "%s: unexpected Configure Response (%02x) "
867 "packet, ignoring.\n", __FUNCTION__, id);
871 if (unlikely(len != L2CAP_DISCONN_REQ_SIZE)) {
876 l2cap_channel_close(l2cap,
877 le16_to_cpu(((l2cap_disconn_req *) params)->dcid),
878 le16_to_cpu(((l2cap_disconn_req *) params)->scid));
882 if (unlikely(len != L2CAP_DISCONN_RSP_SIZE)) {
887 /* We never issue Disconnection Requests currently. TODO */
888 fprintf(stderr, "%s: unexpected Disconnection Response (%02x) "
889 "packet, ignoring.\n", __FUNCTION__, id);
893 l2cap_echo_response(l2cap, params, len);
897 /* We never issue Echo Requests currently. TODO */
898 fprintf(stderr, "%s: unexpected Echo Response (%02x) "
899 "packet, ignoring.\n", __FUNCTION__, id);
903 if (unlikely(len != L2CAP_INFO_REQ_SIZE)) {
908 l2cap_info(l2cap, le16_to_cpu(((l2cap_info_req *) params)->type));
912 if (unlikely(len != L2CAP_INFO_RSP_SIZE)) {
917 /* We never issue Information Requests currently. TODO */
918 fprintf(stderr, "%s: unexpected Information Response (%02x) "
919 "packet, ignoring.\n", __FUNCTION__, id);
925 l2cap_command_reject(l2cap, id, err, 0, 0);
930 static void l2cap_rexmit_enable(struct l2cap_chan_s *ch, int enable)
934 l2cap_retransmission_timer_update(ch);
935 l2cap_monitor_timer_update(ch);
938 /* Command frame SDU */
939 static void l2cap_cframe_in(void *opaque, const uint8_t *data, int len)
941 struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap = opaque;
942 const l2cap_cmd_hdr *hdr;
947 if (len < L2CAP_CMD_HDR_SIZE)
948 /* TODO: signal an error */
950 len -= L2CAP_CMD_HDR_SIZE;
951 data += L2CAP_CMD_HDR_SIZE;
953 clen = le16_to_cpu(hdr->len);
955 l2cap_command_reject(l2cap, hdr->ident,
960 l2cap_command(l2cap, hdr->code, hdr->ident, data, clen);
966 /* Group frame SDU */
967 static void l2cap_gframe_in(void *opaque, const uint8_t *data, int len)
971 /* Supervisory frame */
972 static void l2cap_sframe_in(struct l2cap_chan_s *ch, uint16_t ctrl)
976 /* Basic L2CAP mode Information frame */
977 static void l2cap_bframe_in(struct l2cap_chan_s *ch, uint16_t cid,
978 const l2cap_hdr *hdr, int len)
980 /* We have a full SDU, no further processing */
981 ch->params.sdu_in(ch->params.opaque, hdr->data, len);
984 /* Flow Control and Retransmission mode frame */
985 static void l2cap_iframe_in(struct l2cap_chan_s *ch, uint16_t cid,
986 const l2cap_hdr *hdr, int len)
988 uint16_t fcs = le16_to_cpup((void *) (hdr->data + len - 2));
992 if (l2cap_fcs16((const uint8_t *) hdr, L2CAP_HDR_SIZE + len - 2) != fcs)
995 if ((hdr->data[0] >> 7) == ch->rexmit)
996 l2cap_rexmit_enable(ch, !(hdr->data[0] >> 7));
998 if (hdr->data[0] & 1) {
1000 /* TODO: Signal an error? */
1003 return l2cap_sframe_in(ch, le16_to_cpup((void *) hdr->data));
1006 switch (hdr->data[1] >> 6) { /* SAR */
1007 case L2CAP_SAR_NO_SEG:
1010 if (len - 4 > ch->mps)
1013 return ch->params.sdu_in(ch->params.opaque, hdr->data + 2, len - 4);
1015 case L2CAP_SAR_START:
1016 if (ch->len_total || len < 6)
1018 if (len - 6 > ch->mps)
1021 ch->len_total = le16_to_cpup((void *) (hdr->data + 2));
1022 if (len >= 6 + ch->len_total)
1025 ch->len_cur = len - 6;
1026 memcpy(ch->sdu, hdr->data + 4, ch->len_cur);
1030 if (!ch->len_total || ch->len_cur + len - 4 < ch->len_total)
1032 if (len - 4 > ch->mps)
1035 memcpy(ch->sdu + ch->len_cur, hdr->data + 2, len - 4);
1036 return ch->params.sdu_in(ch->params.opaque, ch->sdu, ch->len_total);
1038 case L2CAP_SAR_CONT:
1039 if (!ch->len_total || ch->len_cur + len - 4 >= ch->len_total)
1041 if (len - 4 > ch->mps)
