]> Git Repo - qemu.git/blame - docs/replay.txt
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[qemu.git] / docs / replay.txt
1Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Institute for System Programming
2 of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
4This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or later.
5See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
7273db9d 10Record/replay functions are used for the deterministic replay of qemu execution.
11Execution recording writes a non-deterministic events log, which can be later
12used for replaying the execution anywhere and for unlimited number of times.
7273db9d 13It also supports checkpointing for faster rewind to the specific replay moment.
14Execution replaying reads the log and replays all non-deterministic events
15including external input, hardware clocks, and interrupts.
17Deterministic replay has the following features:
18 * Deterministically replays whole system execution and all contents of
19 the memory, state of the hardware devices, clocks, and screen of the VM.
20 * Writes execution log into the file for later replaying for multiple times
21 on different machines.
22 * Supports i386, x86_64, and ARM hardware platforms.
23 * Performs deterministic replay of all operations with keyboard and mouse
24 input devices.
26Usage of the record/replay:
27 * First, record the execution with the following command line:
28 qemu-system-i386 \
29 -icount shift=7,rr=record,rrfile=replay.bin \
de499eb6 30 -drive file=disk.qcow2,if=none,snapshot,id=img-direct \
31 -drive driver=blkreplay,if=none,image=img-direct,id=img-blkreplay \
32 -device ide-hd,drive=img-blkreplay \
33 -netdev user,id=net1 -device rtl8139,netdev=net1 \
34 -object filter-replay,id=replay,netdev=net1
35 * After recording, you can replay it by using another command line:
36 qemu-system-i386 \
37 -icount shift=7,rr=replay,rrfile=replay.bin \
de499eb6 38 -drive file=disk.qcow2,if=none,snapshot,id=img-direct \
39 -drive driver=blkreplay,if=none,image=img-direct,id=img-blkreplay \
40 -device ide-hd,drive=img-blkreplay \
41 -netdev user,id=net1 -device rtl8139,netdev=net1 \
42 -object filter-replay,id=replay,netdev=net1
43 The only difference with recording is changing the rr option
44 from record to replay.
45 * Block device images are not actually changed in the recording mode,
d73abd6d 46 because all of the changes are written to the temporary overlay file.
47 This behavior is enabled by using blkreplay driver. It should be used
48 for every enabled block device, as described in 'Block devices' section.
49 * '-net none' option should be specified when network is not used,
50 because QEMU adds network card by default. When network is needed,
51 it should be configured explicitly with replay filter, as described
52 in 'Network devices' section.
53 * Interaction with audio devices and serial ports are recorded and replayed
54 automatically when such devices are enabled.
56Academic papers with description of deterministic replay implementation:
60Modifications of qemu include:
61 * wrappers for clock and time functions to save their return values in the log
62 * saving different asynchronous events (e.g. system shutdown) into the log
63 * synchronization of the bottom halves execution
64 * synchronization of the threads from thread pool
7273db9d 65 * recording/replaying user input (mouse, keyboard, and microphone)
d73abd6d 66 * adding internal checkpoints for cpu and io synchronization
67 * network filter for recording and replaying the packets
68 * block driver for making block layer deterministic
69 * serial port input record and replay
d73abd6d 70
71Locking and thread synchronisation
74Previously the synchronisation of the main thread and the vCPU thread
75was ensured by the holding of the BQL. However the trend has been to
76reduce the time the BQL was held across the system including under TCG
77system emulation. As it is important that batches of events are kept
78in sequence (e.g. expiring timers and checkpoints in the main thread
79while instruction checkpoints are written by the vCPU thread) we need
80another lock to keep things in lock-step. This role is now handled by
81the replay_mutex_lock. It used to be held only for each event being
82written but now it is held for a whole execution period. This results
83in a deterministic ping-pong between the two main threads.
85As the BQL is now a finer grained lock than the replay_lock it is almost
86certainly a bug, and a source of deadlocks, to take the
87replay_mutex_lock while the BQL is held. This is enforced by an assert.