1044 memcpy(ch->sdu + ch->len_cur, hdr->data + 2, len - 4);
1045 ch->len_cur += len - 4;
1049 len_error: /* TODO */
1050 fcs_error: /* TODO */
1057 static void l2cap_frame_in(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap,
1058 const l2cap_hdr *frame)
1060 uint16_t cid = le16_to_cpu(frame->cid);
1061 uint16_t len = le16_to_cpu(frame->len);
1063 if (unlikely(cid >= L2CAP_CID_MAX || !l2cap->cid[cid])) {
1064 fprintf(stderr, "%s: frame addressed to a non-existent L2CAP "
1065 "channel %04x received.\n", __FUNCTION__, cid);
1069 l2cap->cid[cid]->frame_in(l2cap->cid[cid], cid, frame, len);
1072 /* "Recombination" */
1073 static void l2cap_pdu_in(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap,
1074 const uint8_t *data, int len)
1076 const l2cap_hdr *hdr = (void *) l2cap->frame_in;
1078 if (unlikely(len + l2cap->frame_in_len > sizeof(l2cap->frame_in))) {
1079 if (l2cap->frame_in_len < sizeof(l2cap->frame_in)) {
1080 memcpy(l2cap->frame_in + l2cap->frame_in_len, data,
1081 sizeof(l2cap->frame_in) - l2cap->frame_in_len);
1082 l2cap->frame_in_len = sizeof(l2cap->frame_in);
1083 /* TODO: truncate */
1084 l2cap_frame_in(l2cap, hdr);
1090 memcpy(l2cap->frame_in + l2cap->frame_in_len, data, len);
1091 l2cap->frame_in_len += len;
1093 if (len >= L2CAP_HDR_SIZE)
1094 if (len >= L2CAP_HDR_SIZE + le16_to_cpu(hdr->len))
1095 l2cap_frame_in(l2cap, hdr);
1096 /* There is never a start of a new PDU in the same ACL packet, so
1097 * no need to memmove the remaining payload and loop. */
1100 static inline uint8_t *l2cap_pdu_out(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap,
1101 uint16_t cid, uint16_t len)
1103 l2cap_hdr *hdr = (void *) l2cap->frame_out;
1105 l2cap->frame_out_len = len + L2CAP_HDR_SIZE;
1107 hdr->cid = cpu_to_le16(cid);
1108 hdr->len = cpu_to_le16(len);
1110 return l2cap->frame_out + L2CAP_HDR_SIZE;
1113 static inline void l2cap_pdu_submit(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap)
1115 /* TODO: Fragmentation */
1117 l2cap->link->slave->lmp_acl_data : l2cap->link->host->lmp_acl_resp)
1118 (l2cap->link, l2cap->frame_out, 1, l2cap->frame_out_len);
1121 static uint8_t *l2cap_bframe_out(struct bt_l2cap_conn_params_s *parm, int len)
1123 struct l2cap_chan_s *chan = (struct l2cap_chan_s *) parm;
1125 if (len > chan->params.remote_mtu) {
1126 fprintf(stderr, "%s: B-Frame for CID %04x longer than %i octets.\n",
1128 chan->remote_cid, chan->params.remote_mtu);
1132 return l2cap_pdu_out(chan->l2cap, chan->remote_cid, len);
1135 static void l2cap_bframe_submit(struct bt_l2cap_conn_params_s *parms)
1137 struct l2cap_chan_s *chan = (struct l2cap_chan_s *) parms;
1139 return l2cap_pdu_submit(chan->l2cap);
1143 /* Stub: Only used if an emulated device requests outgoing flow control */
1144 static uint8_t *l2cap_iframe_out(struct bt_l2cap_conn_params_s *parm, int len)
1146 struct l2cap_chan_s *chan = (struct l2cap_chan_s *) parm;
1148 if (len > chan->params.remote_mtu) {
1149 /* TODO: slice into segments and queue each segment as a separate
1150 * I-Frame in a FIFO of I-Frames, local to the CID. */
1152 /* TODO: add to the FIFO of I-Frames, local to the CID. */
1153 /* Possibly we need to return a pointer to a contiguous buffer
1154 * for now and then memcpy from it into FIFOs in l2cap_iframe_submit
1155 * while segmenting at the same time. */
1160 static void l2cap_iframe_submit(struct bt_l2cap_conn_params_s *parm)
1162 /* TODO: If flow control indicates clear to send, start submitting the
1163 * invidual I-Frames from the FIFO, but don't remove them from there.