88While the unlocks are usually in the reverse order, this is not
89necessary; you can drop the replay_lock while holding the BQL, without
90doing a more complicated unlock_iothread/replay_unlock/lock_iothread
93Non-deterministic events
96Our record/replay system is based on saving and replaying non-deterministic
97events (e.g. keyboard input) and simulating deterministic ones (e.g. reading
98from HDD or memory of the VM). Saving only non-deterministic events makes
7273db9d 99log file smaller and simulation faster.
101The following non-deterministic data from peripheral devices is saved into
102the log: mouse and keyboard input, network packets, audio controller input,
7273db9d 103serial port input, and hardware clocks (they are non-deterministic
104too, because their values are taken from the host machine). Inputs from
105simulated hardware, memory of VM, software interrupts, and execution of
106instructions are not saved into the log, because they are deterministic and
107can be replayed by simulating the behavior of virtual machine starting from
108initial state.
110We had to solve three tasks to implement deterministic replay: recording
111non-deterministic events, replaying non-deterministic events, and checking
112that there is no divergence between record and replay modes.
114We changed several parts of QEMU to make event log recording and replaying.
115Devices' models that have non-deterministic input from external devices were
116changed to write every external event into the execution log immediately.
117E.g. network packets are written into the log when they arrive into the virtual
118network adapter.
120All non-deterministic events are coming from these devices. But to
121replay them we need to know at which moments they occur. We specify
122these moments by counting the number of instructions executed between
123every pair of consecutive events.
125Instruction counting
128QEMU should work in icount mode to use record/replay feature. icount was
129designed to allow deterministic execution in absence of external inputs
130of the virtual machine. We also use icount to control the occurrence of the
131non-deterministic events. The number of instructions elapsed from the last event
132is written to the log while recording the execution. In replay mode we
133can predict when to inject that event using the instruction counter.
138Timers are used to execute callbacks from different subsystems of QEMU
139at the specified moments of time. There are several kinds of timers:
140 * Real time clock. Based on host time and used only for callbacks that
141 do not change the virtual machine state. For this reason real time
142 clock and timers does not affect deterministic replay at all.
143 * Virtual clock. These timers run only during the emulation. In icount
144 mode virtual clock value is calculated using executed instructions counter.
145 That is why it is completely deterministic and does not have to be recorded.
146 * Host clock. This clock is used by device models that simulate real time
147 sources (e.g. real time clock chip). Host clock is the one of the sources
148 of non-determinism. Host clock read operations should be logged to
149 make the execution deterministic.
e76d1798 150 * Virtual real time clock. This clock is similar to real time clock but
151 it is used only for increasing virtual clock while virtual machine is
152 sleeping. Due to its nature it is also non-deterministic as the host clock
153 and has to be logged too.
158Replaying of the execution of virtual machine is bound by sources of
159non-determinism. These are inputs from clock and peripheral devices,
160and QEMU thread scheduling. Thread scheduling affect on processing events
161from timers, asynchronous input-output, and bottom halves.
163Invocations of timers are coupled with clock reads and changing the state
164of the virtual machine. Reads produce non-deterministic data taken from
165host clock. And VM state changes should preserve their order. Their relative
166order in replay mode must replicate the order of callbacks in record mode.
167To preserve this order we use checkpoints. When a specific clock is processed
168in record mode we save to the log special "checkpoint" event.
169Checkpoints here do not refer to virtual machine snapshots. They are just
170record/replay events used for synchronization.
172QEMU in replay mode will try to invoke timers processing in random moment
173of time. That's why we do not process a group of timers until the checkpoint
174event will be read from the log. Such an event allows synchronizing CPU
175execution and timer events.
177Two other checkpoints govern the "warping" of the virtual clock.
178While the virtual machine is idle, the virtual clock increments at
1791 ns per *real time* nanosecond. This is done by setting up a timer
180(called the warp timer) on the virtual real time clock, so that the
181timer fires at the next deadline of the virtual clock; the virtual clock
182is then incremented (which is called "warping" the virtual clock) as
183soon as the timer fires or the CPUs need to go out of the idle state.
184Two functions are used for this purpose; because these actions change
185virtual machine state and must be deterministic, each of them creates a
186checkpoint. qemu_start_warp_timer checks if the CPUs are idle and if so
187starts accounting real time to virtual clock. qemu_account_warp_timer
188is called when the CPUs get an interrupt or when the warp timer fires,
189and it warps the virtual clock by the amount of real time that has passed
190since qemu_start_warp_timer.
192Bottom halves
195Disk I/O events are completely deterministic in our model, because
196in both record and replay modes we start virtual machine from the same
197disk state. But callbacks that virtual disk controller uses for reading and
198writing the disk may occur at different moments of time in record and replay
201Reading and writing requests are created by CPU thread of QEMU. Later these
202requests proceed to block layer which creates "bottom halves". Bottom
203halves consist of callback and its parameters. They are processed when
204main loop locks the global mutex. These locks are not synchronized with
205replaying process because main loop also processes the events that do not
206affect the virtual machine state (like user interaction with monitor).
208That is why we had to implement saving and replaying bottom halves callbacks
209synchronously to the CPU execution. When the callback is about to execute
210it is added to the queue in the replay module. This queue is written to the
211log when its callbacks are executed. In replay mode callbacks are not processed
212until the corresponding event is read from the events log file.
214Sometimes the block layer uses asynchronous callbacks for its internal purposes
215(like reading or writing VM snapshots or disk image cluster tables). In this
216case bottom halves are not marked as "replayable" and do not saved
217into the log.
219Block devices
222Block devices record/replay module intercepts calls of
223bdrv coroutine functions at the top of block drivers stack.
224To record and replay block operations the drive must be configured
225as following:
de499eb6 226 -drive file=disk.qcow2,if=none,snapshot,id=img-direct
227 -drive driver=blkreplay,if=none,image=img-direct,id=img-blkreplay
228 -device ide-hd,drive=img-blkreplay
230blkreplay driver should be inserted between disk image and virtual driver
231controller. Therefore all disk requests may be recorded and replayed.
233All block completion operations are added to the queue in the coroutines.
234Queue is flushed at checkpoints and information about processed requests
235is recorded to the log. In replay phase the queue is matched with
236events read from the log. Therefore block devices requests are processed
646c5478 238
242New VM snapshots may be created in replay mode. They can be used later
243to recover the desired VM state. All VM states created in replay mode
244are associated with the moment of time in the replay scenario.
245After recovering the VM state replay will start from that position.
247Default starting snapshot name may be specified with icount field
248rrsnapshot as follows:
249 -icount shift=7,rr=record,rrfile=replay.bin,rrsnapshot=snapshot_name
251This snapshot is created at start of recording and restored at start
252of replaying. It also can be loaded while replaying to roll back
253the execution.
255'snapshot' flag of the disk image must be removed to save the snapshots
256in the overlay (or original image) instead of using the temporary overlay.
257 -drive file=disk.ovl,if=none,id=img-direct
258 -drive driver=blkreplay,if=none,image=img-direct,id=img-blkreplay
259 -device ide-hd,drive=img-blkreplay
261Use QEMU monitor to create additional snapshots. 'savevm <name>' command
262created the snapshot and 'loadvm <name>' restores it. To prevent corruption
263of the original disk image, use overlay files linked to the original images.
264Therefore all new snapshots (including the starting one) will be saved in
265overlays and the original image remains unchanged.
267Network devices
270Record and replay for network interactions is performed with the network filter.
271Each backend must have its own instance of the replay filter as follows:
272 -netdev user,id=net1 -device rtl8139,netdev=net1
273 -object filter-replay,id=replay,netdev=net1
275Replay network filter is used to record and replay network packets. While
276recording the virtual machine this filter puts all packets coming from
277the outer world into the log. In replay mode packets from the log are
278injected into the network device. All interactions with network backend
279in replay mode are disabled.