1164 * Kick the appropriate timer until we get an S-Frame, and only then
1165 * remove from FIFO or resubmit and re-kick the timer if the timer
1170 static void l2cap_init(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap,
1171 struct bt_link_s *link, int role)
1175 l2cap->dev = (struct bt_l2cap_device_s *)
1176 (role ? link->host : link->slave);
1180 /* Establish the signalling channel */
1181 l2cap->signalling_ch.params.sdu_in = l2cap_cframe_in;
1182 l2cap->signalling_ch.params.sdu_out = l2cap_bframe_out;
1183 l2cap->signalling_ch.params.sdu_submit = l2cap_bframe_submit;
1184 l2cap->signalling_ch.params.opaque = l2cap;
1185 l2cap->signalling_ch.params.remote_mtu = 48;
1186 l2cap->signalling_ch.remote_cid = L2CAP_CID_SIGNALLING;
1187 l2cap->signalling_ch.frame_in = l2cap_bframe_in;
1188 l2cap->signalling_ch.mps = 65536;
1189 l2cap->signalling_ch.min_mtu = 48;
1190 l2cap->signalling_ch.mode = L2CAP_MODE_BASIC;
1191 l2cap->signalling_ch.l2cap = l2cap;
1192 l2cap->cid[L2CAP_CID_SIGNALLING] = &l2cap->signalling_ch;
1194 /* Establish the connection-less data channel */
1195 l2cap->group_ch.params.sdu_in = l2cap_gframe_in;
1196 l2cap->group_ch.params.opaque = l2cap;
1197 l2cap->group_ch.frame_in = l2cap_bframe_in;
1198 l2cap->group_ch.mps = 65533;
1199 l2cap->group_ch.l2cap = l2cap;
1200 l2cap->group_ch.remote_cid = L2CAP_CID_INVALID;
1201 l2cap->cid[L2CAP_CID_GROUP] = &l2cap->group_ch;
1204 static void l2cap_teardown(struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap, int send_disconnect)
1208 /* Don't send DISCONNECT if we are currently handling a DISCONNECT
1209 * sent from the other side. */
1210 if (send_disconnect) {
1212 l2cap->dev->device.lmp_disconnect_slave(l2cap->link);
1213 /* l2cap->link is invalid from now on. */
1215 l2cap->dev->device.lmp_disconnect_master(l2cap->link);
1218 for (cid = L2CAP_CID_ALLOC; cid < L2CAP_CID_MAX; cid ++)
1219 if (l2cap->cid[cid]) {
1220 l2cap->cid[cid]->params.close(l2cap->cid[cid]->params.opaque);
1221 qemu_free(l2cap->cid[cid]);
1227 qemu_free(l2cap->link);
1230 /* L2CAP glue to lower layers in bluetooth stack (LMP) */
1232 static void l2cap_lmp_connection_request(struct bt_link_s *link)
1234 struct bt_l2cap_device_s *dev = (struct bt_l2cap_device_s *) link->slave;
1235 struct slave_l2cap_instance_s *l2cap;
1237 /* Always accept - we only get called if (dev->device->page_scan). */
1239 l2cap = qemu_mallocz(sizeof(struct slave_l2cap_instance_s));
1240 l2cap->link.slave = &dev->device;
1241 l2cap->link.host = link->host;
1242 l2cap_init(&l2cap->l2cap, &l2cap->link, 0);
1244 /* Always at the end */
1245 link->host->reject_reason = 0;
1246 link->host->lmp_connection_complete(&l2cap->link);
1250 static void l2cap_lmp_connection_complete(struct bt_link_s *link)
1252 struct bt_l2cap_device_s *dev = (struct bt_l2cap_device_s *) link->host;
1253 struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap;