281Audio devices
284Audio data is recorded and replay automatically. The command line for recording
285and replaying must contain identical specifications of audio hardware, e.g.:
286 -soundhw ac97
bb040e00 287
288Serial ports
291Serial ports input is recorded and replay automatically. The command lines
292for recording and replaying must contain identical number of ports in record
293and replay modes, but their backends may differ.
294E.g., '-serial stdio' in record mode, and '-serial null' in replay mode.
296Replay log format
806be373 299Record/replay log consists of the header and the sequence of execution
300events. The header includes 4-byte replay version id and 8-byte reserved
301field. Version is updated every time replay log format changes to prevent
302using replay log created by another build of qemu.
304The sequence of the events describes virtual machine state changes.
305It includes all non-deterministic inputs of VM, synchronization marks and
306instruction counts used to correctly inject inputs at replay.
308Synchronization marks (checkpoints) are used for synchronizing qemu threads
309that perform operations with virtual hardware. These operations may change
310system's state (e.g., change some register or generate interrupt) and
311therefore should execute synchronously with CPU thread.
313Every event in the log includes 1-byte event id and optional arguments.
314When argument is an array, it is stored as 4-byte array length
315and corresponding number of bytes with data.
316Here is the list of events that are written into the log:
318 - EVENT_INSTRUCTION. Instructions executed since last event.
319 Argument: 4-byte number of executed instructions.
320 - EVENT_INTERRUPT. Used to synchronize interrupt processing.
321 - EVENT_EXCEPTION. Used to synchronize exception handling.
322 - EVENT_ASYNC. This is a group of events. They are always processed
323 together with checkpoints. When such an event is generated, it is
324 stored in the queue and processed only when checkpoint occurs.
325 Every such event is followed by 1-byte checkpoint id and 1-byte
326 async event id from the following list:
327 - REPLAY_ASYNC_EVENT_BH. Bottom-half callback. This event synchronizes
328 callbacks that affect virtual machine state, but normally called
963e64a4 329 asynchronously.
330 Argument: 8-byte operation id.
331 - REPLAY_ASYNC_EVENT_INPUT. Input device event. Contains
332 parameters of keyboard and mouse input operations
333 (key press/release, mouse pointer movement).
334 Arguments: 9-16 bytes depending of input event.
335 - REPLAY_ASYNC_EVENT_INPUT_SYNC. Internal input synchronization event.
336 - REPLAY_ASYNC_EVENT_CHAR_READ. Character (e.g., serial port) device input
337 initiated by the sender.
338 Arguments: 1-byte character device id.
339 Array with bytes were read.
340 - REPLAY_ASYNC_EVENT_BLOCK. Block device operation. Used to synchronize
341 operations with disk and flash drives with CPU.
342 Argument: 8-byte operation id.
343 - REPLAY_ASYNC_EVENT_NET. Incoming network packet.
344 Arguments: 1-byte network adapter id.
345 4-byte packet flags.
346 Array with packet bytes.
347 - EVENT_SHUTDOWN. Occurs when user sends shutdown event to qemu,
348 e.g., by closing the window.
349 - EVENT_CHAR_WRITE. Used to synchronize character output operations.
350 Arguments: 4-byte output function return value.
351 4-byte offset in the output array.
352 - EVENT_CHAR_READ_ALL. Used to synchronize character input operations,
353 initiated by qemu.
354 Argument: Array with bytes that were read.
355 - EVENT_CHAR_READ_ALL_ERROR. Unsuccessful character input operation,
356 initiated by qemu.
357 Argument: 4-byte error code.
358 - EVENT_CLOCK + clock_id. Group of events for host clock read operations.
359 Argument: 8-byte clock value.
360 - EVENT_CHECKPOINT + checkpoint_id. Checkpoint for synchronization of
361 CPU, internal threads, and asynchronous input events. May be followed
362 by one or more EVENT_ASYNC events.
363 - EVENT_END. Last event in the log.
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