1255 if (dev->device.reject_reason) {
1256 /* Signal to upper layer */
1260 l2cap = qemu_mallocz(sizeof(struct l2cap_instance_s));
1261 l2cap_init(l2cap, link, 1);
1263 link->acl_mode = acl_active;
1265 /* Signal to upper layer */
1269 static void l2cap_lmp_disconnect_host(struct bt_link_s *link)
1271 struct bt_l2cap_device_s *dev = (struct bt_l2cap_device_s *) link->host;
1272 struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap =
1273 /* TODO: Retrieve from upper layer */ (void *) dev;
1275 /* Signal to upper layer */
1277 l2cap_teardown(l2cap, 0);
1280 static void l2cap_lmp_disconnect_slave(struct bt_link_s *link)
1282 struct slave_l2cap_instance_s *l2cap =
1283 (struct slave_l2cap_instance_s *) link;
1285 l2cap_teardown(&l2cap->l2cap, 0);
1288 static void l2cap_lmp_acl_data_slave(struct bt_link_s *link,
1289 const uint8_t *data, int start, int len)
1291 struct slave_l2cap_instance_s *l2cap =
1292 (struct slave_l2cap_instance_s *) link;
1295 l2cap->l2cap.frame_in_len = 0;
1297 l2cap_pdu_in(&l2cap->l2cap, data, len);
1301 static void l2cap_lmp_acl_data_host(struct bt_link_s *link,
1302 const uint8_t *data, int start, int len)
1304 struct bt_l2cap_device_s *dev = (struct bt_l2cap_device_s *) link->host;
1305 struct l2cap_instance_s *l2cap =
1306 /* TODO: Retrieve from upper layer */ (void *) dev;
1309 l2cap->frame_in_len = 0;
1311 l2cap_pdu_in(l2cap, data, len);
1314 static void l2cap_dummy_destroy(struct bt_device_s *dev)
1316 struct bt_l2cap_device_s *l2cap_dev = (struct bt_l2cap_device_s *) dev;
1318 bt_l2cap_device_done(l2cap_dev);
1321 void bt_l2cap_device_init(struct bt_l2cap_device_s *dev,
1322 struct bt_scatternet_s *net)
1324 bt_device_init(&dev->device, net);
1326 dev->device.lmp_connection_request = l2cap_lmp_connection_request;
1327 dev->device.lmp_connection_complete = l2cap_lmp_connection_complete;
1328 dev->device.lmp_disconnect_master = l2cap_lmp_disconnect_host;
1329 dev->device.lmp_disconnect_slave = l2cap_lmp_disconnect_slave;
1330 dev->device.lmp_acl_data = l2cap_lmp_acl_data_slave;
1331 dev->device.lmp_acl_resp = l2cap_lmp_acl_data_host;
1333 dev->device.handle_destroy = l2cap_dummy_destroy;
1336 void bt_l2cap_device_done(struct bt_l2cap_device_s *dev)
1338 bt_device_done(&dev->device);
1340 /* Should keep a list of all instances and go through it and
1341 * invoke l2cap_teardown() for each. */
1344 void bt_l2cap_psm_register(struct bt_l2cap_device_s *dev, int psm, int min_mtu,
1345 int (*new_channel)(struct bt_l2cap_device_s *dev,
1346 struct bt_l2cap_conn_params_s *params))
1348 struct bt_l2cap_psm_s *new_psm = l2cap_psm(dev, psm);
1351 fprintf(stderr, "%s: PSM %04x already registered for device `%s'.\n",
1352 __FUNCTION__, psm, dev->device.lmp_name);
1356 new_psm = qemu_mallocz(sizeof(*new_psm));
1358 new_psm->min_mtu = min_mtu;
1359 new_psm->new_channel = new_channel;
1360 new_psm->next = dev->first_psm;
1361 dev->first_psm = new_psm;